Prison guards at Holman prison go on strike with the prisoners?

Prison guards at Holman prison go on strike with the prisoners?

Is it going down Holla Forums? Did some of the screws fall through porky's propaganda net? Are material conditions correct for some contingent of the armed wing of the pork-state to defect?

I'll wait until we learn more about their motives. I can't really see any way that this is actually great news though. My guess is that the guards are just striking for better wages or conditions… which is completely counter to our goals. We want them all fired, not promoted.




oh I see, you're advocating locking up every criminal indefinitely? because otherwise, you want criminals roaming in the street.

wew lad
why don't you go and live with them?
Also you shouldn't call the police, ever. I hope you get robbed m8. I did once and I'm glad police was there to help me catch the robber.

I'm not the guy you're replying to but I would be fine with death sentances.


Prison guards aren't police, they are people who have gotten a job from often the only place there is one available. Improving the lives of workers bit by bit is a decent goal to strive for, and the labour movement is better for struggling than letting people get fucked over.

I doubt they've defected. Hopefully I'm just a paranoid asshole whose paranoia is unjustified for once.

fuck off Useful Idiotist cunt.

prison guards are possibly even worse than police.

Anecdotal but of the two prison guards I've met, one was a proto-polyp (modern day Nazipol, not Dale Gribble like Holla Forums used to be) and the other was pretty much a Chad. Both were insufferably smug chickenshits who got off hard to the work they did, luridly sperged out about it at the slightest provocation and expected everybody to act like the sun shone out of their asshole just like their captive audience. One of them is related to a chickenshit yuppie judge who would shit corkscrews if he ate nails and somehow seems to get re-'elected' every election cycle. Not relevant but since I'm shitting on them, one of them porked fat chicks. I'd gladly put either of those motherfuckers to the wall. and no chucklefuck, I didn't meet them in prison, one was a friend-in-law, the other I did yardwork for

why don't you change the laws, then? you can't blame a person for doing his job
also, stop making criminals out to be some kind of saints like they dindu nuffin

Ah, it's a moving the goalposts and being a boring tedious cunt episode.

wew lad

All cops should be hanged with the guts of all copcucks.

Obvious troll or eurofag. In murica this dont happen unless you are petit-bourg scum.

ew that ring tatt
makes me wanna shine my boots…


don't worry, he's already dead. iirc he's one of the ones Blax Pain shot that we were supposed to forget was a white supremacist and give up moar rights because we feel bad about one person dying.
