Garbage messages in Holla Forums media

god that was fucking garbage and i cringe thinking about it, what the fuck were they thinking? A lot of the time the hate isn't even played out as jokes, it's simple prejudice for no reason. Also them hating Blu for "being a pet" was extra awful considering he didn't choose that life, he was taken from the wild as a baby by poachers (wasn't being hunted down the actual reason the tribe went into hiding anyway?)
it doesn't even get resolved in any clever way, they literally only ended up being ok with Blu because he saved their asses from being slaughtered or captured
Jewel acted like a massive egoistic bitch through the entire movie what a shitload of fuck

I watched Rio when it came out, can't remember much except that the female bird was hot, the songs were good, and the protagonist's voice is annoying.
Besides that
Billionare kids don't choose to be born to a billionares, and niggers don't choose to be born to niggers. Doesn't change shit.


And that is why I pirated Rio 2 and I couldn't even finish the damn movie because Jewel was abysmal to Blu. Fuck Rio movies and fuck that horrible saying. I got a better one that resonates with the younger generation of males:

"No Wife, Happy Life."

I'm sick of media, especially animated media, indoctrinating boys into marriage even though it's a horrible hell for men. Animated media these days reeks of estrogen and emasculating themes.


Cucks are faggots who actually get involved with women and stay with them even when they know some other man is banging her. Bet you like that twat or Mr. Actual Cuck. Get cancer and die.

Cucks are faggots who let blacks take their women, like you.

Like you were able to get a wife anyway lol.

Kill yourself mgtow faggot, when was the last time you left your basement

I get the feeling a lot of animators and writers in the cartoon and movie industry live very unfulfilled and empty lives. Their work comes off less as passion and more as a release valve.

oink oink

I think what was worse than that

Who the hell wrote that film? Never have I wanted a main character to just straight up leave and find a better deal.

.t orphan that autogol

Thread subject is bad messages in cartoons, if you start in on SU it'll just be bad messages in SU because you'll never be done.


Don't let the SocJus Degenerate tyranny use your catgirls for their Neo-Liberal-capitalist dominance so they can push their "Shitty Land Whales are pretty women too" agenda.
Also don't do acid and lunch at the same time.


Come again?


Every villain in Food Fight was a representative of Libtards. Eva Longoria's character was a Land Whale trying to push the "fat is pretty" meme, and also an FTM Tranny in the form of Lloyd Alexander's character.
Lizard Guy was a degenerate/Scaley/Body Mod enthusiast with a piss fetish.
Other guy is probably a white knighter or some Shit.
The whole thing was a commentary on letting libtards dominate the media and markets, abusing the power of things that have true value, like catgirls, to push their own agenda.


Tbh I was hoping he'd leave them in the jungle and go back to the humans. Moral could have been: some marriages just don't work and some families are shit, deal with it kids
Or: some animals can't make in the wild

Also the "lel your in-laws hate you for some arbitrary reasons isn't that wacky and hilarious" cliché annoys me in general. If my father-in-law tried to make me take a lie detector I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Just once I'd like to see a movie where the in-laws aren't fucking nuts

I don't even know what lesson they were going for, but this movie is awful.

Though not on purpose (since main characters are wrong 90% of the time and most main characters are male)

energy drinks will make you fast if you get sucked into a car and infused with nitro?
snails can be race cars?
you can't have tacos if you deport all the mexicans?
yeah the message is lost on me

Maybe something like.. Follow your dreams, even if everyone says you can't, and it's physically impossible for you to pursue them, because you're a fucking garden variety gastropod, because someday you might suffer an inexplicable freak accident that gives you superpowers.

I thought it was just a licensing embezzlement scheme.

I was going to bash on this one but… Sadly, Cars 2 is the Disney movie of anons everywhere.
Cars 2 is basically about the average user going on the adventure we always hope will come and change our life for the better.

It probably is, but when you make a film so utterly pointless, but still so stuffed full of things happening, you can interpret it into practically anything. It's the Scrotie McBoogerBalls of Children's animation.

whats wrong with doing a superman story?

When you will actually marry outside of your waifu and your hand it will be clear how the message is older than evolution itself

the problem is that isn't the message of the movie. The message is to give your wife and your kids everything they want and never compromise. If you haven't watched the movie I wouldn't jump in to defend it. You'll be stunned at just how horribly the main character is treated when he's constantly trying to do right by his wife and kids only to have none of his feelings taken into consideration and be constantly undermined by other male characters.

Have you ever heard of the Alfred Hitchcock movie North by Northwest, user? Because that what Cars 2 basically is, an innocent individual is believed to be a spy and gets caught up in international intrigue.

don't meet your hero's because they will want to kill you given the chance?

You are a good goy, no, you're the best goy! When I told Uncle Hershel we could get you Amalek bastards to stop breeding with colorful movies about birds with attachment disorders e didn't believe me!

They're not wrong.

Oh wait I just figured out the lesson.

I only remember the Jontron looking dweeb.

Just re-reading the Post-Crisis Superman comics is making my head hurt. Was Lois always this much of a crazy bitch? I thought that shit was reserved for funny Pre-Crisis comics but even now DC seems obsessed with writing her as a bitch who always wins. Even Rebirth Lois has her awful moments.

I guess that was always part of the character.

Not even kidding about this one.

Are you talking about the original movie or the Holliday special, because in the original they shamed him at first and pushed him away until what's her face decided to listen to him and understand his pain, then they had to all be depressed for him to understand their longing to cheer him up. There's a lot of bad messages in kids entertainment, but I wouldn't say Trolls is one of them.

How did /christian/ manage to get that far? Didn't they score like 10 goals that match alone?

I wonder if there's any concept art of the original thing.

Nice digits. This movie was definitely better than I expected it to be, saving for the part with the doggo and the whole time travel shit. Would have had a much deeper impact if they left ambiguous whether he was the real deal, an imposter, a time traveler, a LARPer, a lunatic from a nearby sanatorium or all of them combined.


Fair enough. I saw the first one but didn't bother with the second…the first was ok

You don't have to start making shit up to find bad things about that show. It was clear that they were saying the exact opposite in that episode.

What's wrong with his head?

His mind has long since been crushed under the pressure of t 8sheer pozz that being in a Steven Universe Cartoon causes.
Also he has FuckHuge Gauges make him look like he's the Avatar of the Hot Topic God.
Also JellyBean_Heads.gif
Also he's Pink now, and interdimensionally connected to a lion, and a tree, and he's on Homeworld now, but nobody but his stalker coworker seems to care, and no one blames Steven.

If they were, they did a piss poor job of presenting it. The part where everyone was annoyed at Lars because he was pissed off at Steven for taking over his body didn't imply that at all.

I think this post may be the first time I've ever considered viewing cars 2 in a positive light.

To be fair, a bad Disney Theatrical Animation is Leagues away from an actually bad movie. Cars 2 is annoying but ultimately harmless, and your kid will still watch it. The Good Dinosaur was forgettable, but you can still watch it for the scenery Porn alone.

The latest episode of South Park literally ended with WHITE PEOPLE. DO SOMETHING! This whole season has been obnoxiously mixing anti-Trump bullshit into its usual messages and themes.

South Park is garbage only sissies and blacks watch.

Waifus were always a thing, the word just wasn't used back then. I'm sure you could find writings from thousands of years ago talking about waifus.

Hey, "Hey Holla Forums" guy.


South Park is milquetoast satire that uses a sense of shock value that barely offended people back in 1996 as substitute for its not actually having anything to say.

According to Ralph Bakshi himself, the overall message of the movie was about the dangers of casual sex.

Isn't I.M. Meen in that movie?

The doggo part bothered me, too. Actual Hitler loved dogs, so in addition to being unecessarily violent it was also out of character.

You mean Mr. Clipboard, AKA Christopher Lloyd's paycheck for an hour's worth of work?


Wonder Woman movie?…

Every Stan and Francine centered episode about Stan permanently sacrificing something completely reasonable to appease her self centered bullshit. And what makes it worse is that Francine gets to do the exact shit that Stan was "wrong" for doing in the first place. Like it's so bad if Stan wants private time to himself but When Francine does it's "personal growth".

Should be obvious.

That actually would have been an interesting story if it was about someone unappreciated moving for a better deal.

A key role in it being garbage was how garbled its messages are.

I really hate Roger by now, he's just like Bender, being there to be edgy, killing people without consequence and being utterly annoying. The show gets full Family Guy mode more and more.

The Holocaust didn't happen.

The president and Varric were both assholes that deserved to get the shit kicked out of them. Korra sorely lacks a Sokka-like character.

And no, Asami doesn't come even close to filling the role Sokka did.
This criticism really doesn't stand seeing as how the loss of the past avatars is clearly a very bad thing and one of the leading factors to Korra's depression.
And Korra really lucked out that the Red Lotus killed the Earth Kingdom Queen for her so she didn't have to actually deal with that problem.

Well, the Hollywood jews seemed to agree when they made Wonder Woman.

Man, the best part of this movie was Tito's older brother.

The worst Stan & Francine episode was the kidney one because Francine cheated on Stan with some random guy the night before their wedding which may have resulted in Hayley not being Stan's kid. And frankly it makes sense Hayley resembles the other man more given he also wore that bandanna that she does. Anyway the episode has Francine get mad at Stan because how dare he not like the fact that she possibly cucked him into raising another man's bastard? Of course the episode didn't have the nerve to say that Hayley is not Stan's daughter and left it ambiguous. The fact that they went this route proves that Hayley is not Stan's kid. If she was biologically his? They would have been open about it.

And the worst part is Stan accepting the garbage situation that Francine put him through, that it doesn't matter who sired Hayley, the man who was in her life is her "true" father. Bullshit to that. And to hell with that used up slut Francine. Another annoying part of the episode is Stan seeing Francine cheating on him and he gets mad at the man instead of his lying cunt future wife who knew she was going to marry very soon. And then later Stan has to help his cheating wife cheat on him while regular present Francine is smug about it saying "You gotta help me get laid." It's jut an all around unpleasant episode and one that really shows the kind of losers writing these characters. Stan being a spineless loser combined with being a white knight just made for an unbearable character in the episode.

As far as the raising another man's bastard message goes, to hell with people who accept this shit.

Raiko banning Korra for allowing havoc to happen in the city he's supposed to look after and chewing her out for trying to start a war doesn't make him badwrong. Varrick was a villain until the writers became too attached to him and got him a pass on his Season 2 Villany.

There's also Bolin. Being the comic relief with Asami as some tech wizard.

The plot excuses Korra's screwup. We are obviously supposed to see she's being too down on herself and she's the bestest Avatar eva (said by Tenzin). You didn't say something about the portals.

And yet she and her posse insisted on fighting Kuvira even though up until the giant robot she didn't do anything on-screen that put her down there with Earth Queen.

Good thing Aang didn't have to deal with Earth King Kuei either and just let the Earth Kingdom remain a shithole until the shit ran over finally with the Earth Queen.

It's not badwrong it's bad writing. The president was antagonistic to Korra at every turn and for very little reason.
Sokka was more than comic relief, seing as how A:TLA was a pretty comci relief heavy show… He was a genuine bad ass normal with some actual depth and a respectable path of character development. Asami is pretty much the exact same character from the point she turns on her father to the end of the series. She's just support for Korra from that point on. Bolin is nothing but comic relief, has no growth to speak of and is pretty much handed lava bending so he doesn't feel left out.
How? She literally beats herself up over it in a story arc that takes too fucking long to get over itself. She does eventually deal with it, but it's not like she lucks out and finds a magic reset button.
I was agreeing with you. Pointing out how Korra wasn't forced to deal with a tough situation like a legitimate ruler subjugating their own people. Kuvira could be seen as a conqueror, at least.

Because they were introduced solely for her to do exactly what she did. Bad writing all around.

Heh, did Aang do ANYTHING as avatar outside of Republic City?

No, Raiko had enough of a case to hold Korra in contempt. The issue is that he, like Lin, gets presented as some square ruining Korra's fun.

She gets a power-up after losing her past lives even though TLA established that having such a connection is key to being the Avatar. Even before that she didn't show much interest in learning from them. And after that she didn't actually research finding a way to get them back.

Stop the Fire Lord?

There already was a war, involving Korra's homeland no less, that he was ignoring. And until Mako and Asami got to the bottom of it he had reason to believe that it had already spilled into his city.
Said powerup comes from Jinora and the spiritual convergence, and it is explicitly stated they would not be able to do that again.
It's not that she wasn't interested it's that she was bad at it. The entire first season she can't contact the past avatars at all, she can only get visions specifically sent to her by Aang about Amon.
She sought out Zaheer's help to reconnect with Raava. After that what else is there? Did you really want the writers to pull out some more bullshit so that everything is okay and no real damage was done?

It's not his job to police the world. Korra with Iroh Jr.'s help was plotting to turn what was a dispute between the Pole Tribes into a world war.

It's not her or Iroh II's place to start world wars.

Raava seeked out Korra. So Korra losing her past lives thanks to helping her Obviously Villain Uncle didn't really matter when it came to her winning. She's the bestest Avatar (again, said by Tenzin) ever without them.

Korra didn't have proper definition for her beliefs like Aang did. She was just "Be petulant with X character." Be petulant and contrary with Tenzin, Lin, Raiko, etc. Aang had sure beliefs from his Air Nomad heritage. Korra was just… she digged being a bender? As poorly done as the villains were even they had more to them when it came to what they stood for than Korra did (or at least Amon and Kuvira).

Yes, going to the now trustworthy terrorist is totally a top-notch plan.

They could have followed what TLA established and have Korra more or less stop being the Avatar.

neither of you are cucks you're just shitters

seems like a jew convinced the president to nuke someone to me

You're wrong, the message was that trolls have taken the first napkin.

He also played a maniac librarian.

Hey reddit.

Did they put a gun against the writer's head?
Up until the last 20 minutes the moral was the complete opposite to that. Shit, they even say it out loud but suddenly is like "lol jk".
Which is such a shame, aside from the cringy start and that weird retcon at the end the rest of the movie is okay.

Guys, sure you come to see Blu and Jewel, but then you stay for their lolis Carla and Bia once you realize Jewel became a slutty bitch, and then when they don't get much screen time you fall in love with Gabi's pure PURE love for Nigel.