This text in this image was written by a feminist who opposes Hillary Clinton.
It has been causing an uproar across the internet today, especially on normie social media sites.
I thought I'd better share it with you.
This text in this image was written by a feminist who opposes Hillary Clinton.
It has been causing an uproar across the internet today, especially on normie social media sites.
I thought I'd better share it with you.
Other urls found in this thread:
That second to last paragraph is a load of shit. Everyone deserves a fair trial under the criminal justice system or justice doesn't exist.
Pretty much everyone chiming in on the elections (from both sides) is twisting the truth, I'm not sure why this person should be any different.
At least they are calling out liberal hypocrisy and double standards when it comes to feminism.
She's the poster child of neoliberalism, which creates sweatshop wage slaves (often women) in developing countries.
Liberals are the biggest fucking hypocrites in the world.
1) Yeah, but she's nit the sex predator, is she?
2) Has she endorsed any of this? Has Saudi Arabia in any way insinuated that they want her to not critique? This can't be a serious point.
3) She was a lawyer, defendig a dude eho needed representation in court. You can critique the dude, sure, but there's no point in critiquing a lawyer for defending a client. That's dubious legal tactics, but its a cross-examination - shit gets real, and the defence has a duty to try and prove the accused's innocence.
4) Special place in Hell lmao go back to bed Albright youre drunk
I'm not pro-Hillary by any means, but this is retarded and people arguing that Hillary would somehow be worse for women than Trump is deranged.
you take money from countries like saudi shithole, you endorse their behavior
wow, it's almost like if actual feminism, like socialism, has also been overwhelmed by capitalist propaganda
Any US president will be Pro Israel, Pro Saudi, Anti Iran.
Doesn't matter if they get paid or not, that is the position they will take.
nah it was obviously written by a trump supporter. it's mostly true though.
feminism was capitalist propaganda to begin with though
show your working
So you think the 12 year old girl was the instigator?
I'm very skeptical
This short series should interest you
He runs the anti-neocon website, and hates Hillary because he views her as a neocon.
The was a trial, Hillary and her cohorts tampered with the evidence
Nice one user.
voting is not communist
they voted in the politburo
All of this is relevant how?
There literally is no difference between Trump and Hillary.
What about their stances on guns?
politburo were nu-bourgeois
Relevance on the level of Lilliputian politics - at which side the boiled egg should be broken.
But one is pro-gun and the other is anti-gun.
Only for well-off white people. Both are anti-gun for poors and blacks, didn't you watch the debate?
Gulliver's Travels. One nation breaks their eggs from one side, the other - from the other. So they wage war on each other because of it.
Political satire.
Yes. Except neither is going to change anything. Hillary is not going to send death-squads against every gun owner, and Trump will stealthily support the whole disarmament of the population/militarization of police thing.
No, because I heard it was shit from both sides. I'll look it up now.
How is Trump anti-gun for poor and blacks?
Except Trump and his choices of judges are pro-gun, unlike Clinton and her bureaucrat.
"Law and Order" is code for "those dirty spics and niggers aren't going to be allowed on the street, let alone allowed to be armed."
Well, yes, considering the spics are illegal immigrants and the niggers are criminals.
During the debate, he literally said that the problems of violence within Black communities are because of people who shouldn't have guns having guns. Shit, Black communities are already exceptions to the 2nd amendment as is, the only places where you see shit like handgun bans are locations with large Black populations. It's clear Trump wants to double down on that.
dumb Holla Forumsyp
whoops, forgot my shitposting flag
Dude, black communities have large amount of illegal guns.
So yeah, these people shouldn't have guns, because having illegal gun is already a felony.
gotta have taxes somehow
There is nothing stopping the average black to have legal gun.
The exact same laws for white also apply on them.
Is that the best retort?
Yeah, the law is remarkably egalitarian in that regard. It forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
The poor has a thing called welfare nowadays, a thing that should be get rid of.
The best retort is proportional in intelligence. That retort is.
Well, can't argue with that logic.
Can you do the spoken good?
The writer of OPs image sounds Islamophobic as fuck. It's their culture, who are we to criticize? It seems like she is also suffering from internalized hatred of women, we all know a vote for anyone but a vote for Clinton is a vote for Trump, a known woman-hater.
Yaaas, Queen!
pick one and only one.
I actually read an interview with the rape victim from this trial. She said that she didn't mind Clinton defended the rapist exactly because every person deserves fair legal representation, but she only disclosed what happened in the trial years later when she found out that during an interview in the 80's with Hillary, Hillary laughed about the case and said she knew the guy was guilty which is why winning this case was such a pleasure for her. That is not a person who supports other women.
To quote Hillary directly, I believe her words were "Tee hee"
Well now that is a little different. The feminist should have highlighted how she handled the trial instead of attacking the fact that a rapist got an attorney.
So much for attorney-client confidentiality, by the way. Isn't leaking details about a defendant's case after the fact grounds for disbarment?
Should look into it and inform Holla Forums tbh
Uh, the first half sure. But "she [a 12 year old] was having fantasies of fucking old men" isn't an argument why a rapist is not guilty.
The defence rests
No it was always shit from day one. It was made wealthy women for wealthy women.
Are you fucking retarded?