Why is she wearing a mushroom on her head?

Why is she wearing a mushroom on her head?

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Fucking little niggers

Is that why ever nigger and spic I know dresses like Vegeta for Halloween?

That is not a mushroom it is the garb of an African slaver. As you can see she is offering up two potential slaves to the Jewish merchant photographing the merchandise.

Because she's a nigger.



Not clicking that shit.



At first I thought it was a parody.
They're fucking dead serious.

Well seen 😎


I would have no problem at all with this movie if it werent for the "nigger only city thats better at everything"

And they call us racist, lmao

well, it is fantasy

She made the niglet's suit out of garbage bags.


Why are cumskins so disgusting?

What's the argument as to how white destroyed Africa? Don't we pump money and food there regularly and it remains stagnantly shit? The only nice parts are the colonized parts.

so… all of them?

Pretty sure there are parts of Africa that has barely had a white person step foot. How else does there remain indigenous tribes?

because colonization didn't mean reshaping society to fit a european model in most cases. it was easier to just get the tribe leaders to pay you tribute and agree to not rape white women.

Who do you think is taking the picture, dumbass. You reddi/pol/pys are getting dumber by the day.

So walk me through the process of what we gain from that then. What sort of resources or what not are we draining from them that they can't pick themselves up by the bootstraps, so to speak?

tribute could be literally anything: gold, ivory, coffee, whatever's valuable

no idea how much was usually demanded, but I can't imagine the africans wouldn't have rather kept it for themselves


well they don't stop coming

nigger superheroes are more unbelievable than superheroes in general. like a nigger with super powers wouldn't be out committing crimes

Pimps aren't fathers, dipshit.