Games with robot only enemies

What are they fams?

I'm in the mood of hearing clangs and metals screaming.

I'm pretty sure games like Zone of the Enders and Armored Core have mostly robot enemies. Once in awhile you're fighting a person inside a robot, but it's essentially the same thing.

The German version of Command and Conquer Generals?

For Armored Core, it's a mixed-bag. There are human pilots, but for the case of Nine-Ball and the entire plot arc from Armored Core 3 to Last Raven, you're fighting a good amount of robots as well.

Transformers Devastation

Binary Domain

This hot piece of ace right here. There are a few human boss fights in there IIRC,

Slave Zero? I haven't played the game in a long while so I do not recall

I'm not sure robots are capable of pulling off all the sick burns everyone does in the game.

…don't remind me.

If you don't count the blood dragons

Hard reset

there is one section where you fight human enemies, but it's still a fun game

binary domain is the best Terminator game you'll ever play

ha ha how high do you even have to be to do something like this

I still haven't played this. How are the pc controls?

Pretty high in a managerial position to export your game to Germany.

You know the kind of position that calls the shots and have a wage.

it's like dragonball Z

Why are Europeans such pussies when it comes to violence in entertainment?

The german version of Contra?

Its funny how they think violence is bad.

When muslims commit violence and rape on their own streets without anyone caring.

I've been looking for THIS game for years. My cousin installed it in my computer when I was 12, almost a decade ago. Thanks user.

Eh, it looks okay I guess.

Any Mega Man game.

Any shooter released in Australia.


Also you're a fag for only posting Bethesda games. At least they're not "bad" Bethesda games though.


Because Bethesda are a shit company. Always have been. They just occasionally made good games. I mean fuck during that era they were contracted to LJN. I would've been fine if you'd added a few of the other robot games by other developers.

I liked Shogo, because the controls are smooth. I don't know many robot games, that's why I'm asking you.

And what's wrong with being a shit company in 2016? Terminator Skynet is honestly the best robot game I've ever played. I love the tension when you walk around dark corridors and hear the terrifying sounds of T600's hydraulic footsteps. It's a thriller robot game. No other dev has ever made anything like that.

Come on.