He found that the group that scored higher on the test were less likely to hold racist beliefs than their lower-performing counterparts. For example, among those who did well on the verbal test, 29 percent said blacks were lazy and 13 percent said they were unintelligent. By contrast, among those who performed poorly on the intelligence test, 46 percent described blacks as lazy and 23 described them as unintelligent.

TL;DR: The more intelligent a redpilled racist is, the better he is at hiding it.

How well do you play the good goy, Holla Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


There is also the consideration that smart kids are in AP classes with only white people, while the dumb kids are in shop class with a bunch of niggers. Familiarity breeds contempt.

Who gives a fuck?

It says that more intelligent whites are statistically just as racist as the ones with lower intelligence. They just don´t openly report it, but when it comes down to the questions that count and not just babbling about how tolerant you are (i. e. laws and approaches to changing a society) they support the racist attitude just as often as the kids with lower intelligence. Remarkable, if one takes your argument in consideration even more.

Its the GSS test, used by the government. It only accounts for verbal intelligence, but still interesting imo.

Having majored in psych for 2 years (and then switching to chemistry when it was all dykey girls I couldn't stand), 90% of these people should be gassed. Everything outside strict behaviorism is Jewish bullshit. It doesn't tell you anything about people, esp. in Canada where their ZOG can put you away for "hate." Unis could saved big shekels by just converting all "psychology" funds to "neuroscience." Have to take the same boards as a neurologist to be a psychiatrist.

So does this mean nogs are the most racist of all?

Seriously, how fucking convenient that only whites were selected for this "study" All this implying. I would get my jimmies in a bunch but I'm so used to these kind of backhanded attacks yids pull that I'm not even surprised anymore.

Also if you know the danger other groups pose to you, you'll be more likely to keep your women.

Doesn't she realize Muslims have oppressed negroids far more than whitey ever has?

I think you didn´t get it. The smarter whites are just as racist, they just don´t explicitly state it but would act upon it (by voting against affirmative action etc.)

In other words, the people who performed poorly on the test, to wit: the less intelligent people in our society i.e. niggers and spics are more likely to be racist than the people who performed highly on the text i.e. white people.

Seems like a fair result. Nice find, OP.

Meant "test"

What's the story behind that nigger in the pic? I see it all the time. Is it an abbo? I've never seen a nigger so literally black.

Niggers and spics didn't do the test, they only made "Caucasians" (whatever the fuck that means in Canada) do it.

Holla Forums - Sophisticated Racists

That´s what i thought, too. At least most of 8/pol/.


The majority of people at any intelligence level are just going along to get along. They will repeat what they are expected to repeat (diversity is our strength etc.) up to the point that it inconveniences them personally. Higher intelligence people tend to have a larger buffer before that happens, because they usually move in higher income and higher IQ circles. If you're a college professor who only ever interacts with the top 5% of blacks and lives in a higher income area, then it is easy to pretend race doesn't real. More so than if you're a construction worker who has to work in the hood or a white kid going to a 75% black high school.

Why try to hide it?



Yeah, I'd say that's pretty surprising considering that the collective IQ of Holla Forums is probably in the millions.

I like this new meme lads.

Nigger, read the whole thing.

trips confirmed, we sophisticated raysists



Stopped right there.

Not an abbo just a pure bred blue gum sub saharan.

Stopped reading there.

Kewl. You should have kept reading, it validates us.

Lügenpresse has published one of these articles every two months for the last 25 years.

stormfront style racists really ARE low IQ

high IQ racists hide it for social perseverance

If that were true then that would mean nips (av. 105 iq) would be the most tolerant and multicultural, right???

I'm so sick of that witch-like label. Either something is true or not. That is all anyone should be concerned with.

Well this time they fucked up. Seems like even jew science can´t force this meme.

Race realism is more accurate term, and its a sign of intelligence. Although intelligent people can have mental blocks that don´t allow them to expand their horizon into the classification of the races.

They need to control for exposure to niggers. Smarter people are more likely to gravitate to nigger free social circles, while less intelligent people wind up in areas where they are more likely to be exposed to them.

Isn't Wodtke possibly wrong in his assumption that one can both not support affirmative action and busing programs while also not being racist?

If it were true that the test takers were hiding their apparent racism wouldn't they also hide their nonsupport for government programs as well? He's just saying that if you disagree with government policies involving race, you're a racist. Also what's the veracity of this test? In other words would one get the same results for racism every single time? Is there an exact metric for racism or is this sociology professor just pulling this out of his ass? Quick answer: Test like these usually aren't repeatable.

oh my god, man. That's sad.

It validates us in the sense that we are likely not out there telling everyone about ZOG and about how niggers are actually closer to animals than to whites, which would logically mean that we are smart according to this test.

Nothing sad about that, faggot.

It would certainly mean that you don´t believe that blacks deserve special treatment, and since every fucking moron can see that they are dumber than whites, this makes you a racist according to the jew logic since you basically "want them to fail".

No you misunderstand. There is no "us" we are user. Also why the hell would you need or want validation for your ideas? Go make something. Also the study doesn't prove what you just said.. No, that doesn't logically mean you're smart…. Wut

Wait wut….

Niggers have a lower iq on average.. 85 is dicks low but how does that make them biologically closer to animals than to human beings?

Koko the Gorilla had an iq of 83, could sort of paint, and cared for it's pet cat in a way that niggers are incapable of.

meant that for

sorry i'm an autist

hmm yeah makes sense on a biological level. Thought there were chromosomal differences between gorilla's and niggers.

By "us" i mean the community of Holla Forums, which excludes all newfags and cuckchan cancer. This community is well aware of the degeneracy of niggers, their low IQ, the fact that they didn´t contribute one bit to the world and of the fact, that they still live in the stone age in Africa.
If you aren´t, get out.
Now i don´t "need" any validation for my intelligence, since i achieved enough to prove it to myself, but i find it funny that the test does exactly that, since it basically proves that smarter people hide their racist beliefs in public (which i think is something 90% of all Holla Forumsacks do, we play the good goy).

Lurk moar. Niggers are genetically almost as far away from humans as apes. They are an entirely different subspecies.


Interesting way to look at it. Am i the only one whose jewdar is tingling?


Mhmm! Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, user.

Them double dubs answered your question.

Didn´t you stop reading? What makes you think your contribution is appreciated then?

Yeah definitely. The clear purpose of this study is to A: "get racist to shut up" i.e get people to stop talking about issues pertaining to anything racial B: conflate not supporting racial government programs with being racist. Thereby the normie is pushed into voting for government programs with the fear of being themselves racist and there is not opposition in their day to day lives. Congrats OP you're a faggot

basically this


holy shit people want to be around people that look like them, act like them, and hold similar interests


Do you think you are smart or something? People that want to be openly racist aren´t going to care about this study.
Also, this kike simply used data that was mined through the GSS. This isn´t a fraud. The "conflating not supporting racial government programs with being racist" is simply grasping at straws.

Kill yourself, my man.

Yo I have the feeling this is fake and that it's done so normies get cautious. They are breaking the "dumb racist redneck" stereotype they had going all this time, because they felt our presence. Now normies will be even MORE defensive against muh raycism and shit.

sorry should clarify. The interpretation of this study and the article itself is pretty jewy. Also no i'm not smart. I'm legally retarded.

Tell us about yourself, user. Are you sure you are not lying us?

Vocabulary says far more about level of education than actual intelligence. Its unsurprising that those who stay in the education system longer are less racially aware, partly because of more indoctrination, and partly because the shitskins they are around are pre-selected to already be the top few percentile of their race which masks how idiotic their race is as a whole.

I mean there are chromosomal, especially since gorillas like Koko tend to ape humanity better than your average porch monkey and even more so compared to sub-saharan niggers.

Swear to god, man.

That's NOT the logical conclusion, OP.

The logical conclusion is only this, and nothing more:
Higher IQ individuals are equally likely to hold conservative values.

No one should hide anything. Hiding 'racist' values (as determined by the Left…) only gives power to impunements of racism.

I just want you to tell us your double digit IQ.

This is the most twisted, worthless analysis I've seen in a long time. It reeks of "the results didn't go our way, so we reframed the data to prove a different point."

Wrong. Functional vocabulary (or whatever the term is) - words you actually use in circulation - is a surefire indicator of intellect. Stupid people can memorise big words, but they'll use them over and over because their functional vocabulary is small. See: retarded lefty pseudointellectuals, particularly women

took a test once and got 14, but then took it a second time and it shot all the way up to 88. I'd average those two together to guestimate an answer for you but I'm legally retarded so I cant.

But yet, smarter people do, at least according to the study. That´s why its indeed the logical conclusion.

I didn't see any evidence to support your statement in the study.

Exquisite meme there, my friend.

Didn't you post an OP about a sociology study, as if sociology is a real, valid science whose research informs us about anything in the real world?

Ignoring whether you're correct on the first half or not the test in question tests what words you understand the meaning of, not words you routinely use.

thanks, been planning that for months

Everyone has the same racist viewpoints (i.e. affirmative action should be abolished, i don´t want black people in my neighbourhood) but only the less intelligent people express that by calling nigs lazy and dumb, while the smarter ones preach tolerance but actually have the knife ready behind their backs. That´s what it says imo.

That's an inference.


Feel free to propose an explanation for the results that came out of this study. Note that studies are used in all scientific branches.

Basically: Watch out goys, see that smart STEM guy there? He probably is a rayciss! Fire him and hire a negro instead.

Gas yourself Shlomo

yeah. This study is just another reminder of how unscientific "science" currently is, especially in the softer sciences. It's unbelievable how many studies are complete garbage. Universities have truly become worthless, I can't call the people they produce scientists.

Did all of you miss the fact that this guy reviewed the data and adhered to his initial conclusion regardless of the data shown? He reviewed caucasians from the angle of all caucasians are racist, and then explained away the results countering his hypothesis by saying that white people are just better at hiding their racism.

IMHO, I'd say use this study against the Uber SJW white guilt having motherfuckers as proof that they're all secretly racists just like the worst racists of Stormfront. When they try to explain how much bullshit that is, say that's proof of them being good at verbal skills, which proves they're even better at hiding their racism than the stormfag racists.

This forces the average white guilt having SJW motherfucker into one of two thigs:
1. Accept that they're as racist as the worst of the stormfag, which shifts them more towards the right.
2. Force them to decry (((Geoffrey Wodtke))) as a retard, which supports leftist cannablism against academia.

The mere fact that they included the topic of racism from the title alone should've been a massive red flag already.

Vocabulary tests correlate surprisingly well with more rigorous IQ tests. Even a very simple ten-word test does a pretty good job.
Why would you think that it only counts as racism if it's not true? Reality is racist.

This study is scientific to the extent it was possible, if you like it or not. What the faggot that made it interpreted into the results is another thing, and American university majors can be incredibly cucked, but in this particular case disagree,
That is literally what people define as racist. Did you forget their favorite argument,

One of the worst parts of leftism is all this stupid bureaucratic overspending on useless studies and bogus sociological doctorates that do nothing but point out the blatantly obvious shit that everyone already knows, just doesn't talk about.

Come the fuck on. It's not like: "Oh sure I love diversity, I just don't want it here" is new. Most suburbanites are of that opinion.

Is there ever any indication or statement about how much these stupid studies cost? oh wait

>In other words, the people who performed poorly on the test, to wit: the less intelligent people in our society i.e. niggers and spics are more likely to be openly racist than the people who performed highly on the text i.e. white people.

How come the "racist" question was not framed like: "Do many white people ignore their stolen privilege and hold racist ideas?"
"Are majority white police forces racist and are more likely to shoot a night just do being black"

Wonder how the results would go.

OP is a stupid nigger

Vocabulary is a measure of socialization and consequently is a terrible proxy for intelligence-racism link.=. It should be a control, not a treatment measure.

My sides.

Confirms my theory that half the white population isn't worth saving.


For lower IQ whites, a mudslide into their country just means more competition. I'm not worried about losing my job to taco bell staff so I have nothing to gain by speaking out against their wholesale importation. But here's the thing: when I look at some of my people struggling because they have niggers, spics, etc coming in and taking their jobs, when they are being robbed and murdered by them, when they don't even have a chance to get out growing up because of affirmative action while their schools are filling up with mud peoples, absolutely ruining their chances at having a decent education, that upsets me.

Whites don't really have to be the most intelligent to have intelligent children; even if one has contempt for lower IQ whites (I don't), they still have a better chance of producing high IQ children than some random nigger or taco. It's one reason whites have to look after each other. The other issue is muds will eventually displace even high IQ whites because at this point it's become a numbers game. Even if shitskins produce fewer high IQ children, they can make up for that by having billions of them and then sending the smarter ones to live in the USA or Europe where they will displace high IQ whites. When then happens is the demographic ticking time bomb.

They'll produce more muds that regress back to the average IQ of their race over time. This is already happening with the H-1B workers, I think you'll notice a shift in attitudes among higher IQ whites once they've had enough of Pajeets taking their jobs too. White collar workers should have listened to the blue collar workers and taken them seriously a long time ago instead of dismissing them as retards, but they succumbed to short term, hyper-individualistic thinking. The longer view is that even exceptional muds will drag Europe and the USA down.

And now for more news about science proving the obvious.

You are the stupid nigger. Those questions tell nothing about the person that is asked, lol. The whole point is to get to know more about individuals. kys

TL; DR: White Genocide leads to a lower IQ of the total population, and whites are fine with it because cheap labour means cheaper products and more profitable business

At least half of the white population just goes along with what's expected of them. If you seize control of the media and start pumping National Socialist messages all day long, they'll be National Socialists.

Can't be arsed to find it, but there's a study showing ethnic/racial heuristics to be very reliable (e.g. crime statistics)

Yes, it's trading short term one generation gains for long term multi-generational economic losses.

Send that article to Molymeme, you known hes halfway there after seeing South Africa pre-/post-Apartheid. Send him over the ==EDGE==

sophisticated racists

Lost it.

Good analysis user.


nope, none of them do

The other conclusion is that racists aren't dumber than shitlibs, which is what ALL OF THEM believe.

Clever Sillies - Why the high IQ lack common sense

Feels good to be a sophisticated racist. I may make that my auto-signature for my email.

I'd be interested to see how this was asked. Was it implying that whites actually have some sort of law that allows segregated neighbourhoods there (which is blatantly untrue) and it should be abolished? Did they ask if other groups should be allowed the right to have their own segregated neighbourhoods? Likely not.

Ah, so that means that like a third of those 45k are Mexicans, right?

I'd ask why they haven't bothered to do this test (maybe they have and just haven't published it yet) and select for other racial groups since it would show them to be super inclusive and that they love having whitey near them. I'm confident that the aforementioned result would be that way because you know the joke: "There went our once nice neighbourhood once all the whites moved in… said no one ever."

And at the end of the day, stats matter more than some vocab test. Stats mean a hell of a lot more.

High intelligence is not the same as being red-pilled.
The 'red pill' is the revelation of the "intelligence" of the instincts to the abstract mind
Without it the high iq mind remains in a disconnected, 'blue pilled' state. Able to solve an equation, be autistic, but not able to get its life in order, get a date, start a family, know friend from (((foe))).

One thing you'll notice even amongst the highly intelligent types (liberal to moderate) is that they are working a false premise/axiom, the perfect world axiom. I.e., we can all get along, everyone is "the same" under some equivalence class that defines "humans". Even the logical who thing people can be smarter than others (competition people) will think it has to do with hardwork. Funnily enough, since so many are asian if you bring up the IQ thing they'll change their fiddle and even convince some of the whites it's true (generally though people fall on "muh educational opprotunities, muh poverty, etc.") These logical people, who, given a set of axioms could derive all conclusions to understand the world around them lack the key thing to make it applicable to the real world, i.e., realizing that we are not all equal. Actually, they wouldn't even have to think about that in all honesty. They would just have to be willing to take up the biological axioms and be willing to accept whatever conclusions follow. Alas, being conditioned since birth and living around all of the "exceptions" make it so that even the intillegent are incapable of thinking logically about the world since the model in their head is a model of a nonexistent world.

At the very least, the intelligent man knows when he is being tested, and knows how he should respond to an antagonist which holds even a needle of Damocles above his head.

The secret? Talk to people as if they were rational, reasonable, and most importantly, in on the joke.

Was the only white in cancukistan school. Muh 9000 shattered

The truth

Who would have thought.

Don't let your cousin on the cover dissuade you from reading now fuck off

what bullshit. It assumes modern society requires abstract thinking instead of the modern society fucking up the social realm in the first place. Most smart people's instincts are fine, they just don't work in an artificial and controlled world. The stupid people have the same problem and they pay the price by acting like niggers.
goddamn it, I guess it wasn't the kikes after all.

gom jabbar for the real human beans?

If they where as 'fine' as you say, the social realm wouldn't be fucked in the first place.

Nigs, gyps, goons, ((())) … they all manage to survive and reproduce amidst the chaotic modern world that so devastates high and medium iq whites. Instinct and mind (to the extect that some of these even have a mind ) working as one. Sure, they have no interest in going to the moon, but that wasn't my point. The race lives on.

Even if the instincts are fine, neither modern white parents, community, or state-education system put any effort into cultivating them. Quite the contrary. We get overprotective soccer-moms, libshit teachers, cuckstian churches and ivory-voter academics.

Give me the child and I shall give you a faggot.

They didn't create it. But it doesn't matter in context who made the bait, what matters is we took it. Mostly the intellectuals. We fell for it. What does that say about the intellectuals and how we must cultivate our 'education' in the future?

they survive and breed no matter what, as long as there are enough calories to shit out a niglet. Smart people have the right instincts as well, but the modern world defeats them by putting them in a situation where their bodies are telling them "next season," "next year," "don't make a move for the qt because bigboss/tribe will fuck you up." Our instincts work fine, their instincts work fine. It's the environment that changed. Not that we don't overthink things, but we do it because our instincts to act have been beaten out of us and thinking is our fallback, while the plebs don't think so they keep pushing that sex/drugs/fun button. I realise I'm talking about a broad range for smart so this is vague. But as for the stupid and even average, most really don't have a mind or whatever you would call the conscious psyche.

It's just like topics involving women, we need to do what we can to get them to have white kids and all that, but ultimately changing the environment is the only way to win this. Either that, or a parallel to the beta uprising where you hit a critical mass willing to go club a woman and drag them off to their neet basements.

agreed. I feel like my childhood was a million nagging women and nothing but Friends-style pap to inform me. Luckily I had a strong father to imitate or I never would have survived.


Yeah, no shit. I'm taking a class at uni about social justice. All the blue haired Tumblrtards can barely write a concise paper about their own ideology, while the undercover NatSoc can get a perfect score.

Violence is not some kind of racist lightning that only zaps blacks.

Violence is a deliberate act that blacks commit.

The Streets are not dangerous they just lay there being streets. When those same streets were in a city with a majority White population the streets didn't harm anyone. Same with The Schools. The Streets and The Schools are not violent, the blacks on the streets and in the schools are violent.

Gunfire does not just "break out", blacks fire guns and other blacks get shot by those blacks who are actively and deliberately firing those guns at other blacks.

Guns do not kill anyone, the blacks fire the guns, intentionally and often.

This problem will not be solved as long as we blame inanimate objects and zip codes for the type of society and culture that individual blacks collectively create wherever they live in majority or even sizable populations.

American Africans are very simular to African Africans because they share many of the same genes, testosterone levels, and IQ averages. A mouse born in a stable is not a horse.

Google "The Warrior Gene" and do some reading. You're sure to be enlightened as to why "The Violence" seems to always be present wherever we have african populations.

Which is good, and we should use this framework to troll leftists. New York is for example for segregated than the South. Leftists are also more segregated from other races than rights wingers, even if they live in states with high percentages of minorities.

From across the room the catalog thumbnail pic of the niggers head looks like a Darth Vader helmet.

That shit is a fun ruse cruise until it isn't.

Just an obtuse way of saying "maintain infosec when dealing with shitheads who can cause you all sorts of difficulty".

and you just discredited your whole post

What I've found from rooting out other redpilled individuals is that racism and antisemitism are either indicators of great intelligence and awareness or total ignorance. Basically pic related.

It's easy to tell them apart for the most part. Neonazi zionist stooges typically either have a great deal of unresolved cognitive dissonance and degeneracy or they are shallow enough that "le ebil nazi" is what defines them as a person i.e. they have no interest in anything else nor do they talk about anything else. See: "fascist" "punks" from the 90s, TRSodomites, every neonazi group ever.

Intelligence (especially verbal intelligence) does not necessarily mitigate the propensity towards being swayed by the right kinds of propaganda.

It's easy to look at people, see that they're people, and conclude that making assumptions about them based on their race would be folly. This becomes reinforced among intelligent people when they are exposed to history pertaining to racism. They see what they perceive to be injustices committed on people and conclude that the results of racism are worth denouncing the idea.

You can be as smart as anyone, that doesn't mean you will be exposed to the information you need to make the right conclusion. If you never interact with niggers, you can never know just how different they really are. Just like how even the world's most intelligent man could simply never be taught some other useful bit of knowledge.

typical loaded question. one wonders whether the test-makers are themselves intelligent enough in the first place to be allowed to write these questions. having or not having "a right" to segregate has nothing to do with whether you can, or whether it is justified in doing, or in maintain it. the law "designed to prevent prejudice" was means-tested, and we in fact got it, and it caused the housing bubble. it was designed to remove the fucking controls in lending so that as a secondary outcome loans would be denied at the same rate to different races/ethnicities, despite their representation in the general population. fucking idiotic. who would vote for it?

Old News

Kosher Salt

> And for me, that is the central plank of racism – and especially antisemitism — among so-called sophisticates.

> The raised eyebrows from Christians who don’t think I should be allowed to take both Yom Kippur and Christmas Day off from work because I don’t worship Jesus.

You're definitely correct, but intelligence is an incredibly vague term. What I've found to be much more rare than typical mental acuity is the capacity for critical thinking, depth of thought, and pattern recognition. What arises from this is a particular breed of self awareness that serves to resolve cognitive dissonance instead of increasing it for the sake of obtaining new knowledge. This incredibly hard to measure, but this abstraction is what sets us apart from the machines. One can be the fastest human calculator in the world, but without this ability to think critically, they are still worse than the shittiest computer.


Blaming the black for being black and acting black is like blaming a fart for stinking.

Yes I know about racial IQ disparity, what's your point?

Are you the faggot who believes in the kike ideology of “different intelligences”? You know, the one that was invented to make niggers feel better about being shit all around?

What are you even talking about? Niggers can't into critical thinking and apparently neither can you.

I agree. The best definition I have come across is the ability to apply knowledge. A good analogy being that knowledge is your tool shed while intelligence is your capacity to select the best tool for the job. One can have a great selection of tools and machines but decide to grab a hammer when he'd be better off with a band saw if he's dumb enough. Likewise a man can understand that the band saw is optimal but not own one and settle with a hack saw instead. Though this is diverging a bit from the main point so I'll leave it there.

I'll admit, that is a very interesting prospect and have basically spend most of my time writing this playing around with ideas on how to do so in my head.

What I'm gravitating towards is providing two contradictory claims (which should both be nonsense as to counter bias on the part of both the examiner and test taker) and providing some context where either could be applied, but not both. One of these claims would be objectively better than the other, but not obviously so. The goal would be to select which claim is the best fit according to the context provided.


Also,some of these questions should be provided in a similar format, but where the two apparently contradicting claims are actually both valid given the context.

I rest my case.

I was thinking about this today in that I have a lot of knowledge but it can be difficult or limiting for me to apply it optimally. In the event of this I think guidance is probably necessary; I'm sure I could do a fantastic job with the band saw if someone just showed me how to use it.

Incidentally, I've actually worked with band saws and several other types (chop, table, etc.) and it didn't take too long to learn to do some challenging stuff with these tools, just needed a teacher and a goal.

Some things I can learn and apply on my own but people really do need each other, don't they.

I don't believe this. It's more a matter os persoanlity than anything else.

You could also say, the more intelligent someone is, the more likely he is to be an introvert, or a cuckold. You'd be including plenty of liberal college grads with respectable IQs who are knowledgeable but actually completely unintelligent.

I thought this was pasta. Don't derail them with testosterone, and if you can make IQ more front and center that would be even better.

I'm gonna steal this for normie-bait.

Even with this analogy, the definition seems muddy. For example, who is more intelligent, the guy with a lot of tools who can quickly decide which tool is the best for the job but would struggle if that tool wasn't there, or the guy who doesn't have a lot of tools but can quickly make do and create or repurpose a new tool for the job but would not be as quick at deciding if he had a whole shed full of tools? To clarify, since that sentence is long and probably confusing, would it be "more intelligent" to quickly apply knowledge or to more quickly (relatively) create a novel approach to an issue you don't have knowledge for? It is here where the main differences in the intelligence of Whites and East Asians is made clear and why they perform slightly better on IQ tests.

The issue with this (and honestly most psych studies) is that the interviewee is likely cognizant of what they're supposed to be doing. The biggest issue that people have with cognitive dissonance is that they have no idea that it's there at all. That's what makes it such an incredibly hard thing to measure. From there though, your approach could work if you take into account both the time it takes to resolve a dissonance and the quality and simplicity of the given resolution.

Read the thing. A cuckold would support laws to battle equality. But the percentage of people who do this, is the same as for the "dumber" ones. Hence, there are just as many smart cucks as dumb ones. Also, what makes you think that more intelligent people are more likely to be introvert or a cuckold? I think that is a stereotype and also a sign of low emotional intelligence.

A cuckold would support laws to battle inequality* of course

Rather more plausible is the conclusion that the high IQ segment is full of purple-pilled "principled cucks", "minarchists", and similar cucks who have learned to dodge the social opprobrium associated with clear beliefs through >muh abstract principles.

It's the cowardice of the intellectual. They have the right instincts, but they think they won't be called Nazis if they explain them by appeal to the non-aggression principle or Consitutionalism or some shit.

What we need do to strive towards is a hardening of the fronts and an increase in the Left's anti-White propaganda. That alone will corner the intellectual cucks and make them realize that their non-confrontational ideologies aren't worth shit. Once their security blankies are taken away, they will finally let it rip and turn full 14/88.

No one said that, I'm saying it's a stereotype that originates from the same shitty reasoning used in this study.


I think the reasoning is actually pretty valid and believable (although its of course used to propagate the muh raycis white people narrative). Intelligence doesn´t influence the red pill. Its basically just the appliance of logic to be a race realist (or a racist, as society calls that). It depends on how hard your indoctrination was and how willing you are to break this chain, if you are able to overcome the mental block that keeps you from realizing this truth.

To add, i am sure the people doing the study hoped to get the result that racists (hence people that think the current thing the media calls "inequality" should not be worked on) are generally dumber, and to have a straw to grasp at, they put in the questions "are black people lazy / dumb) which smart people wouldn´t answer with "yes" since they have a higher sense of self-preservation (aggressively racist statements tend to be stigmatizing and even dangerous) and / or didn´t encounter as many blacks as people from the lower education paths.

Nigga, get some rest. Your writing is hard af to understand.

Either English isn't your first language or you have some neurological issues that affect your communication.

Dubs confirm.

The most intelligent writers of old were very openly racist.

Contrary to the study. It's a matter of personality and whether you are willing to espouse unpopular social opinions. Obviously we should in order to normalize it, instead of passively allowing our people to be genetically engulfed by subhumans.

I can understand him fine (and so can you, since your second reply was also to him), he just needs to STOP DOUBLE POSTING.

Is that right? English isn´t my first language, but i had good to excellent grades in school. One of my teachers was married to a brit and only talked finest Oxford english, and she was satisfied with how i speak / write. Could you point out some mistakes i made? I doubt that my posts "make no sense".





It's probably just that your writing is a little awkward.

thx 4 hint
that's what I was trying to meme
That and that normies are NPCs

Alright, so point me out some of these "aesthetic" mistakes. I am here to learn.

Kill yourself shill
reported for unlawful faggotry

Wouldn't a test of semantic understanding have been a better indicator?


If you don't really love something then you won't hate what threatens it, and if you don't stop the thing that threatens what you love, you get Sweden.

At the risk of being rude, I do really want to shit on you for that. "knowledge without wisdom [intelligence] is a mountain of books on a fool's back" and whatnot. I am under the impression that intelligence is primarily genetic. You can teach anyone any bit of knowledge provided you have a book in front of you and they have a sufficient attention span for it. It's much more difficult to get them thinking for themselves. Maybe you shouldn't breed.

I'm willing to admit I'm wrong though. If I am, the first thing I would recommend for you is programming. In the world of computers, there are countless different ways to do effectively the same thing, but not all of them are equal. Once you understand the syntax and commands, it's up to you to actually sit down and think about the best way to do something. Failure to do so may result in larger file sizes, slower calculation, unexpected (potentially code breaking) errors, or simply more time wasted writing the program. It's one of the few things out there in which you can see objective results depending on how you apply the same level of knowledge.
Hell, sometimes you will find that the usually optimal way of solving the same problem in one case is inferior to an apparently shittier method depending on how the rest of the code is structured.
Coding is probably the single most cerebral activity in existence. Even someone who knows everything there is to know about it can still be an absolute shitter.

Diet is a big factor too. Your brain needs the right fuel to function, and the wrong fuel can hinder it immensely.

I would take a pragmatic approach to that one. A bit more nuanced definition I sometimes apply is the ability to achieve the greatest output from the least input. I would personally select for the person who could do the job adequately with the fewest tools. If I were to make a competition out of it, it would go something like this:
You're right though. a real, consistent definition is hard to come by.

I can understand that. But really they will end up in a situation where the cognitive dissonance rears its head eventually. The goal of my test is to see how they would respond in that event if emotions were taken out of the picture. And unfortunately the only way I can see to test how they respond WITH the emotional factor involved would be to confront them with the cognitive dissonance they personally hold. And the problem with that is it puts the examiner in the position to decide what is correct while he may be just as susceptible to the kind of folly he's testing for as the person he's examining. Perhaps even more so.

Overusing parentheses (it's okay, I do it too)

This, don't do this. It's bad practice and makes your writing sound disjointed even if it sounds nice when you write it.

Don't start a sentence with a conjunction, "but," unless you follow it with a comma and it makes sense logically to do so. In this case you can't do that because this is supposed to be a single thought.

Writing like this makes your thoughts very disjointed and it becomes difficult to figure out what you're trying to say. For some reason this is a common problem with non-native speakers.

Thanks m8. I can see the issue with these points and i will try to fix it in the future. The only part i don´t quite get is this:
How would i rephrase this sentence?


Gee thanks man… may as well fire the entire film cast because they didn't have a good director lined up right away.


I guess you could do the reverse. Do the test, teach each subject a set of "facts," and then do the test again. Even still, I don't know if that would work.

You're overestimating normies. Often times they won't evaluate their cognitive dissonance even when it's pointed out and shoved in their face. I know some very intelligent people and family who are like this even. The test could work though if you keep the questions apolitical and measure the resolution based on how concise it is.

How about:
Changed from a passive to an active voice sentence. It has the inflections characteristic of my writing but you get the picture.


Are you still trying this?

Got it.

You're not even trying, moishe.

What are you talking about? Burgers (even minus niggers) and spics were always behind in every educational field compared to Europe/Asia. What's next? You gonna claim that Operation Paperclip didn't pull you out of stoneage?

D&C shill

Your handlers should fire you.

emotional intelligence is bullshit

I know you don't get paid for being original but this is just pathetic

come on, Jerry. You can do better than that!

I was being mostly hyperbolic. But hey, if you're genes are shit there's not much else you can do. I wouldn't make any definitive judgments until I see you at full capacity. No one, not even you, likely knows what that capacity is.

If I wanted to make a general "intelligence test," it would probably take the form of some kind of path finding game. Make it a timed test with a huge set of tools to get something from point A to point B using the fewest amount of squares to get there. Add some obstacles that they will need to circumvent and and don't resupply the tools between playthroughs (ie. if you have 5 teleports in the first round and you use 3, you will only have 2 from then on).

I guarantee they do evaluate it. But their first option will almost always be unification. They will seek a way to bridge the gap between the two seemingly contradictory claims so that they aren't actually contradictory. Or they will attempt to find a way where each statement applies only to the case in which it's useful to their viewpoint. Sometimes this can actually be the correct choice, hence why I felt it necessary to include this

Whenever cognitive dissonance arises, you always have 3 choices:

Trying to keep both is generally the most mentally taxing, but is also the most rewarding in terms of "winning" a debate.

You freechkikes are so obvious it's painful to watch you try. It's like you're some caricature. Give it up, buddy.

Ere the saxon began to hate.


The shop classes when I went to school were vast majority white. I took pretty much every one my school offered and there was one Asian. This is a rural school that had a fair amount of non whites. Maybe 15%. I was in AP/advanced classes as well and there was 1-3 in every class if memory serves but they were also inseveral of the other classes so in total it might have been four or five out of 350 kids. The ALC had the vast majority of the coloreds though.
I recall in my civics class there was a 'question of the day' that we had to write about. One day it was 'what does it take to be a good citizen?' Jokingly I said "you have to be white.' The black kid flipped shit even though I was obviously joking. Wish I could go back with what I know know and redpill as many classmates as I could. Oh well, look to the future and try to redpill others if at all possible.

Sophisticated racists is redundant. Just say sophisticated.

I don't play the good goy or hide my power level. I like to show it every once in a while. I'm proud of that fact too.