How can we stop ignorance in the American's black communitiy that keeps perpetrating itself in various forms.
I'm genuinely worried for future of black Americans and their development. Inner cities are a complete and absolute mess to raise children cities in…
How do we defeat niggerism?
Other urls found in this thread:
Support Farrakhan's vision of a racially segregated America.
How would we reperate them? Just "mo' money for dem programz"?
this tbh fam
Illegitimate the conditions that produce so called "niggers"
yes. see
I can't wait for actual knowledgeable tripstalin to come on and set you straight. The nation of Islam is insane.
For a while I have tought that the best way to deal with ethnic issues is just to distribute the population homogenously,
More niggas interacting with more honkies can create better social values.
That's why we have to let them go so they can be insane on their own. Healthy socialism calls for a healthy society.
If they stopped disproportionately jailing black men, maybe they'd actually stay home and be dads. However, the whole "black culture is messed" thing is, ststistically, a neoliberal-peddled myth whose modern iteration was peddled by right-wing Democrats opposed to the New Deal.
Maybe if people stopped shooting up black churches too… That'd be good.
The nation of Islam does not equal all African Americans and they would loose support if material conditions in black communities improved.
Come on, guy…
Easy, become a cuckold and let them breed your white wife. Then raise the kid as an educated class-aware human being. That and more welfare.
Use a trip so I can filter you.
sounds good
i'll have to find a white wife first but I'll make sure to prep the bull :-DDD
Do you believe they are the victims of "da system" and that they're not commiting disproportionate amounts of crime?
Blacks should take responsibility for being stupid enough for being gangsters, rap music, baggy pants. That's so disgusting.
They should wear clean suits, get educated and work towards decent jobs.
Certainly better then their ghetto trash rap culture.
They should wear clean suits, get educated and work towards decent jobs.
Certainly better then their ghetto trash rap culture.
Then why don't poor white people from the rustbelt states commit disproportionate amounts of crime?
yes please use trip
This is just a very sneaky stormfront raid. I remember they started like this in 4chan too. "Hey, when we say nigger we dont mean all blacks!! Just the EVIL ones". Then they show you the chart and is all downhill from there.
Crime in poor white areas is higher than rich areas. Population density is also linked to high amounts of crime
It won't work here.
Nah, reparations aint gonna work, throwing money at people isn't gonna solve shit. What we need, not just for black people but for people in general is a compete overhaul of the system. What use if a few extra bucks gonna get you in the long run? Your still going to be alienated from your work, you children are still gonna be breathing polluted air, your still gonna get charged out the ass for rent and food and medicine and basic necessities, your still gonna be living in poverty, just a little bit less so.
If you wanna stop "niggers" which, lets be clear here is just poor black's but wich could easily encompass poor "whites" and everyone else just as well, your gonna need to change how the system itself operates and then along with it, the culture, you gotta route out the toxic parts of out culture that just makes life harder for us all like things that makes us hate each other on arbitrary lines when we should be focusing our anger on the real sources of our problems, like the people who actually control our every waking moment from you work, to school, your home, your neighborhood to the food you and and the water you use to flush away your shit. Its never gonna just be "give the poors more monies, thatll fix erry thang", you need a total revolution for the people by the people.
wew lad
I don't disagree but in the meantime I don't think less shitty schools and better transit systems would hurt in the meantime
no wait I do disagree a little. Blacks should be compensated for their labor the ruling class exploited from them. Throwing money at them won't solve the problem but it will go a long way into bringing them into the leftist fold
The conditions that create social dysfunction won't disappear as long as average labor power is compensated with just enough to survive. So as long as capitalism exists.
And who are those evil people creating the things that makes us hate each other? Who are "the toxic parts of our culture"? Let me guess, it starts with a "J", right?
You are with the commies here kiddo. You need better conintel to convince us. Protip: we dont belive in changing "the culture" or that some evil individuals are at fault here. We belive in material conditions. Ownership of the means of productions. You know, the stuff that really matters in everyday life. Your "revolution for the people by the people" wont be enough to veil your propaganda pal.
Stormfront, their cucks at Holla Forums, whatever. Nazi scum.
Yeah his rhetoric was skirting into "teh j00s" territory a little but I just thought he was being a tankie. Now That I'm re-reading it does sound really fascist
whoops sorry I bumped it
But poor whites commit less crime than poor niggers :^)
read more Holla Forumsyps we sage these b8 threads now
And how do you expect them to get better then? By having the system in place that already has them all so shit in the first place? How much really hope do you have for the institutions to provide anything other than what suits them and not the great masses of people in any way that they dont simultaneously profit from it? Are we just supposed to sit back and hope it get better before things implode or are we actually supposed to do something about it now, ourselves?
kek, you think im a stormfag.
Well thats easy, theirs loads of institutions the use hate to divide and conquer the population, the biggest ones i can think of are ofcourse the state institution's (this includes capitalist enterprises) and the church. They use money and faith to people keep scared and divided so they hate each other and don't turn on them.
Ya, still not a storm fag and its not "da joos"
Don't reject the fact that their are some pretty fucked up things in our culture that arnt fucking shit up, like woman hateric busllhit, glorification of violence, direct attacks on anything intellectual and loads of other shit. They exist, dont deny it and dont act like it doesn't have some kind effect on people, it might not have as big an impact as the materiel conditions poor people find themselves in but it most certainly plays a role.
Le sage meme :D
shut the fuck up. I'm for the revolution you ass hat. And if you want to court black people supporting reparations (a policy that will NEVER fucking happen anyway) is a great way to do it.
Let me let you dummies in on a secret. You don't start with blacks to solve this problem because there are only a symptom, you go after the root.
The white man's burden is to defend the blacks from the propaganda of the jew.
the white man is the modern day jew
mods pls anchor
So, deport them to Africa?
just you
wow i was right about comparing them to neo-nazis
you must believe in patriarchal conspiracy theory, too
Well shit, you pretty fukin stupid m8.
Lemme ask you this, who else should be getting reparations? Im Part Shawnee, do get get reparations cause my great great great great great great grandfather and his family got genocide by the other part of my family tree? What about war conscripts, and their families, don't they deserve something for getting sent to all kind some different parts of the globe and having their sons blown into tiny pieces? What about reparations for workers kill on strikes in or in labor battles like Ludlow or Homestead? Or what about reparations for prisoners who were innocent and forced into slave labor by the state for who knows how fucking long?
Reparations arnt gonna solve shit, theyre just an acknowledgement that someone relted to you, or possibly yourself got fucked and so they throw some money at you and half assed say "sorry you got buttfucked against your will by us, will make sure to do it again real soon"
Fuck yourself :^)
This board is about giving our hard earn money and women to violent niggers. Its what we like in life people, deal with it. We are a lost cause. Leave the board. Go shill somewere else.
lol you could not have outted yourselves as Holla Forumsyps harder. From the identity flagging "sjw feminazi" cry to the "Muh white victim too" card you just played. You dummies can jerk eachother off all you want sage'd bitch
By destroying racial and ethnic identity
Do tell how any of what i said was pol, go, quote me faggot. Ill wait, tell me exactly how reparations are gonna help fucking anyone and why all black people are so much more deserving of them from literally every other fucked over social group and if you can do that without being idpol as fuck, maybe you arnt completely retarded. Take your time.
and the jews are the modern day what? they are what they have always been, chameleons who attempt to blend into any culture that doesn't immediately throw them out, exploit usury to gain wealth then try to change the culture their in to a communistic society.
Here are some excerpts from this article written by a jew for jews.
"Mostly, as Karen Brodkin writes about in How Jews Became White Folks, we just tried to blend in. The mainstream Jewish community traded in its peoplehood for Whiteness, upward mobility, and a strong Israel — an arrangement that was based on the oppression of the Palestinians"
"We can show up in this moment for Black Lives as true partners, as we are being called upon to do. Those of us who are white can disrupt white supremacy by using the benefits it gives us as tools to destroy it, sabotage it by reclaiming our Jewishness and refusing to do its dirty work."
[email protected]/* *//toward-the-next-jewish-rebellion-bed5082c52fc
keep waiting dummy. don't got time for Holla Forumsyps. which you clearly demonstrated time and time again by your post here:
Dumbfuck, aint me. Look at the fucking time between posts, you think i could write my shit and that within a minute?
top kek Holla Forumsyp. good effort
Also did i mention i love cock?
Yummy yummy yummy, i love cock in my tummy, it make me fee so gooooood. I love them in my ass, my thoat and in my hand, oh please just give me more cock.(USER WAS SENT TO RE-EDUCATION CAMP FOR PRAISE OF IDPOL)
you didn't read the excerpts or follow the conversation, got it.
As america sinks ever more into poverty,the 1%'s hired enforcers will see any empoverished person as a "Nigger".
The rural nature of white poverty keeps the "white Niggers" controllable 4 now.
But when more whites move to the cities to improve their lot,there will be an increase in the sort of black rioting seen recently.
The black rioting seen recently is ==partly==
an economic phenomenon.
in the 60's it was purly racial
Abolish capitalism which drives the blacks in poverty to commit crime and thus perpetuate the culture
also this
But that goes for any harmfull culture in the west.
reparations means capital, not money
do you even read marx
reparations has no real solid definition beyond "repayment".
not the nazi btw