We need to use meme magic to give our friend geert wilders the final push into the dutch election. Photoshoppers, you know what to do.

Other urls found in this thread:


Then he shall have it.

Wilders is an indo jew.

Who cares, if he wins the EU is further weakened and Le Pen's chances improve, priorities user… we gotta keep the chain reaction going.

I'm surprisingly OK with this

Meme magic doesn't work for Jews Shlomo.

What next, BASED niggers next?

fuck off with this kike

the only mem magic kikes get is that used to power the ovens

ill fuck off now



double satan

We already had Malik Obama

I think you mean Talmudic magic.

how many times has the term controlled opposition to be thrown around until you faggots get it?

Its better than nothing…
Its a rightwing party.. This is all we have..
Dont forget that we are supposed to be the most liberal country in the world, remember?
So any window of opportunity to the right should be taken.

then put your cards on thierry baudet
he's not perfect either but he has more than wilders

Sure thing t_d. DR3 amiright.

Geert is a pro gay profeminist cuck

The Netherlands is leftist as hell and there's not one anti-gay right wing party in western europe and even Trump supports gay marriage now.

Nice right wing you got there bubba ;-))

That's exactly what the point is.
it then becomes:
solving 2 problems in 1 move.

does he even need?
the only chance of him losing is rigging the elections


It doesn't solve shit, it only creates more problems.
The only real problem out there is the Jew.

https ://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-03-14/wilders-party-slumps-in-shock-dutch-poll-on-eve-of-election

I'm not sure. Dutch are pretty pozzed.

Wilders is to be supported. Leftypol is shilling this thread hard.


You are like a recovering alcoholic. Alcohol ruined your life, yet instead of walking away from it you still let every single thing in your life revolve around it, or the absence of it. If you let a jew change your mind you have lost before you even started. Think for yourself, use the jew - its only natural if you are alpha.

Jews can only be used for furniture and cleaning products.

shows just how small your imagination is.


Wilders was born and raised catholic.
We will meme him to victory. If OC is generated, I will spread it.

He's an ethnic kike.

The jews are the enemy, Wilders is a jewish mongrel and devoted zionist.

Get fucking gassed

Election coverage on their PBS is freely available online. npo.nl/live/npo-1

Coverage starts around 20:30 local time and will all be in Dutch.

Where the fuck are you faggots coming from?

They are on payroll of course, doing some less effort shilling.

With jews you lose!


Wilders is a jew plant, and this is a shill thread by our greatest ally. Report, sage, and move on.

Fuckin THIS.
The cracks are starting to show, and just as they said Brexit wouldn't win the vote, that Trump couldn't beat Hillary, and so on, now they are saying that Wilders and LePen can't win. They aren't saying it's a certainty. They are saying it is something that (((they))) don't want to happen.

The EU, from it's earliest inception, was meant to be a weasley way for unelected elites to slowly amass power in a way that, in their estimation, could never be undone. Why? Well, because part of the power they had taken without the public knowing went into brainwashing people into assuming that the EU would always be the way things are. That there was never any reason to question it, and that as long as they stayed in power, they would never have to pay for their corrupt ways.

Same as Obama and Hillary: They just assumed they could keep giving themselves more power because they erroneously assumed that they had tipped the scales in such a way that there would never, ever be another Republican President, that no election would ever be closely scrutinized, that their digital misdeeds could never be tracked or exposed. They were on track to coast their way to totalitarian power for the rest of human history… And then it didn't happen the way they were told it was. Their pick didn't win. The system wasn't rigged enough to allow it.

We need every single Euro politician we can get, because if we destroy the EU, then we are one step closer to eradicating the toxic influence of the globalist agenda from our lives.


Why do all of you idiots think on such a small level? What do we care who or what someone is or believes; so long as they follow our purposes? We are the manipulators. We always were. We are not aligning ourselves with a crypto-kike; we are using a crypto-kike as our puppet.

Sieg heil!

Vote FvD

Did you know that before WWII, there was no significant negro, indian or da moozlim population in Europe.

Every single wog brought over since WWII to the present day was done by zionist jews, with the sole aim to destroy us.

How is the goy fighting isreal's war against just one of the many groups sent to destroy us, our purpose.

Didn't we do something similar back in 1939, how did fighting that war for our greatest allies against the evil antisemitic enemy of jews help us?

I propose we declare war on jews full stop, the one thing we must never do is ally with our eternal enemy.
That's a really really dumb idea.

Excellent post.

Destroying the EU is fighting Israel's wars? Go kill yourself you retarded fuck.


Are you even trying anymore? :^)

It's the ">trump's daughter is a jew" shills all over again.

If you genuinely are not shills, then who should the Netherlands vote for? Should they go with one of the pro-EU choices? Come on lads, let us hear it.

And Trump is pro-Israel and let his children marry kikes.

Looks huwyte to Jared Taylor
Not just pro-isreal, but pro PNAC globalist neo-con kikes that brought the twin towers down too

So who is the better candidate? Or should we just wait for Hitler?

The ovens are coming. Better scurry off to israel like the cockroach that you are.

Not using meme magic to meme for the superior Swamp Germans



Who are these chaps and what do they stand for? If they're anti-EU perhaps they are more deserving of our support than old Wilders.

So far all you've said is don't vote for the person who wants to destroy the EU. If you were to give us some alternative who would also achieve our aims whilst being less 'tainted' then I would be open to listen.

But you're just a kike trying to 'shut it down', aren't you?

What are we supposed to do then if every nationalist candidate is kosher, none of us are standing up and trying to become leaders. If we literally are waiting for Hitler we may have to wait longer. Hitler was a naturally born leader and a genius, he survived one of the worst wars in human history and saw the destruction of his country and his people. During Hitler's time they had communists and proto-fascists literally fighting and killing each other in the streets. The actual conditions for another Hitler are not here, unless someone on here can literally claim they fit the bill which I seriously doubt.

Stop shilling this bullshit shlomo, we are not going to do this.

This argument has been debunked countless times.
There isn't a single occurrency of this ever being the case thorough history of humanity.

It's the argumentative equivalent of "america is a nation of immigrants, so importing billions of shitskins is ok", it's just no an argument.

If you give the message that you're willing to buy shit you will NEVER get gold offered to.
You must demand gold to get gold.

So far I've pointed out you are campaigning for a devious crypto-jew, it has even gone to court regarding his isreali Mossad links.
I am pointing out he is a devious jew and not to be trusted.

Jews are liars and cannot be trusted
Worth repeating that simple single fact.

I haven't any personal stock in Holland, I am not being paid to campaign for any candidate.
I'd prefer to hear what a actual Dutch white nationalist has to say rather than allow this board to be completely steered and misdirected into championing zionist neo-con kikes by obvious odious jewish American shills as we see happening here and elsewhere on this board.

Who do you think we should vote for in Guatamala?
Who should we campaign for in Latvias next election?

I like your digits.

I don't mean to imply that we should vote for jewish worshipping candidates, I just mean what the fuck can we do? As I said none of us are taking up the torch it seems, I'm not charismatic enough to lead so I can't do it. What do we even do if all the candidates are kike-puppets? Should we just bide our time til things get worse then start doing something? Our people are going to be on the edge of destruction soon enough if we don't act, but we can't do anything because the right is disparate, shattered and constantly bickering among each other.

No, not at all. Trump is a gentile, Geert's a kike.

SGP. Get people back to the Bible and they'll get rid of the Tower of Babel (EU) and the Jews that hated Jesus for daring to speak against their idolatrous ways.

Bump for Geert

The 2 choices:
Rutte, a known enemy, success chance: 0%
Wilders, untrustworthy, but pisses off all the right people, success chance: > 0%

Do you think hating kikes is just a meme or something?

*Geert the jew

Hey rabbi, whatcha doin'?

Well as many of us here ARE from Europe and thus DO have a personal stake; we want to take the one who will help destroy this most evil of unions.

This is fair, but I've not heard of any other anti-EU candidates from the Netherlands. If they do exist we still have to factor in the likelihood of them getting elected; there was actually a better candidate than Trump in the recent US election; Darrell Castle. No one had ever heard of him though, so we didn't promote him.

I would like to hear more about them if you're willing to tell us some.

Does getting Wilders elected somehow help in bringing through a referendum about leaving the EU?

but they're still zionist bitch bois.
I mean, I'd be ok with their weird christian stuff, as the alternative is so much worse, but so far my only choice is jews, jew lovers and faggots.

What people need to realize is that Wilders will never govern. Even if he gets the most seats, there's a 90% chance he has to form a coalition with another big party. And every single party that could put him in charge has already publicly stated that they're not willing.

Even so, he's a kike who has no intention of ruling anyway. He's just a strawman for the (((media))) to discredit any sort of right wing movement and siphon away their votes.

In addition:

Kek, this is why they're needed so badly. The Dutch have lost their moral compass. When they abandoned God, they also abandoned their survival instinct, white pride, and all common sense. Now things like the death penalty for dindus who muh dik Dutch women, not funding Mossad operations like ISIS, and men actually being masculine again are viewed as "weird Christian stuff". The Dutch are outright hostile to religion in their media. Watching TV from the Netherlands is like looking into a dystopian future where Hillary won, America became Gommunist, and librulls abolished religion and all opposing viewpoints.

Hitler is coming any day now


Fuck off, shill.

somehow this thred is not bumplocked

They sound great. What's their support like? I think perhaps we should be meme-ing these fellas, we can tie them in nicely with crusader imagery.

Here's an explanation of the Dutch political parties.

But no user, somehow this literal Jew who opposes "white racism" will magically pave the way for a real white nationalist regime, though admittedly by an unknown and unexplained mechanism. Just have confidence in that, despite the obvious reality that kosher candidates have, time and time again, been used to siften votes from real revolutionaries and lulled white people back to sleep.



Christian values aren't the same as European values. That's why the US is filled with all sorts of sects that are indistinguishable from orthodox jews. Because those people weren't very welcome in europe, even in the year 1600.
When I say "weird christian stuff" it should be very clear I'm not talking about basic bitch Christians that most Americans are.
The SGP is not just any christian party you know.



Get out.

Nice guide there user! But lose the kekistani stuff, that's got bad odor round there here parts.


it triggers socjus, shia leboef etc so why not use it? I really don't give a crap about what this or that guy thinks about it as long as it gives off enough keks

Stop spamming you censorship loving twat, it looks like we're going to support SGP instead. You still need to be afraid my dear kike though as we're going to emphasise what the good Lord said about your kind, the (((pharisees))).

As long as the EU dies I'm happy, but if we can get some good old-fashioned fire and brimstone Christians in power then that's got to be the goal.

… And as a final note this is why heavy moderation is shit. Many threads contain lots of arguments and evolve into something else. Not everything needs to be anchored or deleted; the great thing about Holla Forums is that we can learn and advance our ideas. Then when that thread reaches its limit we'll have a new thread with a revised title (so say this thread reaches 750 posts, which it won't - the next one would be SGP NEEDS MEME MAGIC or whatever). You people who constantly call for things to be shutdown are imbeciles.

Any Twitterfags here who like to post about how great it will be when Rutte is reelected and how it will strengthen the EU and Germany?


no one is censoring, you are talking shit, i am pointing out the shit, thats all

Nice try but here's two more jewish news sites that say wilders is impopular among jews.

So with every right wing party trying to appeal to jews they still end up voting left wing. Pic related.

Kekistani user's guide shows that most of the parties there are either irrelevant or full-blown SJW tier. It looks like we have a choice between Wilders or the SGP; and yet you are still simply attacking the thread and not giving any practical ideas or solutions.

The desired goal is the destruction of the EU. All of Holla Forums is agreed on this. Now is the time to lend a hand to the Netherlands and help them in the same way we helped the USA. We do have power here. We can influence this election.

Stop trying to get in the way of that. If you have some other better option that we've thus far missed then pray tell.

Geert getting BTFO would cause the rise of the European right to stall. It would be a huge victory for EUrocrats and the legacy media, possibly even prevent the EU from falling apart and strengthen it.

Welp, SGP it is, if the choice is really between that and a cancerous "based jew".

So rather than yell kike at eachother all day, let's discuss something that seems pretty important to Wilder.

Why are some Jews starting to support European nationalist movements ? What is the motivation ? Are they trying to divert our energies into more moderate positions ? Are they going to use the animosity against Muslims to further entrench Israeli interests in our government ?

What's the plan here ? This could be a good redpill opportunity for everyone if someone has a good argument or information.

you do realize SGP loves jews a lot, right? They even got the Israeli ambassador on last week

I vote them because REMOVE KEBAB

"We will lead every revolution against us"

They want to put themselves in leadership roles in those organizations, so that when the time comes to REMOVE TURKROACH and REMOVE KEBAB they can shift the conversation so REMOVE JEW doesn't happen too. All they have to do is appeal to MUH HOLOCAUST and MUH NAZIS and the existing propaganda in the mind of the public will do the rest.

THAT is why it's dangerous to associate with kikes, especially in politics. They will always want to work their way into leadership roles so they can co-opt the movement for their own self protection.

I presumed you were joking at first

I'd suggest checking out every single "truther" website from the last 16 years and every nationalist group too.

They discuss in great detail the jewish intention to ramp up the flood into European nations with muslims after 9/11, PNAC authors like Frank Gaffney not only orchestrated the 9/11 attacks but is the principle founder of almost every counter-jihadist movement in Western Europe, it's almost as if jews create the problems and then offer the jew his only solutions to the problems they first created for you…

Notice how every so-called nationalist movement in the Anglo-American sphere has recently become champions of isreal and wants to kill all muslims, promoting every single kosher nationalist steam vent all designed to misdirected and bring nationalism to an ever decreasing spiral of inertia, all the while doing absolutely fuck all harm to jewish power.

Watch Nick Griffin's EDL Exposed, his best talk he ever gave, he was shortly pushed out of the BNP after and then the BNP went onto become kosher nationalist counter jihadists letting the movement drift into nothingness.

once you understand just what lengths the jews will go to, just to steer and misdirect all opposition to international jewry, you'll begin to recognise the methods employed in every sphere to keep us confused and directing our anger to anyone and everyone that isn;t them.

There's also the FvD. Some of their points are:
They also have a few negatives, though occasionally with a funny highlight:
Also Hiddema seems pro-gun ownership, but it's not a policy of the party as a whole as far as I know. So they're not perfect either but I personally prefer them over PVV and SGP.

==C==urrently there aren't many nationalist options.
==I==f nationalism is to succeed, a broad strategy is needed.
==T==o achieve this, a new vision is required
==A== vision that is pragmatic yet inspiring.
==D==estined to produce real world results.
==E==ven our opponents must see its merits.
==L==eaving the path clear to abundant success.

==O==rders will be given
==F==rom those that have understood the higher vision.

==N==ever before has such a strategy been devised.
==A== long term plan.
==T==aking is further than ever before.
==I==ndividualis will willingly join.
==O==rganisations will naturally form.
==N==ations will rise again.
==A==ll from the vision of one man.
==L==ocal politics will pave the way,
==I==ncreasing grass roots momentum.
==S==pporting every day people
==M==irroring the greatness of the past

Oh wow, you should immediately kill yourself.



My man… that post…
At this point you should probably just kill yourself
Save the last vestige of honour

Meant for

I was wondering if someone else saw the similarity. Interestingly enough, Eric is a kike and Tim is most likely a member of the tribe as well.

Holy shilling, batman.

Any proof this guy's a yid?



Maybe try reading the thread you fucking newfag.


Geert Wilders is a Mossad Agent

Geert wilders is a zionist shill

Zionist Extremeists funding geert wilders

Coldenhove Calergi Plan for white genocide is being enacted by Gerrt wilders

The Fake dutchman zionist shill geert wilders

Geert wildes embraces his jewishness in america

Geert is apart of zionist warmonging against islam

Zionist hatemongering

Baudet and Hiddema are our only true options, and even then they are temporaey options before Hitler.
They will break the partijkartel, which is the very first necessary condition for new powers to arise. The basic idea is that the current decades old establishment has infiltrated itself into every important political position and these positions are shifted around when one retires from electable poilitics and whatnot.
FvD will break this, besides they want a binding referendum which WILL bring us to leave the EU.

On top of that they actually have a bigger chance to influence policies with 1/3rd of PVVs seats.

This party is NECESSARY for actual change.

That's what they call right wing in Europe



Hier Holla Forums, wat shitty memes


He's protected by CIA


Gotta be honest guys, the odds of Wilders "winning" are almost zero due to the way the Netherlands Parliament works. He may gain more seats but this isn't a winners take all scenario as with Trump, Brexit, or Le Pen.

Basically don't get too upset if he "loses" because he will still be gaining ground, the Netherlands is going to have to be a gradual shift as opposed to a takeover.

Geerts bodyguard confirmed for /ourguy/


holy shit die memes zijn dank

die kanker verdient meer views

Die van DENK en SP zijn de beste

I have to say that the Dutch-Anons. who don't want people meme-ing Mr Wilders or who do want people meme-ing somebody else have done a really terrible job at promoting their chosen guy here, because I haven't seen any threads for their preference here at Holla Forums… That being the case, why don't you cucks get out of the way and allow the rest of us to pull for the politician who has built up something of a reputation? A rhetorical question if you were too thick to get it on its own.

most of Dutch Holla Forums is divided on who to pick. Wilders has ties to jews, but so do his alternatives that are (somewhat) popular on Holla Forums, like the FvD and SGP

Not so, or else there would have been threads about what is superior in those men, who nobody has been bothered enough to name. Time to get out of the way. It's an election day, and Holla Forums likes those.

Dutch politics isn't like Brexit or Trump where there are two parties (or some irrelevant shit). Dutch politics is heavily divided, always has been, with loads of parties creating, merging or being disbanded, and always somebody else ruling.

So, it is likely that the three most popular parties on Holla Forums will rule together, as the shitlibs and commies have barred PVV from forming a coalition with them.

in any case, it will be heavily bogged down. Unless the Christians get out of their bubble (Saturday in Rotterdam was a good wake up call) we're practically fucked

What, even the alternatives have ties to isreali Mossad? - And we're being asked to hang our hats and wave flags for one of these isreali spies?
Not being picky or anything… but that really is a bad idea.
Are there any candidates that aren't isreali spies?
That might be a good place to start.

all of them ties.


The SGP even got the Israeli Ambassador to visit a few weeks back.

So, it's mostly lets just pick what says REMOVE KEBAB

Yet it's the jews that are the problem, the muslim immigrants that theyflood into our countries are just one of the many symptoms of the problem.

Killing all of isreal's enemies isn't really any kind of defence plan for Europe, when the jewish enemies of Europa will continue flooding our countries with muds from every corner of the Earth

even the ones who openly hate Soros are pro-jews. (FvD)

I think Dutch jews are different from zionists. more spread out, each having their own agenda and opinions, or just wanting to be left alone. A internal poll showed jews support almost anyone, especially smaller parties.


Jews try to get a hand in everything
Nice quints



He's a kike on his mothers side. He's likely a Mossad asset. I can't get real excited about this guy, sorry.

If the right suddenly became anti Israel this guy would jump ship to a leftist party. Jews will scramble to support to support the politician that offers the best gibs. Your boy GW is a crypto Jew pretending to be Catholic and his party is probably full of Freemasons and other cucks.




Men die op deze kanker jood gaan stemmen krijgen bij deze allemaal kanker.

Unlike Trump or Brexit he actually has a very low chance of winning because of the way elections work there. It would take a genuine miracle.


You're a kike yourself you all need to hang

Greet will never win just like UKIP would never get power the systems in Europe are designed to keep small parties out of power Greet and other anti-EU people need to force a referendum on EU membership like Farage did a man who wasn't even an MP changed the political landscape in the UK forever

The only way to break this is with FvD. They are the only ones that have identified this problem and their campaign is to change just that. They are for the binding referendum, they want to remove the partycartel who have established themselves in every position where policy is conducted in the public space. Every unelectable representative is someone from the partycartel.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Translation of linked image:

This legal statement is about the words spoken by mr. G. Wilders (GW) to the woman seated next to him Mevrouw M.B. Kwint-de Roos, after the traditional christmas diner of the VVD-fraction in the old building of the Second Chamber of 1991.
The revealed statements were made after alcohol usage, but are despite that, now in 2010 with the election coming, very notable and worrying.

A Dutch Politician as informant for a Foreign Intelligence agency should be addressed and should, to the opinion of the signing people of this document, have no access to sensitive information of strategic andor economic nature.
(Miss M.B. Kwint-de Roos served from 1983 to 1996 as (medewerkster) of the VVD-fraction in the Second Chamber)
With this document, M.B. Kwint-de Roos (MBK) and J.A.W.F. Kwint (JAK) state the following After music stopped playing there were a number of VVD Chambermembers, Personal Aides and Fraction personnel who remained after dinner to sing songs and eat snacks.
During that, GW found it suitable to sing in hushed tones in MBK's ear Israeli songs and to gave a number of announcements of private nature, that will now be listed below.

-Geert Wilders is the son of a Dutch-Indo father and a Dutch Jewish Mother
-Geert Wilders was recruited by Israeli Intelligence agency, received in Israel a harsh education and was even tortured as part of that education.
-Geert Wilder drove during a vacation, during christmas leave, in an old Volkswagen on his own, through Syria.
-Geert Wilders has both a Dutch and an Israeli Passport.
-Geert Wilder career is not decided by him but by others for him. This goes so far, according to his own words, that even the divorce between him and his first wife was engineered as well as the marriage to his second wife without his own decisions arranged. Geert Wilders supported this with the following statement
How do you think I got her I even became Chamber member. I am too young. First Hoogervorst and then me, I don't have to do anything for that!

When MBK noted that JAK, in an old past, also had contacts with an intelligence agency, GW immediately sobered up and uttered the following threat
If you ever make a report of this conversation, that will be very dangerous for you and your husband

Worst of Wilders - Part 2 of 14 - His True Loyalty

Geert Wilders embraces his Jewishness in America

Israeli-Zionist GEERT WILDERS EXPOSED! (Another Zionist Spreading Fear, Hate, and Lies)


Zionist interest groups finance the hatemongering against Muslims

Extremist Jews & Israelis Funding Racist Geert Wilders To Fight Muslims

Geert wilders ?n Israel 5 Dec. - 3/3




But Geert is a devoted zionist?

I can see people are pretty divined on this guy.
I don't like him, but he hates Islam so he's already better than the other viable candidates.

I just came back from /tg/, after seeing this. It can't be true, can it? I got sun-wheel-mage myself


Yet our enemy are globalist zionist neo-con globalist kike-jews, of which Geert Wilders [a non-Dutch Indonesian/jew] is one, not just that but more importantly an isreali Mossad controlled operative whose mission task is to derail any kind of national resistance to international jewry.

Yet he gets your vote…

Doesn't anyone else find all this affection for and widespread support for our direct enemy the infernal zionist globalist kike-jew being so openly expressed on Holla Forums rather strange?

Let the chocolate makers get a Hitler

good luck Wilders praise kek

Checked, i got the sun, wheel of fortune and the magician

we should support people like Wilders and Le Pen any way we can

Wilders will win, these digits prove it.


jews aren't people.

You have been fooled. Sun-wheel-mage is the most common set of cards that mean a most basic successful commoner, you can dig it yourself, they are the most frequent combination
If you roll two dices 100 times there will always be some number that rolled the largest amount of times, and most certainly, there's a very high chance, if you roll again 100 times that number may still not be beaten. And Sun Wheel Mage is the only one that rolls the most because there's 3 cards for birth calculator instead of 2, its initially unbalanced in its favor. Holla Forums ended up rolling them as the most frequent, counting in initial unbalanced behavior and hype around it, that blinded from other results.
You can have a nigger or jew liberal who is born in same day as you, and he would be Sun Wheel Mage too, and it won't mean anything.


no it's not true. source: I checked it.

Convince me to give all of my energy to this indo kike

Your isreali 'intelligence' needs to be updated, clogs aren't renown for their chocolates.
Perhaps all those Euro goy look the same to you kikes

He's the Netherlands' Trump.

There's no better candidate than him right now. Voting for him gives, at the very least, lesser powers for the ruling class of Netherlands and EU. He is not the ideal candidate. Vote for the least worst candidate, instead.




Well then I'm giving energy to Greet but I have a feeling we are going to regret this

the latter. accelerationism > mossad operative

Yeah, he will win. As long as the EU goes down it doesn't really matter who pulls the trigger. Collapse of the EU will open up many more opportunities for real nationalists to rise.

Kosher nationalists prevent real nationalism from rising, but by all means, vote for him, you cucks deserve everything you get.

Can the swamp Germans vote for Hitler yet?

Nah, if you want the real deal, then send your data to the NSA through this site: serenapowers.com/readings/personalCards/

Whites won't be able to vote for anyone when they're 40% of the population.

Not at all. You niggers said the same thing about Trump, and now their are tons of different new national socialist groups spreading every where. Voting for your race to be exterminated is what prevents nationalists from rising.

if you think europe can be saved by a vote, you are already lost.

Not really. Not as much as the EU does. When the kosher nationalists fail to pick up the pieces in the chaos of EU going down, then real nationalists will have their opportunity. They won't have any opportunity otherwise. "Accelerationism" only works economically. It doesn't work with demographic replacement, as can be seen in the USA, south America, and everywhere else it happened in absence of economic problems. Accelerationism only works if it goes to ending bread and circuses. Otherwise people will be content and go along with demographic replacement.

Europe actually can be saved by a vote, dumbass. USA is doubtful, but it is entirely within the realm of possibility in Europe. Stop embarrassing yourself by exposing your lack of understanding.

You're living in a fantasy world.

wewlad. yeah, your disarmed cucked nations will be saved by voting for an israeli, top fucking kek. none of the handful of possibilities of europe surviving involve 'voting'. europe will not survive until it learns to fight, and at this rate europe will die (and vote for israelis) before fighting for itself.


come to >>>/polk/ is you hate imcoonfy



When will we know the results?

Voting is still open for 2 hours, then it takes a while to count the votes. I think 100% will be counted in about 6 hours, but results might be obvious earlier.

Agree so much that it bears restating.

If Geert wins we will see major happenings concerning this recent situation with Turkey. Banning the Quran! Its fucking based!

It will be fucking barrels of gunpowder beneath the EU.

Certainly great news for isreali jews, not so much for any goy

Thanks for proving you're newfags, PVV voters. You're so fucking new you don't even know about the JQ. FvD aren't jews so I voted for them but really the Dutch are insignificant merchants who exist thanks to the wealth of the larger nations around us. What happens in Sweden, France, Germany and the UK will determine our future far more than some flaccid democracy.

Strange how almost no swamp german actually supports the indokike in his native language.
Really gets the old noggin joggin


Maakt dat wat uit? people aren't attacking him in dutch either.

He's saying the indokike-support is being shilled, and naturally most shills can't speak swamp german so their posts would all be in English.

Sure. but my point stands, we aren't discussing anything in dutch, because thats no fun.
Perhaps if I had seen a lot of wilders bashing in Dutch it would have changed my view.


My Tarot birth cards are very polarised. The World and The Empress.There's also The Hermit/High Priestess and The Devil/The Lovers as core and desire. Am I a sun mage or a world empress according to this thing?

You must not have read the previous /neder/draad then, or the many ones that came before that.
Wilders is een kut indojood en moet zelf net zo hard oprotten terug naar Israel waar half z'n paychecks vandaan komen. En z'n hongaarsoodse hoer neemt ie ook maar mee.

don't need any /neder/kanker

fucking sun is broken

Temperance and The Pope/Hierophant

fuckin tower and chariot oh well

Well, I got Tower and Chariot.
And I know enough about Tarot to know how crazy those two are when put together.