It is our Right to Influence and Control America with the Media: Dershowitz Posted by EU Times on M

“People say Jews are too powerful, we’re too strong, we’re too rich, we control the media, we’ve too much this, we’ve too much that and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don’t do that, don’t do that! We have earned the right to influence public debate!”

Other urls found in this thread:>>9489468–Finkelstein_affair the jew succeeds in rewarded for his meaningless glibness&source=bl&ots=Ok2vHXImQg&sig=sZ6mmw__REK-iCtVPeZZVQZD3fY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEzsHrxtzSAhVJn5QKHaQWCsYQ6AEIGTAA#v=onepage&q=but the jew succeeds in rewarded for his meaningless glibness&f=false

More like wildly throw around accusations of anti-semitism. I don't think i've ever heard a jew apologise for anything in my life.

This pretty much always happens. This is history repeating itself.

Just at the moment when the Jew believes he is victorious, one does not need to name the Jew.
The Jew will name himself.

One of the worst kikes and everyone knows it. Documentary related

Oh whoops. Wrong one

Yes. They should stop denying it so we can get this show on the road.

Wait I just noticed this. What the fuck is he trying to say here? They apologetically deny their absolute control of everything? How can you apologize for something that they deny? Haha what the fuck?

Is this the Breitbart Jew?

This has always scared the shit out of me: this kike is one the few big Jews never to attack Trump, and even to defend him at times. Makes me wonder if the Jews wanted him and Adelson as their "insurance" just in case Trump won, or if this fuck thinks he can manipulate Trump into an Iranian war.

As Dr. Pierce said of Dershowitz: "He's not a lawyer, he's a not a civil libertarian, he's not even a fellow human being; he's a JEW and that sums up everything."

Kikes never apologetically apologize for anything, they insist that they don't control finance, banking, entertainment, information, schools, and government, and if YOU don't apologize we'll destroy your life. The goyim need to know their place.

They admit it amongst themselves In their scholarly historical books and papers on Jewish history. Most of the sources the "white supremacists" and "antisemites" use to "defame" jews, come from the jews themselves.

It's both, they seek to control both sides in everything. They will even gain control of anti-Iranian war factions to ensure that jewish interests are protected without a war. Every policy issue will have an angle that benefits jews no matter which side wins.

This lmao

Links related

When Victims Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America
A clearinghouse for information featuring over 10,000 citations from about 4,000 scholarly and mainstream sources

It's like the whole Jewish slave trade thing. How did we know about it? Jewish records themselves although they'll still deny it to no end.

That's the problem with kikes and one of the reasons why they're so despised. They truly believe they can do no wrong, they're pure evil.

I was reading an article in..I think "The New Yorker" claiming to explain why there is no Left anti-war movement. Dr. Pierce explained it in 2001. When the war was in Vietnam and against communists, the Jews were there to lead and organize. Now that the war is IN ISRAELI INTERESTS, suddenly a protest against the war wouldn't be fashionable and the media Jews would ridicule them. It really is amazing how the kikes pull the strings. 16 years straight of war, no real protests against them. WHY? It's good for the Jews.

He's crying for an actual oven isn't he?

I had to deal with a kike recently on some youtube video who even after I showed why antisemitism was a thing he could only say things like

Remember to a communist "peace" means "submission" and we all know Communists are Jews.

So he is actually telling the truth there.

Where did his jew quote come from? Torah or Talmud?

You don't even have to look at it as "they". If there is money or power somewhere, and no jew nearby in that position, some jew will try to fill that vacuum.

By crashing the value of media companies and "buying" them from the owners for nothing and a promise not to kill the owners.

The willful naivety still surrounding Trump is getting stale.

Soon you filthy inbred parasites

This is an important video. Can somebody webm this so I can use it to red pill some folks?

Can this be the last time, please?

Here's the mp4.

He means Jews among Jews make excuses to each other over why, but deny to us and themselves the truth.

Comment from a separate account but remember jewgle uses many methods to figure who owns fake accounts and connects them to your real accounts.

I think that's why there are so few comments.

anti Kike slide bump

"If, with the help of their Marxist fighting machine, the Jew is successful in taking over the world, his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity, and the earth will once again spin through the ether devoid of higher life." -A.H. (actually probably my fav Hitler quote)


im not against mutually beneficial deals

What is benefitial about a group of people distorting truth and even getting rich in the process?



Don't confuse parasitic with symbiotic.

Huh. A self-naming Jew. What will they think of next.

We've really gone full circle, haven't we? We're officially /1933/ now.

He keeps bragging about their strength. But strength is the one thing they don't have.




You forget user, what good is all that power when jews have always been their own undoing?


Sure but that's not what the other user was claiming.

That too. There's no reason why they should have that much power in the first place.

My only point is jews have always been their own undoing, and we're watching it happen again.

Looks solid. Another good book is "The Jewish Strategy" by Revilo Oliver.

What did he mean by "peace"

Lying sack of shit

Same guy who watched Jeffery Epstein abuse children and participated himself.

Is this what the shills are trying to slide with blizzardtalk? He probably regrets coming out and saying it outside of one of their meetings.

What do you think? A world in which all goyim are enslaved or destroyed.

What the Jew has planned is far beyond the common goyim dream.

That should say
What you said sounds like he's supporting how the UN defined it.

The kike world order you mention will fall apart sooner than the chair that the obese kike is sitting on while gorging himself on latkes. Let's not sit around and wait for it to be a reality for even a millisecond.

That's some damn fine formatting OP




Not the Torah. Maybe the Tanakh (it's so large, it may have been an obscure quotation), but probably the Talmud.

Anyone else think the jews having getting more and more bold lately?

They got their man in the White House so why wouldn't they?

shilling aside I noticed it before the election

IF it happens, there will be no way back.
By the time this happens, if it does, robot police will be already a thing.
If "police" can be mass produced and moved at someone's else will without question, then there is no chance for revolution. It would become impossible to overcome.

Do not think, even for a second, that there will be no insect sized robots that can kill you, if such future becomes a reality.

Or much easier still, kill switches, implanted at birth

Looks like their sins of arrogance, greed, and pride, and their lack of knowledge of history will once again lead the Jews to out themselves and wake the goyim up. This time, let's make it us who writes the history books.

Holy WHAT? Yeah, 'cause jews are always giving more than they take. They never printed a dollar they didn't earn.

What planet is this true? He seems to genuinely believe this crap

Do I have to do everything around here? It wouldn't even be on yet because it's too fresh. Would be a shame if it was suddenly (((pulled))) for being too true.

Already backed up the video locally too. I seriously hope some of you faggots are using your TB drives to store things that jewtube and other host sites can pull without notice. Better yet, you better be reuploading this to as many video sites as possible.

Come on man, haven't you seen Terminator or The Matrix?

The scary shit isn't metal skeletons, it's weapons modeled after a virus or something that can deployed from space and irradiate any needlefine point deemed too truthful for society. Those kinds of weapons don't drift into public hands, and you can't really fight back against it with nuggets.

just looked at this guy's judaswatch entry holy shit what a dirty stinking kike

Oy vey!

Remember to not make the same mistake Moses made: slaughter them ALL, down to the last women and children as they cry and beg for mercy. If you don't genocide them, they'll genocide you (and then steal your culture/identity and pretend it's theirs).

Let us hope and pray that they keep scoring own-goals like this. He seems to not realise that there's a reason Jews compulsively hide their influence and their Jewishness.


not anymore, they've overplayed their hand. nobody wants a bunch of neurotic kikes telling them how to run their affairs.

Here have a non-Rand-sized version of my OC

What they deserve, is to be hung by their rat necks until dead.

Robot police huh? I bet you just watched your dad's copy of thx1138 on Jewray.

MOTHERFUCKER, you will be looooong dead and buried before there's a robot equal to a cockroach. Stop watching fucking jew movies and thinking that shit is real life. You probably fall for the jew's 'transhumanism' bullshit as well.

Oh yeah, much easier. You do know that rfid implants cause Cancer right, dummy? But you think what? Explosvies in the spinal cord? hahah

Holla Forums btfo


Robot cops are soon upon us, but they don't look the way you think. They won't be walking around our streets. They'll be flying high above our streets, using wide angle telescopic lenses and algorithmic image stitching to create 24/7 total surveillance of all human movements in cities.

These systems were originally inspired by Afghanistan and Iraq, and are already being tested in Baltimore:

You know what they say, "we will lead every revolution against us".

thanks fug

you water-fat city-dwellers have only yourselves to blame

They'll deploy it anywhere there is insurgency.

That is pretty good

Nah, we're still in the 1920s. Soon though

The domination of the goyim by jews

This can't be stressed enough. We have 4,000 years of history showing people, OUR PEOPLE, making the same mistakes over and over and over. We can't allow it this time. Too much is at stake

Oy vey! It was horrible! Muh six gorillion!
They really can't help themselves, can they? I mean, it's like their entire race is addicted to pogroms. At this point, I may as well start counting the days until a French commie kike assassinates a key member of Trump's cabinet.


You know what this means, right Holla Forums? We've now reached a point where all we have to do is post this video in regards to kikes trying to manipulate conversations with "da joos" and "anti-semite" "nazi", etc. This kike has gotten so powerful he lost his mind, and thank fuck for that.


this is truth; leftists are very weak, but very emotional. To get them to go along with war, just promote their apathy more than their sympathy. If war is NOT desired, the inverse.

This, this guy is a shitbag. Defended him in that farce of a court case too, what a convenient way of paying for all the sweet underaged Haitian pussy Epstein provided him with.

Probably a stupid question, but has any other news site, (((MSM))) or a real news source normalfags use? I think this would be a good way of making more of them aware of how things really are.


Fuck. Meant to say "any other news site (((MSM))) or any real news source normalfags use report about this?". Apologies.

kek vult

Or as it is properly known

We are not, Mr. Kike, we are not..



Why would the Jewish media report on a Jew saying the Jews own the media?
The closest you may get is something like

It would be awfully nice if ol' Dershbag went to the gallows jail with the rest of them when the time comes.

Came in here to also remind anons about this pedo kike.

Reminder: Dershowitz was caught in the Epstein pedo sting, and most of Epstein's child prostitutes accused Dershowitz.

Even the pedo kike writing this couldn't contain itself and inserted a cringe pedo pun.

What rustles my jimmies so fucking badly is that these kikes OPENLY ADMIT TO EVERYTHING and yet the masses still turn a blind eye and refuse to listen.

it's called gaslighting




If pity ever comes to your mind, let that stay in a corner of your heart. That will be our downfall.

http:/ /

Start making homebrew MANPADS.

Related to the topic, does anyone have some lugenpresse-related redpills/infographics? It would be smart to take advantage of the sticky also because I need to restore my redpill folder


i am pretty much resigned to this. if you believe in the bible, it's the last book; if you literally are a non-comatose human being, your eyes tell the tale of the world.

https ://

Nor have I.

all the shekels in the world


That cretins like Dershitwitz are so much as even ALLOWED to make such a ludicrous and obnoxiously brazen statement, and are not immediately hanged after doing so by an incensed populace, sickenly underscores what a world of cowards and cucks this has become. Truly nausea-inducing stuff.

These pigfuckin' jews need to learn that shekels don't stop bullets.

who else?


Make up your fucking mind.

Pedo-kike being a kike what else is new.

Yes I do believe he named the Jew. Very efficient have to admit that.

Also if you really listen to what he says is the same shit as always. God forbid they ever say how much they love this country. Always a complaint. And always talk about strength for them and their community, but not for their fellow Americans. It seethes out of him, his hate for this country that made him rich.


You don't get it, do you?

Talking anything about jews is forbidden, if you talk bad about them, they will complain, if you talk good they will complain. If you are a public person, you will be sued in a matter of days, if not hours for talking anything regarding jews.

They will always complain, because they don't want you talking about them. They think you should be in no business of giving any opinions regarding them. It is not legally forbidden yet because they didn't push a law hard enough to make it pass.

Take the Soviet Union. They had an entire province beyond the Urals in the border with China exclusively for themselves, yet goyim were not even allowed to know about its existence.

You can't call someone a nigger, only a nigger can call another nigger, a nigger. That's the jewish wish.

Slaves should not be talking about their masters. That's the jewish logic.

Do you get that now? People are merely trying to get by and not be thrown in jail and have the little of life still sparkling in them, destroyed.

What have jews ever built in the USA? jews are only good at exploiting White goyim.

Didn't they kill a russian UN ambassador the other day?


Anyone remember the weird room that someone accidentally found @ the zaza hotel in houston?

The dude on the picture hanging in the room is apparently Jay Comeaux, former Stanford Financial Group executive before being jailed for as the reddit post points out, running a 7 billion dollar ponzi scheme. After some quick googling he graduated from LSU, home to the secret society of "The Friars", from wikipedia: " Their symbol is the coffin with a skull and cross bones above it, and their colors black and burnt orange", so it seems like some sort of Skull & Bones affiliate club.>>9489468

Guess who defended Stanford Financial Group in court…

oh boy




Stock up on these tendies.
We mostly ate spelt and other low gluten grains back in the day, making matters worse is it's extremely high gluten hybrids being grown right now as they're better suited to mass production. Top all that off with the fact these grains are making a larger portion of our diets, and you've got the problem of everyone taking in tons of something they're not really equipped to digest.

uh.. we are not going to have anything to do with you.

Keep dropping the redpills. Avoid soy and milk

We need to make wheat great again. Our staple food has been stolen from us and turned into a poison. I wish more people cared. The new type of wheat fucks with me so much that I had to switch to rice and potatoes.


Such is life for Washington Post employees.

Reminds of that nigger writing semi-biographical erotica, where he recieved visions of Thomas Jefferson while jizzing in some sheboon's mouth.



I now understand fully why Hitler did what he did


If your opponent is making a mistake, don't stop him, encourage him. Be like those asians that dodge a punch, grab you by the arm and use your momentum to throw you into the ground.

kung fu?

He's not wrong TBH

Not only is that a jew naming the jew but the normies will agree with the fucker.

Still, kek'ed.

Based Angelo

People say Whites are too powerful, we’re too strong, we’re too employable, we control the government, we’ve too much this, we’ve too much that and we often apologetically deny our strength and our power. Don’t do that, don’t do that! We have earned the right to influence this world.

I clarify: Whites only use their power to promote justice.

Dershowitz played a key role in negotiating a secret provision in the pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s plea deal that immunized “any potential co-conspirators” from federal prosecution, including himself. In other words, Dershowitz negotiated an agreement that (if the allegations against him are true) shields him from prosecution for participating in a child sex-trafficking ring.

AIPAC was the most vigorous proponent of all the middle eastern wars the U.S. got itself into.

oh i get it now thanks. i not him though :(

Culture based on victimization.

Avoid soy, DRINK milk.

I eat more dairy than anyone I know but I still avoid milk. I've run many tests and my health is better without it in my diet.

Couple things to be aware of:
First of all not all dairy has the correct casein profile to be properly digested by humans. Only a certain kind called 'A2 dairy' does. No one knows this - it's not common knowledge (for a reason). But awareness is growing.

Second thing to know is that if milk is turned into cheese or fermented into yogurt or kefir then it is much easier to digest and the hormone balance changes to be more androgenic than esterogenic (a good thing).
I'll still drink a glass here and there if I crave some, but 75% of my dairy consumption is cheese with the rest being kefir.
The ancient greeks and romans only ate cheese. If you look at their writings they considered people who drank milk to be barbarians. They didn't even fuck around with yogurt or kefir. This is for good reason too as cheese is the easiest to digest, most androgenic form of dairy. Cheese is technologized dairy - a human invention - the superior form of dairy.

Remember that most of the cheeses eaten back then were aged for months too (fermented) so they were full of good vitamins and bacteria. Very health promoting.

It doesn't mean to apologize, you mong. Apologetics is to argue persuasively in favor of a position. He is saying they should not try to argue that they do not manipulate media but be proud of that fact because they have earned it.

Denesha diamond vacum suck that mothafucka ?

I made this a while back, hopefully it's not too terrible

sauce? info?

Kurds BTFOing turkroaches.

holohoax museums


Don't helicopters have a counter measure for SAMs?
Or was Turkey too piss poor to afford such state of the art equipment?

(((They've))) reached the point where they don't even have to hide it anymore.
They have enough power and people are so fucking brainwashed for the last few generations, that they can do anything they want in plain sight.

Well thanks kike maybe this will help convince my jew loving relatives(who also support Trump and nationalism) that the kikes hate them.

the true israel (god's people) has no problem with right and wrong. it is in every fiber of their being. they would break any "law" to do right if the circumstances were pressing enough.

however, the synagogue of satan acts only as formal contract dictates, the ultimate of which is the procedures of government, enforced by a state. this is why jews bend and break the rules.

until the rest of us wise up, it only results in more rules.

laputan machine

Anti-semitism in Christians is common sense Christian (revelations 3:9).

That's typical Jew style of argument. No race ever stays so true to their stereotype like kikes do, you can even spot them in their path of argument.

There was another kike who instead of taking down my arguments would just attack me personaly saying I was jealous that jews were hard working people and that they created all kinds of jobs.

That slippery kike always does that. They flip frames of conversation at a drop of the hat. First it's "muh poor victim" then it's "you just jealous hater"

Work? The goyim do that for us. They build everything. Cars….."

Sounds more like aikido. If the Jews fear the samurai, and aikido is based off of the motions of a samurai, then aikido should be learned.

in a world with nuclear weapons we cannot allow have one race of people who are capable, but also very hostile, both racially and through their religion against us.

The jew genocide should be the #1 agenda for the entire planet. Not a single other race has such a high value of evil in their blood. Basically 95% of all jews are evil, barely 5% of them are neutral, and 0.000001% or less are actually good.

srsly, the planet is too fragile, the conflicts that may loom over the other races, the economic woes that the jews also have a hand in…they could all spiral out of control with the jew in play and it could mean all life on earth perishing.

ALL JEW DNA MUST BE REMOVED FROM EARTH. ALL OF IT. Maybe then we can see if anything else must be removed without the biggest provocateur in the planet present in military, and economic systems.

Yep. Old school evil tactic.


saved, good work user.

The cycle of judaism:

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here.
It came to me when I tried to classify the jews and I realized that they're not actually mammals.
Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but jews do not.
They move to a host country and they ruin everything, and the only way they can survive is to spread to another country.
There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern.
Do you know what it is? A virus.
Jews are a disease, a cancer of this planet.
They're a plague and we are the cure.

nothing wrong? except not win

You didn't before?

western countries have laser deflectors and flares, in some cases.
cockroach people are too poor and too stupid to have those.

Funny, I grew up on schlong island in a 20% jewish town, have to say I've never heard a jew apologize either


They're getting scared again.

And the MSM wonders why they are becoming more and more irrelevant. Alan Dershowitz proving once again that Hitler did nothing wrong.

There are still so many people afraid to label what is in plain sight. Jews own most banks and television stations, soros and the rothschilds are jews, zuckerberg is a jew, jews financed the russian revolution, fed chairs are always jews. I can't believe you aren't able to bring this us online WHEN THE JEWS THEMSELVES ADMIT THEY CONTROL IT ALL.

Das rite

It's the biggest hurdle for all normalfags to come to terms to. In America at least, while not as forced as other countries, the education system teaches the history of WWI and WWII in a way that makes the allied forces the good guys that did nothing wrong, while making the Axis powers the bad guys that did the most horrific atrocities known to man (I was lucky to have a school that did talk about other countries history with genocide, specifically communist China's history with the "Great Leap Forward" that killed more than ANY other genocide in world history). Debating, questioning, or criticizing the one-sidedness of it, while not landing you in jail, paints a big target on you from others who don't question it, hence why the meme of what most people know of that period of history is still persistent to this day. Doesn't help that the narrative goes to extreme lengths to not have people look into history that isn't controlled by (((Them))). But as others have mentioned, people are starting to wake up and smell the bullshit in the narrative, slowly, but surely. I've heard people talk about the bullshit the press feeds them, and how tired they are for being targeted and demonized for going against the narrative most leftists try to shove down our throats.

Soon enough, Our enemies will reveal themselves to the point where not even the most blue-pilled normalfag will be able to deny it, and in the age of the internet, it will be recorded and preserved for future generations to look back on and learn from lest it all happens again.


This man disagrees with you.

Balance arts are great in any case. They are best for the employment of weapons, which ought to be used in any serious engagement anyway. Elite killers do not punch and rarely kick.

circles > lines



I am not clicking this. I refuse to grant audience to his self satisfaction or his audacious lies.

Alan Dershowitz is a total piece of shit. He is partially responsible for ruining the college career of Norman Finkelstein, a Jew that wrote books and college theses on what he labelled 'The Holocaust Industry' and on the whitewashing of the ethnic genocide that the Jews undertook in modern Israel. He directly opposed 'From Time Immemorial' by joan peters and debunked it, and also debunked a book written by alan dershowitz that was based on joan peter's book, to the point that dershowitz was exposed as not only an Israeli shill but a plagiarist as well by a fellow Jew. Later, after the Democracy Now! debate between the two, Dershowitz pulled some strings and Finkelstein lost his bid for tenure. Dershowitz openly admits that he involved himself in the process. Dershowitz is a shit leopard, and a shit leopard cant change his shit spots.

You can't make this up–Finkelstein_affair

"Shortly after the publication of the book The Case for Israel, by Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz, Norman Finkelstein alleged that it was "a collection of fraud, falsification, plagiarism and nonsense."[1] Finkelstein further derided the book, remarking, "If Dershowitz's book were made of cloth, I wouldn't even use it as a schmatta … his book is such garbage."[2] Finkelstein charged that Dershowitz had engaged in plagiarism in his use of Joan Peters' book From Time Immemorial.[3] Dershowitz has denied the charges. Former Harvard president Derek Bok, following a review requested by Harvard Law School Dean Elena Kagan, determined that no plagiarism had occurred.[4][5]

In Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History, published by University of California Press on August 28, 2005, Finkelstein aimed to debunk The Case for Israel. Dershowitz had written letters to both the New Press and to the University of California Press to prevent its publication, claiming it contained massive libel and stating that the book should not be published.[6] Dershowitz responded in his book The Case for Peace and alleged a politically motivated campaign of vilification spearheaded by Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, and Alexander Cockburn against several pro-Israel academics.[7]

Dershowitz's involvement in Finkelstein's denial of tenure

In September 2006, Alan Dershowitz sent members of DePaul University's law and political science faculties what he described as "a dossier of Norman Finkelstein's most egregious academic sins, and especially his outright lies, misquotations, and distortions that… are not incidental to Finkelstein's purported scholarship; they are Finkelstein's purported scholarship," and he lobbied professors, alumni and administrators to deny Finkelstein tenure.[31][32] De Paul's political science committee investigated the accusations against Finkelstein and concluded that they were not based on legitimate criticism. The department subsequently invited John Mearsheimer and Ian Lustick, two independent academics with known expertise on the Israel/Palestine conflict to evaluate the academic merit of Finkelstein's work. Mearsheimer and Lustick came to the same conclusion.[32] In April 2007 the De Paul University Liberal Arts and Sciences' Faculty Governance Council had voted unanimously to send a letter to Harvard University expressing "the council's dismay at Professor Dershowitz's interference in Finkelstein's tenure and promotion case."[31]

In early 2007 the DePaul University Political Science department voted 9 to 3, and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Personnel Committee 5 to 0, in favor of giving Finkelstein tenure. The three opposing faculty members subsequently filed a minority report opposing tenure, supported by the Dean of the College, Chuck Suchar. Suchar stated he opposed tenure because Finkelstein's "personal and reputation demeaning attacks on Alan Dershowitz, Benny Morris, and the holocaust authors Eli Wiesel and Jerzy Kosinski" were inconsistent with DePaul's "Vincentian" values.[33] In June 2007 a 4–3 vote by DePaul University's Board on Promotion and Tenure (a faculty board), affirmed by the university's president, the Rev. Dennis Holtschneider, denied Finkelstein tenure.[34][35] Finkelstein was placed on administrative leave for the 2007–2008 academic year (the remainder of his contract with DePaul), his sole course having been cancelled.[36] However, in announcing his decision, Holtschneider said the outside attention "was unwelcome and inappropriate and had no impact on either the process or the outcome of this case." On September 5, 2007, Finkelstein resigned after he and the university reached a settlement; they released a joint statement on the resolution of the conflict.[37][38][39][40]"

Finkelstein got jewed by jews as a conscientious jew.

Footage of Finkelstein breaking Dershowitz down. Do not underestimate this footage. As Trump is a traitor to the ruling class, so is Finkelstein with the ruling Israeli class.

He is revealing his hand.

A fucking +

You sir are a hero.


Norman Finkelstein's work is priceless to pol because it is very well sourced..


Obligatory for this thread.


Some good shit.

Chris Christie is a good man. He was an excellent Attorney General.

eh, Trump used him because he had skeletons

What skeletons? I admit Trump used him and it was glorious. I never would support him as President, but as a law man I support.

I strongly suspect Chris has dirt on some powerful people in the tri-state area, otherwise the whole bridge-gate shit wouldn't have leaked.

I'm sure he has all the pedo dirt. I'm not so sure he himself did anything wrong with the bridge. Admittedly, I'm not well versed on New Jersey bridges.

Like getting Epstein off scott-free, what a joke.

The open up the borders, flood the country with spics, give niggers the vote, take over the media and spend decades shitting on white people and how now convinced themselves that this was a "contribution" to the U.S..

They did it thanks to money, so more like "muh capitalist (((heroes)))"


Now I am not trying to make the "based Jew" argument happen again.


Finkelstein is living evidence that not every Jew is completely corrupt. He's done more than most of us in terms of "naming the Jew." He's a good man imo.

Triple Containment. Keep the Muslims, the left and the right all occupied at the same time and fighting each other rather than identifying common goals, interests or beneficial ground. Take one side with the intention of abandoning that side when you got what you need and using what you know about the left, right or Muslims from your previous alliance to hurt that group.

Any focus or obsession on Islam outside of it being an obvious representation and demonstration of the excess of uncontrolled immigration in the west should be questioned to determine if it is being discussed to serve foreign interests and proxy wars, to the detriment of the west


Also, to channel rage against immigrants/white displacement/political correctness towards the one immigrant group that right-wing Jews strongly dislike. Focusing solely on Muslims is earning yourself to right to take in any of the billion or two Christian shitskins from Africa or Latin America, while pretending you have a victory because no more Muslim immigrants from places like Syria.

I think it's best to put it this way: For nearly every rule, there are a number of exceptions. However, that shouldn't mean that we must live our lives according to those exceptions. If I don't die in a violent crash every time I choose not to wear a seat-belt when driving, that doesn't mean that I won't buckle up. It's too much of a risk.

Similarly, there's the idea of "based jews" or "self-hating jews" who at least aren't part of the great agenda of which we're all well aware. It's a bad idea to let exceptions influence our attitudes toward the rule. "Oh, maybe this one's not all that bad." "Oh, maybe I won't bother with the seat-belt this time." It's downright dangerous to adopt this mindset. Let's assume for a moment that the "based jews" argument is true. That only means that our enemies can hide behind that veneer, much like how they've hidden behind their regular veneers for all this time.

I really like those videos online of exotic pets – some guy domesticated a tiger or a bear or whatever and it's living in their backyard, and everything's going smoothly. Doesn't mean I'm gonna do anything but run if I see one in the wild.

Is it possible to get this trending on socialm media?
This is fucking gold for redpilling normies.

that looks comfy af tbh famalam

it'll probably be censored faster than you can say shut it down

I know, I know…but we have weaponized autism and we like hard challenges so…maybe we can at least make some MSM talk about this.
The usual 4d chess in these cases is to make so much noise the media have to talk about the
topic even if they don't want to.
Think about Trump when he published black crime statistics that were a little bloated.
While correcting him, MSM had to give the right statistics, and so they had to admit that blacks commit way more crimes compared to whites.

that might be difficult though. could we like link it to the supposed rise in anti-semitism? maybe hijack a kike hashtag and try to spin it as being brave of this guy to tell the truth or something?

idk I'm not a subversive kike so this doesn't come easily to me

It goes too fast and you can't read the shit

get the fuck out, you disgusting rat-faced yid.

The average kike COULD BE an enemy at any point in the future. You wouldn't raise a dragon only for it to eat your family.

Listen, a retort
Brass casing striking the ground
One more shitskin down

Show this to every normie alive for god's sake

Get to work faggots

Sorry yid. Your kind are at the very forefront of anti-white sentiments in media, government and politics. Your people seemingly have a genetic compulsion to control, subjugate or destroy anyone but your own but you do that too on occasion.


Only if you demand it, and they get really pissed off about it. You should try it, it's great.

I sometimes think of them like an obstacle which humanity has to overcome if we want to ascend to a higher level. They, embodying everything evil known to us, are like the last, biggest challenge we have to master.

Gypsies are kinda like that

Didi you guys really did that ? I don't remember this cuck being mentioned here.

Original source: https:// Forums-launch-harassment-campaign-against-reporter/215690


Why did you post that in this thread


Could care less. Wrong thread.

No such thing as a based jew, it's pretty much an oxymoron. Finkelstein, Bobby Fisher, Gilad Atzmon, all of these guys have left judaism completely, do not self identify as jews and spend their time denouncing judaism and Israel.

Find me a single practising or cultural jew that is based. There are none.


I guess Holla Forums was right all along

Trump said tonight in his speech that Allen Dershowitz is a GREAT lawyer.

the final boss

when did he name himself last time?

It's good but slow the slides down.


but this is actually a very good idea

#LongFightAgainstOppression ..?

Operation red pill the jews to free them from their masters?

Lots of juicy links in here:

Why are they so blatant?

That ID. What's up with it?

On another note, how do I close embedded videos? YouTube or others?

Well at least the kike admits their ridiculous and overwhelming privilege and proves it isn't white men doing shit like the media and finance and whatever else leftards bitch about. So lefties, go sic the kikes in full please. Thanks.

You need to be lurking. If you're here doing research, keep your mouth shut about it

Holy fuck… Infowars uses disqus. You can pick your own username, and everything.

Of course he is. He's a moronic cuck, but he's a kike in the Jew-dicial system. Of course he's a good lawyer

Just like women, right?
The ultimate redpill is that

Holla Forumsacks like to disagree with that but women are the niggers and jews of the sexes (yeah both at the same time).
It's not the kikes who turn them from "pure, innocent qts" into whores, women are naturally filthy degenerate whores who need to be kept in check constantly.

Come on guys, at least cover the "Ben Garrison" and stop making the poor man a target of harassment.

I hope you learned from last time and do it right, Burgerbros.

Well written, perfectly describes the eternal (((problem))).

The core reason why animals with otherwise high IQ don't develop culture and technology is because they never mature mentally past the "toddler" stage. Toddlers can use tools and can solve some problems, but they never build or research, if anything they tear things down. Niggers and women are like that. Despite adequate IQ for a human being, they never grow mature enough to be an adequate human being.

As for jews, I wouldn't know for certain, but clearly their religious beliefs make them into barbarians of the worst kind. The kind that pretends to be civilized while destroying everything in vicinity.

Well that explains why Jews whine like one and their country is a parasitic pariah leeching off daddy America or whatever empire they have for thousands of years.

nah, it's just for the profit, the squeaky wheel gets the grease from a dumb whiteys

It's ironic when these fucking rodents talk about their success as if they deserve it when it was all gained by backstabbing,lies and most of all nepotism and ofc racism.Then turn around and push for open borders in all white nations n cry racist anti semite when you tell them to fuck off.They by far are the most hypocritical ugly little deformed looking liars the world has ever seen Absolutely Disgusting .They MUST BE EXTERMINATED !! or at the very least stripped of all power and influence and thrown in the dust bin of worthless non contributors of white society along with niggers and every other non white parasite.

The trees are planted, the ropes ready and the ovens are fired up in a second.
This time ALL semites will be removed.

Redpill me on Emily 'cause she's really growing on me.

iirc she's very degenerate, makes edgy cartoons that point to a probable history of CSA speaking from experience that's the feeling I get given the preoccupation with perverse and unsettling imagery, dissociative identity disorder, and general feel of the work, cucked McInnes very intensly, probably aware of the JQ, and went to NPI and I think spoke with Red Ice and maybe TRS.

most here probably won't be as sympathetic to her but I think I understand where she's coming from. wanting to fight the jews but still suffering from what trauma was inflicted earlier in life is the point where I'm at, so looking back at my past it's just stomach churning degeneracy like frequenting a bdsm club, smoking pot, drinking to excess, drawing disturbing art, self harming, that for most people here would be too much. Since I've been redpilled I've been focusing on self improvement and healing and fighting jewry, and while I can't say she's been through anything of that nature, that would seem to be the point she's at too. the affiliation with namefags is a natural draw for someone who was abused, attention seeking behaviour as well as trying to find a group to fit in with are powerful attractors. The only thing that broke the spell for me with trs/red ice was the jimpact and actually not being close enough to socialise before the jimpact

tldr edgy unstable attention seeker affiliated with controlled op who most likely is a well intentioned pawn. again this is all conjecture

Thank you user. That gave me some clues to her fragmented persona.

self improvement and healing must be at the core of any culture, we all have a past and mistakes, as long as there is atonement, forgiveness is possible.

*this shoah. It's shoahtime.

I lived in Israel as a goy on business for a while and I can attest to some interesting things I've witnessed there.

Thing is, Israelis are the biggest subconscious or knowingly "white" supremacists (yeah I know kikes aren't white but still) and probably the only true "white" supremacist state left in the world. Before everybody calls me a shill, here's the thing. In Israel there's like some kind of hierarchy and Ashkenazi/"White" Jews are at the top no question and they are racist as fuck against even fellow Jews who aren't Ashkenazi like the Mizrahi Jews and Sephardim Jews. Oh and to Ethiopian/black Jews and Jews of other races? They are treated even worse than non-Jews (so long as they're white) and yeah goyim are treated pretty shit in Israel but like the black Jews and blacks in general there get mobbed beaten and killed and the authorities don't even do shit to stop it despite being right fucking there. Same with a lot of others actually, they didn't even bother protecting a church that got defaced in front of them. Oh and that's another weird thing I noticed. Christians in Israel get treated worse even than the fucking Muslims. How fucked up is that? Israelis are massive dicks, there's no question about that but it was unreal. Like the Jews with the most white European blood, were unquestionably at the top and make it so plainly clear to everyone. Mostly I just hung around the Russians there who weren't Jews but were pretty sizable surprisingly but like I said. Whites are treated way better there than some actual Jews which was so weird, confusing, and kinda funny to me and the ones at the top were the Jews with the most white European blood in them. At the same time Israel in its official capacity and Jews in the west spit poison about white supremacy and muh nazis every single fucking day like clockwork. One of the earliest redpills for me was the way so many leftist/liberal/antiracist Jews were paradoxically Zionists, which made no fucking sense whatsoever. Their motives start to become clearer and why you shouldn't fall for the pozzing but there's beyond the scope of my post. Back to what I observed, even the Jews closest to the original Jews like the Sephardim were treated like trash relative to the "White"/European Jews. All the apartheid like store policies and very extremely open racism, that's Israel. It was crazy. Anyway, just something interesting I observed. I still think Israel and the whole Middle East needs to be glassed and being there reaffirmed my feelings more than ever. They're crazy, it must be all the inbreeding or something. It was just eye opening like nothing else. But you know, as ruling class Jews are so attached to their White blood maybe they should start fucking reflecting on that.

The position of Jews in National Socialist society was analogous to the position of the Nethinim or the Samaritans in ancient Israelite society, or converts in historical Jewish societies, or the Palestinians in contemporary Israel. As with Israel, the state had become the embodiment of an exclusivist ethnic group.

Using others is not the same as being strong yourself.

This is why zionist and globalist jews hate each other.

I would say any advanced culture, obviously we can't expect niggers to grasp the idea of intrinsicly rewarding behaviour meant to improve yourself and your community

>oy vey don't point out that it's 40% jewish just like the supreme court
fucking kikes


What is that first pic from?

Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944: Secret Conversations the jew succeeds in rewarded for his meaningless glibness&source=bl&ots=Ok2vHXImQg&sig=sZ6mmw__REK-iCtVPeZZVQZD3fY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiEzsHrxtzSAhVJn5QKHaQWCsYQ6AEIGTAA#v=onepage&q=but the jew succeeds in rewarded for his meaningless glibness&f=false

Table Talk

Finklestein btfo him hard here.

Oops forgot link

This. I am going to start redpilling people by explaining that I did notswing to my current views by watching Hitler speeches and drawing swastikas etc. etc. I started to feel the way I do now about Jews specifically from what I have heard ((them)) say. Jewish quotes redpilled me.

I'll just point out that Table Talk is likely a forgery by several lesser members of the party who wanted to put their words in Uncle Adolf's mouth. Hence why the opinions expressed in it seem contradictory at times.

Israel uses fucking DNA tests to screen who gets in. These DNA tests are promoted by the likes of Diamond, author of that garbage pseudohistory book GGS.

rly makes u think………

I've noticing more and more kike shuills using this angle. They can no longer deny their grasp in the media even to normies, now they are changing it to "WE HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO POISON YOUR MIND, GOYIM :^)"

Amy Shekelbergschumer went off on the most retarded anti-gun rant in her latest stand up. Every last thing she said about gun laws was a fallacy and her audience lapped it up.

go back

Why is every Jew a greedy, dishonest, asshole crybaby? Are there even nice, selfless jews?

Nuclear bomb.

Doucheowitz is a confirmed pedophile. Look it up. He's just like the rest of his inbred tribe.

They used their playbook to take over the country and ran it into the fucking ground and have the audacity to call it 'contributions'. When it all goes to serve your own interest, you shouldn't really be telling everyone outside the group it's in their interest as well.

when the joos hold the media bull horn, the game plan is repeat shit until it becomes the accepted truth. There are certain little tropes beat into the collective consciousness that cannot be erased because, yes a lot of us are susceptible. I used to heil chomsky for fucks sake. Even a curious person who questions stuff will run into controlled opposition.

Look for Jewish contributions to be the next meme. Glad our memes are better.

This is likely the last rotation in the cycle though, as they tried doing it in America.

In the future, they may try to make us out as the new Third Reich in their propaganda. And everyone may revile us the same as they did "does ebil gnatsis." However, there is a difference between us and Germany- Geography and Logistics.

America is a literal fortress of a country, surrounded by a moat on two sides. With large tracts of wilderness on the two remaining.

Added to this is the largest industrial base in the world, with the greatest lift capability of men and material and the largest merchant fleet, backed by the most mobile military force in the world where a lot of their forces are already pre-positioned in other countries just in case. And it becomes clear that Germany could never have proposed a "final solution" that was actually final… but America sure can.

Which makes me wonder why the jews didn't see it coming and try to stop themselves.

Remember Yuri.

With the exception of the ultra-orthodox, the Jewish community is heterogeneous. The ultra-orthodox are the only true Jews in their own opinion, and they have no qualms of conscience with using pleb Jews to sow confusion among the goyim. As a result, pleb Jews tend to be profoundly bluepilled. They don't inherit the Christian idea of original sin and therefore lack the same cultural emphasis on interior self-improvement. This in combination with their cultural love of rhetoric and disagreement turn them into gluttons for self-deception. They really believe in social democracy, multiculturalism, secularism, etc., and think that they're saving the world by working to change it. They are blind to the fact that they're being set up to take a fall.

As for the ones who know what they're doing, consider the very same things you name as reasons why it will be different in America. They make the United States a much more valuable target than Germany. Every religious/racial/ideological faction in Europe has been competing for the New World since its discovery. If this really is the last chance for the Jews, then it only increases their desperation.

For all the wealth and influence of the Jewish nation, nevertheless at this point, without American military power, Eretz Yisrael would be nothing but a pipe dream. They might be able to defend themselves against their Arab neighbors, but they couldn't weaken them to the point of eventually conquering them. For this reason it's very important to them that the United States remain dependent upon international finance. It's the Zionist lever arm on our foreign policy and American popular support for it.

Just because this hasn't worked for 2000 years – no, rather, because it hasn't worked for 2000 years, they can't afford to stop now. At least that's the best sense I can make of it.


Between the kike centers caller being found as a nigger and the Maddow epic failure I don't know what's more funny.

>2% of the population, 48% of the billionaires.

@Winter4Trump Mar 16


only thing they are allowed to influence is the erection of dis BBC dick


Alt-Light Milo admitting Jewish domination of the banks, media, etc.

Zbigniew Brzezinski's daughter Mika admitting that it's the media's job to control what people think

they have been practicing genetic selection for centuries.

Some ppl dont get that there was a reason for father upon son inheritance.

Genetic selection knowledge has been around for ever, but today ppl dont have the basic understanding of it despite it being in their face.

you cant even talk about it because of social prosecution.


they have 12 kids, even if half of them drop out it isnt going to change a thing

That is the same as asking if a swede has any self preservation sense

Can someone place blue Jewish stars of David next to the names in these images? I'm not skilled at image manipulation, so I was hoping someone could help me out with this.

- In the 2016 U.S. election top 10 donors image, all 10 names on the list are Jewish.

- In the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign top 10 donors image, every name on the list is Jewish except for the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union.

- In the 2016 U.S. election Republican top 5 donors image, every name on the list is Jewish.

just call it porn

I remember when Broadway canceled their BLM thing because BLM went after Pissrael. Made me laugh so hard and made it extremely clear the redpill of and extent of kike control and doublethink. You can't support BLM if you support zionism. Makes no fucking sense. If you haven't redpilled yourself yet you should already just by looking at all the "leftist" and "liberal" zionists. After that you should begin to understand everything.

the whole speech of goebbels is banned on jewtube.

Maybe because European peoples are less prone to ethnocentrism and more prone to moral universalism and individualism.

Maybe if you weren't so individualistic



Niko‏ @US_MALE_ Mar 17
Jews are always hated, everywhere, for no reason. And it has nothing to do with how jews behave.


Adolf Hitler never gassed a single person
stop perpetuating this lie, not even as a joke

Can anybody help with this?

First Amendment Cucks will defend this.

there is a biological basis to the separation between jews (anti-spiral, parasitic, non-lifeforms) and actual humans (honorable spiral race lifeform).

the jews are a diabolical deviation from our species, they are something else now.

What has been on my mind for a while. "There is no time for words."

Take your "abrahamic" nonsense back to the desert.

"When Rome finally fell, it was the jews, not Romans or Greeks, who would sirvive with a viable race-political programme."
From From Slave to Emperor.

This is one of the books I intend to scan for >>>/pdfs/


If that's you're fight, then you've already won. In fact, it'd be harder to get a Jew to apologize at all.


those need to go up in any place that "white privilege" is being discussed, make it impossible to talk about white privilege without seeing this information

Oy vey, the goys know

Somehow, I can't understand it, this was not covered by MSM! Including, Drudge, FoxNews, or Breitbart. 8CH is the Only real Media!

Aside from his personal history, why are people getting pissed at this guy?

This statement is honestly straightforward and makes sense if you look at it from a tribalistic perspective. You would want white populations to be recognized for their contributions to the world no?

Yeah, contributions like:
Genital Mutilation
World Wars
Media Subversion

…and I'm probably missing a lot!
Jews mix truth with error to make the lie that much stronger, just like C. S. Lewis said!

Not sure if retarded or a Jew.

Jews mix facts with fiction to make lies stronger :^)



When Victims Rule


the article in one png


it's gonna be anuddah shoah!



Most likely. He defended Jeffrey Epstein and got him off with a slap on the wrist after all

Old Testament (Torah)
Psalm 29:11
The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.

Misinterpreted to make his point.





Their arrogance will lead to their own demise.