Convince me to procreate

Convince me to procreate

I'll probably get b& for this as a defeatist, but I'm a child of divorce, been married to a woman who was gaslighting me (probably because I was much better looking than her but I'll never know) and perceive modern women as evil and anti male (unless he's violent ex-con drug dealer chad or ripped multimillionaire businessman 50 shades of gray dude).

Hell, even billionaires now regularity divorce (see Elon Musk).

I'd love to have kids, but where would I even start? Even the amish seem pussywhipped these days.

I won't. You don't want it - don't do it. Listening to Holla Forums everyday is painful if you don't have a desire to procreate yourself, and nobody will be able to convince you.
If after all threads about procreation you weren't convinced you need to do it, nothing can save you.

Think for yourself how to live your life. That's the first step on gaining your own willpower to do anything.


permaban in 3,2,1…

This. OP, if you aren't 100% dedicated to a marriage and upbringing of children, don't have kids. I don't want more whites with defeatist attitudes that will turn into cucks. Spend the time that you would have devoted to family preparing for the race war.

Even the most optimistic attitude doesn't protect you from the long divorce raping arm of the government.

Maybe if I'd keep her destitute innawoods she won't go unhappy and look for another chad but in civilization no way.

Living independently by myself outside of the jewish system is already hard enough for me.


Kill yourself instead mtgow fag. You're a cowardly defeatist so I know you won't do anything positive like kill a soros or a clinton on your way out.

Biology classes.

I'm starting to think people saying porn is bad are right.
me and goes to sleep
And this is how I deleted my pron folder

Fucking porn jew


nobody answered my questions though

not a shill, honest and sincere

Porn is not to blame for me, although I think it turns men apathic and women even more hostile because no guy will approach them anymore in this day and age unless they make the first move.

yeah it's definitely bad. It desensitizes you.
I'm definitely done with it.
Next time gonna smash that pussy

Jews want you to drain all of your load in the bucket.

Porn is like alcohol; if you want to enjoy it once every other/3 days, it's not going to kill you nor your libido. Obviously, this is considering you're not an obese, sedentary fucker who refuses to eat healthy most of time.


I wonder who could be behind this post.
White race is dying off before our eyes. All other races have many kids, except white people who not only want to have that many but they don't want to have ANY. White women are man hating feminists and white males are numale cucks.

Does someone have some good advice how un-degenerate yourself from porn influence faster?
Besides jonestein super male vitality pills

And obviously a healthier lifestyle

Stop watching porn. If you feel too horny then jerk off but without watching porn

I had no idea you couldnt procreate without marriage. I guess niggers have found a way around that? Surely humans never found a way to get by before marriage existed!

Yeah I'm done with it. Haven't even fapped since that night

Slide harder, kike.

Honest and sincere as well, coming from a father: if you have that many doubts and insecurities about having a family, don't have one. It won't be good for you, your (future) wife and (future) kids if you're not ready to dedicate yourself to the point you barely have any time to spend with any personal hobby of yours (at least until your kids are about 6 y.o.) and with the fact that you must lead a female always at the edge of a precipice were divorce lays. If you dedicate yourself and make her do the same and respect you, you both won't fall there and it'll be really worth all the trouble, but you really must have a strong wish for it, for the entire thing, not just for the kids or just the wife.

Elon Musk is the biggest cuck ever.

Well yeah I actually kind of am, but my good genetics make me appear 10 years younger than I am.
I know I have to get /fit/ but up till now I never really cared

Don't believe in no fap crap. You got a libido and normal guys with a high libido can't just kill it byt thinking happy thoughts.

Just stop watching porn and start to fantasize about fucking real girls.

Unhealthy lifestyle tbh

Yeah man. Thanks!

Thanks, not what I wanted to hear but maybe you're right.

My mother divorce raping my father and totally destroying his and our life because she was unhappy made me distrust women a lot and a bad marriage didn't help me either.

I'm not even that old, just 31…