What Gavin McCuck really thinks about kikes and the Holohoax
Mods, please wait to anchor so all the faggots who thought this shabbos goy redeemed himself can see how wrong they were.
What Gavin McCuck really thinks about kikes and the Holohoax
Mods, please wait to anchor so all the faggots who thought this shabbos goy redeemed himself can see how wrong they were.
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Fuck that faggot. Hope he drowns himself in the same grease he covers his hair and facial hair in.
Is he mentioned here? Lol
Yeah this looks like damage control from the other video. Only important thing to take from this is that he's a cuck.
That's some kike propaganda right there.
In what conceivable universe?
I hate Jews
People think Dicky Spence is a nazi
I bet he kissed the wall and did the shagging thing.
he's an alright guy. I already got his number, I don't need to see more.
I really don't care.
Didn't he call lauren southern and anti Semitic count?
Implicit Dick needs to be long knifed.
Fuck off kike, Gavin is a degenerate faggot.
Of course the Jews are going to tell you they didn't do anything bad you fucking retard. No group of people except whites will admit wrongdoing. That's why you research itself and don't go to fucking Israel on a brainwashing propaganda tour.
Watching the earlier video I thought there may be hope for this guy. But if he knows the arguments and is still this cucked, on top of how he threw his life away to racemixing, forget it. He's worthless.
That was a TRSodomite hoax. Not really sure what they were trying to accomplish with it, but I guess it would make sense if you're severely autistic and have GRIDS dementia.
He literally shoved a microphone up his ass.
Who is your favorite aut kike eceleb? You get bonus tolerance points if they're a fag or shitskin.
I haven't seen backpedaling this bad since the era of destalinization
Every night is long knife night for Richy
I'm out of the loop. Who?
Day 1:
…a few days later…
nobody, donny
David Duke was doing it too.
By the looks of his twitter, it seems like he caught autism. Too bad.
I want to believe that there's someone out there who is legitimate but it never seems to be true. Part of it is that there is such intense suppression of opposing views that the ones that do exist just stand out all the more. Like the only way someone could get away with saying the things he says and still have a twitter account let alone a job is by being an (((insider))).
Controlled opposition that only retards like OP pay attention to.
David Duke is one of the left's favorite boogie men. They like him being on twitter so that they can retweet him when he says things about Trump.
They ban no-name right wing accounts because those accounts have little propaganda value for the left.
Literal nigger cattle.
They actually banned him recently, but I guess enough people complained for them to overturn it.
that's what I figured, he's supposed to be almost a character that gets dragged out to discredit people by association. That's probably why he endorsed the muslim nigger DNC guy, and it's definitely why he endorsed Trump.
probably not enough people but just the (((right))) people
Fucking Kek, (((Rebel))) is going to be even more fucked now.
No one said that you out of context kike. If you actually looked at the thread people were just agreeing with what he said and were glad he had some realization, but still called him a degenerate cuck.
The only nazis kosher media are talking about are token boogie men like spencer and duke.
His (((boss))) must have raped his asshole with a cactus after he did that.
Hang on, isn't Gavin one of /ourguys/, he cheers on jewish fake nationalists, he says
When someone points out the jewish politicians he champions are jews,
he also says
He wants us to go fight and die for isreal like all the other kosher nationalist candidates that Holla Forums has organised teams marketing and campaigning on their behalf for free.
In fact Gavin McInnes pretty much makes the same talking points as most of our threads here state, only he's openly pro-jewish total control, whereas the anons on here doing that shit are pretending to be goy.
So while we all can see McInnes isn;t one of us, and he's determined that jews stay in total control, why does Holla Forums and most other nationalist websites say exactly the same things as this shabbos goy traitor.
Honestly the idea is to remove jewish power, not reassert and strengthen it with kosher neo-con politics.Anyone that says otherwise should be banned for life from here.
Gavin McCuckAss is a holy roller that needs to get punched in the face.
Considering how fucked he got when he called tran people mentally ill, I really think he just want to avoid this holocaust and not get in more trouble. He is clearly not 100% on board with it.
And hating him just seems silly to me. I really think you have brain damage if fucking gavin triggeres you this much.
I get the Spencer hate but Duke? Just out of genuine curiosity, what would Duke have to do so Holla Forums would stop hating on the nigga?
for me personally there isn't anything. He lost my trust with the whole gambling bullshit
That was before my time, maybe that's why I'm more friendly towards him, not knowing all of his backstory. But that makes sense.
it was before my time too, but after having looked into it I cannot trust him
accidentally deleted part of it