need to listen to
^disfag right here.
The most important factor here is actually the
JonPie when combined is exactly 1 Holla Forumsack
Notch was getting no traction because he can't bants well despite having a literal autist army at his beck and call and billions to his name. He was living up the Grumpy Un-fun Sourpuss Cuckservative memedream, no kid is gonna respond to that no matter how much truthiness is doled out.
Push more e-celebs to cancer in this direction if they gotta cancer.
beats what it started off as, at least. Now they're actually trying to get pussy, not swear off it.
two in the nums and then another HH in the ID even, I'd say that's Mos Def.
oh lol those shorts. I recognise those. (minus the pony)
Mark is the shittest jew ever, I swear if he accepted money to make a literal shill post on a game, he'd come back two days later and suddenly buy the crap when he saw it in mod queue.
At this point Mark is the memepost.
ironically the literal natives could probably do a bang-up job these days if you can get them away from the 'firewater,' it's not just Vox anymore.
Redpilled redman arguments are pretty funny too. They go like "We fucked up letting you jackasses in here, now we're stuck with you, but why are you letting those jackasses in there?
After DaPL I feel like libtards have shot their last load with'em and the patience of most tribes is completely gone.
tbf that really only affected places where GG was a common sight, /a/ which has always been perpetual cuckoldry since the EVA-ban days (lordy how I miss those days), /m/ since removing the EVA-ban, and places where the mods aren't deathly scared of their own base (/cgl/)
Of course, the boards moderation ain't a problem, it's not a problem because they're dead-slow.
kek, the kebab that removes kebab.
He was close a few times to coming clean but ultimately the shekels won out. He also folded during the ho-busters scandal when he shouldn't have. Damn shame because unlike most other vidya jewtube sperglords he's legit knowledgeable about the craft, all the way back to the -vision and laserdisc days. Wish we could get one of those walking encyclopaedias to go red, because that has potential to drive a wedge into (((gaming academia))) (and it might be a bit too late to start on it ourselves since they'll be on the lookout for internal subterfuge after the past few years)