What is the best Fallout faction and why is it Caesar's Legion?

What is the best Fallout faction and why is it Caesar's Legion?

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Fallout ended at 2. You played some weird fan game.

I hope their voice director is still working. In fact, I bet their voice director didn't work in the game industry and the contracted him.

factions are uncool

being lone bastard is superior

Liking the Legion was unintended and it's just a meme, they're meant to represent teh evul reactionaries. Obsidian went out of their way to make the Legion as irredeemable as possible, you spent 95% of the game in NCR territory hearing about how much the Legion sucks, you see people get tortured and slaughtered and the legionnaires you meet all talk like delusional cartoon villains, also everybody makes a big deal out of misogyny because why not.

The only good thing that's ever mentioned about the Legion is that they're better at keeping the roads safe or something.

Jesus, Obsidian is a bunch of fucking SJW's.

Don't be retarded, everyone knows all the shit that was supposed to flesh out the Legion was cut because of time constraints.

Well yeah that was pretty obvious from the whole transphobia debacle with some stupid fan poem in PoE.

Anyway, the NCR in F:NV is clearly presented as the somewhat incompetent and bloated but ultimately well-meaning liberals, while the Legion is pretty much Skeletor.

I like the game more than Beth's Fallouts, but FO3 and 4's factions are much more likeable.

That had more to do with time constraints. Considering that Caesar isn't a sociopath like the other leaders in the Legion, it was clearly meant to be more gray.
House is the best

I thought that Caesar was meant to be more of an "alluring devil" type. Trying to draw you in to teh evul reactionary side using heresy such as logic and reason.

Then that was something you wanted to see, just like the NCR there were NPC's in New Vegas that liked and hated the legion.


epic patrician standards dude!!!! I look up to you in life!!!! Awesome job!!!!

Usually threads descend into Legionfag nonsense after a brief period of actual discussion. You could have at least tried for that, OP.

Railroad master race reporting in

Gamefags know better than you.



Fallout sucks

kill yourself

Jesus Christ, that lighting is horrendous.

The Brotherhood in Fallout 3 is fucking terrible, and they're really the only "faction" around in that game, since the Enclave are just generic bad guys.

Not sure if baiting or just incredibly misinformed.

FO3 Brotherhood is literally Nazi, just a bit more multicultural. The Enclave is just too extreme to be considered good.

The Legion originally had a lot more content that got cut out, which is why there are so few Legion quests. You were also supposed to go to Arizona at some point for the Legion and California for the NCR. Can't do either of these in the base game.

Wasted potential is way worse than no potential. If New Vegas wasn't on a shit engine, and time constraints it could have been a really good game.

Shame all the good talent left Obsidian, and Sawyer being way too protective of his vision of Pillars.

This is how game companies work.
Sometimes good people come together under the right conditions to make something great. Eventually these people get pushed out of the industry one way or another and that's that. A company is only as good as its employees.

But it is a really good game, and time constraints are Obsidian's excuse for everything.

What exactly is irredeemable about the Legion?

Edward's got a good thing going with his 86 tribes, and whilst I'd usually oppose any sort of destruction of culture I don't think that scattered tribes of savages really have a culture worth preserving. All of the posters saying that the Legion was meant to be nothing more than "muh ebil righties" are retarded; there's a reason that Legion land is so safe to travel through, and you'd have to live under a rock to not know the extent to which Legion content was cut (18 month dev time, remember?).

Still, unless he can find someone to take over and continue his dream of holding a civilian empire (his whole reason for wanting Vegas in the first place), once he dies the Legion will surely collapse. It's for this reason that I can't fully back Caesar, but I support him when I can.

Given the above, House is objectively the best choice.
Even if you're a genius too, no amount of study in Big Mountain or the Sierra Madre can compensate for the multiple lifetimes of knowledge that House possesses. Anyone who puts their courier in the spot of House is either delusional or role plays a Mary Sue.

I'm assuming that since you don't mention aligning with the NCR indicates you consider that a worse option then the wild card ending.

Enjoy your coin, you slave.

Independent ending is best.

Slavery, and general shit existence. Its essentially a communist wet dream with everyone working for the government with no say in the matter.

Taking inspiration from Rome, a civilization that would have gotten its ass kick by the chinks at that time if there wasn't a desert in between them.

There was a lot more than just "a desert" between Rome and China.

Easily. The NCR is just another (((democracy))) where the only motivation for the people at the top is fucking over the goyim. It's a return to the corrupt and wicked government that saw the earth covered in nuclear fire in the first place, and bogs down any sort of societal advancement behind walls of bullshit and beauraucracy. An independent Vegas could still flourish, albeit with greater difficulty than under House.

This is a Holla Forums meme, right? What's the story behind it?

The weak should fear the strong

Communism is a retarded pipe dream where there's no state and everyone just gets along because Karl Marx said so.

Legion is fascism you retarded chinkaboo

It comes from The Merchant Minute segment of The Daily Shoah podcast, in which it echoes whenever the name of a Jew is spoken.

I vaguely recall that the Legion also got edgelorded up at Bethesda's insistence, in order to have "a clear villain."

Pick one.

Unless you're planning to argue that the NCR occupying the objective, throwing back the primary assault arm of the Legion, causing Caesar to PK his greatest general, and forcing Caesar to PERSONALLY show up to prevent the border folding entirely was some sort of "strategic" or "tactical" victory.

Two hundred years House is under that casino, and he does nothing until the NCR shows up at his doorstep.
Doesn't improve life for anyone.
Doesn't get the water running.
Doesn't set up farming to feed the locals.
The only time House helps others is when it's incidental to him helping himself. Don't just listen to his slick used car salesman routine, LOOK AT WHAT HE HAS DEIGNED ACCOMPLISH AND HOW.

No homo is a /fit/ meme about closet homosexual relationship.

NCR got their shit pushed in so hard they had to blow up an entire town because the Troopers were probably throwing grenades at each other.

And yet, the NCR holds the objective. Sittin' right on it.
How'd it work out for the Legion, walking into a trap so big it was A WHOLE TOWN?

Oh, I see. Yeah, neither's closeted, nor were the Spartans.

Enclave > Ceasar's Legion > Mr. House > Brotherhood of Steel > Everything Else > NCR


If you're doing fine and dandy holding onto the objective why would you let the enemy take it and hope that they follow you?

The man's in for the long haul. Why waste his efforts and jeopardise his future over the squatters and raiders taking refuge in decrepit buildings? His goals are long term and for the future of humanity, not just for setting up a rudimentary agrarian society in the ruins of his beloved Vegas.

Think bigger.

The Legion, being led by the staggeringly incompetent Joshua Graham, was devoting all of their resources to an all-out human wave attack. The Dam, being open to most attacks, would allow the Legion to eventually overrun the NCR position. Knowing that the Legion's commanders wouldn't be smart or brave enough to defy their Legate's orders, the NCR exploited the directness of the strategy and withdrew to a point where the Legion would be forced to bottleneck themselves: Boulder Springs.

True to form, Joshua decided to press the "advantage" the NCR gave them and blindly followed, allowing the NCR to set off their trap and exterminate the rest of the army.

Actions speak louder than words.
House may talk like the Great White Hope, but he acts like a two bit thug running a confidence game; he's even strong-arming the shills.

Yeah, or.. The NCR just got pushed off of the dam.

There's no point risking the objective if you don't have to.


The tactical retreat was clearly planned, though. You hear about the strategy from one of the First Recon snipers himself about how they set up in Boulder City and rigged it with explosives in preparation for the train of tribal tards the main force would be bringing along from the Dam.

Sorry, I mixed up Boulder City and Bitter Springs. Slip of the tongue.

They could have been so much more if they did what the romans did and innovated to keep their edge.

Tell me, what would he gain out of setting up an agrarian society on his doorstep?

No shit that he only does things that benefit him. His end goal is that much bigger than himself, but can't be feasibly achieved without him. Go read through some of his dialogue again.

it hurts



Followers of the Apocalypse

that's cause he was pretty much in a coma for those 200 years, the nukes fucked his systems up and it took that long for his shit to reboot


If they only used t-51b

It's so great that there's a way to mod them into new vegas. Makes the canon that much better.


They're lacking in content though. Is there a mod that restores/gives them more content? I'm playing NV now

Pic not related

They actively recruit Ghouls, Super Mutants and even the Hairy Deathclaws in the game.

Do you have all the DLC? It's cheap as fuck from just about anywhere, and if you don't want to buy them the files themselves are just .esm's that you can throw into your data folder/mod manager.

As for mods that restore content, check out JSawyer Ultimate Edition and New Vegas Uncut - Freeside Open.

You forgot the part where he is a detached sociopath whose megalomaniacal hubris only grows larger with each passing year. He spent nearly a million caps on the search effort for the Chip - if he was really so interested in restoring the asteland then surely rebuilding infrastructure and the lives of everyone would take priority, Eventually, the cost of seeking out the chip would go down to negligible levels, when he could then focus on it.

House is in it for himself and doesn't care about anyone else, has no dogma, idealology, morality. That is not someone you want at the helm of a society.


sorry to break it to you fam but you're as ""GAY"" as a ""MALAY""

Why would he do it all from scratch when he could just use the NCR's economy to kickstart his enterprise? Not to mention that without the strength to defend your land, conquest is a certainty out in the wastes. The chip IS that strength.

House already has all of this planned out. Try reading his dialogue next time.


I bet you don't even realize NV is the ressurection of Van Buren.

Glad I nuked those faggots.

It's a matter of if the shit outweighs the good, and I think there's more shit than polish here.

Yeah I have all the DLC. But AFAIK, they only add new content, new places, they don't restore any.

Also restoring content is not what I'm only looking for, compared to NCR every other faction is lacking in content. I'm looking for mods that add something to them

Also talking of restored content, I remember a brahmin(?) companion was supposed to be in game, Betty or something like that. There's some interesting shit there

Pic not related

Ah, I see what you mean.

I usually avoid content mods like the plague because they always sound like fanfic or just straight-up rape the lore, even if its a restoration of cut content. Sorry mate.

It depends on the player's choices. If you kill the ghouls in their ghetto, destroy the super mutant sterility cure, and kill the deathclaw broodmother, they won'lt be able to join. Barnaky will also congratulate you for fighting political correctness and purging the mutant.

If you get the chance, go and play Beyond Boulder Dome. Its terrible fanfic garbage but its so bad its good.

Its fully voice acted but all the voices sound like they are done by one highschooler. Like imagine him doing a voice like an old school general ranting about the chinese and their "chiny chongy language" and then doing a really high pitched stereotypical Chinese "OH HERRO"

I'd post a video of it but the only recordings of it on youtube are by some unfunny LOLSORANDUMB LPer

1. google "fear and loathing in new vegas"
2. spend the weekend installing mods
3. ???
4. profit

I also do that but some of them can be genuinely good. Like, there's Clan Quest mod for VTM:B, it has nearly everything voiced. The mod nearly has the quality of the vanilla game, it was amazing. And FO:NV is much more popular than VTM:B, so there has to be mods like that.

I found these for Legion, are they any good? Any of you tried these?

This one wiki.step-project.com/User:EssArrBee/FalloutNewVegas ? What is this lad? A modpack with installation instructions?

Graphics isn't really what I'm looking for.

Pic not related

Caesar's Legion is literally the dumbest faction in any Fallout game, including the ones Bethesda made. If you pick them unironically it ought to make your computer release a government alert that triggers an NSA goon squad to kick down your door and sterilize you for being that fucking dumb.

>the ending is you kill everyone

It's basically a comprehensive mod guide that improves or changes almost every aspect of the base game. It has some cut/additional content included; if that's all you are interested in, just find the "Quests & Cut Content" section and skip everything else. Although, just for the record, following the whole guide yields some pretty nice results.

Oh yeah and House is unequivocally the best faction in any Fallout game. Sawyer even mentioned they had to take out the option to make peace with the Brotherhood if you went with House because otherwise all the playtesters picked House.

The only downside House has if you care more about retarded bullshit like MUH DEGENERACY than sense, or if you really value democracy above anything else just because it's democracy. I like democracy and all but there's a time and a place for it, and the bombed out irradiated remains of the world isn't it.

Degeneracy in a society is definitely something to be concerned about. The difference between real life and Fallout is that the former's societies are being continuously eroded, and the latter's societies don't exist in a capacity to make it a problem.

Your argument is sound, but you're still pic related.

Keep in mind that I'm basing everything I say below just on the mod pages themselves. I've not played any of them myself.

Seems to be nothing more than restored content with a few tweaks to existing quests. I give it the green light.

That's an immediate red-flag for me. Pics labelled "11" and "22" related.

Pics 33-55 related.

It always depresses me how close some of these mods get to being good (especially Caesar's Legion Overhaul) until they add out-of-place equipment or units, shit textures, unvoiced NPCs, or just otherwise rape the lore.

why live

way to miss the fucking point

Isn't that ?


Well I'll be diddled

2000 hours in MS paint.

Damn nigga you bought the House koolaid full price if you actually believe that. House is a genius to be sure, but not so much that he is equivalent in knowledge to the big MT.

What does he lose by getting rid of the raiders and helping the squatters. Well I guess if the raiders aren't around there's no barbarian force to kill NCR soldiers, so that's a plus (for him). And those squatters, well who cares about using any untapped raw manpower to start rebuilding anything, lets just sit around and wait for something like the NCR to maybe come around and do it. Everyone likes a city with no sustainable food and water, and broken and busted shelter right?

"think big" as long as it benefits house.

He would sew the seeds for a small civilization of people who weren't barbarians so that he could start gathering resources, research, and military force?

well you thought wrong.



jesus christ, you weren't wrong. that was the most cancerous thing I've seen in quite a while.

Esoteric knowledge on genetics, sound, robotics, and invisibility doesn't compare to practical knowledge on how an economy, and more importantly a society, should function.

House isn't ambulatory, and needs an actually competent right-hand-man for work on the ground. First it was Benny, and now it's the courier. Micro-managing tribals isn't exactly his modus operandi.

He achieved more than that through civilising the three tribes on the Strip, and then channeling the NCR's own men and money against it. Again, how is personally teaching miniscule groups of savages to not be savage worth it in the grand scheme of things?



FotA are based as fuck and dont give no shits but to help the wasteland

Maybe he should start practicing it then because he's done dick all.

You expect me to believe that for the hundred or so years he's been active after the war not a single competent or trustworthy right hand man showed up to help him do things? Especially if Benny is our standard.

Aye, but he got lucky. Lets just play a what if game here and the NCR fucking smacks the legion, the legion gives the NCR no problems, and the NCR takes over the dam with the only voice saying no left is House and his barbarian tribes whom the NCR feel less guilty about subjugating. The whole crux of his plan rested on the fact that something like the conflict over the hoover dam was going to be exist.

Sitting on his ass and expecting two super powers of their day to clash so you could take advantage of at least one of them is dumb as hell.

Because if things didn't work out exactly the way they did which probably has less than a 1% chance of happening, he would actually have something that maybe could convince the NCR to not fuck him and exist as his own sovereign state.

pacifist pussies detected

Oh wow gee its really like you WOULD sell your own mother for caps.

commie scum



You mean the hundred years in which the bulk of humanity consisted of primitive tribes of cut-throats and savages? Yes, I do.
Benny was a pretty smart guy, and the head of the Chairmen too. His only problem was betraying House.

Oh boy, thought experiments based on shitty premises! Let's try some logic, shall we…
The last situation is closest to what you're stipulating. Given how much it'll kill the NCR's reputation with the people of the Mojave, alongside shitting on trooper morale, and their economy too, somehow I don't see it happening.

House is part man, part machine. Even before the war, he calculated with almost mathematical certainty that the world would be consumed in atomic fire in the next fifteen years. His every move is based on projection upon projection, and it surprises you when he plans his actions upon them?

And yet, it's happened.

Refer to flowchart. He doesn't need to further appeal to the NCR in its current predicament.



See: Benny. Not exactly a persuasive point, especially when you could at any time do what you did with the tribes and "civilize" them

The best what if there is "what if House had actually gotten his secruritrons upgraded before NCR contact" The only legitimate what if, and something he probably should have taken care of before the NCR arrived. And my what ifs are talking at the first battle of hoover dam, not the second. So the NCR never gets caught up fighting a large war with the legion, because for one reason or another the legion are not as stupidly powerful for no reason in this universe. Again, he has to have woken up, and at some point thought that two super powers will definitely fight over hoover dam.

Within the next, and couldn't even get a precise date. If you assume 15 years is his upper limit of mathematical foresight, there's still NO WAY he figures that two super powers will fight over the hoover dam with 100% certainty from when he wakes up.

Great, so we're supposed to think the guy who bet on his luck is a genius because he bet on his luck. You know lots of people do that every day in the lottery, wonder if any of them are the next House.

Currently playing through it with the legion - cooler than the other playthroughs. The White Glove Society would have been my faction but they're marginal.

Something tells me that there isn't exactly another dozen intact pre-war casinos to entice the tribals with. Do you think the Great Khans would choose to live like the Chairmen, Omertas, or White Glove Society out of the goodness of their heart? What about some of the smaller, more violent, less intelligent groups?

At that point, House would be relegated to economic warfare with the NCR via the casinos. If the NCR just wanted the dam and nothing more, they could outlast the Mojave simply by matter of attrition. If the NCR came-a-knocking, and House had no true backup, it seems to me he'd have to destroy the dam, thus making the Mojave not worth the effort.

All of your points hinge on the presumption that House wasn't looking for the chip during the interim period, or that by virtue of civilising the tribals that it'd be found. Pic related; he was constantly searching for it anyway, and were it not for Benny he'd have upgraded his robots in time, thus rendering the argument moot.



It was neat but i have to say i was a bit disappointed how little after few initial dialogues it mattered that i was a grill.

What other factions to go there even were in NV? I've only played it once like 3-4~?~ years ago and im thinking of replayan but i dont know any other than Legion and NCR and NCR sucks.

Beyond those two it's either House or solo.

Personally I never even got close to finishing a Legion playthrough on account of all the content you miss out on.

If you're talking about canonical endings, it's either NCR, Legion, House, or independent. If you just mean factions in general, there's a a whole bunch to do quests for.

I honestly think this is just because normalfags just wont recognize a roman society if it doesnt dress roman

Shame, guess i'l just suck it up to House or go solo depending which i fancy more once i've booted NV up.

Did the Khans have anything worthwile at all? I remember liking their wicked outfits and "muh mongols" style.

The only purpose they serve is you either convince them to join you (Or help whoever it is you're supporting), genocide them, or get them to fuck off.

Their "legacy" is included in the ending.

The legion made sense in the game they were designed for, the faction of order, strength, and civilization in a lawless barbaric and tribal waste. When your options are cannibal weirdos and/or raiders OR the legion the logic look pretty good.

The legion would have been a interesting choice ANYWHERE in fallout American BUT the NCR and new Vegas. Having a choice between a lawless but free area of mini settlements and tribes with constant conflict, the brutal order of the legion, or the haphazard hands off rule of a self interested autocrat like House or a BOS chapter would have been interesting.

Instead, you have those three as well as the haphazard hands-on rule of self-interested oligarchs and politicians.

Lejun is no better than tribals they come from.
I still don't understand how Follower of the Apocalypse could turn into dumb warlord. I guess that tumor was there for a long time.

That faction is just retarded, the simple don't fit in the setting, their motivations are just FUCKING. STUPID.

Btw is there any "official Holla Forums guide for modding" the NV?

I've grown tired of getting fucked up by mods conflicting with each other on Obli/Shitrim even when trying to go barebones with only essentials and if memory serves atleast FO3 was liable to crash constantly even with just a couple mods.

The joke is that the NCR was closer to the Roman Empire/Republic than the Legion would be ever be. A regime dominated by a oligarchy of large landowners and the military who used the proletariat/farmers as soldiers. The Caesar's Legion is more like a Sparta expy than anything roman, or more precisely a muslim fanatic group, a bunch of tribals under a theocratic leader.

Reminds me of a similar issue in 4.
The Commonwealth was clearly the most patriarchal/traditional society. Men were men, women were women, and everyone was kind of based.

Whilst the "Brotherhood" is more of an egalitarian/communist mess in practice.

How is Maxson's Brotherhood communist?

probably my one dissapointment that i had from NV writting during my first playthrough asides the missing Legion content was that they managed to make this group have such an undeservingly cool sounding name

Nice selfie.

RPGs are a low tier genre no matter how you slice it.

One example. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brotherhood_and_unity
BoS is gender-egalitarian, dreary as fuck (everyone is miserable), no genuine heroic ethos.

That is not how traditional Western Aristocratic armies were. Hint: A warrior is meant enjoy that life and get all the benefits.

This, Obsidian are a bunch of degenerates and FNV is a shit game for cucks.

Doesn't the Brotherhood having ranks and associating respect with it argue against it since rank/respect is rewarded for merit and deeds?

Did Stalin's Red Army have ranks? Maos? I'm not saying the BoS is run like a commune… but that it's more reminiscent of a totalitarian commie Army.

That's fine… but many people were equating BoS to Right Wing Nazis/Imperium/Crusaders when it's clearly not. Someone even made a mod to replace their flags with swastikas.

So my point remains… The Commonwealth/minutemen faction is actually closer to Right Wing tradition than BoS.

here's your reply, savor it

Yeah alot of people want just throw that comparison around BoS=Nazis and Mutants=Jews but as far as I know they never went out of their way just to destroy peaceful settlement like Underworld.
But the Brotherhood doesn't think everyone is equal, they view wastelanders as primitive and mutants as subhuman.

What I love about New Vegas over 3 was that no one really gave a shit about you at the start. >You're a mailman? Fuck off.
In 3 people flip their shit at the first sight of you.

No, it's just something for low-IQ morons to latch on to because they're too stupid to understand real societal problems, which are complex, but still have a reptilian hindbrain that can tell them man x man = wrong. The only thing society has to be worried about is fiscal irresponsibility paired with increasing collectivism becoming an ingrained part of the culture, which inevitably leads to greater and greater tyranny and then full societal collapse as you simultaneously run out of other people's money while fostering a contempt for success thanks to tall poppy syndrome.
Speaking of sound arguments.


Fallout ended at 1.
Fallout two is filled with cultural references and memes in place of proper plot, humor or world building.

Give it a fucking rest you sperg. Fallout 2 was goofy but at least it had real towns instead of two huts and a shitfarmer two hundred years after the bombs fell.

Oh look, it's this retard again.

No, "progress" is just something for low-IQ morons to latch on to because they're too stupid to understand real societal problems, which are complex, but still have a reptilian hindbrain that can tell them man x man = right. The only thing society has to be worried about is moral irresponsibility paired with increasing individualism becoming an ingrained part of the culture, which inevitably leads to greater and greater hedonism and then full societal collapse as you simultaneously run out of other people's values while fostering a contempt for righteousness thanks to AIDS.

What if I told you Fallout 3 & 4 are objectively better than 1 & 2?

You would be a faggot

An objectively right faggot.

I just beat it not too long ago, sided with house because he's a master mind and will lead humanity into technological golden age.

If I replay this game, I'm not touching the DLC, some parts of each DLC are good, but overall they're shit.

Quick stupid question, you can mod illegally obtained copies of Fallout 4 correct?

I'm thankful I didn't get quads for a fallout 4 related question.

Caesar talks about capturing their spies on the other side of Colorado, and implies that they're a broken faction. Pretty sure Bethesda intended for them to have been defeated (either wholly or substantially weakened) by the Enclave on their trip to the East Coast.

The Enclave was broken after FO2, but in FO3 the Enclave has shit-tons of Power Armor that is designed visually very similarly to Midwestern Brotherhood. No classic APA. Even the APA in FO4 is claimed to be pre-war prototypes (lore rape).

They also establish that the Enclave has outposts in Chicago - which is Midwestern Brotherhood territory. Can anyone see a scenario in which either faction would tolerate the presence of the other? New Vegas implies that the Enclave in Chicago have been wiped out or moved on, since ED-E didn't get repaired by the Enclave there - but was fixed up by some random kid's mom because holy shit it's Ralphie.

There was obviously a war in the Midwest, which the Enclave won and took the spoils of which East with them - refitting them with APA technology to boost their offensive and defensive capabilities. The Midwest Brotherhood still exists, but weakened to the point where they can't even put up a solid front against Caesar and his tribal spear-chuckers and have to send spies to keep tabs on them.

I'm disappointed.

Actually that… makes a lot of sense.


Honestly this.