The DOTR can't come soon enough
how does the tampon explain away the fact women bleed once a month and men don't?
literally how?
Homos have blood coming from their asshole from time to time because of buttsex. This is probably what this shit refers too.
What a nut job.
life is strange
those eyes, though
Yeah guys can give birth too. I spawn a few nigger babies every morning after my first cup of coffee. Maybe I should start wrapping the little pieces of shit in swaddling cloth and collect that sweet government dosh.
i knew a chinese guy who didn't know women had periods until after hs
Brown isn't an isolated case, either.
There needs to be a mainstream push against this at some point. Where people just come out and say that they aren't going to pretend a man is a woman anymore, and that there are two sexes, and that gender only exists in language.
Glad I'm not the only one who remembers this phrasing and also
The left is insane
A male is born with a penis. A male does not menstruate, as a male does not have a womb, and ovaries.
Therefore, a Male can not menstruate. If you menstruate, you are not male. If you were not born with a penis and testicles, you are not male.
There is a period during a month where a male's hormone patterns can sync up with a females, but not during her period, but when she ovulates. This is a (not-so) subtle nudge by your body to put a fucking baby in her.
This shit is getting out of hand.
How do you manage to have fingernails that dirty when they hardly exist? It must have actually clawed out of a hole in the ground.
That 3rd picture looks more like a stick of dynamite than a tampon.
dead like a dolls eyes
Maybe it's because autism, but I can't figure out what specifically make their eyes look lifeless, something feels off about them but I can't figure it out.
They use the word gender here and their and make out that everything said in relation to gender must be construed as a social structure and therefor men can have menstrual cycles
Every day we stray further from God's light.
But men literally can not menstruate.
It's like that "pregnant man;" it's all women, but some women think they are men even though they are menstruating.
"oh I'm a cat"
Most hermaphrodites do not have complete female or male genitalia or complete internal organs. In about one quarter of female hermaphrodites, there is a menstrual cycle with periods and the development of breasts (gynaecomastia).
I took a break from reading The Turner Diaries to check back here and this is what I find.
Hermaphrodites actually dindu nufin as they were born that way unlike mentally ill people cutting off their penises.
I feel bad for them.
Not meant for
But the answer is they have no souls.
They're pretty uncommon, though.
(license to kill confirmed)
Pics related. I see a combination of a few things.
First, there's the glassy quality of a cow's eyes. There's an acceptance in these eyes. It is not the acceptance of circumstances beyond control one sees in the eyes of the dalai llama. It is a pathological self-acceptance, more on that momentarily. Second, I see predatory eyes, like the wolf's eyes. These eyes are vicious to any threat. Finally, check out the eye drawing.
I think the eyes of this woman are perpetually in state 2-3,but she is forcing energy and what she thinks is positivity. As a result her visible portions of the eye are shifted toward state 5. However the strain of the muscles around her eyes indicate the time her eyes usually spend in states 2-3. Your brain sees something is off and immediately checks for threat level of eyes in state 5. That doesn't check out, and you're left perplexed. This is all rooted in the psychology of the individual with such eyes. There's near clinical narcissism levels of self-absorption on the left. The self-acceptance from earlier is an unwillingness to listen, not just to the world, but also to the logical self, about the self. This person's self-image is detached from reality because she has deliberately tried to deprecate her reality comparative neuro circuits. This leads to depression because you can't form an identity without feedback from your reality comparison circuits. The depression leads to stress leading to the eyes perpetually being in state 2-3 of the diagram. The aggression is purely self-centered also - it's only purpose is ego defense against a world that is largely incomprehensible due to the deprecated reality comparator.
Fuck I hope that makes sense anons.
What's the clip from user?
Some men have vaginas, sweetie :^)
But, seriously, pic related
I don't know :^(
Her eye suggest that she is suffering from a nervous breakdown. Probably will snap anytime and I hope whoever is close to her realise how dangerous she is.
Is this the future?
I wish I didn't see that!!!!
I fucking hope not.
I don't like the look of dicks. I like my roasties
Punish yourself, profligate
>tfw have eyes number 4
I'm not a psycho, you guys, i swear.
Sanpaku eyes. Yeah that makes sense.
omg guys i havent bleed from my penis or my ass yet!! does this mean im a freak? other men have periods why dont i? i am ashamed of myself.
It's okay, it just means you're a late bloomer. But if it hasn't happened by age 16, you should see a gyno.
In this and the next few posts, I'll be showing a few responses this has garnered:
=='Toni the Tampon' Coloring Book That Teaches Men Get Periods Amounts to Child Abuse, Says Expert=
The Christian Post
>"Woke up to trolls who are furious my book affirms menstruators of all genders. My reply: donating this week's profits to @Translifeline," Clemmer said Tuesday through the book's Twitter account. (
‘Toni the Tampon’ — speechless (almost)
The Washington Times
Toni The Tampon Is Breaking Down The Stigma Of Periods For Girls
Refinery 29
Hobo with a shotgun, I think.
This fucking triggers me, the absolute dumbness of it all. Men can't fucking menstruate and this fucking faggot is building a career on perpetual victim-hood for being a fucking retard.
I think ur right, cool movie i like rutger haur
Dare I to ask what the fuck does that mean?
Gender non-conforming?
Any civilization which trades ideology for reality is preparing itself to be wiped from the stage of history.
It's for the female to male trannies. While they are at it they should put urinals and condoms in women's bathrooms for the male to female trannies.
Think the feminazis will allow it?
What stigma? There is no stigma. Only in crazy religious communities is there a stigma associated with menstruation. Jews for example have a stigma over periods but not westerners in general.
These things are absolutely insane. I call them things because it's impossible to consider them human at this point. Nothing they do or think meets with reality on any level.
God, please save us. At the very least hurl a few strategic thunderbolts at these abominations. Or fuck, wipe the whole slate clean. I'm okay with that too. Things have gotten that bad.
But that's not true
“Gender” as a descriptive has been weaponised. Use sex.
where do you think you are, faggot
Will they ever break free from the conditioning?
why is fucking transsexualism being promoted before pedophilia, goddammit, that shit is far more sick than pedophilia
I just avoid referring to them as people and call them NPCs or Extras.
Because people for whatever reason, have the slightest bit of sympathy for the poor deranged sods who think they are trans. It doesn't help that (Psychologists) effectively hold people's families hostage in some cases to make them (allies).
Honestly this stuff (the transgenderism, David Reimer, Dr Money and all that) should have been enough to bar Psychology (or at least the psychology of sexuality) from a serious avenue of science for decades but instead no, these faggot tranny loving jews just go ruin families and prey on kids.
Are they saying that actual men (XY), can bleed out of their dicks/ass once a month?
Or are they saying that women (XX) pretending to be men (so they are considered as "men" to degenerates and retards) menstruate once a month out of their vaginas or their disgusting fake dicks?
I'm confused.
Be they NPC's, vessels for demons, MKultra'd to shit or just insane makes little difference. In the end they aren't human at all and cannot be regarded as human.
There's nothing to understand if you're a normal, sane person.
the second one. but this user speaks the truth
your logic is circular you homophobe.
Every day the cancers of (((modernity))) bring me down
Reminder the people pushing this are knowingly pushing cultural marxism, and wont stop until they stop breathing.
If you listened to a word that guy in your picture said, no.
His mom doesn't look white, either.
Leftism manifests from the Jews' rebellion against God (natural order), so this stuff should be expected. SAD.
Is there any way we can turn Toni the Tampon into a White Nationalist symbol?
We must show them power.
Pence POWER!!!
Isn't there always?
Wew. The yids may as well pack it in right now, I don't see how anyone will ever be able to overcome this much gleeful whiteness.
So that it doesn't look as retarded, could it be re-branded as a stick of dynamite? Sadly a stick of dynamite isn't commonly seen as yellow or something of that nature so adding a nazi attire might be a bit hard on the eyes with regard to color combination.
It's alright that retarded chart shows literally every type of eye arrangement and attaches a problem to it. Astrology tier reasoning.
christ, look at her eyes!
look at her eyes!
The cognitive dissonance of these people never fails to astound me.
i just wanted to read about space and shit
This bitch is making some serious degenerate shit. But of course it's not even original. She's got to steal idea's too. Perhaps threw some jew copy right laws at her?
Tough luck user, we need more women in STEM fields and science fields so fuck you, prepare for the entire scientific community to be bent to the whims of bitter cunts.
i just wanted to be a cool hacker man like the guys on tv
lmfao at donating to translifeline. greta martela or whatever his name is is an insane fraud who's indian "wife" is about to be deported for overstaying his visa
Hermaphrodites are either male or female, they just have messed up organs. Same thing with Androgyny insensitivity syndrome. Kikes love abusing these people to prove trans is natural. Which is like saying having a tooth in your stomach is natural because a cancerous tumor grew it.
Who in the fuck came up with the ridiculous notion that interpersonal rights were a thing?
Pretty sure they are intersex, which is to say neither, technically. If you weren't born with XY(any number of y)/functional testicles or XX(any number of X)/functional ovaries, you do not have a biological sex, as you are naturally infertile.
fuck john money that fat jew science pedophile faggot completely ruined a generation with his gender shmender fucking horseshit.
why the fuck do these women get off on LARPing that they're intersex when they're fully well 100% biologically female attention whores. what's the solution? rape?
there's never even been a recorded case of a human being a true hermaphrodite/having both functioning testes and ovaries. it's not possible in humans. 'genderqueer' retards just love to play make pretend.
Sex is determined by the presence of the y chromosome.see
If there is a y chromosome the human is male. If not, female.
Jesus Christ, Holla Forums, I am disappoint. Know your enemy.
gets it right, but doesn't explain it.
hits the nail on the head. Thank you, user.
This is all about their bullshit gender/sex distinction. We talk a good game about our meme magic, but the Left are true masters of it, and have used it to conquer the world. Control words and the concepts, and you control the reality they represent.
Our enemies have successfully attacked the difference between the human sexes by breaking it into the physical, biological differences ("sex") and the social, cultural differences ("gender"). Like all the most dangerous and effective lies, it has a grain of truth in it: sex roles are obviously not 100% hardwired instinct - culture and society play a real role.
Having established the gender/sex distinction, the Left is now using it to subvert and control the words "man" and "woman." They are now to be determined by "gender," not by "sex." That is, "man" now means anyone who chooses to act in the social role of a "man," regardless of biological sex, and similarly with "woman."
We're losing this fight currently. They use the words this way, and they get eager acquiescence from the intellectuals and baffled incomprehension from the masses. What we are not seeing is any clear, conscious fight to use "man" and "woman" to refer to sex rather than gender.
Those are tard eyes if I ever saw them.
The Day of the Rope
The Day of the Rope
The Day of the Rope
We aren't about to make that same mistake.
I don't understand these so-called feminist types who seem intent on taking away everything that makes women, women. Periods are unfun, but dammit they're a sign of womanhood and they can't be allowed to take that away from us too. If a woman wants to be a man, she has to give up doing the things that a biological female can do, otherwise she's still a woman.
Also, how fucking confused are boys going to be growing up, expecting to get a period and then not getting one???
That explains why so many leftist cucks seem to have perma-PMS.
also: calling them tony the tampon seems like a useful insult
Daily reminder: women need cum inside them regularly otherwise they become belligerent and eventually insane
we need to start memeing death by hanging in our local areas damn it, permeate das dotr
Where do I actually watch the shit? Sounds hilariously disturbing