Major "Manosphere" Site Names the Jew

The Hidden Agenda Behind Interracial Pornography

It's happening, the red pill is spreading.

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Well I see why you went for the over the spaces.

The last Illusion Radio episode with Hunter Wallace was pretty good. Basically gave the background to the faggotry in the manosphere from someone who saw it first hand.

It also explains where Cernovich came from even though we already know his faggy past behavior.


We all know there is an agenda directly behind it.

All we need is to follow the money.
We need to gain access of record to the transactions.


It's exponential. Eventually going around in circles calling SJW's stupid and crazy gets boring. Then you want to find out who creates them.

It's great to watch all these online communities I was attracted to at some point or another in the last 10 years all converge towards the same point: naming the Jew.


Yes. YES!

knowledge of the JQ really seems to be spreading like wildfire lately

BORING. Normies aren't reading an Iranian PUA mans blog on how to pick up the hottest eastern european trannies.


It was hidden?

I was surprised how in-depth they went into Cernovitch, that shit hardly gets presented in that level of detail and depth even here.
Their retelling of his tranny fucking story was enough to send my sides into neptunian orbit

Let thme destroy their own industry kek, the internet has done that massively to them. Just look at the quality of it compared to the 90s.

Also, who the fuck reads Return of Kings?

A lot of people you don't normally talk to.

Roosh is just trying to gain more traffic and fill his Muslim pockets with more shekels. Isn't he the guy who bans people for racism on his forums when he's the one trying so hard to be with a White woman?

This website is right when it comes to PUA scammers and attraction. Don't lurk too long though.

e-celeb bullshit?
We're becoming a major power

Half/pol/ is exploding in popularity while we retain our culture here.

They actually are though. The rise of nationalism among the youth is among the frat bros, the college republicans, white soccer moms and other "normie" groups that are waking up due to right wing social media being driven by Holla Forums memes.

I started out in the manosphere, I'm familiar with Return of Kings.
It's their MO to stir up as much shit as possible and benefit from the free negative publicity which will be driven by the ensuing controversy.

It permeates farther. I teach at a college and one of my colleagues who is a white guy is a closet pol, another is a professor as is his wife, and she confided to me that her marriage isn't going well and she's sick of her husband reading amren.

I wanted to say to her the HWITES are waking up.

All according to keikaku

Can you feel it?

Whenever possible, it would be on our best interest to spend a little time in half/pol/ dropping red pills on normalfags that otherwise would fall prey to the endless wave of shills and shitposting. If normalfags come to us in droves it saves us the time and effort to reach to them on kikebook or twatter (which we should keep doing too).
I know it's hard to stand it there, but imageboards are the battlefield most suited for us. I think even the tiniest of efforts put there can produce interesting results.

I'm not familiar with "amren" but if it spread Holla Forums memes then tell her to be proud that her husband is trying to think for himself or something. Social status and signalling is huge for women and you can leverage that if it means two whites having a more stable prosperous marriage that will help spread white values.

Jesus, how old is this faggot?

Actually, the manosphere is stagnating. Not much to say when everyone and their mother is trying to self publish a PUA ebook while talking about how shitty women are. They try to reel in White Nationalists to make more shekels off of them.

Kike Cernobitch is a perfect example. His website was about PUA and working out then he used controversy from Tucker Max and Gamergate to promote himself. He went alt-lite and used Trump's presidency to promote himself further.

Now Cernobitch is saying he's not alt-lite and he's going to run for political office based on this. He's a flip flopper who has no loyalty or morals. Shekels is always on his kike mind to the point of marrying a rich Iranian bitch in order to fund his ambitions.

pic related

pig disgusting.

A buffer between us and normalfags is always great. halfcuck is also is for the younger crowd and contains much of the_donald muh based niggerkiketacofaggot.png cancer. .

RooshV / RoK has a pretty huge following actually and their main message isn't so much "do X to slay bitches" its actually focused on self improvement in men which is something that mirrors Holla Forums. Some "manosphere" sites focus only on picking up girls where RoK is more about having the mindset of a real man and not a little beta bitch that millions have been indoctrinated into. They talk about improving education / mental health / fitness / social skills / how to get certain high paying jobs etc. Getting girls is only a small percent of what is talked about and it always comes down to working on yourself first.

I think Roosh is almost 40 years old. You all can see how promoting yourself as a master pickup artist would be hard in your 40s. You have to prove to the gullible crowd that you can pick up hot sluts. The only problem is those sluts can have any guy they want and they don't want a weird Muslim guy with a chip on his shoulder.

So what does Roosh do? He takes old wisdom and principles and repackages it, calling it Neomasculinity and sells it for $15 $10 for a limited time only!

Truly the Muslim and the Jew are the same.

I think you'd be surprised.

Hi Roosh!

Better late than never I suppose. A lot of these sites have been counter-signalling WNsm for years even though US WN 1.0 has been preaching in the wild about the JQ for decades.

Pretty much my thought on this sort of thing.

For a Muslim who hates White Nationalists and enjoys sexing their women, it's ironic to see how he markets to them.

I worked in the same department as Roosh in college. Never got to know him personally, because it was before his PUA days and he was just another weird Iranian in horrible Salvation Army clothes. It really surprised me to hear about him again almost a decade later after he'd become internet famous.

Roosh was always dropping oblique redpills, but I think he was afraid to name the Jew outright due to coming from an enemy of Israel and attending an (((American University))).

Neanderkike confirmed.

When did he say anything about White Nationalists? That tweet only named the Aut-Right.

Oh look, it's this moron again. Jews are not neaderthals, how many times must you be debunked before you stop repeating this moronic meme?

hi sandnigger

Sure he was you fucking cuck.


You mean ironic joking, loving BASED niggers, and civic nationalist cucking?

Only you make that distinction, people on the outside don't, why do people here don't realize that.

Perhaps the funniest thing I've seen all day.

even the so-called PUAs on the Roosh forum say Cernobitch isn't trustworthy and he's very different in person Vs in front of a camera or a microphone

he did publish a positive review of Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique on the website Return of Kings. I don't have the link right now but it's probably easy to find

What is hidden is that it's not for profit. As a naive porn consumer you would assume there's just a lot of people out there really into watching niggers fuck White women. You grow up expecting what you see in media to just be whatever is profitable. Bad quality is always excused with "well, people went to see Michael Bay movies so now here's tons of shitty CGI fests with no plot". The idea that Jews could systematically funnel their actual profits into flooding the market with something that the viewers do NOT want is a wiiild conspiracy theory to anyone not somewhat Jew-wise.