Proposal to Penalize Men for Masturbating

State Rep. Jessica Farrar, a Houston Democrat, filed House Bill 4260 Friday, which would fine men $100 for masturbating.
When it comes to issues related to health, state Rep. Jessica Farrar says that men should have to undergo the same “unnecessary” and “invasive” procedures that she says Texas women are subjected to under recently passed state laws.

That’s why the the Houston Democrat on Friday filed House Bill 4260, which would fine men $100 for masturbating and create a required booklet for men with medical information related to the benefits and concerns of a man seeking a vasectomy, a Viagra prescription or a colonoscopy. The bill would also let doctors invoke their "personal, moralistic, or religious beliefs" in refusing to perform an elective vasectomy or prescribe Viagra, among other proposed requirements in the bill.

While Farrar knows her "proposed satirical regulations" will not become law, she hoped the bill's filing would at least foster a deeper discussion about what should be a priority during session years.

“What I would like to see is this make people stop and think,” Farrar told The Texas Tribune. “Maybe my colleagues aren’t capable of that, but the people who voted for them, or the people that didn’t vote at all, I hope that it changes their mind and helps them to decide what the priorities are.”

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Are we going full connected circle with the religious nutjobs and SJWs?

women politicians, everyone

reminds me of that old Greek tragedy

Why not just take this to the absurd and arrest every man who shoots a load and kills millions of unborn children.

Um, did Texas pass a law against women masturbating?
Or is Farrar a fucking Jew?

Either would explain this bizarre behavior.

The lunatic left would do well to be silent. It won't take much more of this type of behavior for various groups of people to start being barred from holding public office and voting as well.

The second I saw this, the first thing I thought was "women should be barred from office". The second thing I thought was "women shouldn't be allowed to vote." I never would have had such ideas three years ago, and wouldn't have even asserted them as viable policy 6 months ago. But the Overton window has shifted so very very far that this is rapidly becoming a possibility.

How about you propose actual, helpful, necessary legislation rather than literally wasting taxpayer money on your effete political stunts?

Can you imagine doing this in any other job? Your boss asks you to come up with sensible regulations for the company with respect to workplace conduct, etc. You come back a month later with a satire peice because you want to "make people think".

Ironically, this thread will turn into a circlejerk of faggots proud of their inferiority.

Jesus christ

Neither (women can masturbate and Farrar is a Catholic beaner). She's just being an SJW cunt and wasting time and taxpayer money on retarded bullshit because Texas wants to curtail thot behavior.

It was a comedy but yeah it really rings here.

It's a completely false equivalent in the first place, as men masturbating is more equivalent to women having a period, and I don't think anyone has banned periods, recently.

Abortion destroys a viable human life, which is not a physical part of the mother (as any DNA test would prove) but simply dependent on her, in a more parasitical fashion.

And if were going to allow the killing of human parasites…well, I think you know where this is going…

checked and kek'd

I thought Holla Forums was against onanists?

What about immigrants who literally masturbate in public?

Checked, but parasitic relationships require exclusive benefit in favor of the parasite. Mother and child have a symbiosis. Nonetheless, mandatpry non-white abortion is the best way forward.

Ultimately Holla Forums is against retardation. This is retarded on about 16 different levels while masturbation by itself is retarded on about 4.

whoa there shitlord. her body, her choice. if you don't have a vagina you are not allowed to have an opinion on this.

this cunt just made sure she'll never be elected again.
depending on who you want to convince you ca play the 'wasting taxmoney on bogus bills' or 'man hating lunatic' angle.


Don't think it counts as bait, given the context it seems to be parody.

88 confirms symbiosis

You know what should be penalized?
Wasting time on joke proposals.
I can't believe my tax money goes to airheads like this, tax evasion should be a right.

Women don't understand false equivalence. I'm shocked.


Women have no place in politics.

Your tax dollars.

How about we institute mosaic law and execute sodomites and adulterers instead? And while we are at it, call people who have abortions murderers? Fetus just means "offspring."

They should amend the abortion bill to say that
When she objects that men don't need to have abortions, call her a transphobic bigot for assuming that men don't have vaginas.

Let the left tie themselves into knots.

b-but there are more than 2 genders





Listen to me, every one of you American male fuckwits reading this shit: Why?

Trump got about 63 million votes.
White men were 34% of the vote, and Trump won them at 63%, which is ~21% of the total vote. That's 13.2 million people.

Let's say 1% of them - of us - decided, No…. NO. We aren't doing this anymore., can you imagine it?
132,000 White men marching on… ANYTHING.

Do you see now? We can win this at any fucking time, but we aren't going to win until we - until you - are ready to stand up and say Fucking. ENOUGH. and start taking physical action. I'm not urging violence, per se, but I am urging threat of violence if our desires are not met - because there is nothing wrong with the threat of the application of violence to achieve one's ends. The US government engages in this on the daily, by requisite, and nobody bats an eye - so why would you bat an eye at the notion of the citizenry applying the same threat of force?

We could take back the United States TOMORROW, if we so chose. And until we do, expect more and more insane shit like this, this case, this insane leftist spic twat, with her spic lawyer husband helping more spics (legal and otherwise) get into and stay in the United States.
I'm fucking tired of seeing this shit, doubly so when I remember that we, the White men of the United States of America, could put a stop to it at any time.

Now I get it, she's just salty that nobody ever masturbated to her. Some brave user should jizz on a pic of her and send her a photo of it.

Fine, transdolphins and attack helicopters can't get abortions either.

John Money was shit.
Prove me wrong.

i wouldn't call it parasitical as the embryo bears the mothers genes.


Such as….?

Just watch, someone here who claims to be right wing is going to reply with a claim that abortion is actually "good" because some niggers get them too, despite the negative impact on whites being much higher.

Democracy was a mistake.

Dubs of truth confirms sacred nature of genetics.

But their genetic structure is not the same, is my point.

If an abortion was like having your appendix removed, which is what they want you to think of it as, well, the appendix has the exact DNA of the woman, as it's part of her body.
But the baby does not. It is a completely distinguishable individual from the mother, it is not a part of her body, merely dependent on it.

Exactly, failing to realize that the eugenics movement was what radicalized them in the first place.

She looks like a younger, taco version of Roseanne Barr.

why I'm not surprised? too many red pills?

The negative impact on whites is not much higher. Without abortion niggers would be above replacement rate. Niggers abort at a higher rate and the whites who are aborting aren't the ones that should be breeding anyway. Go push your religion elsewhere.

86c646 is making the point that the embryo will grow into a sexually mature adult who will reproduce and pass part of the mother's genes on to another generation (which is the ultimate goal of all life). The mother-fetus relationship is symbiotic but with a delayed benefit to the mother.
An appendix bears the same genetics but cannot provide any benefits to the mother once removed, so the two are not equivalent in that context.

Even one loss of white life is too much, kike.
It doesn't take a certain religion to know a human being should not kill a human being in the womb just because "oy vey how am I supposed to be a degenerate and party with drugs if I have to take responsibility and raise a kid".

That's what I'm saying, they are NOT equivalent.

In any case, I would amend that point to state that the fetus is symbiotic with the race of the child, continuing that race, and therefore, by extension, symbiotic with the mother, but not in any immediate way.

The proposal is being for whites, but allow it for everyone else which is basically eugenics. Hard to do that though because muh courts.

Wrong. Keep pretending you're not trying to shove Christianity into this thread.
Like I said, those getting the abortions shouldn't be breeding anyway. Thanks for proving my point.

I'm in agreement with above, it should be illegal for white children to be aborted, but perfectly legal for all other races, as well as miscegenated freaks.

Yeah let's not unleash what the Jew falsely so called fears the most: God's judgment.

Keep resisting that which gives you power. Don't read your bible, goy.

Please Meme Responsibly

Who memed NoFap into existence?
Also, do leftists think this is going to make them popular, or that a fine for masturbating is equal to blocking abortion.

Triggered, shill? Not only are you wrong about my religion praise kek, you're promoting that which you hate as a good religion for opposing abortion jewry.

As a counter-point. Let's say we keep abortion legal. If that prevents 5,000 whites and 100,000 black from being born each year (in a simplified example), it would still be preferable if those 100,000 nogs would have killed over 5,000 whites in their lives. I'm not saying this is the case, the math might say something different, but if whites are dying either way (abortion vs. nog violence), we should choose the route that minimizes the number at least until a "solution" can be implemented

Yup, but I'm still find with what we have right now since without it we'd be overrun with nogs in a few generations.


Don't be mad you were found out so easily.

Wrong. Even with those greater numbers of niggers aborting as is the case now, niggers are having more children even post-abortion stats while white population is further diminished.

Is it getting hot over there, Schlomo?

I cannot stand you people, I really can't. Your church is utterly corrupt, the teachings derive from the same group of foreign subversives you pretend to rally against (even as half, and the most influential, of your order openly serve those same subversives), and still you think the book of the Jew will save you.

And quoting the fucking KJB to book… Damn the Jews, this fucking memetic pathogen is destructive and stubborn.

Oh let me guess, you worship Odin right? Does drinking semen give you power?

Fact: If it weren't for abortion, niggers would be over 50% of the American population by now.

I fucking hate you people, I really do.


The romans and the Jews conspired together to murder Jesus and the Roman Catholic Church, established in 300 ad continued to persecute people who preach the gospel.

You are falling for the same dialectic that our modern political system pushes and you associate God with death rather than life. You are lost.

If I'm remembering correctly, the last time I checked niggers had 4x as many abortions as whites.

That's incorrect too. Niggers have remained at roughly 12% of the population for almost 60 years (if not more).
Projecting what? I called you a Christian shill. Now you're calling me a kike. Are you saying Christians = Kikes?

Isn't that out of a book written by a gay jew?

And maybe the race war would have already started.

Fucking wew lad.

Christianity is a foreign Semitic faith. It has not existed for more than ~2,000 years.
It systematically destroyed all native European faiths, and the people who espoused them, which had developed over the several-thousand-year history of the European peoples.

Fuck lost - you are a traitor.

The Romans came closer to exterminating jews than anybody else in the whole of human history.

I trust you'll be firing the first shots?

I know who you are. ;^)

If I have to. One man does not an army make - and one man cannot accomplish what an army can accomplish.

Will you stand when the weight is upon you, or will you go to your knees in fear?

want a change? start a change.

Go every single day and protest this shit.
Get yourself a sign explaining what you are doing in 20 words or less.
Something like: "Protesting this stupid bill, every day from 6am to 8 pm"
AND FUCKING DO IT. Soon™ people will follow suit.

For instance, every single fucking day since woman's day, I have posted on my facebook "Happy International Man's Day".
Every day the salt and approval gets bigger and bigger.

Want to start a movement? Don't fucking wait for it to happen. Just fucking go and do it

"Farrar", shitskin cunt? Sounds like a monkey acting out.

Every time

Sauce on song?

Imagine 60 years of niggers being above the replacement rate. It's not abortion that's has the white replacement rate below 2.1 it's the policies that have whites footing the bill for niggers and beaners that's making them not start families. Abort tacos and niggers.

only if you had continued to feed them

They are being fed continuously thanks to US policy. Look at Africa thanks to Western gibs. Imagine that in the US. No thanks. Scrape those nogs out early.

If you want to fight the quantity war, go convert to islam and fuck off from this board.

This accomplishes nothing but a holding pattern, and poisons the souls of your folk.

REMOVE niggers and spics.
I don't want a roach population that's "under control", I want an absence of roaches.
If what it takes to bring that about is the end of the poison to our national spirit that is the acceptance of abortion, and the resultant spike in niggerdom and spicery?
So. Fucking. Be. It.

This "keeping their numbers under control" shit has accomplished NOTHING. Its like the fucking conservatives, who've conserved FUCKING NOTHING, thinking they have some value to offer.

I don't think you meant this for me.


Retards unable to use logic always end up in the same place.

God actually did destroy the Jew there are no more pedigree Hebrew speaking peoples left. Neither are there many romans considering both Latin and Hebrew are dead languages.

the nation calling itself Israel in 1947 is inhabited by non-natives
And I have strong suspicion that they are japhites. They're not Jews. And this bickering and pagan larping is stupid and is part of the plan.

You getting saved and reading the Bible isn't.

We're trying to cut food stamps and muh reperations in the states but the fucking christkikes keep doing their "missionary" work in Africa giving them food and water and shelter. All that ever happens is the 'slimes take it over and use it for their own degeneracy. don't feed the apes

We need a holding pattern until we can deprogram more white people to join the fight.

If the war were fought today, most white people would oppose us.

Shove it kike.

Why don't you try and say that pagan bullshit to Charles Martel's face, you cock gobbling faggot? Didn't see your retarded ass at the battle of Tours.

Gee, don't be racist user.

Can we construct an argument that it's somehow racist and problematic for white women to have abortions instead of women of colour?


Ending welfare programs for niggers necessitates getting more white people on board with our message. To do that, we need more time.


No kidding, and here they are shitting up a thread that had nothing to do with religion

They can't not push their religion into everything. Their religion is their identity and validation of that identity comes from converting others.

It got Trump into power.

There would be no foreign hegemony over Europeans if not for the original race traitors, Christcucks. For as long as a Semite is worshiped, Semites will rule.

Wew, the Dialectic is strong


Ask your mom. RIMSHOT!

This thready got all religious and quick.

Why don't Texans mail her used condoms? The libshit media can call it, 'The Jizz Storm' or 'Jizz Gate'. Call it a hate crime against the poor mudslime.

No one votes there.

I don't think you could do it sucessfully overty discussing race but if you promoted adoption culture over abortion culture, white people would naturally gravitate towards it more.

I know a lot of you Christians like to think otherwise because it helps you reconcile the blatantly semitic nature of the first half of your holy book. But get this through your fucking skull:

Exodus was a lie, it never happened. Exodus is ancient slander against a superior race of men the Jews were jealous of.

I think we can make up a sob story of some sheboon who had to wait in line after a white woman at the abortion clinic, therefore being disadvantaged because of her race or some stupid shit like that.

Spread that around a little and boom, white women getting abortions = racist.

lol when did getting screened for colon cancer suddenly become an exclusively male issue? Regular prostate exams would be a better analogy to regular mammograms. Does she really believe that getting screened for cancer regularly is simply a ruse of the patriarchy?

And through that entire time we'd be pumping them full of AIDS medication while they destroyed our cities and moved on to the suburbs. More importantly because of nigger breeding patterns those 50 million would have had multiple children by now so the nog population would be > 120 million.

I say 120 million because niggers around at roughly 50 million right now + 50 million aborted + an estimate of additional offspring.

Shit idea tbqh fam

Horseshoe theory. The only difference between the religious nutjobs and SJW's is "how" to implement their authoritarianism.

This is what gets me the most. Fining someone for a necessary examination? These women are fucking lunatics.

Someone hang this retard. It's not her job to shit all over the system by wasting everyone's time and money talking about her shitty political satire.

You probably lick your envelopes.

When the kikes punch, we have to punch back harder. Every single fucking time.

Authoritarianism is what we want, lolberg.

Quality idea.

Our world is fucked

See pic, from Jesus' own mouth

He said he would turn to the Gentiles. Besides when you read Joshua and judges you'll see that all of the awesome raids they did was because God helped them.

You're a faggot. It did happen. You know what also happened? Christians coming over to America making America awesome while worshipping a "kike."

And now because of our new edgy pagan generation shit sucks all of a sudden. Imagine that, faggot.

Our world is doomed

lol die


Ooh, that's good.

not just necessary, but necessary for them too. I wonder if some feminists are actually avoiding mammograms.

yeah, women should be in the kitchen

I can't fucking wait for android wives to become mainstream so these fucking psychos become obsolete and we get to watch how quickly they drop their beliefs.

Have in the past, but not sure what you are getting at.

Absolutely. How far do you think that would get in Texas though?


That's what you want. Some of us happen to enjoy our nationalism minus goosestepping.

Hey. Spoiler. I know.

t. Christian

The primary recurring theme of the Old Testament was prophets trying to tell the Jews that they had completely fucked up and God was pissed beyond belief at them, up to and including dropping occasional orbital strikes on their cities and camps. Like when you get annoyed in Sim City and start spawning tornadoes. No Christian that actually thinks about this shit believes otherwise. The Jews were unrepetant fuckups from day one; how bad do you have to screw the pooch to get your own creator to wash his hands of you? That's the whole point of Christianity: the Jews weren't good enough. That's why they hate it.

I'm named after a prophet whose entire legacy was being the Doom Paul of his day, telling the kikes "ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS FUCKING LISTEN. YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED IT. IT'S HAPPENING."

THIS. Well put, user.

Exodus sort of happened. Not in the sense of enslaved kikes and the flight from Egypt, but the Moses bit. Either by treason (if he wasn't a Semite) or by infiltration (if he was), Moses got close to the Pharaonic tradition and stole some of the technology which had been passed down since the time of the post-Younger Dryas Europoid colonization. He (or the group personified by him) brought a bootleg version of Egyptian religion into the Abrahamic tradition of monotheistic tribalism.

Nope, stolen secrets from Egypt. Their "god" was a psionic nuclear reactor in a box. The Walls of Jericho were taken apart with the same sort of knowledge that Europoids had developed for megalithic construction.

You mean words attributed to Yeshua by other Semites, not-withstanding the fact that no one gives a shit what the Semite Yeshua has to say in the first place.

Holy shit, it's brilliant
Rev up the memes

You bear a Semitic name, do you see no problem with that?

What enrages me more than anything is that you know right after this would be enacted, the government would enact some kind of program that rewards women for masturbation.

Our world is so fucked

I'd have preferred something European, but at least I got a name eternally tied to the idea of "fucking kikes, I tell you what."

Our world is so fucked


Abolishment of the holding pattern will do more to 'deprogram' Whites than anything you could possibly hope to do or say. And it would get rid of the poison of their spirit that is the acceptance of abortion.

This shit is FUCKING POISON, you nitwit, don't you get that? For all those niggers you kill, you kill millions of White babies as well.

Oh, the ascribant to a foreign Semitic faith who I'm supposed to laud for his ability to half the invasive expansion of foreign Semites following another foreign Semitic faith?

And frankly, fuck Martel - if not for Clovis, Martel wouldn't even be a thing, and Clovis only converted because his shitty wife kept berating him to do so (I'm sure the coin offered by the Church, to him and to all men of his ilk they wanted to convert, didn't hurt, mind you).

No, it didn't, and in fact it actively hurt his chances.
You do realize that we're not in a good shape, yes?
The United States is less than 50% non-Hispanic White at this point, once you account for all the old people - the vast majority, 85%+ of those over 65 in the US are White, and they contribute something like 15-17% of the present White figure of "60-something % of the US population".

What happens when they die, eh? Go ahead and check the exit polling to see which clades Trump did best with. Do it. Do it right now.
Our birth rate is shit, not even replacement level, and we're sub-50% of the nation.

Are you insane?
We don't need more time, nigger, we need action. We had all the time in the world, and we did jack shit with it, and now, here we are: the last White male president is likely to be Donald Trump, and we've got shitdicks on Holla Forums thinking his victory is a sign that it was totally a good thing that we poisoned the soul of our nation by accepting and embracing a process of maternal genocide (usually for convenience), because hey, if not, there would be way more niggers and spics (and White people - and White people who were aware of the niggerdom and spicery of the aforementioned groups) and we might not have gotten Trump!

Yup, as it should be.

No, Exodus never happened. The jews were never in Egypt, let alone enslaved in Egypt. Their only exposure to Egypt was through trade, which made it apparent to them that Egypt was a superior civilization to their own.

Jewish priests invented the Exodus lie while the jews were in exhile in Babylon. The purpose of the lie was two-fold: Slander the Egyptians, and solidify the political power of the priest caste. At this time, the jews were polytheists. And like all polytheists in that region, they believed that their gods and their land were closely intertwined, such that when they were away from their land they were away from their god. Since the jews were away from their land, they were therefore away from their gods and the political power of their priests was thus threatened. So the priests devised the Exodus slander to convey the message that the jewish god was the most powerful god, no matter where in the world they were.

That's why Exodus depicts Egyptian priests being able to perform miracles, which were surpassed by the miracles of the jewish god. That's why the jews depicted in Exodus seem so eager to worship other gods, such as the golden bull. Exodus was propaganda directed at polytheistic jews, and thus reflects the expectations of polytheistic jews.

>No one votes there.

What did Texas pass to make this cunt go full retard?

Something abortion-related, I think.

Stop derailing the thread you fucking faggots

Just tell them that circumcision died out when Christianity began. Because it's true. Christians aren't supposed to mutilate themselves; it's an entirely jewish practice. So it redpills Christians who've been lied to their whole lives at the same time.

Couple that with every single medical and neurological study ever done on circumcision and you can make the fedoras either shut up entirely or question why their kike masters are forcing them to support it.

Our world is fucked

It's more plausible to believe that Jesus is exactly who he says he is than to assume idolatry. Besides, if your god is so powerful, how come the Bible, despite persecution from the opposition of the Jews AND the Europeans, still exists and is preserved in the English language? And why does the Bible actually say that God will preserve his word too in light of that?

I can go to the store and pick up a KJV off of a shelf but this is the first time I've ever heard of your faggoty religious beliefs.

Our world is fucked

Checked. Kek calls for the extermination of parisitical beings while supporting raising white birth rates.

Remember brain dead-pink shoes? Aka Wendy Davis. Texas isn't anymore immune to stupidity then Texas of Canada(aka Alberta) is from electing the NDP(aka commies).



Yep, very Christian.

Holy Fucking Hell how did it get this bad?

No, Moses never existed, he is a completely fictional character. Exodus was written at approximately 600BC, when the jews were in exile in Babylon following Nebuchadnezzar's siege of Jerusalem.

Is suicidal.

And what is stagnation?

In b4 horseshoe meme

Aww shucks.


I didn't even have to try hard.

That guy is a kike.
His granny is #1 kike :^)
And he's Jewish!

For every Shanequa, there's at least one Elizabeth.

You realize that every single one of your kike lies has been disproven years ago, right? It doesn't work on us. Go back to 4chan.

Admittedly most babies aborted are not wanted so they end being shitty people. Smart and sucessful people are not the ones having abortions.

Spoken like a true kike.

Thanks for confirming once again why your useless ilk were wiped off the map in the first place.
I find it hilarious that the only reason you're upholding paganism is because you believe its the most "white" religion. Not believing in paganism, but using it as a false glue for pagan cultures defeats the purpose of it being a religion in the first place.
Martel still lead the armies to defeat the Umayyad menace, you autist.

Stagnation is what happens if we stop trying to wake up white people.

What you are suggesting is that we allow the white portion of the population to become a minority because that will wake them up. That's accelerationism. Whites in California are a minority, are they more right wing because of it? No, they're asleep. Allowing demographics to swing in favor of the niggers won't deprogram white people, only our efforts can do that.

This is what degenerates actually (want to) believe.

Reported for admitting to being a paid shill.


You do realize that any serious religious tradition would consider both being translated into another language and being written as degradation of the true word, right? This is why the non-Semitic folk religions were maintained as an oral tradition.

You christcucks are truly worthless race traitors to the very end.

Who knows if Moses existed or not, but "his" basic story likely occurred in so far as a traitor to the Pharaonic tradition brought highly advanced tech to a tribe of Israelis and thereby established a rogue kingdom.

Double what?

Reported for admitting to being a paid shill.

This broad needs to be impeached for wasting everyone's time.

The projection is strong

There is absolutely no reason to believe this. The jews had no advanced tech. The Babylonians assraped them, but made the mistake of letting them live.

We are getting D&C shilled. It's popping up in multiple threads simultaneously.

Remember, "kike on a stick" posters are under the direction of Rach AKA LearningCode. Blackpill TORposters should be ignored. "Anime is pedophilia" posters should be ignored, reported, and/or smugposted at.

Who said that, besides you?
I said European Christians were following a foreign Semitic dogma. They were.
I said Muslims were foreign Semites. They were.
I said Islam was a foreign Semitic dogma. It was.

You argue like a Jew, which is no surprise given your position.

Who cares? You're trying to argue I should give a shit about Christendom because 'oy vey goy we saved europe from da mussleman!' and I'm saying fuck you, because Christianity is basically just another brand of foreign Semitic dogmatic bullshit spewed upon Europeans, to their detriment. Is Christianity and Islam EXACTLY the same? No. Are they both FOREIGN SEMITIC FAITHS imposed at the point of a sword? YES.
Deal with it.

It is, objectively, and you have no argument against that, whilst preaching your foreign Semitic dogma.
False glue? European paganism varied greatly, its not like it was a glue at all - it was simply the native belief structure.
As opposed to the foreign Semitic faith of Christianity.
You have no argument against this, because it is fact - Christianity DID NOT originate in Europe, Christianity DID NOT originate amongst Europeans, and Christianity IS NOT a European religion.

Christianity is FOREIGN. Christianity is SEMITIC. There's just no getting around that, and I find it hilarious how you worthless kike worshipers deflect and dance around this FACT.

Reported for thread derailing.

How about Christians inserting their religion into threads where it wasn't present to begin with? Who are they under?

I'm ok with this. Finally some legislation which will help to solve the white demographic crisis. Autistic NEETs will be too principled to violate this law and will be forced to go out and find a woman.

As in
, kike?
Do one.

Judging by those trends, that doesn't seem to be the case, anymore, unless you have a more recent study to show everyone.

Advise for or against something is completely different from banning it or arbitrary punishment

Now the cucks have moved on to the "announce reports in order to perpetuate a false consensus" stage.

The device would have become useless after the original users died, becoming little more than a radioactive box that might occasionally produce mass subconscious manifestations. This form of tech was heavily predicated on both bloodline capability and disciplined training, so there was no way to pass on the tradition to the Israeli barbarians. In the end, they had to run away to Africa with the box in tow.

JIDF of course, shilling for Semitic religion and all.

Religion was brought into the thread, in a post dismissing it, by a (1) as a borderline non-sequitur. Please dial down your persecution complex.

Remember that the jews will try to stop circumcision bans at all costs.

No, stagnation is what happens when we keep trying to wake up White people but they don't want to wake up and are able to resist waking up because many of them never actually have to live around niggers, despite constantly social signaling about them, while the nigger population is kept in check by government subsidized campaigns of maternal genocide, which target White populations as well as all others.

Nigger, the White population is going to become a minority. Fact. And yes, that might well wake them up - but that wasn't my suggestion, at all.
MY SUGGESTION, was that we should abolish that shit, and let those mudfolk numbers rise - along with White numbers, mind you - whilst eliminating the sickness of spirit that is acceptance of abortion.
Combined, these factors aid our cause more than a population control program aimed at niggers (but hitting everyone ) does.

No, your strawman was accelerationism. My suggestion was the middle ground between "Wait for Hitrump to fix it" stagnation and "OPEN THE BORDERS SO WHITEY SEES THE HORROR" accelerationism.

You've never been to California. White in California are some of the MOST 'awake' as regards Hispanics. I've lived there, seen it myself, and there is nowhere else in the US that I've been which has espoused such an awareness, and I've been around quite a bit.

This is blatant falsehoood, and you know it - or you don't, and you're a retard.
Who are the people most prone to being aware and 'redpilled' about minorities?
Those who live around minorities. Who were the White folks most likely to vote for Trump? Those who live around minorities.
So, more minorities (and more White people) results in… More White people living around minorities! WOW!
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

lol, let me know how that works out for you.

The jews are the cancer.

Kek, the God of Holla Forums, is life. All else is lies. Fuck the kikes.

There is absolutely no way America could have continued to feed them if they became 50% of the population, it would've been total economic and governmental collapse before that threshold was ever crossed

You sound like one of those types who voted for Obams because "muh rope".

Nothing happened.

see and go from there

"Hurr durr it's all debunked goyim" is exactly how kikes "argue". Look at any MSM piece on Pizzagate.
Are you a kike?

The argument is quite clear and unassailable. Yeshua was a Semite who tried to reform a Semitic religious tradition and thereafter was worshiped by a cult of Semites. Cucktianity is therefore a Semitic religion with Semitic values at its core, no matter how many later changes were made to incorporate superior European values. Worshiping a foreigner, a foreign god, and a foreign tradition is treason to one's own volk.

Who the fuck said that!? Where did all these fucking Jews come from that want to put words in the mouths of others?

I said abortion is gross, and acceptance of it in the vein of a government-subsidized program of maternal genocide is likewise fucking horrifying shit.

Abortion for the purposes of eugenics is one thing, but we are not employing abortion for the purpose of eugenics - except via some very specific perspective on the matter - we are just saying "Hey, women, its YOUR RIGHT to murder your babies - and if your men say anything, you tell them to shut the fuck up!", and thats fucking horrifying, and has a real and negative impact on our society in myriad contexts.

Abortion, as is, is shit.
You wanna get rid of niggers? Get rid of them. You need help? Then stop controlling the nigger population and very soon you'll have a lot more White people on board with helping you get rid of niggers.

Well, masturbation should be illegal, but for both sexes, not just men.

SJWs are intellectually continuous with the Puritans. The contemporary American left is what you get when you cross Puritanism with Talmudism.

See what I mean?


Hey remind me quickly, what sort of language is Aramaic, the language of Yeshua?

I didn't even say circumcision is good you faggot hebrew. I said your argument was shitty.
Can you not read, or do your semitic genes force you to pretend you can't?

No kidding, got the smells [Ha-hah] of (((Nofap))) all over it.

there's stampers n shit y'know.

palindrome off by one, for shame!
…but yeah, that's the best sell description of that goofball religion I'd ever heard.
there was no in-between. Fukken Epis man.

Weird thing about that that article reminds me of. My little bro was born in the US and it was a rabbi called Ben Biber that stopped the circ. He'd apparently been at it since the late 80s and dodged two assassination attempts, and had already been meeting with the director of the hospital to mandate circ requests. apparently cutting kids dicks really is that big a deal with them
before anyone starts going "zomg a heeb!" jewgle-fu "unauthorized circumcision," a yuuuge amount of yankee doctors presume the parents want it and do it automatically. Being yorupoor my parents hadn't even thought to ask.
I found out later his grandfather Stanley was the ultimate penis-cutter as he pioneered transgender surgery in the west so that may explain a few things… Man, talk about an eternal family name disgrace.

(((I wonder!)))

Yeah, but that's fucking retarded - though, frankly, the claim of 'nothing happened' is rather bullshit.
Trump happened. So, you're kinda full of shit in that regard.

The first nigger president was almost followed by the first woman president, but we got lucky - and we DID get lucky - and managed to squeak through a pseudo-nationalistic White male instead, by the skin of our fucking teeth no less. Why?
Because Obongo - and other anti-White fuckwits in the Establishment - pushed those Whites into a corner and they said, "Enough of this shit".

Exposure to minorities is the greatest redpill on the behavioral patterns of minorities.
So, if you come to me and say, "Hey, let's run a program that poisons our national spirit, while retaining a sizeable nigger population, but not so sizeable that the White population gets absolutely fucking sick of them and drives them into the sea", I'm going to say fuck you, degenerate.

Jesus spoke Greek, Moishe.

Remember that the jews will try to stop circumcision bans at all costs.


Whites have poor birthrates because millennials are stuck in their parents' basements, they're stuck in dead end jobs, they're stuck with no fucking future. You're attacking the ass end of the issue. Abortion isn't the problem, quality of life for whites is the problem. Having more babies even when quality of life is complete shit is what shitskins do.

I'm thinking the two have been the same the whole time.

Remember that the jews will try to stop circumcision bans at all costs. WE CAN CO-OPT LIBERALS TO SUPPORT THEM.

There was no day of the rope. Voting Hillary in would've changed nothing, as well. Look to any European country, and you will see that acceleration is bullshit.

circumcision and all genital mutilation of children needs to be banned. Again, you're attacking the wrong end of the issue. Whites have shit quality of life and no economic future. We have to kill the jews just so whites can fucking breathe let alone have lots of white children. Shitting out kids when you can't support them is nigger-tier.

The Arc of the Covenant never existed. The last mention of it in the holy texts is (((coincidentally))) a few years before the exile in Babylon, which is when stories about it were written.

It was never anything but jewish war propaganda.

Not really, since it's related to the thread's topic.
Yeah, and? This was never in question.

Alright, please link me to the post where I stated my support for circumcision, Moishe.

Protip: You can't.

I mean what the hell is next, a link to

California is a testbed for your ideas. White Californians are asleep and completely outnumbered.

Belief in accelerationism is a form of self-delusion indulged in to give yourself a sense of false hope in the face of disastrous demographic changes. An attempt to find a "silver lining" to whites becoming a minority.

What the fuck am I reading? You didn't list any differences between islam and christianity yourself so I'll assume you look at them the same.

False glue as in faggots who believe modern generic paganism can unite the h'white man all together and worship the old gods like nothing happened a millennium ago.

Do you dislike aramaeans?

Ideologues. They have no sense of a independent self. The self is the ideology, thus it's the ego, and people protect the ego at all costs. That's why they they shutdown when any inconsistency is pointed out. An attack on the ideology is viewed as a personal attack because from their perspective it is. The self and the ideology are one and the same.

You have no fucking conception of what whites actually need to survive and reproduce. I've had to deal with trailer parks my entire fucking life. The issues endemic in poor white communities are not solved with "no abortions and pray to jesus." That's nigger slave morality and it's alien to white genetics. The way you fix white communities is by raising the quality of life back to healthy levels.

Thanks, that was easy.

Okay, moishe. Settle the fuck down.

It still exists today, the reason it disappears from their history is because it was taken away for safekeeping (or maybe they got tired of radiation poisoning).

It is hilarious that you would mention things like "easily disproved bullshit" and yet try to distract from the fact that Yeshua was a Semite who spoke a Semitic language and was part of a Semitic religious tradition.

Holy shit did Vice News send you?
My point is that your way of arguing is Jewish, not that I'm pro circumcision.

There was nothing about circumcision in that post…

These women and their enablers need to be lined up and shot.

There's MUCH more to it than that lad, but that's a start.

No, abortion is a part of the problem, as is quality of life for Whites.
That said, quality of life is not, IMHO, the primary motive in low White birthrates in the US, or even the West for that matter.

You're attacking the action on the basis that blacks do it, which is directly akin to attacking the act of drinking water because OMG HITLER DRANK WATER TOO!

Having more babies is how you perpetuate your people, and when laid next to another clade who - as you note - pays no heed to conditions in terms of their reproductive activities, witholding that on the basis of quality of life conditions doesn't help you, at all, it destroys you.

You want Whites to want to do something about Blacks, or not?
If you do, end abortion for all but the most vividly eugenic motives.
Nigger population rises - as does White population, seeing as Whites are the #1 or #2 users of abortion in the US, depending on your source - and you've got more niggerdom afoot.

BEING AROUND NIGGERS. THAT'S WHAT! Christ, how many people came to Holla Forums following the Trayvon Martin shit? How many following the Michael Brown and the myriad chimpouts that followed?
The best way to 'awaken' people on this front is to show them, simple as that. More niggers = more awakened Whites.
Does that also equate to more of the horrors of niggerdom? Yes, unfortunately. But that is what is required.

You are never going to convince most people via argumentation and debate.
You cannot be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself.

No, there was a day of the trump.

Hard to say - if 8 years of Obama gave us Trump, what would another 4-8 years of Clinton have given us? More hardship, surely, but, you know what they say about struggle mein bruder…

European countries seem to be rapidly approaching happenings on all fronts, in direct relation to the number of shitskins pouring into their lands and raping their women.
I think you're full of shit.

Do you believe everything Ethiopians tell you?

No you see women getting an abortion is the same as you or me breathing. If they can't kill their offspring through a tube they die.

Remember that the jews will try to stop circumcision bans at all costs. WE CAN CO-OPT LIBERALS TO SUPPORT THEM.

Take a deep breath and learn how to read.

>>>Holla Forums

But this is true.


Again, you've never been to California. I lived there for 2 years in the late 2000's, and I can assure you - you are full of shit.
Californian Whites are the MOST aware of the Hispanic problem, not the least. Stop thinking all White Californians are the SWPL rich folks you see on television.

Strong claim, little backing.

That's another strong claim, with no backing.

So, what you're saying is, Whites suffering exposure to niggers does NOT, in your opinion, cause them to dislike niggers?
Funny, that's not my experience at all.
And the exit polls from the 2016 election disprove your assertion pretty strongly.

There is no silver lining. Its horror. But most people don't care all that much about horror unless its on their doorstop.
That's why Whites who live in minority-rich areas were the most-likely to vote for Trump.

Enjoy your failing ideology while it lasts. I have nothing against christians but by Kek you are pathetic.

Again, just for you: Read any MSM piece on Pizzagate, and you will see the exact same way of arguing you've used ITT.

Self delusion indulged in to make yourself feel better about your sad predicament.

The quickest way to identify a christcuck is by becoming confused as to whether you are speaking with a Semite or a Semite-worshiper. When you open your soul to foreign influence, the natural result is to become like the originator of that influence.

It's rather telling that you've even abandoned quoting the Semitic scriptures because you can provide no proof of Yeshua being anything other than a Semite who spoke a Semitic language and preached reform of a Semitic tradition. No one gives a shit that the Semites in his cult wrote down their fanfictions in Greek.

Lets fucking do it. My body and soul are ready

Thanks for admitting it.

wew lad

It's like poetry. Every thread you do the same things. Is the Talmud REALLY that restrictive?

I don't see a problem with this. You should be lifting not wacking it.

Remember that the jews will try to stop circumcision bans at all costs. WE CAN CO-OPT LIBERALS TO SUPPORT THEM.

Straw man is two words.

Your stance is weak. Tolerating those race traitors is exactly what led to the Semitic hegemony under which we live today. Christcucks are race traitors whose every endeavor benefits the kike. There is no future for Europoids without the end of Semites and ALL Semitic ideologies.

Little does she know that I have no problem with this.

Social Justice came from catholics originally, so there you have it. There were even deflection attempts to pin it on 'us'
I mean whaddya think corps folding to their whining is? It's basically "atheist indulgence tax"
Also thanks to (((Modern Technology))) patreon.
I can't wait until they actually put that shit into laws somehow. "OMG U HURT MY FEELS, OFFICER MAKE HIM SEND MONEY TO MY PATREON FOR 6 MONTHS!" (I suspect this is how trashy fucked up retards like John Wu kept some patrons even after that megadose of scandals, and using the money supposedly to support "fleeing its home" on a new motorcycle instead, those people still 'blindly' paying in did something wrongthink enough in its presence they don't want it to get out and be shunned.)


Really got my neurons firing/10

This thread has gone other places it seems.

That's how discussions work.

No, that's how imageboards work.

You want to whites to have babies regardless of whether or not they can afford them.
You are full blown retarded.

That's how discussions on image boards work. It's also how discussions anywhere work. Have you tried conversing with people in real life? You should try it. You'll notice how the topic shifts over time.

Something rather simple to understand, yet still above your reading level it would seem.

Do I need to list the differences between a fucking orange and an apple for you to understand that both are fruits yet are not entirely equivalent in all regards?
There ya go sunshine. Start there.

It certainly has a better chance that Christianity, which is presently well below 50% White worldwide. Face it - most Christians are non-Europeans, non-Whites. That's your faith - and that's what you're such cancer. Because, as has been shown again and again and again, large swathes of your order are traitorous fucks who place priority on their faith over their blood.
So, when the majority of Christians are non-White/non-European… And the majority of Christians place greater priority on loyalty to cult than they do on loyalty to blood… What the fuck do you expect to happen, you disgusting, traitorous Semite-worshiping cuckold?

Nigger, read a history book

I don't like, nor dislike, them. I have nothing for them. They're just some people.
Not my people, it bears noting. Seeing as they're fucking Semites though, I probably wouldn't be too fond of them, given the company they share.

Its pretty obvious you dislike Magyars though.

Not an argument.

Thanks for admitting you're intl.

Time to die, yid.

Everyone sees what you're doing here, kike.

This is good, only reason men aren't out in the streets reclaiming our countries is because they are too busy playing video-games and masturbating to jewish owned porn.

Except it's kike shifting the topic to their lies so that we don't talk about
You'll notice they came in as soon as I said it the first time.

The ideology needs more converts. If you can't afford them then you could always go to your local syna- I mean your local church for some charity and let the priest teach your children for a few hours.

No, this is folly.

More Jews making up words for others.

Again, you've never been to California. Whites in California are some of the most-aware in the US of the Hispanic threat.
Can build more strawmen if you like, but you have no argument against this.

So you're not White. Good to know.

Wasn't mean to be. It was spelling correction. You're welcome.


Not an argument.

Lad, this is the most retarded thing I've ever seen posted anywhere.
You should feel bad about yourself for days, if not forever.

At least the christcucks can provide entertainment with their complete lack of self-awareness.

The logical consequences of making abortion more difficult to obtain is results in more poor whites who lack education, health care and stable family units. White people having kids they can't afford directly contributes to many of our ongoing societal problems. You are retarded. We can't have a healthy volk without first increasing quality of life.
I know that logic chains are difficult for you, and trying to grasp the long term hurts your little head, but do try to keep up.

Try harder.



Then kill yourself.

That second part seems much easier. (Calling abortion murder, since it technically is).

To some degree I have to hope you're trying for irony, cuck.

wew, guess you better go pray to your god about this one, eh? I'm sure if you bend over and let the priest sodomize you some more you'll receive divine inspiration.

Get this kike out of my state.



Fuck off with your shitty semantics, you condescending faggot.
Project some more and pillage the monasteries some more while you're at it.
Why don't you? You pagans haven't contributed at all in defending Europe besides being conquered by the Carolingians and the Holy Roman Empire.
Also Hilarious
They did a bit of dirty work, didn't they?

wow they really don't give you guys much to work with.

All you kikes and shitskins will get what's coming to you. Pic related.


Go back to 4chan. It's not working here.

A themed thread isn't a fucking invitation for free talking and derailment, dummy.
There's a topic at hand.

He knows the logic and the end results, but you're not understanding his motives. Poor, stupid, white people make a terrible volk in the long term, but they are easy converts to his ideology (Christianity). His motive isn't to preserve white people as a strong race, it's to refill the Christian cattle stables. Christians can't not inject their religion into everything because their religion is paramount to everything else. Their motives is to preserve Christianity and make it the dominant ideology. That's why you find Christians claiming that multiculturalism is the answer, while others claim white nationalism is the answer. They're in complete agreement that Christianity needs to spread, but the disagree about which is the stronger horse to bet on; multiculturalism or white nationalism.

Christians and Christianity are a liability.

Reminder that the kikes ramped up the shilling as soon as I said

Reported for intl.

Also: You are retarded.

You can't improve quality of life whilst maintaining a nigger population, and you cannot HOPE to promote 'healthy volk' when you've got an entrenched acceptance of maternal genocide out of convenience as an inherent right, for a society embracing such is poisoned to its core.

Your logic chain dictates that we should argue Whites should not have more children if they cannot afford them based on their quality of life… But ignores that they cannot afford them because the government subsidizes non-Whites, who themselves cannot afford to have children, to be able to afford to have children, at the expense of Whites… Thus, you're arguing Whites should not have children if they cannot afford them (because they have to subsidize non-Whites to have children), and they must also subsidize non-Whites engaging in maternal genocide campaigns in order to keep the non-White population in check such that they do not become so large and rowdy as to drive non-Whites to remove them… The end result of which is an always-present and always-growing non-White population, subsidized by a shrinking White population who is not breeding because 'they cant afford' it because they're subsidizing Blacks so they can afford it (even though they usually just end up spending that money on malt liquor, frozen food and crack).

You're a fucking idiot lad.

Praise Kek.

Reported for autism.




It leads to a conflict that's you against the world.

Letting them take everything, and making a weimar of your world only leads to a reich that fails to end it all. History will only repeat, if you remain tolerant.

I like the title of the image, but I don't understand the context or purpose. Was imkikey defending Evalion or whatever?

Anyone else suspect that Holla Forums and kikes are so focused on D&Cing Christianity because they know how much anti-Jew material there is inside it and are terrified of what will happen if people stop being fed kosher versions of their own faith? I'm pretty sure they know that we (far-righters) have the powerful ideas, and it's the normies that have the powerful population volume, a huge portion of which are Christian. It's my suspicion that their intention is to keep us from becoming prevalent enough in Christian circles to snap the current Christian diaspora out of their goodgoy spell.

I posit that "Christianity is poison" is the opposite side to the same conflict they're playing with the "borders are racist" theology. It's high-level D&C intended to keep us from disseminating needed ideas to a large population that would likely be receptive once conditioning is broken.

PFFFFFFFFTHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA, holy shit, you are so salty because you are too stupid to understand that things can be alike without being equivalent.
Christianity and Islam are both foreign Semitic dogmas.
Cry moar.

Pffthahaha, that doesn't even make sense!
You literally worship a Jew. You espouse a foreign Semitic faith.
I don't. That's all you know about me.

I have.
And you Christians haven't contributed at all in defending Europe besides being conquered by foreign Semites and their dogma that appealed to slaves and peasantry.

75%+ of Europe identifies as Christian, yet they all have varying views on the matter and are all varying degrees of cucked-as-fuck.
More than 50% of Christians worldwide are non-White/non-European, and as Christians almost-invariably place greater priority upon faith than upon blood, its obvious how this will play out if left to itself.
You've yet to offer any convincing argument to the contrary.

Also a strawman - I never claimed pagans were peaceful.

Like the Christians did when they converted people by the sword? Well, no - the Magyars were just conquerors, they weren't trying to convert people to a foreign Semitic faith, like the Christians were, which was very foreignly-Semitic of them, eh? ;^)

Whatever you want to believe.

Yes, we proved that years ago. Christianity is the world's greatest bulwark against the jews. Even in matters not of faith, we see that some of the greatest anti-kikes in history are people who were once kikes but turned to speak out against their shit.

The hebrews of the Old Testament are all dead. They don't exist anymore. They either became what we know as Christians (by correctly recognizing the Messiah brought to them) or disavowed the Torah and wrote down the Talmud, becoming what we know as jews today.

That's why they tried to destroy Christianity first. That's why the Scofield Bible, that's why circumcision in Christian countries, that's why demonizing replacement theology.

And proof.


Reminder that you have been blown the fuck out, moishe.

Lad - its always you against the world.

The men who held those ideals died to defend them, and though the men died, the ideals live on.
Heil Hitler.

Lad - history always repeats, only, sometimes with a slightly different outcome.
Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. Weak men create hard times.

Its kampfy - most of the time when you see someone shitposting with obvious shit-tier logic and subversive anti-White rhetoric coupled with animu smug images, its just kampfy shitposting.

Such salt. Mmmm, awesome.

There's already a penalty for masturbation, it's called being a poor sex partner and probably dying alone. Oh and being stuck here with you faggots. Can't wait to read all of the wanker rationalizations in this thread by the "anti-degenerates" here at Holla Forums.

Yet the most notably Christian nations on Earth were the ones that were most susceptible to Jewish subversion.
Seems legit rabbi.

You have to go back.

So because she feel abused by the state law she uses her authority to make men feel the same turmoil as women. Wtf she I literally throwing a bitch fit. This is why women shouldn't be hired for government jobs.

The two are not related. You need to study the correlation of causation.

Oh you silly boy. Is that how you get around the the fact that your religion is jewish?

If you have any more evidence of that, please do post it in >>>/sudo/8334

Yes, people will sure believe you now, kike.

Reported for intl.

And what the fuck is that? Do you mean "correlation is not causation", you cum-knuckled pseudo intellectual? Is that the phrase you chant to yourself to lessen the cognitive dissonance of denying the consequence of your actions? Might as well be a crack addict, you fucking pathetic faggot.

They were most susceptible because they allowed Jews to convert to avoid expulsion or death. It's all about converts to them. They don't care who they just want the ideology to spread.

Psst user…

Many of us care. Martin Luther wanted to kill the jews and burn their books and synagogues. So did the extremely early Christian leaders (John Chrysostom, for example).

Reported for intl.

female politics at work.

Learn to redirect the semen internally to open the chakras.
The universe doesn't care how you get your rocks off, but it does respect procreation.

Oh user…

I'm not going to clarify YOUR position on this matter, you dense faggot.
Thanks for parroting my words and inserting Christians instead. You're really good at this. As for being conquered, I don't recall jews/muslims retaking Europe and made it into a new Khazaria/Saudia Arabia.
The forming of WASP societies? Again, signal to the class how you're even more stupid than we thought.
You seem to like to balance out the morality of their actions.
They were one of the major threats to the empire.

Modern evil jew = Pharisee /= Biblical Judean


Why the fuck haven't you been banned yet? Holy shit, the entire thread is you shitposting this.

oic, so he's not a retard, he's a fucking kike.
Thanks, user.


Thanks for outing yourself.

No Varg? For shame.

My body, my choice..

Are you saying that Semites are not in control of European nations through economic institutions and the employment of race traitors as collaborators?

It's really not surprising anymore that the fugly ones are trying to destroy civilization. Petition to abort all ugly women when?

This is not worth the thread. If that information alone came to Hitler, he would shake her hand, even though she is indeed a democrat. Your reactions are the only problem with this happening. I don't side with her at all.

And please for the love of god, stop calling yourselves fascists or national socialists. You are racist liberals. you don't know shit about what fascism even teaches. Barely any of you care, you just cant stop being degenerates who masturbate to idea of fucking children, and no it does not make it any better if its a cartoon.

Oh, and remember, if us, fascists rise, and you'll fade away (as you are doing now), porn directors should be lined up against the wall and shot, and internet will be censored from top to bottom, so our next generation gets the new idea of how to live their lives. That's what it is about. our children should live their lives free from it, even if your peepee disagrees.

me ne frego, it serves Hitler's cause. She's a massive cunt, it's your reactions that im talking about. If you think this is bad, maybe you should crawl back to cry to your liberal camslut models.
because women in politics are retarded. It should've been a serious one.

yeah it sure solidifies in my mind that these people need to go. good job dems on doubling down on crazy.


I'm gonna masturbare to her just to spite her.

Jesus, nevermind

I've been running nofap for a while. If I got some kind of prize for jizzing on a photo I would do it.

Cumming on the photo of a hated one is a chan tradition. If you want to do it, you have my encouragement.

ladies and gentlemen I give you yet another sign that houston is the next detroit, politicians here and coming out of here are increasingly retarded and ineffective.

you'd be surprised.

you know why this hasn't already happened? because unlike the retarded left that protests every other day, we have jobs. I have to go to work to pay to keep a roof over me. you tell me it's happening, I'll be there. until then, I don't have time to protest or spend hours writing letters and making phone calls, I gotta go to work.


This is what the second amendment was made for. Shes abusing men. She is part of the government.

Someone needs to exhume John Money and piss on his corpse.


I've been wondering, why is abortion the political "hill" christian activists have chosen to die on? I mean, it seems like they care about little else besides nativity scenes in public places. I not sure it has done more damage than helped in terms of the public perception of christianity. Isn't there tons of laws that "go against god"? Why are they so autistically focused on abortion?

Because that is what their masters have chosen to funnel funding into promoting as "the cause." They are good goyim doing as instructed in the name of a Semite.


It is largely irrelevant. Can't keep the charade going if everything appears to be peaceful. Same thing with gay marriage. You know how all of this could be solved? Let the states decide, done. That would take power away from the Fed however, and we can't have that now can we?

Would my fellow anti-racist warriors please help me spread this inspiring image to liberal/nignog circles?

Thank you very much.

People seek conflict instinctively. So to keep them from gravitating towards some meaningful movement, they provoke a fight where they control both sides. Then it is fixed so the winner is always muh choice. If they don't do this by having their "Christian" politicians push the issue, people might find a worthy fight, or accidentally come to the "wrong" conclusion.

But user! Didn't you know that NoFap® is the only way to liberate you from the clutches of sin, and that masturbation drains you of your vital juices?

You should never masturbate, look at/imagine women naked, and certainly, you shouldn't have sex more than 4-5 times in your life (through a sheet, to make babies).

This is great. Saved twice.

This is a war of materiel. The only thing that matters is that, relative to population, abortion kills more of them than it kills of us.

Agreed. Human beings should only be killed in the womb because they're the non-White interlopers and invaders in our lands, future soldiers against our people. If I could, I would kill every niglet on this planet, arguments about muh le precious chilluns notwithstanding.

That is nothing close to being a palindrome, you fucking assburger.

Were it not for abortion, we'd have 50 million Blacks in the US by now.

It is only poison when it's used against us. Against everyone else, it's a godsend.

Hey we didn't have anything to do with him.

we need to try to get the no fap people behind this, try to meme it into being a real law. people will take it seriously and this woman won't know what to do with her "satirical bill".

This palindrome shit is even more pathetic than the double dubs faggots, both reek of cuckchan.


Checking these singles out :^)

A lot of uglier women get into politics to control the way that sex flows indirectly. Trying to stop (sarcastically) male masturbation is just another way of trying to maintain the control of orgasm on favor of women.
I remember i once read about a guy who studied the patterns of politics from 1800 to the 2000s. He discovered that a major part of the laws restricting female sexual behavior come from women, so blaming men for female sexual suppression is just not realistic. I don't remember the source now though. I might have to check it if you are interested.

I'm honestly surprised.

Literally nothing wrong.

I mean, no matter how much of a feminist cunt you are, don't you get tired of buying new clothes if you practice freebleeding? But then again, they want more money from the government

You appear to be upset.

attention grabbing technique to prove her point

don't feed her attention if you wish to affect her negatively..

Jews are all excited about how they're the Chosen People, but are eternally unaware that the reason they were chosen is to serve as a warning to others.

They crucified Jesus because he kept publicly calling them out on their bullshit, the same bullshit they codified in their Talmud and made the basis for modern kike behavior today. They're permanently assmad at Christians because Christians have replaced them as God's chosen representatives to the world, relegating kikes to the status of bitterly clutching a participation ribbon.

Why do I get the feeling this is for white goys only?

user, I…
Did you honestly think that a couple of thousand years ago some jewish church reformer created the one and only true religion which would stand for as long as humanity existed? Really think about why that's retarded

They're being monitored to make sure they're not masturbating?

juden raus.


When will a bill be proposed to fine state reps who propose fucking stupid bills?

They already tried that with circumcision

Do she realise that it is going to cost a big fortune? I hope the bill get thrown away soon as possible to stop the tax money being wasted for her petty whine.

I am terribly disappoint with whoever capped this.

Fucking genius


This rare time i fucking agree with this jew. Faping should be highly criminalised, but only for white men. Too much arya seed is going nowhere.

Why does he act like this? Can't he just act like a down to earth guy why actually gives a shit?

I'm interested in the source.

So it's a bullshit law meant to "encourage discourse" but it's just wasting time, and wasting time that real laws could be discussed and proposed. So fuck this cunt.

I say pass it just so it blows up in her face.

Der ewige Jude

It would really make her stop and think, I bet.

Retard, you are merging two separate issues into one.

subsidizes and the welfare state are problem that need dealing with, and are connected to white birth rates, but are also a separate subject.

Lastly, the white race isn't dying out, you faggot.
There's over a billion of us. OVER A BILLION.

The actual conclusion you should be drawing is that lemmings will always be lemmings.

She needs a flood of tributes


without mestizos and counting some asiatics, I come up with about 2/3 of that. Basically 2 Burgerland's worth of whites in the world.

I wish there were a million like you

That's actually just how mammals reproduce. I'm totally on board with the rest of it though.


Jesus was from Judea.

It's a mistranslation at best.

Jewish (i.e Yiddish, in English) refers to a Talmudist.

Now that we've settled this thing which I'm sure Martin Luther already did, are you gonna piss off?

this is already required
since only men have colons

This lady needs a man to help her write a pointed, satirical bill. This is just dumb.


So were various types of jews. His followers were jews. His parents (muh wife's son) were jews. The early christians were jews until Paul/Saul the pharisee actually argued and convinced the others they needed to break bread with the gentile christians they were gaining.

If you are sincere then at least look into your own damn religion.

Are you intentionally being retarded?

Judean was translated into Jew, Jew also became shorthand for for someone who followed the talmud.

Oh, so the narrative is that not even the pharisees were jews like you faggots have been shilling, just the people who followed the talmud once it was written. And not the people who had similar laws, prophets, and teachings. Typical tricks, schlomo.

He is.

Don't even bother replying, (((he)))'s baiting for you to shitpost just so he can report you and continue to shill whatever his kike overlords want him to push for a fraction of a shekel.

jesus was no jew…the jews aren't Israel friend….they lied…the converted to the Judean religion when the Judeans lived among them (DNA testing has proved they are Turkish in origin)….they have been selling the Israeli lie ever since

Wait till evangelicucks hear about this.

Anything that counters his point though?

Last pick is self-cap.

fukken saved

Nope, nogs want kids for gibs and spics want kids for both gibs and demographically taking over the country.

White women are too privileged in the white patriarchal pecking order to have the right for abortions. Only special snowflake WoC have been oppressed enough to deserve the right to have an abortion :^)


I'm sure disallowing jerking off is a great idea as well kikes. Yes, that sudden spike of testosterone in millions upon millions of youth will fuck over men so hard!

If it wasn't for the likelyhood of her taking samples to be dna tested, I would've suggested just start cumming on pictures of her and mail them to her.

Very funny beaner, still you have to go back

The reason they want to enslave men is because men will be useful slaves, whereas women are generally half-useless…

Symbiosis includes parasitism, the word you are looking for is "mutualism." Symbiosis is any interaction between two different organisms, parasitism is an interaction that benefits only one organism at the expense of the other, mutualism benefits both

Over millennia, it can (and did, in the case of the Jews). Combine their severe inbreeding with those who didn't buy in leaving/being kicked out of Jewish communities and mixing into the gentile population, and you have a recipe for rapid genetic change. If the Jews had not intentionally held themselves apart for ideological and religious reasons, they would not exist as we know them today.

Make porn illegal.
It is for degenerates.

Outlaw porn and rape will rise, guaranteed.


……white men would also be searching out mates more.
Think Japan.

did prohibition stop people from drinking or create a black market that propped up even more degenerate behavior?

So what white cuck on the left reads this and thinks it be a good thing even as satire?

Amateur porn is not going away tho.

sluts will slut, it's in their nature

Holy false equivalency Batman!

Something else from wikipedia, I have to wonder.

The actual texas bills being proposed.

SB415 - Banning of dismemberment abortions.
Where the baby is so old that the doctor has to cut it up inside the womb and take it out piece by piece.

SB258 - Requiring fetuses to be cremated.
Currently they're sold to fund more abortions and keep "nonprofits" open.

SB8 - Bans partial birth abortion.
[spoiiler]The baby is fully grown, and as it's being born, a doctor inserts a spike into the back of its head. This is a fully viable 9 month baby, it would be independently alive if the doctor doesn't do anything.[/spoiler]

This is what this bitch wants you to think is equivalent to fining women for masturbation.

She thinks baby murder and the sale of baby parts is masturbation. She probably orgasms every time a baby is put into a blender so Soros can inject it and prolong his life.

Learn to post cunts. Redtext is used for emphasis, not as standard text.

I wonder what her spic husband would have to say about that?

Fuck off with your kike cult faggotry

How will these autists who came up with this law enforce it? Heavy taxes on bedroom door locks? IP tracing on all males?

that would be a glorious future, where the kike shit is almost impossible to find and everyone resorts to more tasteful and authentic amateur porn.

Holy shit, this is the type of stuff even the leftists can't argue against except for 'slippery slope.'

That's the worst part for sure, they actually -do- argue that this stuff violates "muh womens rights". And it's always the same fucking sob story, "What if the woman was raped!"
I wonder if they would let me, as a man, get away with taking someone's life because someone entirely different committed a crime against me.

absolutely, I guess I meant argue and win unless cucks are softballing them not that they won't keep doubling down. Be blunt and clear about what late term abortions are and don't give ground on justifications. Most late term abortions are for reasons of convenience and even gov stats back it up.

beware the slippery slope, we are living in a human farming operation run by a breakaway civilisation whom seeks to cull all forms of independence and generative behaviour
the protocols are not a hoax
kill all deranged jews and sociopath cucks when the dotr is announced by God Emperor/Woden
death is always on our side

if you are a new age /x/ faggot go and read some Jung and get some sunlight, keep your shit away from Holla Forumsacks and Kek

who you talking to?

seek the depths

let honorary kikes watch porn
natural selection has and always will favour the aryans

a good wank in the morning keeps the prostrate healthy

Really? That's why Germany back during Hitlers time was full of rapists? They only had nudie mags, no degenerate kike shit after he started banning porn


Sure, that's why it's promoted by Huffpo's previous top Jewess, right?

I hope I'm not the only one that started humming the kebab removal theme seeing her with those giant headphones in the first pic.
look at the (((sites))) this shit originated from and who's promoting it you stupid kike-loving niggers. 100% beta-cuck/(((feminist-approved.)))

also their "christian publishing company" is financed by one Alfie (((Kohn))) a big Common Core enthusiast who unlike his shekelshills cannot deny his tribal allegiance. Neither can its founder.

oh yea almost forgot, the CC book he put out.



As though five seconds of pleasure equals what happens during an abortion.

