This is what some of you fucks have bleated for the last half year, get fucked.
Other urls found in this thread:
The UK is still cucked by its own sovereign laws, whether or not it remains a part of the E-JEW. You've got a sandnigger as the mayor of London and you go to jail if you talk shit about jews or flush a koran down the toilet.
Anyone taking bets on whether Brexit will be complete before the Trump wall?
Honestly I still don't think they will exit. Kikes and mudslimes are far too entrenched in the power structure.
Parliamentary government is such a fucking joke they literally hold votes on whether to talk about something. This shit is going to be held up for fucking years.
It doesn't even matter if it passes, britcucks are doomed
A hard won victory.
Another hurdle in the battle passed. Maybe they will actually make it formally out of the EU before WW3 breaks. Maybe. Come on, Britfags.
It's been over a year since the people voted and you guys are still in the EU. Not to mention, even if you leave, the important issue is how you're going to handle the visas and your border control. I'll believe in Britain reclaiming it's sovereignty as a nation when it actually happens.
Now let's hope Le Pen wins and France and we can finally kill the cancer that is the EU once and for all.
After that our next goal should be dismantling the United Nations.
None of this is an actual Brexit, OP.
Our rulers really, really don't want a Brexit, so they're just going to delay it, and delay it, and delay it more until they can hold a do-over vote.
Once the "talks" begin, they're supposed to take 2 years, right? Yeah, it'll be more like 3-5 years, minimum. Then you're going to hear:
Now, they're assuming that with the extra time they can pump out enough propaganda and import enough third-worlders to crush us in a do-over vote. They're also assuming the whole globalist neoliberal, one-world-government project remains popular enough to be viable for next few years. They could be wrong, and I pray they are, but what we are seeing today is a delaying action by the enemy, not victory.
kill yourself
118 (((people))) voted to go against the will of the people who made their voice heard in a democratic referendum. Why is this not considered treachery and why aren't they executed yet?
It's the facts. Do you really believe the British leadership is going to get you out, with terms that protect your borders? That's if they get you out at all, they are going to drag this out as long as possible hoping they can find a way to reverse it. It's not like the British political class gives reason for anyone to think otherwise, so remaining skeptical is healthy. Assuming victory is how you get complacent.
go suck achmeds creampie out of your sister cunt, britcuck
You're really bad at this.
trips > dubs
Ah yes, only a Jew would tell you to remain cautious about your leadership stabbing you in the back, what with their stellar record in championing the people.
Nobody said that but you, Jew. ;^)
Err no it hasn't.
Small steps.
Russia will have retaken Constantinople and purged the Turkroach menace by the time Brexit actually fucking happens.
Honest question: why are parliamentary systems of government so utterly shit? I mean, what exactly makes them so pozzed?
The greater the degree of democracy a country has, the slower everything goes. As another user said they hold votes on whether or not they even talk about something. Democratic process is cumbersome, the more things you apply it to, the greater the molasses applied to government function.
Brexit is passing
Trump meeting with Merkel on 17th
Wikileaks saying they'll leak Merkel tapes
Dutch Election on 15th
Turkey threatening to release rapefugees
Federal Reserve rate hike on 15th
Debt Ceiling vote on 15th
Acosta/Epstein Congressional hearing on 15th
Is it Happening?
not only is it happening, we're winning
Beware the ides of March, Satan. Our victory will inevitably cause our enemies to thrash out in total desperation. We must never let our guard down nor let the pressure off.
Thank you, Satan.
The Trump/Merkel meet was meant to happen on the 15th, right?
>Dude, just wait for hitler churchill XDDDDDDD
On top of that there's really no incentive for MP's to speed up the process since they're not in it for the good of their electorate, their in it for jew bucks and jew prestige. They'll only spring into action, or at least appear to do so come election season so as to keep up appearances, and even then it's easier to just get the media to lie about everything.
The only solution is National Socialism, who would've guessed that?
Checked. Democracy is barely better than capitalism, you're just enslaved in (relative) comfort rather than enslaved in poverty.
Capitalism is an economic system, quit throwing that word around like it's an ideology or something.
Didn´t even mean to reply to but maybe this is telling us something.
I mean it should be obvious to everyone that being able to win a popularity contest does not at all mean you're capable of running a country, it physically hurts me when I hear somebody who isn't elected say "democracy isn't perfect, but it's better than everything else we've invented", not just because it's factually wrong, but because the person saying it does not benefit at all from democracy, it only made sense when churchill said it because he himself got to be part of the jewish inner circle for a while.
And the simplest argument against capitalism is that at best, it can only improve the lives of the people as a side effect. The central purpose is maximization of profit and it was simply a historical accident that for a time it made people's lives better by accident. Open borders globalism is capitalism's truest form (followed by complete collapse due to it's inherent instability).
I'm not tired of winning yet
I want to believe they'll get their shit together but things have gone pretty far. All I can do is hope.
At least post the whole thing with sound.
Fuck I meant communism, not capitalism.
Capitalism is fine as long as you don't have a system of government that is inevitably going to be compromised by corporate interests. If you have an autocracy that can't be bought out, it ceases to be an issue. Democracy, on the other hand, will always be prey to the dark side of capitalism.
Satan dubs confirm winning
The elephant won in that competition.
It was scheduled for the 14th
Reported, for obvious shill.
Kek gave your message context.
Praise him.
Can we just announce a global manhunt of the 13 Families already? Execution ceremony of the Rothschilds upon Tor hill when? I get it, we won, the sweet victory is to be savoured, but I just want muh Valhalla.
All in due time. Got to get your ducks in order first.
Brexit doesn't complete for 2 more years (while trade negotiations take place) so
churchill, like his father, is a zionist puppet
I never understood to hostility towards Anglos on this board. It doesn't help them.
Yes, the UK government is jewy as fuck. But that doesn't represent the Brits as people. This is the same situation literally everywhere, but for some reason, people on this board attack anglos when their cucked government does something against their own people, whereas other countries in the same situation get a free pass for this.
Real question, why is this? Is it part of the US nationalist spirit to hate the British? Or is it German and French anons acting out of traditional hostility?
It doesn't feel good leaving white people behind. The Brits of late have done as much with Brexit as anybody has in order to push the overton window to the right. They have always had a strong sense of nationalism even when it barely existed in the US and other countries, and despite the mudding of urban areas it still remains an 80%+ white country in rural villages (which make up most of the country. Vid related = actual british school demographics) and they did it whilst under more Jewish parasitism than any other nation has had to bare.
I mean we're talking about a nation, who (in response to the destruction of their empire and the homogenisation of their language and culture) responded by being patriotic over 'small things' like weather and standing in queues. It's like they consistently deny the influence of their jew parasites, never losing sight of their identity no matter how much is stripped away from them, never adopting the euro, and now backing themselves from the EU.
We really should have more respect. No other nation would've borne the jew parasite for as long as the Brits have.
Just like anywhere else in the world, everybody like to give the Anglos shit because the're still white.
you think it's that and not that they're arrogant, dry-humored boring assholes?
And then whine and seem mystified that people dont like them
im against all white on white hate, but this absolutely true. thank you for summarizing my based trs jew friend.
British cucks*
Reminder that the UN is behind the "Refugee" Convention as well as Replacement Migration. They're anti white scum of the highest order.
United States
The white race is, as a whole, victims of the Jew because we stand in the way of Jewish domination. Any shunning of any white person should be considered d&c because it is d&c. Considering how few people actually take NatSoc seriously, why the fuck wouldn't whites being divided against each other bother you?
It bothers me every time the British do it. They start shit with other whites and then cry like bitches whenever anyone points out their various failings in a classic example of can-dish-it-out-but-cant-take-it. For a nation that claims to love bants they are exceedingly poor at taking it when the bants are at their expense.
Lol retard
The Irish are white.
The Slavs are white.
The Finns are white.
The first generation of Americans came from the UK. To imply that Americans are not white implies that British people are not white. What the fuck sort of drugs are you on, lad?
I haven't
remove pajeets
Germany violated Belgium, a country we had a defensive pact with. So, we declared war. It's not our fault that the Nazis didn't think before they acted.
Non-anglos need to go back. They do not belong in the anglosphere. You should be deported back to the Rhineland.
i think theres a concerted effort by autistic dutchmen and german americans on Holla Forums who like to start anglo d&c
that was ww1 you melt
dont even think about defending our actions in ww2, they are completely indefensible
MFW The Brexit vote was 12 years ago.
concern fagging to sap energy, we see you kike
He's right you know. Capitalism is wage slavery, democracy is moral slavery. You don't have to be a communist to criticize capitalism. That's stupid. It's all shit. Capitalism, democracy, communism.
Dictatorships, obviously, are seen as taboo and undesirable. What is the alternative? What sort of governing hierarchy is supposed to exist under National Socialism?
Throwing kikes out of your country is taboo too. Are you also too squeamish for that?
Republicanism or an Imperic system are my two best guesses. Maybe a constitutional monarchy.
When did I say I was squemish? I said it was seen as taboo and undesirable, then I proceeded to ask a question. Answer it.
Whatever system in which an aristocracy of excellent , wise and competent men rule and stablish leadership of the nation. It doesnt need to be a one man ruling only.
Hey, you stop that, rearranging my letters.
Answer this one.
Of course, but how would such men get chosen? How would such a society root out the power hungry rats, and the dedicated men strong enough and bright enough to make it to the top of the chain?
What the fuck do you think?
time to invest in more silver
Well geeze, I don't know, why don't you goddamn tell me?
T-thanks, Satan.
But not one less shitskin will enter the country per year. It's meaningless.
its almost as if they have no german heritage and aren't interested :^)
Have some twitter salt.
I highly suppose you are an American. Its a shame how you don´t even know your own history.
Oh, so most Americans are swarthy then? That makes sense…
Nah, most Americans are 1/8th Asian, 1/8th nigger, 1/8th Mexican and the rest something else, with a few aryan genes in it, which leads to the classic 60% face. They are not as inbred and mongrelized as kikes though.
You don´t really believe what Burgermin Fatlin had to say about races? Everyone knows that the skandinavians and other nordics have the fairest skin and the blondest hair. Fatlin just liked to jerk off to the fact that he is an eternal anglo.
really? sounds muddy as fuck
What do you expect if you let your white population be bred down to 60%. Interbreeding will occur after a while.
Back when the germans had immigrated, they were white as snow. Mybe they had a tan, since the people that came to the US usually were the people doing hard work outside (since workers were needed).
lad the Germans that migrated to the USA were mostly illiterate peasants fleeing the feudal regimes of their German barons
peasants who had spent generations out in the sun as serfs
they were Orange
You don´t become orange by being outside, you get a tan. You don´t develop a completely different skin tone by just chilling outside a bit. The anglos were just as brown, except for Mansion dweller Franklin maybe.
Btw, interesting how back then, being brown was looked down upon by rich faggots, and nowadays people go sunbathing to look good.
Ah the wonderful age of the internet kidz,
Telling an unwanted/unpleasant truth to an unreceptive delicately sensitive snowflake = blackpill
Bit like when you mention that Wilders is an isreali Mossad agent, or Marion Le Pen's biological father was an isreali Mossad spy (he even wrote a fucking book about it).
That's known as blackpill.
The infected defective responds with
Then carries on cheering on zog, while believing that they in some way are combating zog.
It's really scary how quickly the CIA/MI5/alphatbetti agencies can deactivate and neutralise the minds of the masses so easily.
Why do people believe that an evil deceptive trick and centuries old plan to enslave the European nations for the jew world order, will be so simply defeated and the results permitted by your controllers, I'll never know, I feel the Anglo is about 50 years away from realising how truly mindfucked they are, however by then their children will be even more in love with their masters than their fathers are/were.
I know
i prefer being pale and find paleness attractive in women
oh and the Germans turn orange when they get a tan it betrays their hunnic past
Anglos/Britons dont really tan it takes ages
we mostly just go red when we stay in the sun too long, get burnt red and be in pain until we go back to being pale
No they don´t.
t. German, white as snow and likely to get a sunburn in hours
Also wrong. Huns where white / fair skinned and only a minority of Germanic tribes lived in the Hunnic empire. They also only cooperated against the Romans and there was likely not a lot of interbreeding since the Empire lasted not even 50 years.
You sure don´t know shit about history.
I get sunburnt in minutes lad
mind you thats a sunny day and there arent many of them i guess
Huns were turks
they controlled the entirety of the region of Germania for the entirety of the last of their empire
their empire only lasted 8 years and their rule is what caused the Gothic, Vandal and Germanic tribal migrations that ended the Roman Empire
i know history i just like poking you in the ribs for japes :^)
Why is Corbyn still relevant anyways? Last I heard he was the last popular politician and destroying the libshits from the inside.
I'm guessing you;re English, I too was taught the most illogical lies back in school, from Hitler to Atilla the Hun, it's really weird how seemingly insignificant eras in history was so determinedly taught as a complete pack of lies to the youthful Anglo goy.
Huns weren't Turks but the indigenous Europeans.
Here's some history not written by their enemies, if you can be bothered
The history of the white Huns
got the only impartial Roman account of their phenotype
you're confused and im guessing Hungarian
there were two types of Huns
these ones you're thinking of the white Huns
and the turk Huns which Atilla was the king of
I presume you meant "least popular politician".
He was the most popular leader voting in by his members in Labour's history, however he was opposed to all the zionist neo-con infiltrators into Labour, who have used their immense money and media power to harass and even got the Labour members to vote again, he won again with the best figures ever.
By his supporters he is loved more than any other prior labour leader, the neo-con infiltrators of the Tony Blair era (they, like most Anglos call them Tory lite, rather than the more accurate "jews") have been kicking up a shitstorm about Corbyn ever since.
He's a full on Commie, who rejects the EU because of it's globalist capitalist nature, in britain everyone is blind to the jew, even amongst the most 'red-pilled', 'jew-wise' contingent, as you also see with Americans and their newfound love for zionist elite neo-cons as fighting against the jew world order.
it's crazy but there you go.
I gave you a link
You chose to ignore that and repeated some Anglo tier jewish education response
I'm English and have grown uaware from childhood how your entire education system, is just one long litany of lies.
You can carry on in your ignorance or you can possibly one day learn from others.No skin off my nose, but yiour response is testimony to why I have to get the fuck out of the Anglo/American sphere, too jewed and screwed to think straight.
no I read that later one
that was in the link you provided
3rd sentence down in the
The early appearance of the hephtalites paragraph
for some reason I dont believe you dont type like us tbh
NA? is that you
No. East Europeans and Asians. They also didn´t control all germanic tribes, regardless of how much territory they controlled, since, as i said, only a minority of Germanics lived in the Empire.
They were a warrior confederation, so there were likely a lot of whites among them, and Attila is alleged to be of east asian origin.
the only records of his appearance make him out to be a short hairy slanty eyed fiend
well its hard to govern people who pack up and move to Roman territory when you try to tax them
Atillas empire was an absolutist monarchy that fell apart after he died because his brother Bleda got murdered and the Huns just started killing each other over territory and got removed by the Goths
all evidence ive seen of the Huns under Atilla is they were mostly Gokturks who had been influenced by and were probably related to the Tocharians
Even if that is the case brexit is still still a positive in that it will help contain them and it will be harder for the EU to prop them up when/if they're a fully non-white majority country.
Aside from the spelling mistakes, what you're confusing for unusual English is a good command of English.
Atilla the Hun was presented to us on page one of our History schoolbooks, (which was issued across the country circa 1970s)
A picture of Hitler on the left, and Atilla the Hun to his right.
Tagline read : the two most evil men in the world's history.
I had a friend, whose brother was called Atilla, I found it odd that someone would name their son after the most evil man in history.
It was from there I was educated and discovered that every great man in history, is taught to us as the most evil.
The absolute inversion of all truth is what has built the illusion of Western democracy that really is the jew world order we live under today.
By his defeated enemies retrospectively it's something to do with the Hapsburg's and their need to lie about their enemies to this day, like they do with Hitler and Jesus Christ.
When I spoke to Hungarian friends about what I had been taught, which was roughly along the lines of what the two above anons wrote, it's essentially defamation from his enemies viewpoint, a black propaganda that emanates from the jewish Habsburgs.
Only if you were 'educated' in the jewnited Kingdom or any other jewish colonised territory in the West.
There is no record you'll find with any such description in Hungary, from all the records, remnants, statues made in his honour and every folklore story.
If you spoke to a Hungarian and told them what you believe Atilla to be, they'll be dumbfounded you could have ever come to such a conclusion.
As I said it's strange that such a perverted and corrupted spin on any historical event is presented like this but essentially the jews have a desperate need to lie about people's history.
it's how they get such control of the minds of the masses, just as in England every great man we are told, is in fact a duplicitous demonic servant of the jews.
i.e. Cromwell/Churchill etc..
The UK declared war when Germany invaded Poland, which the USSR also did at the exact same time but you didn't give a shit about that. Churchill was a warmongering fucktard who repeatedly said that Britain needed the war for themselves. Probably because Germany was emerging as a leading producer and exporter in Europe under Adolf Hitler.
If you want to play a game of blame. Then UK/France are to blame for most of Europe's problems today, because they are the ones that were fully jewed and manipulated into starting two world wars.
he hasn't publicly rejected the EU (regardless of his personal opinion), that's why he's a coward and prone to inaction. he can't expand his working class appeal without risking alienating his bourgeois supporters, who are mostly remoaners. hence why he isn't expressly anti-eu but comes out with obscure to laughable contributions like "protecting" eu nationals in UK (unclear what from)
Kill yourselves.
Every great man in European history their name and reputation is tainted, smeared, dragged through the mud and besmirched.
Every traitor that sold his nation out to the jews, is heralded and praised to high heavens.
Like the guy Quisling, the term "quisling" is now associated with traitorous behaviour, when he simply aligned his nation and people with the axis side, he was a hero yet the name means traitor today.
Jewish education 101
We really need to get rid of the jews, before any of us can be free
do you have any sources to back up these claims?
you are definitely Hungarian
What did Atilla do that was great?
he ransacked and raided his way through the Roman Empire earning the nickname the Scourge of God
the Greeks sent to parlay with him depicted him as a turk
a thousand years before the turks would invade the Roman Empire
what he did in Germany and Eastern Europe caused the Great Migrations that de-stabilized the West and eventually resulted in losing North Africa and the ME to the fucking arabs
The description of Atillas appearance fits in very well with a mongolian or an east asian.
Most evidence points towards the Huns originating from a small tribe in China and the inclusion of eastern europeans on their way to conquer Europe.
No one fucking knows it with certainty though, but claiming turks has no real evidence as a base.
Note that the anglos used the term "huns" for their anti-German propaganda, which is probably why they felt the need to give them a barbarian image (which doesn´t fit in with asians and europeans like it does with mudslimes)
"The usage of the term "Hun" to describe Germans resurfaced during World War II. For example, Winston Churchill 1941 said in a broadcast speech: "There are less than 70,000,000 malignant Huns, some of whom are curable and others killable, most of whom are already engaged in holding down Austrians, Czechs, Poles and the many other ancient races they now bully and pillage."
yeah a Gokturk
who were the Central Asian cousins of the Mongols
do me a favour
they're steppe nomads
more likely to find a modern day relative of Atilla the Hun in fucking Kazakhstan
Excellent point.
About a year or so before the referendum, he was filmed talking to his support base, not a clandestine recording, it was an open meeting rally where he was asked about the EU, and he openly spoke of his opposition to it.
It wasn;t a shock orsurprise, at that time there was no referendum.
What is surprising is that when the referendum happened, he was forced by his jewish masters to campaign for the Saty In side, against his own personal beliefs and principles.
Now this fact should have woken up his labour supporters, that their proud, honest parliamentarian Corbyn would side with Cameron, despite him personally being against the EU.
This should have warned his supporters he has to do what his jewish masters say.
But no
Ask a lavour supporter about the trouble kicked up against Corbyn and they will call the proponents involved "Tory lite" or "blue labour" or even neo-con infiltrators.
The word they are scared to use is "jew".
Anyway look at the Stay In side
Boris johnson, Ian Duncan Smith and that cunt Gove.
All professional zionist lickspittles, each one had always openly spoke of their love and devotion for the EU, then suddenly took up the position of leading the campaign, pushing Farage out.
They win, they panic and fuck off.
200 years ago, Boris, Ian Duncan Smith and Gove's heads would be up on spikes and their bodies floating down the Thames.
We've been deactivated and neutralised, look how calmly the English are taking the last minute panic and attempts to derail the exit of EU.
Everyone is too well fed and comfortable to ever make any attempt to overthrow their overlords I'm afraid
Yeah every single Hungarian museum, historian and archaeologist would be a good start, I left a link earlier if you care about it, but can't help but feel this is another shitpost flingfest going on.
This website is a good resource for Hungarian history, which doesn't match a single word I was taught about them at school.
"The Huns were a nomadic tribe whose origin is unknown but, most likely, they came from "somewhere between the eastern edge of the Altai Mountains and the Caspian Sea, roughly modern Kazakhstan" (Kelly, 45). They are first mentioned in Roman sources by the historian Tacitus in 91 CE as living in the region around the Caspian Sea and, at this time, are not mentioned as any more of a threat to Rome than any other barbarian tribes."
I would like to see the sources for your "turk" claim, since turks didn´t even exist until 200 years after the hunnic empire got defeated and huns fled back to Asia.
Since nobody knows with certainty, i doubt you have a clue, let alone valid sources.
yeah I read it and it distinguishes between White Huns who you're probably talking about
but it also discusses Black Huns or Asiatic Huns who formed the majority of Atilla's empire and of which Atilla was a member of himself
it also states the White Huns mainly invaded India and were a satrap of Persia
doesnt say anything about White Huns in Europe until the 6th century AD
turks as in turkroaches that exist in stolen Anatolian clay today are far removed islamic members of the Gokturk race
the Gokturks are basically every asiatic on a horse who lives between the Bosporus strait and the Himalayas
Not according to any Hungarian, I'm sure you can find many similar tales told about their history from Romanians if you'd prefer the history as told by his conquered victims who curse him till this day.
I know Italians and Croatians understand Atilla's position and role more clearly despite them being some of the conquered, he gave the country to Jewus if you want shitpost tier history, ask a Romanian, you'll get every smear and taint from them you require.
The article was one chapter, it is huge and needs more than 5 minutes consideration but.
The principle belief and is backed up with archaeological finds along with their unique language unrelated to any of the Anglo/Saxon/Celtic tongue etc
They were the indigenous Europeans of the Carpathian basin who lived there some several thousands of years prior, runic finds confirm this as the original land of the magyars, they then left because of the ice age to Indian region like all Europeans had to, to return later and take back their position and land.
To get an idea of the Magyars biology you can look at England's Cornwall, the Cornish are said to be early magyars who settled there, hence the horseman chalk markings etc.
they were once the largest single land mass in Europe and after a succession of jewish wars to destory any and all powerful individual European nations (France/Britain/Germany among them were destroyed as a result of WWI & II) have had 3/4s of their land stolen from them and all other nations taught an altered history of them, despite Hungary being presently of little significance to anyone else outside of Hungary, yet every schoolchild in England is taught Atilla was the most evil man in history, next to Hitler…
doesnt say anything about White Huns in Europe until the 6th century AD
Europeans are indigenous to Europe, they all have a some point left Europe only to return again when conditions allowed.
All European nations histories have been perverted and corrupted and lied about, it is how the jews have such control of our collective minds.
Lying about our histories is one of the key principle tenets of the jewish mind control.
The link I gave is an entire history book online, it's regarded as the most comprehensive and I have the book form which is just a massive exhausting study into their history, several months of careful study to even touch the sides of it.
Anyway this thread is about English politics
yeah no
Cornish are descendants of Brythonic Celts who's ancestors adopted Celtic Iron Age culture in the 9th century BC
prior that they had inhabited the British Isles for approximately 11,000 to 9000 years after migrating there during the last Ice Age when the English Channel was frozen and Doggerland still existed
genetically Britons are descendants of the Basque populations indigenous to Western Europe
horseman chalk markings?
indigenous Brythonic Celts believed horses to be sacred animals and didnt even ride them most of the time instead using horses with chariots
the consumption of horse meat among British Celts was taboo
we arent
our history classes only cover the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans when it comes to foreigners
after that its Celts, Saxons and then all British history
I dont believe that
Comrade Corbyn is finished and as long as he stubbornly sticks around its good for us because the man is just a mess who nobody likes at this point
leaving the EU doesn't change much for your country if you don't kick out your own tratourous politicians who will just continue the same policies minus the EU
don't get me wrong, i'm glad you guys left, insofar as it weakens the EU, but its only a step. You still have to uncuck yourselves. Hungary is part of the EU but they are not accepting refugees, id rather be in the EU and white rather than out the EU and brown.
See that's what worries me. The brits were cuckolds long before joining the EU. They didn't need the EU to disarm themselves, for instance. Disarmament is a mistake you only get to make once, and they made it in the fucking twenties and went full-retard with it ever since.
They need to stop being cuckolds, AFTER they boot out the cuckolded politicians, AFTER they boot out the cuckolded european union.
That's a lot of cucks you gotta get rid of and so far bongistan has been doubling down on cuckholdry for years now so I wish I was optimistic, but alas.
yeah when our Parliament was full of zionists and americanphiles like Churchill and the public had just had WW1 and didnt want to go to war again ever after that
Britains military is better equipped and better trained than any other military in Europe
the only military in Europe which even hints at a threat to Britain is France
no military in Eastern Europe could survive being at war with Britain
especially not if nuclear war ever broke out Britain has enough nukes alone to glass Europe, North Africa and the Middle East
M8, nobody is talking about military.
Nobody gives a fuck about your military if you'll just use it to "defeat fascism" again
does he mean disarmament as in relinquishing weapons to the state
or by disbanding the huge army we had and de-militarizing after WW1?
Sorry, bongshitter, but memes have to have truth behind them in order to be funny.
Congratulations Brothers in Britain. You, like the rest of us, have a long ways to go, but a victory like this is what gives us hope and motivation to struggle on and persevere till the very end. Enjoy this victory, but be prepared to stop those who would take it away from you. Let us hope that Scotland's government doesn't fuck anything up (speaking of which, how is Scotland handling this, their opinion of it, and what are they up to now?)
I meant "you banned handguns, semi-automatic rifles of a caliber large enough to kill somebody, carrying weapons for defense, carrying anything for defense, defending yourself/your family/your property whatsoever".
You faggots banned carrying stun guns for christ's sake. The military part doesn't like help but I'm talking about you, as in your average bongistani, being unable to get most weapons entirely and having to go through ludicrous hoops to get the few you can get, to the point of being 100 percent guaranteed to go to prison forever for defending yourself with one.
THAT, my man, is cuckoldry. The military shit don't help your case but that's irrelevant if your populous has access to weapons. Yours doesn't, by and large, and the few that do are irrevokably cucked by your bullshit laws on it.
Every single schoolchild in the UK was taught this as part of our school curriculum throughout the 70s/80s
You are taught absolutely nothing about anything truly great that Britain did, only the ugly, slavery, theft of resources, Henry the VIII etc aside from being told that all our honours where when we served international jewry siphoning off all resources from the nations we colonised.
You appear to have some strange Jeremy Clarksonesque [English patriot, only reallyhappy when killing for isreal] attitude to Britain's Greatness , even going on about our military,obviously you've no one involved in the forces over the past few years, genuinely it's been reduced and cutback on so much that perhaps Ireland may one day be able to take us (that was meant in jest).
Perhaps if you revisited your education you'd see that everyone/everything you're told to be proud of regarding Britain, was actually the evil we wreaked across the world in the service of our zionist masters.
Nobody in Britain is allowed to be proud of contemporary Britain unless it is celebrating diversity or cheering on negros playing some sporting event with a GB/England shirt on their back or celebrating the mass slaughter of the German cousins.
Celebrating England at any other time marks you as a nazi.
Until the jew is addressed, everything you see happening will only ever culminate in the absolute extermination of our people, despite what every hopey change Trump/Wilders/Le Pen/Brexit fanatic believes, fighting isreal's wars will only accelerate our extinction.
The UK coned a lot of people into joining and now that they've served their masters well they're allowed to go.
Never trust the eternal anglo.
The Scotts now want their independence for real this time kek.
Based HWNDU threads tbh ;^)
to reiterate here
WE didnt ban handguns, semi-automatic rifles of a caliber large enough to kill somebody, carrying weapons for defense, carrying anything for defense, defending yourself/your family/your property whatsoever
the state did
in case you havent noticed Parliament no longer obeys the will of the people
and it hasnt fucking done so in a long time
if Parliament obeyed the will of the people Cromwell would never have become Lord Protector of the English Republic
he wouldnt have murdered Charles I, committing regicide, treason and blasphemy against God in Britain
Yes the state hates and oppresses its own citizens
thats been the way it has in Britain for a very long time now
ever since George V died we've been continually betrayed
you're either a Hungarian or a Pole I dont really think you're British at all
well of course the minister of Education is jewish and I think thats been the status quo for a while now
yes it has been reduced and cut back
i cant remember his name but I know a fired Commander spoke about how the British Army is no longer equipped to fight a conventional war or anything resembling civil uprising
the United Kingdom was actually a Scottish idea
and the SNP are leading around Scottish benny bouncers by the nose promising more gibs if they let themselves become Germany's slave
Scotland leaving the UK will lead to Scots starving to death on the streets after the EU evicts them from their homes and doesnt pay them enough welfare to buy imported English food
The EU allows nations to pay debts by taking shitskins, just look at Greece compared to Hungary
Yeah so the SNP's plan is leave the UK because Sturgeon is a god cursed communist and just has a grudge against England and she hates Trump btw
then what take in 6 million shitskins into Scotlands population of 1.4 million for extra bennies and cash from Germany?
shes totally got the interests of the Scots in her heart and not just out for her own benefit trying to earn a cushy seat in the EU after retiring from British politics
every country in Europe lets you own guns
at varying degrees of licence requirements
The licenses are nowhere near as restrictive as the (((media))) would have you think. I lived under the delusion for years that I couldn't get any kind of weapon where I live. Now with a bit of money thrown in I'm getting an AR15, an SKS, and a 1911.
Oh well, not even sure what your rationale is but it matters not one bit to anything I wrote.
Regardless I could be from Madagascar and everything I wrote wouldn't be any less true.
Sadly I'm born and bred London, England, surrounded by every form of 3rd world filth from all 4 corners of the Earth.
The few English that remain here in London only ever complain about the Poles and muslims, they love the indians and blacks who are "just like us", they love the jews even more than Donald Trump and Theresa May put together.
This is my England
If this is England, where are the English?
I know
my grandads got a Churchill shotgun and a Lee Enfield in his attic and enough ammunition up there to put an arms dealer to shame
thats London aint it
the entire city should just be cleansed with VX gas
about an hour in any direction away from London
take the M5 leave that shithole for a bit and breathe the fresh White British air
You have to have a justification to have such weaponry, and inner city that's basically non existant, I think the only real justifications are shooting range and hunting. Combine this with NO lawful safety if you use it on people even in self defence in your own home/property, a regular police check and two refference required for your sanity. You also need a 5mil thick safe it needs to be in when not I transport, and a mobile safe case for travel.
No you're not free to own, you're ALLOWED to own, but it's certainly not free.
Congrats on a purely symbolic victory, bongcucks.
if you still live in the inner city you're fucked anyway
same as anywhere thats not a third world shithole or America tbh
Oh yeah? I got a sunburn just the other day while indoors during a blizzard wearing a hat and winter clothing. To be fair, snow is really reflective
Don't assume everywhere in the U.S. is like Commiefornia or Jew York City.
Fucking hell. Is there any way to save that country? Anyone there we can support like we are with Le Pen that can save the true Scotsmen there from suffering the same fate as Canada, Germany, and Sweden?
The Hunns never made an Empire, as they left no cities, no writings, no culture of their own, etc.
What that should be called is: Range of Hunn Army Reach.
And to any retard thinking the Hunns were Asians: They were not. Central Asia at the time was still White Dominion and it wasn't until Gengis that the region became more and more Asiatic, racially speaking.
Pic related is Attila, a white guy.
When we leave the EU, we will just get more immigration from muslim countries like pakistan, somalia, etc instead of poland, romania and bulgaria.
Suits the muslims and kikes just fine.
We now need to steer the conversation to cutting all immigration.
Pretty much. Them and the Serbs, can join the Kikes in the grave.
He never really controlled that land.
But holy shit would it have been awesome had it lasted.
Mostly because he keeps Labour out of power.
That's a kike if ever I saw one
That is a Khazar, a middle eastern sort of Turkic. Their skin matches but they're not even close to being European, it would be like noting the similarities between Africans and Aboriginals: Completely unrelated. No matter where you look they're hailed as a bloodlusting group of subhuman ogres, much like the Ulmecs, and for that same reason were mostly brought to the brink of extinction for genocide after genocide after genocide. The only ones who survived were cowards.
Today, after that selective process leaving only the the most deceitful, as well as more then a bit of inbreeding to maintain their racial heritage, we call them Jews.
I will tell you why as an American I insult the British regularly.
It's not that I think Brits or subhuman or not white. It's not because I think their gay current-year government is totally representative of Brits as a people.
I insult the British because in my experience on this board, Brits are some of the most arrogant and inflammatory cunts around. I understand strong national and cultural pride, believe me, but this is something else. Brits accuse every other people of being non-white, seeing themselves as some sort of proto-whites. They circlejerk over an empire they no longer have, while seemingly doing nothing but ignoring the conquest they are going through. They say that American whites (and any whites who are not purely one nationality) are not white even if they are 100% European, because apparently mixing white and white gives you shitskin? Meanwhile through all of this vitriol they completely fail to see that they are only just below Sweden in terms of being absolutely assfucked.
Basically, you have to give respect to get respect, and Brits act like cunts almost every time I have the displeasure of interacting with them. I like your accents, though.
Are you seriously touting the *theoretical* ability to own semi-automatic .22 rifles as an example of how UK gun laws are somehow uncucked despite not having RKBA? Because .22 semi rifles are a birthday gift for a 9 year old in burgerland, my dudeman.
Besides, for that matter, Americans *theoretically* have the right to own modern manufacture grenade launchers & ammo for such, we can obtain new manufacture machine guns, and we're allowed to keep all that shit on display in our living room if we want, or carry it around in the back of our giant SUVs that we drive to the grocery store that's 500 meters from our house.
Service guarantees citizenship. You are born a subject and can only become a citizen through service to the nation. Laws apply equally to subjects and citizens except only citizens can vote or run for elected office or other governmental administrative positions.
any other europoor countries with these kinds of infographs?
Yep, shit like pic related is nothing more than a hilarious kiked ((artists interpretation)), I was also the one to state that in that autistic "East German Separatism" thread without further explanation so for that I apologize. Asiatic doesn't neccesairly mean mongoloid mongrel, we are called CaucASIANS for a reason.
Nigger, you ever seen a Latin before in your life? Other example being a native Transylvanian. This is also an obvious ciraturization, a better representation of what a human being looks like in comparison to other shit during that time like the Bynzantine mosaic.
Didn't think Parliament would pass Breexit.
Glad to see I was wrong.
A lot better than we are currently. We have a separate arrangement with France anyhow, so without the EU relationship putting more pressure on, we should be able to be a lot more strict. I'm hoping at least.
Hitler aside, you can primarily blame Germany for cucking Europe over the last three centuries. They've been exporting their shit to the surrounding countries (like France) while keeping themselves relatively sane, all so they can grow instead of colonising new la ds like the rest of us did.
Until now, any how. The UK is cucked because we took in Germany's commie agitators who clearly hated us and worked to subvert movements that had the people's needs at heart, instead of telling them fuck off or letting them drown while crossing the channel. Imagine how much better the world would be if Marx and co. hadn't been allowed to swan around Europe spreading their cancerous ideology?
And if Hitler was going around calling his politics a form of socialism, it's no wonder we got twitchy. We know where that shit has gotten Europe before, plenty of times. Churchill should have stuck with reading Webster though, apparently she thought Hitler was alright at the time…
needed that
Is that song about kikes' lies and intentionally confusing mumblings?
Hello Holla Forums.
Bumping to remind everybody that article 50 is going to be triggered THIS FUCKING MONTH