Can somebody confirm this is fake news or not? I tried research it on the internet but this seems pretty plausible to me. Few patriots who commented it on kikebook, said they did research and that it is true. I prefer Holla Forums as the source of truth to confirm this.

IF it is confirmed true…this would mean ==FULL BLOWN RACE WAR.==


Other urls found in this thread:

California now has an embassy in Russia and the yes california guy lives in russia. So yes.

Have we memed too far lads?

I wish a nigga would, things need to light off here already so we can kill the california gov and then cleanse this land of non-whites

Hmm, that's pretty fucked. But isn't most of the counties are redpilled, while the cities are being overrun with libfucks and shitskins, making themselves outflanked by everywhere, regarding to electoral map.

Unless they already got military warfare and equipment shipped into port of California now from China.

I-I'll feed you frontline intelligence, lads.


Saw this story weeks ago. That website reeks of the typical disinfo/poisoning the well sourcery. Same with yournewswire.

Nothing to see here, but I wish there was.


Sounds like bullshit. Don't fall for disinfo user.

Remember when Trump first got into office and told the Mexican president that he would have to pay for the wall, and in return their president cancelled a meeting (or some kerfuffle)? Yeah? Well guess who contacted Mexico to follow up? CHINA. Yes, China knows to exploit the immigration situation here, and will be subverting Mexico in order to weaken the USA over time. Be weary.

No, California is overwhelmingly non-White. Most interior counties barely have anyone living in them.

Well no duh. Asians are a far more unforgiving people. They are extremely proud of their history and have African level feelings toward exploiting other races. Europeans are the only ones suffering this pity party and China would just as well do without white people in the world or flat out conquering Europe if they could over the muzzies taking advantage of our weakness.

China has been the number one illegal ethnicity across the border for almost a decade now. I know because they are all flooding the West Coast and in the past few years I'm seeing full ching-chang-chong mother fuckers not speaking english everywhere in my once white suburb.

That's one of the reasons why I find it plausible.

Dubs confirm. Wonder what's gonna happen to Trump supporters? Considering I know an idiot white friend who just recently moved there because of his hispanic girlfriend. Godspeed to those who are white and those who supports Trump, being surrounded by commies when shit hits the fan.

For fucks sake please
Russia != Communist

CHINA = Communist
Red fucking China is Red fucking Communist.

The Chinese may attempt to reinforce a Marxist California (if there was some sneaky underhand stuff going on that wouldn't end up with them getting nuked). Also, yes California would probably quickly devolve into a full blown Marxists state within the first week or two. Since they are overwhelmingly hard and far left (institutionally). The Red counties would probably immediately secede (think West Virginia) and that is what could theoretically kick off a full blown war with the US. However, this article is bullshit and this thread is spitballing.

What has happened in EVERY FUCKING MARXISTS STATE SINCE THEY CAME UP WITH THE IDEA? Trump supporters would be rounded up as "counter-revolutionaries" and either summarily executed on the spot, put into "reeducation camps" or would self-deport immediately before they got caught.

dude, what's with the link? are you trying to hide it from the CIA or something?

Not sure why I see people do spoiler as well as breaking links though.

Who cares? Most of them are nigger lovers, philosemites, and neo-cons, despite the narrative that they aren't.

because they're idiots. just remove the http://

I could see a few that are here doing that, but those few are basically ostracized by the more influential/well to do. Take my boss's boss the property owner tbe he doesn't hire many chinese at all, in fact there is only one on his payroll not including his family and all three are vocal anti-communist, one being a refugee from the late 70s Red China, and until I met him I did not understand the meaning of deep and abiding hatred the other two are Taiwanese like his mother's side of the family.
He does not want "fucking commies" taking over and fucking up all of what his father and himself have built/bought/renovated here. So the Red Chinamen will have/do have push back from within their own ethnic circle.
But seriously fuck his Fung Shui decoration bullshit. Pays a dude 10K just to talk to plants, paintings about where "they want to be placed at" ffs

Agh, well I guess it's all right as the Taiwanese/Chinese are like Austria/Germany to me anyways.

I tried following a link to a supposed source and I got some scammy phishing site trying to get me to "update flash". I'm going to say this is fake.

Worked at a taiwanese restaurant in my early teens, mom and pop type establishment. I made the mistake of calling the food chinese one time and was yelled at for comparing thier food to "commie fuck chinese." The owner still went out of her way to make sure I was well-fed at the end of my shift, like any other shift. I didn't know what commies were, but I hated China after that.

Yeah sounds like the Taiwanese I've gotten to know. I bet being from both sides makes the property owner's family dinners lively lol.
But dear Lord that old fucker hates commies, like an Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos teleported into an tau fortress level of hatred. I do believe his hatred may be what gives him so much energy some day, I really do,

Sounds like a bunch of nonsense. This is fake news.
Even if China sponsored a rebellion in CA, the Chinese here are small and weak and don't have weapons or anything important. They just run restaurants and nail salons and stuff.
t. CAnon

I said it myself a long time ago that if California wanted to secede they could only accomplish it by using their ports to enlist the aid of nations hostile to the USA and they'd gladly do it too because they're a state full of traitors and invaders. The end game for commies was always the dissolution of the USA.

They're reacting this way, pushing up the fear levels in shitlibs, because the slow invasion of Mexicans is being reversed. This has caused them to shift their short term goals in order to achieve their long term objectives. They're running short on manpower.

Is that fake news? Probably. But if they are intent on carrying this plan through, then we know they've kicked Russia out. I don't think they'd go for China except out of desperation.

I think they'd ultimately like to be owned by the EU, and I suspect they'll be more likely to ally with Mexico from a manpower perspective and China for the mass manufacture of armaments.

Kek this CIAgger isn't even hiding it.
This article is bunch of incoherent bullshit.

Taiwanese are old feudal lords that people (under the communist ideology) removed from power and they escaped to Taiwan. Thats why they hate commies, and thats why american oligarchs hate commies, exactly the same reason.

wtf I should have voted for The Cunt
if you care about consequences you're in the wrong place


Oakland reporting in. Yes. Unfortunately. Whites are the minority in California. Many Whites are cucked beyond repair. I work marine construction. There's some conservative and libertarian Mexicans and blacks on my crew. They all hate niggers and commie spics. They all voted Trump. Most of their family members didn't and won't though. And that's the problem. All our city, county and state politicians are corrupt. I earn a decent living and the weather is good. I'm not leaving until it becomes insufferable.

Wow, they're totally okay in my book now! Trump makes everything all okay. Time to go back to sleep!

never go full cuckservative

Confirmed for not being in California. Over here, you take what you can get so you don't go insane. I myself am surrounded by Asians who name the jew since the white alternatives are subverted communists or the eternal normie who never thinks beyond weed, partying, and skateboarding.

I don't really give a flying fuck about your personal bullshit, Trumpnigger.

Blacks and spics who voted for Trump are okay. Nice NAXALT fallacy lad.

Yeah. Jews will put out BS conspiracy theories to obfuscate the truth. seems to be owned by the same guy who owns two other retard-tier conspiracy theory websites.

I'm betting that the whois name is a pseudonym for (((something else))).

I'm just saying don't hate on the guy for finding more common ground with niggers and spics than whites. Whites in CA are pozzed to insanity and it's almost impossible to talk to them at all. I'd imagine Canadanons would be in a similar situation.

You both sound pretty fucking pozzed yourselves.

No because literally millions of us will gun down every single fucking one of these communist shitbags and their sympathizers. We will genocide on a grand scale and cleanse the land with their blood.

I'm more than willing to purge my friends for the cause, but until that time comes I'll be hanging with them rather than have to hide my power level among communists or dude weed bros.

you discuss racial differences in intelligence with your nigger and spic "friends"?

Well, then they're not really your friends now, are they? Kek

I dont see how any of this is a problem.

Yes I discuss everything though I don't have nigger or spic friends, mine are asian.

Kek, the only true friendships are those forged in blood and iron


Yeah but true friendships normally don't end in one of the guys eliminating the others.

Wow it's almost like the guy is in the wrong for trying to find rational solutions instead of wanting to genocide his friends and their family you fucking spergs. Do you even try to come up with plans or just lazily spout idiotic impossible bullshit you'll never do?

I meant to imply it isn't a true friendship, merely an association born of necessity. True friendships will be formed when we meet on DOTR.

How about instead of calling them "friends" just call them, I don't know, "acquaintances" maybe?
The word "friend" is thrown around too much these days.


What do you expect, it's Commiefornia.
But I'm wondering why he doesn't move out of there to some red mid-west state.

California will slave labor for us, while we eat like gods

I doubt that guy I was defending would hesitate to pile his coworkers into a mass grave.

I'm in university atm and sadly there aren't many jobs outside of CA.

You're right.





Thought the same kek.

No. In fact, I am on good grounds to say that we're going to have a Republican Governor next year (John Cox).

I'm a manager for one of the largest political consulting firms and he's our client. If you guys want to know anything, I'll answer it the best I can.

Although I should add that John Cox has stayed silent on his opinions about Trump. I assume he hasn't come out as a supporter of Trump because it'd be political suicide to endorse him in Commiefornia.

True Detective season 2 got shit on by the liberal media because it portrayed the kafkaesque circumstances created by corrupt Californian power structures

What's Cox going to do about the shitskin problem?

nice source nigger

China isn't even a communist system, it's a single-party autoritarian country where capitalism and foreign investors are welcome as long as they don't try to be political and they obey the government rules. I knew one guy who was buying raw materials from China and he went there on a business trip one time and he was almost treated like a head of State with police protection and all the rest and he wasn't even a big businessman, he was just an importer. Chinese workers are exploited by the government and by foreigners and everybody knows it but because there's just too many mouths to feed they think it's the best they can do considering the huge population surplus.

Every single article at that website has at least three exclamation points in the headline!!!

Rolling dubs for a large earthquake splitting LA and SF into the pacific ocean

I openly talk about killing secessionists if they vote to leave the union here in LA. It's a pretty common topic that arises lately. They think I'm kidding(I'm not).

Putin was a kgb agent the whole of Russias political and intellegence class was alive when the USSR was a thing. Yes they are gommies.

Sounds like bullshit.
But I'd love to see it. A necklace of Jew ears shall be mine.

This is like every shit-tier conspiracy theory rolled into one.

I thought you were joking but you're right:

And then you have American patriotards who cheerlead for Putin while he's pushing for the disintegration of the US. Fucking idiots.



Why am I getting flashbacks to this?

NO, it's the sixth? largest economy in the world by itself. There's silicon valley, a good dozen military bases and most importantly, access to the Pacific. It would never be allowed. The entire political leadership would be arrested and tried for treason. The gloves would really come off for this one.


Well they sure do have a lot of manpower to throw into unorthodox solutions…