Make America Great again

The absolute zenith of America greatness,was when Neil Alden Armstrongs boot touched the Lunar surface.

It's been all downhill since,the ONLY way to recapture this greatness is going to be send American men to Mars. That's it.

At the rate our "space program" is going very soon no one will even believe we went to the Moon. It will simply be myth.

Can the God Emperor send Americans to Mars?

p.s. the way this works is it has to be done while he is in office or it won't get done.

We've got the technological capability.
C'mon, let's get this going.

maybe first we should rid our nation here on earth of the space aliens who run our banks and our courts and our schools

How can you be sure that we ever went in the first place? The connections between Pedowood and the government combined with the pressure from the soviets as well as the questionable footage all really points tp the conclusion that it was faked.

I do agree with the sentiment, though. Space Imperium is our destiny. Shitty slide thread, though, so sage.

I do not agree.

Who cares if some dude we don´t know stepped a foot on a giant rock in space. There is literally nothing more irrelevant than that. It was also likely faked to make the soviets spend tons of money on their own space program to compete with them.

America was great when it still had 90% whites.

why not both?

/x/ is the other way, there is even an article on kikepedia debunking this, read that, and if you are still thinking the same, you are no better than flatearthers.

All of you, go read some book, goddamnit

What's the point of spending hundreds of billions to send people to Mars? I could understand if it was like a second Earth with good climate, but Mars is -195F wasteland. What's the fucking point? Why not spend that money on making AMERICA great again?

America needs a new generation of Moonmen.

You must not be white. Exploration for the sake of exploration is something that the lesser races can't understand.

wow a fucking article on kikepedia debunked it? pack it up guys, it's over.

Umm… what?

Listen i don't want to get into it too much, but have you taken the ayy pill yet user? Ayy lmaos made contact with the US government after WW2 and gave them tech, and the gov also harvested tech from the roswell crash (and subsequent crashes that they caused – they figured out they could down ayy lmao craft with high powered radar).

Anyways, it's a real paradigm shift to realize that rocket propulsion has been obsolete since before the alleged "moon landing" took place. I'll leave it up to you to theorize what the implications of this could be.

hint: any funding towards going to the moon using rocket technology is a black ops money pit.

What's the point of traveling north and leaving Africa? Why not just chase animals all day?

Really nigger? Really?

Allow me to repeat myself. Mars is negative 195 wasteland. How can you compare fertile Europe to freezing cold Mars?

gr8 thread

really supercharged my cerebrum

i wonder what desert dwelling parasite wouldn't want funding for space flight

The same one who sees infrastructure crumbling around him

We still had way too many fucking communists and kikes in this nation.

Yeah, sure. OK.

Thank you merchant, you are my greatest ally









How is it going to benefit America to spend fortune on sending some (((diverse))) group of people to Mars? Think of all the grand projects that could benefit Americans in the US


Kike shills. Reminerr that the jew's.goal is lock all the goyim in this planet-prison forever

The zenith was before women could vote. Women's suffrage is the hallmark of the beginning of decline.

Not to shit on the moon landing though, that was cool as balls. But more of a final burst of the last bit of dead inertia we had.



It was already on the downhill slope by that part lad. You're about 4 years too late.

we don't do things because they are easy. We do them because they are hard


keep on larping fag

1969, yeah right. The kike poz load had already been shoved up america's ass by then. Haven't you seen the pics of the niggers out there protesting the moon mission? Probably the last good year was 1962. After that they killed kennedy then civil rights in 64, then immigration in 65.

Nice zenith you got there larp faggot