US Delta Force, SEAL Team 6 Prepare To Take Out Kim Jong-Un, Practice Tactical North Korea "Infiltration"
Why am I reading this Holla Forums? When will Trump find the leakers and hang them high for all the traitorous dogs to see?
US Delta Force, SEAL Team 6 Prepare To Take Out Kim Jong-Un, Practice Tactical North Korea "Infiltration"
Why am I reading this Holla Forums? When will Trump find the leakers and hang them high for all the traitorous dogs to see?
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Confirmed NSA/CIA bullshit.
whoever is caught is gonna get roped so fast his head will be removed from his torso.
Because if it actually happened you wouldn't be reading about it.
You moron, this is supposed to be public
This is Trump's response to NKorean agitation
You wanna go? Let's fucking go. Throw down. Look how easily we could exterminate your entire ruling class. We're practicing right now. We're totally going to do it. We're gonna do it! Soon. Unless you sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
He also sent B52 nuclear bombers over.
They'd be foolish not to back down again.
shill quality has really gone down with CREW
From the article:
Didn't that unit die in a helicopter crash suspiciously after killing Bin Laden?
Nobody had a fucking clue about removing Osama, that was on a tight lock. While getting rid of Kim Jung Un? lmao yeah right, its possible but if its leaked then its not going to go well.
N-No goyim don't ever google "Extortion 17 helo crash" those men died for freedom, definitely not killed by a CIA agent with a STINGER missile
One wonders what replaced them now that they are the scary PR arm of spec ops.
Many who were part of the supposed raid died in the Extortion 17 crash, yes.
Reread the post.
I know the whole thing is bullshit.
Yeah, no. It's because it was bullshit and the guy had been dead for years.
This has gotta be fake, Trump must have done another one of those "make-up fake shit to random people and find the leaker that way"
Good goyim, conquered next state without Rothschild central bank!
Who even fucking knows? There's so much disinfo on him that we don't know the truth about him.
The Awan brothers the democrats had working their IT is the most likely source. They blew the Yemen raid and got that SEAL killed, too.
Yeah, (((who knows?))) Fuck off with this shit.
Ever get that feeling of lesser beings banging rocks together?
No. If you have something to say, just say it.
We have sub-launchable missiles that greatly overshadow that.
Great. So there's no real threat and you agree it's worthless jewish warmongering to niggerize another country.
Norks need to learn how to relax
Got any infographs?
No, they can hurt us and our friends in the region. I would rather go to war with nork then sit idly by and watch communism come to roost in the region further.
How many different countries does this jewish narrative need to play out in and be proven to fake before you mouth breathing kike tools figure it out? WWI didn't learn you. WWII, right over your head. Gulf of Tonkin. Cave people attacking the Pentagon. No WMDs. "Brutal dictator". "A nuclear bomb is right around the corner, goyim!".
We don't have any friends in the region because it's Asia. Maybe (((you)) have friends in the region.
Why. For what purpose. Why should white lives be spent in this way.
There's nothing they can really do or supply that isn't any more worrying than an IED or some guy in a truck. Only reason it isn't just Korea is because of China.
Communism is alive and well in the democrat party, no need to go looking for it in n. korea. And that's BS anyway, even Charlie gave up on that commie shit in n. vietnam.
(((You))) are the one we should worry about
Ask Hitler, he invaded the Soviet Union spending white lives trying to stop it.
One can be delt with politically, the other militarily. All communists should be removed
Invading the Soviet Union is what caused Hitler to overstretch his forces and be unable to keep ZOG out of his territory. Endless MUH REGIME CHANGE is the reason we're not living in the Greater North American Reich right now. My life is worth 100x that of a nonwhite's, and I won't die or fight for some fucking gooks to be able to buy a GE fridge at the mall.
Good, let's start with the heart of Bolshevism and nuke israel. keeps endlessly looping captchas on the cloudflare page, no matter how many I solve it just throws another one at me, what the fuck
Putting value on your life is degenracy, putting value in one's race is more important. If your death means the end of Jewish control then it's a life well spent.
The United States engages in a hostile, nigger occupation of terrorism against Japan not out of love or mutual respect, but out of zionist bloodlust and suspicion. The same Germany that Japan fought alongside is ALSO under hostile, nigger occupation by zionist terrorists in the USA. Holy fuck you are deluded.
You didn't "inherit" the Axis, you mouthbreather. You slaughtered it and are in the final stages of completing the Hooten plan. You going to paint me as a commie just like you did von Braun?
Yeah I wonder what (((reason))) you could have for wanting me to go die in North Korea to increase Israel's security.
Invading the Soviet Union was the entire point. Lebensraum.
Yeah, and it lost him the war because he had to fight two fronts instead of just buzz-sawing the Allied landings and reinforcing Reich territory.
damn, I remember hearing about these guys back then, too.
that vid is some good stuff, too. thanks for sharing
stop posting anti-burger pics you fucking homo. Let's all take a break and appreciate modern and beautiful america.
They all high-tailed it back to POK-eee-stan, no chance of prosecuting them now.
For real though. This isn't some group of jarheads doing a photo session for the local news, this is one of our best SF units. How the fuck are these cucks getting this kind of information?
Please educate yourself. Soviet Union planned an offensive to steamroll through German lands. Hitler had the foresight to preemptively strike first, effectively pushing the kikes back to the edges of Moscow.
What is that from? "Relentless strike: The Secret History of Joint Special Operations Command"?
Yup. Great book.
They just reform a new unit from the other seal teams. Its not like 6 was the only one, Ive heard of 3, theres probably 1 2 3 4 5 6, maybe more. 6 is the "elite" team, though.
It was another squadron from the same team
What I'm saying is, NSWDG was pretty secret for a long time. Very few normalfags had any idea it existed - they knew about Navy Seals, but not any of the more elite units. After the "hey we got Osama" confabulation, it seems like they spun up the whole Zero Dark Thirty story, killed off a bunch of DG guys that weren't down with the story, the ones that remained agreed to keep quiet about it, Matt Bissonette writes a book and works as a consultant on ZDT to make sure the story is straight, and now "Seal Team Six" is a big deal and the whole world has it thrust in their faces.
It's a useful thing for the military because they can use that as cover for just about any op overseas, regardless of who it actually is. And my point is that there is probably another group that is the actual secret one now that DG has been outed for a while.
Marcinko wrote Rogue Warrior in 1992, DEVGRU has been out there for decades.
NSA is DoD idiot. This is CIA faggotry.
My dad knew Marcinko back in the day in New Brunswick.
Conceded, I forgot about that. I suppose that's immaterial in a sense - I'm just wondering who is carrying the torch in the dark now since most of the secretive special ops groups are well known. Seems unlikely that the military would let DG, CAG, and others be "outed" without having another set of groups that are still secret.
There is still Intelligence Support Activity. They are tasked with collecting signal and human intelligence on the enemy territory
Probably an interservice joint TF that pulls guys from Delta and devgru, and wherever else they have necessary skills. And that don't write books.
The Activity was just a legend way back when, at least they aren't writing tell-all books.
SEAL Team 6 is consistently in the news in ways that should be unrealistic for such a secretive team. I'm calling psyops on the entire thing.
Seal team six is merely the best of the best in the seal force(Think Persian immortals), if one or more die, someone else takes their place.
The difference is that it takes millions of dollars and many years for operator to achieve the same level of experience as the one he replaced
fake and gay. the military prepares for all kinds of ridiculous scenarios, and this is just another one of them.
This is not a leak. This is SOP of the Pentagon. Let a country know they are starting to fuck off too much. Best Korea wouldn't stand a chance if Murica wants to actually pull the trigger on regime change. The main reason we won't is because Best Korea is a major source of slaves for the CHinkike.
What do you mean?
Tim Osman was killed in dec 2001 by CAG. This was the beginning of the First american imperial civil war.
MFW a Saudi national who was blamed for a false flag is the Gavrilo Princip of the MOST POWERFUL EMPIRE TO EVER EXIST
So is the leak real? It smells like bullshit to me.
Like the other user said, militaries around the world prepare for all kinds of stupid shit, however unlikely. This "leak" is just more deep state trickery to make Trump look weak.
All Communist, and Jewish regimes must fall.
Every time you support the USA invading another country you're supporting communism. It's not going to work here. Fuck off and die, kike.
So increased testosterone makes you a chink?
nigger stfu
we do this shit every march .. its called "FOAL EAGLE" and its a pain in the ass joint training scenario with the SK Army.
Though, with Trump at the helm alongside Mattis, this op may actually be doable.
Total bullshit and no one not Korean will ever infiltrate the DPRK. Some whimsical FPS fantasy faggotry right there.
The U.S. doesn't want a unified Korea because they will crush Japan and really damage China economically….also 24 hours after reconciliation the Koreans will give a swift boot to any & all U.S. military within their new borders.
You know, it's weird, because lately I've been increasingly worried I'm getting dumber. I understand more about history and today's political climate more than ever, and yet I can kick on a game like FFVII, and it makes me feel like an absolute retard for not trying out certain things. Am I getting dumber, or am I just realizing how much I still have to learn?
I don't quite catch your meaning about 'not trying certain things' making you feel dumb. Are you just talking about puzzle solving? That is a skill more than anything. You have to learn to think in that way by engaging in those sorts of activities often.
Best example is the vault code to get Vincent. The clues they gave me made absolutely no sense, like the 3rd clue. "Next to the chair on the 2nd floor." and I was running around noticing at least eight chairs up there. Not to mention, I didn't even think to just scroll down and find the hidden fourth clue. I used to be so good at puzzles too, what the hell happened?
I know this was reported just for pressure or propaganda purposes, but it's retarded since when they do this shit, they do it with their own people, and they send the best.
PS seals are attention whores
andthose goggles still look fun
That's a different kind of IQ. Like a mental flexibility. Creativity. Children have this in spades because they aren't stuck in ruts like most adults are from years of repeated comfortable patterns. You could gain this back if you wanted to but it would require hard work and probably pain.
Expanding on previous: you have trained your brain to stop 'looking for answers' outside of the lines because I guess you already have everything you need to make yourself comfortable right in front you (my assumption). Once you lose this comfort your brain will again be trained to 'search' for answers.
What ever you say Shlomo, start renaming your cuckchan images. Tell your buddies in NK to stop launching their Israeli made missiles at if they don't want to get invaded.
Par for the course, 905 of the thread is fucking retarded and have no clue about the situation in the Koreas. The North has the high ground with artillery that can easily reach and destroy Seoul. They also have highly motivated special forces and access to both nuclear and chem weapons. They don't need to deliver it, a dirty bomb would do.
now take all this away and imagine a perfect a situation with NK top decapitated and people (((liberated))). You think the chinks want a massive refugee crisis and the South, that will eat up their GDP for the next 30 years? Fucking entire board is now neo-cohens from cuck-chan. Look at the state of shit in the ZOG. Look at how fucked up Iraq, Syria, and all the other nations invaded at the behest of the Jews. Just fucking leave them be, let the chinks solve it.
Kill enough Communists, and they eventually get the message.
It just doesn't have any credibility coming from the most jewish and marxist country on the planet.
Hoooly fuck lmao. Have they started putting estrogen in coke yet?
Jewish, yes, but Marxist, no.
Most Marxist nation on earth currently is debatable. My guess would be Vietnam, or Laos, with North Korea being 4th.
You're retarded and don't understand Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School. Everything that happens in ZOG is communist, you just can't see it because the Jew has now put it in a different package.
Cultural Marxism and outright Marxism aren't the same you faggot.
Cultural Marxism is to prepare the host nation for the arrival of Communism/Marxism via the degradation and destruction of the native nations people.
Gets back from his trip to "kikipedia" and now trying to lecture me didactically. you're retarded. The idea of trotskyite communism is more prominent in the neo-cohens than in any other country or people on earth. North Korea isn't trying to export "international revolution." ZOG is.
cultural marxism is a fairly integral part of the theory, but it's a subversion mechanism when there is not also explicit marxism.
is this where you say anything that isn't marxist is capitalist therefore the same thing?
you just read a 2 page kikeapedia article on this, and are trying to get into something way over your head. I'd have more respect for you if you just flat out said "I don't understand."
nigger I've been doing this for years, and since you accused two people of the same thing, you've got to be a shill or too new to read IDs. Post the pre-edit version of the "kikipedia" page on cultural marxism
then there are a lot more retards here than usual willing to spout bullshit. If the north Koreans want to have a nationalist-based, cult-of-personality social and economic system, why is that a US problem? From an economic perspective, maybe they are a threat to..Samsung (who currently have their CEO in prison anyway) and the world economy, but why would anyone living in the ZOG want to go to war with them as "communists?" They aren't trying to spread any sort of "international revolution." As far as "human rights," I could make a better case for invading and hanging the leaders of Sweden.
I don't spend a minute of my day impacted or thinking about North Korean, Laotian, etc.. communism and infiltration. It's not my problem or my business. the neo-con, Jewish trotskyites on both the left and right are indeed marxists in a far more literal and pure sense. Read the "Bush doctrine" from his speeches and listen to (((william krystal.)) Tell me who is the bigger threat to the West.
Here. Who is the bigger threat to you. This man or Kim Jung?
You literally just confirmed what I was saying. Cultural Marxism and outright Marxism aren't the same.
North Korea may not be trying to export their revolution, but other nations, like China, are. Add on those like Soros, and you now have a double-whamy of Jews and Commies funding leftism in the West.
Take your Nork-sympathizing ass elsewhere. No one likes a Communist.
I'm calling it, he's a shill. No National Socialist, Libertarian, or general conservative defend a Communist nation?
I don't care about "norks", I was "responding" to your claim that (((everything))) that happens in "burgerland" is "communist." And you're the one bringing #((("neo-cons")))! into this.
You're the actual retard, not the other guy, my apologies to him. you're the neo-cohen retard so brainwashed by Jews you don't even understand it. you're saying you want a war with North Korea, correct? Give me a good, valid reason that isn't Jewish pretentious bullshit. with Europe under invasion, the US falling apart, why would any sane man want a war with the gooks?
neocons have their roots in the trotskyites. you can't separate them. In the press sense of actual communism, i.e. "international revolution, subversion of culture, religion, race" they are more marxist than North Korea. and the Us is a more "marxist" nation strictly speaking.
1) Gooks, Chinks, Nips, zipperheads, etc. are all competitors for resources with whites.
2) The nations of China, North Korea, Laos, and Vietnam are all communist nations, and China is actively supporting outside communist parties, and leftist nations. They are an outright threat to peace.
3) North Korea threatens a key ally in Japan, and conveniently would be a good stage for an invasion of China, thus killing two birds with one stone.
4) Outright threats to the United States and her allies with nuclear war. Before you go all "WE DESERVE IT", take a step back and realize how cucked your thought process is.
You want to talk about Marxism and worry about north Korea. Here's a story from Iowa. It's now "offensive" to dress or wave an American flag:
"High school is forced APOLOGIZE after fans wore patriotic clothing for a championship game against a rival team with refugee players
Valley High School wore USA-themed clothing to a game against Des Moines North High School Wednesday night
Des Moines North has a number of players who come from refugee families
Following the game, fans took to Twitter to wonder why students would wear red, white and blue when the school's colors are orange and black
Valley High's Student Leadership delivered an apology to North High School for any offense that was taken"
N.B.- people who don't study this have this image of "communism" as bread lines in the USSR. It's far more nuanced. the Jews tried it that way, it failed. Now it's round two.
I can tell you this– you won't be censured in North Korea for a North Korean flag. Who is the real marxist?
Which ones do they support? You're full of shit. You don't know a fucking thing. You're a dupe of the Jews and a waste of life.
tomm is the deadline for raising the debt ceiling, the fucking nation is bankrupt from 15 years of Jew wars, and you're fucking talking about a war with gooks. OK. you go first as a private CIA contractor. I'm deputizing you. Send back reports.
North Korean's are still fucking marxists you faggot. Just because some brainwashed faggots say sorry for being American doesn't change that fact.
Reading isn't your specialty, I get it, but at least try.. I said China is funding Communist parties and leftists in the west.
You're right, you win, clearly you have the superior argument. You go first. flight to Seoul, cross over and send back intel. I'll wait for the posts.
Shitposting is ban worthy offense faggot
just ur friendly merchant here :^)
CIA niggers:
Navy Seals:
Now tell me, whose life is in jeopardy if information about his activities are leaked? Whose actions are more justified?
How long until we find out the operation that got the one soldier killed in Yemen was leaked ahead of time, resulting in his death?
That would be a good catalyst for clearing house and dictatorial powers
A major source of labor in China and even Russia are Best Korea slaves who are too ignorant to even realize that they aren't even in North Korea anymore. They are used for everything from Gold Mining operations in MOngolia and China to Russian logging operations in Eastern Russia. It really is a hush hush secret of China.
The U.S. doesn't want a unified Korea because they will crush Japan and really damage China economically….also 24 hours after reconciliation the Koreans will give a swift boot to any & all U.S. military within their new borders.
None of this is true. The US would love a Korean peninsula united and subjugated to the whims of the American Empire. Korea is not Vietnam and would not be able to kick the American Military out.
No one is going to check these dubs? I must.
It was. The Awan Brothers leaked it.