How can you be so ecocucked?
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It moves beyond dialectical materialism, incorporating the dialectic of ideas as well as the materialist conception of history. Good shit
it's like poetry, it rhymes
>living in harmony with first nature while maintaining green techno-industrial society.
Dont be a silly user.
A fundamental assumption of dialectical naturalism is that human society, its cities, and its technology, are in fact a part of nature. However, they are a part of the "second nature" that humanity has evolved into (i.e. a uniquely social realm). This second nature emerged out of "first nature" (i.e. non-human nature) while still being a part of the same evolutionary dialectic.
I have gone out of my way to tell people about Bookchin.
I've been listening to him and he has very good ideas
This is basically a tl;dr of Bookchin,and updating his ideas with newer research and looking critically at it. Its even pretty short.
Read it and learn.
now this is a meme
and this interview when he was still self identifying as an anarchist touches a lot of his ideas and is a nice read:
This interview too is not only a nice introduction to Bookchin but also lets you learn a lot about socialism in America during the 20th century.
While we're at it, why not consider pollution part of nature? Volcanos churned out toxic shit since long before homo sapiens affected nature on any scale.
Besides, Bookchin was a city statist, in other words a left-wing version of the militia people who accept county and municipal government, but reject federal government. Small government is still a state.
Well now I've heard everything
Everyone here should read bookchin tbh
It's essentially the same model of organization that all federalist anarchist systems are based off of.
Thanks user, I'm always interested in critical intros.
>I’m less influenced by any of Marx’s ideas today than I’ve ever been in my life, and most significantly Marx’s theory of historical materialism, which I think is virtually a debris of despotism.
> I’ve developed my anarchism, my critique of Marxism, which has been the most advanced bourgeois ideology I know of, into a community of ideas and ultimately a common sense of responsibilities and commitments.
Polanyi was a fucking liberal through-and-through. So I guess it's no surprise Bookchin denounces Marx as a despot but, bizarrely, he calls Marxism bourgeois ideology to boot. Ridiculous, coming from an effective libertarian. Not only that, he's a spooked Hegelian idealist who seemed to believe that an anarchist vanguard "affinity group" united in spirit would be an improvement over anarcho-syndicalism. If this is what I'm in for, it'll be good rage material.
He got through his anarcho phase and as White shows he still retained a lot of Marxist ideas even while being very critical of him. Although IIRC Max Weber was more important than Marx for him.