Some sort of mass muslim conversion going on at IM?

I don't know if anyone else has experienced this or just me, but lately I've bumped into a good few people from IM on other platforms online that talk very positively about islam and a few who've been talking about converting to it.

They are all in their late teens it seems. Is there some fucking muslim conversion propaganda going on in there or is this just a (((coincidence)))?

Something seems off and I wonder if anyone else here has seen the same. Seen a few cases on different Discords among other things.

Other urls found in this thread:

IM for the ones who don't know is Iron March.

I have no knowledge of IM, but never underestimate human stupidity. But I'm guessing it's on the same level as being a wiccan for them or something of the sort.

Well that or Satan is more active than ever.

But it's truly fucked up. I know for a fact that some of these people were young red pilled guys. Now some fucking shitskin is converting them to something fundamentally anti-white.

They're just cucks OP.

Fucking subhumans.

TRS is never coming back, sodomites

I knew this shit would be pushed eventually, I always see MGTOW scum cucking for islam because
Cucks like Sargon will side with islam before prowhite ideas.

Those fucking faggot cunts, they unironically say 1488 and then fucking consider islam for even a fraction of a god damn second?! I don't think I have enough ammo, I don't think any of us have enough ammo.

I totally believe you.

Fixed. It's 100% muh dick. The children they'd raise would be of such low quality they're not worth consideration.

All alt-right groups are cucks of one variety or another. Avoid altogether or kill yourself

Shouldnt even mention that actual cuckold, he denied white genocide exists, on the day, theres a rope for him too.

Do you expect anything else from cucks?

This. Islam is basically the religion of muh dick. Porn/H addicted losers may as well convert to it since they hate girls so much and would need an entire religious and political system to get a girl.

They don't know that naturalism and NatSoc do a better job of controlling women by encouraging them to fuffil their natural desires of motherhood instead of making them harem-slaves like islam.

Retarded teenage edgelord columbine worshippers are converting to Islam? Who could have guessed it?

Idk what IM means but if it has something to do with discord.. I have lurked in a couple discords all purporting to be "Holla Forums"

And every single one was absolutely flooded with cancer. Discord is inherently cancerous.

It's probably a psyop for an acceptation of islam.
It plays on herd mentality.

namefaggotry is inherently cancerous.

99% of the time. Theres a cytube server that begins with the letter N the naming of which results in a week long ban that seems to have kept cancer at bay.

neetuprising? they're cancer too 2bh

Nice false flag. Jews have been trying to divert the truth about their subversive actions and the yinnon plan by blaming mudslimes recently. The shilling has increased considerably recently. Remember, Khazarian jews form the intelligentsia of the mudslimes in Saudi Arabia and Iran.

These people deny nature which is why they deny the natural order and think everyone is a blank slate and race don't real (except when to hate on whites).

They both are not needed.

So all the land stolen by mudslimes since their silly cult began, the destruction of the bloodlines of proud countries, the countless people killed or enslaved by roaches don't matter?

Is this kampfy shitposting his civic bs again?


Stormfront, TRS, and Iron March are all shit and they should kill themselves.

Probably just feds trying to create more extremeists for those sweet, sweet tax dollars.

They might be just cucks but this can become a genuine problem if it is allowed to take root. The last thing we need now is a ton of lost teenagers adopting islam.


TRS isn't dying fast enough, their numbers didn't drop that much according to Alexa.

they probably converted after getting muh dicked by a 30 year old mudslime.


iron march has atom waffen which is a bunch of muslims on the level of a toothless isis terror cell. the rest are half insane ultra orthodox christians

can confirm, was on there for years, left when the second in commond of AtomWaffen, Weissewolf, converted to islam (literally to get pussy, he started dating a mudslime chick, also notable that he posted selfies once and quickly deleted them, and he looked like a faggot beta)

now half of atomwaffen are muslims, never going back to that shitfest

Gas that board

There's a Muslim dude that for some reason added me on Discord (don't remember when or why) and he constantly keeps convincing me that he's "fashy" and that his parents look white as fuck, but he was unfortunate to get the sandnigger genes (I fucking shit you not) and he constantly brags about how he browses on IM and sites like that. I have absolutely no idea what caused that. He even once posted a pic of himself and his "super white looking" dad and they both looked like your average rapefugee aka shit brown and inbred.


Atomwaffen's leader is a literal retard. Like some kind of actual autistic tard. The entire group is a joke.

They're all common filth fanboys too.

What the fuck do they even stand for these days? Do they even care about protecting whites anymore?

When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse."

Another one down then. Atomwaffen is muzzie and National Vanguard has its own issues. Barely any good organizations left now, if any.

Mostly they parrot common filth these days. Whites need to be genocided because they're gay (despite having the lowest recorded incidence of homosexual behavior of any race) etc. Meme Christianity and Islam are great and so on.

Can someone explain this shit to me? How are they so buddy buddy with common filth and at the same time they are all converting to Islam. Is this some kind of white nationalism psyop? I see all of these "white nationalist" groups bending over backwards to not be white nationalist anymore.

I don't get what you mean. Common filth loves Islam and hates white nationalists.

idk what that group is but I 100% guarantee this is a psyop to D&C. The key is not to persuade people to like muslims, the key is to convince people that everyone else likes muslims. This is a particularly potent approach for pressuring young people.

I know, which is weird because he's a fundamentalist Christian.

there's definitely at least one or two kebabs in AWD from what I can tell, & most of their members in general give the impression of being deranged autistic 15 year olds

they're dumb kids larping ISIS, they sure talk a lot about political terror but all they do is put up edgy stickers, real amazing stuff

why is there no normal organization in the USA?

Ever since OPEC weaponized oil against the United States
(undefeated back to back world war champions)
Liberals have been competing to ride Islam's dick the hardest
Instead of gassing and glassing those sand shitskins
They would rather succumb to the butt fucking faggotry
that saturates Islam

Mattis will NOT bow down to these goat fuckers
Domestic muslims are the enemy, document their every move
it'll make the purge much more efficient

Praise KEK

He isn't a fundamentalist Christian either. He's a meme christian.

IronLARP has always been led by a shitskin named Slavros.

No it doesn't. Women cannot be controlled.

A fucking uzbek. (Guess which religion is most prevalent in Uzbekistan?)

Because organizing causes infiltration.


No, it's Islam.

Fuck off back to kikebart retard.

I lurk around some of their communities and it's basically the usual "no sense of direction in life, let's follow something (((abrahamic))) because muh rituals n stuff" and this is usually (((Orthodox Christianity))) but sometimes (((Islam))).

Same thing with groups like TWP. They have no identity and no direction so they mishmash together old stuff. It's not genuine, like, say, NatSocs on Holla Forums… with groups like IM and TWP it's just a LARP.

Isn't IronMarch full of mongoloid shitskins and non Whites? Of course they are attracted to a sandnigger religion that preaches for submission and the destruction of national borders. Many of them also seem to be the MGTOW permavirgin variety and just want a "qt pure submissive virgin" waifu

Talking positively about some aspects of Islam is alright.
Converting? Not if you're white.

Yes. REAL fascists don't believe in race goy :^)


I've heard this new splinter group from American vanguard had muzzies In it too. Lolwut

Is that your excuse for wanting to prep the Arab bull?

The position of whites men in Islamic empires was literally to be either court eunuchs or brainwashed slave soldiers sent off , while sleazy brown shits fucked white women kept high on hashish 24/7.

Its amazing how organized our enemy is and the lengths they go to subvert our people. Meanwhile all you ever see on Holla Forums is fighting over petty shit and talking about natsoc without having any idea how to get to that point. We aren't organized and probably never will be. What happens when its realized that Trump tried his best but failed and voting means nothing?

How can one shill be so stupid?

Man you disbelievers and your obsession with cuckoldry is really laughable man. Turks and Arabs didn't intermix with European Muslims or Caucus Muslims, it was literally the opposite, they would give leadership and military positions to these peoples, and would often marry their kids off to the Europeans.

European Muslim leader of Egypt. Ruled millions of people and was a top commander of Ottoman forces.

Crusader Knight who converted to Islam, became a top commander and administrator in Saladin's army, even got to marry Saladin's daughters.

Imam Shamil, ruled the Caucasus and halted Russian advance for decades, was a white man, the Russians were so embarrassed about the losses they sustained from Imam Shamil, that they claimed he was a Georgian Christian. In fact, when they captured him, they watched him pray to verify he was indeed a Muslim.

These are just off the top of my head. I would like to remind you White Muslim areas in Europe, have the highest birthrates, lowest STD rates, and highest sanitation rates.

Keep larping online while we keep growing bitch nigga

I joined Iron March a few months back because with Atomwaffen and such it looked like there was some decent boots on the ground street-level organisation going on there. I honestly never really liked it. There a fucking Turkic sand gook running the whole show, and almost as soon as I joined I was approached by some guy to join a discord group, and once in he turned out to constantly spout fucking mudslime propaganda. I also even saw an "Ethiopian nationalist" poster there.

The problem with IM is that they're "Fascist", not truly White Nationalist.

Behold The legacy of your filthy brown-supremacist cult in Europe!

Actually Bosnia has the same IQ average as Serbia,Croatia,Montenegro and Albania, be sure to wash your hands after that shitpost you just made ;^)

D&C kikes get no Likes
D&C kikes get no Likes
D&C kikes get no Likes
D&C kikes get no Likes
D&C kikes get no Likes
D&C kikes get no Likes

Being against the sandnigger backwards faggot religion of pisslam is not D&C you fucking retard.

In other news, every Serbian is gay. They are clearly all homosexuals, look at my images, it proves my point. How can Serbia ever recover?

nice reddit spacing mohammad, islam will be eradicated.

You sound triggered Ahmed

You're also the dumber, shittiest, ugliest people on europe. And i'm pretty sure you have one of the lowest sanitations on Europe, not the highest.

Yeah, no. Both the studies of Lynn & Vanhanen and Heiner Rindermann have shown Balkans people are the dumbest Europeans, and the of them, the Bosnians and especially the Albanians are the worst. Albanians are literally dumber than Turks, probably because the Turks took all their best people and absorbed them into their gene pool.

That's what your fucking desert cult has always been about, "cuck whitey, take his bitches". Supporting Islam is supporting the cuckholdry of your race by the brown man.


All these replies, amazing, your asshurt is something I sustain myself from.

Thanks for proving my point western civilization is a cancer.

Was banned under the Taliban, then your SJW cuckold soldiers came and removed a theocracy and replaced it with a democracy. Keep in mind, these are Afghan soldiers as well, they will be executed by the Mujahideen.

I don't judge National Socialism or Bushido ideologies by how Germany and Japan are, after they were systematically culturally destroyed by the Allies. Why are you judging Islam by secular and western examples?

That woman is clearly semitic in the image, if she's 'white' in your image, you have a very broad definition of what is 'white'. Sorry, we don't tolerate your faggot ass feminism in Islam.

Anyway, I can cherry pick shit as well.

But Natt, I thought you love Iron March!

Why would Natt countersignal against IM when he's an admin on there?

It has more to do with the massive inbreeding. After a few generations first cousin marriage has a very dysgenic effect

>50% of muslims in 20 muslim nations marry inside their family (first cousin or worse)

By your logic you should convert to Judaism, not Islam. Jews are the strongest horse around.

So you're telling us that you are literally a mudslime? Also, guess who started this entire "western civilization" we have nowadays?
Also, Iran, literally a fundamentalist islamic country, has the second highest rate of tranny surgeries on the word, apparently being subsidized by the goverment, which in turn says that the koran completely accepts trangenders as actualy men or women.

Pisslam calls for the abolition of all borders and calls for brotherhood along mudslimes of all races. That probably explains why mudslime women love black men so much.

Yeah and is right now being actively practiced in multiple regions and also actively practiced my refugees who bring along young boys.

Yes its the kikes, while you guys shitpost the kikes, we actually have soldiers killing their minions and directly fighting them in their back yards. Watching 'The Lion' over and over on JewTube does absolutely fuckall.

I could send hundreds of images of white women with blacks, that proves absolutely nothing. Those women partying and drinking alcohol, are about as 'Muslim' as AIPAC supporting Jew fetishists are 'Christian'. Thanks for using another example of western culture though. Several of those women are French looking as well, doesn't really prove any point you are making.

Gas them all. They are traitors to the Ummah.

Why are you suprised? Iron March imitates the left, it only harbours hatred for jews and no self affirmation. There is a phrase for these kind of people "those who love the tartars to avoid loving their neighbour".

Yes, hating the West for degeneracy and converting to Islam is retarded. Islam permits childrape and expects men to behave like niggers around women, our standards are higher, Take your own side IM faggots.


Then why do you follow a judaic religion that was created literally a jew?


Muhhamad (piss be upon him) was a true mudslime™ but he still enjoyed getting sodomised by young men mainly slaves from Africa.

Your Imams encouraged them to come here with promises of riches and women. The same imams that glorify your allah and keep traditions like fucking pre-teen boys in the ass.
How the fuck are you still stuck with that ass-backwards religion ? Even those that are supposed to pass for intelligent muslims, like the egyptians spend more times killing each other in terrorist attacks than they do anyone else.

Sigh. Muhammad literally slaughtered an entire tribe of Jews for betraying him.

Whatever makes you feel better, sodomite faggot. Be sure not to overdose on your 10TB sized files of blacked that you watch every day.

I can find Priests and Pastors saying how sucking dick is okay, that doesn't prove anything. Also there isn't any Imam, that is Sunni, that would justify homosexual acts. If they do, they are apostates.

I can easily form a narrative that Priests will fuck little boys, because of the sheer articles, but I know that its not true though. Because of my personal experiences with good Christians, and having good conversations with Priests and Pastors. Forming a narrative out of image macros and a few articles is autistic as shit fam

The bacha bazi practice is ancient and official. While you may accuse priests and imams of fiddling little boys and girls, only on one side is this a legitimate practice. Kind of how only jewish books allow fucking your neighbor's pre-teen daughter.
Your books suck. And that's not even touching on the Jihad content.

ITT: mudshit apologists

Go back to your sand shithole Muhammad, take your high culture of donkey raping with you and never come back

Bacha Bazi is an Afghan practice, its not even reflective on 99.5% of the rest of the Ummah. The act was banned under Islamic governance, with the punishment of death being applied. So your telling me, we should be judged by laws that the international coalition has forced us to live under? Really makes me think.
Muh violence is bad. Bluepilled as fuck man

And there aren't white Muslims in Europe. Albanians and Bosnians aren't white. They are Turk mongrels with the lower IQ to prove it.

Kek, if you want to continue being this deluded be my guest. I know that you cant actually convert to another religion or you would get killed, but at least join some of those shady sects of islam like alawism or druze that we might, possibly, spare you.

Listen here sandnigger, you are the ones who invented and kept that shit to modern day. The west has no involvement in your flaming faggotry.
So you want to kill me and all christians + atheists then ? Not if I kill you first, albanian shitter.

I don't like ISIS, I'm supportive of the Islamic Emirate man. ISIS has fired rockets from Gaza into Israel though. I like it when they throw fags from roofs and they kill Nusayris though. I disagree with destroying the artifacts and killing Christians.

Greeks look identical to Turks, and your supposed to tell me they are white? Your supposed to tell me southern Italians are white?

I don't even give a shit about the 'what is white' argument, but its very broad and stupid. Identifying as white, and not your tribe, is silly fam.

No you fucking burger mutt, you invaded in 2001 for (((them))), you imposed a cuckold govt that prevents us from applying Sharia.
Nah, Christians are okay, a few elderly in my family are Christians as well. Christians have been contribute to various Caliphates too.

Also fuck faggot ass atheists, yes I would kill you, yes I would throw your satanic banana faggot shit off of a roof and light what ever remains on fire.

Obviously completely false. Jews live well under Islam. The three most powerful Islamic countries, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran, are all philosemitic. Even ISIS has nothing against Jews per se. They even plainly state in their official propaganda that shia and pagans are their primary enemy, not Jews.

And I wouldn't exactly call Islam a "strong horse." For their numbers they are incredibly weak. Pound for pound they are the weakest religious group on earth, punching far below their weight. They suck so bad at combat that they even routinely get btfo in Asia by Buddhists. Even Saudi Arabia, with top tier military hardware, cannot even put up a good fight.

Sure, but you still havent answered how literally every major islamic country on earth is corroborating with the jewish plan and how the koran justifies transgenderism.

So you lost the war already. Thanks for clarifying that muslicuck.

Genetically they are. Turks aren't.

I don't support really any of those govts for the same reason why you don't support your govts, they are degenerate and controlled by (((them))). But I am highly supportive of Hamas, Islamic Emirate, and Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham. Who are directly fighting and causing harm to ZOG.

Haha, you know nothing about the conflict in Afghanistan, Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan controls more land than they did in 01 in sheer km space, however, Kabul,Kunduz and Jalalabad are still controlled by ANA/NATO.

NATO is bled white in terms of public support, they don't have the resources or money to continue a futile war. As time goes on, more and more districts will be liberated. Your soldiers will go on to be literal cuckolds, suicides and have their kids turn into faggots.

How are they 'genetically' white, there's a staunch difference between South and Northern Italy, they aren't even the same peoples racially, just the same culturally. (for the most part)

Well closer at least. I would consider Greeks borderline not white. A couple generations of race hygeine could fix that.

Let me show you gentlemen something, these are some Communist rats killed by the heroes of Euphrates Shield this week. I am sending this because its an example of Mujahideen actually doing something, they (the soldiers who took these pics) didn't just sit behind a monitor and do nothing.

Fair enough, makes sense. The National Socialists were very kind to us in the Balkans, also kind to the Caucus and Arab brothers. Its a shame Hitler lost, though he was Christian, so I hope God accepts him.

By being closely related genetically to the bulk of whites. I know your IQ is too low to understand anything relating to biology or genetics, so you will have to take my word for it.

Not that much of a difference.

Nah fam, go to Italy and you will see what I mean. I know it sounds anecdotal, but just see for yourself fam.

It is. They are shown to be closely related though. That's why you can't just go by skin tone. Jews often have light skin tone but are actually less related to core European than southern Italians are.


I'm not even a burger. I'm of those many on the balkans who would have you albanian shitters dead.
But if there is true cancer on this planet, then it's you muslims. If you could just stay in the middle east, that would be great. But you always want to invade. At every point in history.
Albania exists because of such invasions, now you are trying that shit in macedonia too.
I'd feel sorry for you if I didn't know you'd attack anything nonmuslim next to you at the first chance that presents itself. So kindly kill yourself mudslime, before some of your own *brothers* does it for you.

That is fine. Problem is when they want to invade Europe. Could just be that they are all Jew slaves at the highest level, same as ours. If not for that there wouldn't be a problem.

Buttsex and other degeneracies have literally always been a part of mudslime culture. Semites and Turks are sex pests by their very nature. So go fuck off to some shitty muslim country, because whatever you are, you're anything but a white nationalist. They'll probably just beat you up and fuck your fat autistic ass.

TL;DR: God Stuff, might not be your thing, skip if you wish

Same as the good Jew/Bad Jew game. Antichrist is antichrist. Holla Forumsacks are going to keep getting d&c'ed by shit like this. First of all, the number of antichristian posters is going to increase in direct relation to the effectiveness of the board. If you wanna beat it, you have to study the bible. Amazingly while people will pour through Mein Kampf(awesome) and study CoC(awesome), or even (stupidly, as I once did) shell out real cash for My Awakening(audiobook is free, i shoulda saved 35$) – no one will sit down with a copy of the bible and read it KJV not working for you? Try Robert Young's Literal Translation. Therefore, you gain no spiritual protection or nourishment, and remain playthings for the enemy, the adversary.
I thank Holla Forums for any insights I gained here - but in the end, some simple truths: The antichrist is the lack of Christ. It's in all of us, it's simply our base human nature with no Christ. You embrace it when you over-eat, masterbate, worship idols ("I love my new car!") etc. The antichrist is simply the indulgence of human impulse at the expence of God's will for us. So on Holla Forums it's Jews. Yes, Jews worship themselves, which is directly denying Christ, and they made a belief system (Talmudism) to back it up. And Muslims put Mohammed above Christ… again - clearly not very Christian. But what about when all the Jews are gone? And then Whites get rid of the Muslims… and then what? Asians aren't Christian, so you'd find the antichrist embodied there too. And then there's Catholics and the Pope - lot's of antichristiananity there, and many of them are White as snow!
Where would the killing end? When would the White race finally be safe, even if it could murder the six billion non-whites in the world + the white antichristians? Maybe… maybe then we'd all be safe. Too bad that's crazy nutty bullshit talk. No way men. Even if you could annihilate all non-whites and antichristians, it'd cost you your own christian soul.
Luckily the bible has answers: 1.) Love the Lord. 2.) Obey the Ten Commandments 3.) Repent. You can't organize with 'fellow whites' because the antichrist will subvert it, that's what love of the world (and self) does. Get strong in your spirit, mind and body, help your neighbor/brother get strong in his spirit, mind, and body, but trust Jesus. Whew lad. =-| Too much caffine.

What did they mean by this? But memes aside your rage is kek, stay mad bitch nigga

Turks had retarded shit fam, I'm not going to deny that, they secularized the constitution after Abdulmecid II went to France, he brought those ideas back with him unfortunately.

But to add context, the first pic is a satire and final pic is making fun of Satanist. The 2nd,3rd, and 4th images are from a time when Turkey was unfortunately secular. Once again, I'm not going to judge Vikang Swedes by the actions of nu-male faggot Swedes.

What the fuck am I reading, Christ is the Messiah and will return on the final day to defeat Dajjal the Anti-Christ.

Wew lad turns out the final pic was actually made by a Hindu Indian, after google image searching it. And the rest are Persian Shiite shit, they all are cited from Islamic Persia, and the captions say they are Safavid (Shia)

However I'm not denying the Turks had a lot of fag shit after Abdulmecid westernized the Constitution. But this is autistic as shit if you form a worldview around it, I'm not going to judge Greeks today because pre-Christian Greeks used to gangbang little boys.

Shiite site, I meant to add, Shiites are Muslim in the same way Mormons are Christians.

You truly are one with the jews. But know this: unlike burgers,western christians and their tolerance, orthodox ones have a bone to pick with you.

Nice excuse, but those are fucking 18th century illustrations, kiddo. Way before ole Abdulmecid II. And some of them are Persian, not Turkish. So they pertain to older and more widespread cultural norms that you would make out. Nice try moron.

Also, Muslim girls fuck dogs.



This is bullshit, I visit IM regularly and there is no "conversion" going on there.

Get out, D&C kike.