I know Holla Forums is generally against reparations (because it doesn't solve the root problem of who owns the MOP) but i was wondering whether reparations could be an intermediary step of reform before socialism.
I know Holla Forums is generally against reparations (because it doesn't solve the root problem of who owns the MOP) but i was wondering whether reparations could be an intermediary step of reform before socialism.
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It will never bring about socialism. I don't have a problem with it, though. Temporary relief and seeing porky part with his money are always good things.
But who are they giving them to? Are they making a check out to the blacks?
call me back when they request reparations for poor people
It's all porky's money as it stands right now.
I'm pretty sure reparations would come from taxpayer's money. Which comes mostly from proles as Porky can find loopholes in fiscal law.
Good, I can't wait for the rich white liberal porkies to pay for blacks' reparations. Reparations for proletarian wealth stolen by capitalist exploitation is next, right?
Dumb and wont solve shit. Niggers are poor because of material conditions and some extra cash aint gonna get them out of the ghetto.
Reparations are stupid, not just because they won't solve anything (they won't), but because it's not really fair to ask somebody to pay another person money to make up for a crime that neither party was involved in.
Pretty sure the vast majority of taxpayer money comes from porkies.
Well in my country, fiscality on Capital is ridiculously low whereas fiscality on work is off the charts. I'm not entiraly sure how the situation is in the US.
I wonder if this panel is packed full of idpolers. Hmmm…
The way to pay reparations to the black community would be to invest in better schools and infrastructure, not to mention making steps towards removing the discrimination that they face.
The US's top 10% pay something like 55% of all federal taxes.
They have like 80% of the money too though.
But that refer to income, not class. Do stats exist mentionning the origin of taxpayers income?
Ancestors of slaves I'm assuming
lolbert argument tbh
I was just stating how much they pay. Not saying they're oppressed fam.
Apparently Obama's white mother is descended from slaves, I wonder if she'll get reparations.
probably not
You know, i would almost like see that kind of stuff be enforced, just to see the quagmire it would create. Like how some White could get money because of DNA test showing slave ancestry or a Black having a White slave owner as an ancestor and so having to pay for the first.
I trust Muricans lawyers to make shit like this happen.
Remember when Sarkeesian and van Valkenburg went to the UN for a "panel"?
Reparations for the descendents of dead oppressed people are a bad idea because it's a slippery slope with no end. Everyone in the world has some sort of ancestor who was dealt an injustice at some point in history. If you want to give some money to people in order to improve society (rather than eliminate capitalist production arrangements), it should be based firmly on their economic conditions rather than ancestry.
A mulatto has two white, slave-holding grandparents and two black slave grandparents. How does reparations work for them?
this is reasonable but people have the idea of "reparations == nigger welfare" too much into their heads. plus 'steps towards discrimination' is hard to codify without going into affirmative action shit
reparations are divisive nonsense. It'll just reinforce racial stereotypes, and create further division between the poor. While doing absolutely nothing to solve the fundamental problem.
So why do they pay taxes?
Reparations, also known as "how to fuel racism"
Reparations make sense if they are given to people who had their own rights violated by the government.
Otherwise the reparations are based on the same generalizations used by racists (i.e. all black people are the same) and will only fuel racism. You can't say "black people as a whole should not be blamed for the actions of individuals" and then go on to say "we're giving money to all black people because some individuals suffered in the past". Not only does it not address the causes of poverty, but it encourages idpol.
A UBI would be infinitely better.
Well, they do have most of the money. Also, the federal government is only half the story. State taxes are the other half, mostly paid by poor people.
Also upper class professional laborers =/=capitalists aka where the big money is and who pays less taxes than anyone
It's a good argument. What is the point of taking money from people who have never enslaved anybody and giving it to people who have never been slaves?
Reparations are some liberal shit and just encourage divisiveness
Liberate black people completely instead
This, reparations are quintessential liberal porky nonsense. It's a solution that does nothing to actually fix the problem and actually hurts the left by fostering racial tension and dividing the working class, but on the surface looks progressive.
Well, I think we all know that, but good luck convincing liberals.
Not just liberals pseudo leftists that cal themselves anti-capitalists and like the Green Party also support this shit.
I'm pro-reparations for blacks, because I want reparations for every member of the working class. 40 Acres and a Mule is literally land reform.
Every person has ancestry who got fucked by the establishment.
While slavery is an evil up there with the holocaust in my eyes, I don't see how giving money to black people for something that happened to their ancestors solves anything or makes things better.
Following the emancipation of black Americans, black people have continued to suffer - even those who were never slaves. Are reparations to be paid on behalf of all who had to live through segregation? If so, will the grand children of black people today be paid on behalf of those alive now who face discrimination?
If we go back to the idea that reparations are specifically a payment for the work that slaves were forced to do, does this someone eliviate the collective guilt of Americans for some kind of paid debt? I don't think so. The people who actually worked never got their money. As I said before, this is the same for literally everyone alive - slavery has existed through all of human history and was not a specifically African phenomena.
I also, as someone who isn't American, see it as pretty unfair on Americans whose families moved to the United States after slavery was abolished - how is it their fault?
And how about Native American slaves? Or even Native Americans who were exterminated? Do they get reparations?
This is just a long line of ethical questions which I don't see being solved or answered in any reasonable fashion.
The money would be better spent on programs to help black people get out of poverty, create jobs, education, etc. Teach a man to fish and all that shit.
Even the left-leaning Martin Luther King Jr. (who's treated like a saint in the U.S. but completely misunderstood) said reparations should be given specifically to the "disadvantaged" and not to black people only.
Unlike the civil rights movement which focused on equality and integration, Black Lives Matter is a black nationalist movement that talks about the grievances of black people only.
Niggers already receive reparations through the welfare state every day.
association fallacy tbh
translation: it makes white people angry
you people promote divisive shit every single day but suddenly when it comes to reparations it's 'oh no that's divisive'. you dont really care about what is and isn't divisive you're just looking out for your own interests and you don't want those "niggers" getting anything for free, just like your fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers before you
pls post the quote, it's not at all uncommon for left wing whites to take MLK's words and twist them to push some kind of agenda
fuck off reddit
MLK also loved calling out white bullshitters like you
Why push a half-measure that won't change the systemic injustices black people face? Reparations are like putting a bandaid on a bullet wound. Handing out cash isn't going to fix complex socioeconomic problems, systemic poverty and racial bias.
We can't change the system, sorry, but it's just not realistic, it's not happening, we're talking about real people affected by real issues, your LARPing has no place in the discussion.
A self-fulfilling prophecy
Black dude here, reparations would be irrelevant. Socialism or bust, reformism a shit
He gives himself 15% of his wages a month until he is a CEO.
My problem with reparations is with the transactional nature of the policy. The implication that through this one-time payment, the responsibility that white people have towards black people is completely erased, that the debt is repaid, that we can return to a state where we are both market actors completely severed from any sort of obligation to each other. I think that this is wrong in principle, that what we need to do is recognize not only that this type of debt or obligation will continue to exist, but that its maintenance is absolutely essential to human society.
It's like the example David Graeber gave in Debt, where he talked about the parent giving the child a bill for all the costs incurred related to their upbringing when they turn 18. The child pays the bill and then leaves, never to speak to the parent again. Through paying the debt, you destroy the relationship that is based on obligation and the expectation of reciprocity, it is reduced to a finite exchange.
Reparations are a bad idea for the same reason - it is literally a liberal ploy to divest society of any responsibility to Black citizens through a one-time payment.
So you believe that blacks are like children and require looking after?
Yes, and that this is also the relationship that white people and asian people have with society. This individualistic meritocratic myth of America has very little to do with how society is actually structured. Most of us are helped by a system towards which we have a continuing obligation that is fuelled by an expectation of reciprocity. It is there more strongly for some than for others, but everyone benefits to some degree, unless they live in a system where people are regarded entirely as productive units whose relationship to others is defined by the exchange of commodities. This is, of course, the capitalist ideal, but the natural communitarian tendencies of human beings tend to very often slip through the cracks and create these support networks based on trust and reciprocity.
And I am not saying that these are all public state structures, very often they are private structures that we may not be conscious of. In this sense I am saying that we are all children that need to be taken care of, but the liberal conservatives are very often like those children who insist that they are grown up and just like adults because they manage their own affairs during the day, because they're able to stay up until so and so time, and then they go home and eat mother's home cooking, sleep in mother's bed.
I think that we should not only recognize these communities of reciprocal aid from which we benefit, but also to build them up and strengthen them and open them up for more people to benefit. A one-time divestment of responsibility in money form is completely anathemic to this.
If this ever gets through, it's because it's not porky's money.
Better idea: give out funds to those willing to invest in a worker self-directed enterprise.