Executive Branch Reorganization

Hot off the Trump train: Executive order to comprehensively purge the Executive branch of all useless redundancies, vestigial bullshit, and parasitic agencies.

https:// www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/03/13/presidential-executive-order-comprehensive-plan-reorganizing-executive


What shall we suggest for purging first, friends?

Education. Back to the states it goes.

Double dubs speak the truth.

We really should make an organized list of who he needs to toss out. All Obama appointees in bold letters at the top though and work our way down.

It would be great if he could just purge all the kikes he's already surrounded himself with.

Cutting the FBI down to only actual police work. Cut BATF entirely.

Checked, Commie Core needs to go

That's probably the best place to start, after that there's so much BS I don't even know where to begin.

Yes. He should go full Exterminatus mode on ATF.

I think it should. It will divide the fuck out of the country, but considering they are teaching marxism in 90+% of the country, might as well go for it.

fuck yes

Great suggestion. Here's our clay to mold:

Executive Office of the President
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense (DOD)
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of the Interior
Department of Justice
Department of Labor (DOL)
Department of State (DOS)
Department of Transportation
Department of the Treasury
Department of Veterans Affairs

And then bunches of minor agencies like Regulatory bodies and government-owned enterprises.

Education and HUD can probably be chucked in the trash.

DEA, EPA, NSA, cut CIA drastically

Has the HUD done anything positive? Government housing projects have turned into abandoned crack dens, hell "Projects" is a very negative thing to call a neighborhood at this point. Only things of note I can find relates to making mortgages easier to acquire and passing the Fair Housing Act and a few sequels to it.

Or just turn them into full blown Right Wing Death Squads. They seem like they'd be down for that kind of shit. It's about time we send them off to kill some liberals instead of good, decent, hard working Americans.

For once ATF can be an agency of peace, love, and tolerance.

I was able to buy a house at 20 because it was a HUD house and only 30 grand. This was in the Dakotas though, so I'd bet having houses that cheap in the cities and suburbs would only invite the worst kinds of people.

All task forces that infiltrate and entraps right wing groups.

Purge the lot of them

Only decently priced housing I've found in my area are 30-40 miles from any noticeable civilization. It's a lot better near Harrisburg where the houses just sorta decay and never get replaced.

ATF is sheboon central who has no experience except for fucking over the most rightwing people in the country. How fucking new are you?

so tru part of my high school senior english i was forced to read communist manifesto, back in the day I was just like "meh they probably just wanna show us both sides of the coin" but now yeah fuck that

I say cut the human space program out of NASA and absorb it into the DoD.

It will get much better funded and will focus on aggressive expansionism.

Oh yeah, the house I bought was a piece of shit and in the middle of nowhere, but it had new circuits and a garage, which is all I wanted.

That's why it would be funny to reverse their role. It's wishful thinking. They're too lawless to ever seriously be considered as redeemable.

They deserve more hate than they actually get.

Merge HHS with CDC. VA should be dismantled, let the private sector take over its role. Then follow other recommendations in this thread.

Yes ATF must go.

Waco never forget.

Space colony and a colony sized laser to blow it up by 2024

Privatize the USPS. Purge it.

Get rid of the TSA. It's the most worthless alphabet department we've got, filled with some of the laziest and stupidest diversity hires on the planet.

No, cut earth sciences and other crap from NASA and have them go back to sending people to space.

Checked and agreed

Gentlemen, how do we fix the CIA?

I rage everytiem

We can start by not giving them the power to launch their own drone strikes. I'm having trouble defending trump on that one….

Purge kikes from college campuses

Rename Throne of the God Emperor
Convert Military-Industrial complex into infrastructure construction. And stop giving sand people tanks and planes they never use.
Rein that shit in. Stop meddling with citizens and start deporting illegals.
Stop selling off public lands to fund bullshit government spending.
Reorganize to execute traitors and mutineers. Quickly.
Delouse them all of parasites.

Why isn't Veteran's Affairs under the Department of Defense?

Taking care of ex-soldiers isn't a matter of 'defense' per se though they seem to be effective at making people suffer. Also it was established in 1930 to consolidate a bunch of smaller agencies under one umbrella. Might be more efficient under some other agency, improved as-is, or kicked back to the states.

Also remove CPS. (The child sex slave trading agency)