2x Deported Spic Shoots Underage Pregnant Girl

Illegal Alien 2x Released by ICE Charged With Shooting Underage Girl Carrying His Unborn Child
Armando Rodrigo Garcia-Ramires, 35, charged with two counts of murder.

And nothing of value was lost.

Except the tax money and resources expended to contain these subhumans.


These peasant societies are way into taking child brides. In mexico (or saudi arabia), a 13 year old girl isn't going to be educated and have a career, so you may as well marry her off.

Reminder this happened in Sanctuary State California. The blood of this minority and her unborn baby is on their hands. This is how to push this narrative on normalfag social media

It's less than it'd cost if that bitch and her parasite remained alive

Wew truth

Do you not know where San Antonio is?

Wew I read it as San Diego top kek thx

Thank you Armando Garcia-Ramires.

pull your fucking head out of you ass, although he is an animal he did have two children with her alone, and more than likely more than that, while you play xbox.

They moce here from Mexico and can make 4 to 6 times more weekly, why not have kids. Fuck American whites are soooooo pozzed

Exactly this.

sounds like a good deal

Why would she fuck him?
Both of them are ugly but he's old and doesn't have a pussy.



The fuck is up with her eyebrows holy shit.

He's going back to earth.

I was worried for a moment the preggo was white.

I'd blow a load in her and I'm 29
tbh, if you wouldn't tap that, you're a faggot


oh, and sage-negated

I was talking about race-mixing you cuckchan halfwit. Unless you are a beaner half-caste, in which case you still have to go back.

Where's the crime?


Agree but only applies to niggers and Jews. White infused mestizo pussy is good

You don't belong here, this is a whites-only board. Take it back to cuckchan you dreg.

I belong wherever the fuck I go :^)

Can we tag him and let him loose in LA?

So go start banging teens. What's stopping you?

He's a fucking spic who needs to make Tenochtitlan great again instead of shitting up our collective gene pool simply by being here.

brilliant question, no one knows

different poster
sage negated btw

Agreed, can we nominate this guy for a Darwin award AND some sort of Trump award for proving why immigration is and thing?

what's a spic?
t. strayan

literally nothing of value was lost, someone should send him a thank you card to prison

lmao cuckchan

dual awards a go

We should pay him to stay down thereā€¦.and keep actin' like he's acting.

Yes, and?
You have to go back


Gas yourself.


Easy there prince of the air; your internationalism is showing.

No I read it. You're a bean eating cuckold.


Spic = mexican but can also be used for any brown, south american, aztec-looking subhuman.

Mestizo squat goblin is my epithet of choice.

You people are retarded. I'll give you the answer why people don't have kids.You will pay, at a bare minimum, about $300,000 per child if you raise them from age 0 to 18 in the United States. Now think about illegals having 3-8 kids, degenerates who shouldn't have kids in the first place, and U.S. citizens paying for all their welfare with their tax money. On top of that, most people don't know this cost because they think having kids is great and no big deal. You have a kid, congratulations goy, without batting an eye at the cost. So if you want to have kids of your own, you better be making, at least, $100,000 per year per couple.

Commiefornian here. This is accurate. And white women expect you to be upper upper middle class, period. If they're going to go working class, they'd rather get a nigger or a spic - you know, working class chic.

It should be a bannable offense to post headlines like these without mentioning the race of the victim.

Seems like ol' Common Spic is back on.



I don't get why he shot her but I get why she's pregnant.

fuckin wew

Go away Common Spic

Checked. tfw no smug Trump supporting GF

So close, but still ended up a fuck up.

They don't think it be like it is, but it do

you first.

The White Race isn't dying, you dimwit, there's over a billion of us.
Population fluctuations are a normal thing, and race-mixing is a non-issue since people have a tendency to be more attracted to their own race.

Of course, mass immigration, brainwashing and other jewish crap can fuck that up. So no, race-mixing it's the problem, the cultural shit and mass immigration is.
In a country that is 95% white and doesn't have an influx of nogs, the occasional mixed child dissapears by the sheer supremacy of white genes.

I support only non-violent ethnic cleansing, but wow, this beaner removed 2 other beaners from the White Man's Country before leaving for the 3rd and final time. Impressive.

Oh God, he's back!

Loads of spic women shave off their eyebrows and then draw replacements on. No clue why, it looks way worse than just leaving on your eyebrows.
T. Commiefornian

pretty much, its the dipshit retarded minset of white women and white people generally, but also the humongous fucking cost of living in the Kwa', that's why pretty much all birthrates are in decline here.

Hey at least it saved Planned Parenthood some cash!
