Russian tax for having no job

Tax for "parasitism" is coming to russia, being developed by Olga Golodec and sure soon will be applied just like other idiotic russian laws.

New law consists in few steps:

1. "parasites" (NEETs) will be taxed by government for having no job

2. they will lose rights for free healthcare

3. they will lose all rights for everything that is government funded

This will hit on people who are self-applied or work not officially on the internet.

Housewifes, according to the same law applied in Belarus, will also have to pay the tax (and won't have free healthcare, so they will also have to pay for childbirth).

NEETs are fucking doomed to their very core, since its just police will come to their house and arrest for having no job.

This law is basically legalization of slavery, and will only piss off more russians, especially those that oppose Putin and his practices. They continue shooting themselves in their own foot, or just don't know where to steal money anymore, except for citizen without a fucking job.

Last time this law was seen in USSR.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you want riots? This is how you get riots.

Literally does not make sense.

Wow that's fucking retarded.

Are there no prisons?
Are there no workhouses?

Wow, I don't even know which shitposting flag I should put on to ironically defend this.

It's very good the poor finally have some skin in the game when it comes to taxes.

How about just porky?
The best way to re-include NEETs into society is to push them into the criminal justice system.
'Murica do this, but only for black poor.

I don't see anything wrong with this. You don't work, you don't eat.

Is this your opinion? Or does it have some factual basis?

Capitalism, obviously.

It's not about working or not working. As a prole you have to work, or you'll die. It's about people working, but not paying taxes to government. Thus: "tell the Man where you work, or pay fine".

IIRC Belarus already has this law.

There aren't enough jobs for everybody in a prosperous and well maintained nation, let alone Russia.


Wait I thought communists say 'if you don't work you don't eat'?

How the fuck are you supposed to pay the tax if you don't have a job? Do you just get sent to a tax-evaders prison if you can't pay it?


Nigga that's all well and good when there's jobs to be had where you're not being exploited, but under these circumstances they're taxing you for being in the industrial reserve army that they put into place.

I'm sure that will change a lot and he will be voted out of office and the next guy will be different and better :^)

Chodemonkey is really good at programming and at life in general and this site works great because Yogapig gives a fuck about things other than datamining

Good thing Putin can't lose an election

Global millennial revolt when?

2017? Febuary or october.

Putin is rebuilding the USSR 1 step at a time.

It would make my life if the collapse of the USSR was just a really long ruse.

God bless that man.

He's playing 69-dimensional chess XDXDDDxdDD


And how is that a bad thing, comrade? Did you know that the USSR had almost zero unemployment because the commissar was so worried about you finding a job that he personally came to your house every week to check up on you and to remind you that your ass will be hauled to the to the gulag if you didn't.

Don't tell me that you are that much of a bourgeois faggot that you think it is acceptable to leech off the working class?

Very funny, Holla Forums. If you weren't good at anything you could fill bags at the grocery store and if you didn't like it you could go to college for free. People forget the Soviets had the best education system in the world.

Theres no jobs for them and no way for them to get re-educated. Any gain to society by forcing them to do meaningless work is gain for the capitalists, not all of society.

no that's the old testament


Next time go further than first page google results.

Was there 100% employment in the USSR? How did the state deal with genuine layabouts who refused work?


Employment statistics typically only look at people who want to work, no? Otherwise, the number would always be low due to house-spouses, kids, elderly, sick, etc.

He's full of shit.

People didn't have the internet then. Its reasonable to want to stay home hanging out when you've got literal virtual reality and infinite torrents of information at your disposal. It cannot be compared to wanting to stay home talking to people, squatting, drinking and having sex. Its apples and oranges my man.

Ignore my shitposting flag.

Russia, Inc.

>From “structural reforms” of the 2000s to austerity policies today, neoliberalism has been and remains an organic part of the Putin regime.
>As Putin promised in his speech, the authorities are actively introducing insurance-based medicine, while cutting financing of and access to free health care.
>There are now additional paid courses in some public schools. If you’re a doctor or teacher, 30% or more of your paycheck is calculated via incentive pay scheme — that is, you have to demonstrate some special achievements to receive it. What’s more, it is assumed that employees should compete with one another for this “extra” money. Museums and other cultural institutions are constantly being forced into “self-sufficiency” measures, which means cuts or even complete stop to public financing. They have to make their income themselves. And finally, there are constant attempts to “optimise” the whole network of state institutions.

Full article here:

gooby, plz

you forgot to mention that in the SU job was guaranteed
and not just any job (hello fastfood subhumans), but job in accordance with your speciality
and if you wanted another job, you could learn new trade, or even attend university while working
all for free, of cource

Then it's neither prosperous, nor well-maintained.

"Punishment" for not being employed in USSR was getting a job. Mandatory, yes (and then you would get in trouble if you persisted in slacking off - then you might get sent to some Siberian village to work as a warehouse keeper or something; slackers were generally townfolk, so that was considered a threat for them). But it wasn't a fine.

And the general idea was that you got rights along with your duty to work. Now it's just pure Capitalism.

When we'll have secure anonymous social networks/communications.

Yes. There are other things too. Some religious guy once called Communism Atheist's Crusade against Usury.

See above. Mandatory job in some Siberian village.


Is this porky recursion?


I feel like this is a good litmus test to see if lolbertarians truly hate state interference or if they just hate unemployed people.

Normies can't into this. This is no use!

And then it was getting normies off facebook and onto these platforms.


Has it been posted on /liberty/?

i would support this law if it was in full communism.

but because its in a failing capitalist society where job finding is very unstable and work amounts to being exploited then its gross


For what purpose?

damn, wrong quote>>948975

S-so the USSR is comming back!?

közveszélyes munkakerülés

Russia is finally reviving Keynesian principles?