Facebook has a turbo charged A.I. - Hi from Colombia wrote:
Hi from Colombia, - Your letter to the intelligence definitely is in 1.8 GB Vault 7 download. Just downloaded it last night.It's a PDF taken from justpaste.it I earlier sent you a message and said, when I posted the letter (copypasted including the source) to FB, my profile got trolled in less than 30 seconds. No one can even read that in 30 seconds, and those profiles were totally unknown to me. If it was not FB operatives, it was not possible for someone not within my friends to be able to see that post in 30 secs (and comment it also in that time.) They would have had to have had my profile refreshing permanently. And in first two minutes there were various trolls that were not connected as friends of each other, so it is a FB inner operation (with CIA/NSA) ….and it went on all day, - trolls in that and other posts posting spam about Trump and links to who knows where as obviously I am not clicking them. I just commented to each something like "Hello Cia, having a bad day and being butthurt? Keep it coming…. " My response: If it happened that fast, it had to have been software A.I. doing it, no troll would be able to even get something up in 30 seconds. Three minutes for a paste box answer? Yes. How would so many profiles find it so fast? A.I. is the only way as far as I see it, thus making Fakebook TRULY FAKE.
It's always bothered me how many people listen to shit like that and then repeat it, I don't think it was even shills at first who started that argument, I think the first people who came up with the idea were just idiots who didn't fucking get it. I see those two examples used all the time, "Holla Forums / mlp was a joke at first and people took them seriously xDDDD".
Retard revisionism that people accept because it simplifies the world to the point that it makes it so the person doesn't have to think too hard about anything.
Austin Smith
Nicholas Lewis
top cryptologists.jpg
Mason Lee
Just now noticing this, user? Look at the news; everything is on green screens and story graphics are simply lifelike recreations. Entire news articles are generated, never mind accounts. Ditch the social media. Everything they feed you is false. Welcome to the American Dream. Welcome to the Deep State. "Are you dreaming?"
David Myers
Robert Lewis
Fuck off schizoid.
Easton Gonzalez
Soon, you'll realize that you're the crazy one.
Blake Hill
Anime is more real than you are.
Cameron Campbell
This AI isn't real, right goys?
Benjamin Allen
go back to cuckchan faggot. this thread has been bumplocked so you can go kill yourself now
John Ortiz
Yup, this is paranoid schizophrenia.
Justin Smith
Feeling flustered user?
Bentley Rodriguez
I wouldnt call that paranoid shizophrenia, and i m pretty sure the gubbermint uses various advanced methods of cattle hording because otherwise their shit, especially pronounced in "divided" nations would fall apart pretty quickly.
Blake Harris
He thinks he's being persecuted by some sort of super-AI built by facebook to harass him. That's textbook paranoid schizophrenia.
Nathan Gomez
THat isnt textbook paranoid shizophrenia, i think in this case you are simply relying on a simple statement. Let us assume that in fact these are jewbots, is he paranoid then? Or just reasonable. Or let us assume that he just lacks correct adjustment what an AI consists etc. What various shills use is exactly this tactic, overamplyifing the governments capabilities to trigger exactly that. That isnt paranoid shizophrenia but misinformation, which easily gets repeated by tinfoil heads thinking they are in good company. What in fact is reasonable that the government jews use certain keywords to trigger their botarmy to spread misinformation, so to confirm that he could just click their profiles and look for patterns that support this theory. The hunchbacks in fact use certain algorithms to maintain the cattle: There was an article on how jewgle was using certain plays to deradicalize muslims.
Adrian Torres
Well not to derail, but i want to derail: To cure leftist smugness and their ironic feminized piece of shit essence: If it would be me i would organize a tournament (i had this thought for a long time, not just after the recent cianigger lightening) so they can battle it out, mental and physical tasks to determine a winner so the heads are a bit cooler and the leftists get their shitheads beaten in. Or something a team has to solve a certain sophisticated task since everything is so froginized, and since that most of the left side are just dumb fuckers that rely on being feminized ironic cunts. That what be something grabable.
The reason why feminism and SJW shit florishes is because it changes pereptions into the void, and that is what the stronger parties like the intel friends prey on since they are a lot smarter and a lot more solid and their group cohesion is a lot better. And to break it down: The reason why the intel friends win, besides the zeitgeist is against them because certain mechanics, is that they have that and the leftists idiots do not have that. So it is like the sword and the idiots, modern day leftists are mostly disfigured dumb cattle, and that is their very own image, or the image they shaped themselves or have been shaped to, and the other side is much more attractive, and that is why dialectics work so well. And you can also shape the perceptions to that dialectics.
Weaponized Hegelian Dialectics? Reminds me of the stuff discussed in the archived thread. The rest of your post reads like trash, though.
John Campbell
There is interest in constructing AIs to automate the ability for shilling and censorship though. However from all the things I've seen so far, they're primitive and easy to predict, not much better than unguided bots.