Guy from 2013 Holla Forums here. If any of you remember me and want the recipe to these Kirby sweet cakes...

Guy from 2013 Holla Forums here. If any of you remember me and want the recipe to these Kirby sweet cakes, or "organs" as you call them, I've recently dug up the recipe I wrote on a notepad. Some of you said you wanted to use them for halloween

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you eating people and making "Kirby sweet cakes" with their organ leftovers, OP?

dubs declare it

someone call the cops

This plus kirby reminds me of Kirby alt art where someone drew a horrifically detailed "realistic" mouth.

You're one of those hikkikomoris, are you?

Wait, what?

You have my attention. Please continue.

calm down autist.

Well I just lost the notepad is all. I moved out of my dorm and everything. It's a miracle I found it at all

here is the first part

we've got no reason to believe it's really you unless you make some RIGHT NOW

i need a toaster oven for that and mine broke

check em

never mind

Then get the fuck outta here

I knew it wasn't really him

I can't read it. Type that shit up my nig.

Part 2, if you cant read my writing, let me know

I am him you dumbass



Last part

Here's pictures of all ingredients I used back then

I don't see any organ bread

good luck with the diabetes.

Jesus christ, you really meant sweet cakes.

Proceed finally to what?

I think I meant to go ahead and assemble the kirby shape and put it into the oven

Don't you see?
He means to proceed in a general sense. By making these organ cakes, you have made another step in the road to self-actualization and maturity.

harvesting organs, obviously

is there something wrong with sweetness?

I'm pretty /ck/ and your list of ingredients hurts me, user.

sry. I was bad at cooking back then, especially with pasty stuff

Making absolutely sure your homemade treats aren't accidentally healthy - A guide by user


How else are you going to reach physical perfection if you don't study how other people's bodies work?


Ever seen the Road, user?

Cannibalism isn't a walk in the park

I'm only hard on you because I love you and don't want you to die young, user


I didn't say you had to eat them, fucking hell.

Use spelt flour and brown sugar next time for a >healthy alternative.

How do my words trigger you, sodomite?

Do you prefer the book?

Cool vidya-inspired cooking should be more common around here


I don't know how many anons have cooking proficiency though

Jesus christ

cooking is not hard at all, notice how it's always women fucking it up. you know for a fact that the creator of a cooking timer was a man who was tired as shit that his stupid fucking wife kept burning the roast

For fuck's sake, user

Until you cook up some dick cakes and post em', you're a fag

[citation needed]

I could always whip something up for Holla Forums. The problem is getting ideas on what to make.
I've always wanted to make the rainy day beef bowl.

Make a Sinner's Sandwich


1 pound of chicken breasts
one snack bag of Doritos howeverthefuckmany ounces they are
1 can of Mountain Dew
cooking spray
a cookie sheet
an oven
electricity, or gas if you're a faggot

put the chicken breasts in sealed plastic bags and close the bags.
pound the the breasts flat, at least as thin as your palm.
pour the Mountain Dew over the chicken and let marinade for at least four hours.
preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and spray the cookie sheet.
crush the Doritos and place them in a dish deep enough to roll the chicken around in.
spray each side of the breasts with the cooking spray and coat both sides with Doritos crumbs. spray again and place on the cookie sheet.
cook for about 20 minutes on one side, turn them over and then cook for another 5 minutes.

they actually dont taste like anything and lack flavor. Dont do this. They are expensive too. Like $20 for four of them

This is too easy

Back to cuckchan with you and your SJW ways

I know I shouldn't reply

Can we keep the meme recipes to a minimum?

This stupid sort of OC is part of what made 4/v/ great. We need more of this.

How do they not taste like anything? It has to at least taste like strawberry jam, right?

No, you'll get your meme recipes and you'll LIKE them.
Now, let me get that microwaved sweet ramen abomination image from /ck/…

Please user, I just ate. Don't do this.

Do you have Parkinson's?

Do you have any other new recipes since then?

Is that your dog

I won't lie, that sounds amazing. The Dew would caramelize well and all you're doing with the Doritos is breading the chicken but with nacho flavor.

Thanks for giving me a terrible idea for dinner, user.

Remember to post pictures

I wasn't saying I'd do it tonight, though. Tonight is Italian.

user, no.


Post pictures anyway


strawberry jam i used was weak af and didnt have much boldness to it

yes, Game of Thrones Gulash

Aren't you a niggaboo?

Dude, if I could cook a single meal half as well as GRRM describes it, I'd never stop posting on /ck/.

I made it to appeal to normalfags so I could finally have friends. It worked..kinda

im gonna make this,i needed a recipe for my chicken breasts,might leave the dew out or replace it for something else

Do you have Italian salad dressing? That's a good chicken marinade too.

I know this is not vidya related but you have to try this.

1) Go to your kitchen and find a nice metal spoon. Tea spoons work too but normal ones are better.
2) Get yourself a lighter, the bigger the flame the better.
3) Get some duct tape and wrap it around the handle. About 4-6 layers.
4) Start heating up the spoon with the lighter. Make it really really hot. Holding it just above the flame for about 2 minutes should work.
5) Go to a faucet and turn on cold(?) water at full force.
6) Hold the spoon directly under the faucet.
7) Shit massive bricks.
8) Post results.

I would imagine some lemon juice, lime juice and sugar whisked into some canola oil produce make the same thing.

I didn't know I was posting on 2007 Holla Forums.

I thought it was 2010.

This shit is old as fuck man.
Here, have some ramen.

This guy is right too. Add some honey for extra goodness.

God, that was funny.

i will try it someday to prove this sounds fake as fuck

I dropped my spoon, now what do I do?

Try it, faggot.

silly anons.

bend over and take your pants off


To the retarded people in the thread: Do not do this.
I know one of you niggers are going to try this, just don't.


Are you going to post an image where its cooked?

it IS cooked in that pic

Come on man, if anyone did then they deserved it.

The aftermath.

Well I studied physics, but in order to know about compression-expansion effects you'd have need to have read up on it or heard about it. Not everyone has.


where's the bleach

Oh, it was 2010? I'm really bad with associating events and years here.

right here

Not really. You deserve to die if you jump off a cliff. Following directions that are deliberately intended to pique your curiosity isn't the same thing, in my opinion.

user now you're showing yourself to be retarded

The point is only complete fucking morons take everything they read on the Internet for granted, especially stuff like "save as 4chan.js shit bricks" tier stuff.

Dude you're basically saying every normalfag ever is retarded then

Seriously? Anyone who's seen Alien 3 should know what happens when you rapidly cool a very hot metal.

Yes and?

Your mom never taught you not to put hot glass and pans under a cold tap?

Is this gonna be a thread where we just post vintage imageboard stuff?

Well you're not wrong actually .They tend to not think critically, I just feel it's a bit harsh is all.

I've never seen Alien 3

That situation never came up. Even if it had, I would have imagined it would have something to do with the way something was cleaned, not that it was seriously dangerous.

Not being taught to think critically is not the same as being retarded. Far from it.

Didn't they teach you that in chemistry class?

Don't get angry. I knew a European girl who called me and every American retarded for not knowing the specific locations of most countries.

Some people just expect others to know everything



Should have asked her to draw a perfect map of the US on the spot.

did you rape her?



Damn, man, nobody seems concerned about your safety.

I'm not angry, I'm just concerned. Getting shrapnel in you eye, for example, is a potentially life changing injury.

Fuck off you retarded fucking newfag

Well like I said, it's pretty harsh. Then again that's what chans have been about.

You are retarded

Yeah and here's the life change

I bet if I asked you where Georgia, Reykjavik, or Somalia where on a 3D globe you wouldnt be able to point it

this is pretty dumb, even if it's for altruistic reasons, because every single glass cookingware I've ever seen says right on the thing to not cook above 350, which is hardly hot enough to shatter the glass and most metal pans are thick enough that you'd need to go well over 500 to get the dangerously hot.

and who the fuck dashes from the stovetop to the sink anyway? just sounds like an excuse for your mom to bitch at you.

Only 2 of those are countries, dumbass

Now you're just being obtuse

No I'm not, learn what words mean before using them. Obtuse isn't even the word you would use in this case.

It's exceptionally rare that anyone does or will.

Knowing more than their approximate locations relative to their neighbors is irrelevant to the vast majority of people, user.

Deliberately obtuse

Yeah that's what we told her, but she mocked us saying "haha it's not relevant to me so I'll not bother learning it"

Are you underaged or something?

Go ahead and explain how knowing the exact borders of every country on the planet is relevant to your daily life.

Go ahead and explain how being a retard is relevant to your daily life.

you showed him user

stay triggered that no one is impressed by your worthless geology degree.

Are you just gonna keep insulting me or kiss me?


You sure showed him user! :^)

This is also what we said. How is learning something that is for you, completely irrelevant and not useful, moving you forward as an individual?

Then she told us that "Europeans are more advanced, cultured, affluent, intelligent, and well read for a reason"

Quote for quote. I will never forget that argument

Mine either I guess. The past few days I've put a recently used cooking sheet in the sink and ran water over it. I mean I don't cook whole turkies or whatever the hell and there's a few minutes they'll sit out but I guess I've been lucky up until now. I guess my family's pretty ignorant because nobody knows how to care for their toilet either.

Hold up though, I just thought of something I see myself do in a *video game*. What about how blacksmiths dip metal they just tempered into water? I mean I know it's gonna be hot as hell around where a blacksmith works anyway, and as such the water would likely even out pretty fast, but even with room-temperature water is that dangerous? I guess the wrapping of the spoon is a big factor too though in this case.

I could, without googling, and I could place Reykjavik even though it's only a city. You're just showing how retarded you are

I'm guessing she was an obnoxious cunt who thought that Europeans were the smartest people in the world.

I guess you should leave Holla Forums considering video games are completely irrelevant and not useful to most people, so you should stop playing video games and forget all knowledge you know about them.

Is this it, user? Is this the hill you want to die on?

I was talking about skills and things that you would need to recount. I didn't say video games were bad.

If I went with you snide implication then people should be ridiculed for not knowing about video games the same as you think they should for not knowing where Ukraine is specifically.

The driving force behind motives is self-interest, and attaching yourself to things outside of it and outside of your goals is illogical.

Why would you peg me about not knowing welding or soldering or the location of some shithole country no one cares about if I am a physicist or an investment banker?

Well, there is a certain degree of well-rounded knowledge that everyone should have.

Way to remove the part of the greentext that made the sentence coherent. Specifically, "for you." If video games are a hobby of his, then they are relevant to him. While all knowledge has value, there's a limit to how much humans can learn in a day, or for that matter, the amount of time that they have left to live on Earth. You'll never know everything, so it makes the most sense to acquire basic, general knowledge, and then specialize in the things that you care about.

I'm still waiting on that kiss, you fool.

I regret not saying this. Add in that the landmass is the same as multiple yuro countries and it'd have hit harder.

You wouldn't be either of those things without knowing this shit, you retard.

It's basic knowledge required to understand a lot of information about politics, current events, and culture. You don't need to know every third world shithole in Africa, but you should know Europe at the very least. If for nothing else, then to prevent looking like an ignorant.

That's some smug shit user. Do you really think that stuff is relevant to a physicist? Engineers and programmers are infamously retarded about everything not related to engineering. Where do you work, the night shift at a gas station?


Cool looking cakes. How did you get the shape? Did you use my tutorial?

Read my other posts and you'll see that I agree with you. The general knowledge of borders is important, but he's arguing for an autistic level of detail which will never matter to anyone but a small handful of people. Similarly, you should know that the Earth orbits the Sun, but don't necessarily need to understand the math of the gravitational forces which make that happen.

Spoken like a true retard.

That degree is entirely arbitrary as well. You can roll out a few trivial facts to normalfags and they'll think you're "smart" but by your own autistic standards it's knowing where Belarus is and how to temper steel.

If we're going to be judged by ever changing standards on "well-rounded knowledge" which is completely determined via need-based factors (hillbillies will peg you for not being a partial handyman, city folk will peg you for not having street smarts and situational awareness/experience, etc)

Best to just learn what interests you and what you think will assist your needs and wants in life, and not basing it on some neckbeard or Chad's desires on the man you should be.

n-no bully

I didn't say that there was a specific measurement for it. Like you said, it depends on the situation and individual, and person should learn based on their own environment and goals.

but why should i, an american, care about the culture of Morocco for instance? It doesnt and will NEVER affect me, nor will it hold my interest or the interest of anyone I will be involved with.

Can't name even one circumstance that I've needed to know about daily or international news related to Germany or Poland. Sorry.

I have a few yuopean friends, and they don't understand the size of the United States at all. One of them thought Americans were spoiled because we have stuff like buses with wi-fi. I had to explain to her that those were for traveling huge distances, not going from one city to another.

Conflicts of which hold no relevance to me. Call me if it starts a third world war, then I can get the gist of everything by spending a single day online.

Yeah if they went on streetview or had some way to watch a guy travel across the states, they'd understand. I guess the thought of huge swatches of barely populated land like Montana and the Dakotas would astound them in person

Alright then. That's a reasonable attitude. This user however is a retard that, judging by his argument, lives inside his small bubble of ignorance. I don't say you can't live like that, I only say that any further conversation with you about any topic other than those inside that bubble are an utter waste of time, and that I have nothing else to say to you.

Good god this thread is a roller coaster

That's what happens when a retard, who can't bake, makes a thread, makes stupid posts, gets called a retard, and defends his retardation knowingly

That's because f6cef0 is trying to be Captain Save-a-Hoe for normalfags.

On the wrong track, too.

Post more stupid-ass vidya recipes.

I still want to see someone make a Sinner's Sandwich

OP has a beautiful kind of super autism

Ok. Leave then. If you think I need to have knowledge of things that don't concern me, then you're free to think as such, just stay out of my way.


Do we need to start a mining operation?

Post recipes faggots


How to make a burger at home
1 frozen burger, or more than one if you want
1 burger bun
1 onion
some cheese

OK then faggot, make it yourself. Get a pound of mince, another onion, some salt and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Dice the onion and mix it up, then make it into 3 burgers and freeze or refrigerate them.

Heat up a pan, low but not too low. 20% on a gas stove works fine.
Cut the bun
Dice the onion, remove the peel first
Put both halves of the bun cut side down on the pan to brown for a little
Take the bun out, put it to the side
Throw the frozen burger and onions in the pan, grab an egg timer and set it to 5 minutes
Grate or cut the cheese while you wait for it to run down
After 5 minutes are up, flip the burger. Poke the onions so they don't stick, and shuffle them so they all brown
Wait another 5 minutes
Flip the burger again, by now the onion should be nice and brown
Give it 2 to 5 more minutes, any more is overkill and will fuck up the burger's taste
Assemble the burger
Oh no you don't, put that ketchup down.
Eat it

But where's the vidya in that burger-at-home recipe?

silly user, can't you see that we're on /ck/?

See you filthy reptiles
Now have a /ck/ ramen image that doesn't make you want to stab your eyes out.

Shit I remember you. What the fuck I gotta get out of this place.

–Prepare Wafer baal
-Prepare egg wash
-Make Melon Pon dough
-Add food dye fo dough
-Boil wafer bash
-Shope dough oreo spheres
-Emplace dough sphere nes bait reducing heat
-Wolf 1.4 unmutes for cock blood
-Drain balls batch after Bach and pee on greased baking sled
-After everything is bodied, brush well egg vork
-Bake for 12 moutess [redacted] 400 F
-Take one, les coil
-Calculate inner volume of showers
-D. M. to see how muell drained be misected

How much red pepper should you use?

Do you have pics of some asshole actually doing this? I've seen laptop/microwave kid and deleted-system32-from-dad's-work-computer kid

All of it, you pussy.


Nigga please.
Fuck it I'll just experiment myself.

Nigger did you write that shit and take the picture during earthquakes?

jesus nigga go to school

what happens exactly? i already know better than doing what the internet says but i'm curious

are emo girl's intestines tasty, Holla Forums?

Chemicals from makeup make for uninteresting taste. Suggest naked animals.

The spoon rapidly expands and contracts due to the heating and cooling.

tl;dr, steam and shrapnel. Not that I know for sure, since I haven't tried it.
