Diversity increases workplace productivity


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Harvard just wrecked all your racist theories, Holla Forums.

What is your response?

link: hbr.org/2016/11/why-diverse-teams-are-smarter

That might be true since no one wants to fucking talk to each other then

I can write pretty long greentexts and cite nothing too, you know. Do you want me to type out the Harvard study on how many dicks an OP consumes per hour on average? It'll wreck your opinion that you're not a faggot guaranteed.

They're right there in the link.

Pozzed school with pozzed theories concocts studies to support them. Confirmation bias / outright fabrication. Liberals lie, film at 11.


LOL you're gay as shit OP. Bet oyu are nonwhiute scum go killyourself

and someone was surprised by this?

It's true , but it's because the workplace becomes fucking miserable and nobody wants to talk to each other so work productivity goes up.

Companies that are too big to fail virtue signal by employing shitskins in nonvital parts of the company. Great job. Now look at (((who))) owns these companies. I wonder if you'll find the same amount of "diversity" there.

Do it properly or gtfo.

How do we know they're not just pulling this shit from their ass if they're not going to show us their work?
Top kek.
Can confirm. I prefer quality of life over monetary results so I'd prefer a less than best company over one I didn't feel comfortable working in that paid better. Then again, I'm not jewish so my opinions will differ from the one writing the article. Pic related.

Terrible 'arguments'.

Did you even read the article?

This same bullshit was applied to giving no fucks about your customers. Completely ignoring that the companies in question had their respective markets by the nads. Yes Comcast is the largest earner with constant takeovers of smaller local companies and holding legal monopolies in large areas sponsored by local governments. No it doesn't have anything to do with their customer service or reputation.

Fake news.

they are paying them practically nothing

you didn't even read his post

diversity in business is basically codeword for, where can we get slave labor we pay cents for to do the same jobs,
diversity is CHEAP LABOR

"fuck off" isn't an argument either? Why would you trust institutions that have been so obviously turned against the white race?
You get that from that kike molyjew?
Nice reddit spacing

Reminder that this is compliant with Harvard's standards for "debate"

For what it's worth, I went to a university that has some influence in the humanities and social sciences and sat through some guest lectures from professors who had published studies, done research, they all either mentioned that they are lazy when doing research, or said that they massaged their data to agree with their original hypotheses. I have no faith in this study, but if anything it's probably as anons have mentioned above and it's because the workplace environment becomes so awful that everyone just keeps to themselves and does work.

In one of the studies, the effect of price speculation being lower is that whites don't trust a stock if shitskins like it so they won't invest as much in it

Wow that sounds inter-

See here's the thing about it, the top 25% of gender diverse teams were 15% more likely to be above average. That's fishy that it's merely above average and not top preforming. So basically, this is just bullshit stats that have no casual link, and a slightly marginal difference. Mind you this is the top 25% of diversity as well, not the bottom 75%. See, now that's fishy to me. The data revolves around that top 25% of diverse companies, and implies that applies to the remaining 75%. And that's where you're getting fucked. Pure stat manipulation and misleading numbers.

Stat manipulation in a study that said it was pro-globalism. Now ain't that funny.

Hitler dubs no less. Each shit kike op.