ITT: we list dead/irrelevant left wing tendencies. i'll start

ITT: we list dead/irrelevant left wing tendencies. i'll start

Other urls found in this thread:

Anarchist collectivism.

social democracy

delet this???

Excuse me this is a leftist board why are you posting an antisemitic symbol?

No really, what has this world come to?

Someone define leftcom for me

I see it used for so many things

How is mutualism dead or irrelevant?

Tbh so called "council communism" doesn't seem all that different from syndicalism tbh.

Stop avatar posting holy shit

But on a more serious note, the ADL thrives on antisemitism and it's part of their racket.


smh don't bully leftcoms

All of them.

I can't. I'm too unique for this world.


We're not locked in here with you, you're locked in here with us.

Unless you're one of the above.

99% of socdems are neolibs these days

Marxism tbh



Leftism in general is dead and buried.
The only place where leftism is still a thing and relevant is in the minds of rightist schizos that believe the world is controlled by le gultural marxist joos.

kek this is the only relevant ideology and isn't left wing

not even trying to meme now



un-orthodox marxism

feels bad, man. They were pretty based



And the NAACP thrives on racism and feminism thrives on hatred of women.

Idpol, not even once.

anarcho-anything, really
it's just that pacisfism is the most meme one.

This is what happens when you define your ideology or movement through some simple and vague morphological analysis.

Anarchists need to get serious.

DeLeonism ;_;

Anarcho-collectivism, at least in name. Still plenty of people who hang to it's ideas under the guise of other tendencies

Luxemburgism, not that it was ever really a coherent ideology

Anarcho-pacifism. Really it only had any sort of significant traction back in Tolstoy's time.

Situationalists, though they were less a true tendency/ideology than they were leftist critics.

Most forms of religious communism/socialism/anarchism, at least outside of places like the Middle East and some parts of South America.

said the Not Socialist :^)



pepe is not anit semetic its a fucking frog symbol with infinfate variations , is the adl trying to be retarded?

It's legitimately funny that Pepe has become associated with that shit. These are truly the end days of imageboard culture.

Rofl Leninism isn't dead in the least no matter how badly we want it to be. Leftcom basically is though. I think Mutualism can make a comeback.

That's because ansynd is the stance and organization and council communism is the proposed solution.

Add liberalism to the list.

Rlly make u thnk

From this left-communism generally developed into the Situationists, Autonomist Marxism, Value Theory, Communization theory etc.

Don't fucking try to answer questions if you're just going to flaunt your ignorance on a topic.

lol hey dad

Can you explain what any of those are and what the differences in them are?

Traces it's roots to "Left Opposition" in early USSR (Kamenev/Zinoviev) and to Rosa Luxemburg. Since neither was around to kick/punch/deliver bodily harm some other way to people for being idiots, the name got appropriated (just like Trotskyism after Trotsky died) by marginal ideologies who (surprise!) shaped themselves around the idea of being anti-Soviet.

Common trend is revisionism - stealthy addition of some Anarchist dogmas to Marxism: if AnComs do their job properly, by saying "Marx was wrong here" and make (honourable, but ultimately futile) attempt to prove their point, revisionists never face the music, pretending instead that they are "true" Marxists.

Once USSR kicked the bucket, LeftCom enjoyed a short period of growth, but didn't deliver. Remains of LeftCom are currently being subsumed by the MarkSoc (which should be called RightCom, just as modern "Left"Com) and, I assume, will eventually join the Grey Goo that is AnCap.


The largest leftcom tendency originates from fucking Bordiga, who was about as far from an anarchist as marxists get.

Jesus fucking christ leftcoms and "market socialists" are literally opposites you fucking retard.
Don't you ever get tired of just making shit up?

I check my country's publicly owned news site for matter of fact reports - i.e this candidate is running for office, this earthquake happened, etc
But I get so much of my news from websites like this otherwise. I don't talk to normies about the world because they're usually liberal dickheads.
And then I see shit like this, and all I can wonder is - are we becoming a divergent culture? It seems that so many millennials are rejecting the mainstream (Clinton as a progressive candidate for example) it sometimes feels like we are on a different planet to the crap being peddled by the media to boomers who are so technologically illiterate that they think a cartoon frog is literally Hitler

delet this pls dumb frogposter

all of them

That is wrong. Bordiga clearly had much less influence in 1918 than Zinoviev/Kamenev or Luxemburg did. Even if we consider Comintern's Second Congress in 1920 to be the defining point - by the time Bordiga did get some clout - contemporary Lenin's work (Left-Wing Infantile Disorder) is considering German - even Dutch - LeftCom clearly more important internationally. Bordiga is mentioned only in passing.

Italian LeftCom may have grew to be big (which is debatable), but LeftCom hardly originated from them.

Initial LeftCom. I'm talking about modern and I literally point out this incongruence. But you don't have much of a reading comprehension, I see.

If you want to argue, provide something beyond your personal opinion. And don't forget your own definition of LeftCom this time.


Are you for real? Oh yeah, you're a completely illiterate Stalinist, no surprise here.

You have literally not provided anything but completely unsubstantiated bullshit. Find a single fucking source to anything you just said, I dare you. No, your own navel and a bull's anus is not considered proper sources.

lol ok

liberalism is the most idiotic ideology

Really seems like we're gearing up for a split, as the third-world left is some kind of Neo-Moaist tendency while the western left is Orthodox Marxist or Trots

Who is "we"?


Don't mind him, I don't think English is his first language.

Socialists had been split since forever. First International? Fell apart due to Bakunin vs Marx conflict.

By 1908 Marxism splintered enough that Lenin was forced to write books against revisionists. Come 1918 and even Bolsheviks are drifting apart. That didn't get any better.

Even supposedly anti-revisionist China and Albania had their own versions of ML (neither of which are particularly acceptable to me) quite soon.

Any left ideology but market socialism (and stalinism, but only during transitioning period and only if everything is fucked up and needs to be unfucked ASAP).