Trump Golf Course Vandalized By Enviro-Fags

Trump Golf Course Vandalized Over President's 'Blatant Disregard' for the Environment

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Yes god keep being extreme.

The irony of this mp4 is enormous.

It's worth watching on loop a few times just to remind you of what an actual cuck looks like

lmao, i bet you don't recycle faggot.



I thought Antifa hates recycling. They always beat recycle bins like they are evil.

Race war
Gas kikes

You probably eat bagels
You probably eat bagels

Send these fuckers a video of what parts of africa or malysia look like with non-whites



TOPKEKING right here

So, they averted a new ice age?
Stopped (((global warming)))
Saved the planet?
Such good boys

Get em, Sessions.

Another idiot thats gonna get jailed.

Now this is what I call badass! Scaled down a steep hill laced with cacti!
How can one even compare?
Where are you now, Bruce Willis?



Move over, Vin Diesel,
there's a new sherrif in town

Ah, the noble North American Tiger finally gets some justice.
Sure, enjoy being domestic terrorists officially now.

We don't like it when rich people give money to maintain an area of land creating an environment in which you can see some really diverse wildlife up close, not to mention the flora and fauna which left to nature would just be overgrown with whichever weed was strongest. These fucktards. I'm speechless at their stupidity, don't even get me started on the Tiger Woods bit. Fucking fuck, I want to kill these cunts.

The ironic thing is that before trump was there there was a sea world(muh animal rights) type amusement park there which basically meant you had to pay money to access that part of that coast but since trump is there now you can park and access the coast for free. there is also a giant nature preserve right next to and above the property. Fuckin liberals are so stupid

I've played there before and my wife likes to go to the beach park that is between the course and the ocean. Honestly I'm surprised it hasn't been vandalized further tbqh. I was kind of expecting libshits to do donuts all across the grass but then again I doubt a prius can do that much damage……

Half the land has literally been opened to the public as a park, I go there all the time and tons of non-"privileged" people are there using it every day. I hate these faggots so much

Are there any wild flowers? Because a "diverse environment" needs wild flowers.

This is satire, right?


this fucking pisses me off

I wonder do we have any names or some shit? We could easily report them to Trumps people and let them take care of the rest.

Sup goon, still trying to pull that shit here after getting told to fuck off million times?



how do you know it's porn cuckboy

Nah, fuck you. If you jerk off to things that don't have tits then you're either a pedo or a faggot; period.

Also, jerking off at all is bad, but what you jerk off to determines how much of a piece of shit you are.

This is beyond hilarious. Leftists and their impotent rage

This. Straight men love big tiddies! A woman who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10.

My GF is flat, but if I fuck your Mom I'm sure that'll solve all my problems with her big saggy middle-aged titties.

I hope you get a disease of some sort that's drug resistant.

Idiocity brought to a new level…..
So I got this straight, they protest destruction of the environment - by destroying the environment….


Why didnt they just plant small trees and bushes near the green or in the holes?
Idiots, I recal an article of someone trolling a soccerfield by planting a small apple tree, right dead in the center of it.

lmao cry some more ya fuckin loser

It's satire made by the mustache man.

The Californian Tiger is going extinct guise, this is serious :(

It wasn't a joke. I need your moms big bouncy life-giving boobs if you can find it in your heart for a moment to stop sucking on them. I need your charity.

Sorry but it's an objective fact that

Big Breast >>>> Small mosquito bites.
if you cant rest your head on a soft pillowy mound of love, than what good is your girlfriend for?


this is pretty good bantz tbh.

Frist extremist left bitch I've seen with nice cleavage.

say no more fam. Your duty of saving the planet is done for today

What a pathetically bad attempt at memeing. You should feel bad

i think it's funny man.

now, you're giving me ideas.
God bless you user..

If I were Trump, I'd give them 25 to life.
Conviction: being stupid idiots

If you keep projecting any harder might as well open up your own chain of cinemas.

I abstain from porn, user, have for several months now. Can you say the same?

There you go again.

Do they not realise that golf course is just a franchise and has nothing to do with Trump outside of the name?
Not only that, but Trump has no ties to any of his businesses anymore. This is only going to affect the owner of that gold course.

They've environmental activists, they're the type of people who watched An Inconvenient Truth in school and believed every word of it.
They have no idea how businesses operate.

Of course she'd cover her face and bare her chest. You'd never quite know what she could be hiding behind that mask.


They both look like such genetic failures, don't they?
Look at the sad attempt at facial hair on that guy. He clearly doesn't have enough testosterone to properly grow hair, but he tries anyway.

You are confusing leftists with someone who can use their brain

what the fuck am I doing

Why isn't this a .gif ?

I wonder how many years it will take the dying left before they finally realize that we are better red, self-educated and more knowledgeable than they will ever be..?

Did he just assume my recycling status?!?!
I'm literally shaking

because from what I know of liberals, he recieves tumblr praises for his hard work

I can't believe what I'm reading! They're obviously saying that blacks shouldn't be allowed to golf! We need to make sure the world knows about this!

And if she didn't have enough problems, she's dating a pedophile.

I dream of the day we can dump them all in one of those grinder things they use for male chicks at the poultry farms.

the youtube channel has his email [email protected]/* */

just googling the email address seems to point towards his name as Wayne Sager.

I'm not an American but surely there must be some criminal record, finance lookup stuff you guys can look into for more info?




I guarantee you they support sending aid to Africa to help to poor black babies. So they're responsible for killing most of the endangered fauna there because niggers are slaughtering everything.

god I can't wait for the happening to enslave some roasties

When a nigger buys an AK, a nigger seeks out a rhino, a nigger shoots the rhino, and then the nigger chainsaws off his horn and grinds it into powder to sell as nigger viagra, you can bet these faggots will still, still, STILL find a way to blame the evil white man for it.

He might be a faggot but is right.
If you post sexualized or suggestive images of kids ('loli'), you are just one step away from being a pedophile.

I'd wager a healthy amount he beta orbits the fuck out of that chick. She then goes off and fucks apolitical chads and then cries to him how she can't find a nice antifa faggot to settle down with.

Don't have to be a goon to enjoy bullying.

I'm from this area, dox them and they will be dealt with

Fuck me, it feels like studying ecology and resource managment is turning into a massive waste of time and money if being right-wing is going to make me unemployable. At least we still have the private sector.

loli was never acceptable here, idiot


nice rack, sweetheart. Nice to see how empowered you are.


This too funny

Ecology and resource management are cover fields for commies. As we speak they're pushing their shit on aging americans and stealing their pensions. Look at the kikery that happened to the sewer systems in Johnstown Pennsylvania. Kikes stole all the funding, ran away, and other kikes are trying to force 4000 out of every household to cover replacing a system that was never fucking inspected to show it needs repaired.

oh look everyone
a photoshopped image
you sure showed me

'cause Trump's golf courses are the real threat to the environment, not Chinese pollution and poaching

Today is my BD and this made me laugh heartily. Thanks OP


They really wanna make it sound like some brave struggle they endured, when really they just hopped a fence and stabbed the ground a few times.

You're fucking retarded.
That thing has tits.

Sena is not a sexualized loli. Also she is white and that reaction image is nice and chaste unlike some of the niggers around here such as

Yes, but cacti!
This shows they are badass

It has to be said, cacti is nothing to fuck with


Maybe I'd be impressed if they went in there barefoot or some shit, but c'mon now. What a joke. Even while they're "protesting" they still have to find some way to be a victim.

These poor souls were victimized by cacti. Trump supporting cacti, probably. Something must be done.

the north american tigers only natural predator is the white woman.


Stay assmad goon.

Ayyy lmao
This is downright hilarious

Do you have the balls to scale a steep hill laced with cacti, Holla Forums? I don't think you do

look at how a golf course discussion led to fucking lolis and woman with tits, when will this shit fucking stop?

this is why anime discussions on a political board needs to fuck off or atleast have its own bumplocked thread, this is not normal, this is malignant tumor that our moderator faggots are easily defending which makes me assume that he's either a shitskin gook himself.

also, in case any volunteers or BO sees this, read; /polmeta/ is dead, why even lure people there if its on the fucking "CLAIMS LIST" you NEVER login to your boards, you just lure people to an echochamber full of dead posts that you never even check, having multiple boards and admiting it on Holla Forums should be a bannable offense, your account should probably be deleted for raping Holla Forums's bandwidth.



I only made 3 posts and I'm somewhat on your side.

Cacti are a better topic than loli, indisputably.

it doesn't give you the right to shit on a POLITICAL DISCUSSION YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.

Do you think cacti is a game? Do you?

Gee, I wonder who could have made that?

I was highlighting the offtopic in general.

Get off the chans if the direction of shitposting that a bunch of fags that you've never met triggers you so.

I am here to discuss the golf course problem, possibly even discussing how we can get their dox and humiliate them over SM.

you're worried about defending some stupid shitty cartoon that underage kids probably at the age of 10 or 15 watches, how low will you sink yourself into, shouldn't you be freaking out little kids at the playground with your manchild toddler outfit and strange behavioral patterns? why are you even in a political board if you're going to look like a pathetic autist.



How much do you want to bet that after she's done rebelling, she wanders off to the club to entice a gymbro to give her a good dicking?

They all love conservative/uncaring dick, and then scream and bitch otherwise, almost as if they are riddled with self-loathing and trying to deal with it by fucking people who hate them, and then screaming at proxies for those guy?

Epic for the winrar my newfriend, truly an epic meme comeback, surely this meme will prove that you're not asshurt.

Palestine is no better than Israel, since one is Mudlsilme and one is kike

Sure, Israel colonized them, but I'd just as soon have colonized them with European Christians

Israel is definitely much worse than Palestine, though neither are our friends.

this is from a more recent protest and the work of Soros' Open Society Foundation's propaganda

German useful idiots are basically getting prepped to stop giving support to the brown pets since the government already opened the floodgates to refugees

never forget: the jews believe the last war before the appearance of their messiah will be between the christians and muslims, that's the situation they are aiming for in Europe right now

You're a sad, little faggot.

for someone wanting to talk politics you sure seem to complain a lot about things you have no control over

We're not discussing anime, we're just randomly posting images that make u mad.

I hope the left never grows out of slactivism and doing pointless shit like a protest march to try and reverse something. it's always entertaining

I can accept that

your shitty effort for epic win trolling is sliding a thread, you're definitely not the cancer, no sir!

They're killing kikes (occasionally) and trying to stay in the Middle East, they're in the same category as Assad and Hezbollah.

The clowns in OPs video are "Boston Antifa." They're like an hour away from me if they're actually in Boston.

Part of me wonders if I should fuck the girl in front of him to demonstrate superiority since she does have a nice pair of tits.

They're trolling…

Are they? Had a feeling they might just be memeing.

This. I'm finishing a masters in Environmental/Resource Management and it's pure Marxist globalism; anti-West, anti-Civilization, anti-American, anti-business, anti-Nation, anti-White, etc. I was too far in when I realized it, and changing fields wasn't an option. I can try and get a job in government, (at any level), but now, no one is hiring, (I am not upset at this, since it means good things overall), or I could try and get on with an (((NGO))) of some sort, but good fucking luck. There is nothing in the private sector for this degree that I have seen. I should have done something in energy or resource extraction. Forestry would have been cool, since I could've become a land manager out west and live in rural WY/ID/MT etc. on some acreage (my dream), but without a background (read: degree) in forestry/silviculture, I'm fucked. And I'm all out of scholarships and GI Bill.

Fuck it, I'm either gonna join ICE, start a business, or get my skills sharpened back up and become a PMC. This field is a dead-end unless you're a hardcore commie who wants to take people's land away or otherwise heavily restrict what they can do on, (or with), their own property. If you are right-wing, especially NatSoc, and are not necessarily "pro-business" (read: kike-style exploitation/destruction of long-term resources for short-term profit), and believe in a solid, symbiotic relationship between man and nature, but one that always puts the needs of man at the top, then you need to find somewhere else to go. Problem is, the other side is too kiked for "muh profit" and destroying everything. Both are globalist in their approach and outlook as well. Also, pic related; if you don't swallow and parrot the (((climate change))) lie 1000%, advocate for the destruction of Western industry, destruction of First-world living standards, put the well-being of third-world shitskins above your own people, and believe in the goals of Agenda 21/Agenda 2030, you are done.

Where is the "Third Way" for NatSoc/Fascist environmentalists?

so it's cool to post 4chan memes here again?

It's literally is getting colder.

Holla Forumsscrapper here,I would kill them for a bag of aluminum cans,about 3 bucks.

They will feel the Trump curse, soon.

It's in truth my friend.

It's always when kikes and their followers are getting bashed that this kind of people come out of their holes.

How are "white trash" first class?
Liberals love to paint right wingers as poor and stupid when it suits them, only to turn around and talk about how evil rich conservatives are in control of everything.

you could also push higher in this field, to be one of the few who will be able to un-poz it in the future
write a few books, get invited to conferences, be the only opposition that the libcucks have in the domain, then get your own tenure and reputation as the one who was right for after the purge

Proof? How about your fucking brain?

sorry, Poe's law is in effect, this video is indistinguishable from genuine liberal retardedness, I require proof that this was made in jest, because nothing at all indicates this could be the case


polarization pushes normal people to be pro trump

And don't you dare speak out against anime go-guy, otherwise you'll get banned!

So basically they trashed the environment to make a statement about the environment

fucking wonderful

it's called derailment, and it works by ppl replying to it, fucking newfag

anyway let's try to get full dox on these faggots

Well done, Holla Forums

looking at the trends forced on twitter, seems like MSM is trying to bring the "Trump golfs too much" back to surface. Guessing that was the point of this. Oddly I see no one taking credit, which would lead me to believe this wasn't done by the run of the mil minions.

You should watch the rest of that video. It's obvious satire.

you spelled kike wrong, kike

Why did they choose such a faggoty font?

Also, there are apparently some actual Antifa who are trying to find out who that guy is so they can fuck him up.

looking at that too, also the dirt marks. my guess is that they had 2 or 4 people work on this at once, look at how the dirt piles are on opposite sides of each row.

fucking checked

at first I thought the font was to save time, but looking at the T and the I the way they did it would take more time

that stupid font style might be a key to tracking some artist, or, it would be a mislead on purpose

nvm watching video now, didn't know there was one because of OP's stupid fucking upload. At least I guessed right

So not only are there no people taking credit on social media, the group recorded it, pushed it to WaPo, and didn't even come up with some stupid clever name for themselves.

Being an environmentalist and "not" virtue signaling is as common at antimatter.

Apparently the land used to be a cattle ranch. Trump shut down an operation that exploited and murdered animals. Moreover those animals were alien to the Americas and produced an excessive amount of greenhouse gasses. Way to go, faggots.

idk man, environmental scientists in the private sector can make 80-120k in metropolitan areas and mining country. Construction, natural resource, and surveying firms hire them up all the time, especially in order to say what kind of structure can be permitted where and what load the local systems can take in the long term. I used to be an apprentice at one such firm and the private sector truly is where it's at for your degree.

after several seconds of google sleuthing I found the original
this guy is the REAL DEAL, he's the true face of Antifa, he is our completely non-ironic ENNEMY

fear the videos of "Boston Antifa", aka "Dustin27, spokesperson for BostonAntifa and WeSmashFash"

I'm leaning more towards the likeliness that this was a political stunt just to get Trump golf courses in the spotlight. The "He golfs too much" narrative is being pushed online again

not satire at all

who the fuck cares, you deserved the bait you swallowed fucking autist.

nah, this was someone who deliberately tried to make us believe the libcuck moron from OP's webm was joking

was it you before you switched IP?

this deserve doxing

wew lads, this is the face of our enemy

To make it look like Cyrillic because muh Russia.

They are just as spineless if they ever go outside. A friend and I actually walked up right to a group of them and tried to give them Trump memes, they didn't even say anything just averted their eyes and, just walked away. Keks where had.

It's like internally they know they are we are the lion and they are the sheep.


I'm with you and thought of that; work within the system and get inside and subvert/direct it however I wish, but the problem is I am all alone, and that sense of isolation is really damaging my head. No faculty is on my side, remotely. Not a single peer believes the way I do. It's like it's a massive marxist/commie purity spiral where everyone is trying to outdo each other. Now, that may be, (and likely is), an artifact of academia and academic culture, but it's extremely demoralizing. I need to get the fuck out of here and in the real world, where there is less faggotry and retardation.

So, I realized that academia isn't for me. I'm not willing to regurgitate bullshit and total falsehoods in order to "play the game" and get ahead. Right now, the deck is too stacked. Maybe do some work in the private sector, or related field, making some inroads and get a name there, and when the ivory tower gets a little less pozzed, maybe come back. But for now, I'm at the end of my rope and literally want to do some "Why hello, Mr. FBI!" type shit to that whole department and campus.

I'll have to find these places then. I'm in Texas and everything I see is either

both are not paths I want to go down, so that's a problem. The other problem is that fucking EVERYTHING is GIS, and I didn't go down that path, so that's an issue.

I want to get out west and see what resource extraction/mining companies are hiring. 80-120k is a great target, since it's just higher than I want, so that would work out well.

Another problem is my first degree is not a "BS in environmental science or environmental engineering" and that torpedoes me right out of the gate for a lot of jobs, since that's the first goddamn requirement. It's like they only want people who have been on the same path since they were teenagers and people who decide to change gears in life can go fuck themselves.

That and the "shitload of experience in the field" that they also require for entry-level, or nearly-entry-level positions, but that's a common complaint for every single fucking job posting these days.

Sage for self-quote



Arrest them for B&E, also theft of grass.

Carries higher sentence than just vandalism.


it was a typo for read
