George Orwell didn't see that one coming :^)

Vibrator maker ordered to pay out C$4m for tracking users' sexual activity
I wonder what the CIA is going to use this for.
What is the next front for total surveillance?

Other urls found in this thread:

I love this timeline.


that isnt surveilance, thats just a device with no security

its like having a vibrator thats controlled with a garage door opener that everyone has



But I imagine this is for marketing. Since they know the time of day you are most likely to be susceptible, ad companies know when to start showing porn or sex toy advertisements to pages you visit.



What use would you even have for such data?


the CIA knows who your shitty waifu is if they feel like it, access to a dildo is fucking useless

on its own, it's not very useful
but coupled with other media attacks, mind control? better hypnosis?
or blackmail when knowing when to record shit?

y-yeah, hahaha..

They will never be able to have children

waaaaaaay better means already exist, you really think anyone would waste time in a FISA court on your dild when they can just copy all your hard drives and log your internet use and all your mail and phone calls indefinitely?



Did you read the article?

This is my fetish.

We haven't brought phones to meetings for 10 years or something


I bet all the rainbow-haired tumblr cows are having panic seizures right now.





I-it's almost like in my chinese comics!


I daresay that this could be rather exploitable.

It's what this amounts to. My best guessing is trying to find a way to collect info on the buyer, etc. and use it as a means of discouraging white couples from breeding and to encourage more (((cultural diversity enrichment))).

You must have a sad excuse of a cock if your girlfriend needs a dildo.

Technology is getting frightening. Forget Orwell, Tesla was right. The thought of people shackled to porn machines while their blood and will is sapped by jewish vampires makes me utterly sick. Monitoring you is just the beginning before they take control directly.


We live in a day and age where hackers from far away can rape women with the push of a button. It's pretty amazing!

In a bit , in the push of a button you will be able to get them physically and lock them directly into your dungeon!

and you shitlords said that virtual rape was not a thing. SJW were ahead of their times

cyber rape

post it to nofap

user, I.


But user, don't you think it's just wonderful that thanks to all this marvellous technology the Alpha caste have created for us that everyone can now truly belong to everyone else?

(Orwell was right, and so was Huxley.)

Indeed. The ridiculous fighting over which of two was right that sometimes occurs here is nonsense.
Orwell was right on some things and Huxley was right on some things.



Oh good, I thought I was the only one.
Is this the same device those cam sluts are using?

Looks like cyber bullying has leveled up

That's funny, I thought women were all about leaving their vaginas in the care of corporate organizations.

ur waifu is shit.


That's obvious. What worries me, is the things neither thought of.

Renderman called it nine years ago.

Im raping three right now!!

Thats not my waifu, thats bully bait.

What is the CIA going to do? Send my waifu to my home? Have her make me a sammich, naked apron style?

get a load of this apostate


So you're telling me that I can do to someday and look up sex objects that have been connected to the internet and commit cyber-rape similar to those IP camera trolls

I believe in Eris you degenerate Aqua cultist. Also Eris has bigger tits.

Ha! You mean the tits that she has to pad in order to match the beautiful pirky gems belonging to Aqua-sama? Those sorry things?

Even with pads they're still bigger and better. Pads are just to help in comfort fitting bras. Eris is pure and kind whereas Aqua is a slut.

I'd think there's details in the terms of use that describe what kinds of data they log. I'm all for clearer ToS agreements, but I think this is a bit ridiculous (and also hilarious).

Uh, no, that's not why women wear padded bras. They wear them to deceive.
Also, your shit pick of a waifu doesn't have breasts, they're entirely pad.

Eris isn't my waifu. She's pure and belongs to everyone

HAHAHAHA. Everyone knows what you mean by "belongs to everyone" since Eris is such a loose slut! What kind of pure goddess pads her tits? A deceiver. Beautiful Aqua-sama doesn't need to pad hers because she is pure and honest.


I believe you misquoted me when you were aiming for the Eris-worshipping apostate.


They're cramming bluetooth into everything

What does it even do?
I can't think of any feature a toothbrush could conceivably have that would necessitate it.

Any woman that decides she needs a Bluetooth-enabled vibrator is trash, tbh.


So they pay now for finding out retards think about sex all the time. Smart investment.

Syncing up with your vibrator, obviously :^)

It syncs with a clock that shows a happy face if you brush for enough time.
I only use it because the motor is slightly more powerful than the old one.

checked mate. internet of things is the internet of intelligence agencies

I genuinely do not understand why this function would require any technology beyond what is in a tomogotchi.

Beautiful Aqua-sama doesn't need intelligence. She makes up for it with her radiant holiness.


I don't either, maybe some day I get rid of the BT module.

Let me guess, the clock has an internet connection to sync to an ntp server.


Thankfully no, it had to be set up manually, otherwise I would have thrown it out the window.

Also there are better ways to have a synchronized time without the internet


oh shid

It'd be less of a practicality and more of an excuse to enter your network.

And the radio clocks have been around for decades but never took off because different regions use different frequencies. Pretty much every clock being a cheap piece of shit made in china, those manufacturers don't want to piss around with each countries different radio regulations either.

Casio makes their Waveceptors, they aren't cheap though.

I don't know about all clocks, but mine can run on a few different frequencies. There's a switch on the back.

The cia listens to me and the wife shit talk forensic files before we go to sleep.

I would like to claim damages for:

T. Watt
B. Eaver
C. Hoochie
Van Gina
B.F. Lapps


We live in a world where wireless vibrator security is now a thing.


Why are people ITT so rude?

Women were a mistake.

I see jewish "sexologists" and betacuck mgtows are on the same fictional page. Pure coincidence of course.

Kill yourself you pile of rubbish.



Indeed. Realize better men than you will only view you with contempt, that is, until you decide to pull your head out of your ass rather than fall for confirmation bias because you're so emasculated.

Talking shit about people's waifus that aren't Asuka is taking it too far.

Now my quads confirmed it, sorry.

Prepare to get bullied, nerd!


All men have the same end–to be judged by the most high. But women aren't made in the image of God; it shouldn't surprise you that they want to be "raped." That's only a pleasant thought if you're the rapist, in which case those men you have contempt for will kill you dead.

They won't kill any men dead when they're weak, low-testosterone losers who believe in Jewish psychological analysis that is used as an excuse to push men and women further apart. It worked on you retards quite well. What surprises me is that you believe it still.

Fuck me this thread gave me some laughs. I have to point out though, who the fuck ever thought blue tooth was secure? It's been known for over a decade that Bluetooth is complete and utter shit. Sexual assault? If someone accidentally crashes into me on the road is it instantly considered attempted murder with a deadly weapon? When did DefCon become so pozzed?

Why would you conflate an accident with something intentional?

Total misunderstanding. In this world, all you have to be is short, or poor, or ugly, to have no hope or prospect for a chaste family and a future. Not even that, really–a tall, handsome, rich Christian would have a hard time finding and keeping a virgin woman to himself in this age; believe me.

We've entered some kind of hellscape. The only way out of it is to stop caring; be an adulterer or some MGTOW. If you try, like I'm trying, you're in for a world of hurt. How many times do I have to beat a woman for her to listen?

Orwell should've watched more hentai.

the giant text in the thumbnail made me think this was going to be Bernie's essay.

You clearly don't know how shitty Bluetooth is. Devices become paired/switched unintentionally all the time. Security is nonexistent and signal strength is shoddy at best.

CIA jews use any and all information as a means to an end (protecting Jew land).

You should fuck off to wherever you came form, or maybe lurk a while to increase your chance of being less of a nigger.


I…I….I'm out

I just don't see how that's a privacy breach. Unless that thing was taking pictures looking for polyps and reporting it to a health insurance company that's not a breach of privacy.