How do you become so stupid?
Holla Forums genuinely believes they're antis establishment
Other urls found in this thread:
You are born into the world.
By getting your views from robots and stormfags while being too autistic to get sarcasm.
Liberals ARE the establishment.
Our problems is they are not socialist / communist boogeyman that Holla Forums and general conservatards make them out to be.
He said that Holla Forums thought that the media in general was leftist which is not true.
Whether they're social liberals or conservative liberals, liberals remain rightists.
Holla Forums is definitely anti-establishment. Paleoconservatism is not exactly what the establishment consists of. They're obviously retarded if they think Trump is going to make their dreams come true and that he's not just basically a neoliberal opportunist, but Holla Forums is still fundamentally subversive to the status quo.
We also need to drop this meme of 'progressive/social liberalism isn't left wing' meme. While the left wing of liberalism is far from revolutionary, it is still centre left and thus part of the left wing of politics. What we do need to do is differentiate between what makes us different from left liberals, and why left liberals are functionally, despite trying, hardly making any change and whatever change they make is either insufficient or ultimately bound to encounter contradictions and break down. Explain people the difference between the far left (Lenin, Durruti, etc.) and center left (New Deal Democrats, English labour, etc.).
Forgot a pic.
You're a dumbass to do either and a petulant idiot if you get angry that you get fired over it tbh fam.
I'm a non-bourgy Jew. Where exactly do I go to get muh Jew priliveges?
They are, it is just that Trump is playing that game with them.
It still takes hard work to remain stupid.
Happens, because the police is often incredibly fascist:
Never happens, because there are no commie cops, because communists are violently against the system.
Doesn't happen, because communism isn't an innately discriminatory on the basis of one's identity and is thus in normies seen as just a phase (mostly is).
Happens, because it's bad for business, because fascism excludes potential customers from buying porky's shit.
if you posted some of the stuff Lenin said, I'm sure you would be fired.
Hell, I was reprimanded for bringing this book to work once.
There's all kinds of shit that will you get you thrown out the door you whiny, victim complex, dope.
*tips Prince Albert*
A prison just banned Langston Hughes and Bob Dole books but Mein Kampf is explicitly still OK:
Liberals are the greatest enablers of fascist "revolution" look at Rosa Luxembourg.
what's wrong with semiotext(e)?
I would be very happy if the world was as Holla Forums imagine it to be, that is, a world filled with commies and true lefty stuff. Unfortunately reality is pretty different from what they imagine when it comes to this stuff.
This looks uncannily like a guy I used to know. He killed himself in prison after murdering an immigrant in a park.
You start off as a market liberal, growing up on cheering the troops in the Iraq War, is my guess.
you are unironically a dumb fucking nigger
my dad is a fucking bourg and he knows everything about leftist theory
You don't get up there without knowing your theory
Holla Forums actually believes this.
That image is fucking painful
It's not that obscure.
Glenn Beck has ranted about it a number of times.
I suspect that's how he knew.
Forgot video
Is that why your ideology was founded and run by Jews who butchered millions?
I would suspect it's a little late for Nazis to claim the moral high ground on that.
Oh wait I know, the Nazis were correct because all they were doing was killing the evil Jews who were also killing people with teh gommieism.
The Holocaust was fabricated by the Soviets who raped and murdered people in concentration camps.
Yes, because among the jews, there were also political prisoners that Soviets definitely put their.
try again, retard.
Holla Forums genuinely believes in a cuckold conspiracy. It went from being metaphorical to literal, in their minds. Holla Forums is fucking dumb, and should be ignored.
They think left-wing = muh big govermand
as opposed to your ideology that butchered millions, was run by a guy that probably had syphilis that started a war with the soviet union even though the war on the western front was going sour
Well the media is pretty anti-trump, and tend to turn screws on anything racist as well as support views such as refugees.
The problem is that Holla Forums like most right wing ideologies have been strangled with memes and propaganda. They generally believe these things are left wing. In reality if its not in support whatever the machine needs people to support (anti-terrorism, refugees. anti-illegal immigration, Hilary etc.) then its denounced and treated like literally Hitler.
Of course to them its fundamentally left-wing because, well, have you ever spoken to a libertarian or a pol/ack?
They can't be helped tbh
Forgot to add these
*The media owned by the corporations that own the Democrats are against trump
Every media outlet owned by the corporations that own the republicans is now pro Trump
Apparently those organizations are also left-wing according to pol/
Which ones? Fox has been pro-Trump but not consistently and that's about it. Trum relies mostly on alternative and social media, while Hillary and B████ were backed by MSM globally.
Literally non of those people are Jewish. Why would they genocide their own race?
Not falling for your rouse today.
Because they feel guilty? Because they enjoy it?
no you fucking idiots
It isn't a genocide you retard, maybe if you spent your time fucking white girls you could get your birth rates up.
He literally said that less white people is a good thing.
Why is it good? Lets play a game. I will replace certain words with others and we will see if the same conclusion (and reaction) is drawn from a similar argument.
If he said that he would of been murdered alive by the media.
Thats the worst explanation for a motivation Ive ever heard
Even worse, they could be Irish
If he's lying about children questioning orthodoxy then he's probably completely full of shit anyway
He said immigration is a good thing. Why he thinks that is a good thing is up for debate but the reduction of whites probably isn't the reason.
If he's Jewish, wouldn't he want more Jews rather than more Muslim Blacks and more Christian Mexicans?
He's not trying to make some correct, important statement, he's just taking the classic 'the people who come here end up defining us' statement and taking it further because he wants to be a VISIONARY even though everyone knows he's just talking out of his ass
you Holla Forumsyps are the only ones who look at that and go 'this is his mission statement' rather than 'this is a platitude of him talking about how much he loves america to china because he's a real good boy'
i'm honestly surprised he didn't put free enterprise and business on the list just to go full liberal faggotry
It is essentially how all politics are based on, everyone acts in the interest in what they believe (or perceive) is right or an perceived (or real) injustice, or a critique of a certain system.. eg.
Not once did I mention the word genocide, despite what the video was titled. I disagree with that definition anyway.
I'm not criticizing your argument through ad hominen, just your intelligence; through your display of it.
Additionally, immigrants outpacing the white population does not equate to any form of genocide. That's just, well, immigration. Furthermore, in 2017, Caucasians will not be a minority. They may be a minority within the immigrant population, ie fewer whites moving to Mur'ca than Asians, Africans and Middle Easterners (combined, I might add). But not the whole population of the country.
Lastly, Biden, like all politicians, is pandering to a demographic. In this case, the liberals.
Not exactly, for the persecuted minority effect to be maintained and the mainstream perception of Jews in the United States, they like to remain an minority. If you buy into that "they want to rule over everyone" theory. It would be right in assuming that the most efficient system of "ruling" is an minority of people over a majority.
But Holla Forums is opposed to everything "the Establishment" wants (i.e. more free trade treaties, more legal immigration, more refugee resettlement policies, unbridled high finance, etc).
But you fuckwits are still stuck in the '30s mindset "hurr populist/far-Right movements are surreptitiously organised by capitalists!", while forgetting that there is no Soviet Union to terrify the capitalists into supporting 'fascists' now.
The arguments we have against capitalism aren't moralistic, it has to do with its inherent instability.
There should be no issue provided those coming in don't undercut workers here. Wealth inequality is what creates inner-ethnic conflict.
Nigger, please.
There were times where after the end of voting counting for a primary, CNN would deliberately show the empty Trump's podium when B████ was giving his speech, completely ignoring him. Also whenever they showed him was just to ask why the fuck that crazy old man was running when shillary is so perfect and had all those wonderful super delegates.
When CNN isn't constantly talking about Trumps latest scandel? Lol stfu, B████ was the only anti-establishment candidate.
Some people believe though that capitalist system is "where everyone can work hard enough and you will become CEO etc etc". Wasn't criticizing socialist theory, just pointing out what some people consider to be right and wrong, at least in their own minds.
The MSM wanted it both ways - they wanted the easy views/clicks from covering Trump's latest "inflammatory remarks", while trying to dissuade the public from supporting him because Wow, just wow, like I literally CAN'T even right now after Trump's latest remarks on illegals
Unfortunately for them it backfired catastrophically
And I agree to an extent, but most people do things for materialistic reasons.
This is why you cannot be taken seriously even as a communist.
But Holla Forums does this also remove black/asian/native americans as well? If they mix with whites, they identitiy is destroyed too.
The coloring on that picture is rather well done.
To be fair I think B████ knew that it was hopeless from the start, and was always going to cave in and support Hillary.
I mean I doubt it's coincidence that almost all the "party grandees" generally decided to sit this primary out
Depends on who you ask, I guess. Some believe to "gas dem all lel", some recognize the things minorities currently in the United States have to lose by immigration of foreigners, some believe giving them their own countries, offering them to go back to their homeland (ironic) and some just believe in good old fashioned segregation.
Say what you want about the soviets, but everyone having similar opinions does wonders for group and social cohesion.
Nope! B████ used almost all of them on the campaign. He caved into Hillary because he can be in a powerful position in her cabinet and was able to influence the democratic platform to the point where shit like university for those making under 125k was added.
You don't know shit, but I mean Trump started taking donations from millionaires to. But he isnt opportunist either right?
Also here's a materialist explanation for why he's doing that:
"Capitalist benefit from being able to employ people who will work for $1 an hour, so by pushing a multicultural mantra we can make importing foreigners seem like a moral choice!"
A lot more coherent than "they're Jews and they feel guilty because of Hitler or something".
i honestly don't think many on Holla Forums believe that trump is going to make their dreams of some kind of 4th reich come true, they just see it as a move in the "right" direction.
i agree though, the establishment, in most of the west, is fairly liberal, just not Holla Forums liberal.
Wrong conspiracy sasanach
what if you become a commie after already being a cop? Do you have to leave?
Holla Forums is pretty clearly anti-establishment. Stay irrelevantly salty.
controlled opposition isn't anti-establishment kiddo
One of the many memes white-trash Trump voters believe, among other classics such as:
Controlled opposition? Holla Forums is a mixture of libertarians, nazis and jews. Trump is simply a tool to kick out foreigners. If this is their controlled opposition it has got away from them. As I said. Stay salty.
You know nothing about the American political system if you think Congress would allow Trump to do one thing has promised to do in his platform.
So you admit then that they did not want this guy as a candidate and do not want him as Pres? As a European I'd much rather see the US tie itself in knots for the next four years than the inevitable wars that Clinton has promised. If this makes me controlled opposition then I'm fine with being so.
Rupert Murdoch is a renowned lefty
Nigel Farage never worked on Canary Wharf. He is not le happy merchant
The press love Jeremy Corbyn and B████ ██████ and don't constantly complain that they aren't moderate enough.
Oh no wait…
The media shat all over Farage and Trump just as much as it did Corbyn and S█████.
It's just trading one set of porkies for another.
never 4get the hundred quadrillion kulaks who died under the reign of supreme commissar chairman Karl Marx during the great anuddah shoahs of 1917.
Spread awareness!
lel lurk moar kiddo
Holla Forums's "base" was always far too easily played by their hatred, to ever be anti-establishment. Once the muzzie hatred was pushed full-steam, they were like goo in the hands of the elite. That's about the time that the more anti-war diehard (but still horribly confused) libertarians were chased out of the group, and around the same time that you saw the same old allying of pretty much all the old neo-conservative thought, with what was trying to claim to be 'alternative'.
Suddenly they were ignoring shit like the US directly supporting and playing up the scapegoats to drive for military action, because hey, their current actual racist drivel, (racist based) anti-immigration madness, would be in conflict with it.
And there you go. Holla Forums. Regular "conservative" transformation complete. Can't even go there for good insightful news geopolitical wise, it's too edgy for their "but it must be the [ethnic group reasoning]!".
Useless garbage.
To add: not that the "left" mainstream is any better on that… I believe the current narrative of the 'accepted' left is that the issues in Syria, say, are really the cause of draughts and global warming? Was it?
Not direct funding and support for destabilization, to fuel the perpetual war machine and its profit cycles… or anything like that. So don't get me wrong, there.
that liberal sounds more like a lolbert, just replace feelings with spooks
I've only heard this from Americans and I find it laughably simplistic. Now I might be wrong as well, but what always made sense to me is that Syria was to be part of the Arab Spring (making droughts only one motivator among many others) but Assad didn't want to step down so various resistance groups started to organize themselves militarily, while Iraq was destabilized due to wars which made it a good infiltration target for ISIS (al-Qaeda's strategy is the same), which then expended into Syria. There's probably other factors as well.
It is laughably simplistic, and while your reasoning here:
It's forgetting (as in the rest of your post, in 'other factors') the fact that Al Qaeda version 2 (the exact same propaganda narrative) was, just as IS, funded directly by the US to destabilize the regions to act as (just as AQ) a mixture of freedom fighters in one instance, and 'horrible barbarians' in the other, whatever it takes - to instigate enough popular support (either in 'aid' or in 'intervention'), to get the military in there. Same as in Kosovo.
Same as in Afghanistan. Same as in Iraq. Same as in Libya. etc.
The 'arab spring' for the most part, was just another color revolution. Similarly completely coopted, and in some cases guided from the get go, by the empire's war machine. Same as in Ukraine. Just another expansion of the war machine, whatever it takes, to get a US friendly market expansion welcoming government into power. In a setting where all else is equal, a lot of these reasonings make sense - in one where there is an active imperial power, seeking to expand its markets and keep the war machinery going, using tactics that have really never been put on hold - since the cold war, none of them are.
Is that all it takes to be leftist? Or even liberal really?
This is just kinda an open question because like I watch the news sometimes, but as far as MSM goes it never seems to be really liberal to me or when it does it feels more like it's capitalizing on sensationalism.
What about the establishment is supposed to make it leftist, even if just in Holla Forums et al.'s eyes?
Very simple, if it doesn't suck up to muh traditional values, muh Nation or muh Aryans, it's leftist.
Yeah, but Holla Forums is itself primarily an emotional movement, so this kind of liberal sensationalism is in the same dimension.
To expand on that, I think them being an emotional movement also explains why Holla Forums (as well as liberals) don't really get what the left is really about, because we're not so much into emotions and sensationalism but more into critiques and ideologies - which is why internal debating and arguing is essential for us, whereas for groups based on emotions it can be self-destructive.
Basically liberals and Holla Forums have mastered mainly and almost exclusively only emotions and they both dominate that realm without really stepping much outside it. So the left is practically invisible to them both, neither understands what the left is: most liberals don't even know it exists it seems, and Holla Forums thinks liberals are the left.