I expect WaPo NYT & Co to be all over this. Heard it from Assange first.
I expect WaPo NYT & Co to be all over this. Heard it from Assange first.
Other urls found in this thread:
[Kosher comment]
I have theorized for a while that Trump agreed to take Pence and Mattis in exchange for positive coverage on FOX.
Its predictable, they will keep looking for a way to divide and conquer Republicans.
A Pence takeover means the president is dead…?
That's the only way Pence gets to be the president.
Or impeached. But knowing the Clintons the former is more likely.
Need to get Trump back on the warpath to put this corrupt bitch down for good.
Why doesn't he show her say this?
I wont for them to assassinate trump. Why? Because then the kosher nationalism meme dies with him, and the cucks who unironically praise subhumans and non-whites as "just like us as long as they work hard!!" will realize being le anti-politically correct Jew slave isn't the right way to go about things.
The sooner the weak men of the west who hide behind elections as an excuse to not take action personally as their neighborhood browns and their race is destroyed and the lands of their fathers are removed from history, then we win.
When the nu-male generation of "nationalism" realizes they must cure the problem, as opposed to delaying the symptoms, is when we win.
Delaying is our death. Trump is a delay. If they kill their own puppet maybe then the eyes will force open.
it won't happen, though, because like I've said Trump is just a stopper on the anger that was building in the west.
trump was a release valve. And you can watch it working, with the ball-watchers and the nigger lovers going about their day and watching their niggerball as if it's the thing that matters.
My fucking sides.
In Brazil, the last president was narrowly re-elected in the last election, even after being oppose by the whole economic establishment.
Her VP was more of an establishment guy, and, when supposed irregularities were found on her campaign (which he was a part of), he backstabbed her and did an impeachment with the backing of the opposition party and of his own centrists.
This after a year and a half of the media and the elites constantly calling for her impeachment.
Now she was a corrupt leftist who left the economy in terrible shape, but you should watch and pressure this "VP Pence". School the cuck before the globalists get a hold on him.
I think he just wanted a 'stable' counter-balance to get him through the election
Why is this hag not in prison?
Fuck it, it would be a happening. I'm addicted to happenings and desperately need a fix. Not much is happening under Trump thusfar.
Also found this article bouncing around a few sites today; (i have no idea how true this all is of course)
when alt-right nihilism goes too far
Eat shit.
no news is good news
Ever since I glued myself to the TV for a week during September 16 years ago, I've been addicted to shit happening. I can't help it, I'm a junkie.
Good goy! We don't need to tell you anything that could cause you distress. After all, the media's job is to control your mind.
This dumb cunt is just destroying herself at this point.
All she had to do was quietly fuck off and leave the country forever after Trump destroyed her entire career effortlessly, but she HAD to keep poking the lion
Trump could be incapacitated though still alive. Think paralyzed, comatose, catatonic and then Pence would take over automatically because Trump wouldn't be able to continue. Trump is in a lot of danger
W e W L a D
Really? seems to be doing nothing but getting cucked left and right without any punch back.
The cucks at fox can even assault some gateway pundit journalist with zero repercussions.
paul ryan, immigration, token ice raids, no action on leftist groups, no funds revert to right wing groups, no repeal of gun laws etc etc.
Beside the first week nothing has happened. It's not even a let down to his core. If he doesn't cut the spic population numbers down by 2020 he won't be coming back.
Yeah man. Let's go shoot some cops. We're right behind you. Promise.
They go by CREW now. For real. I call them the Jew CREW.
Not good!
This is only coming out because they can hear the footsteps. Canning all the USDAs was the trumpet call for the first race.
What are "IC officials"?
"intelligence" community
(not so) Intelligence Community. You know, bronies.
not the ones in power, shes using ex-military, ex-intelligence, traitors, conmen to do it
Oh OK.
This is pretty big actually, Assange tries to be neutral but the implications are strong.
1. Pence or at least some of his wing are not loyal ( either Pence is fooling some of his team or he and his friends are indeed full-blown globalists)
2. Assassination or a vote to impeach the president is on the table. Getting very JFK-sque feelings from this.
3. Why would Assange tweet this without any real evidence? The same reason why Russians aired in their TV stations the trump assassination stories - the best way to prevent something from happening is informing the masses of those possible scenarios so the media can not plant any credible fake narratives or stories e.g Pizzagate.
Trump chose Pence because Pence has a good standing with religious conservatives (= more votes) and because Pence has very limited intelligence (= low chance of coup).
Isn't this treason?
Hillary has been guilty of treason for decades.
i wouldnt assume trump doesnt have plenty of cards up his sleeve. everyone likes to underestimate him at every turn
What makes you say that? He was the chapter president at a very selective fraternity so I doubt he's an idiot.
TBH it sounds like an intentional leak to Assange so Trump and Pence stop trusting each other.
Funny how their only plan is to get Pence on their side while the whole Trump admin knows what beast they are dealing with.
Sacking those attorneys was a clear sign that they are soon going open with the pedo cases.
He's obviously not a retard. But compared to other politicians he is. Most high level politicians are in the 0.01th percentile (Bill Clinton has famously one of the highest IQs in the world, as stated by known high IQ people like David Letterman and Kevin Spacey). Pence is allegedly only in the 84th percentile.
I thought that Trump picked Pence, because the White House needed some electrical upgrades, and Pence was the only electrician with security clearance that could do the work?
If Trump keeps playing nice with those fuckers, the USA is doomed.
From the article:
An IQ of between 110 and 120 is above average. A far cry from "very limited intelligence".
Lol is she thinking she will run again? Only a woman could be that shameless. Any man who lost that badly would be too embarrassed to show his face ever again and would probably swallow a shotgun. A woman just cuts her hair shorter and then acts like nothing happened.
This is false.
This is also false.
Nope. Without Pence, he couldn't pull off the Daily Dose logo.
Wizard voice
She was Warned.
There are far worse things that Assange knows of or has obtained
We the of Crimson Order possess all 41 of them
She has not heeded
So it will befall
citation please.
Read SIEGE, faggot.
Did you really think anything short of death by Kuru was going to keep her from lusting for power?
An IQ of between 110 and 120 is above average. A far cry from "very limited intelligence".
110 to 120 is roughly what your high school teachers had. Would you expect those guys to go head to head with someone like Trump?
Depending on their temperament, yeah. I wouldn't expect them too win though.
Sounds like there is another leaker on hillary's staff. Or the anti-hillary NSA team is listening to her every word.
Most popular leaders are in the 115-125 range. You can't set your watch to it. They are in turn advised by people who are smarter than them. See Trump and Bannon for a prototypical example. King nigger had Jarret.
Will this finally end the fucking Pencefags? Electricity memes are funny but Pence is still an untrustworthy RINO cuckservative who will wage endless wars in the middle east for pissrael.
Sounds more to me like they're trying to whip up division considering how they're already making it difficult for Trump to fill positions.
I agree totally.
I think Trump's confirmed quite a bit higher than 115-125, in the 140 range. He's not a stupid man, he's just not an intellectual. Usually the leader is an intuitive, personable type who surrounds himself with the more intellectual type. Complimentary strengths and weaknesses and all that.
Lol nope.
Ryan is in the same camp as illary.
even within the context, "never" means something
I can't be the only thinking he's keeping Paul around as an example for when he fucks up bad enough.
Trump is a NYC real estate developer. He knows how to negotiate, brawl, and cut throats a lot better than some beltway faggot, he's not some naive hick. Hillary is the one who thinks way too much of her intellectual abilities.
hopefully. I want to watch Emperor Trump call for Ryan's ouster arrest live
I'm not holding my breath for any major happenings until he at least gets his full cabinet in place. He lists the four seats still remaining in his cabinet meeting.
An intellectual (as opposed to someone who is intellectual) is not the same as someone who is actually intelligent.
Feck off, Holla Forums. We do not need your pozzed memes, they have no power here.
That's more or less what I'm driving at. Trump clearly has a strategic genius, even if he doesn't talk fancy. I know you get it.
Caesar made this mistake, you gotta kill'em all or they'll come back with daggers
I'm posting this comment here instead of its own thread because I'm on tor (for what should be obvious reasons) and it's relevant here since treasonous cuckservatives (with Paul Ryan at the helm) are the ones pushing Pence.
Everyone here should be well aware that violence in the name of nationalism (i.e right wing death squads) is counterproductive given the current climate*. The regressives becoming increasingly violent themselves is actually something that plays into our hands since few things are more effective in making large swaths of normies swear off anything having to do with the left than seeing these morons chimp out, cheer for the killing of cops and burn placards supporting free speech.
The urge to cave in the skulls of these worthless faggots is a strong one but beyond the catharsis of whacking the odd one over the head in acts of justifiable self defense, we lose more than we gain by simply ignoring them.
This is however not the case when it comes to cuckservatives and snakes such as Paul Ryan in particular are people whose deaths would be a massive benefit to both our country and cause. There should absolutely be an ongoing conversation as well as investigations into what can be gained from killing these lowlives and how it can be achieved with minimal risk to ourselves. My initial thoughts are that a hit on Ryan would have the greatest chance of success outside of D.C, perhaps when he returns to visit WI?
* The only way violence with cuckolds or shitskins as the targets can be a net positive for us would be if highly competent individuals remove traitors/kikes who openly profess anti-white sentiment or shitskins who do the same or have criminal records. Shooting up some random "innocents" only to then be caught will in no way advance any nationalist cause, you'll just look like a retard.
Be meticulous, use a rifle or explosives, don't expose yourself to any risk and walk away if there's any possibility of capture. Use Holla Forums as a resource to find targets in your area and don't go after targets you've had any personal contact with regardless of how bad the urge may be.
I recall there being a list of traitors and their dox that was floated a while back here, we need to get back on that shit and curate it with diligence while also including shit like travel patterns if we ever want to get serious in killing the cunts.
If anyone feels like starting a seperate thread on political violence and coordination of crowdsourced research on what should be priority targets please do so.
Impeachment too, or at least try to.
Go back to TRS. Stay there.
SIEGE is shit. You know it.
Not sure what to make of those digits.
Your accelerationist perspective on things isn't new but in light of recent events I lean strongly towards a conclusion of you being a false flagging shill.
Trump being bumped off by the deep state won't be a natural stepping stone towards the day of the rope, it'll only result in a return to the status quo. If however Trump by and large succeeds during his eight years and at the end of it niggers and shitskins are just as prone to crime, violence, unemployment and drug abuse despite the fortunes of America as a whole improving dramatically then that is the more likely scenario in which a movement advocating for repatriation finds support among americans.
Well clearly thats treason, and she should be executed for her crimes against the state.
If Pence takes over hes going to electrocute all the gays, sjws, spics, niggers etc so they become straight white males that vote republican.
Fuck off retard.
this is true
i bet this guy got banned by the literally CIA kike mods
it really is disgusting to see a post with true perspective responded to disrespectfully, probably by chatbots, but nonetheless disgusting.
I am in the same boat. I don't want to see Trump killed, but it would accelerate the march towards ethnic nationalism. Trump being killed is an immediate kick off to civil war and purging leftists from the country.
what the fuck is this organized kikery?
sitting and waiting for favorable circumstances is his plan. He isn't talking about making any change. HOW IS THAT DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU THINK? except that he is consciously aware of the need to abide for awhile while most people here have no perspective of time or place with regard to revolution
You know, you could have just said you didn't like the image without resorting to hurtful names.
thanks for coming by to prove the mods are all over this thread posting anonymously, shilling the fuck out of it
Maybe JA is cooperating with a certain deep state faction of "good guys"/patriots. Steve Pieczenik seems to have that message although I remain skeptical. I want to believe. The leaks must be supplied by people with good intent and patriotic courage. Globohomo faction is the big looser. CIA increasingly looks more like a dragon dildo factory than a real intelligence agency. The Vault7 leak is the biggest ever, the first batch is only 1% of the total!
holy shit look at this thing. Is it human? It's certainly a chat bot regardless of fleshy or nonfleshy hardware.
seriously your reading comprehension doesn't exist. there is no way you are real
this is how you tell who to ignore
Clinton a part of the Shadow Government that's trying to quietly push for an attempted coup? Gee, why am I not surprised?
The quicker that the Clinton Foundation gets exposed with what tie ins to the CIA, child trafficking, drug trafficking, and more, the better.
Is it getting warm over there, shill?
Too obvious, make it more subtle next time
This is how this board works. The mods identify wrongthink and then come to the thread to shill against it if they can't find a good reason to delete the post/lock the thread/etc
you've got to go back.
Kek playing both sides this smooth
Were that the case, were I a mod, why would you still be able to post, Moishe?
And yet it was Hillary who beat the entire cuckservative party to the punch and accused Trump of being the traitor. Chapeau.
I've called these people's treason for years. No one ever cared on our side, because muh conspiracy theorist. Well now you see that the accusation works, but only if you have enough balls to say it.
She's been guilty of treason from at least 5 different instances. This is just another one to add to the pile
why would he do this when they want him dead?
hell if i know, the CIA will abuse this shit like they do with everything. Maybe it's was a deal? but damn lately his moves are become quite worrying, hopefully i'm wrong and those are not the moves to push us into another war for our (((greatest ally))) but there is no 8D chess on giving Drone powers to the fucking CIA.
Every time I hear Shillary rear her ugly head, I buy another case of 5.45mm.
Every time I hear a kike scream for a shadow war, I buy another case of 5.45mm.
Every time I see our own elected officials committing open treason against our duly elected Executive branch, I buy another case of 5.45mm.
Maybe not by drone strike on US soil? Anyway, he's probably been brokering a deal, not to end up like JFK.
But anyone else in his same position would have been called a cuck.
unless he already moved quick enough and replaced the CIA with his people? idk
By the hammer of Thor, your yiddish banter reeks.
Might is Right you stupid jackal.
Is this not just to drive a wedge between trump and pence
seems like more psych warfare to me, divide and conquer.
You seem upset Mordecai
High school teachers in the last few decades did not have 110-120 IQs rofl
He only gets positive coverage after 5pm
In times of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Sadly, this board is being completely astroturfed into cheering on zionist neo-cons, how the mods ever allowed this to happen is anyone's guess.
I wonder how long it will be before the CIA agencies can longer maintain the illusion that Trump is anything other than a jewish trojan horse, I can't wait for Holla Forums to shed its recent incarnation and position as unofficial and unpaid cheerleaders for Zog neo-con kike politics.
A thought occurred to me from the Steve King threads, with people wanting him to be the next president, even though he would be 75 when he would take office. What if Pence tried some bullshit and he got replaced as VP, whether by King or someone better? He was okay for the shock memes and he did well against Tim Kaine and maybe getting Rust Belt votes, but he's lost his usefulness in my opinion. I could see him being replaced based on shit we've seen so far.
Well as far as I know if Trump and Pence were to go, I don't think death since that's to much publicity it could be criminal or w/e (((they))) can get, we'd get our greatest ally as President. Could this be the plan from the beginning?
I really want that refugee importing traitor out of that office but Wisconsin Swedes keep voting him in!
Pence apparently responded, but it's CNN which has me officially worried.
I was pretty butthurt that Nehlen didn't win the primary and even more butthurt that he wasn't the one seat to get replaced by a Democrat. His term is up every two years so hopefully we'll get him next year. Apparently his hometown Janesville votes for the Dems lel
Guys we have to figure out how to protect Trump.
I personally think the best way to protect him is to suggest a high probability that there will be… let's say "Collateral damage" on their side of the aisle if they JFK Trump.
Basically we need to compile a list of dox for all the people who are most likely to be responsible (or benefit) from a Trump takedown. If that hellish day ever comes that they try it, let them feel and know that their skin and the skin of their families is on the line, and any car that goes past their house could be the one to roll the window down and light their shit up.
Honest to god, other than that - I have absolutely no idea how else we can protect him other than the memes and general support on the internet. If Trump has reason to fear for his life, then we need to make sure his enemies have good reason to fear for theirs.
Wow, thanks for the literally nothing Assange, you meme loving fuck.
From the mouthpiece of the deep state, so huge grain of salt.
or keep your enemies closer.
Impeachment is in quotation marks for fucks sake. Do you need him to outright say "assassination"? Can you seriously not read between lines that are so widely spaced?
They just want it talked about, so there's a perception of problems.
This is where the coup against Trump is coming from:
much more:
Those aren't scare quotes, those are regular quotes. He's indicating that word is the word his source[s] used. Use of such quotes around a single world is common in newspaper headlines, particularly outside of the US.
What do you do with a used condom ?
-You throw it away
So she must stay on top of the NWO dick fucking america to stay alive.
So what? We don't hang traitors anymore or even prosecute them too hard so why would our sociopathic betters hesitate
Trump always seems to be one step ahead of ZOG though. Every time they think they have some way of pulling something on Trump, it turns out that Trump is actually making them believe they're in charge here. Trump keeps essentially pulling controlled opposition on the kikes, and they keep fucking falling for it.
I love spreading the Mike "amperes for queers" Pence memes to normies, because I want everyone to think twice before trying to remove Trump.
If Trump wasn't so smart I'd be worried. As it currently stands, I'm not.
You're right, Moshie Greenblatt, we shouldn't try to look into any subtlety or concealed meaning in any of J.A's tweets. How silly of me.
"My fee-fees are hurt" != Treason
go back to reddit
I agree with this post hypothetically but if someone were to do something like that, it wouldn't be beneficial to plan/interface with a public anonymous imageboard first. Plan with paper&pencil with people you actually know IRL so there is no digital trail that can tip them off or help their investigation.
Julian Assange doesn't mince words. If he had information about a political assassination, he'd lead it outright. That's the kind of man he's proven himself to be time and time again.
Nope. They kill Trump and all fucking bets are off. Sure a lot of cucks would just bend over and take it. But take a look at his rallies. I went to the huge one in Melbourne Florida… Id wager a guess that a solid 40% of the people there were men for whom Trump was their last hope. The entire time waiting in line I only heard one conversation, it was the same topic restated many times, "Fuck I wish there were protesters here I wanted to bash their commie faces in". Sure most of them werent as red pilled as most of Holla Forums is, not by a long shot, but these are men who realize that Trump succeeding is the only way their children have a future. Take that away from them and, like I said, all fucking bets are off.
I would love for Trump to accomplish everything through entirely peaceful means, but if they killed him… The backlash that would cause… Thats how we get our rahowa. The former would be preferable but it doesnt beat out the latter by much.
*leak it outright
To that effect do not forget that there was a literal attempted assassin who made it to within feet of where Trump was resting with a weapon in hand.
You don't think that , especially if they're planning on kill him, that they wouldn't immediately deride WL for shouting "PENCE IS GONNA KNIFE TRUMP IN THE BACK TOMORROW, IDES OF MARCH", and then claim it was all coincidence after the fact, really? Also as the other user pointed out, that britcuck DID get within feet of Trump with a gun.
I think that Julian Assange speaks the truth as he sees it, no matter what he thinks the (((official))) response to it will be.
That's not how Julian Assange operates. That's not a rational thought process for anybody for that matter.
I'm not saying Trump won't be assassinated. I don't know if he will be, I don't have a crystal ball. What I'm saying is that Julian Assange isn't predicting it. Not in these tweets anyway.
Yes, it is, kikes are great at calling legitimately concerned people Chicken Littles. They decry the aware as shouting that the sky is falling, all while those hooknosed fuckers are sawing at the ropes holding it up.
I don't want them to feel, if they didn't already know this they are too stupid to care.
details? I missed it apparently. Or was it the guy within days of the election?
And you think that gives them power over him?
Julian Assange doesn't give a shit about that. They call Julian Assange chicken little all the fucking time. Since when has it stopped him?
Why is this assclown not verified?
Replace him with Flynn, as say in public that it is an insurance policy, as Trump's enemies have shown themselves to hate Flynn even more than Trump.
How many houses have you built out of them?
Flynn just registered as a foreign agent, that won't happen.
It would make the Maquis look like a bunch of rifle-dropping surrender monkeys. The marxists are not taking over.
[Outrage over paid shill getting first post]
Pence is a neocohen sack of shit we should be rightfully concerned about
I don't know what is about but I think Flynn would assburger out again and fuck up a few months in. The guy seems cool and all but I don't know if he was ever really suited for his administration.
Flynn registered as a foreign agent(Turkey) with the justice department a week ago because of lobbying he done until a little after the election. He won't be allowed to do any more lobbying because of Trump order banning admin officials from lobbying for foreign governments.
I do feel tho that this whole thing by clinton is a blackpill psyop to try to make us question pence loyalty? idk, their goal is to off Trump cabinet members right now. I'm worried about pence and have my eye on him, but we also have to be careful about this cunts motive and how much assange doesn't know
This. Pence was a forced meme.
why 5.45mm user??? That's a Russian calibre and hence supplies are very limited in the U.S. Your best bet when civilisation turns to shit is to stock ammo in a calibre that is fairly common in one's home country, in your case 5.56mm x 45mm is the go.
That's bullshit, but I'll screencap it.
I don't trust Pence. He's done a few questionable things. Getting pissy about Flynn and wanting him gone, going to the EU and telling them the Trump administration fully supports them, even though Trump doesn't support the EU in the least and hasn't throughout his campaign, hating Russia and commenting on how they will stay tough on them, etc.
He's just another neocon, and I can see where the threat would be legit.
hahahaha, I thought the exact same thing.
Letterman is garbage. People who like him remind me of people who defend Tim Heidecker when someone points out that no, he's not "doing a character," he's actually a legit straight up asshole and it's who he is. Read this the other day about Letterman (all the more enjoayble seeing his legacy get smeared now that he's becoming a loud mouth faggot about Trump)
This, Trump needed a comparatively boring but legitimate looking running mate to convince older voters that it wasn't an elaborate publicity stunt. Mattis was needed for the same reason the 14 MOH soldiers and 88 generals were needed, insurance against a rigged election. Also memes, mad dog and the lightning god.
I bet those Moby quotes about 'insider info' were actually right (that they already have a gameplan about impeachment based around accusing him of being a Russian blackmail victim)
Actually, you'd be best off buying .223.
.223 can be fired from a rifle chambered in 5.56mm and .223. This is why my local retailer always has 5.56 M193s but rarely has any .223.
No matter. My shit is chambered in 5.56 and that's what I buy and Bubba always buys the .223.
Reminder that requests to prove his identity have been ignored for months now.
Such a beautiful turn of phrase for such an ugly concept. Absolutely stealing that.
this plan is going to backfire and fail so fucking hard it might just kill them.
If he's dead, then this message is coming from the CIA. That would still make it notable, no?
What does that even mean
Assange obviously has an operative in her camp. That or he's trolling like a motherfucker because he's bored af in the spic closet there in England.
In other words: Hillary herself "leaked" this piece of disinformation through one of her IC co-conspirators in order to sow doubt and distrust within the Trump administration.
can you read? it means either way head the warning
Why would the cia warn trump, thats what I'm asking
Good. Use it as an excuse to Long Knife the Deep State. Hitler himself is supposed to have said a little terror can be a salutary thing. So fuck 'em. Use Heydrich's trick of calling the traitors into your office one at a time and interviewing them for hours about their politics and methods, then send them home to wait for a phone call. Days later, after they've repeatedly shit themselves, call them back in and tell them they can keep their jobs. Works like a charm.
there are 2 things they are trying to do, either discourage the public and blackpill, or they are doing what they do, make threats in public view and try to follow through with them, wouldn't be the first time. I think its the first option, but it could just as well be the latter.
bubba buys ammo 20 rds at a time and doesn't matter
1.Most people wouldn't even know wikileaks is cia, it would just piss them off and outrage them.
2. What is the purpose of warning someone who has caused so much trouble for the establishment, from my point of view trump has shown himself ready to risk everything.
I think the goal at this point is to start war
What if we found a way to get rid of Pence first? Is it possible to get a vice-president impeached? What kind of scandal would be necessary and how would something like that work? Any historical precedent?
Please tell me more…
Pence could die for Trump, How moral fag is he?
Every single white man in the world should be against globalist kikes, diversity, and pushing a race war
EITHER that account is run by Julian Assange, OR Julian is dead and that account is run by the CIA.
In the first case, the tweet is a warning is from Julian. In the second case, the tweet is a threat from the CIA.
Get it now?
I think you need to reread my post, friend.
I haven't seen that one in a while
your the second guy who seems not to understand what I am saying, I am working on the assumption that assange is cia not that I am promoting the idea as a theory.
I'm not the one who's saying that Julian is dead. Ask this dumbass:
I'm explaining to him why his objection to this thread is meaningless.
Hi there CIA, you don't deserve those quads.
Spiro T. Agnew resigned in disgrace in 1973, after news broke of his previous tax evasion. Of course, his real crime was that he fucking hated the media and told them so whenever he could. A short time later, Nixon was short on friends and had to resign himself. This led to the only non-elected President in American history: a former male model named Gerald Ford.
Read a fucking book, nigger.
I'm not talking about an assassination idiot, I'm talking about the possibility of a vice-president losing the position he occupies through the legal process. I just don't know enough about the constitution to tell how it would be possible and I don't know enough about history to say if it has happened before, so that's why I'm asking the question.
Being correct or on the right side of things is far more important than raw intellect. The fact that he is so intelligent makes Bill Clinton even more contemptible, given that he likely knows he is doing or saying what is wrong.
cool down , what he said. We were just merely speculating based on an assumption he could be controlled by CIA or dead, not that he is.
What we need to do is meme Trump's assassination. Not to make it happen, but to tinfoil the public against any means to take him down.
I don't think a vice president has ever been impeached, no.
I am unsure how that would go about but I will assume it would be just like how they impeach presidents
The same bloodbath as when the right wing gets punched? I'm asking because I have high expectations, we need the same action here in Yrop.
Ok I'm sick of this shit. Is this a euphemism for assassination or not?
dick spencer doesn't count satan.
Here in the US the antifa got beat in the face by a stick the last time they tried to "punch" on of us.
Pretty much. If the VP is impeached and subsequently removed from office, then the President chooses another VP. While no VP has ever been impeached, there have been VPs who have died while in office. Trump would just pick another VP and government would continue as normal.
I don't want to jump to conclusions but it sounds like it to me.
It could be, but unless a direct threat is made, nothing can really be done. It's like the difference between "I wish you'd die" and "I will kill you".
Is he going to release transcripts or evidence of these conversations? Or just tweets that can be considered hearsay?
user, high school teachers come from the bottom half of the bell curve. I have no idea where you get the idea they are smarter than average. They are most definitely not.
100 IQ people can't teach high school subjects like Algebra or English Literature. If they're white they most likely have 110+ IQ.
does that confirm that trump is going to snipe hillary?
I keep saying that the Trump in that card is not being assassinated but is calling for assassination. That is the face of a man who has had enough and given all the bullshit that is being tossed Trump's way, I can see him finally saying "enough is enough" and having people put down. That first one though is rather disturbing.
That's not the file I wanted to upload.
Well then, I guess Pence has to go.
Gimme the source anyways friendo
looks like Nier:automata
Probably because of his anti-semitic actions against bankers or pedophile rings.
Yea because she lost.
Off-topic and I apologize but this post made me realize that the kikes will probably literally try to pull this if shit gets more heated. I bet they will actually accuse you of anti-semitism if you try to rescue your children from pedophile cults.
Haha I always knew Letterman must be a complete asshole. I don't need to read an article or hear from his colleagues to know this. All you have to do is watch his show. Watch it when a celebrity who is funnier and more likeable than him is talking to him. See how he acts. He thinks that he is the whole show and that his shit doesn't stink. Fuck all MSM programming.
I was considering the Assange is dead theory, but this is simpler and more practical. Holla Forums should take note that our enemy may be adapting itself… to a degree. I also expect that, if this is true, they're going to push it so hard it becomes obvious propaganda and Trump sinks it with a 4am tweet.
I thought he picked Pence because Pence looks exactly like Wojak. Pence exists for nothing but getting memed on.
Mattis is loved by his men, yet whatever cuckery he may be inclined to move towards is easily controlled by Trump.
God-Emperor Trump when?
.223 wylde chambering is superior, based on what I've heard.
Trump is the smartest individual I've seen in my life, and I have regularly interacted with individuals in the 140-160 IQ range. Underestimate him at your peril.
I would never underestimate him, but I sure as shit love trying to guess what he'll do next.
.223 Wylde is a bad meme. Just get 5.56, it works.
And here is a little secret: IN PRACTICE 5.56 is safe to shoot through just about any modern .223 barrel. What, you think manufactures are going to risk lawsuits and their reputations making .223 barrels that will explode when some fud accidentally puts 5.56 through them? Of course not, everyone makes them strong enough for 5.56 in practice even though it "technically" isn't required. But don't do this, just get 5.56 barrels.
This user knows.
So the deep state wants to axe Trump and control Pence? Like JFK/Johnson but if Johnson wasn't in on the plan? They realize the second anything happens to Trump, be it resignation, impeachment, or assassination that DC is going to be razed, right…?
Jews have always been their own undoing.
Is that really him, though?
thanks bud
I went to one of his speeches during the election. The way he read his speech he did not sound like an intelligent person at all, more like a robot.
I don't know how much I believe this, but if it's true all we need to do is meme Pence back into his subservient position. He is Wojak, after all.
Pence, being sort of an establishment republican, would probably bend backwards and apologize at being called a "homophobe".
In all honesty, he probably wouldn't do that with faggots since he knows the gay agenda is an attack against humanity, but he would act like such if called a racist or similar buzzwords
This. My dad refuses to admit that Saudi Arabia is a state sponsor of terror (Nope, it's all literally just Iran/Hamas :^) ) but he was trying to explain white genocide to me since long before I gave it a serious thought.
We're good friends now, finally. We text "ben garrison" cartoons to each other.
Maybe I misinterpreted, but I thought what this poster was getting at was that those labelled "intellectuals" are usually just academics that create an inconsistent maze of terminology so that only they can navigate it. Intelligence and logical capability have little to do with it, it's just socio-linguistic caste.
Personally, I separate the "academics" from the "intellects". Academics are people that have learned to imitate a particular brand of socio-linguistics pertaining to their field and generally circle-jerk with each other around the educational institutions while doing very little. Intellects may or may not also be academics, but "understand" rather than imitate and are not purely motivated by caste-status as the academics alone are.
To that end, here's some Pencejak.
I only have 5.56 chambering anyway, but the wylde concept seems neat
Eh, I call em like I see em. That 'she still suckin' meme was a lefty meme written in dindu speak. And the pepe isn't 1488 green.
You're trying not to sound like a leftist here, right?
I prod because I care user. I have no dank OC to give you as a peace offering. Perhaps if I sage you a tasty classic webm?
I've thought about making a thread on Uncle Ted and analyzing—among his other beliefs (accelerationism etc)—his belief in violence.
There was also some contractor kick backs or some shit IIRC.
I tried to look up "the other half of the story" a while back but I could not find anything like you can with a bunch of other historic figures that have been smeared over history.
Huey Long
Father Coughlin
Gerald Ford warren commission stooge
haha hit reply by accident, never mind
She is forbidden by her cult to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So, Pence is not predictable/defeatable and must go down with Trump.
with people she knew would leak this.
If Pence was weak or a traitor, he would have started doing random stupid things like Gary Johnson to sabotage Trump.
How the fuck is she not in prison? Trump should reopen investigations on her and put her under the fucking jail. I'm not sure how the DoJ works but if Loretta Lynch isn't there to bat for her this time, she'll be gone. Hell, he should be gunning for both her and Obama to be put behind bars. God knows they both deserve it, and they've both done enough to warrant it.
This user has to be trolling…. hes not that much of an idiot surely?
If he doesn't clean house first it will be a shitshow, whatever his intentions.
if someone is indistinguishable from a retard or a shill, no need to assume otherwise.
or trump could resign….
At this point, I'm not sure why endchan and some Stormfront threads still think that he is, I mean sure I know the story of Ivanka Trump converting to Judaism for Jared Kosher but with that evidence I still don't think that Trump is a "zionist shill", if he was he would've nuked Iran and won't convince Mahmoud Abbas to be invited to the White House.
I would also like to point out that when people think Trump is a "good goy" they keep using another image post created by Smoloko calling him "another Zionist puppet" but it turns out those posts were made some time around 2015 and after that Smoloko created the image posts above this comment calling out the people saying that he is "controlled by Jews", and Smoloko has gathered quite a lot of evidence that Trump isn't controlled opposition after those posts prior to 2016.
overly optimistic image of JFK, but thanks for keeping up with the shills so we don't have to.
Yeah, they'd much rather have cuck ryan running the show. He's been #nevertrump in private and public before. Toted obama's legislation and has a dash of that ted cruz rato look. He's the definition of a RINO and a good controlled opposition for democrats cause he'll keep going out and slamming abortion shit or lgbtq+3, shit republicans have been pushing for 30 years but never made in head way…. then when his term is up the dems will have some good ol fashion "bigotry" to run against and lock up the WH again, push for cucked legislation and of course more brown immigration to further displace the citizenry and ensure a democrat lock from now on.
Good for you user. My dad is bluepilled as fuck he thinks Barack Obaboon is a good president and Trump is "selfish" and Brexit, kind of ashamed of it really because he actually voted for Duterte among with the other 90% of Flips here. When I told him about Duterte disliking Obongo calling him a "son of a whore" he told me that Obama "pressured" him, when really King Nigger is just being himself.
Yeah man, I actually thought the anons on endchan were onto something, fucking shills.
Dubs confirm Pence is gonna wire up the White House
they already have…
Yeah but at least he hasn't killed 6 mill assorted people… yet… yet
He is in fact an establishment republican. That was his entire fucking purpose on the ticket.
I see your point.
The worst thing to happen would be some random crazy guy getting all the blame and not enough people having their anger targeted at the real culprits.
Obama wire-tapped Trump.
Pence will wire-zap Obama.
Thanks user. If I wasn't a wage fag I'd cap it. The only point I disagree with is the ww3 part, the kikes are meming it as hard as they can right now.
If there's one thing the Bernouts learned, it's that the cunt doesn't stay dead.
Serves them right. Eventually some of them came to their senses and voted for Trump out of spite. Again I said out of spite becuase they still think Bernie can win someday. What would be that day, user?