To the Moon

This might be the most retarded idea ever but found out about this idea to pay off the US debt:

And then also in the platinum article that:

So would it not be possible for the US to use a lunar mission to mine platinum to create an exclusive platinum-backed currency on Earth?

Interesting, there'd be the issue of getting it back to Earth in a cost effective way. I like anything that makes space travel more goal oriented.

Not using a space elevator to bring back the platnium

Why not just drop giant chunks of platinum on our debt holders from space?

In theory there's not much stopping it. You'd have to get a cost effective method of getting back and forth to the moon set up. You'd also have to decide whether the ore would be processed on site or brought back to Earth for that. And you have to figure that the price of platinum would likely decrease from a large influx, similar to what happened when the Spanish started bringing shit tons of gold back to Europe or when big silver strikes were found in the Western US.

Don't think getting it back would be that difficult just need a means of accelerating and slowing descent, things wouldn't really need to be manned either.

Compared to pass strikes unless masses of merchants start funding moon trips the value could be controlled until rival powers intervene.

White metals like silver and platinum were always more beautiful than gold.

You don't have to bring the platinum back to earth, simply gathering it and claiming it makes it an asset that can be used to back currency.
Think of it as an off-world Fort Knox.

Wonderful idea.

If you could theoretically refine it in such a way that the product was full of air pockets you could just chuck it at the ocean and it would float after impact.

Could cause some asshurt about claiming offworld rights probably though might be able to circumvent that by claiming the mined platinum and not the land, but eventually some treaty would have to be drawn up or some moon war .

Reminds me of the joke about the religious revival, where someone sings "There's a goldmine In the Sky" and 10,000 jews join the airforce.

Never read about platinum up there, but there IS a lot of titanium.

The real value of moon industry isn't mining shit for use on earth, it's the far shallower gravity well - enabling mass production in orbit. This woud allow both immediate things like solar power sattelites and somewhat more indirect benefits like the building of asteroid mining and interplantary colonization ships.

For the short term it would be useful as a foothold to establish further construction before others.

Good for building then.

fuck, making me want to play old genesis game "star flight" where you got to mine shit on different planets and sell for shekels.

Everyone, search for Isaak Arthur's channel on youtube

This ought to educate you.

As for space mining, yes there's so much shit you can absolutely crash any precious metal or gas market with just a single asteroid. I remember one who's orbit's near earth having 6000 tons of platinum or so. And asteroids are just lose clumps ov gravel, meaning, you could dig it up with minimum effort, your hands if needed be. Just sift through the damn thing.

No one has ever been to the moon.

That's a pill the Holla Forums majority still isn't ready for most especially american nationalists and it being one of the few "recent" things they can take pride in

Awful idea. Would probably inflate the platinum market like a balloon. Here's a better way.


Just drop it into the gravitational well, believe me I know what I`m talking about.


It's possible that the footage was fake but do you really think the Soviets wouldn't have loved to point out that NASA was bullshitting as they tracked every single step of that mission?

But bringing huge amounts of metal back to Earth will just lower the value of those metals.

Stop wrecking my sides you cheeky fucker
