Should we purge the Nazbols?

This shits getting annoying again, should we purge the Nazbols?

Who cares?
I love how people are so serious about this shitty anime image board that's affiliated with pedophiles.

Go outside, work for Porky, invest in the stock market!

Stop being a crybaby.

Said like someone who wants to be purged :^)

Go back to your plebbit safe space, retard.

I agree with you actually. Can't we just have safe space to our own?

Are we already at the base insult portion of this argument? Well shit, i thought their at least be some ideological name calling first but nope, straight to the "fuggen plebbit" portion. You must have some really thin skin.

we should keep them as mascots

so that when Holla Forumsyps arrive they feel like they are in a safe place to either convert them or troll them to death

Fuck niggers. Hegel thought they where shit too.

Who's thin skinned? I'm not arguing with you. I'm telling you to stop being a crybaby. We have these ban X threads every hour.


We cannot allow for Nazbol to become a thing, sorry. Now fuck off.

Well your obviously thin skinned, its a poll, your probably just afraid people hate you and want you gone. Otherwise youd probably not skip straight to the "fuggen retard" portion of the thread.

Personally, i dont want to ban them, i like having them around purely because they're so fucking retarded, it like watching a clown shit themselves in-front of a group of small children, they just bomb and its fun to watch. I just assume alot of people want them gone for that same reason, they're too retarded.

It was a thing, then we pushed them back to their lair of /turdposition/. Seems they wanna poke their heads back off and get shit thrown at them again.

Do you really think Stalin would let large numbers of shitskina in Russia?


Why is this board so dead?


Fuck off with you're crybaby ban X thread.

Hi m8s

Stalin was a shitskin.

I guess it's not funny when you are the one getting triggered

Karl Marx was a mohr.

That isn't the point on The Jewish Question. He viewed their function in the system as a result of capitalism, and that their "god"(money) would disappear after the transition to socialism. He was talking about Jews in a religious sense, not racial.

Quotes are out of context, but Marx and Engels would likely be banned from /r/socialism if they were alive to post there.

Bolshevicks raping german woman

This completely bumdestroys any nazi

naz/pol/s fuck off

This is like saying that marx would be disgusted by a gay couple in his time therefore we need to marginalize them.

The dude was from the 1800's, what the fuck do you expect?

Engels was disgusted by Karl Ulrichs (proto-LGBTBBQ activist) and considered him a pederast.

There was this post I saw the other day. Mentioned how in the early soviet union gay marriage ban was lifted by the soviets and then later re-enacted by Stalin. The post was accompanied by a rainbow-flag Lenin, as if such thing had emanated directy from him.

Here is the thing about true communists: Lenin might have been homophobic in his private life (I have no idea if he did or not), but thats what you do when you are not a bureocratic leader: You let the soviets decide. Take Fidel Castro on the other hand. His own homophobic mindset and bureocratic rule ended up tainting the revolution and was, in practical terms, a huge setback for revolution all across latin america.

That was a really common association people made with homosexuality back then (it still is for reactionaries and fundamentalists today).

Holla Forumsack here, nazbols are pretty cool tbh

I mean, they are pozzed as fuck economic wise, but they are racially aware.

stay classcucked, Holla Forums
you probably think free market solves everything

Free market inside, not outside!


Oh nos, where did my jew brackets go?!
