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The eternal turkroach rears its ugly face again I see.

Have a bump

Thank God, the eternal low lander may have saved Europe.
It's better to boost the shit now, make more people angry and push back at once than to open Europe's borders forever to these people.

This is really bad news
how are we supposed to get rid of millions of extra shitskins for free now after Turkey gets itself nuked by Russia?

King Roach just ensured Wilders and Le Pen win big.

Cockroaches blackmailing Europe with rapefugees knowing full well all these people are human trash. What a shitty fucking country. I hope Russia bombs them into oblivion.

Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed!

Time to make Istanbul Constantinople again.

Checked and keked.

The dubs have spoken!





Nothing in life is free, user. A responsible white supremacist understands that in order to effectively genocide one's migrant population, sacrifices must be made.

Summer right about the corner too. They are going to have to choose between the migrants and helping Africa.

These, now the people of Europe will know that diplomacy with shitskins has failed. Get ready to remove kebab eurofags, your time has almost come.


Let's hope the Turks follow through. This might be what wins it for LePepen and (Isreal shill) Wilders.

Ah, the turks responding with their standard zerg rush tactic I see.

Suspect this was the plan all along. The whole thing was just too stupid otherwise, even for Turks.

I pray to god this is real and Erdogan is actually this stupid.

What exactly was the "migrant deal"? That turkey would help refugees into europe a few hundred thousands at a time instead of millions?

Anyone got any numbers on how many shitskins turkey has threatened to use on us?


Erdogan is also in the process of trying to get himself voted dictatorial powers. Would make a great distraction for invading Turkey at the same time. Russia knows how to capitalize on diversions themselves.

He was going to roll out the carpet fro them, and millions of turkroaches at the same time.

EU gives Turkey billions to store sand niggers instead of letting them pass through on the way to Europe (Germany).

We will counter by sending almost all Turks currently in the Netherlands back.

Europe will counter by sending all turks back to Turkey.

oh boy here we go

The so called "EU deal" was bullshit from day one as it entailed two things

1. visa free travel for Turks (!!!!!)
2. sending back one non Syrian rapefugee to Turkey in exchange for taking one Syrian rapefugee from Turkey

So this whole deal was a lose/lose for Europe. Absolutely terrible deal.

And the Turks didn't even hinder the rapefugees from coming to Europe, it's just that balkan countries built fences. Thus more or less eliminating the balkan route.

TL;DR a good thing, masks are falling and european libtards and their "smart policies" are BTFO

Yeah it's only when it became obvious to Erdogan that he'd have to keep the vermin in his own country that he calls off the deal.

What the fuck is Erdogan even mad about anyway? That Geert Wilders might win? Is that it?

Also what the fuck was he doing holding rallies around Europe anyway? Why does this turkroach get the right to prance around Europe like he's in charge? Eurobros pls tell me you aren't that cucked to let him basically be in charge of what you do, that would be even worse than King Nigger becoming the literal King of the European Union.

Wilders making comments about not wanting Turkey in the EU and being popular for those comments seemed to piss off Erdogan since it made it more obvious that most people in the EU don't want visa free travel being granted to an Islamic theocracy.

Kebabs are all about make believe, posturing and bragging.
When you call their bluffs, they lose face and that's the worst thing for a kebab. Erdogan lost face and now he is frantically trying to make up for it.

And social status doesn't matter, they're ALL like this even the head of state as we can see.

So we don't get to trade all used refugees for new ones.
They way is shut and the slavs keep it. So they aren't getting in that way.
What is happening to this timeline?

I think according to him it breaks the visa-free travel for Turks part of the EU deal


Take back Constantinople and expand up to Ankara. Wipe out the turkmenen, create Kurdistan out of the remainder of eastern turkey. Fund Kurdistan to create proper borders. Make the Kurds a NATO alley and our buffer country to radical Sunni Wahhabi extremists in the middle east. Nuke Israel.

Problem solved.
Finally able to work towards racial hegemony and appreciating different cultures while deporting all the cancer that came into our lands since the 50s in Europe.

That while true I can see why it would piss him off.

Turkroaches in my experience are hardcore revisionist in their history, for example with denying the Armenian genocide, claiming they were indigenous and the Kurds are actually the subhuman invaders. I remember reading at one point Ataturk chimped out over France occupying Antioch after WW1 because it was "Turkish lands for thousands of years" or some obviously false shit like that.

Turkroaches never change.

No, even the kurds must go. Turkey is rightful Roman white clay.

That deal always did feel like bullshit to me. Like no fucking way were they going to hold up their end of the deal, which they haven't for the entire time, and now they're claiming that Europe hasn't for unrelated reasons. They may be almost as bad as Israel in my opinion.

All turkroaches should be removed from Europe. They have no business waiving their fucking flag in foreign countries. You want to support your Sultan? Go do it in your shithole.

Even better, just wipe them out and take back Constantinople.

As an emissary from the great Doggerland, I must protest that claim to low-landerism. It is we, the peoples of Doggerland, that are eternally low-landed.

Half a shoah



This is actually good news because it will piss people off and showcase the utter defeat of liberalism.

Also, the Balkans. If shitskins start REALLY pouring in there will be human wolfpacks tearing them apart along the way. Serbs, Croats, Monteniggers, Albanians - none of them are rich, and the moment shitskins start stealing and raping there'll be actual violence. The night will swallow them.

Turkey overplayed its hand bigtime. It drank its own koolaid and convinced itself that it's important, when in fact it's barely hovering above irrelevancy. Erdogan successfully destroyed any semblance Turkey had to a civilized country. I hope the Russians get involved somehow too.


I'm just tired of these pushy, uppity sand niggers.
Make the Mediterranean white again.


As a Greek, i wish i could say that we will retake it but, thats not gonna happen.

This shouldn't even be a joke. These shitskin roaches should never have been allowed to take that city. There really should be no negotiating with turkroaches unless they return it to Greece.

This t*rk thinks he can keep yapping because Russia has his back, but for how long I wonder?

Good, now Europe will have to forcefully defend their borders, or die swiftly. There's been enough bullshit from Merkel et al pretending that the muds can be managed.


Considering the race question i never had a problem with all kinds of races existing on this planet, as long as they fuck off from the west, but roaches need to be fucking obliterated alongside kikes. I've never seen people barking and shitflinging more than them thinking they're some hot shit.

Too busy being crushed by the EU, voting for commies, and being colonized by north africans already. I feel bad for the Greeks I don't see how they're going to climb out of their circumstances anytime soon.

Russia on the other hand for Orthodox reasons would be more than willing to take Constantinople.

Specifically, Paisios wrote: “Events will start that will culminate with us taking back Constantinople. Constantinople will be given to us. There will be war between Russia and Turkey. In the beginning the Turks will believe they are winning, but this will lead to their destruction. The Russians, eventually, will win and take over Constantinople. After that it will be ours. They will be forced to give it to us.”

The text reads further, “(The Turks) will be destroyed. They will be eradicated because they are a nation that was built without God’s blessing. One third of the Turks will go back to where they came from, the depths of Turkey. One third will be saved because they will become Christians, and the other third will be killed in this war.” This is based on the Saint Kosmas prophecy.

Saint Paisios reposed on July 12, 1994. One of the things he wrote was, “I wanted nothing else but God to keep me alive for a few more years so I could see my country expand. And it will expand…”

“Turkey will be dissected. This will be to our benefit as a nation. This way our villages will be liberated, our enslaved homelands. Constantinople will be liberated, will become Greek again. Hagia Sophia will open again,” the text reads.

“Turkey will be dissected in 3 or 4 parts. The countdown has begun. We will take the lands that belong to us, the Armenians will take theirs and the Kurds their own. The Kurdish issue is at the works,” the text continues.

Paisios wrote further: “As long as there is faith and hope in God, a lot of people will rejoice. All that will happen in these years. The time has come.”


Then why do you think he has such a big mouth for a human-sized pile of shit? I'd wager the US would invade immediately if they had the chance.

I doubt its going to be returned to us, but as long as its out of roach hands them im happy.

Why not?

Doesn't it piss you off that they turned the Hagia Sophia into a mosque last year? It would if there were any Christians left. Sad.

Yes that is correct. Turkroaches are one of the most delusional and dishonest people on this planet. One reason they are like that is because they have complexes.

It's the same with niggers (or any other such group). Why do niggers have to claim they were kangz despite all evidence to the contrary? Why can't they just stand by their own actual history and be proud of that? It's because they know, deep down inside, that their actual history just doesn't compare, that they suck.

Same thing with Turkroaches and a few other such groups. Hence the invention of pseudo-histories, tendencies to lie and steal etc.

Exactly. Liberalism is such a failure it's incredible. Literally not a single thing these useless retards can do right.

I think that he's trying to kill the EU by getting Le Pen and Geert elected after realizing that they're never getting into the EU.

Turkish temper tantrums might save western civilization.

After investing so much into Turkish military, and carefully nurturing roach-human relationships for such a long time? No way.

Thing is, the only way it could piss him off is if he thought those Turks illegally immigrating to the EU ought to be allowed to stay there.

It's the same as the bullshit in Mexico where they get pissed off by talk of illegal immigrants needing to be sent back to them. That they get pissed off and treat this as some horrific injustice against them just shows all the more how they were full of shit about wanting to work with the US to take back their people that broke the law.

Russians don't like Turks and their relationship deteriorated a lot during the Syrian conflict while Turkey is buddies with NATO since they've got bases there. You really need to start paying attention.


Every single breath these satanic monsters take is an insult to the sanctity of god and the existence of hellas. the megali idea WILL happen eventually- we just have to show the initiative.

I saw these things in a movie once.

After the failed coup we did see some softening of relations between Russia and Turkey.

Ok, so why hasn't the CIA incidented him yet? They can, so why not?

And the went back to shit after Turkey went ahead and invaded Syria

So they've won now haven't they?

I doubt Obama would have let them do anything with him and until the coup there were nukes in Turkey. He still carries the rapefugee gun.

You are the worst Atlantis.

So it is a revenge against EU. Noice!

Sorry Balkan. Get your kebab removery gear ready, you're gonna need it.


Erase the roach

Over here in Bulgaria there's multiple volunteer groups patrolling the borders with ATVs and machetes to prevent illegal kebab and the cops mostly turn a blind eye. This will not work out in the roaches' favour.

Fuck I'm going to graduate in three months but I promised to join freikorps when war breaks out in Europe. How long until tensions ignite into hot conflict?

Frances election is in August, I believe, so I would assume after The Pen wins.



Correct me if I'm wrong, but won't the EU celebrate this?

Only Sweden and Germany

The far-right will win elections and then EU is kill.

Truly the greatest timeline

He's an actual retard who thought Turkey and Russia are butt buddies, just ignore him.

Oh fuck it's finally happening


checking the fuck out of this right here



Despite everything they did to create controversy around her in the last few weeks, she's still doing good. It won't be easy but she's got a decent chance.

It's unlikely but I hope someone in the French IC will have the courage to leak information on what the French government and the EU are currently doing to stop Le Pen. It wasn't his intention but Hollande made it clear that every possible action would be taken to stop the FN (meaning he won't lose sleep over the legality of such actions).

Do you actually consider Turkey a superpower?

He was talking about Russia.


Do turks seriously think they can outshitpost the dutch?

I was talking about Erd*gan

Nothing on this on the mainstream news

And why would the CIA off king roach?

they were trying to grab his prize, they work for the mercenaries, the iranian men

Turkey had less than 1000 refugees return several billions in return
good riddance

Now that's a hat I would love to wear

like this

Dual Citizenship. Send invaders to other countries to become citizens and vote for parties that are in the home country's best interest. White people need to wake up and remove citizenship from anyone that has the option of dual citizenship'; kikes and turkroaches come first to mind.

You mean from any non-white.

I didn't know it was two years ago still.

It may sound cliché, but he "knows too much"

I call bullshit, there is no major new outlet covering this. Furthermore this would mean Turkey would lose their only bargaining chip they have left. After this step they have nothing to threaten Europe with.

Besides the balkans and greece have been closed off, europe might also impose economic sanctions which would cripple their economy and will cause more riots in turkey, it might even mean the end of erdogans reign.

Kek was right. Geert will destroy the world. Iam ready! lets kill some roaches.

Le Pen actually wants to eliminate duel citizenship and the Jews flipped their shit

Kurds and Turks are the same breed. I make no difference. If it is brown it must go down

even smelly turkroaches don't want refugees

this is true, the Kurds are just as much a bunch of smelly savages as other Kebabs. Just because the bog-standard kebab hates them doesn't mean anything for us.


Sick tune fam.

Because he's being unruly against the ZOG slaves and they gain nothing by letting him go on unimpeded



There was no good reason why those fucking Turks should have been added to NATO.

Probably correct. My guess is he'd open the gates for some rapefugees to be in a better negotiating position then accept a bribe and close the gates until he wants some more cash.

If you want something done right you're better off doing it yourself and also you don't have to involve Muslims and soon Jews as well.

There was when it was formed but now it has turned into huge liability.

But, cbe756, there's this point you forgot:
It's Turkey

This is true.

Hopefully more Europeans start to speak out against their genocide

I hope he sends as much shitskins as possible.
Germany will just rise if it suffers a great deal more than now.


Why does Europe take such shit from this roach piece of crap?

Yes it is Turkey. Now take a look at it's geographic location in relation to the location of the major players in the cold war. They also used to be more secular but now the Greeks in the west have been outbred by the islamist mongrels in the east. Demographics really is destiny it seems.

They aren't. That is why the roaches are having a fit.

Because they don't remember the Siege of Vienna in 1529, or the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

It's not worth the cost of associating with Turks.


Here's hoping

He was can there be a new furher when the old one is still alive, and hasn't aged a day?


What if the stupid Salt Bae meme was a way to soften up people to the idea of turkroaches invading their cities?
People will think they'll get hot Turks roasting their meat and salting it, and they'll get none of that.

The sudden rise of that stupid meme feels manufactured either way.


They already tried to coup him, but Putin warned him in advance, allowing Erdogan to trigger it early (and thus it failed) and round up everybody he didn't like.
They tried to get rid of him because he was still openly supporting ISIS and Al Nusra, while the west switched to covertly doing so, while overtly bombing them for PR.
Also, as says, he could probably spill some embarrassing beans.
They tried to get Netanyahu out too with some corruption scandal. The Obama admin was covering it's tracks.

Post YFW the Fat Roach saves yurop

We held once, Turknigger, we'll hold again.

Turkey doesn't belong to the EU :3

Although I hate cockroaches I respect their decision to flood the EU with even worse pests


I'd like this guy if I didn't know he's an Israeli cock-sucker.

Not too shabby.

I wish I could believe this was real.

One step at a time.

Yeah, but Trump talks about how much he loves Israel too, right? We assume he's just blowing smoke up their ass. Or at least I do… Maybe Geert is doing the same?

With developments like this euros might beat us in the Great Uncucking of the Age of Kek.

The Turks themselves were supposed to be the middle-eastern NATO ally, along with being a secular counterbalance and buffer to radical Sunnis. We see how that turned out. What's to keep the Kurds from going down the path of the Turks?

Once upon a time, all of Anatolia was rightful Byzantine Greek clay.

i just realized there's probably a lot of gold in those ancient riverbeds

We don't have enough Greeks to populate all of anatolia yet, we'll need a buffer state of some kind while we make more.

Kurds are all marxists. They are not our allies, any assertion to the contrary is reddit-tier political analysis (no offense).

Cleanse the land with nerve gas, then open it up for settlement by any brave Europeans who want a fresh start and something to fight for.

May it be so.

We want to believe its just smoke… But we don't actually believe that lad, appealing though it may be… Or at least, I don't. Trump is either a stepping stone, or a final step before the plunge… Time will tell.


wtf is going on in here?

What's the weather like? As hellish as the rest of the ME?

Greeks used to live and thrive there. It's Mediterranean. Well, the south/east is probably shittier. There are definitely good parts of it though.

Possible. Reported by zerohedge though.

Used to be Greeks all the to Jerusalem. Not exactly what I'd call temperate though.
Maybe I'll sit this one out, wait for the reconquest of sweden or someplace else with more sensible climate.

"Stickied" by ZH too. ZH is good but not infallible. It's very possible the media is blacking out this story because this apparent escalation bad news for (((their))) European agenda.

Already had that chance after WW1 and everyone left without a fight.


Not a fan Wilders but this was great.
I could do without the "human rights" and classical liberalism


Consider the following

Maybe this just looks nice to me because I have a lot of Italian blood, and my family came to the Italian Peninsula from Greece a very very long time ago. Maybe to somebody with Scandinavian blood this doesn't look so good.

I need at least six months of snow or I get twitchy. Good land though, plenty of southern europeans will be living it large soon enough.


God willing.

it is time for war

What's this creature and why do I keep seeing its deformed mug around?

Nigger, stop, you'll attract the art autist!

That's all I needed.

He's really enamored with that anime girl, despite the art being really ugly. Don't even try bothering to talk him out of it, he doesn't listen. He thinks it's the bees knees.

placing this in the spot

Unfortunately they don't link any sources.

does this meet your standards? http://



Annnd straight from the horsefucker's mouth

Yes it does. Here it is from Turkey state media:

bronies did nothing wrong.

Go away, CIAnigger.



Time to send a few billion Euros to Erdogan.
in the form of heavy ordnance

It must be

This isn't good for the EU in spite of benefiting their endgame plans. The timing couldn't be any worse, especially with the upcoming elections. This would mean an intensified migrant crisis is imminent, and that's bound to agitate people to support nationalist parties. Turkey probably knew this and hopes that this pressure leverages the EU to cave to their demands.

Wouldn't be surprised that later on, the EU accuses Russia of conspiring with Turkey to undermine Europe with this move.

Brexit is passing
Trump meeting with Merkel on 17th
Wikileaks saying they'll leak Merkel tapes
Dutch Election on 15th
Turkey threatening to release rapefugees
Federal Reserve rate hike on 15th
Debt Ceiling vote on 15th
Acosta/Epstein Congressional hearing on 15th

It should be obvious to even the most oblivious observer now that Turkey will continue to use the specter of unleashing those refugees on Europe as much as they can, and then, unleash them anyway once the threat finally stops working.

Is he, dare i say it, /ourroach/?

This has great meme potential for normie faggots who don't like Hitler. Is an anti-Erdogan meme worth it if the meme reinforces negative views of Hitler?

Lol that meme is a thing in Germany already, even in the MSM. They call him Erdolf.

because imagine the threads we'd have about it if they did.

In that case, the fire rises.

Really tragic to see Germanbros get taken aback by naked, unapologetic fascism. As much as I think Erdogan is a subhuman, I have to admire his blatant and naked aggression against Europe. He's not even PR cucking anymore. White people need a new Vlad the Impaler. We need to embrace our inner hate, our inner barbarity, and our inner evil before we get overrun by subhumans like Erdogan, but he's such a perfect example that it's almost enough to credit him as an ally.

Look on the bright side, they're being taken aback by filthy shitskins who practice a foreign religion.

is this our future plan for problematic mudslide countries?

Is that ace combat x?
Also, i agree. I am sure Erdolf has dehumanized himself and faced to bloodshed.


0/10 see me after class

kekistan honestly just ruins the whole kek thing for me. Seeing Sargon and faggots like him use it just makes it dirty

without exaggeration it is one of the worst drawn, ugliest lolis I have seen in recent years. Apparently the show is actually pretty good, but after seeing that the main character is this fucking abomination, I have no desire to see if that's true.

There's like a half dozen things about her face that bother the fuck out of me.

Found the kike.


Turkey will not allow the Dutch ambassador to Ankara to return to Turkey and has suspended high-level diplomatic relations between the two countries, deputy Turkish Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus announced in Ankara on Monday as a disagreement between the two countries escalated.

They're taking diplomats hostage now? Dis gun git gud.


Oh…… oh well.

Remember the rulers of Turkey are actually crypto-Jews called the Dönmeh.

h ttps://

h ttp://

h ttp://

The only "deal" should be us driving them back over the border with machine gun fire.

Does Erdoroach literally have schizophrenia?

You forgot the part where Turkey was supposed to have their EU membership rushed through and approved

Should have built a wall when you had the chance like Hungary did. Never trust a Turk.

Anyone really go to see more to look like?


Turkey does not store shit. They have a camp or two, used as recruitment camp for his ISIS shenanigans, but nowhere near the amounts flooding in Europe. erdopig is actively channeling mudslimes from all over the world sending them wave after wave. Seeing most of them have no papers, half of them could be roaches.

Istanbul would look mighty nice in Bulgaria's territory..

Hahaha! They called us stupid for doing this.


We have a B in our name. W-we're more qualified!

plus I really just want all of the territory that Turkey has within Europe

what do i do with the rest of this, assuming we can agree on what is shown.

What in the god damn

Just gib the clay from Turkey that's in Europe to Bulgaria. That's all I want.

She was intentionally drawn MUCH uglier than in the manga to keep people from waifuing her.
If you've been to /a/, you'll know it didn't work.

don't do this, plenty of people will train you for free, being mil means you'd probably miss the fun

Not a weeb so I have no taste but I have to agree

I've suspected this on account of both female characters being exceptionally odd looking while all the men look very well designed. Is there an interview where this is stated?


why is Teviec island relevant enough to this map to be specifically pointed out?

Just give one half to Greece and the other to Armenia, problem solved.

You're kidding? Greece is one of the countries allowing the influx of millions of savages next to Italy. They went full commie, again.
The EU commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos just said EU needs 6 more million migrants - this coming from a "conservative" politician.

What's your point? Nearly every nation is fully Jewed. Obviously in these scenarios a National Socialist party would be in power.


We bioware now?

Plan was to give turkroaches billions of Euro to keep rapefugees few years in camps, then give turkroaches visa free travel to EU. Of course any of them would get Turkish passport for few thousends €. Then we would get african niggers, arabs AND fucking turks in.


They never intended to keep their promises. It was subversion from the start.

God damn this movie, muh feels for days after watching it

Cause that will happen ay?

Which is such a fucking stupid thing, too.

How blind are normalfags, man.

smh tbh fam.

I was going to say it was more of a delaying tactic and a way for Turkey to blackmail money from the EU.

Honestly, I think this kind of an idea would be the most efficient. Greece is in no shape financially or demographically to manage annexed Turkish land. Why not create a new temporary theocratic state settled by ethnic Europeans?

Yeah, that and the overuse of the word "cuck" by T_D and the rest of the alt-lite (or whatever the fuck they are) has ruined a lot of things for me.

Ah Doggerland, the world before the great deluge such a nice place or that's what the druids said about it ,or destroyed it according to some of them.

Uhmmmmmm… WTF? This can't be real. I mean, this situation has actually gone nuclear now.

Oh wait never mind, I thought it meant they wouldn't allow him to LEAVE Turkey. But he just can't return there.

Well if you're an accelerationist this might be a good thing for you. If literally millions (not the relative trickle we've seen so far, I mean to the point where state governments start collapsing) of arabs and niggers start flooding through Europe, the shock of it might drive Euros together at a quicker rate by the shock of it all, and by sheer necessity of survival. Of course, it's such a fucking gamble, because the native europeans might just get herded like cattle by islamists and their leftist collaborators, not necessarily in a mass genocide, but that enough shitskins immediately cross the border and get naturalized as citizens in some sweeping government measure, that the possibility of fighting is over. Camp of the Saints-esque.

that's what the alt-right does; takes memes and runs them into the ground, sapping all humor from them.

probably just bluffing
if the EU could remove him he would have been removed long ago (remember the failed putsch?)
EU will cuck for him once again, as usual

That should solve a lot of problems in one fell swoop.


We don't need to nuke anyone. All we need to do is cut Israel loose and the problem will resolve itself.



Turkey has a referendum coming up which isn't really a referendum at all. It gives Erdogan more power, I believe even changing their government system on whose in charge (you can guess who will be). Now Erdogan wants to force his propaganda down the throats of everyone and wants to campaign in other countries such as the NL where lots of Turks have 2 passports and will be able to vote. Dutch say no and Erdogan cries. Brainwashed Turks cry even more. Germany rolls over and gives Turks voting boots.

148888888 I cant wait.

really coincidental that I just happened to be doing this the last 2 days…

All (((coincidences)))

Neck yourself
For what purpose?
Again, for what purpose? If you're going to make Scandislavia at least giving Norway to Denmark would be 90% braindead instead of your 100% braindead idea since Norway used to be ruled by Danes, besides Norwegians and Danes in general get along quite well.

Sargon and his little army of sodomites need to pay for the tarnishing of KeKs name. They are a fucking cancer.

Trump calls israel a friend while taking a steaming shit on them live on tv.

I just think they were saying he was being unoriginal. Not that people arent allowed to use memes.

Plus nobody can define the alt right without describing the far right. Its the same meaning so why is there a new word for it?



I wonder how Euroliberals process this information.

"Why is he using refugees as a threat ? Aren't refugees a good thing"
I love how Erdogan implicitly acknowledges refugees are fucking everything up.

Yup, many bavarians told me this in 2015 when the shitskins poured in, just they said they don't see a Furher coming from .de, more like one of the eastern blockholes or similar. 9/10 of them against rapefugees and said they see civil war, from rich to old and young and poor people saying this.. go figure. Germany is sleeping based AF in the south.

You do know that Turkey is a NATO member, right? Christ, you're retarded.

you faggots don't realize you have to use those words to connect to normies. stop being stuck up cucks

Go away evil dogger


Ha ha no. The Dutch are complete fucking degenerates picture is overly positive (even while including dope which isn't good).




WHAT DOES THIS TELL YOU??????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Thankyou based Turkey for ensuring the election of Wilders!

We should get together and send Erdogan a fruit basket or something. I hear he likes fruits.

You really a retard, aren't you?

The only reason Turkey ever became a NATO member was because we had to park some nuclear missiles by the USSR's border and membership of Turkey was the only option to achieve that. In the end, Turkey is to be a nuclear battlefield, sacrificed for the greater good.

Armchair mode on.

You'd think this would give NATO a great casus belli to deal with the russians. Russians attack an increasingly erratic Turkey and NATO has an excuse to invoke article 5 for the second time.

In the real world, however, Erdogan is going to become progressively more chummy with Russia. This will give the US a good excuse to restrict its cooperation with NATO countries for "security concerns" even when it's just a vicarious argument for a growing desire among Americans to fuck over Europe.

30 years later and what we have is half of Europe under a new greater Russia and the other half is a Mad Max wasteland of rapefugees doing their very best to race riot their way into some free gibs from the collapsing governments. Meanwhile the US has turned insular and can no longer compete but tries its very best to convince the local populace that they're really the best country in the world with North Korea style laughable propaganda.

Russia and China wins the game.

drink bleach

You mean, manage not to lose this round. If there's still two major nations left then the game is not over.

I don't see a way out for Europe or the US, frankly. Europe is collapsing under its own naivete about "refugees" and from expert Russian manipulation to balkanize. We've been duped into thinking that the only alternative to (((globalization))) is complete isolationism. It's textbook divide and conquer.

The US is collapsing because the population is more concerned with genders than in landing on the moon and simply assume some manifest destiny without actually working towards it. It's like they don't care anymore. That isn't going to change anytime soon because the whole generation coming into adulthood is fucked. Plus there's the incredible animosity towards Europe from the US which also serves to divide the civilized western world.

Europe and the US reached max level. We had phenomenal societies but failed to realize what our respective weaknesses were and that's where we were attacked. It's all downhill from here on. Meanwhile, countries that are still developing and are still hungry, will overtake and dominate us in turn. We've simply assumed we're inherently better and forgot how to fight for it.

We'll get our clay back my dogger-friend

Still nothing on the news about this,
And the dutch PM denies that the deal has been broken.

dont forget germany
they will vote too this year

kill them all

I've ways had a fantasy of creating an explicitly Christian state seated in Constantinople. Taking over the city, and expanding into the middle east, capturing the entire peninsula and Egypt. Cleansing kebab via inquisition 2.0 electric clampaloo. Accepting refugees from Europe and South Africa who were being persecuted. Not controlling the church, but letting the church raise the youth like it used to be done in the US till about 1960s. Filtering out immigration based only on Christians who accept the core creeds. Vote would be restricted to married men, who would represent their families in the voting booth. Military training would be required for men as part of high school education, and an AR15 with at least 200 bullets would be required at home.

Basically my fantasy is a mixture between Byzantium and the US pre-(((communist))) infiltration. Is this too much to ask?

You and me both buddy

War, or the fall of Western Civilization. Roman Empire anyone?

I'm not a slavaboo I swear but dear god I hope the visegrad's hold the line 'cause god knows no one else is willing to stand up for the future of Europe.

There is so much wrong in this map. It even has China on it.

So has pol's mission become from avoid war to go to war? I don't think you guys appreciate the seriousness of the situation.

i love you all


You poltards, ANALYZE THE SITUATIONS instead of asking to recieve a bayonet up your asses.

Why the fuck would you be sitting at your computer when you have land like that outside? I'd be walking across that land, growing harden, but no, sit there and smoke the dude weed lmfo

Stale meme, and yes avoid war, are you retarded? or maybe located in a basement somehwere in the US all safe and sound?

beware the ides of march indeed


So you're saying we should dehumanize ourselves and prepare to bloodshed ?

Just don't let them in.
That is all it takes.

If they try to get in, shoot them.
The word will spread among the scumfugees and they won't try to get in again.
They are animals, and animals do not understand words and logic. You need a show of force to make them understand.
If you show kindness, they will understand it as weakness and abuse it.

Don't treat them like people because they are not!

Could you kindly do it, finally


So Turkey is going to release their bio-weapon in retaliation now?

I'm starting to think you might be a kike. Don't get riled up guys, do not weaponize yourselves. Fight against the refugees to deny them entrance but DO NOT SUPPORT WAR. This is exactly what the NWO wants. They wanted to push for war since the last weeks of the election remember? Now with a refugee crisis you ARE BEING RILED UP. Just like American with 9/11.

Czech here. I have lived and worked in the UK, Germany and France, so I know a little about these places. Currently I'm back in my beloved homeland working a simple administrative job, and I think I'll be staying. The lifestyle here, and by extent in the other V4 nations is completely indistinguishable from the European superpowers. We eat the same quality food, we work the same jobs, we have the same excellent universities and education systems. Our cities are as advanced and beautiful and full of culture as anywhere else. (I live in Prague)
Except that are statistically no niggers here. No mudshits or Islam. I actually saw a nog earlier today on my way to work, it was the first one I'd seen since for months. On top of that, it was a well dressed and behaved one. Don't worry, I gave him a mean look to let him know he wasn't welcome whether it had a shiny collar round its neck or not. The country is ranked something like 6th most peaceful country in the world, and even our political communists are vehemently traditionalist and secretly racist.

There are two major minority demographics, Vietnamese and Gypsies. Gypsies are so universally despised and hated that they keep to themselves in their disgusting little slums, and the Vietnamese are the textbook example of a perfect cultural integration. Racial tensions between Czechs and Viets are simply non-existent. They do breed like rabbits, but all in all they're whiplash smart and willing to do hard, dirty jobs. Also, the girls are very pretty.

The problem is that we're being poisoned and infiltrated by American culture. Many American anons are going to have their superiority complexes triggered by that, but it's simply the fact. Turk's greatest weapon is their own toxic population and America's greatest weapon is their own toxic culture.
Our youth, although currently drastically conservative in general in comparison with US, is slowly but surely being subverted by (((them))). In 60-70 years I could definitely see our society looking like the US looks now, with their safe spaces and tranny invulnerability and affirmative action and nigger plagues and all of that.

The major issue currently is that our underfunded and inexperienced armies suffer from a certain negative stigma which, if we're to maintain our sovereignty, must be abolished and replaced with nationalistic pride. As of now you would be seen as a bit of a waste to society if you are part of the professional armed forces, though it isn't quite as bad as the Bundeswehr in Germany I don't think.
This turkey deal collapse, if it proves true, will probably convince me to join the army reserves, to learn how to use a gun.

I think I went off on a bit of an unnecessary explanation, but to sum it all up, V4 is absolutely capable of holding out for now, but not after the next three or four generations. As things get worse to the west, that taint will spill over the border to us. We need all whites for this, we can only buy the rest of you time to get your shit together.

Hey fuckface, they are actually coming to our lands en masse. War is practically inevitable now, just watch how things are going in France and Sweden, it's not comparable to 9/11 at all.

You are either a newfag or a kike shill, either way fuck off


Go back to wherever you came from. Dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed. There is nothing else. War is inevitable.

Totally right? War totally isn't what the kikes want. With idiots like you and the rest they don't even have to try to start conflict. Whatever hate at them, Europe could use the meat shield.


Your mother's a shitskin.

*african american

KYS now

He's one of the best worst choice there is currently


rip Amzu

you think you can win this war by just shitposting here in autistville? heaps of Holla Forums are on reddit spreading the shitposts and memes. I hated reddit since the early days, it's a bunch of faggots in most places but its the only way to get it to the normies.
learn2propaganda, n00b.

This is going to nuke the left in europe if its really happening.

Even though i dont believe that this will actually happen, mommy merkel will suck some more kebab and calm our little dictators mood.

Still i pray to Kek that this is not fake news.

Really? Screenshots to prove you're pulling people to the right.



You do know that the first thing the jews attack is language, right?

I'm convinced that's why emojis exist.

No cheats? That's pretty impressive.

Can't have the people of austria be exposed to such radical music


muh hybrid vigor yellowpill

I forgot. Once again. Hopefully Holla Forums isn't in complete CIA control yet.

'Fascist' now means 'White', meaning every good person is licensed to kill them.

But seriously that picture is mostly accurate, at least for me. My only vice is neetdom. and drinking soda.

You should come to Brno, it's pretty regular to meet a nigger here, thankfully, they seem to behave, but for how long? I used to make fun of those, who live in Prague all the time, as how most Moravians do, and I still do occasionally, but looking at my own city, I feel only disgust. The streets are also relatively dirty. Recently, ANO won the regional elections and they are already pushing for arabic language for social institues. Islam is also being taught in some schools already, even in kindergartens, where they invite real muslims who show them the way of islam, how to make prayers on their stupid carpets and force the kids to wear rags on their head, then the principals threaten worried parents by calling the social service on them to take away their kids.

So true. Just reading about the stories, where a mother is being threatened to get her kid taken away by social workers for giving the kid a good old slap on the ass for misbehaving. Makes one wonder.

Well, better hope it won't become V3 after shit starts going down. I could easily see our good for nothing wimpy yes man of a prime minister back down at the slightest of a threat and sell us to the hordes. Hell, he's doing that already.

You have a lot of shit to clean up there.

I had a friend who was a white/nip mix and he was one of the most physically capable people I've ever known. People shit on "hapas" but the only shit "hapas" I've known were jew cross-breeds. jewish genetics poisons everything.

French election is in mid April.

Europe is in Spring.

Warmer weather.

More refugees.

We might actually be looking at a Le Pen win.

Yeah, but nips are absolutely honrary

Someone should make a game like 3d lemmings where the goal is to drop migrants onto the enemy and use the migrants as a biological weapon, i.e. they go on to basically act like zombies and rape and murder and steal. And the person whose resources and population gets destroyed first, loses.

I think she will win (maybe even in the first round) but if people aren't convinced by now that rapefugees are bad I think a 10% or whatever increase in refugees from warmer weather even though it's warm in sandland all year round and they never realize how cold it is in Europe, nothing will convince them.


You're right, Greece will not conquer, but it will be given to the Greeks because both NATO and Russia will trust them after Turkey is crushed to powder.

It is said that when God made the Czech Republic, he made Prague the most beautiful city in Europe but in order to compensate, he filled it with the meanest, least friendly people he could find. Then he made Brno the other way round. The ugliest, dirtiest city, but filled it with the nicest, friendliest people he could find. I don't know how true that rings though, I've only been to Brno once as I passed through into Slovakia :). Maybe I should visit some time again.
I'm very concerned about what you say.

Is this from a news article or something? Do you have a link?
That's Sweden tier skin-crawling cuckoldry and not what I would expect nor tolerate of Czechs at this time. 30 years too early for us at least.
ANO are doing that?! I hope it's just a bit of necessary evil 4D chess, Babiš always struck me as someone preoccupied with economics and finance to such an extent that he didn't have time to think about race relations.

I live on the outskirts of Prague in a lovely 100% white community and commute into Prague very early morning, when unemployed Nogs are still asleep. So maybe my perceptions of not seeing many are twisted from that.
As for Islam, I just checked a surprisingly in depth wikipedia article "Islám v České Republice". In 2011 there were roughly 3300 Muslims living in the Czech Republic, which is 3300 too many whichever way you look at it, but still manageable…
Still, apparently there are a couple Islamic brick-and-mortar groups in Brno and Prague. Might be time for the preventive firebombing of their facilities.


There's a city in Turkey called Batman.

Improved version

The fact you're not handing back Carpathian Ruthenia and Transylvania back to its proper Magyar people is offensive and a possible sign of autism.


How is that hard to understand!?
the Whole "they are coming to live here, it's inevitable" it's pure bullshit and just defeatist propaganda from the kikes.
Also this.
"We are all equal" my ass!

Sorry for the late reply, hopefully you're still here.
Haven't found much info about Soros funding that nonprofit, but the quote seems to be real, and he definitely endorses it.

Looking at the kindergarten one again, I am not really sure if it's real now. The photos look quite suspicious (clothing, nametags) and the text is unreadable, so it's not clear if they are even from Czech Republic. Also haven't been able to find any other article on this and even checked photos of kindergartens in that area and none look similar to the one in the article, so it might be a hoax, but here it is anyway:

Well, they got the first place in the elections, second was KDU-ČSL and third ČSSD. Though looking at the list of names, there seem to be only 12 ANO representatives out of 55 members, and they say that it passed by a single vote. Now who exactly voted is unknown, at least to me. So maybe I am jumping to conclusions too quickly, but I wouldn't be surprised if they voted for it, as it seems like Babiš is just their public face, while the rest does their own thing in the background. The whole Sobotka vs Babiš in the media seems like a distraction from other stuff.

Yeah, someone actually left a severed pig head in front of some mosque a few months ago, the cops even started investigating it.
fuckers took down the other page.

Rape has been a weapon in Africa for a long time.

If it happens, this would be the guaranteed death sentence for Ferkel. Natives and immigrants (mostly slavs) who are not kebab or total cucks fucking DESPISE the rapefugees now. Especially after the christmas truck funtime that happened 3 months ago. Nobody is going to say something because of fear of losing their jobs and/or social circles because people who dare to speak against the immigration policies are quickly branded as "neo-nazis" to shut them up. It's almost as bad as Sweden.

And after Trump, Wilders (if he wins today) and possibly Le Pen libtards are going to be full nuclear. Their experiment failed and people are slowly realizing that.
This 24th September the AfD will gain at least 18% and will be the final nail in the coffin for the commies. Soon there will be "protests". Then full blown riots with looting and murder. And at this point a civil war is inevitable.

This is mostly fantasy. But with things looking right now, this actually isn't too far fetched.

Mark my words. It will be glorious.

Just tell all illegals they will be rounded up and sent to a camp on some small island. Also tell them they will never be settled in Europe if they come illegally. Voila, they stop coming. We already solved this problem in Austalia. Our Prime Minister offered to help Europe solve the problem and our help was declined.

This is 100% the fault of left-wing institutions who want to muddy the European gene-pool. One day in the not-too distant future I see another European uprising, especially with the way right-wing groups seems to be continually excluded from forming government.

Correction: Le Pen wanted to ban dual citizenship with non European nations. Since Israel doesn't (and isn't) consider itself european Israelis would have to choose to give up either their french citizenship or their Israeli citizenship.
Oy vey.

Someone with let's say a French and Italian citizenship would still be allowed in france

Let's do something about it.

sage for OT



Constantinople was never theirs to begin with.

Nice Stockholm syndrome you got there bud. I bet you like getting fucked by your leftist government too.

checked but it's called

Make France Valland again.
Make Greece Grikland again.
Make Germany SuĂ°rvegr again.

Says the country responsible for the Armenian genocide.


I'm surprised everyone is so eager to rely on a Jew to save them.

Eyes bother me

Funny thing about that letter
Hold alt and type 1488
sage for unrelated post

>reborn female after death
she's female, physically.

This has been one of the most weirdly fascinating Holla Forums internal debates to me. Unasked reincarnation or no, she's fully biologically female, and will presumably be capable of bearing children once she gets a little older, so I'm counting Tanya as a she, absolutely. If by some miracle of mad science you could take a shot that would turn you female I'd accept the change. But it would have to really turn you female, I mean you'd have to grow a vagina, ovaries, be capable of child-rearing, and so on. The Culture series has this possibility with some kind of retrovirus, it rewrites your gender down to the genetic level over the course of a year. Of course that's just sci-fi. In the real world, there are two genders, and it's impossible to switch through any technology remotely available to us.

The mistake some faggots here make is that trannies in real life have the opposite sexs mind. They dont, they are just mentally ill and say they are a man in a womans body or vice versa. Anyone trying to make this a >she debate is playing right into their delusional minds. One of the most important rules of mental illness is that you do not enforce their delusion


Daily reminder, Spring is the time volcanoes erupt the most violent in the ring of fire pacific coast line, in April 1816 Mount Tambora erupted maybe another volcano can erupt

We can't project power much but I don't see why we cant contribute to the effort of fellow Whites for reconquista.

We are consistently Europe's 6th largest military power, with the 5 top being essentially economic superpowers, surpassing even France and the UK in certain aspects.

We are also the only European country with a full blown hitlerboo National Socialist party in our parliament as the third largest representative faction in it.

This. Autogynephilia does not make you mentally a female, just a faggot. Hormones and brain structure do.


this is a false flag. europeans will focus on turkey but it was a deal behind the scenes because europes (((needs 6 million migrants)))

War…no no, we're going to have a real war. A war for survival. A war of extermination. Where the loser disapears from the face of the Earth.

A war where we will burn your cities, slaughtering the survivors. Salt your fields and let winter and disease take you. It will be a true war, a war without mercy, without hesitation, without cowards.

Are you ready Turkroach? Are you ready for the awakening of the beast that has slumber for far to long in the white race?

Trannies would wish the same. Doesn't matter if it's possible or not. If you can't handle being a man and would prefer to have a cunt, you're just as good as a tranny.

There is a simple and extremely effective means of turning this back around on Turkey, but the EU is far too cucked to do it. Simply put, it should be stated, publicly and very officially, that anyone who is found to have migrated illegally from Turkey, optionally after whatever date Erdogan begins shipping them over and regardless of refugee status, will be sentenced to death or immediate extradition. Anyone who has migrated before that point should register with their government so as to not be mistaken. This puts the moral and political onus on Erdogan, and the "refugees" would realize that they are better off trying to deal with their own communities, like they should have been doing in the first place.

Enjoy the ban faggot

I wonder if they feel in charge

He's told everyone to increase birth rate to 5 too.

I'm really confused about the whole migrant deal. On one hand Erdogan is sending mudslime to Europe… on the other hand, they are paying him not to (?) and then he comes out and says publicly that the EU is allowing terrorists into Europe….?

Can someone straighten this whole thing out, it seems a little bit messed up, or maybe I don't have all the facts….

This is a great fear of mine user. Our only hope is to break through all the propaganda, try to warn as many people as we can, and to prepare for nightmare situations. That, and take to the ballots and vote in right-wing nationalists. Otherwise we won't stand a fighting chance. Preparation for SHTF – no matter how many shills advise against it – is absolutely essential for us right now. Just because America has Trump and there was the Brexit does not mean our problems are solved. The hardship has just begun in reality.

I wouldn't accept even genetic re-writing and complete overhaul, there's still all of the formative years and experience as a male that would make up the foundation of the psyche. Only magical shit like rebirth and soul jank would convince me.


Fuck off, Chaim. They have no place in western society. They appear okay at a quick glance, but they have every intention of out-breeding and overtaking you.


Basically Erdogan chats shit and Europe won't call him on it because they need Turkey to get their natural gas from somewhere other than Russia.

Checked. Also, Tanya is no trap. It's an actual female (albeit with more balls than most men - if they wrote the character as a man, it would probably have rustled massive jimmies with over-offended snowflakes, but you can throw them the "strong female lead" argument easily).

Nice way to break links!

Tanya is simply a female with memories of a guy who got train'd.

Constantinople will one day be freed of its roach infestation

Fumigate the roaches, Pest Control Operators now

Part of the deal was that a certain amount of rapefugees get flown into Germany every day (~200.000 per year, something like that).

The planes that flow them in land at nighttime in minute intervals at various german airports.

Now the big question is, if Erdogan cancelled HIS side of the deal (stopping them from crossing into Greece etc), is the german government still accepting those airplanes?

Those rapefugees on those planes get handpicked by Erdogan too, Erdogan could literally send thousands of hardcore ISIS terrorists

What if his plan was forcing all Europeans into redpilling all along?

Fucking good. He would have sent millions of roaches inside the homes of Europe.

I mean, he is pretty nationalistic himself, so who can say?

Checked for the Glorious 4th Reich of Europe composed of Soverein Nations

I agree. At the viets I've met in the US were completely commied out.

Checks well with the end of Yuri's subversion process
