Article is in French, so here's a shitty translation:
(The rest of the article is behind a paywall, sadly:
Article is in French, so here's a shitty translation:
(The rest of the article is behind a paywall, sadly:
Other urls found in this thread:
are there gfs?
When I was at the meeting there were several qt´s
I was very surprised myself. Never joined in the end tho.
why aren't they pregnant with 40 kids?
say what you want, but I think well of ID.
What is wrong with their reptilian neck? Im serious.
Because they are young. But they were talking about having at least 3 children for demographic reasons.
Fuck off jew.
I'm glad to see people who are going to be the first generation of true European noblemen come together finally. Is there anyone on here who can say what they're like?
Great post fellow user.
1. Do they have similar things in Aus?
2. How do I sign up?
How boring.
Let us hope that generation identity are able to bring out the best of our generation and craft them into the leaders of the future that we need. It astonishes me that the previous generations in particular the damned boomers have such a kronus syndrome. They can't help but eat their offspring and their future. But we're coming in as they start to die off. It's up to us to take the reins and prevent this kind of stagnation and shitlibbery from ever happening again.
So "authorities are worried" that French males are organizing and doing things? But the 6,000 cars the shitskfns burn every new years, well that's just good, clean fun.
I believe they want to remove jews, blacks and also muslims, not just one group the jews insist we focus on.
Good work GI, train healthy white stock to fight and breed, the greatest threat to jewish global control is white organised unity.
Are the French more based or are they as kosher as for example the Austrians?
Or is that exactly the reason why you didn't join?
To be frank I think they see the truth of it.
This Jihad movement is there to "smoke the bees", "make them think there is a fire" and "produce more honey as a response".
That is why they are concerned with what they see. Europe is being used like a bee hive to extract "honey". Corporations are definitely the cause of this.
Nah, they're just Jews user.
Does this organisation help the Frenchmen get their firearm licenses too? Being fit is well and good but if all of these people are getting some legal trigger time with bolt guns or side by sides then that is much better.
They should all be getting their "Category C" because it is shall issue in France.
1. Yes
2. Send a letter why do you want to join and if you have any experience in street brawls and/or wapons to th address below.
GPO Box 485G
Melbourne VIC 3001
What if they were part of the organisation that wanted to "smoke the bees" originally, but are now worried about their position if a right wing uprising were to occur?
Jewish corporations of jews you mean?
I think I'm going to join, but I don't speak Frog, only Spanish and English
Really don't want physical evidence of contact with organisations I know nothing about. Plus our government is becoming more and more big brother everyday. Furthermore I'm on the other side of the country
What org is this? Are you trying to remain secret about it?
Cheeky fucker. That's the federal police mail box.
ayy lmao
man, are you sure it's not just a summer camp?
Vas? Is Matt Hale back? Man, all the oldfags droppin' out the woodwork the past couple months.
You realise that saying this would be very appealing to a portion of the user base here?
It should be responsibility of each head of the family in Europe to arrange things so that non-pozzed members of the family get rudimentary firearms training at-least. Think of it as an insurance, and to some degree, an eugenics policy. Sure, it's nice if they will never need such skills or anything related to those skills. But should the time come, they will not be completely clueless victims as those naive people that caused the situation to degrade to the point where such skills might be required to even survive.
What does this shit even mean?
Can't they just say nationalistic or something else. Instead they're falling for the newspeak jew, fragmenting the movement.
Bamboozled again.
I swear, people like you would call Hitler himself a LARPer were he alive today.
This is the 3rd thread that has been shilled by a poster yelling:
I guess eating and shitting is LARPing now.
Reminder kikes like to use the "LARPing" bullshit for the last past week now. Report them
Where do I sign up?
Agreed, I am English and would be willing to travel.
Is there an English IE faction.
They do this shit even on threads about Hungary.
They even have the cheek to call Hungary's national guard LARPers, using pictures of them actively working in towns to defend the natives from gypsies in reallife.
Still they call it LARPing.
They even use the line
"Oy Vey wait for Hitler" when you suggest they vote actual National Socialist (that pulled in 20%+ in last elections) instead of kosher conservative false nationalism.
Oy vey, actual real life organisation and defence of your nation and its people from invader crime is LARPing goyimz
Whites in the nordic region please contact your local kampfgruppe and join the resistance!
Become someone your forefathers and grandchildren can be proud of! Save your people! Fight!
Does that even exist ?
Unfortunately in Generation Identify's manifesto, they note being against hitler. Still a decent stepping stone.
I think I have been confusing the Generation Identaire with Identity Europa which are aligned with nationalist socialist movements across Europe.
I know Identity Europa openly resists the juden
Let's make one.
Their own word for ethnic nationalist, they're not "falling" for newspeak, that would be using the Jews own demonizing words your self, they made their own to get away from the demonization.
If you are talking about jobbik you need to shut the fuck up.
Jobbik has sold out completely and is now much worse than fidesz.
Glorious, but obviously highly infiltrated already.
Vous n'utilisez pas /meadhall/ je vois, comment as-tu trouvé les autres?
Par quel moyen je sais vs joindre?
Do they protect and hide the crimes of communists and children of the criminal communists that slaughtered the Hungarians in 56?
Do they have 80% of its MPs as dual citizenship passport holding isrealis?
Do they promote jewish neo-conservatism like Fidesz?
Were they mentored and financed by George Soros like Fidesz's Orban was in the 80s?
So far Fidesz has merely played lip service to protecting the borders, Jobbik have forced them to actually build some real fences, meanwhile Orban is allowing niggers into the country while the jewish media is pretending he's so based in preventing muds getting in and gonna save Europe, while he is in the pay of international jewry,.
Amazing how many kosher nationalists on this board we are getting resent the very idea of goys organising against jewry instead of allying with them to fight all of isreals wars.
Can't find it in catalog anymore
Everyone knows how capable a group of white males can be at getting things done. At a subconscious level people are terrified of organised white people, that's why the main aim is to stop them unifying and working as group. Hence mass immigration.
where are your RWDS, america?
Ignorant American retard
Blow it out your ass.
Not a worry for Whites, which makes (((intelligence services))) anti-White.
Many law enforcement agencies are told to monitor places like Holla Forums too , only to end up agreeing with them .
Did you answer this question ?
Found the Fed.
He probably meant Jobbik (that showed signs of cucking it up lately). They are nationalists but I'm not Hungarian so I can't really say whether they are NatSoc or not.
In Slovakia there's the Kotleba party that is literally NatSoc and it got 8% of the votes in the last election and got into the parliament.
I can hear your French accent from across the ocean you hoity toity faggot.'
Take a bath frog, when Mohammad and your wife/daughter are done in the shower.
Jews exterminated by 2025 guaranteed.
Where is the American NatSoc party?
I can hear your American accent from across the ocean too. Very clearly, you're telling me America has no NatSoc party
Says the guy whose wife was raped by Jamal, I live in a white country lmao
France in 1940s before American and British llied forces forced France to bow before international jewry and the rest is history.
Why? They're only gonna chase after the Chads, not after you. 3DPD are only whores who will make you feel bad. They don't belong in a training camp anyway.
The only way women could NOT make a training camp worse is if the camp leaders deliberately wanted the non-Chads gone and were trying to convince people to go on suicide missions.In that case sign me up for death because I didn't go to camp to have it be a more militaristic version of fucking high school with the roasties and everything.
Sure it does, it had a KKK too but I wouldn't touch either with a 10-foot pole because I don't want to go to prison because they're both Alphabet agency honeypots.
wew, thank god I have chad tier looks then.
You lads have the United Patriots Front.
kkk was never natsoc. In its best form it was a rwds vigilante group but that was only in select locations and for a brief time.
Sad fact is after GLR was assassinated there hasnt been a single american national socialist effort worth mentioning. Pierce tried and was doing well until he fucked everything up at the end of his life and allowed the kike subversive skinhead movement to take the reigns.
this has been going on for years and jews "suddenly" discover this, kek
It's the same thing like Golden Dawn in Hellas, when they got more and more support, more and more info about their training camps and shooting ranges came out.. The media is acting like this is a bad thing but a growing number of people is starting to see that it's actually good and useful.
Americans love corrupt retards who play lip service to ideals and then take no action, which is why the faun over people like putin and orban.
Identity Evropa's whole thing is that it advocates for a white, non-jewish ethnostate without using national socialist imagery. Basically Holla Forums if we cared about PR.
yeah pretty much
I haven't had contact with them personally, but I did notice something interesting they draw alot from mountaineer / climbing community
Génération identitaire, they have summer camp since 2010.
before people say hurr durr 2012 vid
And as for who they are. Sorry for the jewtube embed hatechan don't want my mp4
This is all cringey and self-serving as hell. GI can eat a bag of dicks tbh.
All the world's a stage, after all. And it's up to us to crash the show.
idk, this video kind of helped me wake out of the stupor of thinking nationalism is bad. Basically giving a nice eloquent video about the 14 words
They probably make really gay faces when it's time for the range. Hurry up, you slovenly fairies.
Anything less than National Socialism is compromising.
you're right I should just wait for hitler
I'm loving the wooded landscape where this is taking place. You could do wonders with this in all the unspolt land in the US.
Be Hitler faggot. Don't settle.
oy vey :(
When in a ladder from a lower floor to a higher one, you go up one step at a time.
We're in a stage where every tiny push is valuable - also, these first redpills, usually more moderate, always lead people to get heavier ones later.
Hi moshe.
thanks moishe for your contribution to this thread.
tfw dozens of mudslimes groups are doing this in almost every US state.
Get your shit together burgahz.
If I wasn't convinced we were being shilled before, I sure as fuck am now.
When aren't we being shilled? At least we know we're doing something right.
Yeah because that works out so well with the niggers. It's not like jail is just PhD school for criminals or anything.
Also Mein Kampf was written in jail when the NSDAP guys were hanging out together
First you shitpost on the internet.
Then you shitpost IRL.
Then you LARP.
Then you win.
Looks extremely comfy, nothing like the nigger-filled streets Paris has today.
Jobbik literally believes dey wuz turkroaches.
Only goverment agents and losers think that way
top kek, I can't ever begin to decipher the doublethink in that statement
Good news. But without a proper civil war in the near future they will get rekt. I'd argue that these larping camps should begin few months of a forseeable civil war, because right now, they are exposing themselves to the public and will be hunted down, lose their jobs before a possible happening, which will heavily impede their ability to prepare.
On the other side it's difficult to predict civil wars, because of hidden (((catalysators))) like pre-mediated market crashes, shit skin chimpouts and intelligence community propaganda.
hi shill. what's it like losing a war with infinite financial backing and massive, highly trained support networks? what's it like losing the culture war to a polynesian rug hooking website?
All the Identitarians I have met were cucks that looked like you farted when you mentioned the JQ.
Are the French ones different, or are they all kosher?
Only losers spend a lifetime making no progress and clinging to the accomplishments of long dead men.
If what you say is true that would make him an american
generation identitaire cleaned out a drug spot in lyon and made it their territory. They're new right and do some great work. Met with the ones in germany and they're based as fug. Alot of qts but they're like all girls just in there because alot of guys meet and have fun so naturally they gravitate torwards the group to get attention.
min 01.30 for security footage
Looks a hell of a lot better than a bunch of SJW's in training.
Meanwhile in germany student fraternities have another background. This may look like laarping but these fraternities actually have always been like this for 200 years now They have been traditionally a ultra-conservative and nationalist force. There have been alot of scandals because some fraternities dont allow jews and require an "aryan pass" to join while others, like the one Nobert Hofer (from the austrian elections) have stated they want to Austria to join the german nation again. The student movement was the one that wanted to unite germany back in the 19th century. Now with the recent shift in the overtone window this movement is alive and kicking again.
04:55 torch march to a national monument
07:00 AfD politician
7:35 Books sold at the event are titled
We need this in Burgerland.
Why do you /brit/fags continue to whine "muh larping" every time somebody does something IRL?
one nationalist is more potent than 100 SJW's. Thats why we will win. Nature is on our side.
If you can name an ideological and economical system that can defeat the jewish parasite other than National Socialism, we're all fucking ears.
25% of children born last year were tested for sickle cell disease.
75% in Paris
That only accounts for Blacks and Arabs…
There are blue states in the US whiter than France.
If you ever go to such groups, be sure not to fall into traps or illegal shit. Always assume that feds have infiltrated or own the group.
Best thing you can do is carefully get to know people from there in your own way and make your own trusted circle/recruitment.
Always look out for feds, redflags, and especially jews. For example a 28 year old overly friendly hook nosed guy who asks too many questions and proposes questionable stuff, that's a redflag.
Try not to leave and hard evidence behind that you're part of the group either, just go there but don't tell anyone you know, don't write down your name there anywhere etc, be a "ghost member" in case of dox, Gubberment intervention or similar.
We're all David Davidson
If I remember the molymeme right, France has around 15% "foreign born" population but I suppose we can assume it's at least double since t*rkroaches born with French citizenship don't count as foreigners.
who here /fit/ and /k/?
What do you think feds can do with your info? They don't do anything illegal anyways.
What the fuck does that even mean? When I read the first time, I thought it was as in "european identity" as in some sort of EU army. When I read it the second time, I thought it had something to do with gender identities and all that shit. Can't they just say nationalistic?
It could get you on a secret service watchlist
I like this
it looks like fun
I think the "Identitarian" label is meant to distinguish themselves in terms of ethnicity, and screen out civic nationalist cuckfaggots. It takes too much time and energy to explain that "nationalist" inherently means "ethnic nationalist" anyway.
And the next thing you know is getting handcuffed. And if you don't fall for it, they'll still put you on a watchlist anyways.
We already have it although it's just not that obvious. Militia's, preppers, survivalists, etc. It's not outwardly identitarian but it's pretty damn obvious whose mostly doing it.
Should I join?
Kikes are in full force today, first on the Iran base thread and now here.
go back to Holla Forums retard. filtered.
You mean Holla Forums? Holla Forums is like 60% Holla Forums users
The human body isn't built like that. You're thinking of ants.
Full contact sparring is LARPing? Haha ok.
I will explain why:
No. You don't understand. There is a little thing called the Overton Window, and Rome was not built in a day. You have to move people from one position to another to get anything done. You don't instantly just teleport from Point A to Point B on a journey, you need to put one foot in front of the other. Winners (and just normal people in general) would be trying to do that. Even if you already were at your objective (which you're not because we haven't won yet), you would need to get the rest of your Folk over, also.
Anyone who is not interested in doing things in a practical way is not worth a flying fuck. If you want an audience to accept NS, they must accept each principle. And one other thing–stop tearing down those who are actually doing what they are supposed to and pushing the Overton Window intelligently. Very few are ruthless enough to just make a huge ideological leap over facts.
Finland needs one ASAP
Does this look like larping to you?
We need shit like this in America.
✓ ✓ ✓
Yeah what a fucking loser Hitler and Mussolini were, they'll never get power
oh wait
Dubs checked, but Gregor Strasser would have been even better. The Night of the Long Knives was a mistake.
They must still be doing something right since shlomo shekelstein doesn't like 'em…
Are there any uk based ones?
They made it clear with NA that any UK right wing movements will probably just get banned. You might be able to find an underground group if you search though.
Anything like this in the states
governments are not their friends, politicians are not their friends, police are not their friends.
In no timeline was that the better option
When Shlomo flinches, do it again even harder!
Op Gladio continues.
Get a load of this kike.
Golden Dawn, they got pretty good numbers in the last election.
Found the kike shill
Does anybody have that webm of Nige talking about Golden Dawn.
And Mormons.
Yeah that's well and good and all but who invited half-chan?
There was a couple in there that could use twice a day PT.
I guess mental deprogramming goes hand and hand with physical deprogramming.
They're there to get in shape.
Oy vey.
Gotta start somewhere. He should be encouraged not mocked.
So do we meme for them or not? That's all I have to know right now.
Any group like this in Scotland?
With Sturgeon trying to get a second indyref like a retard, I fear there will be a taig styled chimpout once Theresa May tells her to fuck off.
Everyone who posts here is already on a watchlist.
found the kike. Do your best to reconcile your nationalist vision with free market delusions, please.
yeah, Röhm was such a millstone around Germany's neck, I mean it wasn't like his organization of the SA was integral to putting the commies to rout or anything
in the timeline when Hitler wasn't able to purge the military of anyone who wasn't a yes-man and launch a war against the will of the German people, yeah, it was the better option. Strasser was every bit as good a speaker as Hitler, was charismatic, highly intelligent, and did far more to create the NSDAP propaganda machine than Adoplf.
Fake it till you make it bruh :^)
Checking the dubs of that winning fighting spirit that will lead us to success! Stay strong anons
We can now. It is fine. The only problem is money. That is, your job prospects with Jews ruined. But still possible for children to do. Sent by parents.
How can I say this? Well:
Trump renamed the anti-extremist branch into anti-Islam. The focus is now solely on Muslims. New groups will hardly be investigated.
We have voices in media. See JonTron and others who say protection of culture is a good thing. See Steve King.
The message is this: "We prepare because we enjoy our own health. We enjoy our bodies and using them. We enjoy exploring every aspect of our identity, with a concentration on strength and community. We mobilize ourselves and our bodies and we prepare and train not so that we may hurt others, but so that we may be prepared for others who might wish to do us harm. It is out belief that to have a strong racial and ethnic identity is not a sin or evil and that it says nothing of our intent. No more than a white man can complain about his disenfranchisement from power, or whine about a state not representing him, can any other identity do the same when there is a white man in power over them. Just as those who keep fit in case they may need to fight the greatest villains of this world, we prepare for our own - any which seeks to force us into a capitulation about who we are. To resolves ourselves against any that seek to muddy our heads with the murky poison of cynicism and nihilism. When we look at nature, we accept responsibility for our appreciation of it. We do not say that our opinion is truth for the world - but truth for us. We welcome anyone to engage in discourse with us, but we expect good faith. We look in history for inspiration and the old traditions which made us who we are today. We greet new traditions with open skepticism. We treat the world as that which we must adapt to. Our identity does not undermine, but supervenes on our state. It is our assertion that any multi-racial, multi-cultural, democratic and liberal society would be accepting of our ethnic pride. Any that seeks to shame one group, such as ours, or discriminate against us for the proud expression of ourselves, is anti-Democratic. We are practicing our beliefs of the highest expressions of ourselves and the pursuit our happiness. If this is disturbing to any, then we know that they do not understand us. That, they, are xenophobic; fearful of something they don't understand."
any itafags?
Either by ballot or by bullet Europe will be taken back by Europeans.
So, any way to find a local sect to join? Or nothing like that in spurdoland due to high levels of autism?
How do you know we'll win the race war? Because they cant even draw how to even pick up a rifle correctly.
Start a local group. Our central Texas group has 20 now, Austin has 30, We're trying to kickstart a second Austin group and start a San Antonio group. Best way to find groups is through Twitter or The daily stormer book clubs, that's where most of our recruitment is done.
If there's not one near you, start one. We network with our surrounding groups, the TRS guys, American Vanguard, We met an atomwaffen guy once but he was weird.
Be the change you wish to see in the world. Right now we just go on hikes and to the gun range and museums, with some activism and postering here and there. Baby steps.
Physical fitness is something everyone can always be improving on. Don't throw someone out because they need help getting started.
so what are y'all like a gay pride club or something
we also want to start doing group workouts eventually, basing off embed related and the USMC pft.
what does he say at the end about their immigration policy?
They don't do their shit in public, so a gay pride hideout.
no u
Thank you mods.
There is literally nothing gay about American Vanguard. Does this poster look "gay" to you?
kek that has to be a fake
May the win every battle and drink the glory of winning the final war.
May every deity who still cares for the White race give them all the power they need.
My faith rides with them.
My only issue is that most of these groups are either started by feds, or quickly infiltrated. (((They))) FEAR organized resistance the most, out of anything else. Even though some based feds would actually encourage this happening more, it would be a good place to recruit from.
I like the idea of this but I'd be afraid the thing would be co-opted or a honey pot of sorts. Best of luck to them regardless. They'll need it.
Landmines on the borders
Fuck yeah user, even if that group splits up maintain contacts with all of them. If the race war happens, you'll know who to call.
Yall wouldn't happen to extend up to DFW would you? I'm surprised you found that many in Austin to be honest.
See, the problem with that poster is that it doesn't capture the erotic masculinity that the one by AV does.
Attention Brisbane, Australia!
If you're interested in checking out or joining something similar, check out the Brisbane Resistance Group, Brisbane's official fascist resistance group, and a brain child of Holla Forums Holla Forums. Currently we're taking in more members before 2017's operations begin, so now is the perfect time to join.
Send us a letter of interest today! Please note that only serious applications will be considered.
See you soon. :^)
Deus Vult
Check the post below.
(This one.)
Join the resistance today!
Brisbane by any chance?
Then check us out:
I'm robert paulson, or jeb bush depending on my mood
In death, members of project mayhem have a name. That name is Robert Paulson.
Say you make an 'outdoor group', nothing political, nothing even survivalist, just your basic things such as: how to set up a tent, how to fireplace, etc. Still absolutely nothing political.
Could this be an extremely potent redpill?
You would attract a large number of able bodied youth. It's mostly whites interested in this kind of thing.
Even after a lighter hike, merits of being fit would surface on their own. No one would shout 'fat is beautiful' while on a hike carrying weight.
Wouldnt take too long for natural gender roles to emerge, females have lower lung capacity, bone density and muscle mass, they would naturally be inferior hunters, and the whole camp could do more with females doing appropriate work. No one would force them. They would simply say 'hey can you help me with x and I will help you with y'.
Gun culture could very easily become next. Hunting and nature go hand in hand. If you are teaching them first aid, how to purify water etc, and none of these are political, and you really are relaxed and friendly… why not also teach them how to handle guns?
Needless to say, after a while these activities would build up comraderieship.
Let's face it: urban life turns normal people into leftist faggots. Whites are naturally drawn to shepherd dogs, mountains, nature. Shitskins are all turbo urbanites. Nature teaches you logic and staying true. If your fire goes out, you will be cold, set a trap wrong and you will be hungry, no one owes you shit, nature oppresses us all, complaining is futile, but as long as you are staying true to working hard and working smart, things are great. Nature brutally demonstrates that some people are smarter, some stronger, some faster, etc. And the whole camp benefits from acknowledging these facts, that we are all different.
The whole thing would also be pretty shoa resistant because of:
What do you all think?
Back to 4cuck, faggot
You have to assume they are. Just don't do anything illegal and make it known that if anybody does or tries to do anything illegal they'll get kicked out and possibly reported.
No, but we've met some guys from DFW and Houston though, like when Richard Spencer came to college station, the Austin march for Trump, etc. We keep in contact with each other.
This is actually my dream endgoal with what I'm trying to do. I only want the upper echelon to know we're bringing about the fourth reich whereas the lower ranks are all doing activities and following politics we teach that align with our ideals. Example, a large concerted effort to remove taco from the states. They think they're doing it because "illegals r bad mkay" whereas it's just a part of the upper echelon master plan of white ethnostate.
hey fuck you guy, I'll say "normies" all i want
JFK wanted physically, spiritually fit goys! No!!
Yeah, he wasn't perfect but it's obvious why Jews took him out –one of many points of evidence – Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby, Jew. Look it up and wake the fuck up
Too late, you and your group are already filed under "Jew".
Says the faggot who's promoting a TRS-offshoot after the jimpacting.
WW2 was just LARPing with live ammunition.
Spain captured a weapons cache with enough weapons to fully equip 10,000 soldiers. Some old stuff, some high quality equipment never been used (rifles at bottom).
Media is running with "mafia", but a mafia doesn't need artillery, mortars and signals jamming equipment. And terrorists don't have access to Spanish military equipment.
This was a RWDS situation lol.
It's probably just ISIS
Full cache.
The cache contained $9,000 brand new fully automatic Spanish military CETME rifles, never before used. This almost assures a friend in government supplied it to these people.
Is there a single case of ISIS using CETME rifles? No. Wouldn't it be easier to buy AKs in North Africa and smuggle them in via Gibraltar? Of course.
tl;dr you're a dumb useless sagefag.
uh, what the fuck kind of mafias do you have in spain? you could start an insurgency with that shit
Then maybe your government is selling weapons to Syria or Yemen.
Jesus H. Christ. Are we sure these weren't for terrorists? They're probably the biggest importers of weapons in Europe now, and most organized crime is run by arabs now. I've the sneaking suspicion that if the shitskins wanted to take over Europe, the natives would be driven like fucking cattle.
The what now?
sauce ?
who owned the cache ?
Come game time, we're gonna need everybody anyway…
Shit, if it really was a RWDS situation, it really sucks they busted it. But good that our guys are preparing.
Any knowledge of New Zealand based groups or would I have to buy myself a ticket to aussie instead?
Sorry bud, no clue.
welp, good luck guys
Not likely when AKs go for $15 a pop.
Most of these weapons don't run on ammo you'd find anywhere in the middle east.
Some are clearly from WWII collections, like Thompson machine guns or German Mauser pistols.
By the way know who collects German Mauser pistols?
Oh no problem, GI has plenty of non-white members. They're all about "culture over race" and stuff. You can also buy their t-shirts or watch their pro-(((novorossian))) propaganda films.
GI = Eurasianist fifth column in the West.
Thank G-d they worry about white europeans instead of those peaceful syrian refugees that ask chemistry teachers how to build clocks.
ISIS even uses leftover Sturmgewehrs, you fucking retards.
And the guns here were badly decommissioned pieces reactivated in a workshop.
Fucking hell, every single man is completely ripped as fuck, and all the women are cuties.
Great find in that vid
How does one start a group like this, in the UK it would rapidly get shutdown if the wrong wording is used. I don't even know where to find like minded people in London.
Arent most of those remade versions made after WW2 in slavic countries?
The StG-44 were produced by Yugoslavia until the 1970s.
After the collapse of Yugoslavia NATO appropriated all stockpiled firearms and sold it in the third world.
Those aren't antiques, broomandle mausers ARE. And none of this explains the presence of fucking CETMES since Spain never collapsed like the Balkans and those are never before used rifles.
You are a fucking idiot.
they need to loose some weight and keep those head and eyes front
this group would have been dismantled long ago if not for their openly kosher politics
I dont even really get it why the jews think its so brilliant as to what they do. They take so much great effort to understand us a little bit, and when they do, when they latch on to a normal and natural behavior thing. They fuicking maximize on it as much as they can without even realizing the context, or even the fleeting value of it. Not realizing that this treasure that they discovered is just a fart in the wind for us.
How did they manage to control nations based on that? How did the white race become so incapacitated for a simple thing like "you racist!" for such a long time. While the white race took more than 50 years now to learn how to deal with a single word, many of us understand the hostility of the actor within a couple of minutes.
srsly, what the fuck whites.
The TRSodomites started it, which is ironic, because if anybody's "LARPing", it's libertarians with jew-wives who call themselves "fashy".
And were an NPI-affiliated honeypot that asked for criminal histories and pictures of your tattoos before you could post.
is that a saw on his back?
CREW, your bot thinks it's in a David Icke thread. Please fix.
Probably engineers.
They'll probably see war by the end of the month.
USA popularized race-mixing and spread it to the whole world with the shit they call culture.
Pick one
Idk, user. Maybe they just want respectable individuals to represent nationalism? Normies are not going to come around to overt NatSoc any time soon, and they don't like thugs.
You mean the Jews popularized race-mixing you autistic cuckchan trash.
to think, a few years ago I was as ripped as those guys…
They aren't saying "no", they're asking for personal details. If you don't find that even a little suspicious, or that the organization was founded by Angelo "only weak White men name the jew" Gage, then you deserve to get caught in ZOG's web.
And even if they're completely sincere (they aren't), they're still Aut-Right cancer.
shoo shoo shill
That's enough guns to liberate Europe, if anything.
Why you no join?
Dubs of show crushing checked brudder
Found the agent.
Regarding the weapons cache, I'll just remind everyone here of Operation Gladio.
Spain IS a NATO member state, all this proves is that they were part of Gladio too. If the weapons are relatively new, then it just also means that they kept doing it, but everything there looks to be about the right time frame; note that there are no integrated rails and there is plenty of ww2 surplus weapons along with 50s and 60s pattern rifles.
Yeah, subverted.
Looks like a Jewish cult
nice one shlomo
yup confirmed
it is larpin when your group is friends with kikes and a subtool of them too
that's what the identitarians are
i dont know that group in op is, but the faggy phalanx pose and the rest of it just confirms they are shlomo's shitstains yet again
i.e. fakes
how do you do fellow white nationalists?!1
Aaaaaaaand dropped
The faggots in that chat are like the nu-males of the right.
I've seen more balls from reddit.
Fun would be seeing Imkikey get a bullet in the head.
I want this to happen tbqh.
Filthy goddamn
Gonna need better clues on finding your contact. post a twatter handle or something.
t. austinfag
The fuck is he supposed to do? Meditate in forest until the ghost of Wotan possesses him? Fuck off.
He's from AV, so just install Grindr.
I'm not with them, I keep in contact with the local group in my area
kek the French
Why would a literal nigger want a RaHoWa half this board wants to see you gassed and the other half wants you sterilized
wew lad