Why is almost no one in the West opposed to the Japanese openly accepting pedophilia?

Why is almost no one in the West opposed to the Japanese openly accepting pedophilia?

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They're gat dang cartoons man


sexualised depiction of children you mean

Masturbating to comics is pedophilia?
also i don't care what japan does

op is a baka

The Japanese are allowed to express what Western man may not.

Also, every loli is 18 unless explicitly stated.

jap society has a weird construction that none the less works out for them.

They go and binge on their weirdo obsessions in private and then return to being obedient cogs in social life. Actual transgressions against the rules are rare with a couple exceptions (like subway groping, since jap timidness facilitated it pretty hard, allowing for creeps to go unpunished).

touching the subject is also pretty embarrassing to everyone involved, since there's pretty much no hope of just shaming a whole segment of a foreign society that already is pretty shameless about what they like

We are opposed to it. The western world pressured the Japanese government into outlawing child pornography a few years ago.

I think that made an exception for anime though as a compromise to the anime industry.

Why is it always western American white people who push the multiculti meme onto Japan?

I'll consider caring about the West caring about fake cartoon pedophilia when the West takes care of real Jewish pedophilia happening in its own backyard.

G8 B8 M8

Far from just americans, bongshitter. It's projection to deflect from their own far more consequential and worse situation. Why do you think the BBC ran a reel on those evil pedo japs jerking to cartoons recently while pakis rape, traffic, and murder your children by the thousands?

which children are being depicted?

The inability to distinguish between fiction and reality is the sign of low iq.

Are you retarded?


this thread again?
go away UN

I find the promotion of degenerate LGBTQIAP+ politics in western cartoons to be far more concerning than Japan's 2D porn industry. At least they accept and understand that it's just porn for entertainment, and most would never even want to touch a 3D woman. In the west, we've got cartoons and children's shows that want to push homosexuality and trannies onto children.

"Imagination" creates reality, it is the precursor to things done in this world, as someone must want something and have an idea about it before it comes to be here or is acted upon. The inability to understand concepts like this and that pandering to something like this only exacerbates the desire to do it is the sign of a hedonist enabler. Consider Japanese culture before WW2 ended and the brewing subculture of misanthropic degenerates today: their ancestors would have probably committed sudoku than accept surrender. I guess this is also why they want to get ready for war, since things are getting really desperate.

Jesus Christ if I had a nickel for every retard on here I'd still have no money because you kikes steal all of it.

So you believe it's natural selection taking out the complete losers?
Which is also rather unfortunate isn't it. Whether porn or faggotry it's all conditioning.

Sudoku is a puzzle game, you fucking idiot. I think you mean "seppuku".


An hero you faggot

Go back to wherever you came from newfag.

People obsessed with pedos freak me out

They're a shunned minority and are more likely a problem caused by the shitty living conditions and career prospects rather than anime itself. The fiction is the escape, not the cause. It's not like anyone funded the industry, it grew to what it is today from being niche because people consumed it.

No matter how much people try to joke that 2d>3d, in the end the fake will never compare to the real thing.

Go sudoku, right now.

This is kind of a chicken and the egg thing. Japan's culture, especially in cities, is suicide-inducing. Since more women have been entering the workforce, because they needed to, they became less focused on relationships and created an entire generation of NEETs, Hikikomori, and asexual men who would rather use their minimal income and free time on 2D waifu fantasies.

Because they got baited into it by the juden and seeing a country like Japan doing as good or better than them without the multiculti triggers them.

You bring niggers into your country because diversity and they fill up the prisons, you look at this other country %99~ homogenous and their streets are cleaner and their crime rates are lower. How'd you feel, if you lacked the ability to accept your wrong? Japan disproves their shit but they can't have it so they decide to break Japan.

Smh tbh fam, I thought everyone lurked for a year.

Its fucking drawings. As long as no actual children is involved, there is no problem with this. To outlaw this is to create 'crimes' with no victims.

And before you say "this might create actual pedos", show evidence before you talk. Did you feel an urge to fuck a child the last time you came across loli material here? I don't think so.

Because it's a bullshit issue

I have a daughter that looks like that. Fuck you.

Because muh cartoons and honorary aryans. Gooks are disgusting people.

because no human suffered when doing that? maybe the artist if he was in some sort of tight deadline?


Oh my me, I just drew some child porn.


Read these based trips and go back to cuckchan faggot

based quads*

Shit b8 but it made me reply

Because no one cares about Japan.

Sage for sage's sake.

Direct link between anime+manga and pedophilia





I'm certain that they based that girls design on her then

Because of the following

Listen i dont like it either, its pretty degenerate if you ask me and most people. But the thing is it gives these sick fucks an out to not take it out on actual children, and its a cartoon. If you have to deal with something you dont like to look at to prevent something even worse, well then dont look at it.


sage, report, move on.

Forget cartoons, the more fucked thing about japs is the junior idol thing.

You sound like a Muslim.

yeah i could care less what nips do in nipland

Except when it is.

as opposed to importing pedophiles?

I happen to love anime (or loved what it was) and the idea of a true "waifu" is something rooted in spirituality but these guys have delusions of harems and raping girls which is the major issue here. Consider a man's actions as a reflection of himself, which is why I call some of these people misanthropic degenerates, because they have these desires to brutalize girls or project their sexual frustration onto the girls by turning them into nymphos, which then seeps out into society as a whole, turning women into whores and what not rather than use it as a force to improve their lives and actualize girls that are lovely. Men are still leaders of society but are taking a more passive role in it; rather than help the girls become more like the "moe" ideal of a wholesome wife with an interesting personality, they just want to fuck something and that something tends to change with the season. Cultural life and creations are very real and have a real effect so I never downplay any of this. These things happen, whether good or bad, for a reason, and I pity the innocent fellas out there and here.

We all want our waifu if we have one. I personally want to help create a world where they can have a more pristine manifestation, because a world of lovable females is a world of happy men and vice versa. Inspiration is what brings form to life.


stop the presses


fuck off

Japanese society is so disjointed sexually that there is an entire industry where you pay women to simply pour tea for you, and its been in place for over a century

and you have an entire industry where you pay women to flip burgers for you

1. They aren't abducting kids there or internationally.

2. They aren't having a different set of laws on the matter for elites.

3. They aren't globalist or kikes destroying the world and using infants as sources of sick sadistic release and twisted religious rites.

4. Japs are pretty much just weird about it culturally and not into abuse like goddamn satanic monsters. They are culturally homogeneous and take care of their own people instead of heterogeneous like they pushed on the US and other countries to have different cultures and different behaviors mixing unwell to the point we can't take care of our own.

There is a good reasons we are after the current pedos. They are a completely different and dangerous cartel that needs to be executed.


nobody gets off on burgerflipping

Drawings aren't people.
Fiction is not reality.
It's their National matter, it's not for us or anybody else to decide or to interfere.

I don't think people who could literally get off on tea pouring either.


You retards. Do you even realize why imageboards have "chan" attached to them? It's an homage to Japanese honorifics. The site you're posting on literally references Jap culture with it's own fucking namesake.

Stop being retarded.

fucking why

Girl pouring you a drink is somehow a lot more romantic than flipping a burger for you. Consider Oktoberfest girls bringing beers to the boys.

It's not that kind of chan you faggot, it's short for channel.

Pfft challenge accepted BRB gonna make me some nice hot mint tea and add some extra cream.

Calm down there, its not to honor muh Japanese. Its because the original chan site was 2 chan, and the american version became 4chan because Moot was to fucking lazy to think of a better name, same with hotwheels with Holla Forums.

This as well, its not meants like -chan

Its fucking channel you dip.

Which is in Japanese. The name makes even more sense on 2chan.

2chan is short for 2 channel…

Right, but America has Hooters. Surely that'd be worse than fucking tea pouring in clothing that's most likely acceptable rather than hooters with muh dik clothes

No one says 2channel you fucking autist. It's always been chan and you know it.

Because tentacle porn and used-pantie vending machines.

Trump is doing that already, your turn now

Your turn now.

Yeah because it was shortened from channel you fucking mongoloid.

People use the shortened version of things because its easier to say WOW what a fucking concept. Its never not been chan, no one is arguing that its not called chan, stop moving the goal post when you get proven wrong. You are claiming it was chan because of muh Japanese homage, but we corrected your dumb ass to let you know its short for channel.

Now piss off to half chan.

Keep lying to yourself, I don't give a fuck.

I believe you are projecting a little too hard, especially considering the majority of western porn is far more degenerate than the average Japanese gang bang anime or NTR doujin. The entire porn industry in the west (controlled largely by jews) promotes the worst kind of self destructive tendencies upon real people.

Fiction, on the other hand, explores the abstract nature of human sexuality and that ways in which horrible situations can be framed to arouse and titillate. As vile as rape may be, especially when perpetrated by some subhuman thug, there are women who have rape fantasies and they go so far as to write them down and publish them are "erotic fiction".. and then they reframe them ever so slightly, and we get The Twilight Saga and Fifty Shades of Grey, which are outright rape and abuse fantasies.

But.. At any rate, I'm far more concerned by what real people do to other real people, rather than what some lonely gook does to a page with his pen.