Political Quiz Feedback

I'm working on a political quiz, and I want it to be the best political quiz on the internet.

I'm looking for feedback from you political scholars and autistes, specifically:

Do you consider your results to be accurate? If not, why not?
Questions you would add/change.
Answers you would add/change.
Political labels/categories you would add. (Currently the only labels are: Fascist, Conservative, Neoconservative, Classical Liberal/Libertarian, Moderate, Progressive, and Socialist)

Thanks for the help Holla Forums


Seems accurate for what it is. I would add some questions about social hierarchy.

Neat quiz user. Covers most important issues without being stupidly long like that stupid political spectrum quiz.

I think you should include the label of NatSoc or just Nationalist. Also I suggest taking out the word "degenerate" from the quiz, pretty obvious who made it otherwise


It ranks me as a conservative, when in reality, I'm more center-right. I think just a few more questions to lessen the broadness would be good.

You know, just a couple short years ago, I would have scored solidly libertarian.

Which categories would you say distinguish a NatSoc from a Fascist?

I made economics irrelevant in determining Fascist label.

Jeez. A quick fix would be to make people who answer positively on welfare options closer towards that. I feel we have an obligation to help people in need. As a comrade. :^)

So if I a fascist scored negative on economics (socialism) would that be enough to change it to natsoc?

Why would I need a quiz to tell me my views? If I don't know what I stand for then clearly I stand for nothing at al

those digits

It's for the normies. They love quizzes, it might teach them a thing or two about ideology, and it will help spread the site/ideas.


Data mined:

Your IP
You are a fascist

Forwarding to Mossad. RIP faggot.

A Natsoc would be more of Race Realist than a Facist. Also a Natsoc would be would focus more on individualism than collectivism. And Fascists are more of idealists

Wow, I'm a conservative now. Can I still kill niggers and gas jews, though.

Same fam. A lot of us here are like that I think.

Nah, google the creator of the site and you'll see he has a few bad goy Reddit posts

What makes you think that? Kek

not bad.
Better than 90 percent of the trash out there.

I was moderator of /r/altright but that doesn't show up anymore :(

you cross posted this to 4chan. don't ask me how i know that

I did the test, I hope this helps you accumulate data or something.

Test is bretty gud overall I'd say, unlike other test like this I never felt like i had to choose between Jew Answer #1, Jew Answer #2, or Jew Answer #3.

For the record I'm pro welfare, but only for struggling white burgers.


I think you need more neutral questions, some other quizzes have and agree / disagree spectrum

It's an engaging mix of questions, though a few are leading. The one that stood out the most was the question about the foundation of society. The two options naming laws just don't seem to be plausible "foundations". I'd consider changing it to something like, "Which is most important for a well-functioning society?"

Do you mean neutral answers? What would neutral questions be?

Thanks for the tip

Social programs like welfare:
1) Should be expanded until there is economic equality for all
2) Are good because we have a moral obligation to help those in need
3) Are necessary because extreme poverty has negative social consequences
4) Are good in principle but are being abused, mostly by minorities and immigrants
5) Are bad because they destroy character and create dependency on government
6) Are bad because they promote inferior genetics in society

4,5 and 6 are the same answer.

I think Fascist should be switched to Corporatist to unite all the far-right ideologies.

How hard is it to get fucking https to work?


Its not even that expensive for a decent one.

Just finished the quiz. Although I feel it generalizes a bit, it's pretty accurate for what I define myself as.

Why are you here?

Why would you need https on a generic html site with literally zero text input options?

I mean what could you possibly do on the site that would compromise anything?

Once I add forums and shit it will be ssl secured.


Just to let you know, the AP itself tries to avoid bias. It's the corporations that cherry pick which AP stories to feature. If you want your voice out there, go for it. If you're suspicious, avoid loaded questions and call them out diplomatically.

I never know what to answer for Religion on these because modern subverted religions are ovenworthy while an actual folk religion mite b cool

No option for only genetically compatible immigrants either.

halfchan spic detected

I'm /new/ old guard. I enjoy dank memes, watching events unfold, seeing news stories the MSM is covering up, and appreciating other perspectives.

I'm a NatSoc though. Pretty good quiz, could probably use some more questions though to get in more depth. Probably add things about forms of government, abortion, sovereignty, things like that.