National Socialism operates on natural law not, spooks and other social constructs. Nature is the ultimate Fascist...

How the fuck is the nation state natural law? The nation is a creation of the French revolution.
How is this ideology not more fitting for libertarianism that National Socialism? National Socialism is literally racial egalitarianism. Or racial socialism if you will.

This natural law bullshit ia gay as fuck and perhaps some subconscious way to appeal to some sort of objectivity that doesn't exist.

I want to say one thing: while the National Socialists didn't believe in equality, they certainly practised equity. What that means is that all Germans, regardless of class or occupation or income, can ascend to any position in society if he tries. One thing they abstained from was allowing women into positions of military and the like but that doesn't mean girls didn't learn to shoot and stuff like that, just not to soldier.

Nation is synonymous with folk which is synonymous with race. Look up the etymology of nation, it's a reference to birth. Tribes were the first large nations, the family is the first nation, and the "nation-state" is just many different tribes/provinces of similar identity and race working together. As we expand so do our terms.

Not quite.

Ok so the "natural law" of some individuals being better than others is subordinate to race in the end then.

talk more about this

They understood both the individual and the collective as well as their importance and relation to one another. Most great ideas come from the individual for example but you need a collective to make it happen and it's not like that collective is made up of equal parts, yet they come together to create something great regardless. Society is basically set up like a movie: you have the director, producers, actors, set makers, and various other people fitting various roles and you need all of this to make a good production, the more the better. Not everyone would make a good director or screenwriter or even cameraman, but you need all of them doing what they can and enjoy doing.

Nation states are a creation of Positivist/Humanistic Laws in the modern sense, however historically they have formed naturally out of metaphysical and philosophical precepts stemming from concepts that have always pertained to a 'natural law'.

How the universe manifests itself and how we conceive of ourselves within it, independent of religion, has always bound various groups of people together to from the early tribes/nations our human history.

National Socialism, as I've always understood it, was an attempt to reignite the old flames of natural law within the human spirit and develop a new society around those principles.

For the record, I am this guy:

Just on a new computer. Watch the video I posted on Natural Law & Order in the Third Reich.


Where are you getting this from? National Socialism was a collective society that subordinates the rights and ambitions of the individual to the rights and ambitions of the nation and by extension the state. It is not a liberal individualist society.


Whoops I forgot to delete the title. Accidental namefagging