Second time lucky guys, let's hope we don't have to have a third.
Second time lucky guys, let's hope we don't have to have a third.
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No, fuck independence you clueless cunt.
If we get independence while the SNP are in charge we will become SwedenV2.
Not to mention the leaders of all other parties are gay, there's literally no right-wing option for Scotland.
"Independant Scotland" at this point is code for "Anti-white"
At least while we're in the UK we have an English shaped condom that takes 99% of the damage from the EU shitskins.
They mean Edinburgh independence. It's like they forgot what happened last time.
you a homosexual op ?
SNP are phony nationalist cucks.
Scotland, left to its own devices, will be even more devoured by the muz, OP. You need to hang together or you'll hang separately.
Can't wait to lift those kilts and get culturally enriched?
Let's go, goyim!
Scotland the Social Democracy? It will be like Sweden. The SNP ousted more conservative socialism from power and relies on commies and open borders scum to split the Labour vote and create its power base. SNP is killing Scotland as well as Great Britain!
Reminder that Scotland wont get independence, it'll be granting independence to England.
The senior kingdom of the Acts of Union is Scotland.
Scotland got cucked so hard all the real men left, leaving only masochistic faggots.
Scots are all pisspots leeching off England. The clever ones have left already. The rest are there marinating in IronBru listening to that Wee Cranky bitch. I say cut them loose.
You are retard if you think Scottish independence wouldn't be good for BOTH nations politics.
In 50 years the next Hitler can unify us again anyway.
Didn't the majority of Scottish citizens vote for leave and the majority of non-scottish citizens voted for stay? Something like this?
Any scot anons that can contribute? Does it have any chances to succeed? Free yourself from England to get back being enslaved by EU seems like a shitty idea. Why not wait?
If it fails gonna get some cheap laughs on here.
I want Scotland to fail. It's a nothing country full of nothing people. They are more civnat than even the most burger of burgers. Within 10 years of independence native scots will be a minority.
Implying the EU will last that long.
Scotland is still one of the whitest nations in europe. We have a population one tenth the size of angloland yet you lot still feel so inadequate that you spam every Scotland thread. Must feel bad having no culture.
Do it. England will be soooo much better off without the socialist, SJW cunts.
Why is scotland full of SJW marxist trash? What the fuck caused this?
3 posts to my 1 defending the most drunken and drugged up "country" in western Europe. Scottish culture is overdosing in an Edinburgh nightclub. Enjoy SNP turning your country into Bangladesh overnight
You anglos are showing your true colors. Tell me more about how a 96 percent country is worthless.
Bet you live in london.
Brexit is the first step to retaking ALL Britain, not just England and Wales. The only reason who cunts want to leave is because SNP isn't getting it's daily dose of migrant rape. Do you really believe that an independent Scotland will be more hostile to immigrants? You'll be a less populated Sweden, and right fucking next to us. Not to mention the hell the taigs will raise, because what we really need right know is another round of the troubles. Recognize that Scotland is still Scotland in the Union instead of another ass for Brussels to rape.
If you're actually scottish you have anglo dna running through your blood, unless you're one of the 50,000 people living in the outer isles. Fuck off d&c kike.
Also London is shite, worse than Scotland.
Scotland had its chance. Sometimes you have to cut off a limb to save the body.
"In the Year of our Lord 1314, patriots of Scotland - starving and outnumbered - charged the fields of Bannockburn. They fought like warrior poets; they fought like Scotsmen, and won their freedom."
Scottfags, don't give up, men faught and died for freedom, don't be that guy who says "not me" and don't let (((that guy))) get away with saying it. You can do this. Stand up for yourselves.
Honestly yes. I agree with most of your other points. Im voting no but just dont think we couldn't be successful if we were independent.
I used to find the Scottish irritating with all their marxist blathering and biting of the hand that feeds, but now I just feel sorry for them. Their entire culture is centred around being contrarian to the English. If they go it will mean nothing truly significant to England, but the Scottish will find themselves cut off from the most important part of their culture… The English.
lazy drunken welfare queens.
Maybe I came off a little strong. I just hate seeing the way such a beautiful people and country are right know. We're a different folk, and quarrelsome to boot, but I still see us as brothers. If you are ever to be independent, I wouldn't want it to be like this, not over arguing on who is more pozzed. Here's to the both of our lands, I hope there'll be brighter days ahead for you, and for Scotland.
England was inherited by King James of Scotland; if the Scotts go then it's actually the English gaining independence.
Third Referendum never comes.
Either because the people is sick of hearing about it or because the opposing gang rig the system and continually feed fear into the people's minds
Please tell me this isn't a thing.
Agreed. Hope we stay untied.
It will last long enough to screw you over. Seems like a bad idea. If your politicians were smart they would wait at least couple of years to see how shit goes, but they won't. Eurocrat cancer everywhere.
This has and will probably stay a scot-bashing thread unless something is done. Maybe sometime later we could have a dedicated scottish thread instead of this garbage. Would be nice to see a real solution to getting the Scottish wise on the immigrant issue instead of shouting at one another. Stay strong brother, empire soon.
All of the British Isles should be under the English heel. Sorry, but that's just the way it is. There's no point in having a bunch of shitty, irrelevant, Marxist EU fiefdoms all over the place. You speak English, you are related to the English, and you aren't relevant on your own.
Uruguay should join Argentina, Austria should join Germany, and so forth. There are too many dumb duplicate countries in the world.
Can't forget a leftist work colleague who was bragging that England was going to be fucked over by Ireland and Scotland leaving the UK, so that they can be butt buddies with the EU.
He shut up when I reminded him how much of a failure the EU is and that it only benefits (((large corporations and international banks))).
I'd agree with this only if we had a system where the Scottish couldn't vote on anything.
Name an island which has prospered from division.
What's more most of Scotland's trade is with England. SNP are anti-nuclear pacifists so the British Isles will be defended entirely by England. SNP are literally rapefugees welcome cucks who consider Canada a role model.
Scottish nationalism is now more cancerous than Irish nationalism. I'm saying this as a Scot, living in Scotland. You faux-nationalist fannies make me puke. The Union was the best thing to ever happen to Scotland.
We want you gone tbh lad. As much as I love our shared history, you can take your 5 barrels of crude oil and fuck off to europe. Im sick it all. Take fucking central london with you and all.
Shut the fuck up you fat american/canadian bastard.
It's a cute idea, but Scotland literally can't exist as its own nation. The economy would evaporate, immigrants would swarm in and some of the last decent white people on the planet would get fucked into oblivion.
Yeah braveheart was a good movie
That map isn't 100% accurate, 7 constituencies in NI voted Leave.
Polite sage for slight off-topic.
There is nothing good about Scottish independence. Please stop with the terrible burger memes. Read until it sinks in.
t. Half-jock living on the border
SNP are traitors
Fuck the globalist EU
Sod all of you welfare scum who think independence will somehow make us rich, and fuck all you middle class cunts who think independence won't ruin our country financially.
I've never really had any quarrels with Scotland. Having never really been to Scotland and having only spoken to a handful of Scots (distant family members from my mothers side) I've only a vague idea of what Scotland wants as a Nation.
From what I keep seeing on the news, the SNP just seem bitter and want to split for the hell of it. Even though their public spending cannot possibly be supported by their current tax revenue when you take into account that their national infrastructure would be completely ravaged by splitting from the UK as they'd need to increase spending heavily to make up for the loss of shared resources.
Seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face tbh fam… that and yes the Scottish parliament (or the Scottish echo chamber depending on how you look at it) are making themselves out to be complete fannies. and don't seem to give a shit about what it would do to your average Scot.
It doesn't even seem to be motivated out of national pride… Their whole campaign seems to be motivated out of spite and salt. Why? and why does every "yes" voting Scot seem to autistically screech "MUH NORTH SEA OIL!" when you point out the fantastically huge public spending deficit?
Here's the secret lad to why the SNP hate the english..
they're crypto paddys
Scottish nationalism is similar to nationalism here in Northern Ireland in the sense that its only real motivation is to do the opposite of whatever the English do.
So after the EU crashes and burns will you try to rejoin ungland or maybe a union with the micks, or what?
Are you the same faggot who was making all those posts fellating the IRA as 'based' not long ago?
Im neutral to this but scotland is more the some nobody nation much of the best the UK produced came from the scots. The English claiming everything in the union was done by them would be ridicules considering all the poets fighters and intellectuals that came from wales scotland and ireland.
And God Emperors
t. Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington
Scots insist there is no deficit. I don't care for the commies, but if they get all the North Sea oil they will be able to run the same modest deficits as most countries to fund their current spending. Of course SNP will go full retard and take on too much debt, but it will take a long while or a financial crisis before Scotland is unable to borrow.
Oscar Wilde was Anglo-Irish
And a pedo-home
You've got the situation nailed.
Last year the SNP government ran something like a 10% budget deficit. Even though Scotland receives a bigger share of revenue per capita from British taxes they still fuck it up. That cannot continue for long until you're bankrupt.
In their independence manifesto they projected perpetual oil and gas tax revenue growth. Despite the fact that the wells are drying up and exploration is non-existent. Despite the fact that in 80s the Saudis slashed the price of oil by oversupply to maintain their market share - they couldn't even anticipate something that the Saudis always fucking do when prices get too high and competition moves in.
A large part of it seems to by driven by affinity with the Irish and sportsball mathces. I love a good Scotland vs England sportsball game myself, but it has fueled anitpathy between us. Most of the plebs out there take the Flower of Scotland literally.
Anglos should send some surveyors to Texas, the experience in how walls are built is sure to come in handy.
Isn't that quote misattributed to Wellesley? I'm pretty sure that was how Daniel O'Connell described him in a speech once.
Its misattributed to Wellesley, but repeated by Cornwell in Sharpe, so its historical fact now lad.
Fair tbqh
Ireland here, don't go for independence unless you got a solid right wing party leading the charge or you'll end up like us who have nothing but marxists and cucks as our main parties who will ride the "we beat the british!" train until the country is destroyed.
My direct ancestors left Scotland in the 18th century. They got out before the whole country went retarded.
Sean Connery is one of the last real Scots left alive. He was for independence for real, not independence so we can stay in the EU. jfc
Robert de Brus, William Wallace, and my ancestors are rolling over in their graves. Shameful!
What about your ancestors who joined the union and ruled a quarter of the world with your fellow Brits?
I may not be a native Scotsman (American with Scottish (argyllshire) ancestry, but I highly respect the the history and way of fighting Scotland has. Maybe it's the Scottish/Celtic side of me that is sad to see it in it's modern state, but it makes me wish I could help the country and it's true native people in some way.
Whether others opinion on Scotland is good or bad, the last thing Europe needs is another Sweden or France. It's already looking bad as it is in Scotland, but with Brexit and keeping Scotland apart of Britain, it could save the country and it's people from suffering the same fate. This is coming from someone that would like to see Scotland stand on its own two feet for it's people, but as it stands, there isn't a politician, political party, or even just a true native willing to take the challenge (at least one I don't know of).
Germany's in a worse state than Scotland, and while there is reason to pursue it's rescue more than most other countries, we should not leave Scotland to die as some anons here are saying. We've already lost enough in Europe as it is.
The would indeed. They didn't fight with everything they had and die for what Scotland is now.
making a union with them was a mistake, had we stayed in danelaw we'd never be in this bloody mess
The deindustrialisation of Britain has made everyone in poorer areas turn into welfare trash.
Scotland used to be a proud contributor to the empire, now it's a rump of a country that produces good whisky and loads even more debt.
They came over here and got shot. Not trying to troll you, user. Just being honest.
West Virginia all over again!
Like every other “Nationalist” movement in the union there nationalist policy extends to and abruptly ends at “fuck the English” other than that the SNP like the rest of them are anything but Nationalist, they are positively globalist in policy and Marxist in ideology.
You can’t run a country on the power of hatred for the English. Everything the SNP do proves that they are incapable of running Scotland anywhere but into the ground. Should they really wish to run their nation independently then rather than making childish swipes at Westminster they should be working on creating a plan for being an independent country. Of course for a nation that would underperform even Greece that isn’t easy, it would take real innovation and talent, which the SNP lack.
During their independence referendum large businesses rallied by the Conservatives said they would leave should Scotland become independent. The scots just waved their hands in the air and said, “So what” or “no you won’t”. Idiots, and that sums up it all up. In that situation one must sit down with those making threats and negotiate favourable terms so as some of them agree to stay. This is what resonates with voters. They didn’t do that thus proved themselves incapable of ruling. Many such examples.
Scotland wont be independent and by focusing on it rather than their actual responsibilities the SNP really hurt Scotland.
Completely missed the point of .
Britain is strong because we're so different and yet the same. We all thirst for Aryan blood and we hate being told what to do. When we get bored of tossing rocks at each other and start getting into a shitskin land grab competitions with France, Spain and to a lesser extent the Netherlands we have a lot of fun.
But then we do some fucked up shit like mismanage a rebellion and end up creating the biggest cancer to Western civilization since Germany formed Germany.
Every major political party in the western world gets by promising gis they can't afford. Succession or independence should go hand in hand with austerity. It's just common sense that with less industry and a smaller tax base you'll have to go without for awhile as you adapt. If any nationalist party doesn't bow to that reality it proves they're not serious about it, and are just trading one debt master for another.
And before the argument is made for war boosting the economy, who the fuck is a tiny little bump like scotland going to raid and loot? They've got a smaller total population than some cities.
I totally agree with what most people here are saying.
Even if you're not a Scot, nor descended from Scots, just about everybody has a soft spot in their hearts for Scottish history, and Scotland itself. We all want it to be the proud independent Scotland it SHOULD be.
But this is bad. The SNP are terrible, and bring out the worst in Scots. They've forgotten their culture and history. We want them to remember it and protect it.
Scotland should be more like Japan.
On ethnonationalists principles i call for the UK to be dissolved, fuck that cuck worthless rests of a once global empire.
The british islands is a multi-ethnic place, and im not refering to the shitskins, i am talking that you got welsh, irishmen, english, scottish, cornish and manx.
There is no such thing as a british person, it is a artificial creation made by the kings and queens of england to keep all the peoples of the islands united as a single thing.
Britain is a socialist, antigun, antipatriotic and obsolete institution, its time should come to an end and be replaced by independent white nations.
The nationalists are socialists in disguise, but the cause of partitioning the islands seems fair to me, there needs to be a serious overhaull of such stuff, but if the other countries of britain where to secede they could seal off the borders to shitskins living in england.
Niggers, hear me out
Saudi Arabia also has natural resources, yet their country is a giant fucking timebomb, that can only delay itself going off through self-destructive alliances it will be the same with Scotland. Only that due to it's location and consequently, people in GB knowing more about the economic and political landscape of Scotland at any given time, it will be much, much more easy to make that timebomb go off. The best thing any good samaritan could do for the world, would be to disrupt the saudi oil extraction for an extended period of time and watch as the population eats itself, when the goods that they buy with their not-gibs grow very, very scarce in their country and the prices go up.
My family keeps crucifying me for not being loyal to my (only partial) Scottish heritage, but holy fuck, the Scots deserve this so bad.If it means this massive stepping stone gets created to destroying the globalist regime, I am very happy to sacrifice this barren piece of shit country. They made their bed, there is nothing wrong with forcing them to lie in it.
Lad they are seceding precisely because us actual Englanons dont want more shitskins, and they scots and irish do.You make a noble scenario, but where does that leave us on the world stage? The 'Britain' you describe ruled most of the world lad. Go back to armchair politics.
Speaking of the Manx. Out of curiosity, did that mass influx happen to Mann? Something like 10,000 mudslimes were slated to be shipped there, they got called out for the insanity of it, but I never heard what eventually happened with all that.
These seem to be essential traits of all englishmen, and the major reason any relaxing on immigration restrictions from england make me nervous as fuck. Not only is it an infection vector for mudslimes and other shitskins, it's the recipe for another commiefornia.
Okay faggots. Theres 2 or more of you here to d&c only. Pack your shit and fuck off.
Fuck them. Fuck them all, how dare they say that we should be thankful for all of the paki rape gangs, honour killings and terrorism. It's time they got the cultural enrichment they've always wanted.
In my experience most non-Scots who romanticize Scottish independence do so because they watched Braveheart one time. They come from former colonies like Australia, America, Canada and New Zealand. Countries which are a complete cocktail of British and NON-BRITISH ethnicity. And they have the gall to tell US that WE need to be completely ethnically homogeneous and pure.
FUCK YOURSELVES. Take a look at your filthy countries, you even surround yourself with Irishmen.
For the most part we stick to our own countries, but when we do mix it turns out pretty well also. Why is that? Because we're all white, northern-Europeans which is what fucking matters.
Fuck off with your D&C micro-ethnicity shit. White above all.
I don't care what you do with your country, but anglos are voting for mass camera surveillance, no right to self defence, nogunz, registration of butter knives, and hate speech laws. As long as that shit keeps happening I sure as hell don't want you coming here, we've got enough problems already.
If the west dies anglos killed it
You guys should read the "Wings Over Scotland" blog, it's where most Scots get a good deal of their information about independence.
Don't you see the difference between a polish and a italian?
Its the same, white multiculturalism serves well in overseas, but on europe the distinct ethnicities have to be protected.
Except the Irish.
Totally not the Jewish/Irish USA or Communist born eastern German politicians.
Just a little joke paddy, calm down.
Which of those is white, northern European?
What do you have agaisn't the irish.
Irish people literally dindu nuffin.
Both, are you some kind of dumb nordicist?
Yep it wasnt it was the anglos. The WASP'S have worshipped the jews since cromwell and the swarthy jew anglo has been a meme for 500 years. One of your highest aristocratic families is the rothschilds you worthless scum.
England has been poisoning us with liberalism since before any of those things even existed. Save for maybe the jews as they're a primordial evil.
Micks aren't so bad but they tend to act like niggers when left to their own devices. Most stereotypical "white trash" in the Appalachian US are of primarily Irish ancestry, to give you an idea.
White North Europeans are objectively the most genetically superior people on the planet.
Slavs aren't Europeans. Mediterraneans are too heavily mixed with non-Europeans. They're close to white, but they're not actually white.
And Cromwell also hated being ruled under the British monarchy, so do Irish/Scottish republicucks.
Paddies have been victims of slavery, discrimination, ethnic replacement, famine, mass executions and war crimes, and then the brits complain about the irish separatism, the IRA and all that stuff.
You know what the british goverment has done some horrible things to fellow white people, but being discriminatory to the irish is a low blow.
Fuck any anti-paddies, a redpilled irish nationalist is worth 10 british nationalists to me.
Thats not true at all anglo-jew why are all the anglo peasants ugly and disgusting and the high caste swarthy and degenerate? Anglos are not northern euros
Hows that lad? We are in the middle of Brexit tbh, stop being a moron.
Well, england and her colonies are directly responsible for the death of the West. So it's not exactly a great competition.
That said, I wouldn't willingly invite any great number of irish to any community that I intended to spend any meaningful amount of time in. Light skinned, but culturally incompatible, might be the most polite way to say it.
Literally every non-elite group of people suffered the same fate in times past. Get over it, really you're just jelly your country never had the strength to impose their will on any other.
Howd you figure that chaim? Jews are responsible, dont fucking forget it.
Funny how you edited out the part where I say cameras. Becuase they're not on every single street post, intersection, entryway and bathroom, right?
Why did you remove that key word, by the way? It was in the middle of two you used, so you can't claim it just got clipped out. All the other points stand too. There is no reason to tolerate anglos while they're busy being commiefornia of the east.
I would say open borders to any white that wants to populate overseas white zones or create new white zones.
Britcucks have been the ZOG greatest puppet for 200 years and they have been rewarded dearly.
Why do I have cuck genes?
greatest puppet is USA lad, formed exclusively to benefit jews. All countries are infected. Only a jew would argue otherwise. Nice foreskin.
New white zones maybe, but the mixing is already to much. We need to do what we can to put an end to it, and preserve what's left of the ethnicities.
They fell to the jew first, that can be set aside for now, but it isn't forgotten.
Why isn't this banned yet?
And you don't seem to understand that we should not be at each others throats when we have more dangerous enemies already at our doorstep. To be against and attack each other with everything going on will only benefit our foreign enemies and leave even less of our kin alive. You may argue that we may be attacking each other after we win back Europe or at some other point in the future, but until such time has come, we should be working together to rid those who would see all of Europe destroyed and do our best to teach future generations to not make the same mistakes as we did in the past, while doing our best to promote and support alliances with our kin than fighting against each other.
It could work. Both countries have quite a few similarities, a couple Japan's Shinto religion and Scotland's Celtic religion, along with how both have a history of having a warrior culture.
Much Obliged!
What other purpose do you shills have for trying to D&C us by saying "X isn't white" or "We should fight/be against other whites" other than to try and make us weaker or distracted?
What i wouldn't give for a redpilled irish republican redhead GF.
I would mix the fuck out with a irish.
You are a jew lad.
Blood for blood, it can be set aside while we have common enemies, but things like Dresden don't just go away.
Jew could never have won without anglo help.
Ill fight you tbh lad.
Weak argument. Evidence?
Meet you on the blasted ruins of Tel Aviv.
What does ZOG stand for lad?
Happen every single fucking time the white race comes up. "Slavs aren't white."
Most Slavs are Haplogroup I1 or I2, and I was the main Haplogroup of the first Europeans.
Yes, they are fucking white.
Deal lad.
Kill yourself, ever hear of Coventry, Hiroshima? People die in wars, that's the point.
Especially since even a greek or a spaniard is whiter than any kike wishes he himself was.
What does ZOG stand for lad?
Fucking newfag, Zionist Occupation Goverment.
Every act of war between european white people is a net loss.
Slavs aren't white is the funniest I think. You could say Russians are shitty compared to Germans, I mean, it could be an argument you could make. But saying that Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians and so on aren't white is either declaring yourself a D&C shill, or an absolute laughable retard.
Irishman here, most republicans are communist nationalists who exist on the platform of "Fuck the brits". They'll happily cuck themselves for the EU and migrants.
… Ill ignore your idiocy and focus on my point.
the jews take over governments you fucking moron. My deceased grandad was manipulated into fighting our kraut brothers. You think he had a hand in deciding to go to war? You are a moron.
We've already decided to settle this by beating the hell out of each other, you're late to the party.
Also, this.
I know that is why is said redpilled.
A fucking useless yank moron. You know what lad, you can hang with the rest of them.
It is the Anglo way. We are an island nation.
Except that's not in the least bit fucking true. War is why European peoples are so fucking dominant in the world. You had to fight hard and conquer others or you were eradicated from the gene pool. Which means you had to be civilized, disciplined, technologically advanced.
It was doggy fucking dog.
Britain in particular. The Romans, Angles, Saxons, the Vikings had to fight their fucking way in. They only got in if they were stronger than the natives. Survival of the fittest.
But we don't need more way in Europe, we already got to the top of the world's evolutionary pyramid.
They're partly white because the Vikings sailed up their rivers and banged a lot of their women.
Just so you d&c posters know the effect you are having, every time I see your nonsense, I love my native European brothers more and more. The truth is you want us at each others throats - you are terrified of us. Stand fast Eurobros and Yankbros of European descent. Hail Taranis
False equivalency lad. I wasnt clear, but I was referring to ww1 and 2 as that was what our discussion was about. War between peoples did indeed make us who we are, but in the last 100 years? No lad.
Which is well and good when it doesn't lead to kike world domination. We can get back to what we love once we've dealt with the real threats everything that is good in the world.
This. Thats what the Euro football tournament is for - slide tackling foreigners on live telly. We are always at war lad, but in different ways now. Theres not enough white folk to risk these days. Not that there was in the 1700 and 1800s peninsula wars and that. Fucking Rothschilds tbh lad.
You make a good point. I can't deny that. We become so absolutely destructive it hurt us. Luckily the nuke has put all that war shit behind us. Now we have to deal with commies letting worthless genetics fly in and settle in our land.
So do you lad, but theres a time and a place for it.
It starts with everybody calling out the d&c - let others know that you are not falling for it. We all work together normally, we can continue to do so with that aim in mind. tl;dr fucking kikes man.
Posters like you are a diamond dozen.
Notice how the jew attempted to shift their burden of blame for liberalism, surveillance and multiculturalism on the Anglo race itself. Any cursory research will show you the jewish and freemason infiltration of the British Government since around 1650, (((cohenicidentally))) when the City of London was incorporated. Funny that. Then prominent jews pushed liberalism and both sides of the slavery issue from their political seats. But dont forget it was the Anglo people who brought it upon themselves of course. And when GCHQ got its expanded remit for a datacenter in the 90s, causing the surveillance boom, of course it was me and my family that asked for that. When Blair schmoozed and lied his way into power, and imported subhumans after lying and concealing information, that was my Nans doing tbh. And when Theresa May expanded the Antisemitism provision? Well, that was all my old schoolteachers fault, clearly.
Sorry lads, I get a bit annoyed at this sometimes.
Come back once you've learnt the fundamental difference between racial heritage and nationality.
That's a good point. A bit of an oversight on my part.
Kek, you sound like a literal nigger.
We have never voted on any element of the security state. It has never been presented as an option, it just get done. Yes people are daft and have continued to vote for parties that propagate it but ALL parties do.
You won't leave you ungrateful cunts.
Just Scotts chucking another tanti eh?
You are basically an overseas version of our California. I don't know if you fuckers are salvageable. My best advice to the brit-fags would be to let you faggots go, and then rebuild Hadrian's wall. Or maybe even the Antonine wall. Line it with guns and mines to be sure, and shoot anything that enters a stretch of no-man's land, that should be determined to be large and pockmarked with craters.
Like California, you have basically become a leftist oozing, incurable tumor that blights the whole. Like reddit blights the internet. Only apocalyptic amounts of water and fire will make this tumor go away.
Therefore, in the mean-time, cut away the infection and cauterize the wound.
Is Sean Connery still alive ? he must be 100 years old right now, he was already old back in the 007 movies in the 60's.
the jews
When will this retarded shit flinging end? Cmon boys. Shits getting awfully heated lately.
Someone Is Doing Therapists for 500, Alex
We've slaughtered each other over the centuries for one crap reason after another, we don't have that luxury anymore, there are more prescient threats on our shores.
Since we're all going through trying times now with worse on the horizon; IF we get through it will probably be done shoulder-to-shoulder. Maybe the one positive is that would foster a mutual respect, sovereign but with a real brotherhood of nations, forged in fire and unbreakable.
1. As has already been said before: Sweden V2.
2. A revote sets the precedent which WILL be used against Brexit.
wew I'm honestly surprised things are going so well lately on Holla Forums, D&C shills must be kvetching at the very sight.
Best of luck from Holla Forumsska Brits and Micks
Britain is full of trash. They let the Jews fuck them ove time and time again. You can thank the Brits for letting the Rothschild's build their banking Empire off the of the defeat of Napoleon and their banks. On top of all the other shit they've pulled against their fellow white man in favor of the Jew, massacring Germans in WW2 was the worst.
Great Britain should be exterminated along with every single nigger and Jew.
Its okay Hans, let it out, you'll feel better.
(1) Hi shill
Are you by any chance american?
I used to be against it, but the SNP piss me off so much I wish you lot would just fuck off now.
It's been like that for a long time. Looking back into the goings on in parliament last century, Scottish MPs were trying to wag the dog even back then with the crap they pull now.
I'm increasingly of the opinion they're the jews of the north, because their politicians behave the same
Let's not forget this beaut. "Scotland did not let you down EU masters, please, I beg you!"
Scottish 'nationalists', everybody.
A third wall couldn't hurt. This idea pleases me.
Shh, let them keep pushing for that. They won't get it that way. A significant number of people supporting independence wanted out of the EU or at least reduced powers of the EU. There's also currently a petition with parliament slagging off Sturgeon and her push for independence, which has been focused on the Brexit ref:
It's more popular than the one calling for independence.
Look at who pushes for relaxing restrictions and opening up the borders (politicians), look where they come from not what they sound like. I would bet you would find a lot are not actually English. Blair has been responsible for much of the shit that got us where we are now, for example.
Jesus christ, I never realised how close Scotland came to cucking us all.
Persona anecdote for a moment which I think may explain it: I came to live up in Scotland for half a year, it's so white no wonder they want to stay in the EU. They've not seen or experience the 'multiculturalism' that the south has suffered and has been bled with.
It's also too cold for them up here, I asked an African who came from Uganda what he thinks of Scotland, he told me that it's far too cold, and that he travelled to London and it's so much nicer down there because it's warmer and that that's where he'd like to be once he's finished studying.
Thanks to pollution for making our island a habitable place for these shitskins. Is global warming a real threat now?
Almost all of those in the first pic are Ulster-Scots and Ulster-Scot =/= Irish. Yank like post.
What the fuck does ayatollah khomeini have to do with scottish independence?
Okay that was pretty fucking funny lad.
It would be nice for the whole of the Isles to be unified but the prospect of a more solidly conservative Kingdom of England and Wales disallowing rapefugees while Scots try to import shitskins that don't want to move there because of weather is mighty attractive.
FFS. I know there was some D&C shills shitting up the thread, but I didn't think it'd constituted anchoring it. Hopefully the next thread on this topic will have less of it and we can come up with some ideas of helping Scotland.
Holy fuck! I never knew that. Shit makes sense.
It can't happen. They have no Majority to have a mandate for such a thing They also seem to take multiple meanings of majority.