I didn't realize, apparently it's Purim. It's the day when Jews celebrate killing 200,000 Persians in a bloodlust. Historically, this and passover are the times when small children disappear and are used for Jewish ritual murder. If you have small kids or siblings, watch them closely if you live close to Jews. I'm deadly serious BTW. It's been going on for 2,000 years.
It's Purim (watch any small children, not kidding)
Other urls found in this thread:
Such a lovely group of people. Thank G-d we just signed over another $38 billion to them we don't have so they can keep this up
www .stsimonoftrent.com/
They fucking suck, literally.
Don't all their holidays involve mass murder and death?
Yes. But this one is the most blatant about it. It's just a celebration of mass slaughter. I can't even think of an equivalent in the west, and imagine the Jewish screeches. There's an interesting video BTW, where they have a "Purim Float" of Trump dressed as Uncle Sam and tied down with ropes. Not very subtle in their symbolism.
Getting slid. Have a bump.
well knowing the Jews, they'll be up to no good any day now. prepare for a shitstorm
Why do Jews always get absolved of everything? Every accusation, all wrongdoing: always innocent. They just say the whole rituals involving blood is just fake. Is that true, I've not looked into it. It just seems that they are always innocent, but given the fact that they are disproportionately represented in spheres regarding information and broadcasting knowledge, it is expected that they paint themselves in a brighter light.
Yeah, all of their holidays have a similar theme.
Because Jews have controlled most mass media since the invention of the printing press. They understand the value of propaganda and cultural engineering.
That wasn't mass slaughter. That was a massive conspiracy, that was almost busted, but ultimately succeeded. Here's how it goes:
The Jews were being Jews, then the Babylonians came, destroyed their Temple and enslaved them. Coincidentally, shortly after that Babylon experienced a major economical and moral decay and was conquered by Persia.
Shortly after that, the Jews inflitrated into the Persian government and married emperor Artaxerxes to a Jewess, Esther.
A noble Aman, who didn't like Jews running the country conspired to holocaust them, but the Jews found out.
They went to the Jew empress and told her to shut it down, and she convinced Artaxerxes to support the Jews. So Artaxerxes granted them a "right to self-defense" against the evil goyim, after which the Jews took up arms and slaughtered anyone, who was even remotely antisemitic.
A few decades later the decay and the corruption killed the Persian Empire and it was conquered by Alexander and the Jews got their independence and a lot of Persian gold.
This goes on and on and on for another 2500 years, with Jews infiltrating different empires and destroying them and moving on to another empire. The Jew is literally eternal, as long as the human civilizations existed they faced the same problems we face today.
Except like everything else in the Jew fairy tale bible, this never happened.
It did happen and there is historic proof of it. Just like the Jews infiltrating the Rome and the Byzantine Empire and destroying both.
Just like Jews jewing the pharaohs in ancient Egypt.
In a 3000 years there probably will be another Jewish holiday about how the Europeans tried to holocaust them.
We owe it to our descendants to make sure no one has to deal with Jews ever again.
kind of like… thanksgiving day?
Checked and kek'd
Pics look like reddit mods.
No there isn't. Nothing in the old testament happened christcuck.
lol you actually believe paranoid kike lies.
Babylon was subverted by the captured King of Judah Jehoiachin. While in captivity, Jehoiachin would sit for hours talking with Nebuchadnezzar's son Amil-Marduk. Upon Nebuchadnezzar's death, Amil-Marduk, or better known as Evil-Marduk, took the throne. Since he was a cuck faggot who wasn't even half the man his father was, he ended up releasing kike king Jehoiachin, and let the kike sit upon the throne of Babylon.
This is where I believe the transfer of knowledge about many arcane things happened. This is where the kikes stole the base material for their Kabbalah.
Dubs confirm you're a hook nosed kike
Also, you don't have to be a christcuck to realize and note the pattern of settle, infiltrate, subvert, pervert, kill, escape, and repeat by the kikes over the totality of their known history.
This time, it happens you wretch.
Whites can celebrate a purim for the holocaust… in honor of when it actually happens
I think that if the holocaust had happened it wouldn't really be the sort of thing people would conspire to do. Every individual in a nation would come to the conclusion that all kikes had to die on their own, their working together to achieve it would be an afterthought.
Every nation has a history of massacring or removing all the jews, but one or two at a time because jews mostly deserved it one or two nations at a time. Fucking with us globally will result in global pogrom.
I hope so, user. They are a fucking blight on the world and always have been.
Nigger, the Persians never conspired to Holocaust the kikes. They wanted to end their subversive takeover of the country. There was no planned genocide like the kikes were planned and attempted to execute on the Persians. Kikes are paranoid and project on to others that which they wish to do.
Purim the fuck up till you die
Dubs confirm jewish lies.
Nice dubs, but the jew isn't "eternal" any more than a tick is "eternal." They've been around for probably 5,000-10,000 years, and they'll be extirpated soon enough. They're a wart on the face of humanity, nothing more or less. We've been around 200,000 years and the fire and steel of the old gods is going to excise them permanently.
The hooknoses are all over Holla Forums today, must be feeling the blood sacrifice spirit.
with a straight face hymie, you are going to compare "thanksgiving–" in current or former incarnations with its multi-culti spin, cooperation with the Indians, etc.. to an ethnographic-relgious literal celebration of a bloodlust? I know a Jew can argue it has "has its roots in Calvinist/Puritan tribalism.." but a direct comparison to Purim, with cookies representing the ears of their adversary?
You'd have better luck with something like "Guy Fawkes Night," though it has no real significance in COE, which is now defunct anyway. whether you're a Jew or a liberal making excuses for Jews, the brazenness never ceases to amaze me. It would be like…the English having a carnival to celebrate wiping out dutch women and kids during the Boer Wars.
It's insane. It's what initially drove me here, why I was receptive to the ideas presented here. I've known, since I was a child, and did not have to be told: anyone who criticizes the kikes or their government is an anti-semite, they have never done anything wrong, everyone else is evil. Kicked out of every country? If I met a guy who was kicked out of every bar or every gathering you wouldn't assume he was a victim, you'd know he was a fucking cunt.
Of course on jewpedia it says it's a celebration of when they defeated evil enemies who wanted to holocaust them.
Wait, so you're telling me that the Jews literally have a holiday celebrating their preemptive massacre of 75,000 people whom they "decided were their enemies", giving the explanation that it was saving them from a Holocaust???
I've been here for two years, and have never seen this deep a level of predictive programming.
seriously watch your kids
the kikes will kidnap them and drain their blood
Everything before the Exile in Babylon for instance, Exodus is a myth. The events following Babylon are more or less historic, though of course you must always be careful to separate the kike accounts of what happened from the truth. For instance, jews really were in Germany in the early 20th century… but they certainly weren't victims.
b-but that Aut-Right "The (((Jewish))) Question" documentary said jewish ritual murder was just an anti-Semitic canard?
Congrats, jews
Everywhere is filthy, inside and outside.
Nice dubs, here's a screencap.
Some of those quotes are mis-cited/questionable, use this version instead,
with respect to both viewpoints, the actual "facts" aren't important, and we aren't going to definitively settle the question here. what IS important is that THEY believe it. I think "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" has a section on Purim and Israel Shamir (a former Jew, convert to Russian Orthodoxy, now vert anti-Jew and worked for wikileaks) also has some good articles on it.
you'll notice Jews and their apologists are particularly snide about this topic. In general, the average, secular Jew dentist is not doing this sort of thing. It's the Lubavitcher types, the ones who burn each other's houses down fighting over whether Mechachem Schneerson was their Messiah and sat around his grave for months waiting for him to rise from the dead. In general, THESE are the sort of Jews who have a rabbi who interprets some little section of the talmud to mean X and would sanction ritual murder. If you are new here and don't believe me, see the chief rabbi of Israel explaining why it would be OK for a Jew to kill a goy and take his kidney if he needed it. and, as we've seen, Jews do indeed act on this. Jewggle "Jews/Organ trafficking." For the bashing the Jews do of the Catholic Church (though I hate the current Church as well, but for very different reasons) can you imagine the fucking College Cardinals caught up in an organ theft and smuggling ring?
there is also very compelling proof that after they kill a Palestinian, they steal his/her organs before giving the body back to the family in a coffin welded shut. I don't really give a sht about muslims, but these sorts of things (with good links) are great to rouse the rabble.
I have about 9 years of links on Jews on Jews saved. Maybe I should dump them soon in case I never get another chance.
Why not now?
My god I hope the cleansing comes soon
Almost literally every one of my links saved from past ~9 years on jews has been shoahed. This, however, is a good site. It's a small bookstore that sells rare books the Jews try to make disappear. I'm trying to complete my David Irving book collection before they make them disappear as soon as he dies, so i can scan them if need be. If anyone has shekels and can help preserve, would greatly appreciate. Here a perfect example a book we should really preserve:
N.B.- it looks like there is/or was a pdf of this book. Booking to look into it and see if I can get it permanently archived somehow if not already there…
I'm looking through user. Literally every one I saved–including the links to YT videos– gone. At that time (2007-2009) people like me were still naive enough to believe that Yt could never really just "delete" videos they didn't agree with, so I saved very few, and lost most of the ones I did save my my HD got fried and then my backup Seagate external I'd been keeping turned out not to be working properly for several years, and I never noticed.
If I have enough, I'll make a thread and dump anything of interest to Holla Forums that is still left..
Some of these are really fucking good. Not trying to be melo-dramatic, but i have ever cancer and have no idea how much longer going to be around. These sort of things are rare, and Jews do all they can to shut them down. If/when I get the diagnosis that I'm close, would like to find one person (here or someone else) to pass on my collection of david irving books and other stuff.
I have a few close friends in Sweden I used to edit Dr. Pierce videos with, but Have no idea what the fucking penalties there are now if they got caught with David Irving books. If that falls through, hopefully someone here I could trust to take them and preserve. Linder (guy who used to run VNN) might do it, but there are rumblings he's a ZOG double-agent these days. Whatever happens, I don't want these things lost to history.
here is another great rare writing on Jewish ritual murder:
Ah, coincides with spring break
This is a good comment. I'll say though that recognizing the fictitious nature of Exodus is important, since it is the original Holohoax. A completely fabricated story about the jews being persecuted by a superior civilization. They've done it countless times since then, but Exodus was the first. The invention of that story is where it pretty much all started.
No, it's not. Judea was under Egyptian rule at some point and some Egyptian records mentions foreigners named Habiru, living in Egyptian cities in seclusion and making a living with usury and crime.
Pretty sure the kikes lived in Egypt and did the same thing they did everywhere, albeit it wasn't slavery.
You will get actual gas this time Mordecai
No, there is absolutely ZERO archeological record of the jews ever being in Egypt, let alone being enslaved en mass there.
Here's a kike historian writing about habiru and them being Jews.
I don't think it's inconceivable that they were typical crypto-kikes. And they do seem to do a lot of jewry. Mind you though, mass slavery is bullshit because nobody enslaves a weak low-t faggot kike.
They become lawyers in whatever society is hosting them at the time, while cousin Schlomo and Ari are getting into politics and show business.
When the jig is up Shekelstein gets to lawyer up in court, and the rest of the tribe spins it in media and elsewhere.
Right, I thought they were nomadic invaders from the Arabian peninsula.
The Khazar mythology kind of makes sense when you look at how they as a group continued to migrate until the last diaspora that created the Mizrahi, Sephardi, and Ashkenazi.
There were also Lengfeng jews along the silk road to China but I think Chairman Mao took care of them.
And they blame it on a brother who actually dindu nuffin.
So check this out; married a Jewish girl: every year at Passover her dad does the seder and at one point in the evening somebody opens up the door to "let Elijah in" who is a prophet.
Only last year did he tell me that they opened the door because the Romans AND Christians would ritually kill a Jewish man and leave his body out for everyone in the community to see.
Here is the thing: my in-laws are Israelites which are the labor caste of the jews. Just people who celebrate different holidays then us and have certain dietary restrictions. The Kohens are the priests who run shit.
Here are mainstream secular historians arriving on the consensus that it never happened in any way: en.wikipedia.org
They were never there. The story is complete fiction, written as allegory by jewish priest caste during the exile in Babylon. The purpose of the allegory was to establish their god as a god who had power in foreign lands ….because the priest caste were currently in a foreign land. They slandered the Egyptians to make this point because, as history has shown us, that is the eternal nature of the jew.
sounds plausible
> to mounted mercenary bowmen.
haha nah, not jews
Egyptians would have named them properly if they ever had them, at most there would have been a few hundred from victories in canaan. Egyptians were the first to leave a record mentioning "Israel" as well.
Bittersweet feel, but thanks to my father's LARPing my kids are at least safe from this.
Man you were so close to getting 1488 it's almost painful to look at. Nice digits all the same though.
wait, what happens march 15th?
I'm curious do you have any articles about the Palestinian coffins being welded shut?
Dumping some anons posts I copied:
Post #1
Take the case of Little Saint Hugh. Liberals and jews lie by omission about the facts of the case. Poor Hugh was seen with the Jew Koppin going to his home. When he went missing, they searched Koppin's home and found Hugh in the well. He had ritual torture marks that recreated what Jesus went through. There was a crown of thorn with the body. This is enough circumstantial and physical evidence to convict someone today. What do liberals and jews do? They delete the facts. They only speculate, without any evidence, about torture and false confessions. They are scum who cover up the torture and murder of children!
Children like Hugh were punctured dozens of times to bleed them to death, slowly, while completing the occult ritual. There are several cases like Hugh. What do liberal academics and jews say about this? They absurdly demand skeletal damage, which would not be expected given the recorded ritual. These weren't violent stab wounds that would leave the victim dead quickly and injure bone. These were sadistic cuts and punctures that allowed the blood ritual to be fully completed before the victim died. We know this because Hugh was just one of many children who suffered the same fate.
Time traveling serial killers or jewish ritual murders? Occam's Razor.
It was real. There are a few undeniable cases like Simon of Trent and Little Saint Hugh where liberals have to intentionally lie and leave out facts in any discussion. Moreover, there are just so many cases, over such a wide geographic range, through hundreds of years that it is undeniably true. This isn't a pattern of antisemitism. There are patterns to the physical evidence.
You have babies drained of blood in multiple countries over a long period of time. You have adolescent boys stabbed dozens of times, many of whom were circumcised when they were killed. These aren't patterns of random deaths being blamed on jews. Moreover, most people were illiterate, even books let alone news were very rare, so the idea that people isolated from each other by time, language, and space would all report that jews were killing children in very specific ways (including finding bodies) is undeniable evidence that this was an occult ritual of certain jewish sects. That or time traveling serial killers. Antisemitism certainly doesn't fit the overall pattern.
Liberal academics and jews will cherry pick a couple of these cases and "debunk" them. That is not how rational people think. It isn't if one or two are incorrect. It is if ten are correct.
Even jews who look at the evidence conclude that jewish ritual murders existed. However, even jews who stand up for the truth are attacked. See the image.
Yes, there were two groups of jews in Italy during this time period: ashkenazi and Sephardic. No, bodies of tortured boys weren't found near Sephardic jews, only ashkenazi. Coincidence?
My father decided to convert and be a jew, I have no idea why, we aren't semitic at all and when he tried to argue this point with me I went and got a gene test and proved I was right. The economic situation combined with my own stupidity have caused me and my family to move in with him and my stepmother. It's nice having stability, but I know living here makes my family a target because of him. I've been hiding power level less and less since I've moved in, but I can't push too far because I'm worried he'd try and get custody of my children or something like that, I also just generally want a peaceful time in the house I'm living in. I've only recently been able to get a job that's stable, so I'm saving up to move out. The only comfort I have is knowing that whatever slaughter sacrifice shit jews might or might not do, my litttle family is safe from it. A friend of mine, who I met on Holla Forums is telling me I'm just being autistic. and to "jus be urself :^)" but still, it keeps me awake sometimes.
politesage because blogpost shit
Years ago Bill White had people put up posters telling parents to be careful with their children around jews leading up to Purim. Maybe we could organize a similar campaign next year to draw attention to JRM?
What am I thinking, Passover – which is just over a month away – is the big ritual murder holiday.
your father is a race traitor who deserves the same punishment as any full blooded jew. He is a jew in my eyes now.
*just under
I need sleep.
That's fine, he made his choice, you won't get any arguments from me on that front even if it's sad to see a family member choose their own destruction over their folk. But honestly, I'm not concerned for the safety or well being of the last generation anyways.
My chief concern are my children; I worry that they're going to fall into a POZ trap of liberal (((culture))) despite my best efforts, and I'm worried that even if I succeed (which means we've all succeeded) it will have been a waste and my bloodline condemned, all due to his betrayal.
Then again maybe my friend is right, maybe I'm being too autistic and falling for 70 year old hollywood memes. All I can do is hope that as long as I walk the right path, people I would have called my allies and brothers will see that.
if you keep your kids from getting infected and he doesn't bring pedo kikes around, you'll be fine. You mean a target in case on of them finds out you want to gas them and attack your family? Either way, move someplace out of cities when you get a chance, you'll be fine. Good luck
Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders
The following translation was performed free of charge to protest an injustice: the destruction by the ADL of Ariel Toaff’s BLOOD PASSOVER on Jewish ritual murder. The author is the son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome, and a professor of Jewish Renaissance and Medieval History at Bar-Ilan University in Israel, just outside Tel Aviv.
Dr. Toaff is uniquely qualified to write this book, being thoroughly familiar with the derivative literature in English, French, German and Italian, as well as the original documentary sources in Latin, Medieval Italian, Hebrew and Yiddish. This is not something he worked on in secret. On the contrary, he worked on it openly with his university students and colleagues in Israel for several years; one of his students was even going to publish a paper on the subject. The author is extremely careful about what he says, and his conclusions must be taken seriously. It reads like a detective story.
If it had been published in Israel, in Hebrew, no one would have cared. There are large bodies of literature in Hebrew that Jews do not wish Gentiles to know about. But Dr. Toaff’s announcement of its publication in Italy, in Italian, raised a worldwide firestorm of fury. Under unbearable pressure, the book was withdrawn from publication, and is not to be re-issued.
You can strike a blow against censorship by circulating this text by e-mail or posting in on the Internet. No one can sue hundreds of people.
If the text is all over the Internet, and everybody has it and everybody knows what is in it, the cat will be out of the bag, and it will have to be published – sooner or later.
Come in out of the darkness, and strike a blow for the light.
http:// www.israelshamir.net/BLOODPASSOVER.pdf
kill yourself
Jews are actually bloodthirsty as fuck and knew how to fight back in the day. They genocided at least 3 nations to the last man.
You should read the link to the Jew above, where he debunks the whole academia bullshit.
According to their own papers they decided these aren't jews, because they leeched on host states and engaged in crime and it would be very antisemitic to suggest habiru are hebrews.
they didnt know how to fight
the first victory og the jews was zergrushing a city with 1/10th the size of their force with crumbling walls loosely guarded by a Hurrian tribal chief and his warriors who had sworn allegiance to Egypt
in any war with kikes and Egyptians the kikes started it first
the jews have lies where they retell how they slaughtered Assyrians, Greeks and Babylonians or how god did it for them
when in reality most of the time its the jews catastrophic defeat followed by them paying a massive tribute to avoid enslavement
whats the name of those jewish warriors beginning with M?
its a plagarisation of Achilles Myrmidons which they would have read about and then plagiarized to insert into their book of lies
They have never done the actual direct combat fighting themselves, only ever sneaky-in-the-shadows assassinations or false flags have been carried out by the jews themselves.
jews have notoriously through the ages used their criminal acts of deception, subterfuge and outright lies to coerce others to do their fighting for them.
See: every major war ever in history, especially most recently WWI & WWII and every military action America has conducted on jews behalf this last century, including the upcoming proposed Clash of Civilisations against their muslim enemy which so many aut-kikistes appear to be taking the bait these days.
However, we're hoping that we wont get fooled this time and expulsion of the kikes 110 will be happening for one last final time worldwide in the near approaching years
Mike Enoch is that you?
Leo Frank 'em all.
Weren't they Egyptians?
new fag!
you're not obvious at all, keep posting.
Look mang kikes gonna kike but don't exaggerate.
We're talking about two different races here in effect. You have the Old Hebrew who were pretty average as far as the Bronze Age goes, before you bitch about betrayal remember that the founding myth of Rome is Romulus murdering his own brother and that Alexander might have arranged the assassination of his own father. Politics is a dirty and everybody in antiquity knew that.
You are equating a now extinct herding and mercenary nation with the modern kikes who are a very different beast genetically speaking.
Given that in this context we are talking about the kikes of the middle ages who by that time are near idential to the extant kikes we deal with today and modern heebs have the highest rates of serial murder(even more than niggers) and have rates of insanity well above the mean for the white population it's not unreasonable to assume much of the "blood libel" is ritualistic murder behavior perpetrated by one or more kikes who were serial murderers and whom the other jews covered for at the time.
"Those children were just goy away, we won't turn you over to the magistrate, Sholmo."
Did anyone else have a disturbing nightmare of children being abused?
Purim just passed.
the Iliad is just Homers writings on the sacking of Troy and they became the only surviving copies of it
it doesnt matter about Alexander because the Sacking of Troy was recorded by the Hittites who had regular contact with all semitic civilization and regularly traded and diplomatically dealt with Greeks in the later stages of their empire
it would be easily rational to conclude the kikes could have just learnt about the sacking of troy via the Hittites/Phoenicians then stole the story for their propganda
You have some weird ideas ifs you think anyone would rope you for that.
ask the question to yourself, dumb dumb. Greeks had relations with Palaestine area since minoan times.. It is entirely plausible that they have heard of others exploits and use them to serve their narrative, those exploits coming from the Iliad or others. What is important here is that they surely would have known of Greeks, as they had many colonies and cities throughout the mediterraenian and there was also a big demand for Hellenic mercs, specially during the Mycaenean period.
I hope others will read this, even a chapter a day. You can never tell what will wake someone up. I was going through Uni and being taught that "Jewish ritual murder" was a hoax. I was friendly with the professor, seemed a nice woman. I found this and asked her about it and she immediately began treating me like I had plague. I didn't even have ill thoughts about the Jews at the time, just wanted a professional answer. She would only say "it's a peasant myth." That didn't satisfy me and I kept digging.
I didn't even ask the question out of malice or trying to be edgy, just autism, I wanted to know the entire story and didn't yet "get" how it actually worked. She smeared Catholics in her classes all the time. I was a lower-middle class shit from a shit high school at a "prestigious" school and didn't understand the social conventions about Jews.
That one interaction changed my life and I dropped my applications for an MA and hopes of being an academic, as it dawned on me it was a hoax. since then, I've been researching it. The woman went on to get tenure and now id department head with 5 books published by big publishers. None of them are about Jews.
Just google "palestinians/organ theft." Here is a an article from Jews complaining that a "Time" magazine article that they shoahed after a Jew complained had "resurrected the myth of jewish blood libel."
I'll keep posting links re: Jews and palestinian organ theft. I don't think the Swedes are known for their lying, which is where this report came from:
From a kikeapedia (here also is a big clue as to why Sweden in particular is being targeted with rapefugees:"
"The Aftonbladet–Israel controversy refers to the controversy that followed the publication of a 17 August 2009 article in the Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet alleging that Israeli troops harvested organs from Palestinians that died in their custody. The article sparked a fierce debate in Sweden and abroad, and created a rift between the Swedish and Israeli governments.[1][2] Israeli officials denounced the report at the time, labeling it anti-Semitic. The article was written by Swedish freelance[2] photojournalist Donald Boström, and was entitled "Våra söner plundras på sina organ" ("Our sons are being plundered for their organs"). It presented allegations that in the late 1980s and early 1990s, many young men from the West Bank and Gaza Strip had been seized by Israeli forces and their bodies returned to their families with organs missing."
Same accusations, this time from Haiti:
"There is considerable speculation following the removal of Lady Jenny Tonge on 14 February from her position as health critic for the Liberal Democratic Party in the UK’s House of Lords following her statement calling for an inquiry into claims that the Israeli military stole organs during its relief work in Haiti last month.
The question I pose is not whether Tonge was wrong in her claims to The Jewish Chronicle (which I would argue she was), but where the claims originated in the first place.
As mainstream publications such as CNN and the UK’s Telegraph publish analyses of the Tonge affair, they continue to falsely claim that the accusation which Tonge repeated, that of the Israeli military stealing Haitian organs, originated in Palestinian sources, when in fact their very origin was Israeli."
If anyone here still has doubts about Israeli organ theft, will keep going. There are also same allegations involving Jewish organized crime in the US– where a dupe from Turkey was being paid $6,000 for a kidney and the Jew selling it for $200,000. If anyone interested, will find the FBI reports.
And finally, so much evidence the Jews had to admit it. From the AP:
"(AP) JERUSALEM - Israel has admitted that in the 1990s, its forensic pathologists harvested organs from dead bodies, including Palestinians, without permission of their families.
The issue emerged with publication of an interview with the then-head of Israel’s Abu Kabir forensic institute, Dr. Jehuda Hiss. The interview was conducted in 2000 by an American academic, who released it because of a huge controversy last summer over an allegation by a Swedish newspaper that Israel was killing Palestinians in order to harvest their organs. Israel hotly denied the charge.
Parts of the interview were broadcast on Israel’s Channel 2 TV over the weekend. In it, Hiss said, “We started to harvest corneas … Whatever was done was highly informal. No permission was asked from the family.”
The Channel 2 report said that in the 1990s, forensic specialists at Abu Kabir harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from the bodies of Israeli soldiers, Israeli citizens, Palestinians and foreign workers, often without permission from relatives.
In a response to the TV report, the Israeli military confirmed that the practice took place. “This activity ended a decade ago and does not happen any longer,” the military said in a statement quoted by Channel 2."
I'm samefagging, yes, but notice the trend here: an article comes out, the Jews shriek anti-semitism and demand the claim is removed. Finally, so many people who witnessed it (usually Europeans) come forward with evidence, the Jews have to admit it, but they do it quietly and no major media outlet picks it up. I firmly would bet on my life, this is just how it went with ritual murder, although there were no videos/reocrdings then to force the Jews to admit it.I also firmly believe this is why Europe is being targeted with rapefugees, and Sweden in particular. And it just kept on and still goes on, the world doesn't do a thing:
"In the interview, Hiss described how his doctors would mask the removal of corneas from bodies. “We’d glue the eyelid shut,” he said. “We wouldn’t take corneas from families we knew would open the eyelids.”
What do you mean by "small". Like young kids? A little worried since I'm 5'2 and I'm often mistaken for a younger child
Nice dump.
If you're a heeb and trying to take the piss, here's your problem: look at the totality of evidence in this thread, and how disparate the sources and claims. From 13th century UK to 21st century Haiti, accusations of ritual murder/organ harvesting come specifically against Jews from Niggers who don't even know what a Jew is.
On the chance you are serious, look into the Russian cases especially. Depending on the Jew Sect and what ritual/Talmudic Injunction they are carrying out. For passover, the trend is usually young children, since they tend to have their blood used in the passover matzo. Also (as you can read in Dr. Toaff's book) many sects of Jewry have always believed in the powers of "blood magic" to call down the wrath of their tribal God on the gentiles.
the Russian cases are the most interesting, since a number from the early 20th century involved a priest and normal male adults. If I had to make a guess as to how how Madeline McCann spent her final hours, I'd put my money on her being killed in a Hasidic Jew ritual murder.
citation needed
credible citation needed
The entire thread is citations hymie.
It makes my blood boil in rage that the kikes are able to so openly get away with all this shit, and the entire world is completely blind to it. I mean, it'd be one thing if the kikes actually did a good job keeping all these things top secret so nobody knows, but it's literally all out in the fucking open. The Torah is right there. The Talmud and Zohar are right there. The kikes' own words are out there. And every year, essentially every single one of their "holidays" are celebrations of ethnic cleansings of goyim.
…and yet, nobody sees any of it. It's like I'm in a court of law and holding some damning evidence right in the faces of the jurors, and the jurors can't see it.
Seriously, every goddamn one of the jewish holidays is some celebration of kikes finding some backhanded way of fucking over goyim. It's the same shit every time. These goyim allegedly slighted you in some way, so slaughtered them all and celebrate it every year. These holidays never even have anything to do with God or religion. They're literally just celebrations of past conquests. Hell, the holocaust narrative is the exact same script as Purim. Just replace Persia with Germany.
The women are not allowed to festive? If it is true then that is very sexist.