Video Dropped Allegedy Proving Mike Brown Dindu Nuffin

The MSM and the liberals are hyping up this new video that was released by the (((New York Times))) today. The big theory being that the video of Brown assaulting that store clerk wasn't him, and that the new video is what really happened.

Other urls found in this thread:

(((NYT))) article


what is the catalog?


I understand.

Faggot OP didn't post the video, nor did he archive the nyt article.

What fucking difference does it make? Did Nigger fight with the arresting officer or not? He did. Did he reach for the officer's weapon? He did. That's all that fucking matters. These kike mother fuckers are trying to frame the narrative in a dishonest way.

Shit that was 3 years ago. Damn.

It can only work if the audience is very dumb or sympathetic to drug dealers and users.

Of course you have to read halfway though the article to learn absolutely nothing about the case has changed


What about the other video that literally shows him beating up the clerk? Did that just not happen now because he was selling drugs to said clerk?

Liberals are all.

Libertarians are too, but most of them are at least smart enough to realize that him fighting for the cops gun is all that matters.

So I watched the video. Their narrative is

So he was too stupid to understand the difference between a legit transaction vs a black market transaction. Instead he thinks immediate violence is the way to resolve his dispute.

Therefore he dindu nuffin and is a good boy forever.

There are no questions about what happened. The evidence was all conclusive. Micheal Brown assaulted Wilson through the window of the vehicle, and tried to grap Wilson's gun. Wilson's gun went off, hitting Michael Brown in the hand, leaving Brown's flesh on the inside of the vehicle.

Brown then started to run away. Wilson drew on him, Brown turned around and charged. Wilson fire his gun at the charging Brown, killing him.

Wilson did nothing wrong, niggers gonna nig.

Forgot illustrative gif.


of course it's all bullshit that ignores the pavement ape was reaching for a cop's gun.

Great! Fan the flames, make the fire rise. They've picked a bad time to bring this story back. A summer of left-inspired violence will push the Overton window far to the right.

and of course there will be plenty of new black deaths to freak out about because they're always running afoul of the law. can't wait for the next one. i should make a dindu death bingo meme.

Kek, good summary.

Why don't they ask the store clerk if that really was Mike Brown, if there's some controversy over whether the gorilla in the video was him or not?

Cops concluded in their report that it was.

100% concise

Niggers kill more whites in two years than there were lynchings in one-hundred.


This. It's irrelevant whether he committed the robbery or not (he did).

So, he didnu nuffin?



Fucking niggers.

He good boy.

I frankly don't care if he was building homes for orphans in the hours before he was shot, all that matters is that he was violently assaulting an officer just before he died.

So he's even more of a nigger?

This is only "relevant" because of the minutiae that the kike media is willing to portray as conflict in order to get nignogs and commies all fucking jimmyrustled.


Is that really him? Fat niggers all look the same to me.

It isn't

I dont see how any of this would change anything though. The nigger still tried to kill a cop, and the cop had to shoot him in self defense. What does it matter whether the nigger assaulted a pajeet before that or not? That is not why he was shot

They truly are like monkeys. Once they get old, the new and virile just fuck them up and nobody cares.

There are disputes about that video because it's so old and so low quality. People can never name the attacker(s) in that video who dispute it.

Doesn't change the fact he committed robbery and assault minutes before assaulting a cop and getting rightfully killed in self defense by said cop.

Niggers are subhumans.

News at 11' :p

Where was I even implying that brown was a gud boi? He was a nigger criminal who was rightly killed in self defense. Nobody is disputing that.

… Who cares? Its still fucking illegal.

This is how we should deal with subhuman behavior.

I swear I've seen this same behavior in niggers before where they get caught and prevented from committing whatever crime and then they get all butthurt about it and go back to escalate. I know whites for the most part aren't criminals, but you know that if were to try to swipe a purse and the woman caught you and pulled it away, you would immediately jump on your bike and high-tail it out of there. Just more evidence niggers have no concept of the future and how their actions in the present likely will shape it.

Damn, Carrot Top is hardcore!

This is very typical nigger behavior.


You didn't imply he wasn't a gud boi, i also didn't accuse you of that either.

Name the attackers then my fellow HUWHITE MAN.

The information i have on file:
The video was recorded around November 2013. It was recorded by Rolanda Jones, a 27 year old Texas woman who lived @ the Woodland City Apartments Complex on South Jim Miller Road within Dallas. Jones, a Walmart employee used her phone to film the attack which occurred inside then progressed outside a two-story Woodland City building. She uploaded this video titled as "Only n Woodland City" to her Youtube page.

How the fuck would I know what nigger beat up another nigger 4 years ago? The fat nigger was too short to be brown. So the info you have is that it happened half the country away from whe brown lived, but it's still him? Where is your proof that it is brown? You're way too invested in this.

You do realize that Mike Brown lived in that same complex right?

You have to have an IQ of at least 100 before you can understand civilization advances when you respect the elderly.

It doesn't even matter if it was him or not. The real issue is this is the culture they create for themselves when you take no steps to curtail them. And if they live like this they shouldn't live near us.

Oh he was a drug dealer? Oh well that makes it okay then!

Oh wait no, drug dealing is still illegal. Fucking niggers I swear to god.

Look, i get it.

Liberals yelled, it wasn't him, even about that store robbery moments before he got shot, the police had to get the FBI to properly ID him because the MSM was going overtime trying to dispute it.

I was in cuckchan back then during the whole mike brown national media attention. Holla Forums disputed them and the MSM just played the whole victim narrative to no end. We tried to prove it was mike brown but eventually we couldn't, the material was still dumped and hyped as if it was Mike Brown, the story fits after all and the resemblance is fairly uncanny. But again, the story robbery in and of itself proved that Mike Brown was a criminal and was known in his neighborhood as a drug dealing piece of shit hood rat.

We couldn't find who the people were in the video and the bitch who filmed it only came forward 2 years after the fact trying to dispute it was Mike Brown, this was after the mother of mike brown had gotten merchandise deals and a movie deal, which is what this thread is about. Stirr up momentum for their shit movie, rile up right wingers so it gets attention in the press.

America isn't going to fix the problem related to the negro, it's obvious so this is going to lead to some sort of final confrontation at some point. Niggers aren't going to riot in the subburbs because they know white people got semi automatic rifles in their houses. This is partially why the leftist tards want to take your guns away.

I know people who will try to use this argument

niggers are so fucking stupid theyre not even good at being niggers

This is typical nigger behavior. They have the same attitude even when they ask for stuff.

I became immune to this long ago but it still surprises me when it happens. I spent 3 years in Florida living around niggers when the Zimmerman case was still on going. The locals were constantly uppity and felt like white people owed them everything. They act like that no matter where they choose to set up shop and breed. Since coming home I've gained a reputation as one white boy that isn't to be fucked with. It's probably because I openly carry and drop redpills in public like niggers drop bad mix tapes. Living in the city turned me cold and I no longer give any fucks about appearing non-racist so I'm not talked about in small town gossip.

Any ebonics specialists? I can usually figure it out but that was utter bix nood.

All the more reason he attacked Darren Wilson, he was a stupid pothead with poor judgment.

IIRC the toxicology report found pot in Brown's system.

I wish I could understand ebonics a bit, it's always super embarassing when I'm at work and a black patient comes in and I have to ask them to repeat themselves a couple times because it's so fucking difficult to understand anything they say. Like, I feel rude asking so many times but it'd be bad if I got their information wrong. I made the mistake of asking one of them to write down the answer to what I'd asked them, it was illegible and didn't even look like roman script. It's considered unnacceptable to ask a coworker to talk to a nigger because we're supposed to understand them, they don't have to speak properly because of slavery or some bullshit and it's on us white people to decipher their fucking ebonics. I feel like shit when it happens, like I hate being rude or breaking social protocol but then I realise I'm talking with someone who doesn't understand what etiquette is let alone how to follow it. and of course, the second I ask them to repeat what they said they chimp out about muh racism and sheeyit, I've had my boss talk to me about it because of complaints. It's fucking funny how the only time niggers can pick up a phone and dial a number is when they're bitching about a white person who didn't fucking grovel before them

I sometimes wonder if niggers have trouble understanding white people. I doubt it, because we tend to enunciate and use proper grammar instead of vomiting words interspersed with ooks and eeks

This sort of language trouble is why I hate working with street shitters. They supposedly speak english "natively" but holy fuck are some of them completely unintelligible.

Most of them have a vocabulary in the range of 1000-2000 words (about four times as many as koko the sign language gorilla) so yeah it's really easy to confuse them.

this all someone has to do is bring up the fact its a low level employee that made the 'transaction'.how does this make brown look any better??? notice the picture they start the clip with is when he was around 13 in chuckecheese, im in st.louis and lived through the bullshit 24/7 it was fucking ridiculous

is that supposed to be impressive? like congrats niggers you know about four times as many words as a fucking gorilla? I wonder how many blacks speak more than one language. Europeans seem to be pretty good with languages, so it might be unfair to compare them to us, but I doubt they would even come close.

Holy shit that video.

One thing you learn from the saga of Taylor Swift: when we meme someone as redpilled, our enemies redpill them for us.

I am cautiously optimistic about the next eight years. Obviously the Trump administration isn't going to send them back to Africa, but there's a lot of room to improve our lot with policy changes.

I grew up in DC. They never leave you alone.
Keep planting those seeds, brother. Once someone processes the truth they can't unknow it.

After listening to coloreds long enough you realize the reason they don't speak English like whites is that our language simply doesn't fit their neurology.

It was obviously his corrupt "friend", who conned him into leaving the merchandise there so he could "pick it up later" checked.

100% correct. Nigger brains can't handle languages created by white brains.

Honestly it would be kind of cool to have a language created by beings of a higher order of intelligence to try to understand. Which is why I enjoy learning new programming languages. I would totally get into learning an advanced alien language as a hobby.

Blacks just resent it, however.

In before someone mentions ideographic languages and higher-iq East Asians. Their languages are more complex as a byproduct of inefficiency rather than greater cognitive flexibility. I'm sure their poetry is extra-pretty, though.

inb4 someone mentions (((esperanto)))

[pukes autistically]

He stole the cigars. It still looks like he stole them and pretended he bought them or something. What is the issue here?

but he d-d-dindu nuffin!

You can practically hear this dialog when you watch it

They aren't more complex. They are actually much simpler. Maybe you're referring to their writing systems which are overly complicated for no practical reason at all?


It's very simple though. Simply policing them isn't going to work, locking them all up till next sunday isn't either, since the hoodrat mothers will just create new demon spawns to continue the cycle.

These niggers need to be drilled from toddler age all the way to the point they become tax paying citizens. There needs to be extensive social activation to force GOOD behaviour. Gazing a look over at Europe they seem to have SOME success at it, but these niggers still cause an exorbitant amount of crime, just like the arabs. White's in Europe suffer because they have a a MINORITY of niggers and arabs, where some of them gain positive effects of integration and assimilation within a white community, once you have situations like in the US where entire municipalities are black i doubt no strong hand is going to fix it. The standards for these subhumans is lowered in academia in order to fit their education.

The environment that most Americanized niggers grow up in is basically set towards becoming some hood nigger that sells soft drugs to hard drugs and is statistically speaking dead before the age of 30 by some random gang related shooting or locked up for life if not until their old and frail. A extreme minority that they all take a role model is becoming a rapper to escape their shithole and be acquainted to the civilized world where your treated like a human bean, but are still codependent on that cancerous culture that the rapper is unable to effect any change.

It is the niggers default state, instant gratification by living in the now and not understanding to achieve or gain something in life one has to put time and effort into something to become successful - excluding children of successful people who get a free lottery ticket in life.

In essence, you could remove the whole hood gangbanger stereotypical nigger from society by enforcing a sort of climate, but it's not going to fix the problem in the long run.


When I was a TA in college, 95% of my students were white, or gooks worked hard, and at least could do what I was asking of them STEM shit. I always had a few athletes, who were always nogs and always literally low-functioning retards. Even the hard-working, straight-laced ones could barely scrape by. Except for the white and gook athletes. I always had to give interim reports to the athletic department about the status of all of my athlete students. Every time I had to write that D'Shawnell and L'Quanda were the worst performing students but John O'Brien and Yoshi Kamatsu are doing very well. They generate enough revenue for the universtiy to get a pass but it was a big IRL redpill for me at the time.

Oh, so he wasn't robbing the place, it was a just a misunderstanding about a drug deal. Can't believe how bigoted and closed minded I was. He truly dindu nuffin. Except bash a cop's face in.

…….am I the only one who thinks this is incredulous?

Fuck the people who come in to a thread and barely read it and just make off the cuff remarks and leave.

Well geuss what, in the US white children still learn, in Europe, the quality of education simply get lowered extensively to fit these subhumans their intellect and pace of learning, as a result society is worse off because of it. The socialists are happy because they forced equality of outcome.

Holla Forums likes to links studies done in UK and Netherlands to these children with migrant backgrounds but they fail to mention the overall intelligence and quality of education that's been dropping steadily since multiculturalism began in the late 1960s.

As for the final solution. When you start treating niggers differently then whites and you use more negative consequences in order to get the positive results that you want to see in society, the leftist libtards will scream racism etc etc.

You can't win one way or the other, so politicians have just let it simmer for the past 40+ years.

In the end, i only see 3 solution:
1. Mass sterilization. This might cause a chimp out but will allow them to live out their lifes in relative good standards.
2 Mass deportation to a newly formed colony within Africa, Still might cause a chimpout but their power will slowly dwindle due to removing the threats.
3. Genocide every last one of em. Might cause sporadic civil war and or having to besiege certain areas in order to kill them. Depends on the practice. Rounding them up first to the FEMA camps might be a option. Making our own gas chambers as well, in fact i think number 3 is the best. We can clear out the Jew as well, 2 birds in one stone.

What a lazy motherfucker. What happened to the nogs of old who would grab something and run like hell? Even the negroes have disappointing millennials.

It was probably a relatively small quantity of weed for the box. It is a bizarre transaction though given the small monetary value


The worst part of that vid? That woman actually fucking worked to get to that position where her smile and optimism was ripped from her by shrieking baboons. She thought she'd make a difference, and now it's all she can do to get through the day without handing out poisoned cans of grape soda.

The kids in that video will be dead or in jail before they hit 21.

Also the whole
thing. How the hell is that supposed to work? Why wouldn't he take his "payment" when it was given? Why would he leave it there and come back for it a day later? Makes no sense.

Yeah that's what I meant. I only know about it secondhand through expat friends. From what I understand the verbal languages tend to be overly complex as well, but only because they have entirely different modes of speech for communication between different levels of the social hierarchy. Not that they have better things to communicate.

This is of course a huge generalization. I don't know what the true distinctions between Asian languages are.

A lay expert told me the most complex language in the world is Slovene, because it has about eight different cases. But it's still a simple language that grew out of a peasant farming culture. English is far more expressive. As one Slovene told me "you can't plow a field with a knife."

Segregation solved most of those issues. The smarter ones were forced to live with the dumber ones and keep them in line. We didn't have to do much policing at all compared to present day.

Notice that the night clerk was another black and they knew each other. This was his friend buying weed from him with merchandise he was stealing from his employer.

Is it about Don Lemon?


Next level luchador shit right there.

I've seen some SJW niggers be vocal in favor of segregation. The Jew and their discrimination organizations will never allow this. Again, you can't win, one way or the other. Wether you deport em all, genocide them, segregate em or drop. Eventually they will want to end segregation again as societies go through changes. It's the same thing with Al Sharpton, he doesn't want a solution, he got rich playing the whole infantilization and victimization game. 'He wuz a gud boi' - with a 10 pages long rap sheet.

There was a time not too long ago when niggers pulling this shit would immediately get grabbed, and drug to the nearest tree and hanged.

Take the Jews out of our culture and 90% of SJW agitation will vanish in five years.

If MLK hadn't been killed he'd be right where Al Sharpton is now. All of his corruption would have come to light. His reputation would be exactly the same.

my fucking sides

I've often wondered if MLK was killed just so that they'd have a marty figure and so that people would feel bad for looking at all of his dirt like the numerous affairs and all of the commie connections.

I wonder if she has real loathing of her genetic relation to these other subhumans

Isn't this the kike who funded Trotsky and the Bolsheviks in Russia?

I think the FBI wanted to kill a prominent commie agitator and miscalculated.

Eventually you will get to a point where whites in the US will be subjugated by simple numbers.

Thats new orleans aint it?

It's not even numbers that matter. It's that whites get crushed by other whites when they organize against blacks.

Blacks form mobs. Whites form armies. A trained militia defeats mob tactics every time. Borers could take South Africa back in a year if they could trade for weapons on the open market, and the UN wouldn't step in to stop them they're also ideologically cucked.

Just dumping some webbums

This is the crux of it right here.
The jews manipulate whites into attacking any whites that defend themselves.

You could probably kill every single jew and shitskin on the east coast in a week if the feds and PDs looked the other way.




Niggers arent people user

why is this idiot woman just sitting there? why is there no man there defending her or at least doing something?

why aren't people understanding 'around blacks, never relax' ?


I agree, don't wanna see the US as the last bastion of almost freedom get lost to being overrun by spics, in-house niggers, and the snow niggers up north.

Boers will be facing problems the coming years, since the President of SA wants to seize Land created by Dutch voortrekkers and owned by their decendants, when no niggers even lived near the coast region and the once who did were all massacred back in the early 1600s.

South African commies together with socialist/commies from Europe subverted their own kind in South Africa, then they thought they could influence the niggers who would al lget to vote to vote for WHITE commies - instead, these niggers all voted for the most racist nigger the could find.

Thats what I was wondering. Whenever some coon gets that close to me when Im out in the city, I get on high alert. Niggers are animals, and if they sense you are not afraid, in fact want to rip their throat out, they keep steppin.

she pepper sprayed the nigger

South Africa is what the US will become if we don't do something about the JQ

I had a friend in high school who was a smart guy but just a lazy stoner who didn't go to class. He had to go to a "continuation" high school (basically where people who were pregnant or went to jail or just fucked up could go to take retard-level classes to get a high school diploma.) and he said class was literally like this every day. They went through three math teachers in one class becasue they kept fucking with them so bad. They made some lady break down in tears and quit teaching there. I lost all sympathies years ago.

Not right away. Nigger tried to grab her purse and she just pulled the purse away and did nothing else until the coon came back.

This is what 25 years in prison looks like.

Yeah he killed that nigger good. You can hear the fucking skull crack at :31

Niggers truly are retarded. Murder someone on cam, and totally give no fucks about it being recorded. Their infantile egos always take priority over common sense. Bet that coon was proud of it, and even showed the video to his other homies to prove his cred.

Fuckin apes.


whites generally assume others act like they do, and that since he failed to snatch her purse he would run away. a white person will generally refrain from using force unless there is an immediate threat to their physically wellbeing. idk if I'm phrasing it right but basically white violence has a lot of inertia. It takes a lot to get it going but once it starts it's hard to stop

These shitskins pushed us pass terminal velocity a long time ago

I think Kek was cool with the black on black crime

He didnt even try to take the purse. He rolled up and stabbed it with a knife. Then he closed the knife and came back for the phone. Niggers insane, and she's lucky he didnt stab her.

And how fucked are we when some nigger rides up on a dirt bike and fucking stabs your shit and the woman doesnt even react.

STUPID whites act that way. Whites who know damn well how niggers are would've been beating that coon down. Choke him out smash his bike on his skull, whatever. Fuck that nigger. That level of stupidity deserves to be put down, just on principle alone.

Jesus, youre right. That makes it even worse. Nigger was trying to stab her and she barely reacted. That bitch was some lefty cunt, guaranteed. That pepper spray was intended for the evil rapist white man, but ole step n fetch it Jamarcus got sprayed instead.

I hate the city so much.

Exactly. The second some nog tries to snatch a woman's purse in front of me in public, I would immediately jump into action. How can these cucks just stand by and watch this go down? Grab any two dudes next to you and fuck his ass up.


holy fuck I didn't catch that. damn niggers, jesus christ

Because a lot of white people, mostly liberals, have been conditioned by the media to believe that all blacks are these unstoppable fighting machines that WILL fuck you up.

Here's the reality: Melanin has NOTHING to do with fighting ability, and if you fight a nog one on one, you're only dealing with his fighting ability, which varies. It's only when they outnumber you do they become a threat.

It's a direct result to the whole no hitting campaign, that used to keep all whites in check but eventually just became abuse by teachers and even in monasteries. Teachers today can't even hint towards the truth without getting public outcry and the whole offended cult who take offense and demand someone to be fired.

As for people who have no aspirations in life, they had a combination of the worst issues, shit none caring parents, a shit environment to grow up in and they they took the Jewish Marxism self hating campaign in school hook line and sink.

the narrative they're trying to push is that mike brown didn't rob the store but rather he came to collect what he was owed from a drug deal which hilariously enough is stolen merchandise but that somehow isn't theft you prick. anyway since no robbery occurred the cops were not looking for a nigger matching dindu brown's description and wilson stopped him because he's a racist white piece of shit fascist and a prime example of why firearms only belong in the hands of the police & military. the police department then lied about looking for a robbery suspect to cover their assess. essentially retardation from dindu brown's herd on their quest for the fabled ghetto lottery.

So…wait why's the guy in the second webm wrong?

…what.. they think this makes it better..?
for the love of fucking god

When they do it, it's not a hate crime.

It's CNN. It might as well be Worldstar at this point.

He's not wrong. Clip labeled as based dad.

The son is worried about a test because of a confident boy in school who's bugging him.

The father explains that that boy's drive is directed inwards, a hedonistic egocentric character type that will end up a failure and creates a degenerate society. While the son's motives are directed outwards, for the good of the country.

wow a nigger scientist


But the clip is clearly presenting the guy as wrong. That's from Man in the High Castle right?

thanks for bringing a little more joy to my life, user.

Which group was the Mexican'ts?


Not any part that I have ever seen. So I would say no.

Hahaha, they're all subhumans, but the mexicans are the guys who chased the niggers out.

Is this show supposed to make people not like Nazism?

sage for offtopic

You have prior knowledge of the movie which was made to show our side as wrong and bad.

Only listen to what the father says without the unspoken context.

Didn't he go to the store twice? So basically, he got the footage of what happened the first time he went to the store. Basically:

Did I get that right?

You're welcome user

Basically, yeah.

nah it was a store clerk (lowest level employee) he made the deal with at closing time, for whatever reason supposedly left the swishers at the store. Comes back to get them the next day when the owner is behind the counter owner isnt aware and doesnt approve of the deal,owner gets btfo by brown before brown gets btfo by wilson. somehow this makes brown look better according to cnn.

Still very similar. Basically, Brown is still a violent asshole who deserved to get shot. My point was that the new video isn't a denial of what really happened at all. It's just "In the previous episode".

god damn …


That video is so much better with sound

pretty much but key detail is the narrative their pushing that he didnt rob the store/strong arm whatever, because the deal had been made the night before. The deal was made with a cashier where the strong arm the following day was with the store owner who obviously was not aware of the deal his minimum wage employee might have made with mike brown. It was stiill robbery.
And Im sick of this fucking picture when a mike brown story is aired.

He is a gud boy, just tryin to turn his life around by drug dealin

The only thing that could've made this funnier is if the cops had a pie full of mace to throw in his face.

The way his sanpaku eyes turn into crying bitch face so quickly is so satisfying.






What? The nigger that hit the other nigger was getting car jacked. It was self defense.

fuckin' saved 'n replaced.

Either way he broke the law and was gonna do time until he dared the cop to blast him then tried to maul him and steal his piece. Oh and that old dude he lived in the same complex with he beat on for no reason. He was a danger to society and had a need to be lit. It just happens that he got lit not in the way he usually does but the tox reports made it care the nigger had wacky shit in his system when he attacked Wilson.

Good luck with that. Leftists are enablers. They will always make every manner of excuse and mental gymnastics for shitskinned subhuman savages. This is why liberals have fewer (and shouldn't have any whatsoever) children at all. Every good parent fucking knows you're supposed to punish bad behaviour or tell them why they did was something wrong or else they'll never stop. The leftists will never understand this and just like children who are never disciplined or guided the subhuman savages take this as a pass to do whatever the fuck they want. You're supposed to condemn these savage behaviours in civilised society but niggers barely ever reached civilisation, meanwhile the sandniggers like that dude he strongarmed invented it. Even worse, the niggers are exactly like children. They're always dependent on real adults who have to work for their way but when niggers don't get their way they whine and throw and tantrum until they get it heavily destroying society harming themselves and everyone around them. With no adults among them how do others or themselves expect to get anywhere? The niggers have no real men instead they have bitches who bitch about everything like always always bitching and throwing fits like bitches while being obsessed with shiny objects, shoes, and jewelry like bitches.

fucking monkeys are more advanced

Brutal user.

He wasn't being attacked, he initiated the fight. You aren't allowed to hit someone just because they are in the possession of your property. He wasn't running which would indicate theft.

When the guy went down on the floor, he won, instead of going for his keys, he went in for the skull crusher and killed him. Didn't even call 911 for medical help.

They were friends or some shit, can't remember, and he didn't want to give up his keys because of a dispute.

Next time, call the cops and let them sort it out.

so the video proves that he also had illegal dealings with store clerks. arrest the clerks now .

Fuck that. Talk shit get hit.

I'm fucking dying over here

Michael Brown still rushed a cop and tried to wrestle the gun out of his holster.

We can all dream to live in such a world.

Why don't you learn alil more about that bbc, ya cuck.

no but seriously look at your fucking ID

humaniform robots? Live in?

jesus christ that's awesome

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Well, maybe it would have gotten him ventilated by the DEA instead.

niggers just can't stop nigging

Still robbery and owner had right to stop him

Jews take our indoctrination for granted at this point. They are so confident it doesn't even occur to them we might not feel loathing when we see a healthy white family with prosocial values

God I love Vincent Price.

People like this in school always "disappear" when they hit real life. If you don't hear about them being sent to jail, chances are they're dead. It's a common happening. Every +five year teacher that isn't in a doctor Seuss neighborhood knows this.

Even if you're in a city with low crime, it doesn't mean someone out there wouldn't kill you for doing shit like this at them. Even just insulting the wrong person can release hell. There's a lot of crazies, and short tempered people out there in the world.

That's life.


too clean to be new orleans. also too many white people present.

came here to post this. I used to think it was a touch outlandish to say that Whites have a greater mind for abstract thinking, but it seems to be a real thing, more and more

That's a damned shame, because I actually liked that song. In regards to the actual content though, I don't know what to make of Africans. I want to wash my hands of them, but is it right to allow such suffering to continue? The only real options is to install White rulers and militaries to keep the peace and make things function, but at the same time, why? Is our time and our very lives worth it? Are they worth it? Would it be better to simply kill them all?

I never thought I'd stay awake at night pondering such things
Try this on for size, or if that's too difficult, try Illaksh (similar grammar, simpler phonetics)

This is exactly what happened. The reason he left them there was due to begin spooked for some reason like

that last pic had me laughing pretty good

How did the jews let this sensible nazi get on TV?

He's even wearing a "fuck the police" t-shirt

Stop making it about race…


I am shocked the director Jason Pollock is a jew



It was often seen as a bad thing, but in reality, it was a LOT better than people thought.

It was lot like weeding out the absolute worst and getting rid of the bad apples in the tree. The pieces of shit were likely the ones getting hung instead of innocents. I mean, there was probably legit innocents being hung, but when it curbstomped the kind of shitty behavior they do now, it's a considerable necessary evil.

They are still claiming the "hands up don't shoot" narrative.

Are they egging on another riot

Still doesn't change the fact the stupid nigger charged a cop and sold drugs, fuck this dishonest media.

The purpose is to allow sumeral execution of citizens at the police mans discretion. Keep saying nigger you may be executed by a cop because he does not like the cut of your jib.

Cops are fake authority. They need to be shoad.THere are no good cops. That is why pizzagate is a thing. All cops protect pedophilia all cops protect the network all cops are child predators in that they allow them to continue and protect them because of the underlying fraternal obligation..




Live Footage (from last night) Of Mike Brown Protest At The Ferguson Market (Shots Fired)

Reports of a protest being set up for tomorrow at 5pm in #ferguson for #mikebrown at #fergusonmarket

Their stupid crime monkey is still dead, go ahead and tear down those shitty nig neighborhoods, they'll only be fucking themselves.


Yes, that is their existence. They are lower tier men and are not capable of creating happiness. We are higher tier men and it's not up to us to fix their fucking life and create happiness for everyone especially if they aren't even fucking capable of keeping it.

fucking of course Holla Forums is always right
fucking fuckity fuck fuck it never ends

Doesn't look anything like him. At all.

looks like norcal to me

fuck right off nigger…
unless your a Toby yourself they all look alike.. some are fatter some are darker… there is literally no other difference

I am so white that I am fainly blue and a video like that gets released to poison the wellspring of opposition to the mass media canonisation of Brown.

^ faintly.

Video shows this shit happened at night, the original happened during the day and he was fucking shot during the day. More fake news from these faggots, nothing new.

Honestly, I am not sure Esperanto deserves all the shit it gets. Think about an AI trying to develop itself. The first thing it would do is redesign it's thought language for greater efficiency and precision as appropriate before rewriting it's source in comprehensible language.

Our minds are shaped by the language in which we think and speak. Math and pure logic are ways to get around linguistic limitations but applicability becomes more difficult and prone to linguistic interpretations the further outside of the original symbolic domain we take things.

Esperanto does not suffer from exceptions to grammatical rules. It was designed for maximal internal consistency (that wasn't the only criterion, but still). I am certain that a generation raised in a language that is accurate, precise,and logically consistent would be difficult to poz.

Also, anons were talking about a promised chan with working machine translation, such that anyone can post in a thread in their own language but choose to view the threads in their native tongue. If we designed a robust human language, prescriptive like French, accurate and precise as German, with grammar that's 100 percent internally consistent like Esperanto, it could be a language option for the promised chan.

Better yet, we could design the grammar first, and then have an option for chan grammar. That way anons could start learning the grammar in vocabulary words they already know. Then they could view doubled posts, with the exact same sentence structures, wherein only vocabulary is different. This would make learning the universal common tongue super easy, once the thought patterns are established for the universal grammar.

fresh OC for meme remix

Here's a thing I've noticed in the videos in this thread: most of the high school kids are playing grabass. There's no killing instinct. Some of the street fight videos, including the one from Texas with that old man, show actual violence. But all these high school kids are play fighting to "look hard" or for their own shits and giggles. Why do they act this way?

think they'll do anything against trump rally on 15th? we should be watching their movements


I think you are right.
It's like nigger Diablo, kill it and see what treasure it drops.

So in other words they are dropping to stir up niggers so they can cause nigger riots….
The jews responsible for this as well as their pet golem (shit-skins,traitors, & Lügenpresse) need to be hung for inciting rebellion/sedition & treason.


Interesting idea. It seems very difficult to pronounce, though. Perhaps an adaptation with more, longer roots of combinations of phonemes. Less grammatical information encoded in vocal pitch, more encoded in sentence structure.


HAHAHA NYT should have asked Hollywood to do it for them, unfotunately they don'T have enough time for that. Kek.

Are you sure niggers are completely human? Look into the genetics, you'll find find they have an ancestor the rest of humanity does not.

we all the same, nigga

He was terminated because he couldn't stop getting drunk and beating whores and if he caught charges for so, it would ruin the entire virtue scam.

Other way around. Niggers lack a gene commonly found in Neanderthal DNA. There's been a shift in what during the 80s-late 2000s when we used to think Neanderthals were anti-social, but inbreeding with humans somewhat demolishes that assumption.

Creationists think they're in fact just really old humans, humans that lived past 500 years old, as the Bible describes, though I find that a tough pill to swallow.

As far as I remember in my timeline the white police officer not only did nothing wrong but also was proven in a court of law that he also did something right and was shown not guilty.
Case closed.

Are they trying to say the law shouldn't be respected? If so I can do far worse than double jeopardy.

its not mutually exclusive.
This is though.
Humans interbred with neanderthal.
Africans interebred with heidleberg man.

Even if you were a bluepill normie how can you not see the Jews using the Holocaust to get sympathy? Does that imply without it, they would have no sympathy? Hmmmm.

Its like they just can't resist trying to kill their host.

Thats how its done

Man, this video makes me want to spill a pot of boiling water on a nigger's face so badly.

user what would you hope to gain from such an action? Do you think the nigger once in pain will learn the errors of his ways? Even if his pain lasted a lifetime would he ever gain anything by it? No. Niggers are a different animal, I say be rid of him in the most efficient way possible and move onto the next one, any reason to get attached?

How about we make this an ongoing meme.

Every day when they come out with their nationally trumpetted anti white smear "du Jour" we plaster the face of the instigator with the features enhanced along with the quote "ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER OUTRAGEOUS PROPAGANDA CAMPAIGN"

Maybe they will get it. You see, I don't think they know they're doing it. It is so ingrained within them that they can't resist being in attack mode against whites or whoever they're railing against 24/7/365.

after watchting those videos i glance over at my cat and promise to exterminate these fucking animals.

Correct grammar in finnish and polish is extremely difficult.


Correct spelling in English is extremely difficult before you even consider the grammatical rules.

Why? All he did was kill a nigger


holy fuck he's like a nigger loving bill hicks

They're trying to stir up the nogs for the upcoming riot season. They still don't understand that this helps Trump.

umm what? they aren't gold bars, they are 2 (the cheap ones go 3) for a dollar blunts. the fuck, "hey, can you keep my lighter back there… you know. for safe keeping. maybe this bag of funyuns too please?"


I don't get it. How does this excuse that he assaulted a store owner and a police officer? If he was dealing weed, and dealing is a felony, doesn't that make it make a thousand times more sense why he attacked the officer in the first place? Because he was literally committing a string of felonies?

What the fuck even.


Why is this being slid.
