Is anime bourgeois?

is anime bourgeois?

It was a mistake.

Anime is for the forlorn man.

It is also mediocre and pretentious.

Anime promotes Leftism, it's our main propaganda tool.

95% of it, yeah.

depends on the creator/writer/studio/artist

wait this is also what Holla Forums NEETsocs claim

Japanese culture isn't as great as weabs think it is. It's alienating and repressive. Why do you think so many Japanese kill themselves or obsess over thier hobbies?Shame really, Japan has revolutionary potential with but people drink it way, or watch cute anime girls to numb the pain of late capitalism.

Because of the based Japanese suicide culture ofc

it is and it doesnt matter. everything will act in the capital's interests under capitalism, saying we shouldnt enjoy something because its capitalist is stupid, because everything is produced for make profit.

Anime is the only entertainment industry that isn't driven by Zionist corporate interests, unlike your favorite HBO show.

mods ban this shitposter

How dare you?

Your mom is bourgeois

Who is this fine piece of 2D?

Anime is shit enough said.

Masturbate to 3D or die.

How many times has this fucking thread been made by this samefag? It's not funny or productive. Fucking stop it.

way too much ass tbh


Anime is for losers PERIOD

Anime is winning the elections


Are movies bourgeois? Are books bourgeois? This is a shitty thread. If you wanna discuss animu then come to >>>/leftyweebpol/

No such thing.


Who is this handsome latina

Terrible taste

Everything is bourgeois.

Jynx Maze



wew scrub.

Anime is totally Leftist…

With all the Traps and Femboys in it.
Holla Forums wishes Anime was never invented.