Glorious Nippon Promoting White Nationalism and Identity

Everything Most things coming out of Japan recently to Western audiences has been HEAVILY catered to not just the Western world, but white people and white ethnic nationalism in general. Why is that? You would think the West would be the ones creating content and media to promote their own way of life and culture, their own tales, legends, sagas, and exporting them around the world for others to be astounded by but that's just not the case anymore. Instead Japan has taken the mantle to prmote white ethnonationalism to the western world, specifically The United States. The main forms of this content are in anime, video games, and to a lesser extent music.
Duh, but it's strange that non-whites are the ones promoting white identity, nationalism, and superiority.
Anything is degenerate in overconsumption; hello Holla Forums

Look at the Legend of Zelda

Youjo Senki

Dragon Ball Z


I just find this all really interesting.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thank fucking god it takes them only 4 episodes to transform.

Cute thread, kid.

4 U big goy

Do you think it appeals to Asians to take orders from a black US President, how about a Latino US President…. Asia is telling us that once the demographics of the US changes there will be nothing left to look up to America to.

Would we take a nigger Chinese President seriously or a Japanese PM seriously??? What about Russia? would we even consider for one minute a black Russian president as being legitimate?

gotta go fast

Maybe they are trying to wake their friend up.

frieza is a jew and the saiyans are the white man
toriyama tried to warn us

Why would nips be praising the white man instead of their own race? Are they that cucked?

I recommend watching acca13
It's fashy as fuck

You made me remember that one. Thank you user. Was going to mention that as well.

Too bad Galko isn't white.
She's an Asian that dies her hair blond.


FMA:B is a show that you guys must watch with a Holla Forums mindset. People who aren't quite human with stars of david tatooed on various body parts take over the government and use their powers to start genocides all over the country in order to bring about a new god and fulfill their master plan. The people that fight against them all have blonde hair and light eyes. It also talks about a place called Xerxes (obv persia) that used to be aryan which was all genocided by the star of david people in the past or something.

Gotta check that show out I promise you will have your mind blown.

The good and the bad come in equal measure.

whats the point of promoting white nationalism if they also promote degeneracy by normalizing hentai and making white males more inclined to fuck their pillows instead of their own kind?

seems like a pandering to keep us out of the breeding season to be honest, sage for cancer.

Also the fact that Amestris is an allusion to Germany in that world.

That's sort of what I meant, although it doesn't only effect us but them too.

Yes exactly, I remember watching this show as a kid and not picking up on anything but I rewatched it again very recently and I can't believe how redpilled the creator must be. The show is almost a prophecy


not an artform.

wew, another shitshow.

Your dubs don't lie, yes FMA: B would be another good mention.

Anime is made to cater to Japs, we are an after thought.

Only a minority of otaku in Japan fuck their pillows and Japanese society looks down on them as gross weirdos.
It's that the otaku have a lot of NEETbux to burn.

how you think it works


in short, kill yourself you feminist numale piece of shit

No one is forcing you to watch the bad stuff. Let's talk about the merits of the stuff OP brought up and not fill this thread with pointless bickering.
As far as a theory of why the Japanese are making this kind of media - it must appeal to them in some way no? - otherwise you have to draw the conclusion that they are making it for us which I find to be far fetched.

If it does appeal to them then we have to ask why? Maybe they have some genetic memory of being aryan at some point way in the past? Why aren't the Japanese as chinky looking as mainland asians? Why is Bushido and samurai spirit so aryan in nature? Just some things that catch my eye

Also, as always in anime threads, you are going to get hordes of shills sageing because they don't want you viewing any redpilled form of media.


Last note on FMA:B that I rememeber - all of the good guys have crosses on them, lots of religious symbolism.

how about you read a non-kosher book or a non-kosher documentary instead of choking on radioactive cancer?

Not necessarily Germany. A mix of Germany and Britain during the industrial age.


Why not all 3? Find me another form of media where I can watch blonde hair blue eyed people fight to save their people against evil forces , you can't do it.

Usually any white looking person in a game/anime has got jap in them even though they look 100% white

They praise themselves a lot either. You can find a lot of anime praising Jap culture.


It's really just a matter of all the traditional Japanese stories having been done to death. Race mixing is being heavily pushed by their (((media))) right now, so aryan looking charcters get increasingly popular, though they usually go for the "half japanese" angle. So they go for exotic european cultural stuff and fill it with mutts, and that's what's currently selling.

They stuff pandering directly at otaku takes a considerably more nationalistic bent, which is no great surprise. What is interesting is that when europeans are mentioned in that type of anime it's usually in the context of an alliance with whatever fictional take on imperial japan they use.


They do both at the same time. Look up that anime about fucking up dragons with jet fighters, it's an ad to the Japanese Army. (and they love Trump because he said they could get their own army not just defense).

its not hard, its called a fucking archive, go watch some old shit that enthusiasts crave for.

Also, just because some spoiled asian from some shit studio that was unfortunately not hit by the atom bomb or tsunami yet slapped a couple of blonde western woman on his anime doesn't mean shit, you should feel however insulted for them being in animes because asian men created them and secondly, they also make them lewd which implies perverseness / the whoring your people for profit context, and much more, the worst part has to do with the idea that you're allowing a fucking foreigner to depict your woman, it also implies racemixing if I go by the logic of the other user who said that its strictly or exclusively for the japanese.

what, anime is proxy porn.

it doesn't see strange to me
look what the nips made of American baseball and how they play it.

Because even they can think they are truly Aryan at heart.

He did employ the saiyans (White armies) to conquer planets (countrys) to sell to the highest bidder. wew

Are you implying it's possible to fuck an unreal woman?
They pay you too much.

I would much rather have Jap neighbors than any other race

I had Japanese customers specifically ask to sell them a camera not made or designed in China, I sadly couldn't find one, but I admired their convictions and audacity.

Listen, japs. Your girls can be cute, but you definitely don't draw them in your anime.

Gundam is a better show.

Canon moved production back to Japan, so that's a good start.

It's good and plentiful, but LotGH is a better more Germanic show

expand your horizons with japjerk animu

Because the Jews so successfully subverted our culture and people that we don't even consider ourselves to have a culture and people.

considering black hair is a bleaching away from blonde, and blue eyes is a lasering away the brown, perhaps they yearn for evolution?

karen besta

There's money to be made in it user.

If I were a jap, I'd cringe pretty hard about waito piggus venerating animemes instead of Otoya Yamaguchi and Yukio Mishima.

Rid the world of zionism Nihon. The jew fears the samurai.

It actually an evolution or streamlining of the habit of giving characters vibrant hair colors so that the cover art stands out.
In older manga often times cover art wasn't even canon, pink hair was treated as brown in universe, and drawn as black.

The blonde/blue trend is piggybacking racemixing shilling happening in their MSM and benefits from being just generally a good combo.

Motherfucker. You have no idea just how


redpilled that series' original concept was.

The Triforce? Originally the Christian Trinity. The Magic Book item in the first game? Original version in Japan said Bible. Hyrule is the master race of nature-revering Aryans that built great cultures and castles. Their religion is a mashup of New Testament and ancient European Paganism.

Who is the enemy? This fucker. Ganondorf, whose true form is Ganon, a hideous blue pig that wields a trident. The leader of the Gerudo tribe. A race of hook-nosed sand people from the fucking desert whose primary contact without outsiders is raiding, pillaging, kidnapping/rape, and assassination. Their symbol is the fucking Muslim crescent moon and star. The American version of the Fire Temple in Ocarina of Time had to have its BGM changed after Moslems complained that it contained their call to prayer. Ganon's motivation in all this? He covets the Hylians' prosperity, and he's unaware that he's a multi-generational curse laid on Hyrule by a dying god who hated the Hylian god.



I give my gf headpats while we watch anime and she enjoys it.
You can fuck right off.

Nice b8


Must be a slow night at the White House tonight, how's it going Spicer?


It takes us a long time to get angry enough to fight back, ala The Saxon that learned to Hate, so it's fitting.

Hentai is not being discussed here.
That's like saying all literally is shit because literary erotica exists.

All literature is shit because literary erotica exists*

It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy – willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low.
Their eyes were level and straight.
There was neither sign nor show
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd.
It was not taught by the state.
No man spoke it aloud
When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddenly bred.
It will not swiftly abate.
Through the chilled years ahead,
When Time shall count from the date
That the Saxon began to hate.

Galko is a mudshark.

here's your beginners set

Because Nips are one of the few peoples that actually have a respect for European and American cultures, before it was kiked up. They love to romanticize France and Germany in particular, they hate what Paris has become.

Y-you too, Japan.

I'm watching Monster. So far its some Japanese apologism and offloading WW2 guilt on Germans alone as if the Japanese dindu nuffin.

Tenma is this tall, attractive Japanese guy saving a bunch of browns and Asians from greedy Germans and sometimes literal neo-nazis. It's so overt. Whoever wrote this is spitting on Germans.

I do, this thread isn't just about this series, but thank you for contributing user, saved to make my life easier.

Kill your self my man

Tanya is the implicit last stand of white identity.

Because fascism is shit, monarchism all the way.

The only thing Japan did wrong was not making it's move a century earlier. Even if you believe gook and chink lies, it's nothing nobody else wasn't doing in the age of empires.

That said, Monster is pretty shit and the author does seem to have some kind of axe to grind with regards to germany. Maybe an escaped SS officer cucked his dad?

Get the fuck out of here.


Magi was fucking magical with how many red pills it was dropping in the second season.
Wizards>jews since at the end, the head wizard felt guilt and sorrow at what he caused, whereas a jew would blame everyone else until their final end

lol fuck off gook

Tanya dindu nuffin, she a good girl. She just wanna make Germany great again. She just needs more money fo' dem pograms.

Every teim.

This man is Chinese. Do not listen to what he says.

Nakasone aroused controversy in September 1986 when he claimed that America was less intelligent than Japan because "the US has many immigrants, Puerto Ricans and blacks, who bring the average level down". He then clarified his comments, stating that he meant to congratulate the US on its economic success despite the presence of "problematic" minorities

That is not an edit; that is word-for-word in the series.

Hi Xiao Xing whatcha doin?

Stay mad gook

Shills fear the Tanya.

Oh it's genocide user
Kill yourself Korean

Top tier taste user

As a Mexican, I agree with this man.

The books are well worth getting too, although only a couple are translated into English so far.

mandatory infographic

Japs don't deserve the rope. There are plenty of cringey faggots who take the anime thing a bit too far, though (Tanyacucks, for instance).

As for truly interesting oriental picture-shows, how about this masterpiece focusing on BASED civic nationalist Jews and Chinks struggling against bigoted samurai? :D

Anime isn't promoting White nationalism, it's just that Japs are westaboos pretending to be White.

Isn't that one of the greatest compliments they could pay us? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, user.

In this world where shitskins are constantly trying to bring us down to their level because they are jealous, it's nice to have friends.

This has to be a joke.


this anime shit is the cringiest thing i have seen on the whole internet, I dont know how can any self respecting man watch this crap, this whole bullshit honestly seems to me like one of those 'paid protester' leftist infiltration tactic where they pay people to infiltrate something and then discredit it from the inside usually by doing something insanely cringy, like for example pushing anime in Holla Forums

there is absolutely nothing political or of value in these cartoons for underage children, and i dont know what type of mental gymnastics do people moderating this place go trought to allow this shit to go on

Homura best girl.

Look mah, I can cherry pick too

They are LARPing



And this is why you fail.

Nico best girl.

just where do you think you are faggot


This nigger is so triggered he replied twice.

I want you to learn how to ID and then leave.

The "where is the art" Goon is back, after all. Prepare for loads of salt and incompetent critique.

Cruise control for cool.

Kek I love triggered goons.

They've been getting riled up by the Spicer threads lately too, for obvious reasons.


Tanya is executed for war crimes at the end of youjo senki.

Why is anime not white?



Hajime no ippo

Black world champion

White blue eyed blond hair world champion

Nips are pretty deep pilled. Niggers are always shown as terrible people.

lol, I don't believe you. But I'm pretty sure that's the punchline we're all looking for around here.

Oh shit I just downloaded that too. Was hoping it'd be good.

I can attest to this. Here, let me show you how much Japan LOVE whites and Western culture in general.

into the camps you go.


Hitler used to read the index and the end of a book first according to Degrelle.


You will see at the end of season 2

Oh and I forgot, monkey ears.

I still think Japs are cute despite all this, I'm a weeaboo due to anime and the fact that Japs are clean and very neat people.

Probably because Japanese people only know about America and Britain from anime and american media, so of course they're going to think all westerners are Burgers

Mostly, though a lot of the character are mixed with asian fathers. So it is one part asians putting forth their envy of whites and desire to be white while another part putting forth their desire for white women and their desire to cuck white men while pushing the idea of race-mixing, completely oblivious or outright ignoring how detrimental that is to their race or any others. In the end, while anime can be fun, it is a terrible thing to look too for the reasons stated. Better than some western media but it has a lot of issues. In any case sage because these threads always turn into race-mixing threads.

It's really great. A really fun boxing anime. It's highly underated in my opinion. The fights are amazing and the comedy/bonds between the main cast is great.


Hell yeah, I know which anime I'm starting next then.

Nips are qt, so are white girls.

Nips take the best aesthetics of both races and combine them for an ideal. Are you fuckers completely oblivious to what anime is supposed to represent? It's an entirely idealized artform. That's why it's so difficult to separate the characters based on race.

good taste

Quote from
"He normally read one book every day, always first reading the conclusion and the index in order to gauge the work’s interest for him. He had the power to extract the essence of each book and then store it in his computer-like mind. I have heard him talk about complicated scientific books with faultless precision, even at the height of the war."

Why did the Chinese mans posts get deleted?



Satan is both confused and angry.

As a followup, nip artists pick designs by "whatever looks cutest / closest to the ideal I am trying to represent." I'm not going to lead you by the nose any more on this topic, but wow this is really embarrassing for you.


Hope you enjoy it user. Starts off a little slow, Ippo doesn't even fight till like the tenth? episode but all the build up is worth it.

That's the same thinking that gets us race-mixing. There is a reason why a number of these so-called white characters are actually mixed, stated and explicitly expressed as such. You're just making excuses now.

lol @ the kike sperging over "MUH BOOOOOKS"

My favorite anime of all time is Dragon Ball Z, so I'm a patient man user. Thanks for the recommendation. What's the space anime I keep seeing with aryans?

Rick Wilson is a cuck, a fucking asshole whose daughter burns coal, and i despise him as much as the next guy, but it's not like weebs here are doing anything to prove him wrong.

Expanded version of pic 3



With that said not all manga and anime is Jap anatomy inspired. There's stuff like Vinland Saga, Magnetic Rose, where a westerner's rough, tough chin is seen, his clearly defined nose, and steely gaze can be displayed.

Refresh the page anons


Legend of the galactic heroes.

Fucking based thank you.

No, but this does give me ideas

Say goodbye to about two months of your life.

Wow, I had no clue. No wonder I loved that game so much.
Capped (never capped a post before hopefully it came out right)

I can watch anime at work since I work the front desk of a gym. I'll have time anyways.



Interesting new shill technique.

Uh-oh, we broke the goonbot again!
Nice work lads!

Notice how in paprika the female protag's chin is weaker than that of the western female phantom in Magnetic Rose. There's also LOTGH, where even the bishi fuck boy Emperor and the halfbreed protag Wang has a strong jaw and clearly defined features.

Goon meltdown.

Is it just me or is this thread repeating itself?




Yeah is codemonkey fucking up shit again?


FMA:B imagery that I was talking about

lel. I've never seen one get this upset.


check the ID lol

I see you're a man of exquisite taste

Wew lad

worth reading?

We broke the bot.

Seriously what is going on. Are the shills just copying posts now or what. It is just one user 4986a6 copying exactly what other anons post

You've made goonpainterautist lose his fucking mind. Grats anons. You beautiful bastards.

Wew wasted dubs and my post glitched out!

Anyhow, in conclusion anime is not white, there are shows and other medium with characters that are white. This is why most characters looky hyper feminine, this is due to Jap women and men being HYPER NEOTENIC, unlike us westerners. We westerners are stocky, rough and tough, even our most feminine women are tougher than the average Jap women.

If you want to watch anime that is white, you will have to do shitloads of digging.

Oh god, it isn't Bui is it? Did /sp/ release him from the secure facility?

Because they stop hand drawing it in Japan, and mostly have gooks do it with as few frames as possible now. The new art style is a natural degradation of gook involvement.



Yeah it's a shame, I still jack it though.

The testosterone serum boost only last 7 days breh.

Think again faggot

Only fap once a week user.

I've tried it but I'm currently on a round of testosterone for the gym, and it makes it fucking impossible to go without fapping. I mean I can stop, but I'm almost climbing on the ceiling going insane.

for you

Make up doesn't change the structure of a person's facial muscle or skull you numbskull. If you let a whore's make up fool you you're quite frankly retarded and shouldn't breed.

I fapped six times today already. Do something about it, faggot.

Fapping literally doesn't matter. Promos the issue. Although you can ride a sweet test boost if you only jerk off once a week.


Gonna have to interrupt you right there, boss, that picture is from Perfect Blue. Same director, different movie.

Anime girls aren't white or nip because they're drawings you idiot. They're idealized drawings. They lift elements from both whites and asians for the characters then throw in a dash of completely unreality for good measure. Nobody has naturally blue or pink hair, eyebrows and pubic hair, idiot.


Yeah, nah, I'll continue stopping to fap for 1 week, fap another. It's a cycle that's worked wonders for me and I have gained muscular as well as general endurance gains too.


You're retarded, kill yourself.

You're right m8, I always confuse them because they're both so fucking trippy.

To confirm your post is full of truth.

Calm down m8, your drawings can be whatever you want them to be. Now go play in your room.

Nice photo user, please dump more if you have them, I am saving everything.

Please forgive my autism, I tried to stop myself but just couldn't.

(((They))) just use whites in asian media the same way they use blacks in American media

oh but im sure post-ww2 reconstructionist japan was completely free of globalist influence ; )

Sadly, that's only the one I have about Zelda.

You're retarded and now you have shown you can't draw for shit as well. Was getting caught acting retarded part of your plan?

Any that you have which fit the theme of redpilled media is fine with me user.

The gook's still here we need more anime.


Emperor Charles zi Britannia (from Code Geass):

"All men are not created equal. Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty. Some are born into poverty; and others are born sick and feeble. Both in birth and in upbringing, in sheer scope of ability, every human is inherently different! Yes, that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition, and the unfaltering march of progress! Inequality is not wrong, equality is! What of the EU who made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest. The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards. But not our beloved Britannia. We fight, we compete; evolution is continuous! Britannia alone moves forward; advancing steadily into the future. Even the death of my son Clovis demonstrates Britannia’s unswerving commitment to progress! We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder, and dominate and in the end the future shall be ours! All Hail Britannia!"

That's a pretty awesome super power, imo.

A dick. Take a dick.

S3 soon.

We're all autistic to a certain degree m8, I'm arguing about the Sino Northeastern Islander Morphology influence found in Japanese Animation, Caricatures and Comics for fuck's sake.

fuck asians. all non whites must die

Hope its great


The only other redpilled game info I have, which is directly from Metal Gear Solid 2; Sons of Liberty. The issue, which is very relevant to what is going on with today's problems.


Not a game and not an image, but Lucky Number Sle7in is a movie about white guys going Boondock Saints on a kike vs nigger mafia war supported by a corrupt spic cop.

How many autisms are you on right now, user?

Interesting read, i've actually never played those games (MGS) yet, but I plan to soon - I know that they are considered some of the best games ever made

will check that out thanks for the rec

any updates?

regarding what?

MGS2's S3 plan has been resonating with me since the Twin Towers attack on 9/11. At first I just thought I was being a naive kid who was taking a video game too seriously. Then I read the fucking omnibus bill for the PATRIOT Act, and stumbled on the northwoods document as well as other spoopy entry level red pills having to do with CIA social engineering fuckery. Then I played Deus Ex 1 and found even more crazy, yet still entry level shit like the FEMA camps, and DHS training their small armies to shoot at civies.

Want to know how I know you don't know how to draw and have never drawn anything, or animated anything in your entire life?

what a faggot

One of the main antagonists is literally called "The Rabbi" as his mob boss moniker, and is as big a stereotype as you could find posted here. The whole movie premise is like if Holla Forums went back in time and made an NES beat-em-up. "The city needs your help! Are you a bad enough dude to purge the streets of niggers, kikes, and spics?"

The thread I can't seem to find in the catalog even after refreshing, and also the fact that shills from all walks of life suddenly became somewhat good at their pay free jobs after it broke
At the very least a good rundown would be neat if the thread's no longer in the catalog.

Sounds comfy, it's going next on my watch list

fuck off torfag

Yeah, it's kind of an odd choice. I'd have gone for AKB0048 if I were going to include an idol anime. Love Live isn't bad but it's not even remotely Holla Forums related.

I took MGS seriously even before MGS2, the first game when I was still a child. Reasons being? They fucking used real life issues as well as actual war/nuclear waste/engineering clips which really hits me deep as a kid about environment.

Also, I will never forget when I first played Wolfenstein 3D when I was 7 years old at my neighbor's when I'd be dragged with my brother. (Because neighbor is already in his teens and they put me to their PC to keep me busy.) Only to have dream where Hitler was towering over me, telling me to wake up, and his leigon of brownshirts standing behind him while having no real knowledge of Hitler and Nazi Germany until 9 or 10 years old. Shit still trips me out especially of lately.

The apple store thread? It's stickied.
Was there some other happening? Are you shilling me? Tell me your angle!


Just Fug my shit up :DD

lol neck yourself. Why the hell are you taking yourself so seriously on an anonymous imageboard? Oh yeah, you're an "artist" with a fragile ego. Are you sure you're in the right place? Wouldn't tumblr be a better safe space for artistes such as yourself?

I was way too little to understand the shit that went on in MGS 1. All I could gather was that the Army companies were being greedy as fuck and that Liquid wasn't the only bad guy. That's really all I could understand at the moment, the deeper politics and themes didn't really take a hold until I replayed MGS1 after the mindfuck ending of 2.

The goons are super triggered over the spicer press briefing threads because it's mostly anime shitposting until he shows up.



What spicer chooses to do in his threads in frankly none of the goons concern.

Thanks for the rundown m8, time for me to lurk there

Now that you bring up Zelda, I've been struck with some inspiration. I couldn't decide which pepe I liked the most, so I did a bunch of them.

Two more. In case anyone asks,

because he's eating pork.


Fug, that second image :DD
>dat necklace

You're a dummy btw, I tried not fapping for a whole 30 days in the past and 7 days is just the beginning. The whole "7 days" is what weak willed people rationalize with.

Holla Forums is none of the goons' concern but they shill here anyway. The goons and jews can't leave well enough alone, it's a fundamental part of their character. They're inherently self-destructive.

And Kek has given it to you.

Lotta loyalty for a hired goon

What's the significance of that pic of the game? I see he is stepping on the crescent but why

The japs were interbred with by ancient aryans, those who were the Inka, after they sailed away.

We'll have to kill every last one, there's no getting around it.

One in the same, really. Plenty of rope, glad to see them working so hard for it.

A great deal of puzzles in Zelda require pathfinding around obstacles to hit a button that opens a door or otherwise removes a different obstacle. Your job is literally to find all the crescent moons with stars and step on them.

Stop making me feel these feels user.

Kek, Japan keeps surprising me over and over.



Too bad Spicer rallies happen during work/school hours every time.

Its literally made for NEETs.


I think if the pic referenced the quote about stepping on all the crescent moons to solve the puzzle it would be much stronger

What said. The significance is that you're insulting pisslam over and over to complete the game.

I got the image from vid related at timestamp 3:49.

Nice vid, looks like I'll have to find a way to play the uncensored version sometime

I remember one dude talking about Drifters was redpilled but never saw it. List needs some additions and probably a rating from things being required watching to low priority watches.

Psycho Pass is on there.

not really

It was hidden in the middle, fuck you. I'm tired. Leave me alone.

Whoops, skipped number three by accident.

Prepare to get bullied, nerd.

Friendly reminder that if we don't get rid of niggers, mudshits and any other rowdy members of other ethnic groups a lot of compromises on our civil liberties will not stop any time soon. Psycho Pass is happening in the US but not because we wanted to, but because we have a need to thanks to "multi culturalism" aka ethnic displacement genocide.

I've watched Sunshine and played MGS but I don't get the joke. Please explain unless "it's all joke"

just delete the http and www you fucking idiot

But ctr+s at random with a kek is so much easier.


Happy to help.

Please don't speak like you know what Japan is pumping out.


Just from my experiences it seems there's a ton of hidden Aryan references in media. I mean the "Elves" in almost any sci-fi/fantasy genre whether it's books, movies, or games always seem to represent the ancient Aryans that have become almost mythological in nature. The same themes always repeat: Height of civilization, advanced technology and mastery, civil wars/conflict/splits shattered their once mighty civilization, birth rates decline, slowly drop off the radar as the gap is filled by what can be seen as barbarian brutes, etc.

I think it's why Warhammer 40K sticks out and resonates so much with a lot of people. Lot of similarities, call backs, and relations to past, present, and future. Even with the human element there (Space Marines) the Elder (Elves) have that Hyperborea resemblance. I always saw the conflict between the two as a great tragedy.

We may have been indulging in different media, but the elves I know are crafty self-centered manipulative genocidal kikes that will backstab you at the drop of a hat.

Yeah there's definitely some of that aspect, but I guess it depends on the media in which they're portrayed.

THAT has to be the worst argument I've ever seen, you must have the IQ of a fucking bush nigger.
wtf I hate Trump now!

Let them laugh.
Let me laugh even harder.

Around elves, watch yourselves.

lol what? The only bad thing going on are fucking judges who keep blocking the immigration bans despite it being a presidential power for over 200 years. We're still winning, we're getting the wall, pedos going to prison. Did I miss something?

Tanya has disgusting fish lips. Shit tier anime

I lol'd, mate. Eat shit, though.

AKHCUTALLY It depends on the series in question. Usually when elves are bad they have darker skin, or there are other "good" characters.
For example in Western media, you have Elder Scroll elves, and Lord of the Ring elves.

Elder Scroll elves are bad.
Lord of the Ring elves are good.
t.ex faggot nerd weeb autismo

Hi, >>>Holla Forums.

If that's your only complaint, I'm cool with those trips.

You're here forever mother fucker.

Nice trips for a man with shitty tastes and probably a shit waifu.

That's an unfortunate design choice of the anime, made by a 3DPD jealous of the superior loli.

The LN artwork is top tier. So's the manga artwork

Elves are meant to depict puny celts being turned into semen repositories for marauding germanic tribes.


I'll be honest. Is it just me or do the Dwarves always seem to represent the potato niggers?

LOtR Elves are cucks that condemn their civilization to save humans

I didn't know potato niggers were stereotypically depicted as highly skilled craftsmen. Dwarves do eat and drink a lot, and we know damn well the Irish do none of the former.

Do you even know where you are right now? This place is always laughed at, that's part of our power. If we become super serious we might as well shut down the board and all go off to Stormfront or some other controlled opposition board where they're so serious it's easy to corral them to the outskirts of society and minimize their influence.
The leftists sound like utterly ridiculous lunatics when they try to describe us, because we ARE utterly ridiculous. If anything this board has been too serious lately. Oh, and it would be great if Trump is impeached, as that will cause an explosion that will do far more for our cause than a peaceful Trump presidency can.

Exactly. It's like they don't know what's coming to them even much worse with Pence.

Why do people always forget that? It's like no one has read the dank screencap I invested 2 minutes in making, or payed any attention to anything or they're new

pic related

Dwarves used to be a german stereotype, since LOTR they've been a scottish stereotype. Industrious, gold loving, beer drinking german dwarves were the standard for centuries.

it still is in dwarf fortress
polite sage for off-topic

or maybe because the artist is eastern and is incapable of creating any art whatsoever, let alone know anything about human anatomy, its not a design choice, its a genetic choice made by a race incapable of creativity.

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War has some subtle stuff in it that I didn't think about until I replayed it recently:

thats not his point, this gives you no excuse for your shit taste, you should probably watch better anime then posting shitty ones on this board, lurk some moar on /a/ and get better taste please.

I wish Toady would stop adding new shit. It irks me that I can't document the long history of my genocide of the elves on the walls of my eight story beer hall without dying the death of no fps after the first century or so.

I may not be a master artist like you, but the anime was made by a new studio, so I''m willing to cut them some slack on the design choices.

Their main civilization was essentially in Heaven, actually, and they leave Middle Earth entirely to all return there. Tolkiens Elves were straight up angelic beings who felt mankind had matured enough to walk the path of virtue without further assistance.

Did you read the books, or just watch the (((Hollywood))) movies?

Pence is a garbage tier neocon who worships Israel more fiercely than Mike Huckabee, which I didn't think was possible. No, the fire rises with us, the people, who fiercely supported Trump and will not stand for him being thrown out of office by government officials that even the most plebian of normies see as utterly corrupt. If they try to impeach Trump they will be consumed by a wrath they don't even realize exists. I think they genuinely believe that the conservatives will just shrug their shoulders and give in, again, since that's been the history up to this point.

They don't understand it's a new beast now, and it's going to eat them alive once it's loose.

anime gets shipped to a different studio for production, the studio responsible for the animation is very bad, atleast from what I could tell.


From what I understand, quality depends on who is working on what scene and each scene can indeed go to a different studio or studios, but the character design - which is the worst offender with those fucking awful duck lips - is done by the new studio. We can blame the animation quality on who is working on the key frames, but I have no idea who is doing those.

i always play ☼Masterwork☼ as humans and comit as much willful genocide as DF allows me to… witch is a lot

Animation quality is not actually bad. It uses CGI a lot, but the parts that are animated are fine.
The biggest issue is the character design and that's in house produced. The name of the main character designer was mentioned on /a/. It's a fujoshit and she's obviously butthurt about the superior 2D loli being cuter than her, so she ruined it.

Those goblin skin robes aren't going to make themselves.

I'd say that if anything, the animation lacks impact. Like when Tanya bayonet-charged a full grown man and he just got rekt like she wasn't under 30 pounds. If you have to justify shit by saying "idk, maybe it's magic or something" without an in-universe explanation, you're doing something wrong.

Other than that, it's not as awful as the other user claims.

I also resent the lack of tanks in notGermany.

Why have tanks when you have fuckin' magic that is even more destructive and even more protective?

thats the coolest thing about ☼Masterwork☼, now instead of just goblins…

It literally was magic. Tanya's orb is far more powerful. That means her speed and more importantly in this case her magic shielding is far superior.

Also apparently there's tanks in the manga.






Duh. This is about ethnic nationalism and politics and how they relate to anime. This has nothing to do with racemixing because it should be a given.


Same problem English longbowmen had. Takes too much time getting skilled archers compared to just giving a gun to a peasant and like 40 hours of training. Now you take that to the extreme by taking mages which come from an already tiny pool of capable individuals, in a time when you can produce thousands of tanks through industrialism.

But the animation didn't convey that. That's the problem. Even the first pokemon movie did a better job at showing the impact between powerful orbs colliding. If I had seen her orb smashing the swede's orb and then Tanya impaling him violently as his arms and legs get flung forwads from the sudden change in momentum, then I wouldn't be complaining. What we get instead is a 10 second sequence of them flying at high speeds towards each other climaxing on what amounts to a thrust to the stomach of a stationary opponent, effotlessly executed by a midget no less.

At least you learned how to redtext properly.

IIRC, don't Jomon have a huge percentage of white generic heritage?

Given that ancient whites brought culture to china, india, egypt, the americas - it's highly likely they reached Japan too.

Quite a lot of cherry-picking there

That comparison doesn't hold water because mages and tanks would occupy very different places on the battlefield. Mages would always have a place.

And I suppose that is true concerning animation, although it was quite clear by Tanya activating her super orb that it is what happened.

Leave and never come back.

Mages have an aerial advantage though which greatly outweighs anything else really, that's why they're so heavily used to jump between different fronts. Not having to give a fuck about wading through terrain is a huge boon.

Any on pol approved Vidya?

Truly sad, isn't it?

It's a style. Some shitty nip things just throw random colors in without making any sense of it. Others are a bit more appropriate with it.

Pics related from same artist; which girl is from the island of Japan and which is from the island of Great Britain? What clues did you use to come to your conclusion?

I only made that comparison because the user I replied to claimed tanks would serve no purpose. I liked the original depiction of mages as artillery spotters, but I guess now they are both air superiority fighters and bombers at the same time. And that's cool, I guess.

They get to different fronts on trains. Might as well bring a couple thousand panzers along.

Mages are best compared to helicopter gunships.

What a fucking Jewish response.

Hell, train mages as field medics and now you got fire support+medivac+ground troop insertion all in one neat package. Magical self-propelled PJs.

Ah I see now. You're one of those kind of anime faggots. I should have expected it I suppose, in a thread with "Glorious Nippon" in the title. Well I look forward to laughing at you in a future Jim video.

Don't know if this has been mentioned but the subtext of this entire scene is pretty immense.

Race of warrior beings who are controlled by a guy from a race of effeminate squat genocidal types go around doing genocide for him, he fears their ancient legends of becoming god-like blonde green eyed beings so he has them wiped out.

hello indeed, /int/
Not even one mention of the glorious panzer knight?

Can't get better than Cap'n Carnage telling Obama her momma was a whore.
Also there was that sneaky shit the chinks did.

No, the Gerudo are not citizens of Hyrule. The games take place within and outside the borders of the kingdom of Hyrule. Hyrule is a homogeneous Aryan elf nation.


I thought Frost was definitely more kike like in his ways.

here's your (you) faggot

Usually LoZ, MGS, CIV, and Red Orchestra are mentioned. RO has gaming only german axis campaign.

They cater to themselves first and foremost. They just happen to mostly share our values, which is quite convenient for us because we can use their material to further our goals.


Even as a kid I understood this. Too bad the series is a all fucked and cucked.

Pls end yourself post haste.

The core of anime's appeal, be it serious works, comedy or lewds is its honesty, innocence and naivete coupled with an unyielding refusal to lie or pretend this or that doesn't exist. The Japanese aren't cowards when it comes to exploring even the darkest depths of the human psyche, and at the same time they aren't ashamed to go full sillyness. You can't fake these things.

Anons would benefit from reading about history of white-japanese relationship since the start. While it's been a while and I can't recommend a book per se the general conclusion is - even at the very beginning whites were fascinated by Japan and held them in a very high regard compared to other nations of Asia. Their warrior culture was recognized, but so was everything from their art to interpersonal relationships to culture. Something immediately clicked between us way back.

There's loads of anime based on japanese history too, they aren't ashamed of themselves in any way.

I'd only like to say that to newfriends and newcomers to anime this or that series seems redpilled, but if you really watch anime and saw a lot of it you'd see just how amazing it all is.

In FPS maybe. Strategy games like Sudden Strike or Blitzkrieg do have them

I don't remember it accurately but wasn't it dependent on people knowing they did wrong, so (spoiler) certain psychopaths weren't picked up by the system due to their lack in crime coefficient despite killing people.
So maybe Niggers wouldn't even get spotted in that system.

I want to see DBZ re-done with #18 drawn that way. Unbearable keks.

EVA is totes ghey and full of feddie-appealing faggotry. Shoulda put Votoms in its place.
The original TV series even is Space Russia vs Space Germany where one of the soldiers deserts and finds out (((a third faction))) They even DO THE THING look at last pic! manufactured the war.
It's probably the most realistically written of the 'giant smash'em robots' shit since instead of just getting a slap someone who charged out ahead like the gundam kid gets put on a tribunal about his competency, where he could be executed if found guilty.
Also instead of new mechs, every faction puts most of its funds towards making already great mass-produced suits even better. (the hero essentially pilots the "Panzer III" of the earth-side army rather than some fancy-ass King Tiger. Also makes sense seeing as he's considered a deserter, and so he'd need an easy and constant source of spare parts)
(I've basically never forgiven the original EVA for being total shit, or for its fanboys it produced. Or its shit waifus.

I'd actually have considered Clannad better if he hadn't settled down. First time a harem anime gets a literal troll as its MC. It just felt wrong to give it a standard ending.

It's got a lot of memeshit I ain' herd of but missing some good old shit. At least this iteration has Area 88 now.
The MC is a bit of a cuck and actually unimportant it turns out but Speedgrapher should be up there too. Last ep turned everything on its head. the leader of the (((secret society))) is in fact one of its previous iteration's victims. He restarted it so he could gather all the old members together and kill them. This is why the hero winds up doing nothing, he was rused as much as the viewer. He wasn't actually the 'protag' the whole time.
On a similar everything-goes-topsy-turvy end, Licensed by Royalty aka L/R, it goes from Bond to Le Carre in one ep and from there on it's more actual spy stuff than goofy 007 action movie stuff.
Also no Golgo 13

And rather than flood the list, just say "Anything by Go Nagai" (except Demon Lord Dante) he screwed his fedora a bit too tight for that one. The Christian god is revealed to be an evil literal furfag. I have a funny feeling he got mobbed by weebs at a con and the whole series is his revenge. and "Anything by Leiji Matsumoto"

Eva is the pinnacle of 20th century art. It is unmatched.

But if all you watch is about robots going pew pew I'm not surprised you can't understand that.

watch some real shit fgt.
Also there is absolutely nothing wrong with Ryou. He's sad, not a fag. Well, maybe a sadfag. like Nuriko in Fushigi Yuugi, he went crazy after his sister died. He takes it further by not believing she's dead though. His cousin never had the heart to tell the poor bastard. He gets worse later on, when the girls come visit in a couple years, you see them meet the rest of his family, they all sit down, chat, have a nice dinner. When the girls are leaving the house is now empty.
y-yeah, I thought I was just sitting down to a simple WAFFy moeshit with good tunes too.

thanks for being a primary example of utter faggitude, dudebro. Maybe one day you'll get out of elementary.

That's a funny thing to say given that you talk like a child.

Just finished Breath of the Wild and it made me have some serious feels.
It's not even just the overarching story that appears to be "pro-white". It seems like the game was crafted by mentally sane human beings and not by the morally sick and corrupted.
It's very subtle, I guess, but almost all of the NPCs you talk to are extremely kind and care very much about the fate of Hyrule and their families. You can find husbands and wives who love one another, who go adventuring together, you can talk to children who will say kind and respectful things about their grandparents who passed away. You can find young couples in love, and even some girls who hint at wanting to start a relationship with you, and it doesn't seem dirty. You hear about stories of great men of the past who went into battles thinking they would lose only to overcome the odds with help of the love and dedication of their women.
There is a sense of brotherhood and companionship with the gorons. The zora race is very well mannered and respectful towards the hylians while creating a great society all on their own. The Rito keep to themselves and raise their children properly, teaching the girls to be feminine and the boys to be warriors. The gerudo uphold ancient tribal tradition regardless of the times.

Honestly playing the game just made me feel bittersweet. I would love to live in a world surrounded by mythos and beautiful nature, having everyone you interact with be genuine and without depravity. Even the other races have mutual respect for one another and while they are all very different, they do not try to force any guilt, assimilation or abandonment of tradition.

A young aryan man born from a strong knight dutifully adventuring to save his world and his princess who he is sworn to by oath. Where can you even find this in jewified western media? I'm honestly sad the only place I can seem to find normalcy are in foreign children's games, because those japs who made it have not yet lost their sense of what is right and normal and what is wrong and inhuman.
It's just sad that the white race has been trained to avoid all that is good and wholesome. I can understand why a lot of young men and women are burying themselves in fantasy since (for reasons they probably don't even comprehend) it's the only place where things are actually normal and functioning.

Fantasy in general tends to be a very good place to hide from the degeneracy of the modern world. Unfortunately the kikes are trying hard to take that genre away from us.

The saga of Tanya the evil have absolutely nothing to do with nationalism or white identity.
First: It's white people fighting white people
Second: Unless you are talking about "Being X", there are no kikes or potential kikes that manipulate the world from behind the scenes
Third: Tanya is fighting for him own sake, his only objective is to survive long enough to convince Being X to give up and fuck off and keep doing his job and just let him reincarnate normally when he dies again. Tanya is not nationalistic in any sense of the world, he does what he must do to survive. He will only give all for his country because that's analogous to him surviving.
If anything, it's an anti Fascist anime, as the protagonist is fighting an all powerful being that is dead set on making the protagonist have "faith" on it.

The fact that he is fighting for 'not-Germany' is just to add to the 'despair' of his situation, it is not a political statement. It's just that Germany lost both world wars, and Being X tossed him into a pre-war 'not-Germany' and is going to force him into being a soldier in a World War in the side that lost in his world. There were made no parallels and no connections or any assumptions to "Hitler did nothing wrong" at all (At least in the anime).

Yes, it's a "him", a salary man who was killed by the man he fired was reincarnated into a baby, who happened to be a girl, with all memories intact.

So? It's still nationalism.

Later in the LN when the notSoviets get involved, you get plenty of Jews.

That's irrelevant. Regardless of Tanya's inner motives, the fact remains that her actions present her as a patriotic soldier and someone ready to die and bleed for the Fatherland. While the contrast between her actual thoughts and the world outside is where most of the comedy stems from, if you were to view this in a more serious fashion, you'd point out that ultimately it doesn't matter how she thinks, because her actions speak for themselves.

It is not specifically pro fascist, but it does glorify nationalist aesthetics and more importantly Imperial German aesthetics.

I'd still marry her and give her the comfy life in the rear she longs for

fair enough.
the other characters ARE pretty nationalistic now that I think about it

Stop wasting your time on videogames.

That's because Nips are generally redpilled so their media tends to reflect this. It's large in part because they haven't been subjected to decades of conditioning by (((education))) regarding

Whites and Asians are a natural pairing because of our inherent similarities intellectually, but again that doesn't mean we should race mix. We should partake in each others culture, but race mixing either way is degenerate.

I'd also like to point out that it doesn't put nationalism or any particular nation in a bad light. not-Germany in this series is presented as the "good guys", at least indirectly, as the audience is made to sympathise with their war effort over those of not-France, not-Sweden and not-England. There is also no attempt at making not-Germany look like cartoon bad guys, instead opting for a more neutral and realistic presentation of what a war might look like in this fantasy world. not-Germany is just another nation doing what needs to be done to win a war, using whatever means it can to achieve this goal while still remaining respectful to international wartime laws. It's much different to most series that try to portray Germany as ebil baby-killing nadsis.

Hey c'mon I rarely play any games save for the Souls series and Zelda.

Princess Tutu is underrated as fuck.


Anime is Holla Forums's immune system.

Also, note that Frieza's army is a multi-cultural collective of conquered races that have been elevated by the technology and advancements taken from other planets and better cultures that were subverted or destroyed by Frieza.


Should be mandatory for every woman, whatever the fuck it is.

Although those two webms (and the episode they're from) are maybe the most political part of the anime, the show is really really good. Wish there was a second season.


That's a funny thing to say given you smell like a child.
I'm merely speaking down to your level so you obvious plebbits can understand it

I can relate to that tbh.

an opinion changed
on Holla Forums
the current year its a interesting one.

You have two choices for an ally.

White people or Niggers.
Not that tough of a choice.

Listen nigger, you can try your darnest to make this weak as fuck argument, but when you actually look at many animes that involve white characters, you'd realise that the art style of the women isn't all that different at all. Pics related are perfect exampels of this

pics 1 and 2 are from the anime Baccano, which is set in 1920's USA. Notice the lack of "muh chin". Third pic is a screenshot from 91 days, which is also set in 1920's USA. Fourth and fifth pics are from an anime called Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, and they are of a character named Rita who is an English foreigner.

That's what we're doing though, stupid. We're fighting to ensure we have a place in the world. Because the only way to survive is to crush and enemy hell bent on our complete destruction. Her inner motives may be slightly different but the end result is the same. She's fighting to empower her nation and people because it also in turn empowers herself.


There are more whites in japanese vidya and anime than there are whites in western vidya and cartoons.

It is pretty bizarre indeed.

As a swede, I find those last three pics rather revolting.
The pridefull japanese should not emulate a cucked country to higher standards.

Johji Manabe has a good variety, although like Toriyama, when he can't draw a race he cheats and makes them furries. Also similar to the Old Masters like Leiji/Nagai/Tezuka/etc, he has one universe that is the "main" universe and all the others they're merely acting in it. Always thought that was a nice twist to the old days. I mean there's also sometimes a lazy reason for it (Astro Boy designs in Monster manga, really Tezuka?) but when they semi-acknowledge it they can get some good comedy bits out of it.
EIther that or similarly designed characters, like how in the games no one gets Kamille's name right in Gundam crossovers.

Votoms is good stuff too, but there's a bunch of different ones.
Bit closer to Area 88 than other mecha shows though.
Also changes style with each one, Pailsen Files is like NCIS/JAG but not stupid instead of being about the war for instance.

Haha, you should see the hitman in Mad Bull, they would all be thrown in the slammer in the UK for that one. He's all that and a pimp and he beats one of his girls to death and rigs another with a grenade. Realest damn nigga in animoo. Well ok that last one is more slav-y, but that's nig-tier either way.
The sapper guy in Jormangund is a 'good guy' but somehow just as bad, rofl.

neither of these have anything on Grappler Baki.
A running gag is that the manga reached 60 million sold because people wouldn't quit it without at least seeing one fight end.

Heck, Syria was still a whole country when the last one started.
thankfully anime has a budget, so a lot of that gets tossed so they can actually finish before they die, and it's cut down to 24 ep installments of each arc. Still a bit silly though. I got stuck with it in my wrassling phase and just had to ride it out. Basically takes the style of Noh theatre (lengthy internal monologues about fighter motivation and possible technique usage) and puts it towards MMA. You can tell dude that writes it is heavily autist himself, a move that would take 2 seconds irl takes half a chapter to execute. I guess you could say if Upotte and Gunsmith Cats are 'gun porn' then it's a form of 'wrestling porn'

Marnia (((Robinson))) wrote for Huffpo and based it off some jewish thing called Karezza.

weird, never picked up on that. Then again it came out when my main goal in life was to become Hyrule's token hispanic.
also lol dorfs confirmed not-quite-so-shit jews.

don't forget the noice tweeest. the mick mobster was actually the kid's ally the whole time
On a similar note, would also rec Last Man Standing, not as 'smart' (actually, it's based on a western, just "brought forwards" hence more gunplay) but same basic idea.
Kinda funny about 10 years separate them but one same main character and some similar extras. It's like they wanted to bring it even further but figured since cities have actual police now it'll need a few extra modifications here and there. (works much better for it too)

the homunuclus is the european equivalent of the golem

The Only Race that actually openly Respects & Admires us.
They always have been and Always will be our Actual Greatest Allies.
Anyone who tells you any different is a D&C shill.

Well I think I know what this user's fetish is…


Always thought that series was too weird for me. The 'villains' all had what're usually heroic motivations.
If they're meant to be bad, then the writer is as shit a leftist as Michael Moore, because everyone he tried to make me hate I wanted to vote for.
Either that or we were just meant to go "well nobody here is actually wrong, except maybe Kallen for being a dumbass, but their conduct is what we're supposed to critique." Oh and CC, whatever the fuck pizzabutt's deal is. Pretty ditzy for an immortal.

Outside of dorf fortress anyway. Fukken nation of Armin Mewes up in here.

Probably meaning the celts, wootz steel techniques being "lost" and all.
Also, Shadowrun is no help either as there's already a german-designate fantasy raceall german megacorps were seized by literal dragons, kek, so the dorfs are evenly divided between IRA and crazy bearded punks that light their beards on fire with how near pure alcohol their drinks are.

Well, you know user, if you want to fuck the fish, you may as well fuck the fish.

Another great anime people should watch is Steins;Gate. On top of having one of the best stories I've ever seen in any media, it deals very heavily about shadow governments and conspiracies, which would help normies grasp the idea of shadow governments in real life, and actually makes it that much better if you are already in the know. It's best described as a realistic sci-fi anime making time travel as its focus. While not necessarily red pilled, it is far from pozzed, and enjoyable even for people who aren't fond of anime.

Galko is a whore, which dresses that way for attention. She is all of the NTR doujinshi bubbling to the surface. She is Jewish.

This. Steins;Gate is probably one of my favourites, if not my favourite anime out there. I binge-watched it in a day because the story had me captivated. The idea of sending your consciousness back to your previous body as a means of time travel was really interesting to me.

Can't wait for Steins;Gate 0 to be released.

Where's the proofs?
If your proofs are doujins which are non-canonical fan works, then you're retarded.

I haven't seen any other time travel media explore such a concept. It's easily my favorite anime.

Also the fact that they make direct references to us with @channel and using our lingo makes it a must see for anyone here.

Nothing ground breaking on that part. We've known this about all of you for some time now.

The fifth picture is strangely nicer than Sweden. Is it cause that it only worked in the homogeneous country?

Well to be fair, they're referring to 2channel. The sub changes many of the 2chan memes to 4chan memes so it's actually funny for western audiences. Still pretty cool that they represented our internet culture, however.

If Tanya had sex with a guy would it be gay? Does Tanya have any female-esque thoughts due to a different brain structure? Does she get affected by estrogen into being more effeminate? Is she straight, lesbian, bi?

I have many questions đŸ¤”

she's physically 10, matey. Hold off the lolicon.

No, that body is authentically female.

Puberty hasn't kicked in yet.
If she lives that long and not get executed.

So far she isn't showing interest in anything now.

Kino's Journey is getting a second season.


This. Amazing show.

this is why we losing

r8 my OC

Yeah but it is a guy reincarnated as a loli with all his previous knowledge, thoughts, and personality.

Look at this goon and laugh.


Look at this degenerate and laugh.

goon kill yourself any time


She has the memories, but she's not him anymore.

According to BBC, Japan should learn from the UK and ban lolicon too.

Glorious UK.

Here's this meme again

hedpats and hugs, not lewds and fugs. Those are the rules.

that doesn't change the fact that you're a pedophile. All you need to do is just accept that you're mentally ill.

So are you saying that if I jack off to homosexual porn I'm not gay as long as it's anime?


Actually anime is why we are winning.

Look at this guy. Look at his soccer mom morality.

Never forget that being redpilled does not equal being a sterile caricature of a human or a taliban. Petit bourgeois values are antivalues of suburbia and normies.

Jacking it is a solo activity; you're arousing yourself to completion. So, when properly considered, masturbation is neither straight nor gay as it's not a sex act, rather being more like scratching an itch.

There was a point in my life many years back in highschool, when I used to think I was gay because I had enjoyed anime penis, this changed very quickly when I spent one day trying to be a guys boyfriend in real life and I realized that men are not actually sexually appealing.

Yes, the UK is the safest place for kids since banning lolicon.

no, nigger, it's called having healthy sexuality. Pedophiles have no place in a functioning society, just as fagggots and trannies don't. You are just another brand of sexual deviant.
I find it hilarious how you're trying to equate anti-pedophilia with "petit bourgeois values", when they're entirely different. I am against homosexuality, racemixing and trannyism. Is that also an expression of "petit bourgeois values"? Quit trying to justify your perversions and work on repairing your sexuality.

nice deflection, pedo. If you are sexually aroused by depictions of homosexual sex, then you are gay. Likewise, if you attracted to depictions of pre-pubescent girls, then you are a pedophile.

My sides


I feel like kek does not agree with you my friend

you gotta be fucking kidding me.

But anons, you can always make v2.0 if your favourite animu should be on their. I just thought it would be nice and relevant to the thread.
I've personally only watched 9 of the 45 animus on this thing fam


Fucking wish I was born in an English speaking country instead of America.

I started Psycho-Pass but it was really slow and the story didn't really grab my attention all that well. Does it get better later?

Hi again soccer mom.

You aren't sexually healthy at all, primarily because you never realized the raw power of sexuality and came to know it as a living force untied to the body. You don't recognize it as a sacred force intended to break the inferior ego and pull you beyond mere flesh into the realm of the Absolute. In short, you think of sex just like you think of shitting and eating. Meaning, you don't think or feel at all. You are just meat, and you only think of meat and biology. Anything beyond that scares and confuses you because you are inferior.

You're merely echoing cuckservative values. Seemingly clean on the outside but a revolting creature of complexes and cowardice on the inside. Just like the muslims. You are them and they are you. The same mindset and spirit dominates you both.

The saddest thing however is your belief that you are still somehow valid and worth engaging. Your entire worldview is obsolete and a hinderance to the blossoming of culture and civilization, and it will never be entertained as a serious possibility. It is in fact antagonistic to us.

I'm not even adressing your meaningless claims because they betray your lack of reason.

In short, never trust a man who is afraid of his own erections. That man is always vermin, a censor. These things have been tried and tried again and they always lead to failure. The UK is his dream - clean on the outside but rotting on the inside. Ban this, ban that, muh feelings and so on.

Likewise never trust a materialist like he is. He sees everything through mere biology, mechanics and judeochristian antivalues. He is a spiritual Jew. There is nothing inside of him.

Yeah it's a little slow to start, but it does get interesting.

(holy dubs)
Its settled, pedo is bad but lolicon is holy

Praise Kek

some of us just enjoy the texmex, pal.

Forreals, besides which everyone knows frau Apfel is the far superiour Aryanne princess!! Why, she even tamed Haughty Himmler.

Semi. She seems similar to a ko-gal. 90s anons know, those bitches are dangerous. child sex laws in japan are there just as much to protect randy unloved businessmen as the "children". They're exceptionally extortionate and greedy. Mainichi and Japantimes used to have loli mugging stories almost every week, and then Nevada happened and a whole other reason to be scared of schoolgirls spread like wildfire.
Primary Ko-gal style apes Prime Red Beef cali back when it was all bleachies and Arnies. There's all sorts of weird sub-subcultures too like Ganguro where they basically ape Harlem NY fashion.

So, loli that likes loli? Now we're getting to the degenerate part.

It really amazes me how you can waist so much time writing so much that says absolutely nothing of any value. I'm still trying to see where you argue that lolicon isn't pedophilia, but all I can see is a whole lot of senseless rage.

Go ahead and call me all your favourite empty buzzwords. In reality you're doing nothing but trying to posture yourself as morally and philosophically enlightened while denouncing me as a "soccer mom" all because I reject your unnatural and deviant sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. Dress it up in all the flowery bullshit language you want, but the truth remains bare and evident to everyone - you are a pedofreak. Then again, I guess you aren't even trying to deny this, are you?
Hmm. Where have I heard this before.
oh yeah, that's right.

I want to make this very clear to you. I am saying all this as a FORMER lolicon. Back a number of years ago before I became redpilled, I got off to loli shit just as you do today. The difference between you and me, however, is that I woke up to the fact that it was degenerate, perverse shit and effectively pedophilia, so I reacted accordingly. I successfully quit after much effort and cut that shit out of my life for good, eventually quitting masturbation altogether. Having been there, I can look back in retrospect with a full perspective and be objective. That shit was not healthy and it was leading me down a dark hole of deviancy that I would prefer not go into detail about. I pulled myself out in time because I became self-aware. All I'm doing is trying to help you do the same.

I'm just having a hard time thinking about where the series could go. I'm probably wrong, but it seems that there isn't much that can be done given the setting and context. What's the goal of the series? to rebel against the psycho-pass? I guess the lack of any apparent direction is what made me drop it.

You're only confirming that you're an empty normie without a soul. Also, a coward who turned back when it was time to cross the Abyss.

Enjoy your inferiority.

So essentially you're addmitting to being a degenerate pedophile who is a slave to his own desires. There'll be a rope with your name on it when the time comes.

It becomes a lot more interesting when the main villain's character is fleshed out and you realize he's actually right. I won't spoil too much, but the story touches on a lot of philosophical themes that will resonate with a Holla Forumslack. Mainly how the people living under that system are totally divorced from the brutality and beauty of nature because the government coddles them so hard. Meanwhile the people employed to deal with society's scum are the quickest to get redpilled, and thus become "latent criminals".

Well maybe I'll pick it up again soon. You've piqued my interest. Thanks

didn't you hear the fucking warning man?!?

I saw most but (((under the wrong mindset))) so maybe 15-20 I'll have to go over again. (mostly the toonami era ones)
oh yea speaking of Toonami, Eureka 7 is pretty enjoyable. Not red, but educational for a funny reason, that show was full of literal cuckery. If you got a blue friend about to fuck up his life that way, run it by him. Once you push the fighting going on out of the way, it's literally 4 niggas fighting over a chick that already has 3 kids. (I know at least one was obviously adopted but it's been quite awhile so I don't know if all were or not. Still, three kids!) I remember when that was on Toonami I felt like I was watching Jerry Springer with mecha.
considering it's by people involved with Armored Core and Carnage Heart, I presume it's actually telling a lesson against cuckoldry. All the old men lose to the kid, who then lost to his own dad iirc.
It's definitely not standard mecha fare, but the writing's solid and everyone's believably boneheaded. Never thought I'd see an /m/ where the cockblocking is more entertaining than the combat.

Is it yours? I was just throwing my bitching out there in case the person that made it was reading the thread. Boards typically 'standardise' these sorts of things so I figgered it was community input.

one off….how confusing? Or maybe it means some aren't okay… avoid the shit out of Kodomo no Jikan, bitch that wrote it is completely fucked in the head, either an abuser or an abuse victim herself.
also lol the eva shill vanishes when the goon does, surely (((not a coincidence)))

Holy shit, that looks really interesing. Any link/torrent or guide to know about VOTOMS?

Nigger please stop, while I commend you for nofap success as I am also working on this goal this false equivalency meme must end. It is no better than the "violent video games make you want to kill people for real" meme

Let it be remembered:
Pedo is bad
Loli is holy
Praise Kek

Terrible list tbh. Tons of great stuff is missing while plenty of moeshit is on it.

kys as soon as possible

Well I noticed it ended with 23 which gave me a bit of a tickle

But I also just assumed that the dubs ended for me because Kek had already finished proving his point through me

But thats also a possibility, while lolicon by itself is alright it is possible to use the medium to create a cute looking argument that real life child abuse is ok which is something I would have to appose. So by that logic not all lolicon would be ok, but on the same note this would apply to any media pushing an evil narrative.

Too late. Some internet friends and I watched it together while playing different songs over the various scenes for comedic value. Would not recommend.

It's not a false equivalency, faggot. Lolicon was literally turning me into a pedo. I thankfully pulled myself out before any permanent damage and my sexuality is now back to normal, but still.

exactly. it's the same for nearly all anime, manga, hentai, etc.
the characters just look better
sound nicer
much more attractive
you hardly see blacks, indians, etc. in anime.
cuz they're shit to look at
whites are much better to look at and are more attractive
it's just that simple.

(double dubs)
huh does this mean you and I are living in two different dimension

What do you mean?

I was making a joke
however it apears to me kek is confirming in your post that you are not lying about almost turning into a pedophile because lolicon awakens real pedophilic urges in those who are predisposed to be fucking pedophiles but is fine for anyone else. That being said good on you for trying to suppress your true faggot nature but I have been fapping to lolicon for many many years and have felt no desire for 3dpd children.

Lolicon is holy because it awakens sleeper agent pedos so that in a properly functioning society we could have them fucking gutted.

Praise Kek and good luck with your personal problems

you might have began fetishising children and might have inappropriately groped one if you continued down that path
but real pedos dont 'go back to normal'
real pedos cant watch a tv advert about nappies without popping a chub because of all that infant skin on display

same lad

See? It is a golem without a soul. It gets its thoughts from the outside.

See above. You're the "only criminals and murderers have guns" kind of guy. Same mindset, different subject.

It is actually afraid of its erections.

Japanese artists learn to draw by copying manga. If you've ever actually drawn you'd know that life drawing is no where near anime. It's more of a cartoon style.

I got mine waaaay far back on demonoid before they got shut down, was in a pack alongside another good one called Fang of the Sun, Dougram. FSD is fully on youtube it looks like but only the OVAs for VOTOMS.
found a couple good quick overviews of it though. It's much bigger amongst the old pre-poz sci-fi/grognard circles rather than mechfags, due to how different the whole series feels.
Blegh, bakabt has it all split by episode, lame. Not

Bamboozled by one of those insane lewd ones, no doubt!
actually, always hated this one, manipulative sloot. Doing the exact same things someone 4-6 years old would to entrap some poor schmuck ain't funny nor endearing.

I am not attracted to children in the slightest. I found loli when I was a young teen and quit it after getting redpilled about two years later. After quitting, my sexuality went back to normal. Loli wasn't the only degenerate shit I got into, but it's the only one that's relevant to this conversation. Porn of any kind is a mind cancer.

Again, if you are attracted to depictions of little children engaging in sexual acts then you are a pedophile. In your case, lacking attraction to real children yet having an attraction to loli is no different from some shut-in weeb who can't get off to real women getting turned on by anime tiddies.
Psychology is kiked pseudo-science.


i'm curious, user, what benefits did you find from not masturbating- personally?
it's pretty hard, but within a week i know that the body starts going back to normal (morning wood, spontaneous erections, etc)
but what have you found personally?

this guy is right. in the end, if you put aside your hentai, you realize that lolicon really is fucking degenerate.
it's literally pedophilia in cartoon form. i'm starting to think it's promoted by those in power to further drag human sexuality into utter chaos (or maybe the japs are being influenced by what's going on with the rest of the world, idk). either way, it's clearly not healthy.
also, hentai is becoming more and more degenerate as time goes on.
look at hentai in the 80s and compare it to day.
it's like night and day.
not just the "quality" and artistic depth but also the degeneracy.
personally, i was starting to get into lolicon too.
it's not fucking worth it, man. i was literally starting to feel something when i looked at 12 year olds in real life.
seriously. i was getting scared.
i got in to all sorts of hentai. big-breasted broads (oppai), schoolgirl, vanilla even impregnation. but then in the past couple of years, it went into deeper and more degenerate shit like vore, egg-laying, parasite, etc.
the more i jacked off, the more i needed to push my boundaries of perversion. porn acts just like a drug.
that's when i realized i need to seriously stop masturbating so incessantly. it was starting to warp my mind.
it's fucking sick.
lolicon seriously changes you.
but it's not just that, it's porn in general. constantly bombarding your brain with indecent filth every day or even just every other day changes your brain
it feels good, but it's extremely harmful and unhealthy. i wasn't even feeling anything by looking at real women in real life.
there's a reason why our ancestors believed in morals, family life and all those conservative values. they knew that doing whatever the hell you want spins your life out of control and leads to a bottomless pit of darkness.
i'm just starting on the path of no masturbation. it's hard after all those days of jacking off, but there is improvement and i feel a tiny bit fresher every day. just a bit, though, but it's a start.
i'm starting to get morning wood again, so i think that's a sign that my body's starting to go back to normal.

these are just my personal thoughts, though. other anons are probably going through different experiences. but in the end, i think it's all just different steps in the same path. it all leads to confusion and moral degradation.
excuse my shitty formatting and wording.
sage for off-topic

Having many series and OVAs, I asked because, besides the original TV, is there any spin-off OVA that i should not watch/is not recommended.

Drifters is kinda. Hirano has an obsession with nazis. Basically Hitler never died in ww2 and instead he was transported to a fantasy realm where he created his Reich. Also, Jesus is the main bad guy.

So let me get this straight, you are arguing that normal individuals when exposed to lolicon become pedos? How long did it take you? I started when I was 12 and am now 23 and have never felt anything for young children other than inspiration to one day become a father or disgust when seeing a awful kid who has obviously been raised poorly (obnoxious kids on the bus or screaming kids on a plane ect…). Am I some sort of godlike exception to the norm?

sex is only good in healthy doses
regularly masturbating to degenerate filth like mainstream hentai/porn is not good.
totally wrong.
your entire post is trying to reason with horniness and pedophilia while shitting on conservative values.
in the end, what you're advocating it is all degenerate.

i won't spoil your journey, but being a conservative is part of being a Holla Forumsack.
as you grow older, you will understand the sacredness of what our ancestors believed.

read what i wrote in the end.
what i'm arguing is that porn itself and jacking off to it regularly is degenerate.
i'm not sure about others, but this was all just my experience
in the end, though, regularly masturbating is disgusting and changes your brain.

I think it's important to note that a whole lot of doujins and pics are about characters we like - but we (the viewers of anime X) are essentially an omniscient god who is privy to the entire life and personality of a character. The lewds are just an extension of love for a character, just another facet of their existence.

Even original pics and manga rely heavily on you, the viewer, to give them life.

The idea that lolicon leads to pedophilia is retarded. Lolicon and hentai in general is tailor made, relies on either existing characters or imagination and is divorced from RL. Lolis are idealized, impossible kids in impossible situations. I mean there's doujins up the ass about dominant lolis, lolis with powers, ancient demon lolis etc. etc.

Maybe this will be a better explanation: lots of folks have submissive fantasies towards waifus. I am one of them. But the idea of submitting to an actual woman is not only unappealing, but gross and unsexy. There's no correlation at all. In the same way lots of stuff you see in hentai is hot as fuck but stupid or just funny IRL. For me this is female bondage. Anime girls look great tied up, but in porn it's just retarded.

I'm extremely suspicious of people who tell me what I can or can't think. I hate it that we somehow ended up with those tards among our midst. They're normies through and through, and they are why democracy inevitably leads to shit and gibs, and why culture degrades. There is NO difference between a liberal normie and a right wing normie, because they are first and foremost normies doing and thinking normie things and they will do absolutely anything to destroy those who aren't as base as them. They just operate under the system of values that is given to them. A yesterdays liberal normie is todays nazi normie, and tomorrow he might be a marxist normie - it all depends on who tells him what to think at a given time and what the general social climate (usually always an uninformed, inane thing) demands that "good people" think and do.

I don't consider them human at all.

pedokikes get out

Well that's interesting, actually. It's probably all psychological, but I've found myself to be generally more content with life and I have more confidence to be social and search for a partner. Whether that has anything to do with nofap is another question, considering I actually started nofap as a mistake more than anything. A couple months ago I had an urge to watch more anime despite never having been a massive fan, and after starting I pretty much lost any urge/interest in jacking off. I haven't regained that urge till this day. I have a feeling it was the romantic anime that I watched that fulfilled some unknown desire for emotional gratification that I was trying to supplement through masturbation. Now I just look at masturbation as something devoid of emotion and utterly worthless.

What you describe is exactly what happened to me. I entered into the hentai world with just regular vanilla stuff, but it eventually turned into loli impregnation and other perverted filth. With real porn too I started searching for more horrific garbage like horse bestiality. I honestly became scared for myself and made a conscious decision to just quit. I first cut out the bestiality, then the regular porn vids, then finally the lolicon until I was simply getting off to pics of girls and vanilla hentai images. I went on like this for a while until I suddenly just stopped altogether.

So let me get this straight, you are arguing that normal individuals when exposed to lolicon become pedos?
No. When normal individuals start using lolicon as a means of sexual release, they become pedos. It took me about two years of exposure in my early adolescence to begin having unhealthy thoughts, and that's why I forced myself to quit.
I think you're just the pedophile equivalent of a weeb who can't get off to 3DPD but can get off to anime girls.

I haven't regained that urge to* this day.

D&C shilling is going on all over the board right now. The "anime is pedophilia" kikes in here, the "kike on a stick" faggots and blackpill "the world is fucked" TORposter over in the "penalty to penalize masturbation" thread, etc. Say hi to our visitors, Holla Forums.

It's a fucking visual novel, the anime is terrible and literally skips out on half the characterization of the main character, and about a fourth for every other character (except for Faris and Luka who miss basically everything)


This would make sense if not for the fact that I have had sex with adult women in the past/present.

tbh im just desensitized when it comes to porn
it needs to be something extreme sometimes to get me off
my real sex drive is still completely normal

your enormous post culminated in 'choose nofap'

Kek exactly that
its like the fantasy of swearing allegiance to a god or goddess made flesh
seeing all the brilliance of their form with your own two eyes the feeling of stars bursting in your blood
but real life submission to a mortal person? never in a million fucking years, sooner gouge my own throat open with a paperclip than find pleasure in being whipped by some sadistic bitch in pvc

i helped in derailing this thread
fuck it.

Pedophiles are not always exclusively attracted to children.

This thread was derailed long before you ever joined, champ.

So your argument has ultimately circled back into "it is possible to rape and abuse drawings and those who do this are monsterous pedophiles even if they have no desire for real children"

some of the fathers of Western morality engaged in intracrural sex with young boys
and tossed their friends off at 3am while drunk on wine lounging around on sofas

you sound like you think like a normie
i should write a thesis on the psychology of the normie its quite fascinating the loops it goes around in and the patterns it follows

My journey started while you were still churning in your daddys balls.

The inverse is true - when you're younger you are more hardcore but mellow out with age. You see all forms of hentai as wonderful or at least fascinating fantasies but your actual sexuality becomes mellow. I was way more perverted as a teen than I am now, and I'm almost struggling to comprehend this situation.

You're chimping out over "problematic" fiction that is actual art done with actual talent. It's the exact same thing SJW's do and christcucks did with video games. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Urotsukidoji and so on eh? GTFO. Hentai today is milder than it ever was.

You are an intellectual and emotional dwarf who (as stated) is basically an eunuch. Fuck you and your puritanism. It's all shit. We know it's shit. Anglo-Saxon extremism always goes either full puritan or full hedonist, and you'll forever be stuck in that loop unless you get your head out of your ass.

There is no distinction between the garbage you're spewing and that soccer moms, SJW's and 18th century fire & brimstone preachers shilled. You aren't even aware of how degraded and inhuman you are.


The infographic needs to be upgraded. If there isnt a version higher than 1.0, then someone should start making this list better.

I'm not familiar with love live. What's wrong with it?

Except that isn't and never has been my argument. Nice try, though.

This doesn't mean anything. It isn't an argument. It has no substance. All you're doing is deflecting from the points that I have made. You keep trying to frame yourself as anything but a pedo lolicon, but it's not working.

At least the thread got derailed because the gook go so triggered it caused a rip in time and posts started repeating. Never seen meme magic work like that before.

This is the same mentality that brought circumcision to America. It is a dangerous and hideous thing.


Let me clarify. In the VN, you get to hear Okabe's inner thoughts as things happen around him, this is absent in the anime. In the anime, many scenes are outright made up along with the dialog. Many scenes (particularly where they would explain a scientific concept) are cut short or even changed. Two chapters of the game that take roughly 3 hours to complete (Luka's and Faris) chapter are condensed into 22 minutes. The visual novel has the alternate endings, the anime doesn't show them. You miss out on a lot of the characterization and world building, that made the events that happen feel so impactful, in the anime, it's kind of like, who cares? The characters in the anime feel more like generic archetypes whereas the characters in the VN feel like actual fleshed out people. The game takes around 30 hours to beat, and the anime takes around 9 hours. You're missing 21 hours of characterization. Play/read the VN. They will fuck up S;G 0 even more, because of the non linear story structure, so play that too if you planned on watching it.

Also Kurisu is cuter the VN.

Holla Forums has such shitty taste in anime. Seriously DBZ? Also I have noticed most anime posters on this board are usually heavily pro pedophilia. There is much better anime out that this isn't about a japanese man's obsession with having sex with little blonde hair blue eyed girls.

im saying you think like a normie because you stated things like you became scared of what you were becoming and made a conscious attempt to change yourself and it was difficult
thats a normie thing to do
for many of us who belong here we have always been and always will be
our personalities and psychology is established we cannot change at a fundamental level
although many of us have perfected the art of creating the illusion of change by adopting personas fundamentally we dont change besides the slow march to tiredness through the valleys of desensitization and jadedness

It's a typical moe anime. Cute girls doing cute things. It's one of those animes you watch as pure escapism in order to dull your mind of the hardships in this world. It isn't Holla Forums related in the slightest, so I'm not sure why it's on that list.

fuck off pedokike

You have to go back.

Well it's not surprising. Simply the nature of the medium allows for a more in-depth storyline. 30 hours of a VN takes a lot less time to make than 9 hours of an anime.

Dragonball is good
Dragonball Z is what any kid should watch if you want to watch a proper non-jewish hero show

I'm reminded of Avalon's writing. This is from "Shakti and Shakta," I recommend the book if you aren't aware of it. I just recently went through the chapter so it was at hand.

"I torture not my body with penances." (Is not his body Hers? If man be God in human guise why torment him?) "I lame not my feet in pilgrimage to Holy Places." (The body is the Devalaya or Temple of Divinity. Therein are all the spiritual Tirthas or Holy Places. Why then trouble to go elsewhere?) "I spend not my time in reading the Vedas." (The Vedas, which he has already studied, are the record of the standard spiritual experience of others. He seeks now to have that experience himself directly. What is the use of merely reading about it? The Kularnava Tantra enjoins the mastering of the essence of all Scriptures which should then be put aside, just as he who has threshed out the grain throws away the husks and straw.) "But I strive to attain Thy two sacred Feet."

These discussions are meaningless because the normies are unable to grasp just what they're dealing with and how great an opportunity was given to them. They are chaff.

It's messages are good, but as a media production, it's objectively pretty shit. Toriyama sameface everywhere, color palette that can't decide if it wants to be stale pastels or garishly oversaturated, pacing problems so bad it's what the show is basically known for, powerlevel wank, getting dragged on for more seasons as a cash grab than the IP was even originally intended to run for, so on and so on.

maybe because their innocence is something modern young girls dont really have anymore since the pedojew is trying to sell hotpants and tube tops to 8 yo girls

Bait or faggot?
Either way go back to reddit.

No way, most people I know that still like DBZ are mouth breathing knuckle dragging retard. Also the one kid that was a major DBZ fan that I knew as a kid decided to go gay on prom with his best friend. I don't want my kids growing up to be bleached hair faggots.

Exactly. I fucking love watching the Frieza arc knowing that he's essentially a space jew that's nomadic and just conquers planets, uses the occupants for his army, and just allows them to wipe themselves out. Toriyama was redpilled as fuck.

Wow! I'm a normalfag because I recognised an unhealthy habit was affecting me personally so I changed my behaviour in order to cut that unhealthy habit out of my life? You're a stupid motherfucker if you think that in the slightest. In fact, your behaviour is much more typical of normalfags since they also give into their basest desires and are entirely separated from the concept of self control.


wtf is your argument then, I mean I agree with no fap but is it really that hard to stomach the fact that maybe only actual fucking pedophiles will desire children when exposed to content that would push them in that direction while others will just fap and receive only the negative mental and physical effects of fapping in general

I said the messages were good, not complex. It drives home personal volition, the importance of perseverance and keeping your nose to the grindwheel when things get tough, all protagonists are outrageously ripped superhumans and in spite of this blazing masculinity several of them are family men with healthy nuclear families, and it opines on the value of your own race.

They also pretty much rely on the same guy to save them time after time.

This… I hate pure escapism… this is the thing hate most about anime. It's the thing that creates the worst of the weeaboos.

I think you should just cut off your cock and balls. You already have philosophically.

Moe anime is more Holla Forums than actual Holla Forums anime, because men like girls and the traditional mindset that moe anime endorses and showcases. Moe anime makes men want to make those things real and standard. It also soothes the soul. Boys watch violence, men watch love.

But hey, you're a normie - you can't understand these things. Your lack of a soul prohibits it. Today a marxist, tomorrow a nazi, yesterday a SJW. That is you.


DBZ has an age limit thats the problem
id say the cut off max is 16 then afterwards unless you're going through some nostalgia its kinda cringy

you define what you became as unhealthy?
its only self-control if you felt sick when you indulged in it
if you felt more normal after indulging in it then that is an expression of your core self
normies dont give into their base desires they dont even know what their base desires are 90% of the time which is why they're always doubting themselves and regretting decisions and choices

Yep, the point is the anime is like a 5/10, while the VN is like a 9-10/10 and has probably one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen in any medium.

I like women with shyness, cuteness and are overall really feminine.
Kikes have been promoting the opposite to women.

I love jojo, Jonathan Joestar inspires me to get /fit/ and be a real man. I have an extended version of his victory theme in my workout playlist that has helped me get those last few reps in a decent number of times.

That's fucking retarded though, what if someone's just curious because they'd never seen it before?

well yeah thats obviously fair
im just saying if you're rewatching the entire series for the 7th time in your late 20's you're probably autistic

And that is exactly why so many of us enjoy that kind of anime. It's a much more effective form of redpilling than just watching something "serious" or masculine. Moe anime is the antidote to a whole slew of Jew poison.

I'm sad that there's not more people who read things like that. Over the years we attracted a whole bunch of worthless pseudo-individuals who understand nothing.

That's true. I've seen the whole thing through maybe twice, and that's enough for me to remember it by heart.


I know
its a truly inspiring tale that tugs at the soul packed to the brim with European and Aryan mythology
definitely a recommended read

I just love watching anime about cute feminine girls doing cute feminine things with the aspiration to become good mothers and housewives.
Even the "Strong" Female protagonists in anime get really girly around a guy they like and go all moe.

Why do you have that faggot gif saved?

I've played through the VN several times and I have to disagree with the fact that the anime is not good. The anime is just as you said, cut short, but still very good. Just seeing Okabe's face and animation for the story helps a lot when playing through the VN and trying to imagine how things are playing out. I agree with you on the fact that the VN is God-Tier however. The multiple endings (specifically Suzuha's) left me open mouthed.

If you're trying to get someone into Steins;Gate, wouldn't you agree that selling them on the anime would be the best way? Most people wouldn't pick up a VN let alone grind through the first few chapters (unless you're invested into Steins;Gate or VNs)

Kurisu is literally best girl, anyone who says otherwise is a lying faggot.

I have a folder of extremely fucked up Japanese shit like this for just such an occasion where weebs are rattling on about "honorary aryans."

Well it's a good reminder about how degenerate as fuck they are. They are probably spreading their own style of degeneracy into our culture.

She has best legs and on my list of


anime girls with amazing legs.
accidentally clicked reply before I finished.

Yes you are. Pedos do not have to be exclusively attracted to pre-pubescent children. The fact that you like adult women has no bearing on the fact that you get off to depictions of underaged girls. I know coming to terms with your deviancy may be hard, but it's necessary in order to recover.

Hold up, nigger. Who said I didn't watch/like love live? I'm simply pointing out that it isn't Holla Forums related, which is obvious.

yes. If I became a smoker, then I would define what I became as unhealthy. This is the same for any addiction or deviant sexual attraction
This doesn't make any sense.
Why are you making assumptions? Also, at this point you're just spouting a whole lot of pseudo-philosophical nonsense.
first day on Holla Forums, chappie?

You have to go back.

Well I personally adored the anime, so a 5/10 score seems a little harsh. I'm sure the VN is fantastic (as the source material of any adaption usually is), but that doesn't mean the adaption is bad.

You fucking degenerate scum. You fucking support pedophilia lolis and fucking futa dick girls pozzing up your faggot ass??? You get the fuck back.

ah screw it
the process cannot be taught I only hope you learn and reach the stage I have too
nothing will be gained from shutting yourself off from it
but the answer is neither one nor the other
did you always reject what you did and feel it was reprehensible in some small way?

You have to go back.

But how am I a pedo if I do not desire pre pubescent children? Your definition of pedophile is a very strange one, where I come from pedophiles are people that seek and sexually desire actual children.

Your entire shit-for-brains argument boils down to:

Your philosophy is sick and repulsive. It is the antithesis to what Holla Forums stands for. You don't belong here. Fuck off.

You have to go back.

You are attracted to depictions of pre-pubescent girls. They are drawn with physical features that are designed to emulate the bodies of young girls who have not yet sexually matured. This attraction is by definition pedophilic in nature.

completely and totally misunderstood

So basically

You have to go back you fucking furfaggot.

Only guy on dog-girl is acceptable.

Didn't watch all of the brotherhood anime, but I can confirm the manga was pretty redpilled. Here some details for people who neither watched nor read it.

Essentially they face an (((enemy))) of extreme insidiousness, who makes a long-winded several-century plot to kill and exploit everyone he and his children have anything remotely to do, he seems like this invincible juggernaut, but in truth, he is petty and weak.

Just like another group of insidious, human-looking creatures that bear six-pointed stars, only that they are real.

user you are making week 2 of no fap really hard with all of that touhou best girl

Except not at all.

Are you illiterate?

Go the fuck back to cuckchan, you worthless nigger.

And what about shows that feature both?

I approve.

Also, there's goons and shills everywhere. How typical.

I think she's best girl too.


Only if they're a theriomorphic representation of a harvest deity you fucking degenerate

Japan isn't the only one celebrating facism openly iside their culture. We live in 2017, where we are prosecuted for defending our culture and rely on asians to do it for us.

Just imagine if someone would have told you 40 years ago about this. This is 24D chess running through 999 wormholes with no mapped exits.

He's not from cuckchan. He's a Goon that's getting blown the fuck out in the masturbation thread, so he's coming here to whine about "Christcucks".


Alice is great but I was always partial to Marisa and Patchouli. Marisa is fun while Patchy is living the NEET dream in a vast library of arcane knowledge.

Do you lack self awareness? I know this is going no where because for the sake of this argument you require me to be a pedophile otherwise I am a contradiction to the logic you have put in place but in reality pedophiles rape living breathing children. Drawings do not have feelings, not to mention drawings are nothing like living beings especially when what you are fapping to looks like pic related.

Sage because I feel like a faggot for participating in what ultimately became the derailment of an otherwise really great thread

And now he's dumping bestiality porn while claiming it's part of our culture because it's 2D to get back at "goons".

This is some really low-effort stuff.


have you cut yourself? a slice of sunshine pie today

Funnily enough, they're kind of aware of that. Most popular characters don't really show common Japanese features.

This. Moe anime is the closest approximation to a world without Jews. And I'm watching more of the moe and less of the fighting as I realize fighting is what we're doing IRL already. I don't need even more fighting from fantasy.

On a side note idk why the fuck this is named smug nazi, I need to re organize my shit

sage for double post

The magicians of Touhou are best girls either way.


Good job, you found the tone of my post.

They lack context.

What angers me is there's actual people earning money for this kind of shoddy work.


A gap hag is fine too. Also Touhou has some pretty great doujins.

Their canon selves, or their fandom selves?

Because their canon selves are various forms of high-functioning psychopaths. Patchouli at one point stated that in terms of arguing moral relevance, her inability to recall if her anecdote was about a pet human or a pet cat was "within the acceptable margin of error" to not matter.

Honestly anime strongly influenced my taste in music. The Nips know what's up when it comes to sweet jams and awesome aesthetics

Go back you fucking cuked out loser.

fucking weaboos pls go

Patrician taste, user.


This. All it is is Japanese idolize the West/America to the point where they still hold up the image of 50s America even after we've drifted so far away from it. Unlike us (read: those producing our media), they still appreciate our past heights.

Why do you have this saved on your computer?

What the fuck? Why would any self respecting man save this on their computer


you're projecting, the only civlization that holds up to this standard is north korea, and north korea is a communistic shithole.

Japan has a culture about screwing robots and used pantie slot machines, they are exclusive to themselves and there is no idolization of the west, if doing so its a bad thing for the japanese because that isn't nationalistic in the slightest, its multiculturalism, stop defending it.

What the fuck is this?

why do they mix their language with english words like "CAST"?

why not make everything in japanese?

why would you make a post like this if you know thats going to get you a 4 week ban?

a comedy where a sadistic transvestite manipulates and psychologically tortures for fun a perverted lesbian who joined the girls academy owned by the transvestites grandfather for the exclusive reason of corrupting young Christian girls
never happens of course, the lesbian is always hindered by the tranny

Get the fuck out. Seriously. The hell is wrong with you? How the FUCK can you live with yourself knowing you have DUBBED anime on your HD?


What's the show about user? Looks interesting.

your post can get you a massive 4 week ban.

this is how fucking worthless our BO is.

Now that's some fucking degeneracy.
are you fucking kidding me? That's way too goddamn high.

what a horrible resume, why can't they make proper story?

Not an argument.

You guys act like I just posted Steve Irwin's death video or something

Maria Holic. It's actually a pretty garbage show.

I'm not really sure why, that's a good question. They borrow quite a lot of words from English, so maybe they wrote them in the usual Roman alphabet rather than Katakana

not against you mate, i'm just saying, have you not checked the board logs recently?

there is like 40 people that got banned on just this one specific thread because of similar posts like yours and maybe even mine, who knows.

I didn't finish it but

What posted is absolutely the most degenerate thing in this thread you dumb gay shit bag.

The way this show sounds it sound like something a Hillary supporter would watch.

its just a low budget comedy and ive really bare bones'd that description
of course there are no actual homosexual scenes in it or anything


My list:
Holla Forums ———————–

Modern Pol/Mil…
Patlabor 2
Angel Cop

Historical Pol/Mil…
Royal Space Force
Valkyrie Chronicles

Serial Experiments Lain
Ghost in the Shell: SAC

Hachimitsu to Clover
Karachi Kanojo no Jijou
Ping Pong the Animation
Golden Boy
Usagi Drop

Ashita no Joe
Ookami to Koushinryou
So Ra No Wo To
Aoi Bungaku
Lupin the Third: Mine Fujiko to lu Onna
Kino no Tabi
Hainan Renmie

Space Opera…
Ginga Tetsudou 999
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Space Battleship Yamato
Mobile Suit Gundam

Political Satire…
Sayonara Zetsubou Sesnsei

the only lesbian in the show is never depicted in a positive light so I doubt it
its got a gay theme but the dykes are probably majorly butthurt over its existence and portrayal of dykes
its pretty much as described here

It sounds amazing. The Japanese never fail to impress with how they can make a story out of any premise, and make it good.

How's the weather in Beijing by the way?

Added to the list.

You're definitely a Chinese or a pajeet. How much are they paying you?

Notice the tumblr nose

you missed the Irresponsible Captain Tyler there tbh
and Hyouge Mono from the Hist list
thats still a very normie list tbh

This is completely unrelated to the thread but

should be a bannable offense. Type and write like a normal person, not a nigger.

its fucking terrible, you might as well call it Holla Forums storyline, its too random and its trying too hard to fit in with it's cheeky pseudo cleverness, there is nothing clever in trying to make a shitty random story.

if you want this much level of randomness, I suggest going back to Holla Forums or view a hasidic art exhibition where shit on canvas peeks your interest.

Another really fun anime with an interesting concept is Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri. The plot is basically about a weird portal in the shape of an archway that appears in the middle of Tokyo, through which a fantasy world with Roman-level technology exists. The story is interesting because instead of getting BTFO by magic and dragons, the modern-day japanese military actually completely curb-stomps the shitty roman-era armies that previously came through the gate and massacred Japanese citizens. Imagine modern military weapons and tactics vs roman soldiers. Vid related is a good example of why this anime is a good watch.

On top of being an anime about politics and interactions between a modern military force and a medieval one, it's also a comedy that follows a particular perverted officer who ends up befriending a bunch of people from the other side of the Gate (including a 961 year old loli, of course).

I was a Holla Forumstard when that meant something, thus I'm not impressed by your poor grammar and meaningless opinion.

How's the weather in Beijing?

Oh, and I forget to mention: In one scene they mow down an enemy army with attack helicopters while wagner is playing in the background

found it

Pulling out the edgy grammar meme to sound like an oldfag.

"I was from here back when it meant something" 2010 larpcuckoldry in action /r/ing larping paragraphs as it feels important enough to receive actual quality.

if you can't have good taste, then you don't deserve quality, what you deserve is a rope around your neck, quickly my newfriend, kick the chair while you still have time!

A lot of them tend to be rape though.

oh boy, another cliche.


giant enemies in every japanese media is generic as fuck man.

giants are literally an irrelevant part of that series. I don't even know why you're mentioning them? I don't even remember them being part of it.

Whoever taught you English failed. Also, how much do you get per post? I doubt the chinese communist party is a decent employer.

I mostly read nonH comedy stuff. Thank you sadpanda.

Fandom always portrays Reimu as a cunt.
The cuntest.

I like Reimu. In official manga (I admit I haven't read any in a while) she has no fucks to give and acts marginally cruel from time to time. "A game of genocide" and all that. I think that was from WaHH. I lost stuff due to a HD failure a while back.

True, though they exaggerate her cruelty in some fanworks and yokai "dindu nuffin."

reverse psyops fresh out of dlsite, is this how yakuza pays you to promote transsexual fetish animation like Maria Holic by falsely accusing someone of being a gook when you're a greasy fat gook yourself?



Speaking of jap shit. Lets talk more about red pilled vidya.

Yeah, but that's a tradition almost. I won't pretend I'm hardcore - I mostly enjoy comedy doujins and cute stuff. All the Touhou girls are quite lovable and I like seeing shenanigans unfold.

Though, have a random Miu for memetic purposes.

Trying too hard. Consider changing careers and becoming a gutter oil salesman.

There's a reason why it's hard to pick a favorite girl.
All girls are lovable with their own strengths and weaknesses.

*to strategically defend transsexual trash :`^)

which amusingly has a higher wage then your current job as a shill for Maria Holic Inc.

are you defending the use of gutter oil?


I think he gets paid per reply.

are you defending transsexual deviants?

you're so shit at refuting you had to use a vpn to talk to yourself, common trait from an illiterate faggot.


Speaking of which the second season of the new anime will be shit. Again.

It's nothing short of insulting.

Call me the manga stops being on hiatus.
I will never forget the 10 years they were on that boat.
10 fucking years.

I think Miura should just find a competent younger mangaka, give him the details of the story and let us see the damn ending if he even figured one out.

A new chapter should be out soon but still. It's taking way too long. Anons have literally died waiting for the story to end.

The anime right will win the meme war because it's exactly the kind of thing that would make Kek kek.

We already figured out that Griffith is going to sacrifice Falconia in the final Eclipse to merge or bring forth the "God created by man" from the abyss to the real world.

We are just waiting to see the panels.

That sounds degenerate

the god created by man is a very degenerate and a very pure god

It is degenerate and the "god created by man" is the true antagonist of Berserk and started the chain of events that leads up to Griffith betraying Guts all the way to the Fantasia arc.
The god is also the hidden master of the god hand.

It's a being created by the collective consciousness of humanity, from the dark side of human nature to be more precise.

Japs really like Jungian psychology. They probably identify well with the idea of constant self-repression and taboo desires because of their super overbearing culture.

Hey user what do you think of nier automata?

I'm unfamiliar with it. I heard the name sporadically. Is it vidya? I don't play vidya.

Yeah it is and why not? Vidya could be pretty red pilled at times.

It's pretty good

Don't they rape Tanya and kill her or is that another character?

I've made several good friends and been a part of boisterous communities that revolve around our love for Touhous, and we all mostly have our own favorite girl that reflects our own desires and personalities. We'll call them "our waifu" but I think for most of us it's nothing truly romantic– rather just a fond symbol of the kind of girl we think is fun and lovable.

I think there is a valuable bond to be found in sharing that sort of thing with other men. It's connecting with others over ideals and emotions; that sharing which one is your favorite and why says a lot about you as a person.

Plus the games are a lot of fun.

The last new game I played was Half Life 2. I grew out of it. Simply put when I attempt to play stuff I keep asking myself

etc. I'm utterly uninterested in vidya and consider it a colossal waste of time and energy. I either watch anime or read non-fiction books from dead authors.

I'm one of those Anons who severely limit their involvement with modernity because we consider it a form of mental and spiritual poison. Younger Anons may entertain ideas about sci-fi futures and buy meaningless gadgets and crap, but my phone is a Nokia brick (even that is too much; cellphones were a mistake) and I'd rather suck cock than buy a gaming console or something of the sort. After a certain age technology stops being interesting and you regard it as a great hinderance to humanity rather than a boon.

This heretical opinion isn't even welcome here. Basically the whole deal with me and some other Anons using the Net and so on is us using a tantric practice of transmuting poison into medicine, subverting modernity by its own means. And given that I was there when 4chan had an /l/ board I swim through this like fish through water, but I'd blast the whole ordeal back to pre-industrial society if I had the chance.

Lao Tzu was right. So was the Unabomber.

My people

That series is godtier


Rosenritter > (You)

Too often these days I've run into men who are afraid of their own sexuality because they've bought into the idea that their desires are impure and that they would be hurting or imposing upon a partner.
Never be afraid of your sexuality. Your love of cute, beautiful, lovable women. It is the most primal, driving force you have, and without it I've seen men fall into despair.

Your sexuality isn't something bad. That's a kike/marxist lie fed to you so that you won't breed. There is nothing wrong with the way you feel about females, and nothing you could do to them (short of actual physical abuse) would be 'wrong.'

children are not women.

Rosenritter had a fuckton of plot armor though. That´s why i generally dislike them, although Schenkopp is great.

I don't understand why you're telling us that. It seems directed towards some other Anons.

Though you are correct.

The age that constitutes a child is not really the subject of debate I'm interested in. You're human, you should know when a woman is ready and when she's not.
It's more that you should not recoil from your own desires simply because you feel they are "wrong," "filthy" or "sinful." They are none of these things.

He's just trying to stir the shitpot. Ignore.

of course desires can be wrong, filthy and unhealthy. A homosexual's desire to fuck another man is unhealthy and most definitely filthy because it spreads disease and doesn't produce any offspring. A person with gender dysphoria's desire to undergo sex change surgery is objectively unhealthy because it leads to a higher chance of suicide. A zoophile's desire to fuck an animal is unhealthy and unnatural because it also spreads disease, can harm the animal in question, and is rooted in nothing but deviant hedonism. A pedophile's desire to fuck children is unhealthy because children are not physically or mentally capable of bearing and raising their own kids and having sex can harm them. Just because you have a desire doesn't mean that desire is automatically acceptable or "pure". Simply chasing your desires with no self control or limits leads to the kind of degenerate hedonistic society we live in today. Whatever you're advocating is the antithesis to Holla Forums philosophy and has no place here. Get out.

of course there are unhealthy desires
but desire itself is not unhealthy

DBZ is extremely bluepilled.

I literally can't think of a more bluepilled cartoon ever

Desire does not equal action, but human stupidity is endless. I'm looking at it right now.

…Which is something I don't think anyone here suggested

Desires are an indication of actions to come. Sure, some people are capable of suppressing their desires, but I'd say most are not. If you have the desire to act a certain way and there is no societal pressure stopping you, then you are most likely to act on those desires.

There's desire and then there is restraint.
You might desire to kill your neighbor because he is a degenerate with a despicable personality, but you don't because that is barbaric.
But understand that's a totally normal desire to have. We all feel violent sometimes, it's part of being a man.

It is the same with women. Perhaps you want to grab a woman and force yourself into her, but you don't because it would be barbaric and you'd be hurting her. That doesn't mean it's wrong to want to do that– just that things must be done properly, and as a civilized man you cannot behave like an animal. But you mustn't be afraid of those desires, you mustn't treat them as wrong, because they are the thing separating you from an automaton.

I might have to check out this Youjo Senki then. I've tried in the past to get into anime but I can't find any real entertainment in it.

aren't sayians pretty much niggers? I remember watching an episode where they they kill some high technology species, I'm not sure if they were humans are some other aliens.

fuck off with your shit opinion kike

I do not believe in wrongthink like you do. Being a free white man I recognize no masters, yet alone the power of the state to dictate my behaviour and thoughts. Whatever evil or good comes from me is my own. I will never stoop to the level of slave who needs a master to tell him what he can or cannot do.

I refuse your yoke. I refuse your christian sharia or unreasonable, inhuman total control state.

The goal of redpilling and Holla Forums is to illuminate and dispell ignorance, not to dangle chains and a bat and threaten. The mere fact you see people as amoral tells more about you than me or that other user, since we didn't mention kid fucking at all - you did. You're projecting.

It is acceptable to fuck men, animals, niggers, trannies etc. Yet I do not. Not because someone told me that I can or cannot, but because it's not a part of me, my desires or my nature to do so.

I have no use for any of your thoughts. You're a slave. It doesn't matter if you're a slave to liberalism or nazism if you remain a slave. We need free men who follow natural ways because they want to, not because someone told them to or pressed them into it.

t. actually vanilla guy who enjoys lolicon

This isn't a logic bomb, but I'm sure you'll be unable to process these simple things.

thats literally what the entire argument was about

You're probably better off watching anime movies instead of 12-24+ episode series.

Try something like Ninja Scroll or you can try angel cop which is 6 episodes and mentions jews but you'll need to find the uncensored version because they edited those parts out.

No, the Asymptomatic individuals were 1 in a million cases where their body didn't have the same reactions as others to the sort of stressors inherent to crimes against the society in Psycho Pass. Your garden variety Psychopath is going to be turned into giblets if he gets high enough on the state mandated shit list.

- Raging Lesbian goes to all girl school for obvious reasons.

- Her Room Mate is a sadistic trap with a Kuudere Maid.

- Raging Lesbian is literally allergic to contact with men… which her Room Mate counts as.

- Sadistic Trap is a two faced asshole who torments Raging Lesbian for… being a Raging Lesbian.

- Hijinks Ensue. Raging Lesbian fills the role of Luckless Anime Guy, so she's pretty much a Butt Monkey throughout.

- Sadistic Trap has an identical sister who goes to the Boys Only School. She's apparently nicer than him.

well entertainment wise its not exactly the best
konosuba would be better when it comes to entertainment
and for redpill?
Berserk resonates far more among Holla Forumsacks into anime and manga tbh

It's a great show but if you aren't into anime as such don't get too excited. It's immensly popular both here and in Japan, so its impact is felt, but you might just not be interested in the medium as such.

Have a shitty and already outdated AMV.

And people say Motoko is asian

Actually, I do own Ninja Scroll on DVD, along with the other normie animes Akira and Ghost in the Shell. I also liked Spriggan as far as anime full length movies.

both first and 2nd pic could pass as anime chars
blow me that bait is old

most anime chars are designed over happas (Asuka for example is a halfbreed of german/jap)

If by most you mean "almost none" then yes.

I see the shills are pushing this narrative a lot.

Kill yourself you low T faggot trash. Your parents hate you for being such a faggot pussy

It might take you a bit, but a lot of people get sucked in eventually.
Also, just a warning: You'll develop a headpat fetish

Well, even though I loathe "Le Ideas Men", Kek agrees with your sentiment.

Checked and activate it

Anyone who consumes japanese media has a headpat fixation.
I honestly don't know why we don't do that here in the west. It seems like such a cute and innocent way to show affection to a person smaller than you.

Then it is most likely legal and you are free to do so.

Top quality.

Not confirmed yet. although notBeria constantly faps to propaganda pictures of Tanya and longs to make her "his".

I also had a problem with modern anime until I realized it was just that I grew out of shounen. Which is another reason to include Love Live in recommendations. It's an easy way to get into something else.

2D =/= 3D
This is the iron rule. No matter how hard you bitch, this wont change and this wont be different.


Very nice my man, saved.

it really comes down to

No no.
This isn't about thought crimes, or male sexuality, or any of that. I don't want ideas about fantasies being good or bad, or how the AoC is wrong, or any of that. Those are different arguments.

The ultimate, true, iron truth of this matter is that 2D =/= 3D.
There is absolutely zero correlation between what one likes in 2D and what one likes in 3D (if said 2D lover can even still like 3D).

The fantasy is wholly different. There is no connection. We have our own terms for half the shit that in 3DPD sexuality is utter degeneracy.
Yuri, yaoi, futanari, trap (originally coined for 2D characters like Bridget from Guilty Gear) and yes, loli.
Therefore it is a joke to assume any fetish one has in 2D can at all translate into 3D.

Take another example mentioned in this thread, femdom.
2D femdom and 3D femdom are wholly separate and only find common ground in the unholy bowls of a tumblr blog. In no civilized forum of discussion could those two things be in any way related. I don't want to get into if 3D femdom is good or bad, that's not the point. The point is that it is, in no way, comparable to 2D femdom.
The same applies to loli.

The difference between the two is jarring, come to think of it.
In 2D, femdom is almost exclusively about a larger, more experienced or older female taking care (sexually) of a younger or smaller male. There is almost always affection and rarely is there humiliation.

In 3D, femdom is almost exclusively about a female emasculating a man. He's rendered powerless as she berates and degrades him.

Why is it like this? Why is 2D just generally more wholesome than 3D pornography?

It sounds like you're just too poor for gunpla


Isn't this just a meme argument, like "porn used to be decent" ? Even the earliest movies from the 70s had group sex and object insertion. The first things I ever saw online when I was 14 in middle 90s was gore galleries my classmates at school used to look at. A few years later it was already at the standard it is today, there were just fewer websites. Porn was always the same, you just think it wasn't because you just didn't watch porn at that time.


Being attracted to drawings of any kind actually has a label already. It's called lithromantic/lithsexual.

I don't support the deletion of those threads.

My nigga! I got that on tape from high school a long time ago for payment in helping a dude with an assignment.

Correction: almost only the Japanese get it right. Western 2D porn also often gravitates towards the same kind of vulgarity as 3DPD porn.

Regarding femdom, in hentai it DOES always have a romantic/caring component. Even if the girl is 100% dominant and acts like it there's always a kind of subtle but actual affection for the guy involved. They are in fact an actual couple. Furthermore and depending on the work (think doujin) the dominant girl may actually be a deity or otherwise superior to mere humans. I find it hard to think that submitting to say Remilia (a 500 year old loli vampire with the power to control fate itself) can be regarded as a defeat or shameful. Or to go further with the Touhou analogy, how about Yukari? Submission to Yukari almost seems inevitable, while mere sex seems… disrespectful? I lack a proper term. (The youkai in question has control over boundaries, which in-universe makes her basically omnipotent. She is also as old as the universe itself).

Even if the girl in question is a human, she's often depicted as exceptional in some way. Beautiful, intelligent etc. or the guy is deeply in love with her, and she both knows and accepts his love.

Now contrast that with RL porn where you have some paid flesh and blood ukrainian hooker or feminist abortion doing stuff to a guy with zero emotions involved. It's all really gross.

There is no correlation between any 2D representations and actual life.

This little thing for instance can move almost at the speed of light and those swords aren't just for show. As ZUN put it "a mere human can only offer a prayer to Buddha [if she draws her sword]"

Now that you're bringing up Touhou, I want to mention how I wish mods would stop deleting 'Who is your favorite Touhou and why do you hate kikes?' threads. Youmu a cute.

I feel like bringing up Touhou is almost cheating because nearly every single one is a mythological creature or god.
Youmu is a nice girl though.

But yes, back to the original point, 3D porn is always paid actors with zero emotional attachment to one another doing mechanical things for the camera, while 2D instead overwhelmingly features real (fantasy) relationships.
I suppose that's just the nature of the business, as it's a lot easier to make up people who like each other rather than to find some and get them to fuck for a contract deal, but imagine how the world might be different if relationships were pushed as an intrinsic, inseparable part of sex.

Wow this thread got derailed hard. Stop having a pissing contest about what anime is better you faggot weebs. This is specifically about nationalism and pro white ideals in jap media culture.

Your waifu a shit.

Despite Alice not being my waifu, she is the only Touhou that has ever appeared on my dreams.

The closest that I have to a waifu is Artonelico's Mule, a clear case of the golem turning against its creators by throwing a third of her land's population to their death after they tried to turn her into another cog of a machine that supplied limitless energy to them.

To be fair, Our Glorious Kaiser has plot armor so thick he needed an entire galaxy just to contain it. He probably would have survived longer than he did if only Kirecheis was here.

Pure aryan wife material, good home maker and craftsman, looks fantastic in hose

Playful and frisky happa, practiced alchemist and occultist, a little greedy

Unhealthy NEET, very well-read, but doesn't move around very much

Alice is perfect. The other two witches would be a handful.

Unfortunately, despite Alice's high marriageability, she is commonly displayed as a dyke in fanworks.

LOL at those fucking niggers wishing to have their own niggered DBZ show.

Not gonna happen.


nobody has polball comic

Seems like I did not meme responsible. I sincerely apologize for any literal butthurt I may have memed into your life.

Did you know that Black Kang and African Pharaoh Pookie NigNig Amon-Dupstep the First was the first man to ever invent anime until the whiteman stole it and sold it to the Chinese for their opium fields? True story.



cultural appropriation!!!

You are a coward and a faggot

2HU is lowest grade shit and worst possible taste in all anime.

I've been watching that. I like it on a political level so far. I also like the artstyle.
Glad to know I'm not the only one watching it.

I read the comic when I was young and only recently watched the show. Other than a few misplaced scenes, it was pretty unpozzed and you can definitely read some redpills and fash into it.

There is no need for Aryan genetics. Asians, including Japs, are completely foreign. They may as well be aliens. The Japs however have a similar history to the Germans and absolutely are innately fashy.
All that means is that they are not complete garbage that need to be removed. I wouldn't mind for them to have their own country.

Sublime taste.

Absolute Madman.

I haven't watched the show. Isn't that guy the "villain" though?

I simply wouldn't mind them coexisting on this planet.

Steins; Gate is great. The VN comes in highly recommended as it hits very hard. The show, while good, doesn't really give the feels. That's probably due to being too fast paced.
As you said, it's not really redpilled but really just good and fun. It also doesn't have poz.
Except for fucking Lukako. I wish you could help him become a fucking man and stop being a queer. Or get the good ending while also keeping Lukako a chick.

You are correct.

I was very pleasantly surprised about this one.
I live the military porn and that the military was shown to be good.

Their culture is only the result of ours and our guiding hand.



I literally haven't fapped in 2 weeks also

I thought they were Nips, user.

very lewd


whats halfchan Holla Forums doing on fullchan Holla Forums?

Where's Boku no Pico?

That's an oxymoron.

I-I only read these for the smug reaction images…

I watch almost exclusively slice of life moeshit comedy but I could not even finish K-On or Lucky Star due to boredom. Isn't LL at the same league?


These look more like tanned wiggers or spics at worst.

sure you do user
sure you do

niggers in anime 30 years ago tend to look like gollywogs

LL is more realistic tbh with more slapstick

Japs still like to praise themselves and they're still a bit upset about being called honorary Aryans.

Global non-jewed British Empire when?

You know, its not exactly thread related but I have been thinking.

What if pic related has a different sort of outcome. What if the chans are a form of more efficient government centralization. What if the point of pic related is to try to get the debate, but also the global involvement (something that the UN couldnt handle because it was faggy), into a place that is more efficient, and less prone to corruption.

What if pic related is but a human desire to hold council and consult as many people as possible, with as few limitations as possible, and to get the best quality stuff out of it.

Arent we kinda shaping up into the role of government? Shadow government for now. But since we also are so close with the nips, and with many other nations. We are like a UN 3.0, without the jew.

thats a very good description of the chans tbh
we are an international board, theres people from all corners of the world on here not just America
where everyone can have a laugh and a drink and catapult another spent nuclear fuel rod into israel via trebuchet

cant forget our roots though

with that I mean that we are some form of universality still, perhaps a shared human tribal desire to progress, with those races that obviously have that trait lol.

the funny thing is that the jew vision of a mixed race for this kind of thing is not the thing that will push a unification through good will on earth, but rather through anonymous shitposting.

I think because on here we can come from nothing and are nothing
we arent dragged down by physical constraints
its like reducing everyone who has the capability to become one to talking orbs of light

srsly though, the chans as a form of government are based as hell

equality through actual real world ability, of the strongest races
multiple people talking with one another, talking through another, but others still can see that

in the end we become some sort of super socials, super digital socials lol. Something that may be the envy of the normies since they are trying to find their special place in the digital world, but through shitty places like jewbook and chat programs lol

we also dont really have a hierarchy here that inevitably gets build up over longer periods of time, and then gets bogged down when a king dies and gets replaced by a shitty heir.

If one of us leaves, becomes demented and his quality decreases, he immediately becomes demoted. And because we do not really value hierarchy here, there is also the most purest forms of meritocracies here, anyone can join us if he wants to, literally anyone, if he is any good.

We will probably be the most perfect form of government ever. Only the occasional chaos which is just a form of self re-organizationalship into a more efficient form still occurs here. But even some of our analogs in the real world, like the shouting, shitposting british house of parliament is like that often.

What part of "reincarnation" don't you get, tranny?



I haven't really watched K-on and just a bit of Lucky Star but from the looks of it LL is more mainstream than those two, I would think anyone could watch LL unless you get completely turned off by the visuals. It doesn't require any pre knowledge of anime to follow.

That's because 20th century sucked.

we have no kings here but we do have those anointed by chaos, avatars of our gestalt
ive never read of anything like what we have here in the history of all human civilization
the only two parallels I can imagine is the Thing that Icelandic Vikings would hold annually to discuss plans for the future and solve grievances
that or the Agora's of Athens in the days of Solon and Socrates where men sat or stood in a public forum and discussed matters of state, science, philosophy, religion, economics and so on
where young men would come to sit and listen to the old philosophers talk until they had learned enough to interject and converse on the subjects at hand themselves

they're the only two i can remember

its like self-immolation, an annual purge to remove the decay that inevitably sets in

Opinion discarded.

its not great its an old cap
I think its originally from krautchan if that explains anything for you

we are also better than those places

basically peasants, if they think that they are up to par, can literally start shouting at us if while we are arguing, and sometimes its a good shout and we then incorporate that shout into our ideas.

Its using the collective mindpower a lot better.

Basically in all area's of self organization it is more efficient. In all its variables. That is why humanity as a whole is choosing us over fagbook and its form of censorship and centralized jew rule.

Should dressing pre-pubescent Aryan girls as WW1 German officers be obligatory?

The funniest part is that goons already know it but like all libshits they have zero impulse control.

Memes are the genes of the soul.


thanks japs, you probably averted a global worldwide nuclear holocaust and the complete extinction of the human race, with most of life on earth.

They truly are our greatest ally.

2nd picture is completely retarded


Probably one of the few other races that actually is capable enough, but also virtuous enough. Who dont just want to kill the whites off because of some autistic tikkun olam lore, or some other desert dwelling, low IQ garbage thing.

kek, is the reporter-tengu a Muslim?

I have not a single clue about 2hu's personalities other than Cirno being a baka and having THE STRONGEST theme song.

Good post user. It's why I read Tolkien's LotR once every other year. It's a breath of fresh air from the depravity of pop culture.

Youmu is cute.

Any link to it?

Im a "ideas men" by saying that the list need more polishing, and adding/deleting more stuff from it? This thread already is putting many more recommended animes/mangas for the Holla Forumsacks, so it needs to be updated. /rec/ have an infographic thread, sure, but its in a general way, and without caring if the anime/manga is pozzed/jewish.

This should be it

Anyone know what the best dubs are for DBZ? I've read its oceandub but then others have said its shit so idk what one to watch.

Abridged tbh

oh wait wrong one



What a cuck!

This, even though the translator is an anti-Trump cuck.

mfw kek

Have you Holla Forumsacks watched Girls und Panzer?

I understand your sentiment there, I was really hoping that Okabe would help Ruka man up while training with Samidare, but I view it as an example of 'Men are Born, and then They're Formed', and the way Ruka's father raised him. In Steins;Gate Linear Bounded Phenogram, Rukako's father is confirmed (and not just suspected) to be a closet otaku through messages between Ruka and her father. He straight up asks her to send him pictures of her cosplay at Comima. If he treats his son the same way he treats his daughter, there's no wonder why Ruka is so effeminate. Actually, the fact that he makes his son wear Miko robes confirms this too.



Don't forget that you become member of the Gerudo tribes only if your mother is one and only women can be part of it. It's a matrilineal tribe.
Oh, and the men ? They're called "voi" in their language :^)

Yes and it's amazing.

They also promote feminism in the form of the stronk female trope.
Getting sick of that bullshit.
Women can't fight men.
They aren't badass.
liking Touhou is gay.
liking this is gay.
The MC is literally a tranny.
Sorry for the triggerings.

Well I'm pretty sure they received funding and maybe some direction from the JSDF itself. Also, the author of the manga was a "soldier" in the JSDF I think.


i dunno, war thunder and mad max?


That is strangely relieving and upsetting.

I'm not surprised and I already figured it was a propaganda show. I don't care though, why would I.
The show was fun and I, as already mentioned, enjoyed the military stuff. The cgi wasn't awful either and the first OP is genuinely good.

I tried watching High School Fleet but the lack of Historical/Ship facts really put me off. I was really hoping for Girls Und Panzer Boot.

I just hope that it gets a third season because I really enjoyed this concept. I wouldn't mind seeing more of this kind of modern meets old story

I've always wondered why anime characters look nothing like the people who created them.




actually you're wrong.

Fuck off.


This has been known since Ocarina of Time, faggot. Since the first game, if you speak Moon. Each new game comes out with a little more that supports it.

Japan is trash.


Glad you (1)s could join us in time for the end of the thread. I was worried your scheduled shilling times wouldn't get here fast enough.