The Red Pill

Hey Holla Forumsaks, newfag here. I've never formally been redpill'd. I understand that the modern west is fucked, but like I said before, I've never actually been redpill'd. All the shit I've seen is those "bush did 9/11" memes. So if any oldfags would like to educate a newfag, then please reply to the post

Other urls found in this thread:

the fuck is this shit

Jews are behind everything. Hitler did nothing wrong. The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.

The first redpill

Life is fucking hard, reading is a must.



Is the QTDDTOT thread not up anymore?


Go to the redpill thread, is that simple

Watch The Greatest Story Never Told, cry, become the ultimate badgoy.

ht tp://



Back to leftypol

In this order read:
Understanding Human History
The first half of The blank slate and the modern denial of human nature the second part the author ironically denies the first half of the book
The Culture of Critique

Everything else is supplemental.
Stuff I would recommend
Explaining post-modernism Skepticism and Socilaism from Rousseau to Foucaul
The Golden Bough
The Decline of The West
The Anatomy of Violence
The Dispossessed Majority
The Race Against Time

sauce of that picture?

Does someone have a full webm/mp4 of TGSNT? I'm too much of a stingy kike to spend my shekles on a DVD.

Are you fucking retarded?

I'm fucking tired of spoonfeeding you newfags. Lurk moar and shut the fuck up

What the hell happened to "lurk two years? "

watch the greatest story never told

double dubs of truth

If there's one single thing you should ever read, it's "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald