4pol mods have been going on a deleting spree on these topics today, at a rate which is unusual even for them.

Part 1 of 2

What we know so far:

Other urls found in this thread:



Post 2 of 2

Scat fetish video by Toys AndMe channel, 4.4m subs 7.7m views
Another poop video by Bad Baby Tube, 6k subs 1.5m views
Niah TV Is basically a channel that does Toy reviews, but the only seem to rarely cover it and when they do it is some sick shit like this.
Cartoon characters doing sex acts by SuperHero Freak Family, 201k subs 6.4m views
Most viewed non music video on youtube
Pretty sure this was made by a pedophile.
Spiderman and Elsa videos

These corrupting videos and being boosted with views so that they appear to children in suggested video autoplay. This stuff sexualizes and corrupts children in grotesque ways, and present many red flags for possible abuse. We need to investigate.

Nice cuckchan copy, OP

Sorry about the formatting on this, I forgot about the embedding differences. I copy and pasted this from an archive because the mods completely nuked the original thread.

1. We already had this thread.


sage negated

I know, I prefer cripplechan, but if their mods are deleting the threads at this rate, this quickly, then the people in the threads were clearly onto something.

Bump for interest. What the fuck.

I advise you conduct some method of refurbishing the text if you are going to copy/paste within the future, in no way do I wish to evade the issue of deliberate perversion directed towards children. I just assumed this was a spammer that posted this on cuckchan and pasted it here.

I will, I've never actually posted a copypasta on a chan before in my entire channing career. I'll be more mindful next time.

I caught my daughter watching this exact shit. It's beyond fucked up. There is one where spider man is pregnant . it's just real fucked up stuff

h3h3 covered a bunch of these… this one is probably the most disturbing.

It's fine. But pertaining to the subject matter, I suspect that something links these findings with the countless finger family videos, as they entail similar topics and frequency, and the manufacturing channels seem to both have inflated amounts of subscribers.
Example in embed.

The mods here deleted a thread here because you were doxxing cartel members. We have your names, we know where you live and we will kill anyone that is against us.

-Los Zetas

An user discovered a post on a forum where someone claimed that their kids were watching this shit too, and that they were imitating it. We were theorizing that this is some sort of psychosexual programming targeted at young children who are in their developmental phases. It was at around this point that the mods deleted the thread out of nowhere.

The archive is here. A list of channels and the format for a series of generals was being planned, all before it just disappeared.


It's Chinese abusing Youtube's ad revenue system, this is how chinks earn their pennies

So what? We need to have this thread as often as possible. This is deliberate on YouTube's part, they could nuke this entire network of channels if they wanted to, but for some reason they allow it.

Anyone remember the threads that started on Holla Forums over a year ago about the Girl Games website that had very similar content involving Elsa and other Disney characters? At the time, anons assumed there was a bot or AI behind the whole thing, but the fact that real people are dressing up as Elsa in these videos takes it to whole new level of bizarre. This is some cult shit.

bring it taco-bender.


As you can see from my examples, they typically include figureheads and historical entities that we'd be favorable of as well. Are they programming children to detest this, demonizing us by producing evidence of our own making these videos? What's going on?

You walked into the wrong neighborhood esse. We're triangulating the warehouse you're posting from as we speak.

Another thing I would like to say I don't know if it's been posted yet but, if you search Pack CP on youtube you get tons of videos linking to child porn.

ok, did you have to link something that gives literal random kikes clicks as opposed to the original video itself?

sage because I feel like this is just some halfchan fuckwit discovering the internet for the first time. The vids involving actual kids are fucked up and should be sent to protective services just for lulz if nothing honorable.

These videos obviously are being depicted to children, and as elaborated by they can very well be poisoning children when they're in development. Whether or not these videos are intentionally doing this, we are uncertain, but it is still a massive threat we must eradicate.

Thanks user,I'll check it out. I let her watch hobby kids on jewtube and the frozen stuff and then one day she wanted to show me the Elsa spiderman video she had found. I usually watch cartoons and stuff like that with her. I could not believe that weird shit she had showed me. I won't let her watch them anymore . she can't Jew tube anymore unless it's with me.

Have you seen that Spiderman/Elsa video? These are scenes from videos intended for children, which are probably watched by many children.

Nice, this Jew is 100% based. Let's all watch this video fellow nazi's. Hail Hitler.

I watched youtube.com/w atch?v=5KDAO_R_548 from the op, and in the start it uses a squeaky rapid voice as a sound. But if you watch it in half speed, it can be clearly made out to say things like "American Republican Election" etc. Practice it in embed.

No wonder 4shit mods nuked the threads, you literally want the internet censored because there's weirdos.

Flag the videos with actual kids in them, for everything else, chew glass instead.


These videos wouldn't be popularized or granted to children in the first place if Jewgle was unhinged from the kikes.

Shit like this is making me wonder if the cartoons I grew up on were the same thing, but with more subtle subversion.

I'm a proponent of launching an investigation and a campaign to raise awareness, for parents with children who have internet access. In addition, I noticed some fishy patterns regarding some of the channels that comment on the videos, which can be read about in the archive, but I'll summarize here

There are tons and tons and tons of channels like this that comment on these videos. If they really are kids, then that's fucked. However, if they're spambots, then where are the spammers getting this webcam footage of children, and who are the children?

ur skelewhore goddess is a shit lol

These videos are made by some crappy Indian company with some sort of ai. We had this thread years ago when everyone thought it was some rogue ai doing this. These Indians then use bots to subscribe to their channels and they get revenue like that.

I never called for internet censorship, I'm merely pointing out that these are videos created to exploit search/marketing algorithms on YouTube to produce low quality, subversive content intended for very young kids to watch. Who else would it be made for?

Kids are obviously seeing it in huge volumes.

The fuck? How do you know this, what does this mean

You've been detected.

I've run into this myself. Last night I was looking for comfy frog documentaries on youtube and this was close to the top of the search results:

41 million views.

Second picture from the left is currently trending on YT
wonder why

What can we do about this? Tell Breitbart? I honestly don't know. I bet an examination of the people that surround this thing, as well as the patterns in the bots, could uncover connections between this and possibly something bigger.

Shut up, Favelado.

Honestly, this shit isn't a lot worse than what's on youtube by default. Your kid could be watching some nigger rapper or a lets player and it would be worse. If you're letting your kids use the net by themselves there's already a shit ton of degeneracy they'd have seen. Hell, facebook is worse than this.

why would you go on the internet and lie?

Every dub in this thread projects a fine message

They are greedy kikes who want more shekels, particularly if it involves poisoning white children.

Thanks for letting us all know your taste in entertainment is pure cancer.

That's true but I'm more concerned with these videos because they, unlike rappers and let's players, actually speak kids' language and tap into primal, developmental parts of their brains. They're arguably worse than rappers because kids can and do fully understand the content, as shown by people who report that their kids watch/imitate it. It also disguises itself, by the thumbnail, as perfectly innocent Disney content that no adult would be interested enough to actually investigate themselves.

Very suspicious and subversive.

Jewtube recommends this branch of garbage for every user. It cannot be evaded.

While I agree with you in principle I myself have young ones and this though always comes up. Right now I can police their media consumption completely and keep them from social media and the internet outright. Once they are old enough though they will start going to friend's houses and there is only so much you as a parent can do to prohibit them from getting exposed to degeneracy through their friends. I know you will come back with the standard
but that simply isn't a realistic option for most people>>9480823

This is true, I mostly watch old vidya related shit but still get Jizzfeed and Vine shit in my suggestions

Basically the people making these videos need to be tracked down and extrajudiciously executed. Youtube isn't going to stop them. The government isn't going to stop them. RWDS are the only people that can stop them.

We for sure need to find out who these people are. What's that h3 video called, he identifies the Elsa/Spiderman people

Going to have to question the validity of that, as this is the worst shit it recommends to me.


Look at this fucking shit

Of course they peddle pizza near the end.

Clearly made by Jews, but I can't figure out their angle…
What are they trying to do here, pervert children?


You probably have an adblocker, right? I believe the "recommended channels" is blocked by most ad blockers. The difference is the red subscribe button in the top right. Your image shows video suggestions while his shows a channel suggestion.

Yeah, I know what you mean. These toy channels too. They instill kids with materialistic values. You won't be able to shut all these channels down as there's thousands off them. Might be able to demonetize them if you report them enough.

Better to teach them why this shit is wrong. Build them up so they'll be able to reject peer pressure and the influence of kike media.

If adblocker fixes it, that's great, but it makes me wonder what anons are doing not having an adblocker installed.

That's not their only goal, they are going political as well. I the video I posted earlier, they seem to be subliminally referencing Trump. I recall in another they have a section of an episode designated to people in Trump and Hillary masks, with the Trump variant covered in red.

I have seen this too a few different times. As you can guess they will have something kid related (spiderman) and it wont come up in an initial search but 2-3 related videos away there it is.

It also comes up in toy searches, If you search for a toy review/commecial, it will recommend this shit.

These toy channels don't even post toys, they just include "toy" like they include "prank," "challenge," superheroes, etc. to be found in search queries. Unless you're talking about something else.

I really think YouTube is complicit in this. They have to be aware of it, considering how many views these videos pulled in. Despite that, they're doing nothing about it.

we got a bad hombre over here guys



This, my recommended are always relevant to what I've been watching in the recent past.
Google even paid me some money (surveys) to tailor my recommended content better

I use uBlock Origin, it doesn't block this, or at least it didn't used to. I don't have the recommended channels popping up anymore though, even when I disable it.

You'd think YouTube would be worried about the possibility of being sued by Disney. Usually they'll remove anything with copyrighted content faster than you can blink.

Is Disney itself complicit?


Some user on 4pol was claiming that these videos technically break no laws. I don't know how true that is. If it's untrue, then Disney is definitely complicit.

I didn't mean to post that video twice, whoops.




How suspicious.

You know who it would be nice to get to question this shit?

You know what I've found that's weird? When you search with terms such as "Spiderman" "Elsa" etc. as well as "weird," "suspicious," "strange," etc. then you get more of these viral videos instead of informational videos/exposes. It's like these content creators are trying to bury anybody trying to expose them.

Probably. Kids are getting addicted to Disney brands. Disney may not make money off these videos, but Disney-addicted kids surely make Disney a lot of money in other ways.

I may have misjudged. I just noticed that all the actors are east Asian. This suggests the Jews may not be behind it.

it's mostly true. fair use, fan videos and junk.

Serious though, if you can get into his comment sections and stir enough buzz about it he's a big enough eceleb to have a lot of people made aware of this weird shit. I remember the last thread we had on thses vids. Shit needs to be shut down.


This is a comment from this video

All this shit is oddly similar to those gruesome Elsa flash games people on 4 and 8 Holla Forums found a while back. I don't have archives though.

So are Cuckchan mods deleting these threads?

Honestly if we really want to solve problems we have to eliminate the cuckchan mods.

Any user here with a jewtube account should be dropping these kind of comments and upboating them.

the real question is what threads aren't being deleted

This dude is clearly into some weird shite. Also what father calls themselves "Freak Daddy". Bloody disgusting content.


This is beyond pedophilia. It's basically a legal video of children being tortured, using dolls as stand-ins, for sick fucks to get off to. This is probably the type of thing Peter Scully watched before he went off the deep end and became a kidnapper/murderer. YouTube is fucking evil for allowing this.

Is it a bad thing that I honestly wish death upon him?

Noballs burrito you won't
ye fuggun taco bowl

Not at all mate. These people deserve nothing but death.

How can we find out who he is to see if he has any (((connections?)))

Also, on a scale from 1 to 10, how likely is it that he molested those girls?


At this point I think that it's safer for kids to use imageboards than pretty much all normalfag sites.

Special designated kiddie Holla Forums board for our children when?

The comments are nothing but bots.

The ones that are genuine are easy to deduce and distinguish.
I can't help but notice that lots of the bot comments are in Arabic.

Well Felix is apparently one of us and he does have a Grudge against Youtube.

I say send it to him.

Comments on all these videos are weird, but I'm guessing all of the comments are being made by children. Also these videos have a low amount of likes even though they have millions of views. Probably bot viewers or youtube inflating it. Whatever it is, this is some sick social engineering shit. I honestly don't know what you even call this.

Other than being degenerate, what is the exact goal for Jews to be showing these videos to kids? Is it some sort of low key trauma based mind control or is it just showing kids degenerate shit so they become degenerate later on?

I'd say a 10. I'd suggest just combing through anything related to the channels name. You'll probably stumble across something.

This level of idocracy

That's probably part of it. I also imagine that the type of people who make these vids get some kind of sexual thrill out of the idea of corrupting children's minds. They can't harm kids IRL without being arrested, so the next best thing is fuck with their minds and scare them.

This is some degenerate shit for sure. I think being non-verbal they get a shit ton of international views. That would also explain the arabic comments.

It is some weirdshit, and it isnt one channel. There are multiple and they are oddly similar, but appear totally independant.

I cant tell if these are openly evil or just some south american degenerate culture.

What if all television/movies/video games/music is just like this, but slightly higher quality, so we've been accustomed to it?

This is making me want to abandon entertainment, or at least seek out better entertainment.

Reminds me of MKUltra
getting chills here, pretty spoopy

pizza (check)
scat fetish with kids (check)
kidnapping (check)

Also, from the same channel, some less than subtle child abuse: youtube.com/watch?v=x9U-iV3i-kc

Charming. HANG THEM ALL.

I don't even know if youre shilling or if youre behind 7 layers of irony

either way youre still shitposting

I really need to read all the comments before i post…

This image is 100% it. Jews want to separate God and spirituality away from Whites as much as possible. And it's working. the Yolo culture shit is taking off and everyone just wants to have a good time with no accountability and responsibility. I need to read more about the Frankfurt school and the rise of culture Marxism and their uses of social engineering, because this shit is pretty brilliant, they are creating their coveted Golems.

Eradication. Nothing less is acceptable.

Military and video games. All entertainment is shit nowadays anyway. You have to go back 60 years just to find a decent movie with good writing/actors etc. It's all just complete garbage now and I need to unplug myself.

If I remember right that Anonymous5 "Larper" over on Halfchan said that Youtube had some fucked up sex rings just like Twitter.

Just thinking of how mainstream shit fucked me in the head before I was redpilled, Imagining the shit these children watching this will have in their heads fills me with rage

How exactly do you think mainstream shit fucked you up, assuming we're around the same age and grew up on the same stuff? How would you propose going about becoming unfucked?

The mainstream secularism with the sexualized bullshit peverted me at around 11 years old, and I isolated myself from everthing secular for a while and got my head together

Sex rings? I'm guessing this has something to do with pizzagate? Never heard of these sex rings on twitter/youtube.

I've been reading the Franklin Cover up recently, and this entire pedophilia/satanic ring could be a lot bigger then we all think.

That kike is projecting so hard.

well you guys are fine here. Just keep it contained to one thread and don't get cancerous.

Just sex, no psychosocial/social interaction stuff from the cartoons growing up? I feel like if I really took my shoes off and walked around inside my brain, I'd find issues caused by those damn cartoons.

Porn can really fuck a kids brain, along with video games, if those are the only things he spends his time doing, his life will become utter nothingness, which is what your seeing in Japan and some western countries.

That particular vid is taking place in Vietnam. When they're posing in the gym at about 3:35, you can see a URL for the gym on the poster in the background. It's a Vietnamese website.

We need to find similar vids taking place in America and try to identify the locations so we can figure out who these people are.

Youtube is putting this shit in Recommended sections of kid videos. It's not like it's off in some weird walled garden of fetish videos. It's placed right beside Dora the fucking Explorer, and it's done on purpose.
Are you retarded or paid to be that way?

I don't know what to make of that poster. Early on he made some posts that really woke a lot of people up. But recently he has turned into an absolute retard. It almost seems like he is trying to make himself seem like a LARPer now that the elections are over. He's saying things like "the twin towers were giant tuning forks and that the band Metallica saw a Cthulhu in Antarctica"

You don't remember the australian pedos in cambodia? The jews will get shit done cheaply where they can.

I don't think English was his first language. I sort of recall him predicting some rudimentary things, but I think a lot of them were obvious.

Those cartoons did a number too, it made me want to lap up the lies and made my brains scrambled and constantly confused about who I am and what is happening.

What do you do about the residual effects? The first answer that comes to mind is eastern spirituality, I might try that.


Remember when anons found a fuckton of CP on twitter and the response was to ban us rather than the CP?

Jack is a sick fuck and all social media is insanely compromised.

Shut out all things secular and meditate on the word of God.

That's actually a good idea

Thanks FBI. Shouldn't you be going after the people posting that shit instead of using it as bait to try and trick random anons?

Attention seeking behaviour. Lots of leakers/etc find something and they enjoy the attention so they keep making shit up for the attention stream to continue. He's shirking his responsibility by creating big lies instead of participating as an equal because he wouldn't get the same attention.

The first thing you should always do is document the content and dox the individuals involved.

He says some extremely on point stuff and then says that there used to be continent sized Godzilla monsters.

Could be injecting harmless but retarded disinfo for plausible deniability like FBIanon did?


Most disinfo is on purpose to make people seem crazy. Flat earth, etc.

what's this?

Fuck off nigglet.

I just found about this as well. Google it, pedophile accounts are not being banned. This pedophile shit I think is one of the biggest weaknesses Jews have, because normies can get on board and put them in Jail. Jews love pedophilia for some reason, I'm guessing it has something to do with satanism and the pureness of the child.

I don't have archives either, but most of the digging was compiled in these two pastebins:


I encourage anons to read these, it has names of some of the people involved. One of the bot accounts was linked to Wipro Technologies in India.

look at all the thumbnails. Notice anything?

The Pedophilia is most likely the easiest way that we can get them holocausted again.

I don't see another viable path.

Hey OP. Got a very good theory.

I use jewtube to listen to music. Ever notice on any song older than 5 years there are a slew of comments that bring up the commenters age. Like, "Im only 12 and I love me some whatever" I noticed this phenomena for years and didnt think much of it. Then it struck me after reading some article about pedos and WOW. This is pedo bait. Some pedo is larping as kid to meet other kids. OR they just use this come on to meet kids. Think about it, even if a court order banned you from interacting with kids on the internet, this is just youtube nothing to see here.

So back to these creepy ass vids. Maybe these are all just bait from pedos. Obviously if a little kid is watching these and commenting, they have zero parental oversight on youtube, and maybe the whole net. This is a gold mine for fucking creeps of all sorts.

Fuck this hyper sexual stuff.

I know

He's saying the American pledge of allegiance in the beginning.

Diversity? Also noticed in one of the videos the black child was playing with a black male doll and a white blonde female doll.

Im sure H3H3's Ethan said that it's the Bradburys making these videos after their prank channel flopped hard.

They sided with CTR during the election, what the fuck does anyone expect?

it's fun tracking back things you think are disinfo and finding the source is always that kind of fringe shit. I wonder what proportion are deliberate, but it's never proveable. Then again, crazies trying to infect others is just as deliberate as degenerates trying to break the minds of children like in OP, even if they are doing it on their own.


Enjoy shit quality and brick-wall compressors faggot.


Have fun.

They're all sexual. At least the ones from this producer. They all have at least an ass in them, a hand near it, or two people in a provocative position.


Just because the holocaust didn't happen doesn't mean that the 102 other times that they got their shit kicked in didn't happen.

Its okay to be gay, though

Any possible relation to those weird Indian children's rhyme channels or those online games where you perform gum surgery on Dora the Explorer and so on?

They all give me the same creepy vibe.


We've been thinking about that

Think about it, if you look back at the mainstream poison from the 90s on, it gets more and more potent. It was pretty subversive during our childhoods. With the queer bullshit going on, especially with it being shoved into children's faces with it in education and their media, stuff like this may be the next step.

How the fuck did you reach that conclusion nigger?

I had a previous job that didnt like pandora but didnt care about youtube. They were weird. Also it is background noise. I listen to one song on repeat for 3 hours.

Now that's autism.
It had better be something memetically sound, like Shadilay.

Stopped reading. Sometimes I swear you guys are retarded. This shit is geared toward pedos. Kids are not watching this garbage, the only ones who would watch this filth is pedos. It is disgusting in that it is promoting pedophilia, but not because this is some kind of conspiracy to indoctrinate children. It's too high a budget and too obscure a source. They already have an outlet for indoctrinating the children. Call an orange an orange. For fucks sake.

Your los faggitas are full of coward stupid shit faggots who only fight defenseless women and children, people here know who you animals are and we'll kill every single one of you
lol useless and stupid idiots who run away when someone fights back, typical subhuman spics

It's all machine generated content. Algorithmicly optimized to addict children. The people who make it need to be killed, what they are doing is an affront to God.

To continue, take a closer look at that snout.

Tens of millions of views. Numerous parents saying that youtube is recommending these videos to kids. Pull your head out of your ass.

Looked back at it and you're right. Looking at everything, kids in America seem to be the experimental golems Jews want to eventually rule over. Just look at how much shit a kid has to go through. The food, water, Air, is unfit to eat/breath, they're brainwashed via media and education and now this shit which they watch in their free time. Either America has been hijacked as a giant testlab for Jews to perform experiments on millions of people, or these kids are in fact growing up to be the Golems jews want so bad.



there used to be one named "HeyKids" but it was deleted last year.
It lasted couple of years

I ant a shill, I am just doing what y'all asked me to do. Post creepy children's videos…and I did….and I hope i burns in a fire.

Cartels will always be the scrubs of vain gangsters, you may be brutal, you maybe widespread but what cartels will never be anything but squaty Mexican nobodies evaporating into the nothingness of space and time.

It's both. Look at all the comments, it's mostly all kids unless those happen to be all fake pedo accounts then by all means your right, but like another anons said parents are finding their kids watching this shit. This is a psyop to submit kids into sexual promiscuity and like the other post said, turn them into beasts and remove them from god and spirituality.

Idk man. The Internet is by nature degenerate, and it shouldn't be surprising that Shekelberg would promote some of the worst shit available to pozz der kinder.

Children do not need the Internet. At all. Most of us were fortunate enough to grow up in a time before everyone had a broadband connection, especially on a handheld device. The LCD was considerably higher as a result and the most degenerate media was Joe Cartoon. Now there's heroin needles in the ball pit. Do not be surprised.

The most important thing is to pay attention to what YOUR children are consuming, or children you might share some responsibility for. I'm personally beginning to advocate more stringent regulation of the Internet or possibly the end of Net Neutrality, at least for the sake of argument. I would pay Holla Forums and a few other sites monthly for access n/p, for example. Would you really tolerate an open Net with its endless porn and tumblr if you had a perfect NatSoc government? Plz, no you wouldn't. The loss of productivity alone is enough of a reason to end it all. Facebook is RUINING women. The net effect is Negative. We use it, sure, but so does the left.

Please note: Toy Freaks appears in YouTube Kids, and that alone is enough to make me delete the app. Let this be a lessen to a Saul. Children need the Internet like they need a meth pozzing.

BUT, this is not Bella and the Bulldogs tier indoc, AND this thread is cuckchan tier concern trolling. Fuck off, we're full.

Sage grows in all fields.

Fuck, what's the redpill on that bullshit? All true? A false flag? The beginning of the "conspiracy theory" geared towards the abuse of kids to help pull veil of the eyes of normies?

As for the OP the answer lies completely in who is funding the videos, and it should be obvious.

I missed that part. An iphone or DSLR with external mic aren't exactly hollywood budgets, it's not inconceivable for small groups to be able to put together. Not to mention shillanon's implication that it's "too high budget" and >implication that jews wouldn't spend tons of money to push indoctrination when that's exactly what every single one of their multi-million dollar jewlywood movies, telavivsion shows, and big name pop star "music" albums are.

pretty ok pizza for ohio


Theres a fucking reason pizzagate has been pinned for months. Stop being naive. What the fuck user.

I'm right there with you.

user, I highly recommend you pick up the book. It was written by a Nebraska state senator who was also a lawyer. There's tons of murders involving the case, and it did indeed get memory holed. Some of the stories you hear from these kids really makes your fucking skin crawl, including cannibalism and old fashioned Jew blood libel. This shit goes way back thousands of years though. There's tons of books on all of this Jew satanic shit.

I would also read about "The Finders".

Please rethink what you just typed you giant faggot: end of net neutrality (in the way I'm assuming you are seeing it) would be ripe for leftist takeover.
How can you pay 8ch if every 'good, progressive, and diverse' ISP bans the shit out of it?
I don't like net neutrality as it stands, but I hate not having it due to the monopolies that have arosen due to regulatory capture.
Net neutrality wouldn't be needed if, continuing your 'paying Holla Forums' example, if it would be easy or feasible to get together, scrape a few mill. and start providing internet in an urban area as a scrappy ISP.
If that were possible, we wouldn't even have a discussion about 'net neutrality' because any ISP dicking around with where bits go would go out of business.
But we don't live in fantasy land where puppies come with a free case of entrepeneurial spirit.

never gunna happen m8, net neutrality is a terrible idea because whoever's in charge will be a corrupt fuck who acts in their own interest.

I do agree with your point about watching what kids watch and are exposed though. Agree so much with that point in fact, that it makes it hard to care too much about the thread's topic: I almost get a feeling that the kid deserves to get shat on due to such shitty parenting.

Thats the problem with Holla Forums. It needs to be national socialist and anyone who doesn't agree with it can go back to 4chan. On top of that there needs to be more stickies on books anons need to arm themselves with to educate themselves and their families, especially now since Amazon is taking books down.

I try guys, I really do…

Shitty parenting or even good parenting sometimes gets overshadowed by all of this shit. Media and schools are the ones raising your kids.

Maybe if your post wasn't an indecipherable non-sentence it would help. Learn English friend.

Another thing to note from these videos:
- They appear to be preformed in a large resort
- The resort is always empty, but has a functioning pool and facilities
- the only people you will see in the background is one of the actors, no one in the windows or rooms



it's plebbit but people found out who it is in the spiderman elsa videos…the bradberry bros from prank channel moe and ET


Stop demanding ideological conformity on an anonymous imageboard you fucking faggot. Should I be banned because I think that Jacksonian Democracy is more appropriate in America because it's more in line with our traditions and culture?

Fucking hate you cunts demanding that all nations follow the exact same governmental system regardless of cultural differences.

Considering all the inane shit that does the rounds in facebook scaring normies left and right…
Why hasn't there been any infographics about these videos so that it gets popular there?
If a spook-post about how leather sandals will give you brain cancer can get seen by millions, why not something about how creepy this shit is?

Your god damn right it is, playing video games does nothing for you. It can grab hold of a kids mind by constantly throwing fake accomplishments and tasks his way. That's why a game like WoW was so addictive. If you can balance it out and play an hour a day or less great. But today there's a ton of more important shit to. Escapism is dangerous and leads to more degeneracy.

Holla Forums pls

I'd personally differentiate between games that are finished or complete (tetris, older games, single player) and skinner boxes that lead to endless engagement (wow, mobile anything, many multiplayer games)

You must be new here user.


cant embed anymore for some reason

That's essentially your argument here. And it's wrong. Posting ugly drawings of anime girls doesn't refute me.

I agree, and video games can be a great way to relax at the end of the day, and if you can balance it out great, but in the end it's still escapism in the form of bullshit media. There's plenty of hobbies you can pick up that will serve you later in your life (shooting, lifting/running, fighting skill etc.)

Or you could stop being a faggot kike and trying to police what is "acceptable" to have as a harmless hobby.

Yes user im policing all of these poor people and forcing them not to have fun. Living a life without playing video games must be incredibly hard for you.

White nationalism is part of American history. National Socialism is not rooted in our culture or History, thus it's politically nonviable. All Nationalist movements should be rooted in the nations culture and history.

Don't let older games off the hook so easily. Many of them were designed to addict people to microtransactions too, remember that many "retro" games were originally implemented in arcade machines and were designed to eat quarters as efficiently as possible.

By modern standards, they were primitive. They can't compete with the modern shit designed by unethical cognitive scientists. But the same intent was there.

Tetris seems relatively benign, since it was designed by a Soviet as a computer game, not an arcade game. However you shouldn't discount the psychological impact of Tetris: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetris_effect Tetris can alter your perception of the world around you, if only temporarily and in a seemingly inconsequential way. What can modern games do to you?

Narcissistic kike is what you are.


Again you don't understand what NATSOC is, If you think capitalism is viable, you need to lurk more.

You sound like a hopeless addict. Let me help you user.


It's Ethan Bradberry!

You sound like a kike that wants to control every aspect of a person's life and virtue signals online about how good his personally identified hobbies are while everything else is bad because he personally thinks so. A very commonspic mindset.

Fuck your double-sided bullshit preaching you're not my moms

into the bog with you imkampfy or whatever faggot namefag you are

When in doubt, post pictures.

end your life

Do you want to know how you can identify who the alcoholic in the room is? Say that drinking is bad for you. Some people will probably disagree, but the person who becomes angry is the alcoholic.

You are an addict. You don't want to admit it, but addicts rarely do.

You can believe whatever you want but that doesn't mean you're right. Nobody ever said every nation has to be a carbon copy of Germany. It's about a century too late for Jacksonian Democracy. Your ignorance is the only thing holding you back. You're creating straw men that don't exist. At the end of the day National Socialism is a philosophy, not a one solution fits all 1:1 aspect ratio system. The government will ultimately be the reflection of the nations cultural, and traditional values/virtues. The economic system is mostly meaningless, it will be whatever works best to maximize prosperity and minimize abuse to the nations people. The system of government will act in a similar way. If America was national socialist, it would still embody freedom, liberty, and morality. Nothing of the soul of the national identity would change. It might be republican in nature, like Rome, or Imperial. Those would be the two things I could imagine best.

Simply, the philosophy of national socialism will be applied. If you're too retarded to understand what that means or why it doesn't compromise the American people, lurk moar or get out. Fuck off with your special snowflake ideology. Never again will the circumstances, environment, and people who lived during Andrew Jackson's god rest his soul ever again exist. You will never replicate it, therefore Jacksonian Democracy will be ineffective and inapplicable to today's climate. National socialism is eternal. Protecting your race, pride in your people, and a healty virtuous family unit and population will never reach irrelevance no matter if, in the jungles 1200 years ago, or in a distant planet 1200 light years away. It's static and righteous no matter what.

Do you want me to feel sorry for you? I don't really understand what your point is user.

No, it means you're normal.

That's the same semitic argument used to claim people that oppose pedokikery are the pedos themselves. Send yourself to the bog kike.

Also wrong.

Holy shit the lightbulb just turned on.

I don't need your shit opinion ctr, you outed yourselves with your mental disease known as narcissism

Wrong. If you say that pedophilia is bad and somebody becomes angry with you saying that, it means they are the pedophile.

If you say that alcohol is bad and somebody becomes angry with you saying that, it means that person is an alcoholic.

If you say that video games are bad and somebody becomes angry with you saying that, it means they are a video game addict.

Aren't you really just talking about Volkisch ideology rather than National Socialism specifically?


Yes user, telling someone to spend their time better by not consuming Jewish media is thought policing. The irony of these posts is gold.

Who would respond like that, if not a pedophile?

God, you're a nigger.

You picked a bad time to show yourself, schlomo.


Triggered yet rick?

They're addicts. Rationality goes out the window when dealing with addicts. I've got several alcoholics in my family, I've seen this play out all my life.

I'm sorry, but you're wrong.

Revelations 3:9

"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."

They're just really shit shills. They love posting trump pictures and anime pictures it's truly lulz worthy. And they just happen to be defending anime and video games, two major time wasters that are killing white males and is basically killing Japan.

ayy lmao

Congratulations spic, you outed yourself.

You kikes need some Jesus.

Revelations 2:9

I know your afflictions and your poverty–yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

All the time I just kept thinking, "yeah man, I used to be an edgy 13 year old once too"


user, I've got some bad news for you…


im gonna bet you're gonna shill this one are you?

Pregnant Elsa, pregnant demon Elsa and other shit like that. Tens and hundreds of games all ever so slightly different to each other but following the same disturbing theme.


Disney has a track record of being very heavy handed when it comes to copyright and trademark infringement. The fact they're silent about this most points towards them being complicit.

This shit has to stop.

I honestly wouldn't really care to much if a few kids were doing this stupid shit themselves but this isn't that. The sophistication of the botnets, the frequency and "quality" of the content, the complicity…. There's something huge going on here and it's completely fucking deranged.

Possibly a sekrit named operation by cianiggers and their leftist goons people here have yet to discover

lel, it was kinda funny. sadly, spics can't speak english.



Well fuck my ass and call me Elsa, Disney might not actually give a fuck.

Is it possible that Disney gets commission for every violation of their rights?

Fellate a chainsaw.

Ok guys, so back in the original girlgames and heykids investigation on Holla Forums (it's been so long now can't remember which if it was 8/v/ or half/v/) I ran across this little nugget and screencapped it. I knew I still had the pic somewhere so I plugged in my old ass dusty pc and finally found it after much searching. I don't know if you are able to still look this up or not but girlgames has some connection to Homeland Security. Nobody in the original threads seemed to notice this find as they were too busy circlejerking and larping about rogue AIs.

I'm noticing that with the video in . That looks like a really upscale resort, and there's not a single other person around. Later in the vid, they're in a fancy-looking gym with a hardwood floor, although you can see people working out in the background. Normally a gym would discourage people from coming in and filming some weird skit. I worked in a gym, and you weren't allowed to record people, period.

These people must have money to burn if they're able to rent out these places. It's not like they desperately need the revenue from the clicks.

we already have one it's called Holla Forums

forgot to clear sage

I had constant dreams of playing Civ once, made me believe I made some progress during too.

You're a moron.

What the fuck.

Wanna learn how to spot the "sociopath"?

I don't know what to make of it user. My best guess is that all this stuff might be used somehow on kids in mkultra/monarch type programming. The vids/games are already degenerate, but has anyone scoured them for subliminal messages?

Slightly different Metron but the DHS does have a trademark on their Metron soooo idk

Are you retarded? Where do you think you are?

But user, it says that the metron creative studios is based out of Berlin and London. If you look at the screencaps I posted you'll see that the Metron involved with girlgames is based out of Oakland California. So methinks that first one that came up in google for you is probably not the right one. Granted, I could be wrong and this needs to be researched more.


Read the thread. He was attacking anime and video games on Holla Forums. These retards really don't get where they are because they never browse the other boards. They think Holla Forums is the only thing on Holla Forums and have no regard for the rest of the culture. Fucking idiots.


I guess pic related are the Metron Studios in question. Their location and phone number were on google. Apparently they're (((financial planners)))…

Sorry for double-posting, but I just looked up Metron Studios' facebook page and it confirmed that the metron.com domain linked with homeland security is the same one that was involved with girlgames.


Kek, I do all my youtube browsing signed off of google on a private window , this is probably just the default landing page for normies or something, no clue.

This post was meant to reply to:

This can signify that this isn't an effort to solely produce money, if they wished to that they would film elsewhere than a resort or gym, unless they own both. If they don't, that's evidence of these being sinister.

In the h3h3 video on it they discussed how they somehow had access to ridiculously expensive luxury cars



Sage to not derail a good thread, but yeah, how would he even know to make a joke like that unless he's "in the know"? Normalfags will laugh it off as an absurd random comment, but it sounds like Ethan needed to get it off his chest for some reason. Does every Israeli citizen know about these secret baby-blood projects?

yo wtf…

does the likes and dislikes count also not show up for you?

thread is useless without webms

H3h3 joked about how the bradberry bros spent all their money from spidermna elsa viral vids on cars as soon as they got paid

I've seen this. I'm not sure if it's evil, or these people stumbled on an ingenious way to make money.

The other thing on youtube is people opening toys. Kids love this shit.

Back to cuckchan, you cant even sage.

Yes, and you know I did because it is in the context of the fucking thread, Moshe. You Jews are hilarious in that you shill/counter-shill yourselves. It's really no wonder your modern Satanic traditions are straight out of pre-history. The division and conquering of your cult has left you with what your lying grandparents call "genetic scars" that give you PTSD from God wiping out your entire "civilization" and Jesus Christ Himself cursing you all to Hell.

Ahh there it is. My heebdar is apparently at 100% efficiency. You want to destroy the minds, bodies, and lives of us filthy goyim. Got it.


Lad, do you want your kid to end up like us, at best?

If there is one thing that I learned from the internet after being online for some 20 years or so is that no way in hell am I letting my kids access that cesspool until they are adult.

At the end of the day, our culture suffered because of unrestricted flow of information - the only saving grace is that this torrent of data allows us to fight back against the big guys who would try to silence uncomfortable truths because they can't catch it all.
But for every nugget of information you have a literal 1000 videos in YouTube, each full of trivia and mindless distraction that people fall for.

You can't purge the world without mastering yourself and protecting your loved ones.


This is sick


I was using a modem to access the UofMN network before ARPANET went open to the public. I used to "browse" the internet using Gopher before HTTP was implemented. Newsgroups were the imageboards of yesteryear. I see no reason to deprive the next generation of my lineage from exploring the digitial wilderness.

We have things like Dan's Guardian, Squid/ClamAV and some other one I can't remember at the moment.

It's a cultural and a spiritual desert. It's a wasteland of ideas because at the end of the day its just an information exchange, not a real place where you can create your life around. You don't interact with physical itsmes, you don't interact with people, their body language or their thoughts, you are only replying ot the date they feed you - everything we do or say online is just distilled data without flavour or form.
Internet as it is now is a false mental construct that instead of aiding real life has become deceptive and alluring enough that most people replaced their lives with constant stream of information.

There is nothing to explore out here, humanity is already beyond a point where the datasphere's combined "mass" exceeds time constraints of human brain and life.
Use it to live a full life in reality, but don't live it online.

hello idubbbz
also you forgot #5: Infantilists. Yes that's actually different than paedos. Paedos aren't classified as a 'debilitating disease' yet. Those other fuckers we pay for to keep alive
3 qs to ask yourself.
(((Who runs jewtube?)))
(((Who))) would allow these to stay up long enough to garner those millions of views?
(((How))) does it get past TOS?
Maybe they're purging these stupid threads because there's nothing you can do until you remove the primary influence

Unless this leads to a direct line involving a pizzagate-ing type thing, or to Pedowood, it's not really worthwhile.
and in that case it's also preferable to leave the videos up as evidence.

Also there's so many bots because it's somehow tied to that chink shit like "Girlgames.com," which has all the same dumb shit but in 'flashgames format'
Pregnant whomever, whomever surgery (random disney character is so injured they're losing limbs and you stitch them back up trauma center style), whomever at the zoo (usually ends with poo-tossing monkeys)

I mean I'm interested in the why because I have no idea how you make money off this (literal) shit, certainly wouldn't seem like enough to waste bots on, since most people would watch it then leave.
Maybe youtube's ad service is so fucking retarded it thinks these are actually profitable? In which case they're guilty of the same thing the (((Fine Bros))) are, so nuke the adbuxxx.
How do I know it's origin is chink shit? Because it certainly doesn't look like any pregnancy I've encountered.

stay there faggot


Then just content lock them into Voice of Albion or similar.
My kids only get science-y shit, war stuff, and speeches.
Hasbro taught'em if you want the cheap plastic goods, you go straight to the source.
Only thing I worry about is accidentally pilling themselves and breaking at the insanity of the world, building themselves an armoured dumptruck, and driving around shooting police.

Oh, also FYI, I just remembered but there was something a li'l similar waaaaay back near where jewtube started, a crazy cannuckistani mom who fucked her son and made lewd videos of her and him (presumably to offer others the same? idk seemed a lot of effort for plain attention-whoring)
Those absolute literal faggots at Perverted Justice flipped the fug out and got the videos purged.
So what happen? Absolutely nothing.
Not a day in prison because no more evidence existed.

possibly something new that wasn't around back then, I remember hearing )))Nintendo((( gets the revenue from streamers and unboxers now who use their products.

hmmmmmm not vetted. SOOOO what are you just looking at kids???? Strange. Listen you need to vet this or else you are clandestine.
Love not hate.
real not fake.
Come on guys we are over the pizza stuff it is to make people think it is some crazy conspiracy like the benevolent social clubs for men that are charitable and untouchable. VET YOUR FUCKING SOURCES GUYS.

The only kikes ITT are the ones going straight to their tryhard kike folders for no reason, just like shills yell "shill" the loudest. Hopefully anons get this by now. What would you do if you were a huge kike and wanted to infiltrate an anti-kike forum? Post kike maymays. They're probably half the posters in favor of genocide, also. I remember the halfchan threads where that one kike admitted that he did most of the best Ben Garrison edits.

No it is not, and here is the cure for that

Exactly the sources are obscure. They are not archived and there is 0 vetting taking place.

Just get the next generation hypersexualized and they will never be able to get into politics, fighting for non issues in the bubble of occidental comfyness. Everytime that sex it's cheaper, political discussion tends to go away, because the incentives to get it are not longer related to how much power and resources you hold, and power and resources acquired through political and social participation are normal means to get sex.

It was already posted here weeks ago you niggerfaggot. This isn't reddit.

Oh shit. Now that you mention it, I vaguely remember that coming up in the original series of girlgames threads forever ago. We need to keep digging into this kind of shit. I think there's more than just poointheloos botnetting their own videos for ad revenue going on here (granted that is part of it). All these weird youtube channels as well as girlgames etc are shady as fuck.

t. Jimmy Alefantis

http:// www.nbc26.com/news/national/parents-want-youtube-channel-banned-because-of-alleged-hidden-disturbing-images

https:// www.doomworld.com/vb/everything-else/85674-the-childrens-part-of-youtube/

don't be afraid to name and shame, you know how it goes! (((GOLDBERG)))
Also I remember a pretty lulzy thread in which like ten different anons admitted they were actually jews "but they really liked the style" and "wanted to learn and adopt trigger tactics to deal with the Jstreeters" (bolshie jews aka Haaretz aka NYT)

The living room with the white sofa where they put cream on spidermans hand is used for porn movies.


This is nothing new. YouTube has always been a den of pedos. Anyone remember that big "talent" channel back in ~2007 that was regularly on the front page and later shut down over pedo shit? I think it was called "Young Tubers" or "YouTube Youth" or something like it…

I know this pajeet is lurking here, because Holla Forums let him, but i didn't know he lurked this long.

hustled my bones

The only info I could find was how early he started operating the channel. How does one dox?

wew lad

I've never watched Seinfeld in my life. Kek.

this shit is just oh so random Holla Forumstier edgy bullshit there's not much then that


ai confirmed???

what the fuck -__-

It's funny (and spooky) because I have one of those iPad cousins who was born in the mid 2000s and was raised on a tablet and now he's really fucking weird even though he's still pretty young. He was adopted and has some sort of attachment disorder, so he's very open to strangers and very antisocial, too… at least, that's my analysis. Anyway, as a result, he's been kind of blunt about how much porn he watches and weird shit like that despite being very young, and even talks about pregnancy and seems to have like a fetish for it. So… seeing that there are videos about that stuff on youtube, and that DHS is funding it, I would certainly agree that there is some deep electropsychosexual programming being tested on kids who stumble upon it for whatever reason. Not every kid will be like my cousin and be so incapacitated mentally that they'd divulge this sort of secret interest, but it really makes me wonder how prevalent it is, especially when a channel like Toy Freaks has tens of millions of views with buttfuck retarded and fetishistic content. Deeper on youtube, I'm sure there's more disgusting fetish shit, and the jump from youtube to xtube or redtube or whatever isn't that large, and the scat/other disturbing fetish content on those sites is plain wrong for a kid to have access to. I just wouldn't let my kid near that shit, lol. I may sound like an old luddite, but I'm only 20 lol, I just fucking hate this shit.

Do not do this yet. Yes, the videos are fucking creepy, but Felix is effectively the nuclear option. Once he focuses on it,it will be unavoidably thrust into the public eye. We hold off on using the nuclear option until we've finished gathering as much Intel on this as we can, THEN we give it to Felix to go nuclear on.

There was a channel years ago of some crazy 40s or 50s vegan escort/stripper lady who uploaded videos pretty much hourly. She had a ton of creepy as fuck abuse videos of her son who she was effectively raising as a girl, and as people began scouring her account to gather evidence, the account was flagged and taken down before anyone could get anything incriminating or lulzworthy. The lesson is clear, you don't take your shot until you've had time to aim.

Katherine Marion? Some kind user made an archive of all her videos back then, now I can treasure them forever. This one is from a secondary channel she had.

I believe the rabbit hole goes deeper than we know.

Search up on Youtube "Webcam video" and you are met with a ton of suggestions of certain specific dates… A lot of these videos are questionable indeed, girls doing seemingly innocent (to them at least) gymnastic poses, pedos flock to this stuff like flies to shit… It's concerning indeed.

I believe a few cancer meme tier Jewtubers have recently called this shit out, making it almost public knowledge, if we can push this out into the open and specifically emphasize the effects this stuff has on children, I think we can score a blow against the Jew!

I remember this one kid in school who used to watch fart pornography on the school computers…
…We were 9 years old.

He was fucked up in the head, now just imagine the effect this would have if this was the norm, Youtube is the kike's way of damaging our young through the most vicious propaganda and fucked up shit yet.

Here's how it's going to go down

Then when they're older and the hormones kick in…

Children are most vunerable to this type of propaganda… And it is clear that (((they))) are targetting kids now with this shit.

Go out and dox the fools making this sort of shit, many of them may just be independent pedo scum that are just doing it because they're sick fucks, but dox them and ruin them. We shall get to the bottom of this and we may even uncover something in similar proportion to Pizzagate.

He was saying the pledge of allegiance (US).

That's a fucked up clip.I'm getting a lot of MK Ultra vibes off of this, or maybe a Randy Prozac project. Anyone else getting any sort of idea on what this is?

It looks like behavioral modification for children. The silly noises accompanying violence is obvious enough, I hope. The gross voices at the beginning of the people oggling the girl is maybe supposed to make you hate yourself?

In the following video, check out 7:16. Spiderman is putting on gold chains and a flat-brimmed cap. Is Spiderman the most popular superhero among black children?


I'm going to keep watching. If "Spiderman" goes and does something violent, I may be on to something.

Don't start with the AI larping shit. This is what killed the original investigation. We found real people and real connections behind the scenes the first time we looked into it but you idiot larpers shit up all the threads with your AI circlejerking and ran out any serious investigators. You fuckers even spent several threads following a stupid chat bot that was clearly a red herring and completely unrelated. The heykids guy even started lurking the threads and making videos about AI just to fuck with you.


What the fuck is this HeyKids channel? Is this genuinely AI let loose on youtube?

I remember autogenerated content was meant to be in development a few years ago (in the context of news articles)

Looking at the rest of ToysAndMe it looks like a fairly genuine moneymaking scheme, it's gross and should fall under the "don't advertise junk food to children" ethics but I don't think it counts as rapey.

He and his sister dress up as a rapper and THOT, respectively. He raps to his friends, and then the girl comes up behind him and starts dancing provocatively. Then, they wake up together, as if from a dream, both rubbing their eyes.

Perhaps the messaging is something like
There's also something going on that makes me think the boy is supposed to want to sleep with the girl, but I haven't seen anything solid on this yet.

HeyKids is NOT AN AI. It's a fucking tubby, creepy indian guy. We even found his facebook before. He keeps posting AI shit because he lurked the original threads on Holla Forums and started fucking with all the autistic kids larping about AI. We need to find out about the people behind this and if they're up to anything besides scamming youtube adbucks. The AI thing is a complete red herring.

Jesus christ, that 2nd elsa and spiderman video, where she's eating the spiders… That freaks me out.


That makes sense. A greasy demented weirdo from sandland targetting kids, nothing new there. I still think autogenerated stuff will be quite concerning in the next few years when you consider all that creepy faceswapping CGI and vocaloid technology.

This thread reminded me of being a kid and watching VHS tapes repeatedly. Can't really remember much but it was stuff like video related, 'The Magic Painter'. Watching it now, I'm pretty sure it's less degenerate than youtube.


Well, fuck, he obviously was in prison, but just cross on middle finger doesn't say a lot. In various locations cross on middle finger means varying things. May had also get it just for serving time in prison once, without getting troubles with the prison's community.

I find the cartoons more disturbing. There is no dialog just kids laughing and goofy noises. If you walked by a kid watching these weird fetish cartoons you would hardly notice.

I guess its not that bad.

those are some false equivalence there shareblue

I also noted that a'lot of the replies seemed to be from bots.

I think the pics are just clickbait for perveclicks, and they're supplementing their legitimate views with bots. They're probably turd-worlders in thailand that are happy as a clam scamming youtube advertisers for a couple thousand bucks a month.

Talking about them, they were pro-hillary fags. Now they are "surviving" Donald Trump.

I wonder where the mother of those girls is?

Whoever it is, I doubt he's the father.

She appears by the end of this video, where father goes full tranny.

Am I too late to point and laugh at this spic

Probobaly because those SJWs are involved with it.

Don't you have "white nationalism is anti-white" shilling to do on the meta board, Moishe?

It's too bad Carpenter Brut is a cuck and made Gex take down With Open Gates or whatever it was called.

It wasn't meant to be a sage you incompetent, inattentive, poorly-inferring "One Man Army" Pedo Defense Force. You can clearly see that I was being genuine within earlier responses, and that I had no intentions to display that post as a sage. The only true similarity here to cuckchan behavior is you refusing to track individuals within the thread when responding to one, meaning that you don't behave in a rational manner when approaching such a course of action.
So please dislodge that splinter-ridden plank of wood that is driven up your ass and reinforce your inflated demeanor with actual intellect or discard the initiation of it altogether.

Absolutely not.

Flag the videos.

I noticed that as well. Those here who insist that there's but a millimeter separating mudslimes and kikes are right. Semites are the problem, all of them, and they don't kill each other nearly fast enough.

Why should I care about Oriental degeneracy? Their loss is my people's gain.


A question for Americans:
Which jurisdiction does youtube fall under?
I know they are norcal? but I want to know specifically. Because this is blatant cp propaganda which I think is criminal.

I don't care how big of a company they are. This is unacceptable

my cute 9yo sister watches those. she also likes when i touch her boobs.

Someone needs to sue the fuck out of youtube.
This needs to STOP asap.
any lawfags please share your thoughts

she also likes snogging and dry humping me while i hold her boobs.




never let your kids watch the rotten corrupt degenerate porn lgbt cp propaganda that is youtube

kike spotted

I dont remember what they are called but I always hear my niece listening to these fucking obscene youtube videos. the videos are a woman playing with dolls and voice acting for the dolls. I cant remember whats actually disgusting about them but I remember every time I heard her listening to the shit I had to go to my sister and say 'do you hear what shes fucking watching?!'

Im pretty sure the Artificial Intelligence bot is setting up to make videos catered to the redpilled audience as well.

The same format but for us.

the same video over and over but they change minor details.

sauce pls


I've done this with my niece who rocks and glares at the television like a fucking zombie. Amazing how much parents give no shits about this type of stuff.

Are these vids worst korean?

Quads confirm

More sick spiderman shit.


Basically this is like an inside joke to the snuff community. This is like softcore snuff and child domination. Its all cute and stuff like ahh look at that diaper thats a dirty diaper.

are you unaware of the millions of shitty parents worldwide who leave their kid alone with an ipad and youtube all day?

This channel is fucked. I used to let my daughter watch youtube, i'd find her something nice like peppa pig and next thing, is this shit. I took the ipad as soon as I heard something other than peppa was on, there's the smaller girl sitting on the toilet, with a bleeding nose, crying, the "dad" is in the bathroom videoing and basically mocking her.
It's absolute filth.

Anyone who uses their children in youtube videos needs to be visited by Child Protective Services. Especially those toy channel fuckers. I've watched a bunch of those videos out of sheer bewilderment and they range from exploitation to outright abuse. Seriously, how the fuck does this have 9 million views though?

Nigger buy a DVD or download the episodes off iTunes or something.

I'm unsurprised and this isn't a new subject, but it hits home a harder when it's not abstract.
[silent rage intensifies]


Literally no video on youtube has ever gone viral that fast. Google has to be intentionally promoting these up.

I think we have surpassed Warsaw at this point.

What cartoons?

Are you the linkin park guy?

Imagine yourself as a jewish owner of google CEO. What would benefit your new "Youtube KIDS" mobile app more, and give the highest revenue at the same time? Racist crypto-nazis like Pewdiepie and JonTron or Spiderman Elsa pregnant coprophilia nursery rhymes? Well, they both earn millions of views, but the answer is simple.


Isn't Ghostface or 'Scream' as they called it part of a horror franchise? Either way that shit isn't good for kids.

which ones?

Ads are easy to be rid of by using ad block.

I'm talking about Tel-Avivsion's ads that would make her kids want lots of useless and expensive shit, from new hip and trendy cookies to a PisS4.

I thought ublock is better since that one didn't cuck itself for (((reasonable ads))) like adblock did.

I think he was referring to adblockers in general.

What the fuck this shit is freaky anons

Found this one in the recommended. Whatever was in the chocolate the girl ate at around :50 really made her cry like that, no kid can act that good. What the fuck is this bullshit

Youtube is owned by Google, which owns the world. Our only hope is Trump bringing the hammer down all over all at once, and soon

This guy fucking gets it, quit fucking around with the mooks and go straight for the final boss, i.e the yids. Hell yes this shit is gross but it's only going to get worse as we go full Weimar Republic.

Since I am not into youtube shit, could someone tell me if 'featured' channels are always chosen and not automatically done?

Yea, that's the "show" that "discovered" meme queen Justine imBiber.

It's probably loaded with tamarind. Fukken mexican memecandies.

That kid's probably legitimately more tortured than if she were a rape victim at the moment. Mexicans jam it into fucking everything. It's the Kimchi of the west.
Of course, it seems natural mexicans would've 'discovered' this since they're the ones who like alcohol with fucking worms and scorpions swimming inside of it.

Weirdos figured out how to abuse youtube embedded search terms, made nonsensical / weird videos that happened to be the right amount of watch minutes to maximize ad revenue, and then leave it to dumb kids and moms to have it run with the autoplay on due to search relevance.

You want this all to stop?

Find a way to put it on normies radars.
They spend their time wage-slaving, not checking their kids youtube histories.

doesn't explain why they get huge viewcounts and are autoplayed, there is obvious collusion between Alphabet and the sickos/kikes on this.
funny way to write abusive

when parents plop a kid in front of a screen, most really don't care as long as it isn't an axe-murder or someone that's going to teach their kid to scream NIGGER! in public.

Nigger, get your daughter something more productive to do like learning to draw. An ipad will melt her brain and turn her into a ADHD retard.

OK but how do we do that exactly?

that explains a lot

Bump, this needs more attention, could it be linked to Pizzagate maybe?

Reminds me of the bizarre "hey kids!" network of channels

Every parent fears for their child.
How about we go look for signs of the impact?
If it didnt work they wouldnt continue getting funded.
alternatively theres lots of articles talking about how messed up millenial's sexuality is, help spread em

No. Do not lose focus.

I decided to open jewtube and saw this.

wew lad


You did a good job user,spending hours and days and weeks and months finding this filth perverted scat videos influencing our children

these kids will grow up to be liberal scat freaks and in turn will influence more

please find more of these so that we may see the state of decay and so that we see the need for elimination of these corrupted soon to be adults in the future

say,closet pedo scat freak,did u cum buckets like me?

why do you gusy try figuring out why is this happening, we all know why we can't win even if we try we get swarmed/legal actions no matter what you do, why make these threats while you clearly know who makes such content possible

If I had children, they wouldn't be allowed the Internet, lest of it Jewgle. Lazy blue-pilled idiots are responsible for their own demise!

Thinking we live in civilized times is the biggest lie of the Devil yet. We'll all see soon, that is certain.

Here's a nice one of Elsa cutting off her own fingers.


First of all, have children.

Second, in spite of all this, streaming video is still superior to conventional television with all its advertising / product placement and lack of opportunity to preview and filter content. You could go full Amish here, but I think keeping your child away from popular culture, however kike-driven, robs them of a baseline frame of reference that helps them connect with other kids.

For YouTube I made an account for my kid, locked SafeSearch, and made him a playlist. Filled it up with the train shit he likes, Lego stuff, redstone tutorials, and a few lets-play series by streamers I know aren't edgelords. As for the suggestions, see pic related. It's not foolproof, but if you maintain a rule where YouTube is only allowed within earshot of an adult, and the child has to ask before watching anything new - personally I've been doing this for a few years and the worst things my kid has stumbled on are a tour of the NYC subway system's public bathrooms and a crazy old woman who plays with Disney toys in her swimming pool.

Really the best thing to do is pirate every episode of Backyardigans and set up your living room so that the kid prefers to play video games standing up, which if you're a kid that means jumping around a lot and body slamming the couch whenever they fall in lava. This way it's very easy to get them away from passive watching and you don't need to worry so much about them getting fat. You just need to worry about them going blind.

Sorry for mommyblogging. Someone please post the recent article about new eye strain studies. The real reason we need to control kids' access to media is it's fucking up their eyeballs. Ours, too. Have you had your vision tested lately, user?

Consider using youtube-dl to download entire playlists by pasting a single url, and the arguments even let you convert the videos into sound files which is particularly useful if you want some music and video converters are scared of copyrights.

Found it.

www dailymail co uk/health/article-4149734/Global-epidemic-blindness-screen-time-blinding-kids-adults.html

Thanks, I've been using some rinky dink addon to download them one at a time.


Photons from LEDs are the very same photons you get from sunlight. The human retina does not deteriorate from anything other than an -excess- of photonic activity. As in looking at a welding flame or sunlight.

This is non-science clickbait to increase J-coins for the J-owners.

If you're looking for non-degenerate lets-play folk that aren't edgy idiots like Markiplier, I'd recommend FilthyRobot (deep strategy mechanics and Civ) Commander Holly (Story games and visual novels) The Alboe Show (Blackwake and naval fighting shenanigans)
Stay away from freaks like this guy: youtube.com/user/Marlborokid/videos

Who the fuck uses this term anymore? Is this what cuckchan calls us still?

Kill every pajeet

bring back /fk/ on cuckchan

what the fuck is this cancer

what is h3h3?

Why did Frozen have so much sticking appeal? Many of my young cousins were completely obsessed with it for a long time, in the same way the boys get obsessed with minecraft, and it still has large hold on the internet.


Yeah I never understood these low energy memes

Can't we dox these guys? Some of these videos are filmed outside, it shouldn't be that hard to find the locations.


These videos have millions of views…it cannot be from real people. Who would watch that garbage?

Are we sure this isn't done ad revenue scheme?

Because we choose to.

I could do it but I don't know if I want to watch hours of those awful videos.

Alphabet Street (Jewgle, Kiketube, etc.) dropped their CIA-funded pants and put the NWO flag on up high, it's time to stop using the Digitaljuden kids.

I remember banning their (((services))) and IPs back in 2001 when it was clear that Kikes did 9/11. You lazy burgerfucks need to stop cucking around, that starts with ENDING embedding Ziontube Videos on Holla Forums and ends with killing your Jew infestation.