US debt ceiling vote this 15th

US debt ceiling vote this 15th

Why is no one talking about this? (starts halfway down the page)

If the debt ceiling is not raised, it will almost certainly mean that a major political crisis and a severe economic downturn are imminent

Trump is going to find it quite challenging to find the votes to raise the debt ceiling

What do you guys think Trump will do if (((congress))) cuts the money flow?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because it's gonna pass with no problem.

This. Most politicians have a meager understanding of what the raising the debt ceiling really means or treat it as one of those inane political rituals that impedes their wasteful versions of "progress".

It seems reasonable to think that Democrats and "principled conservatives" would like to do a little bit of song and dance about the debt ceiling for some PR. Since Trump is taking ownership of the stock market success, wouldn't it be in his enemies interest to crash the market?

They'd be in a position where the collapse would be blamed on them. Strategically, it doesn't make sense to do so when you can score more points in keeping things going and thus getting more support down the line.
Remember: Politics is a long term game.

Oh really? Because here's how I think it'll play out:

I was thinking more so of the deep state enemies who are sheltered from the political backlash.

Trump has scheduled a rally that day. Coincidence?

Why not abolish the ceiling altogether? We are talking about financial fiction, debt has become so integral to the system, to consider an alternative of a budget surplus and balanced books means a complete collapse of the Jewish crony capitalism.

This will not change, the ceiling is just a political charade and posturing, these numbers are all virtual and unreal and they will never be paid off.

Nope. Best possible situation for Trump.

if the world was just, we would just default, abolish the fed, ban usury and make it impossible for banks to generate money out of thin air

So much this.

We will watch democrats play themselves then a week or weeks later claim that they totally didn't play themselves. Watch, it WILL happen.

This is probably what is going to happen. What would be fuckin sweet is if Trump called these faggots out and actually says "fine fuck the debt ceiling" and then cut all nigger-funding while simultaneous increasing DOD spending and saving money. fuckin win-win

Declare the $1.2 trillion owed to the totalitarian ChiComms odious debt, annex the Canadian oilfields and drop two more nukes on his greatest economic competitor: Nippon.

considering how he could maybe cut off all forms of welfare that aren't pensions entirely if there were an emergency, would it be a good thing if donald completely ignored it for a bit, just until the vote so they'd all vote no?

If there's one issue that brings the flith in both the democrat and republican parties together to work in unity, it's voting to give themselves more money they don't have to spend on things we don't need. I have a bigger problem with the fact they will raise the debt ceiling. $20T+ in debt ain't gonna pay itself.

What will happen to gold prices at yellen talk?

This. What I'm wondering though is how far they will keep raising it. It's at 20 trillions already (that's 20 thousand billion USD!!!!), can you really raise it indefinitely?

I hope the economy does collapse, we've been stuck in an eternal recession limbo for far too long. We gotta burn it down etc.

Pensions as we understand them today - payments made to able-bodied workers after they quit working - are a modern invention.
Boomers came to expect them because their parents got them - even though this was merely as a result of the Depression/WWII limiting the money supply available domestically, and this condition was lifted post-war, Boomers wanted it, therefore they got it. Every era before ours saw an increase in living standards from one generation to the next, the sharing of power, the opening of opportunity, the incentivization of success; but once the Boomers came of age, they made sure no one could follow. They eventually worked themselves into positions of power - everything from local city councils to Congress to state bureaucracies to your local tax assessor - where they grew roots and largely refused to let the next generations succeed as they had. They increased the cost of college, farmed out manual labor positions to illegals and shut down factories to ship jobs overseas. They increased our national debt, sent inflation skyrocketing, threw open the flood gates on immigration, expanded the size and scope of the federal government to unthinkable extremes, and most importantly, sold our entire country out to the Jews. Why? So they could live the high life for a few decades.

Their pyramid scheme is already collapsing. In that same Wikipedia article:
The Baby Boom began in 1946 and ended in 1964. In 2012, the oldest Boomer was 66. The official retirement age is 65. Let that sink in. One year's worth of Boomers retired, and the pension fund collapsed. The Northern Mariana Islands have a population of little over 53,000, so theirs was bound to fail sooner than anything in the continental United States, but that's where we're headed.
Pensions are why Sears and Kmart locations around the country are closing. Two century-old retailers, killed by pensions.

This year, Boomers born in 1952 will be eligible for retirement. How long do you think pension funds have left? Do you honestly believe they can make it long enough to see all Boomers retire, let alone fund them for the remainder of their lives? And don't forget that Social Security is, in essence, a national pension fund.

But maybe you still doubt me. Maybe you still believe in muh infinite money programs because why would your Boomer parents/grandparents ever lie to you?
2036. That's how long they think it might be able to last, if they're lucky. Boomers born in 1946 will be 90, and the youngest in 1964 will be 72 - just 7 years into retirement.

tl;dr Fuck pensions, they're deferred payment programs created in a dire time of need in the U.S. that Boomers have turned into money-for-nothing gibsmedat entitlements. Save your own money and make your own investments if you want to have anything in old age.

We've been here before. They either raise the debt ceiling of us bonds get downgraded. Remember last time there was a threat of not happening? They'll end up raising it. Not raising it well cause way more immediate problems than not. Especially since the goal is to unleash the economy.

Can't unleash an economy when the people are enslaved to endless debt.

Can't have an economy boom without investment. The us is seen as the most stable. Ant threat to that means less investment vis-à-vis less stability.

Incorrect. What is happening now is the US government is hoovering up all of the available investment money because people think those bonds are safe. Once people understand that bonds aren't safe, they will shift their investments elsewhere. For example, Japan is investing in manufacturing in the US after meeting with Trump, where before they had always simply bought US bonds. Manufacturers will create a real return not only for Japan but for the US as well, as more goods are produced, rather than funding the government to stop goods from being produced via regulations.

It can, but if you stop getting foreign investors to buy your debt (because they are worried about default), you must make up the difference with currency creation. That means raising the debt ceiling perpetually will only end in inevitable hyperinflation.

The government is getting at least millions in taxes every single day just from the sales tax alone, how the fuck are they running out of money?

Fuck off millenial.


There is no federal sales tax, retard. They're all levied at the state, county, or municipal level, usually all three.
Your confusion on sales taxes notwithstanding, the government does indeed take in money year-round via federal income taxes, tariffs, filing fees, and other sources. But regardless, take a look at what makes up the largest chunk of our budget. For 2015:
When you add up the $895 billion for "muh pyramid scheme universal basic income for the elderly" plus the portion of healthcare's $986 billion that goes towards Medicare (muh medical subsidies for muh Boomers), the largest chunk of the federal budget does in fact go towards retirees. Taken with all other money fo dem programs, gibs accounted for 65% of federal spending in 2015. Because of the gibs, we're basically allocating ~$15 billion to defense per year, then borrowing the rest we spend ($583 billion for 2015) at interest.

I'd be happy to, as long as I got to take my Social Security taxes (read: Boomer tribute) with me. Actual workers continuously paying into the system is the only reason that pyramid scheme is still going; on average, the American worker is paying for someone 35 years their senior to collect free gibs.
a) The system was created, as I said, as a short-term remedy for cash-strapped businesses to be able to pay their employees during the Depression and WWII. Pensions were a deferred payment system intended as a one-off for employers that couldn't afford raises. Boomers, however, got it in their heads that if mom and dad had it, so should they, hence why pensions still exist even 70 years after the end of the conditions that created their necessity.
b) People who paid into "the system" should be able to get their money back. However, "the system" is this case is a Jewified free money machine that sucks the life out of businesses and will wreck the economy. In my post, I already highlighted one business that is literally being killed specifically by pensions; due to their pension obligations, they're having to shut down locations (thus cutting off future sources of revenue) and sell off plant assets just to be able to hope to break even. They're now relying on a government agency, the PBGC, to pay for their 200,000 employees when they shut down in the next few years.

Remember this from my earlier post?
Read on:
Pensions work by a lot of people paying in a little bit of money at a time, giving a Jew a big pile of money to have fun with. With some Jew magic (which is inconceivable to us dirty goyim, thankfully we have our greatest ally taking care of our money pile for us), they turn it into even more money, with a big fat payout for themselves - all by having done zero actual work. That brings me to my final point:

c) Pensions aren't creating enough wealth to satisfy the demands of pensioners, and they're failing left and right as a result. What do you think will happen when hundreds of thousands more pension-seekers come knocking on the federal government's door in the coming decades? The PBGC is already obligated to pay out nearly twice what they have on hand, and you think this is sustainable because muh fairness and muh bestest generation deserves it? Pensions are an entitlement program combined with a pyramid scheme, they're failing, and will lead the economic collapse if not cut off. Your whiny liberals tears will not change the reality that bitchy, demanding Boomer scum wanted free gibs, passed laws to get free gibs, saw the system was failing so they printed more money to sustain free gibs, saw it wasn't enough so they imported tens of millions of muds to further sustain free gibs, and now that that has undeniably failed, their pensions are in the beginning phases of all terminating and the system is fucked beyond salvaging.

tl;dr Money doesn't grow on trees, old man. Pensions were built to fail, and now they are, so you ain't gettin dem free gibs no mo, whether by voluntary decision or involuntary systemic implosion. Get over it.

well tell me this
did anybody over the age of 65 vote for donald trump?

and furthermore, just how much would it hurt his chances of getting a second term if he got rid of pensions?
just because they're not good for everyone else until they're old(if they could manage to keep it going) doesn't mean he should get rid of it during his first term

Reminder: If it doesn't pass, Trump gets sole dictatorial power over the budget and government spending. And since he is president he can veto it.

Literally irrrelevant in every single fucking way.
There is more than $1 of debt in existence for every $1 in existence.


user don't tease me like this.

Now that I think of it they don't even have anything in place to counter attack or defend themselves if any nuclear power decides to test nukes on them.

Its nice to have a finance/economy tier thread and i have been curious about pensions for fucking ever but this board has been shit as of late. What are some big pensions you know of that are close to going to shit?

I still don't quite understand labor backed currency enough to explain it to others.

So, what are the possible scenarios if (when) they vote against raising a ceiling? I see few options…

1) Trump does nothing. In summer government goes bankrupt and is unable to pay bills. Major chimpouts start happening (people not getting their welfare checks). Civil war ensues.
This has 2 potential outcomes:
1.1) Some of the debt is written off
1.2) USA abandons $ and starts printing new money

2) Trump makes a fascist move and federalizes the fed… USA starts printing it's own money again.

3) Major global conflict or terrorist attack happens (USA enters war or ww3 happens). This will pretty much force everyone to vote for raising debt ceiling.

Some other?

That's in no way fascist. Literally every country did this until the kikes privatized banks.

Taking it is fascist (or communist). Having it is not.



The debt ceiling isn't going to be suspended any time soon…this discussion happens every once and a while, and occasionally people will make a big deal out of it. But we're already up to our fucking eyeballs in debt so it's pretty much irrelevant what the numbers are at this point. Just another delay of the inevitable, unless we gas the jews and usher in the Fourth Reich of American National Socialism to create the greatest economic miracle the universe will ever see :^)

Won't Trump get executive control over all funds if the economy crashes as a result of the unpayable debt?

The debt is meaningless.

I'd like it if you stopped calling it a "debt ceiling" and termed it what it actually is: a hole to which they are asking if they can dig deeper.

www.nationaldebtclocks dot org

libshits want to shut the government down? GREAT. The more normies see them hurting the country, the stronger Trump gets. It's really as simple as that.

Ok seriously though, why haven't they raised the debt ceiling yet? We are about 36 hours away from the ceiling and extraordinary measures. Democrats are calling for it, so would trump decide not to then?


because to default would be more expensive
because the worms in congress lack a spine required to cut 'dem programs'

To be fair, I have to wonder why they haven't done anything about it yet. We are 1 day away from the debt ceiling, and instead of dealing with that, they're getting all hubbubed out about the fucking obamacare mess.


Kikes feed on debt. There is no chance in hell they would allow the US to stop borrowing money.

underrated post.

those of us who haven't had our american dream yet shattered just drew a higher draft number…it's all slowly coming apart anyway.

is this really what's happening right now? is this the same plan to for repatriation of that trillion dollars in corporate overseas holdings? that there will be nowhere else to invest it but in manufacturing loans–not equity or bonds?

Remember two years ago when raising the debt ceiling was delayed and the media wouldn't stop talking about how the republicans destroyed some tens of millions in economic growth because they refused to corporate? Yeah, make sure to remember that when we don't hear a peep from the media as the democrats in two days refuse to raise it, in some attempt to make trump look bad and.

Suddenly, the liberal media will talk about raising the debt ceiling is "a threat to our democracy" and "an assault on our chilluns". Just like what happened when Bush was in office.


If they were going to kill him, that would be the date to do it.


This will be said by all of them without a single delay if that happens. Not that it means shit anyways.


I didn't know I had a most-hated date. Fuck March 15th.

Kikes are all about numerology. I hope you guys are 110% ready for a full Happening. What if, entirely hypothetically, legally armed anons camp outside the homes of the most influential kikes at that day?

Government-administrated currency that is handed out in exchange for human labor. Currency levels are pegged at estimated total human labor in the country. It's just another fiat currency where they try to peg the value of the dollar to an hour or day's labor. Not really that different from any other bullshit fiat.

Pull the trigger or don't. No half measures.

All currency is "fiat". Fiat just means "let it be so". Something is declared to be legal tender and then it is accepted as legal tender. It could be iron discs, rock salt, sea shells, gemstones, precious metals, paper/polymer. Metal is often preferred because it takes effort to get it out of the ground and minted into coins, putting more of a hard cap on how much can be in circulation. Even then there has always been pressure to dilute to quantity of more valuable metals present in coinage to increase the money supply. You also run into the issue of those who own gold and precious metal mines being in control of the economy at the expense of people who produce steel or crops, etc.


Brexit is passing
Trump meeting with Merkel on 17th
Wikileaks saying they'll leak Merkel tapes
Dutch Election on 15th
Turkey threatening to release rapefugees
Federal Reserve rate hike on 15th
Debt Ceiling vote on 15th
Acosta/Epstein Congressional hearing on 15th

Did I leave anything out?

gold can be used as currency, and it's real money since it is a store of value. Same with most metals, lots of them just aren't as good as gold.

Yeah.. that's what I just said. Among anything else that the governing authority or willing parties deem to be legal tender.
Anything can be "real money". Being a store of value doesn't really have much to do with it. It just needs to be declared "legal tender". Gold just tends to survive situations where other parties become uninterested in legal tender better than many other materials. Why? Who knows?

Gold is generally used because of its chemical stability.

For something to be real money, it has to have an inherent store of value. The kikes don't want people to know this.

Isn't the world price of gold set exclusively by kikes in London?

Wednesday is gonna be fun


We should nationalize the banks.

whats funny is that say we start mining asteroids and find literal tons of gold

now we have a gold surplus allowing us to go back to using gold coins as currency AND gold as circuitry in electrical components since, well gold is a super conductor and makes copper look like that cerebral palsy kid racing the star quarterback.

So gold is likely going to be the world currency shortly, which since it isn't a fiat currency we can rely upon it and not fear global economic collapse as much as if we had a global fiat

You weren't following the news. Most physical gold in the world is now in hands of Rothschilds.

What dumb investors are doing is investing in gold, and get IOUs for gold that will be worth nothing - because they will be unable to redeem it.

easy fix
kill the Rothschilds

how hasn't this become it's own meme?

Fuck lads I don't know if I can handle all these potential happenings on mobile

Kikes own all the gold, shit face. Gold is not a viable standard because there simply isn't enough of it, even silver would be better.

People (usually old fuckers at gold shops) always tell me that if the market crashed, silver would be best as spending money and gold would only be good for massive purchases and as a hedge.

Found this article:

What's the debt limit and why is Congress about to raise it again?

WASHINGTON — While Congress has been focused on creating a new health care law and confirming President Trump's Cabinet nominees, lawmakers have paid scant attention to a looming Thursday deadline to raise the government's debt limit so that it can pay its bills and avoid a potentially devastating economic crisis.

The U.S. Treasury Department's power to borrow money will expire on March 16 unless Congress acts quickly to raise the debt ceiling. Although the Treasury won't run out of cash to pay creditors until sometime this fall, any delay in raising the debt limit could risk the government's credit rating and cost taxpayers billions of dollars in increased borrowing costs.

Here's a look at what's at stake:

The debt limit, also called the debt ceiling, is the legal amount that the U.S. Treasury can borrow to pay the government's bills, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, tax refunds, interest on the national debt, and other obligations. The limit is set by Congress.

No. When Congress raises the limit, it doesn't allow the government to go out and spend taxpayer dollars on new programs or purchases. It merely allows the Treasury to borrow money to pay existing bills for spending that Congress has already approved.

Right now, there is no set limit. Congress suspended the limit as part of a 2015 budget deal that expires on Thursday, March 16. Congress needs to reset the limit to about $20 trillion to reflect the nation's current debt.

It always has before, and it is expected to do so again. However, it's not clear whether lawmakers will act by Thursday.

The issue could be complicated by the fact that some conservative Republicans are hoping to tie any increase in the debt limit to legislation to reduce the nation's $441 billion deficit. However, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said at a recent event hosted by Politico that Democrats will only support a "clean" debt limit increase that has no other legislation attached to it.

"We stand ready to work with the president to lift the debt ceiling — a clean debt ceiling, not one that is bogged down in ideological who-knows-what," she said.

The Treasury Department would be forced to use "extraordinary measures" to keep raising cash to pay the government's bills. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has told congressional leaders that the department will begin Wednesday to suspend the sale of state and local government bonds, which count against the national debt.

"I encourage Congress to raise the debt limit at the first opportunity so that we can proceed with our joint priorities," Mnuchin said.

Mnuchin's extraordinary measures "would probably be exhausted sometime this fall," according to the Congressional Budget Office. At that point, the government would be unable to pay its creditors and would default on its debt — something that has never happened before.

Congress has missed the deadline to raise the debt limit in the past, but it has always taken action before the Treasury actually ran out of money to pay its creditors. In 2011, lawmakers failed to raise the debt ceiling by that year's May deadline, resulting in Standard & Poor's downgrading the government's credit rating for the first time in history. (Lower credit ratings can result in higher borrowing costs, potentially costing American taxpayers billions of dollars.) Congress finally lifted the debt limit in August, just two days before the Treasury estimated it would have run out of funds to pay the bills.

No one knows for sure because Congress has never allowed it to happen, but economists say it could plunge the U.S. back into recession and spark a global economic crisis.

The government wouldn't be able to pay back people who invested in U.S. Treasury bonds. Those bondholders range from individual Americans and their pension plans to the Chinese and Japanese governments. Because the U.S. government spends more that it collects in taxes, it relies on these investors to help raise revenue.

Failing to pay back investors would cause the value of U.S. bonds to plummet. At the same time, the government would have to pay a higher return to investors because bonds would no longer be seen as a safe investment. That could cause interest rates to go up throughout the world because global rates are tied to the value of U.S. bonds.

pensions are typically guaranteed payments of x amount per year. so they are even more fucked than other investment instruments in the casino of the stock market. And every other investment in that rigged game is only going right now because the fucking government is buying stocks both directly and indirectly so they can pad the image of a booming economy. Pensions as they are setup are doubly fucked hard. There is almost nothing out there that is not an high risk investment, and all pension plans have been padding their books with extremely high risk investments in order to make their books look good enough to hide their issues.

All stock market investments are pure toxic at this point. Most were horrid back in 08, but since then the rot has become unbelievable compared to anything else. Without multiple governments pushing fiat directly into investment houses and mega corporations across the world we would be in the middle of the largest economic depression in human history, making the 'great depression' look like a walk in the park.

Says pretty much all you need to know about the Trump administration. Same old fucking shit.

I find it fucking infuriating that even when there's an issue that Trump actually agrees with the democrats on, they'll STILL vote opposite of what Trump wants, because giving a petty "fuck you" is apparently more important than doing what they themselves say they want.

I swear to god, these people would jump off a bridge so long as Trump said he's against them doing that.


Because it's gay, and you're just super goncerned about it.

Get out.

Why meet with Merkel?
What does he hope to get out of talking to that lunatic?

If the debt sealing is not raised and it's reached, doesn't the power to use and allocate US Treasury spending pass from the bureucrats in congress and go straight to the President?
After that happens, President Trump would be free to allocate the remaining US Treasury spending as he sees fit, possibly getting rid of bad deals, terrible spending and unjewing the banks in the process.
All the while creating more actual industrial jobs, investing in business that create and builds goods and infrastructure, instead of using the spending on administrative bureucracy and welfare/obamacare?
How is that a bad thing?

He's going to mentally crush her for what she's done to his father's homeland

Never really understood this whole "debt" thing in the US - to whom is the US indebted to? Or is that just a smart play on words?

Can someone explain it as simple as possible? Not a burger btw

The US gets its paper money printed out by a private company called the Federal Reserve. Despite the name, they're not part of the govt. The Fed then loans this money to the govt with interest, so it's actually impossible to completely pay off the national debt because there'll be an excess owing caused by the interest. That's why economists talk about "fed interest rate hikes" a lot.

Note that this occurs in basically every country, and is entirely orchestrated by jews. One of the reasons NSDAP Germany could recover so quickly in the 1930s was because they abolished this debt based currency for another system that they ran from the govt, rather than subject to a private international banking society. Now you also know why Germany made so many enemies so quickly.

So this still hasn't even been mentioned yet in the news or even on the congressional docket. Are we actually about to hit the ceiling with no action taken and thus begin the great collapse?

This system sounds like so much bullshit that i can't comprehend. Gonna go dig some info on this system.


That's it in a nutshell, it's some of the most shameless jewry in the world but most people don't even look at it because it's obfuscated by meaningless jargon - jews always hide behind convoluted, invented languages with their own bizarre internal logic, it's an easy way to spot them. For those few clever goyim who do end up studying economics, expect brainwash tier answers about why having a fed-like org is the best system ever and there's no alternatives at all, none no sir. So they'll argue back and forth in circles about whether Mr Goldmeyer screwing around with interest rates is the answer, never coming to any final answer about whether the system is sustainable in the first place.

Millenial vote is roughly equal to the boomer vote as of 2016.

He'd probably get unanimous millenial and z vote if he got rid of pensions because that reduces debt slavery by a couple of generations.

Money used to be a note of exchange, where was noted that you deposited x amount of gold in the bank. This note then had the value of the gold, because it could be redeemed directly. It was used for easier travel and payments, bacuse running around with kilo's upon kilo's of gold is tiresome.

When those banks started to lend money, they used the gold in their strongbox. Money that is coupled with the gold you deposited. As long as you did not came back to redeem your note, all was good. When a bank had many different clients that deposited their gold, they could keep a percentage (40% in early modern, 10% today) if one of them came to redeem it, and lend the rest out, thus creating money.

The paper was worth something because people trusted that they could exchange it for gold. When that trust disappears, you have a 'run on the banks', and the system crashes.

Today, that system does not have that gold backing anymore. The entire system depends on the idea that money will keep being worth something, but it has no real value except the paper it was printed on. The only value fiat currency has is the belief it will be worth something tomorrow. Central banks like the FED and the ECB just print money, and are technically capable of buying everything.

The only good bank ever was the Amsterdam Wisselbank, because it was not allowed to lend money. This was done by private persons, who went frequently bankrupt.

hope you see the insanity in the system user



Trump has a way to raise the cieling while maintaining moral superiority. Dems will blockade a raise. repubs are morally require to block a raise.

Trump starts talking about the necessary cuts and chimps do their thing.

Democrats and RINOs fall into line and vote for raise.

Trump is landing this 747 with the gear down.

Trump rally on 15th.

They probs didn't even factor in other factors like demographic shifts and the aging tax base.

What if pension's were created by jews as one of many steps to destroy family/community and turn everyone into consumers. Everyone get your own stuff, mum and dad will be looked after forget about their worries and concentrate 100% on your own development (buying). Spend free, live free no need to save because you too will be fine, with a *starwipe* Pension.

PR rose to prominence around the same time period no? If my first paragraph is correct, would the next step not to be blame all the troubles on the boomers? Those evil people, dey took j0r moneys. Cut those moochers off. Increase estate tax, land tax, asset taxes, their children shouldn't get to benefit from their fraud….I dunno, think what you like but your head seems like a nasty place.

if pensions are such a bad idea they should be phased out periodically over a long time. People deserve to make plans. You make a promise to old people you keep that promise or you're worth nothing. If im 30 and they say anyone younger than 31 as of next week, no pensions for you soz lol, well I got 35 years to figure that shit out going forward, but Alan's only a couple of years or something from retirement back in die hard 1, that was like 20 years ago. 30 long goddamn years on the force John. 30 long goddamn years.

health and safety standards would have been next to nothing for every single boomer growing up. It wouldn't surprise me at all if it was expected in the 60's to stack ewp's or some crazy (nowdays) shit if something was out of reach but now try finding a regular person to dare take one past 10 meters.

Aussie navy seals training circa naaam, recruits to be thrown into (basically) sydney harbour on the coldest day of winter 5am in their civvies and told to swim back, upon reaching shore the options were some got cocoa or to go again if you want. There was no cocoa you were out. Now days they probably can't even yell at you.

I don't have many standards but at least my backs still strong enough to support my elders idgaf.

you know, asteroid mined gold is worth a look. because most gold is owned by kikes right now. So a gold based currency would still play into their hands.
I think it's probably what they prefer to use amongst themselves, along with soilver, because they dont trust kikes either ofc.
But, an interest free, debt free government issued currency, only coming into ceation by the government paying for goods or services like roads being built or guns being bought, like the nazi's used, is the ideal i think.
It won't last forever like gold but it'll last for a cycle about 250 years hopefully.
still got to get rid of kikes though

Isn't the whole reason chinks didn't collapse due to the great depression because their currency was based on silver and not gold?

Do you guys recall how, a couple of weeks ago, Trump tweeted about reducing the country's debt by $12bn during the month of February?

Well, when that happened I did some digging to figure out where these numbers where coming from, because it's always good to have sources on hand to back up claims. What I found was the Daily Treasury Statement, issued by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, an official US .gov site that puts out financial information like this.

I checked it again today. The most recently posted report was Sunday's, 3/13. In the past three weeks we've dropped another $55bn. We are slowly, slowly, walking away from the debt ceiling. We're still at $19.82tn in debt, but I mean shit if this keeps up we won't even need to raise or suspend the debt ceiling.

Not trying to say that this isn't a happening, but I do believe that Trump is aware of it and has a plan for either event. I mean seriously if he can just keep reducing this, bit by bit, then he's fucking golden by any reasonable person's standard. The question is whether these decreases are maintainable or if they're just due to one time sales of property.

Monday's, rather, my bad. Calendars are apparently hard.

Nothing's worked so far.
Putin's giant bear sized dog didn't seem to work.

He's going to fuck her silly and show her the wrath of the white man.

>implying crooked money market managers and union bosses didn't steal from it

I see
as the correct moves


a money supply needs to be able to stretch to meet demand and only a fiat currency will work in a modern economy.

nice explanation.

I'm curious myself, it would play right into President Trump's plan to abolish the FED and extinguish the national debt.

that's fucking gross dude

So only a few more hours until midnight. Have they voted on anything yet?

And Koreans, the Jews of Asia, no longer have the respect for their elders that they used to.
Korea has the highest suicide rate in the world, and many of them are old people whose families have abandoned them.

USA today says it's delayed until thursday. The brinkmanship has begun.