The religion question

This will incite more pro/ani-christianity shilling and trolling. I am not trying for more D&C bs, but there needs to be a solid discussion on this:

Christianity has failed as the faith of our people.

I am not arguing its merits, flaws, successes, or failures over the past 1000+ years; only over the past 60. It has been completely subverted by the jew. It no longers serves its purpose in protecting white families and giving them purpose. I have seen it proclaimed that christianity is the faith of natsoc. There has been a lot of discussion on this, but no side is convincing and the D&C shits up the discussion before it goes anywhere conclusive. Christianity may have fulfilled the 14 words at some point, but no longer.

So now what, user?

No obvious answer appears before me, so I turn to you for answers on this. Esoteric kekism (or any esoteric system) fails due to niche nature. LARPagan-ism still deserves the contempt Hitler presented toward it in Mein Kampf. Anything we (as white people, not as Holla Forums) import is foreign and therefore lacking. Inventing something new probably won't work for a grand list of reasons. The only thing that makes sense (but seems like it would be ineffective) is attempting to fix christianity. I lack the knowledge needed to understand what would be necessary for this or whether it is even possible.

Whether this is the solution or not, I cannot tell. Regardless, it seems that many anons are concerned about matters of religion. Yuri posited that only faith seems strong enough to innoculate populations against the jew (he said communism, but we know what he meant). I know other anons that struggle and consider the black pill too often. Depression is a real threat. A stong faith in something good would be a boon in the great struggle.

So, what options are there? What should an user do seeking a new faith to guide the white man through our current struggle and to the stars?

Praise Kek?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kek is the only way

Esoteric anything is inherently incompatible as a large religion. That's what makes it esoteric. It's only for a few.

Fuck me for not reading it all.

I'm not trying to post a bait thread but I'm totally posting a bait thread

How Hitler dealt with this situation? There were pagans, christians and atheists in his army. He even allied with some muslims and shown respect to japanese culture.
Maintaining status quo on faith and religion allowed for better control over the main struggle for nationalism.

Religious D&C shills are inherently anti-natsoc, forcing religion on others is also degenerate.

Be as christian as Hitler. Simple as that.

so close


Do we have to be religious? I have faith in myself. What I accomplish, I own. What my people accomplish, we own. I never needed to fit a god anywhere into it. Mein Kampf can be just as fine a source for morality and inspiration as any holy text. So can the writings of Plato and the other great fathers of western philosophy.

Fuck off with the D&C thread faggot. Without Christianity, Europe would be a fucking hell hole by now


We can make a new one, based not around a sky fairy but the shared spirit of the white man and the full expression of our innate values. No supernatural claims that cannot be proven, as we can walk the path to divinity ourselves.

I think this can only be accomplished once we have order in the world so we can find and cultivate the best minds and leaders for this.

I think you're too quick to declare Christianity dead. A faith that's endured for over a thousand years shouldn't be given up just because of a half century of dysfunction. The most straightforward option (and one that's already happening, to a certain extent) is a traditionalist long march through the Catholic Church. The newest generation of priests has far more hardliners than the last few, and is well to the right of the the current Pope (whether you think that's Francis or still Benedict). Sedevacantism is currently too fringe for most people, but if Francis pushes hard enough he could easily ignite a real schism, and the breakaway faction would likely be more energetic and healthy than any Western religious movement in a very long time. Alternatively, there are the Orthodox churches, which remain mostly uncucked.

All that said, the most basic question about religion is what is actually true. If you don't believe in something yourself, you will not be able to get others believe it, you will not be willing to kill and to die for it, you will fail.

nah. you failed god. not the other way around.

This is what I always believed. Our peoples' works are greater than that of any god and we didn't have supernatural powers to aid us.

The Greek gods endured for 2000 years. They died too.


As a former mormon right here let me first off say that fuck mormonism and fuck all religions. Yep. Every last believer of any sort is going to be slaugtered in the dotr. Mad max conditions x100 worldwide ready set go


Sure, but the proto-monotheism of philosophers like Plato and Aristotle did not die, but was integrated into Christianity.
The extent to which the Greeks believed in the stories we know today about their gods as literal truth is also debatable–Hesiod's work, which is one of our primary sources on Greek myth, is pretty clearly allegorical.

Your former religion being an insane, clownish cult doesn't make all religions like it.

All of Christianity is an insane cult. It's not at all healthy to have the amount of cognitive dissonance that it takes to still be a Christian with a 100+ IQ. I tried it for years. All of European Paganism is allegorical, the symbology is obvious. Even Varg says this.

Not an argument. What about Christianity induces cognitive dissonance?

I really don't want to play that game because the goal posts are always moving with Christians. No matter what I bring out of the texts if it conflicts with historical evidence you'll just claim that part isn't literal. For example, the timing of Noah's Ark which can be dated from genealogies and time spans given in the Bible directly. It dates to 2348 BC. Here's the source:

So either we are all descendant from Noah and our common ancestor is from that time, or you cook the books to somehow conclude that this isn't literal. If you actually believe this then you don't believe the people who lived in Europe before Noah were actually your ancestors, and you claim a Jew instead.


Esoteric = spirituality, not religion. As in, it only works on an individual level. Fixing Christianity might be doable, but it has been so subverted, especially in Europe, that I am extremely skeptical that is even possible. Perhaps someone who had good leadership skills but also a strong sense of idolatry and aversion to heresy could do it, but no one seems to be presenting themselves.

One thing that I've considered is creating some kind of Pagan orthodoxy. Despite how tiny Paganism currently is, the general idea appeals to a lot of people. Varg Vikernes seems to be trying to do something like this at the moment. Personally, I consider Asatruism to be heresy, as they do not believe the norse gods actually exist but are psychological representations of human values.

Or, we could try memeing Kekism into being an actual religion. Crazier things have happened.

We must stand strong in the dark times we live in. We must all seek our own faith and enlightenment. The only will to live I have is the need to preserve mankind and our accomplishments. We must not fall to the Muslims or Jewish rats that plague our world. We must stand united to fight them. Let us not bicker over religion, but that we all work together for humanity's sake. Worship what you want, some will pray to Kek, and others will worship there own gods. But as long as we protect the true race from extinction, we can live happily.

Thanks for the anchor, mods. A real discussion thread and you shit on it.

Witnessed and truth hath spoken

You don't need a sky friend to know your own ability and worth.

Look at how they calculate this. They don't go backward from a clearly historical figure like Christ, they go forward from the clearly allegorical figures of Adam and Eve, who were put at 4004 BC mostly arbitrarily by James Ussher in the 17th century.
Don't listen to YECs. Bad theology, bad hermeneutics, bad science.

This is how I know you're lying and not just dumb. Jews prefer Muslims to Christians. Always have. They opened the gates for them during the invasion of Spain and they're doing it again now.

Didn't expect that! If Adam and Eve are allegorical then how did man fall from grace, and what is original sin? If we evolved then we were never perfect. With no original sin, then why did Jesus have to die to rectify the state of man and give them a path to God?

Original sin is the burden of being both an animal and a moral agent. Given that the Fall described in Genesis involves Adam and Eve gaining a kind of self-awareness, it represents a major shift in human cognition towards conscious moral agency–possibly Julian Jaynes' breakdown of the bicameral mind, though he puts that later in history and thinks the Old Testament was written by people who still had bicameral minds.
I agree with this (I would say "complete" instead of perfect, though, since it doesn't seem quite right to say that there was something wrong with us–we were what we were supposed to be at that time). I see Christ not as restoring an original state of grace, but as offering a path to communion with God while retaining our self-awareness and agency, which is accomplished by repentance. We can analogize this to the life of a man–Eden is childhood, after the fall is adolescence, and Christ offers us the chance to become full adults.

Hitler was a deist, if anything.

Kek aproves!